Connection failure with error 711 windows 7. Reasons for the error

System problems periodically plague every Internet user, regardless of the type of connection to the World Wide Web and the provider supplying the resource. This problem is faced equally by both subscribers. mobile internet(megaphone, beeline, etc.), as well as fans of “classic” cable connection via modem.

Therefore, it is better to know the “enemy” by sight and have in advance the necessary knowledge to solve any system problems. Here we will look at what error 711 means when connecting to the Internet, and how to fix this connection failure yourself.

By the way, this problem is exclusively “internal” - not network equipment, it has nothing to do with the services of the provider.

Why does connection failure occur with code 711?

In a comment to the 711 service error remote access it is said that in this moment Windows 7 cannot start a special service - “Connection Manager”, which creates network connection with the Internet. Without this component, connecting to the global information network is impossible.

Why is this happening?

Other components of the system depend on the mentioned “Connection Manager”, such as: “Auto Connection Manager”, “Routing and Remote Access” and “Internet Sharing”. This component itself, in turn, depends on the “SSTP Service” and “Telephony”.

Therefore, the main reason for the message with the text “the remote access service cannot start” is that the services on which it depends (SSTP and Telephony) are currently not running (or for some reason cannot start on their own).

The Telephony service also depends on the Plug and Play service. Accordingly, if this element does not work, then all components that depend on it will not work.

It turns out something like an irrigation system: there is main channel, from which diversion streams depart. If you block the flow in the main channel, there will be no water in small streams either. Therefore, it is necessary to release the water into the main channel.

How to fix error 711 when connecting to the Internet?

To resolve a connection failure with this code, you need to run non-working system components windows 7.

You should start with the services at the very top of the hierarchy:

First up is Plug and Play.

Open the “Services” system window (“Start” > “Find” > “SLU...”) and double-click on the line with the name of the service.

The Properties window will open. In it you need to configure the launch method (Automatic) and click the “Run” button. If this service is running, you do not need to perform any operations with it.

Next on the list are “Telephony” and “SSTP”. You need to configure them (exactly the same as the previous element) and launch them. However, for “Telephony” you can set the startup type to “Manual”.
When the above components are running, you need to try connecting to the Internet. If the required services started successfully, the 711 pppoe error should be resolved.

If any of the main services failed to start, a new Internet connection error will occur, and the Windows OP will indicate to you the code of the new system failure. Further setup of the Internet connection should be done step by step, eliminating errors indicated by the system.

Sometimes the reason for the 711 connection error may be that the owner of the system root folder (“WINDOWS”) is not the Administrator, but regular user. In this case, to eliminate the error you need to change the user.

Many users computer systems Windows family You've probably encountered such an unpleasant problem when, when you try to connect to the Internet, an error with code 711 appears instead of the expected connection. How can you fix it? this problem in the simplest ways, we will consider in this article.

Reasons for the error

If you look at it, there can be quite a lot of reasons for this error. Among all possible situations, several quite typical cases can be highlighted, which, as a rule, are associated with disruption of a number of services responsible for establishing a remote access connection and components related to PPPoE telephony. This is especially common when using a VPN connection. A failure may occur because the following services are disabled: Plug&Play support service, standard and automatic remote access connection managers, SSTP service, telephony service. We will also look at a few more at the same time. possible reasons error 711 occurs. For each specific case A method to correct the problem will be discussed. A non-standard recommendation will also be given, which can be used as a last resort.

How to fix error 711 in services section?

First of all, the user needs to check the operation of all the components listed above. This can be done from the administration section, which is located in the standard “Control Panel”, but it will still be faster to use the “Run” menu, in which you need to use the services.msc command. We find each of the services mentioned above in the list on the right and right-click above to call up the submenu. In this submenu you need to select the “Properties” section. Pay attention to the startup type. To configure support for Plug&Play devices, you must set automatic start. For other services, you can use manual start. When you are finished changing the settings, be sure to save all the settings you made and reboot the system.

How to fix error 711 using advanced permissions?

The issue may not be limited to just non-functioning service components. Another reason may be insufficient user access rights in the system. In this case, error code 711 will appear again. How can I fix it if the previous solution does not work? Everything is quite simple here. Nessesary to use special program"Conductor". On the system drive in partition “C” you need to find Windows folder. Right click the mouse to call context menu and select the properties section from there. After this, you must immediately go to the security tab. Here we will be interested in the “System” item. A little lower you need to click on the button to change permissions. In the new window you need to look at user groups. For groups such as “Creator-Owner”, “TrustedInstaller”, “system”, use the button to change parameters. After this we indicate full access, save the changes made and reboot.

