Work in xl training. How to learn to work in Excel on your own: description of the program, recommendations and reviews


From my own experience, I will say one obvious thing: many novice users underestimate Excel (and, I would say, even very much underestimate). Maybe I'm judging by personal experience(when I couldn’t add 2 numbers before) and had no idea why Excel was needed, and then becoming an “average” user in Excel, I was able to solve tasks ten times faster than I used to sit and “think” ...

Purpose of this article: not only show how to perform this or that action, but also show the potential features of the program for novice users who do not even know about them. After all, having even very basic skills in working in Excel (as I said earlier) - you can speed up your work several times!

Lessons are a small instruction on how to perform a particular action. I chose the topics for the lessons myself, based on questions that I often have to answer.

Lesson topics : sorting the list by the desired column, adding numbers (sum formula), filtering rows, creating a table in Excel, drawing up a graph (chart).

Excel 2016 Tutorials

1) How to sort the list alphabetically, in ascending order (according to the required column / column)

Such tasks are very common. For example, there is a table in Excel (or you copied it there) and now you need to sort it by some column / column (for example, a table as in Fig. 1).

Now the task: it would be nice to sort it in ascending digits in December.

First you need to select the table with the left mouse button: note that you need to select those columns and columns that you want to sort (this is an important point: for example, if I had not selected column A (with people's names) and sorted by "December" - then the values ​​​​from column B would have been lost relative to the names in column A. That is, connections would be broken, and Albina would not be with "1", but with "5", for example).

After highlighting the table, go to the next section: " Data/Sort» (see Fig. 2).

Then you need to set up sorting: select the column by which to sort and the direction: ascending or descending. There is nothing special to comment on here (see Fig. 3).

2) How to add several numbers in a table, sum formula

Also one of the most popular tasks. Let's see how to solve it quickly. Let's say that we need to add up three months and get the total amount for each participant (see Fig. 5).

We select one cell in which we want to get the amount (in Fig. 5 - it will be "Albina").

Actually, in the window that appears, you need to specify (select) the cells that you want to add. This is done very simply: select with the left mouse button and press the “OK” button (see Fig. 7).

After that, you will see the result in the previously selected cell (see in Fig. 7 - the result is "8").

In theory, such an amount is usually required for each participant in the table. Therefore, in order not to enter the formula again manually, you can simply copy it into the desired cells. In fact, everything looks simple: select a cell (in Fig. 9 - this is E2), in the corner of this cell there will be a small rectangle - “stretch” it to the end of your table!

As a result, Excel will calculate the sum of each participant (see Fig. 10). Everything is simple and fast!

3) Filtering: leave only those rows where the value is greater (or where it contains...)

After the amount is calculated, very often, it is required to leave only those who have completed a certain barrier (for example, made more number 15). To do this, Excel has a special feature - filter.

First you need to select the table (see Fig. 11).

Small arrows should appear. If you click on it, the filter menu will open: you can select, for example, numeric filters and configure which lines to show (for example, the “more than” filter will leave only those lines in which this column number will be greater than you specify).

By the way, note that the filter can be set for each column! A column with textual data (in our case, people's names) will be filtered by slightly different filters: namely, here it is not more and less (as in numeric filters), but "begins" or "contains". For example, in my example, I entered a filter for names that begin with the letter "A".

Rice. 14. Name text contains (or starts with...)

Pay attention to one point: the columns in which the filter works are marked in a special way (see the green arrows in Fig. 15).

All in all, the filter is a very powerful and useful tool. By the way, in order to turn it off, just in the top Excel menu - “press” the button of the same name.

4) How to create a table in Excel

This kind of question sometimes gets me lost. The fact is that Excel is one big table. True, it has no borders, no sheet layout, etc. (as it is in Word - and this misleads many).

Most often, this question refers to the creation of table borders (table formatting). This is done quite easily: first select the entire table, then go to the section: " Home/Format as table". In the pop-up window, select the design you need: the type of frame, its color, etc. (see Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Format as a table

The result of formatting is shown in fig. 17. In this form, this table can be transferred, for example, to word document, make a visual screenshot of it, or simply present it on the screen to the audience. In this form, it is much easier to "read".

5) How to build a graph/chart in Excel

To build a chart, you will need a ready-made table (or at least 2 columns with data). First of all, you need to add a chart, for this click: " Insert/Pie/3D Pie" (for example). The choice of diagram depends on the requirements (which you follow) or your preferences.

