Windows 10 won't boot after installing. Windows won't boot after installing updates

Let's figure out what steps to take if Windows 10 does not start in various situations: a black screen, an error, the PC did not start correctly, Boot Failure, and other problems when loading the operating system.

The main thing when a problem occurs is to remember what happened to the system before the last shutdown or reboot. Perhaps the error is caused by installing a program, updating the BIOS or Windows 10, adding a new device, malware activity, or the appearance of bad sectors on the hard drive.

Before you do anything, keep in mind that following some of the instructions can not only improve the situation, but also significantly worsen it, so be prepared for any turn of events in an attempt to return Windows to a working state.

Black screen

There are a couple of factors that cause the cursor to appear on a black background:

  • malware interfered with the work of the explorer;
  • Something is wrong with the video card drivers.

For the first case, a separate article has been written about solving the problem with a black screen. In short, you need to start Explorer, and then scan your computer for viruses and unwanted software, which, most likely, has replaced the explorer.exe file, which is responsible for the operation of the Windows graphical interface.

1. Hold down Ctrl+Alt+Del or open the start context menu.

3. Through the "File" menu item, launch a new "explorer" task.

4. In the same way, or through the "Run" line (Win + R), we execute the "regedit" command.

5. Expand the HKLM branch.

6. Go to the Software section.

8. In the Winlogon folder, find the parameter called Shell and double-click on it.

This key is responsible for launching the graphical shell, which is probably replaced by a virus.

9. Change its value to explorer or explorer.exe and save the changes.

If you are using a multi-display system, or if you also have a TV connected to your computer, you need to do the following to correct the situation.

  1. On the lock screen, press Backspace to delete it.
  2. We log in by clicking "Enter".
  3. When using a secure account or a Microsoft account, switch the keyboard layout to the desired one and enter the password blindly.
  4. We wait about a minute until the system boots up completely (it all depends on the speed of the PC, the OS configuration and the speed of its startup).
  5. We call the projection dialog (screen display options) for several displays using Win + P.
  6. Press the button "cursor right" (sometimes "cursor down").
  7. Press "Enter".

This function will duplicate the image on both monitors, which guarantees the appearance of the picture on the second display, if the problem lay in this.

OS takes a long time to load

After prolonged use, the operating system naturally starts to work more slowly. If the download of "dozens" has become unbearably long, you need to put things in order in the startup list.

1. We call the "Task Manager" through Win → X.

3. Remove all programs that are not needed at startup through the context menu.

This can significantly reduce the boot time of the operating system.

Additionally, you can defragment the system volume.

1. Open the "Properties" of the C:\ drive.

2. Go to the "Service" tab and click "Optimize".

3. Select the system partition and click "Optimize" again.

Additionally, you should clean the system disk from junk files, and the registry from erroneous keys. CCleaner is the best for this.

Failures after the next update

There were no more problems after installing updates than in Windows 10 with any operating system. In this case, the conflict is resolved by an elementary rollback of the system to its previous state, if the option to create rollback points is activated when making changes to the Windows registry and in case of modifying its system files.

1. We reboot the computer using Reset.

2. After the self-test, press F8 several times to bring up the system recovery menu.

3. We click on the "Diagnostics" icon.

4. We visit additional parameters, where we select the item "System Restore".

6. Select the last rollback point or the state before the problem appeared.

After a couple of minutes, the new version of Windows 10 will be replaced with an older version in preload mode.

"Computer did not start correctly" error

The appearance of the "Automatic Repair" window indicates damage to some system files by erasing them, modifying them, or damaging the sectors in which the files are stored.

One way to solve the problem is to call additional parameters. In the window with their list, click "Boot Options", then - "Restart".

After restarting the system, press "6" or "F6" to boot into safe mode with command line support.

We sequentially enter and execute the commands:

  1. sfc /scannow
  2. dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  3. shutdown -r.

As a result, all system files will be checked, and if there are damaged ones, they will be restored.

PC randomly shuts down after Windows 10 logo appears

The problem is in many ways similar to the previous one, but it cannot be solved by calling the recovery environment; this will require a distribution kit with “dozens” installation files.

After creating a bootable flash drive or recovery disk, we boot from it and do everything as in the previous case: we call “Advanced Options” and reboot into safe mode with the command line.

Errors with An operating system wasn't found and Boot Failure messages

A black background with white text that boot is not possible and a suggestion to check boot device priority or insert bootable media indicates an incorrect boot device sequence in the BIOS / UEFI.

Correct prioritization in the list of boot devices will help get rid of the error in both cases. To do this, we reboot and go into the BIOS, visit the menu Boot Device Priority, Boot Options or something else with the word Boot. As the main boot device, select the hard drive with the operating system and save the new settings.

If after all Windows 10 does not start, check the performance of the hard drive: is it detected in the BIOS, is the cable damaged.


The error indicates that the operating system loader did not gain access to the Windows 10 disk due to a change in its file system, the appearance of bad sectors in which system files are written, or physical / logical defects with the volume or hard drive. This can be caused, for example, by partition manipulation via ATI.

One of the solutions to the problem is to boot the PC in the "Advanced Options" mode or start the PC from the recovery disk or installation flash drive in order to call the command line (both cases are described above). How to determine the system volume is also said. Knowing its letter label, in the command line window we execute the command "chkdsk C: / r" to scan system files in order to repair damaged ones.

Try to keep an image of the finished Windows 10 system with all pre-installed software for quick OS reinstallation in critical situations when the above tips do not help solve the problem.

After the next update, the Windows 10 system began to reboot cyclically. Namely, after the greeting of Windows 10, inscriptions appear: an attempt to restore a previous version of Windows ... Restoring a previous version of Windows ... Loads, loads, then turns off, reboots and again the same picture.

Attempts to eliminate

There is no way to enter safe mode with F8.

By booting from the Windows 10 installation disk and running System Restore

I tried using the tools "Restore Windows using a restore point" and "Troubleshooting preventing Windows from loading".

But I got a message that the system was not selected.

I decided to activate the launch in safe mode through the command line.

bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal- for the next boot in safe mode.

Team bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot - to cancel booting in safe mode.

But the system gave a message "Unable to open boot configuration data. The requested system device cannot be found"


Most likely, the configuration of the BCD bootloader was damaged during the update.


So, in order to restore the bootloader configuration (BCD), you need to boot from the original Windows 10 installation disk (or a recovery disk or a specially prepared bootable flash drive) and open a command prompt window: by selecting System Restore -> Diagnostics -> Command Prompt. Above are screenshots.

Let's start diskpart:

Let's list the disks in the system:

Let's select the drive on which Windows 10 is installed (if there is only one hard drive in the system, its index will be zero):

Let's display a list of partitions in the system:

Let's define an EFI partition, this can be done in size 100-450 MB and has a FAT32 file system. Let's remember the letter and index assigned to the EFI partition and the partition with Windows 10 installed. If the EFI partition does not have a letter, then assign an arbitrary drive letter to the hidden EFI partition:

assign letter=V:

Finishing work with diskpart:

Let's go to the directory with the bootloader ( boot) on the hidden partition. Depending on the situation, the directory may be located in different folders. Need to find a folder boot. As a rule, you can go to it with this command:

cd /d v:\efi\microsoft\boot\

Using the utility bcdboot.exe recreate the BCD store by copying the boot environment files from the system directory:

bcdboot C:\Windows /L ru-ru /S V: /F ALL

Please note that the Windows partition may have a different letter, this can be seen in diskpart.

Let's restart the computer.

In many cases, including when upgrading from an older version of Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10, users experience increased operating system boot times.

The symptoms of the error usually include a black screen after watching the Windows boot animation with the ability to move the cursor on the screen, and the inability to do anything else during this time. In some cases, this situation can last more than a minute.

Two laptops with this issue were used in our testing: Dell Inspiron 17 2013, and Acer Aspire V5 2013. After installing Windows 10, Acer added more than a minute to the initial boot time, and Dell 25 seconds.

Fix Acer Aspire V5 boot speed by disabling fast system startup.

Reference! Fast Startup is a feature included by default in Windows 10, which should reduce the startup time of the system (OS) when it starts not from the hard disk (HDD), but from the hiberfile.sys file. However, according to many users, this feature causes OS boot issues.

These steps on the Acer Aspire V5 laptop reduced the OS boot time at this stage by 80 seconds.

Disabling processes with a high impact on OS startup

Some processes that have a high impact on OS startup can be disabled (with the exception of security software) so as not to interfere with Windows 10 booting.