Then you can choose its style and design. I recommend not to use weak and dull colors (light pink, yellow, etc.) in the charts. The fact is that usually a diagram is made to show it - and these colors are poorly perceived both on the screen and when printed (especially if the printer is not the best).

Actually, it remains only to specify the data for the chart. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button: on top, in the Excel menu - the section “ Working with charts

Rice. 23. Received chart

Actually, on this and this diagram I will sum up the results. In the article I have collected (as it seems to me) all the most basic questions that novice users have. Having dealt with these basic features, you yourself will not notice how new “chips” will begin to learn faster and faster.

By learning to use 1-2 formulas, many other formulas will be "created" in the same way!

Working with Excel: a tutorial. Excel (Excel) - one of basic programs package Microsoft Office. This is an indispensable assistant when working with invoices, reports, tables.
Excel (excel) allows you to:
programming, storing huge amounts of information
Build graphs and analyze results
Make calculations quickly
This program is an excellent choice for office work.
Getting Started with Excel
1. Double-clicking on the sheet name enters the editing mode. In this panel, you can add a new sheet to the book, delete an unnecessary one. It's easy to do - just click right click mouse and select "Delete".

2. It's easy to create another book - select the "Create" line from the "File" menu. The new book will be placed on top of the old one, and an additional tab will appear on the taskbar.

Working with tables and formulas
3. important function Excel (excel) - comfortable operation with tables.

Thanks to the tabular form of data presentation, tables automatically turn into a database. It is customary to format tables, for this we select cells and set separate properties and format for them.

In the same window, you can perform alignment in the cell, this is done by the "Alignment" tab.

The Font tab has the option to change the font of the text in the cell, and the Insert Menu lets you add and remove columns, rows, and more.

Moving cells is easy - the "Cut" icon on the Home tab will help with this

4. No less important than the ability to work with tables is the skill of creating formulas and functions in Excel.

Simple F=ma is a formula, force is the product of mass and acceleration.

To write such a formula in Excel (Excel), you must start with the "=" sign.

Printing a Document
5. And the main stage after the work done is printing out documents.

This program is used by a large number of people. Andrey Sukhov decided to record a series of training video lessons for novice users " Microsoft Excel for Beginners” and we invite you to familiarize yourself with the basics of this program.

Lesson 1

In the first lesson, Andrey will talk about the interface of the Excel program and its main elements. You will also understand the workspace of the program, with columns, rows and cells. So here's the first video:

Lesson 2: How to Enter Data in an Excel Spreadsheet

In the second video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will learn how to enter data into a spreadsheet, and also get acquainted with the auto-fill operation. I think that the most effective learning is the one built on practical examples. So we will begin to create a spreadsheet that will help us maintain a family budget. Based on this example, we will consider the tools of the Microsoft Excel program. So here's the second video:

Lesson 3. How to format spreadsheet cells in Excel

In the third video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will learn how to align the contents of the cells of our spreadsheet, as well as change the width of the columns and the height of the rows of the table. Next, we will get acquainted with the Microsoft Excel tools that allow you to merge table cells, as well as change the direction of text in cells if necessary. So here's the third video:

Lesson 4. How to format text in Excel

In the fourth video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will get acquainted with the text formatting operations. For different elements of our table, we will apply different fonts, different font sizes and text styles. We will also change the text color and set a colored background for some cells. At the end of the lesson, we will get an almost ready-made family budget form. So, the fourth video:

Lesson 5

In the fifth video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will finalize the family budget form that we started working on in previous lessons. In this lesson, we will talk about cell borders. We will set different borders for different columns and rows of our table. By the end of the lesson, we will have a family budget form completely ready for data entry. So, the fifth video:

Lesson 6

In the sixth video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will fill in our family budget form with data. Microsoft Excel allows you to simplify the process of data entry to the maximum, and we will get acquainted with these features. Next, I will talk about data formats in cells and how they can be changed. By the end of the lesson, we will receive a family budget form filled in with initial data. So, the sixth video:

Lesson 7

In the seventh video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will talk about the most interesting thing - about formulas and calculations. Microsoft Excel has a very powerful toolkit for performing various calculations. We will learn how to perform basic calculations using spreadsheets, then we will get acquainted with the function wizard, which greatly simplifies the process of creating formulas for performing calculations. So, the seventh video:

Lesson 8

In the eighth video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will completely finish working on the family budget form. We will compose all the necessary formulas and carry out the final formatting of rows and columns. The family budget form will be ready and if you keep your family budget, you will be able to adjust it to fit your expenses and income. So, the eighth video:

Lesson 9

In the final ninth lesson on the basics of Microsoft Excel, we will learn how to create charts and graphs. Microsoft Excel has a very impressive toolkit for visualizing the results of calculations. In the form of graphs, charts and histograms, you can present any data, both simply entered into a spreadsheet, and data obtained as a result of calculations. So, the final ninth video:

Excel is the world's most widely used program for spreadsheets, calculations of varying difficulty, charting, reporting, and database creation. Almost any computer, both home and office, has the Microsoft Office software package installed, and Excel is included in this package. At any office job, it will not be superfluous to know the basics of this program, any tutorial will help with this. Excel for beginners is better to learn after getting acquainted with, as these programs have a lot in common.

Key features of Excel

This application has become an indispensable part for accountants, secretaries, operators or economists. For a more detailed introduction to Excel application you can take special courses, of which there are many now. There are courses that are aimed at advanced users, and there are courses for beginners.

Possibilities office program excel:

  1. Excel is a ready-made spreadsheet, so it is easy to use it for impersonal calculations that have a tabular presentation (price lists, schedules).
  2. The program library has , graphics. These graphs and charts are built on the basis of the created tables, and they use the data of the selected range of the table, which is very convenient even for dummies.
  3. Excel can be used for home bookkeeping and similar accounting operations (calculations for utility bills).
  4. The program is rich in statistics and mathematical functions. Thanks to them, the program is easily suitable for students, schoolchildren and students of various educational institutions while writing term papers and theses, as well as similar reports on practices, filling out balance sheets, etc.
  5. The program is used to maintain databases, Excel is not a database program, but it is widely used in this area in the absence of other specialized programs. Excel has an option to use a built-in language Visual programming Basic for , which greatly expands the capabilities of this tool.
  6. The program is easy to learn to use. Any tutorial, beginner's guide or video will help to easily learn the basic principles of working with the program for unprepared users.

Unlike the MS Word editor, in which the file being created is called a document, in this application The file is named "book".

Basic elements of the Excel window

A worksheet is the main document for performing various operations in Excel. The worksheet is part of the workbook (always). The sheet consists of cells, columns, rows.

Workbook - excel file with xls extension (in MS Office 2003), xlsx (in MS Office 2010). By default, one book contains 255 sheets that can be deleted, renamed, added.

A cell is a part of a table that is filled with data. It is the cell of the intersection of the desired column with the desired row.

A row of cells vertically makes up a column. There can be an unlimited number of them in the table.
A row is a row of cells horizontally.

Microsoft Excel has a number of built-in helpers for dummies, they help make the work carried out in the program easier and more streamlined. With their help, it is more comfortable to learn how to work with the application, especially for beginners. Program courses always include a description of these assistants.

What are master assistants and what are they for?

Assistant Masters:

  1. Diagram Wizard. Makes working with charts much easier.
  2. Function Wizard. Using it in the program is also simplified.
  3. Hint Master. Is good helper in search of information. He is more of a searcher than a helper.
  4. Web Page Wizard. Helps in creating HTML pages in Microsoft program Excel.
  5. Template Master. With this assistant, you can very easily create templates for work, simplify working with databases.
  6. Master pivot tables. It helps to carry out a simple analysis of any information that is entered in an Excel spreadsheet, arranges rows, columns and page titles in a very in a simple way(working only with the mouse).
  7. Transform Wizard. The perfect helper to convert files and documents of other formats in the Excel environment.

In addition to wizard assistants for dummies, the program has many features and functions that make it easier to work and carry out calculations and calculations. For example, autocomplete a table. Using this mode, it is easy to create specific sequences from text and number type values. There is no need to enter data manually. The basics of this feature include creating your own automatic fill modes. As an example, the autocomplete mode can be used when you need to enter months (August, September, and so on). At correct setting the program will do everything itself. This function sorts the fill lists you've created into automatic mode. Thanks to it, you can easily sort your information.

The autosum function will not be left without attention. It allows you to add numbers with a single click of the left mouse button on the Σ icon of the Home ribbon. This can be done for both columns and rows. It is useful in that you can calculate the sum of the desired numerical values, even in tables that contain subtotals.

Learning to work with Excel will not be difficult if you use our tutorial. Everyone should know the basics of this program, as it is indispensable in many situations.