Step 1. On the keyboard, press Atl + Ctrl + Del at the same time. A functional menu will appear, where you need to select "Task Manager" with the mouse.

Step 2 The Task Manager dialog box will appear. Click on the "Startup" tab and find out if there are unnecessary processes with a high "startup impact" (High) in the operating system.

Step 3 Right-click the process you want to disable, and click Disable. Carry out this procedure with all the processes that affect the startup of the system. After close (cross at the top) window.

Disabling said processes should also reduce OS boot time.

Read also useful information with practical tips in our new article -

Video card drivers

On a Dell Inspiron 17 laptop, it was not possible to speed up the launch of Windows 10 using the methods listed above. Even though the methods below worked, it still did not completely fix the problem with the laptop.

The black screen that occurs during the boot phase of Windows 10 is believed to be a graphics driver issue that is especially severe on laptops switching between an integrated (integrated) Intel HD GPU and a dedicated card from Nvidia or AMD.

An easy way to check this is to disable your AMD or Nvidia graphics driver and restart your computer.

Step 1. Click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Start button. Enter in the line that appears: "Device Manager" and click on the icon that appears at the top with the inscription "Device Manager".

Step 2 Select "Display Adapters" with the mouse and identify the dedicated graphics card. It will be labeled as Nvidia, AMD Radeon or ATI Radeon. Right-click on the graphics card and click "Disable" (this may cause the screen to go blank for a while).

Turn off (not reboot, just turn off) the computer and turn it on again to make sure the problem is fixed.

Important! If you are using only the Intel HD Display Adapter, you do not need to complete the above steps.

If the graphics adapter is causing the problem, you must re-enable the disabled graphics card using the steps above, and then download the latest graphics card driver from the graphics card manufacturer's website: or by installing it in the OS.

After downloading and installing the driver, turn off and turn on the computer to see if the problem is resolved.

Reference! If booting is still slow, it's worth checking if it's an effective solution to disable fast startup along with new graphics card drivers.

AMD Power Saving

If your laptop has an AMD graphics card, there is one more step you can try. To do this, you need to open the registry editor.

Step 1. Right click on the Start icon and left click on Run.

Step 2 In the window that appears, type regedit and click OK.

Step 3 In the "Registry Editor" window that opens, select "Edit" - "Find" with the mouse. Type EnableULPS into the search box and click Find Next. After a short search procedure, EnableULPS will become visible in the list of registry settings.

Step 4 Double click it and change the value from 1 to 0 in Value Data by clicking OK.

This will disable the power saving feature, which turns off the dedicated graphics card when not needed. As a result, the laptop will consume more battery power, so you need to do this only if the laptop has been plugged into the 220V network for a longer time.

If the above solutions don't work

If none of the above solutions work, you can try to reset Windows 10 to its original state by deleting all files and programs. The advantage of this solution over reinstalling the OS is the ability to keep personal files.

Step 1. Open the "Start" menu and click on the "Settings" button.

Step 2 In the window that appears, select "Updates and Security".

Step 3 In the next pop-up window, select "Recovery". In the "Reset your computer to its original state" subsection, click the "Start" button.

Step 4 You will be prompted to save your personal files or delete them. Select the desired option.

Step 5

The “Reset” of Windows 10 will begin. The PC will (perhaps several times) restart, and after completing the procedure, you will get a “clean” OS.

In the case of the Dell Inspiron 17 laptop, a full “Reset” of the OS was the only way to solve the problem with slow booting Windows 10. Booting problems persist, but as long as fast startup is turned off, the black screen is no longer visible.

If your Windows 10 PC has old or corrupted drivers, your computer may also boot slowly. To correct the situation, you can update the device drivers.

Reference! In this case, you can save a significant amount of time if you use dedicated driver update programs such as Driver Easy.

Step 1. Download and install Driver Easy. Launch the program and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will scan your computer and find "faulty" drivers.

Step 2 After finding the drivers you need to update, click the Update button next to the driver you need, or the Update All button for all found drivers.

Step 3 Restart Windows 10 and see if it loads faster.

If the computer on which Windows 10 is installed is rather weak, you should also pay attention to the antivirus used in the system. If several such programs are used, it is recommended to choose the most productive one and leave only it.

You can also use only the “Windows Defender” built into the OS, which in Windows 10, unlike Windows 7 and 8, has become a valuable assistant for everyday use, generally reliably protecting the PC.

You can also perform a "clean" installation of the OS to permanently solve the indicated problem.

Hi all! In the last article, we learned how. In today's article, we will learn how to enter Windows 10 Safe Mode if the system does not boot due to any errors.

Friends, what usually causes our operating system to stop loading? That's right, due to corrupted system files and critical drivers, but most often Windows does not boot due to programs and drivers installed by us that are not designed to work in our operating system. I'll explain a little more.

How to Enter Windows 10 Safe Mode if the Operating System Won't Boot

Recently, one person contacted me, he successfully updated his Windows 7 to Windows 10, but after the update, his video card and TV tuner drivers crashed. I updated the video card drivers for it, but with the TV tuner it turned out to be more and more difficult, only drivers for Windows 7 were posted on the official website of the device, there were not even drivers for Windows 8.1. In support, they told me that there are no 100% working drivers on Win 10 yet, but there are beta drivers and they suit who and who do not.

I downloaded and installed the drivers along with the software for the TV tuner without even creating a restore point just in case. The driver installed and asked for a reboot, after the reboot, a blue death (blue screen) appeared on the monitor, several reboots led to the same effect - the system boot ended with a blue screen.

What happened. The blue screen of death is a defensive reaction of Windows to incorrectly working code, that is, the system was automatically protected by a blue screen from a malfunctioning TV tuner driver. To remove the incorrect driver, I decided to use safe mode.

  • Note: everything would be easier if I had before installing the driver.

We all know that Safe Mode is specially designed to fix various operating system malfunctions. In safe mode, Windows 10 starts with a minimal set of Microsoft-owned and trusted processes. Therefore, we can use safe mode to remove incorrectly working drivers, or programs that led to Windows boot failure or its unstable operation.

All this is clear, but how to enter safe mode if Win 10 does not boot!?

In the initial system installation window, click keyboard shortcut Shift + F10.

A command prompt window will open, enter the command (suitable for any computers, including laptops with the UEFI interface enabled and the Secure Boot option):

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

the command will make a change to the boot storage configuration (BCD) file.

Operation completed successfully.

We restart the computer, the Advanced Boot Options window will open.

Press key F4 or 4 to enter safe mode, you can also use other special modes used when troubleshooting Windows 10.

If you want to enter the operating system in the usual way, then press Enter on the keyboard.

Here we are in Windows 10 Safe Mode.

We remove the incorrect driver or program in the usual way.

Usually, drivers are installed into the operating system along with the software.

Open the Computer window and click Uninstall or change a program.

We find the name of the non-working, properly, software and click Remove.

If you installed the driver without an installer manually, uninstall it directly in the Device Manager - right-click on it and select Uninstall.

If you want to remove the appearance of the Advanced Boot Options window when loading, then boot from a bootable Windows 10 flash drive into the recovery environment, start the command prompt, enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings)advancedoptions

This command will undo previous changes to the boot storage configuration (BCD) file.

For insurance, before work, you can do.

Windows 10, despite all the developers' assurances about the versatility of the system, as well as its predecessor, is not immune from critical failures. One of the most annoying is the appearance of an endless loading of Windows 10 with the issuance of some messages, the occurrence of blue screens or without it. What is the reason for this behavior of the system and how to fix the problem that has arisen, then we will try to figure it out.

Why does Windows 10 endless loading appear?

Alas, it is not immediately possible to say exactly why the operating system falls into a cyclic reboot.

Of course, in the event of failure messages or indication of failed components in the description attached to the blue screen, one can partially guess what caused the constant restart. However, the most common reasons why Windows 10 endless loading starts again and again are considered to be hardware problems (hardware failures), damage to the system components of the bootloader, problems installing the latest updates, etc. It is possible that such behavior of the system could affect and problems with the "Update Center" itself. Also, sometimes a cyclic restart can be triggered by incorrectly installed user applications (most often in the form of pirated copies or unofficial assemblies) and even virus exposure.

What to do in case of hardware failure?