Excel is one of the most powerful applications in the entire Office suite. It is used not only by accountants and economists, but also by ordinary people. The program is designed to work with numbers and tables, it makes it possible to present information in the most favorable form for perception: as diagrams and graphs. Here you can perform complex calculations and perform various mathematical operations. In addition, the user does not need special knowledge, it is enough to learn how to work in Excel.

What is this office application?

The Excel program works with files that form a kind of book, consisting of separate sheets. Letters, symbols and numbers are entered into table cells. They can be copied, moved or deleted. If necessary, various operations are carried out with them: text, mathematical, logical and others. Beginners who are just learning how to work in Excel should know that any information can be displayed in the form of graphs or charts.

How to create a file?

First of all, you need to open the document. To create it, you need to click on the program shortcut or go to the application through the "Start".

The default name is Book 1, but you can enter any name in the File Name field. When working, it is worth periodically saving data to avoid losing information in the event of a computer crash or freeze.

You can easily switch between sheets by clicking on the corresponding inscription at the bottom of the page. If there are a lot of tabs, it is better to use the arrow keys on the keyboard. To insert a sheet, you need to find the item "Insert" in the "Home" menu. All possible actions applicable to sheets, such as add or delete, will be displayed there. You can also move tabs around.

"Face" of the program

Before you figure out how to work in Excel, it's worth learning the interface. The tools are located at the top and bottom of the window, and the rest of the area is occupied by rectangles, which are cells. A feature of spreadsheets is that actions can be performed in some cells, and the result can be displayed in others.

Each table has columns, which are denoted by letters of the English alphabet. Lines are numbered on the left. Thus, any cell has its own coordinates. In each cell, you can enter both data and formulas. Before entering the latter, you must put the symbol "=".

Each cell has its own characteristic

To understand how to learn how to work in Excel correctly, the user must know that before entering values, it is necessary to set the dimension of a column or cell. It will depend on how the data is measured. To do this, right-click on the selected range and select "Format Cells" in the dialog box.

If the input number is greater than 999, you must set the split by digits. You don't have to enter spaces yourself.

To correctly display data, you cannot enter more than one single value in one cell. Also, do not enter enums separated by commas or other characters. Each value must have its own cell.

How to enter data?

It will not be difficult for users who know to enter data. To do this, click on the cell and type letters or numbers on the keyboard. To continue working, you must press "Enter" or TAB. A line break is performed using the ALT + "ENTER" combination.

When entering a month or a number in order, it is enough to write the value in the initial cells, and then drag the marker to the required range.

Text wrap

Most often, users are interested in how to learn how to work with text in Excel. If necessary, it can be transferred word by word. To do this, you need to select certain cells and in the "Home" tab you need to find the "Alignment" option, and then select "Text Wrap".

If you want to automatically change the width and height of the cell according to the entered text, do the following: go to the "Home" tab and in the "Cells" group select the "Format" item. Next, you need to choose the appropriate action.


To format numbers, you need to select the cell and in the "Home" tab find the "Number" group. After clicking on the arrow next to the "General" item, you can select the desired format.

To change the font, you need to select a specific range and go to the "Home", "Font" menu.

How to create a table?

Knowledge of how to work in the Excel program is unlikely to be useful to the user if he does not know how to create a table. The easiest way is to select a certain range and mark the borders with black lines by clicking on the corresponding icon at the top of the page. But often a non-standard table is required for forms or documents.

First of all, you need to decide how the table should look in order to set the width and length of the cells. With the range selected, go to the Format Cells menu and select Alignment. The "Merge Cells" option will help remove unnecessary borders. Then you need to go to the "Borders" menu and set the required parameters.

Using the Format Cells menu, you can create various options tables, adding or removing columns and rows, and changing borders.

Knowing how to work in an Excel spreadsheet, the user will be able to create headings. To do this, in the "Table formatting" box, check the box next to the "Table with headers" item.

To add elements to the table, you must use the "Designer" tab. There you can select the required options.

What are macros for?

If a user often has to repeat the same actions in a program, knowledge of how macros work in Excel will be useful to him. They are programmed to perform actions in a specific sequence. The use of macros allows you to automate certain operations and facilitate monotonous work. They can be written in different programming languages, but their essence remains the same.

To create a macro in this application, you must enter the "Tools" menu, select the "Macro" item, and then click "Start Recording". Next, you need to perform those actions that are often repeated, and after finishing work, click "Stop Recording".

All these instructions will help a beginner figure out how to work in Excel: keep records, create reports, and analyze numbers.