To begin with, let's look at hardware failures associated with the incorrect functioning of the installed equipment, as a result of which a blue screen first appears, in which a description of the failed driver is usually present, after which the endless loading of a Windows 10 computer starts. In this situation, the hard drive, RAM are considered the main culprits and video card. To troubleshoot, first of all, check the tightness of the connection of all the hard drive cables, as well as the correct installation of the graphics adapter or memory sticks on the motherboard. If a visual inspection does not give anything, try removing the RAM strips one by one, turning on the computer again each time. If at one point the download goes well, the bad bar will have to be replaced. If you have bootable media with programs like TestDisk for checking the hard drive, Memtest86+ for testing RAM, or similar utilities, perform a full check of these components using them. This will pinpoint the exact cause of the failure.

How to fix Windows 10 endless loading when turning on the computer in the simplest way?

But as practice shows, the greatest number of such situations is provoked by damage to important system components. In the case of an endless loading of Windows 10, force shutdown the computer or laptop and then turn it on to activate the start of the automated recovery tool. It is possible that turning off and on will have to be done several times. When the rollback starts, the system (unless critical damage is found in it) will be restored. However, quite often you can’t count on such actions, because when you try to restore, you still receive a message stating that the computer was not booted correctly.

In this situation, do not immediately press the restart button. If there is an active advanced options button nearby, use it, and then try loading Last Known Good Configuration or entering Safe Mode. After that, you can fix some problems.

What to do if the recovery environment won't boot?

If you succeeded in starting in Safe Mode, go to the configuration settings (msconfig) and set either diagnostic startup using the general tab for this, or set the safe mode options on the boot tab using either the minimum configuration or Active Directory recovery.

You can start the recovery environment from the command line by typing the “reagent.exe / enable” command, but if encryption of the system partition is enabled, it may not work, so you will first need to deactivate Bitlocker using the corresponding section in the Control Panel.

Troubleshooting to start the system

When using the blue horse with the selection of additional options mentioned above, you can try to get rid of the system going into a cyclic restart using the boot recovery item, which is available in the list after selecting diagnostics.

It is possible that problems will be identified and dealt with automatically.

Bootloader recovery and update management

In case of damage to the bootloader, which is most often observed, none of the above results will give. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to boot from a removable media with a distribution kit or using a LiveCD, call the command line, and then use the Bootrec.exe tool, adding the “/FixMbr” attribute separated by a space, and then “/FixBoot” (without quotes).

If the problem is not resolved during the restart, you will have to completely rewrite the bootloader by adding the “/ RebuildBCD” attribute to the main command, separated by a space, and then reboot the system again in normal or safe mode.

Since endless loading is very common after updating Windows 10, the most reasonable solution would be to remove them. To do this, if possible, it is better to use Safe Mode, go to the Programs and Features section in the Control Panel, and then remove the latest installed packages one by one from the installed updates section.

Note: You don't need to delete everything. It is enough to uninstall the packages one by one, checking the system's performance after the restart, and when a failed update is found, when manually searching for updates again, it will need to be removed from the installation list. Also for such purposes, you can use a utility from Microsoft called Show or hide updates.

But it also happens that the system seems to be working, but updates are not installed. The endless download of Windows 10 updates is almost always associated with problems with the Update Center itself. First, look at the startup type of this service in the corresponding section (services.msc).

The Update Center, Delivery Optimization, Windows Modules Installer, and Windows Installer services must be active. If some component is not active, start it in the parameter editing window, and in the start type, set the value to automatic start.

Also, to fix problems, you can use the command line, run as administrator, with the update service restarted. First, the commands "net stop wuauserv" and "sc config wuauserv start= disabled" are executed, followed by a full reboot, and after that the activation is performed by the commands "net start wuauserv" and "sc config wuauserv start= auto". If this approach does not work, try looking for an automatic solution in the "Troubleshooting Center" by calling it from the "Control Panel".

Crashes when starting installed programs

Sometimes the problem may not be in the system, but in the installed program. For example, endless loading of Windows 10 with NFS Underground 2 is very common. In other words, the installed game itself provokes a failure. Apparently, this happens only because not the official, but the pirated version is installed. To fix the problem, you need to download the official release or at least replace the speed.exe game start executable file with the original one. Also, some experts recommend launching the game in compatibility mode with Windows versions below the tenth (if possible, even XP, and if this option is not available, then using the previous system modification).

What else could there be?

Finally, do not be too lazy to write some bootable antivirus like Kaspersky Recue Disk to removable media, boot from it and perform an in-depth scan of the computer, marking everything that is in the list of items to be checked. Perhaps the problems with booting the system were related precisely to the viruses that had penetrated the computer.