Renaming the LogFiles folder

In some cases, error 711 is related to report files. Failure 711 can also occur here. How can I fix the problem in this case? You can try simply renaming the folder in which the data is stored. The catalog itself can usually be found in system folder System 32 in the system root directory. However, to begin with, it’s better to boot into safe mode or use some LiveCD. The system will not allow you to rename the folder in normal mode. Now we boot the computer, find the required directory, give it a name of your choice, for example, Logfiles 1 or Logfiles_1. The main principle here is to leave the original name in the title with the addition of some prefix. Then, as usual, a reboot follows. That's all.

We use command line

Let's look at another way to resolve error 711. In this case, we will need a special command. It should be said right away that experts recommend using it only in cases where all the methods described above have proven ineffective. So, first of all, you need to call the command line. You can do this by typing cmd in the Run menu or using the Win+R combination. After that, we write the following sequence of characters in it: secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\def1tbase.base.sdb/verbose. Press the enter key. This command allows you to restore system folders to standard rights and security permissions. Next, you need to restart the computer terminal as usual. After using this radical method The problem should in theory disappear.


As you should have already understood from all of the above, in principle there should be no special reasons for worry, since the error itself is not critical for the system. IN this review The most typical failures were considered. By and large, all system services should not be disabled on their own. Most likely the error is caused by something else. This could be exposure to malicious objects or interference with the system by a user with administrator rights who does not have the necessary knowledge of how the system works.

Based on the above, we can conclude that error 711 occurs due to incorrect operation of the following services:

  • telephony;
  • Plug-and-Play;
  • SSTP services;
  • Internet connection manager.

The article will analyze all the solutions to the reasons presented above. In addition, a not entirely traditional method will be discussed, which should be carried out as a last resort. Well, right now let’s move on to the first method of solving the problem called “error 711”.

We fix it using the services section

The first step, of course, is to review all of the above services for performance. Fortunately, Windows contains the necessary utilities to do this. We need to go to the "Administration" section in the "Control Panel". But it will take a very long time to describe the path; it’s better to give a simpler method - using the “Run” window. It is called by the keyboard shortcut Win + R. A small window will appear with a text input field. Write services.msc in it.

So, the window of the utility we need has opened in front of you. As you can see, the window has a huge list of various services. To make error 711 when connecting to the Internet disappear, you need to find the ones listed above and click on them double click mice. For the Plug-and-Play service, you need to select “Automatic” from the drop-down list in the window, for the other three - manually.

After all the work has been done, save all changes and restart the computer. Then try connecting to the Internet, it should work.

Fix it using extended access rights

As often happens, the previous method may not work, and you will still receive error 711 when connecting to the Internet. Windows 7 will allow us to fix this problem in another way - by expanding user rights. The fact is that sometimes the Internet can be blocked due to lack of rights. This most often happens if you log into the system without administrator rights.

You will need to get through the conductor to system partition, to drive C. Click there right click in the Windows folder, select "Properties" from the menu. In the window of the same name, go to the "Security" tab.

So, we are where we need to be. Immediately pay attention to the “Advanced” button, you need to click it. Next, click “Change permissions”. Now look for the elements under the name: TrustedInstaller, “system” and “CREATOR-OWNER”. Press twice on each one in turn. In the window that appears, check all the boxes in the “Allow” column. After this, save the changes and restart your computer.

Fix it by renaming the LogFiles folder

Now let's look at the third method, if the previous two did not help you, and error 711 still appears. Windows 7 is sometimes difficult to understand. Now we will talk about fixing the error by renaming the LogFiles folder. As strange as it may sound, it can help.

The presented folder can be found in the System 32 system folder, in the Windows directory. Just go to C:\Windows\System32. However, do not rush to do this right now. Initially boot into safe mode or from a flash drive in LiveCD mode. You will not be able to rename the folder otherwise.

So, when you have made all the preparations, enter the desired folder, find LogFiles and simply rename it. Please note that you need to rename by adding any symbols after the existing name. You can't touch him. That is, you should get something like this: LogFiles_fg124gdf. After this, according to the old tradition, restart your computer.

Fix it using the command line

Well, now let's proceed to extreme measures. They should be used only when all previous methods have failed and error 711 still remains.

So, we will need to call the command line. To do this, use the Run window. This time write in it cmd command and press Enter. A window with a black background will open in front of you. You need to write a special command that should help solve the problem. You can see this command in the image above, but in order not to enter it manually, you can copy: C:\Windows\System32>secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.base.sdb \verbose. After running this command, the problem with the Internet connection should disappear. You will again need to restart your computer and check this.


So all the ways to fix error 711 have been discussed. In fact, this error does not threaten anything, and one cannot call it critical. By the way, problems with the services that were presented in the first method cannot be caused by themselves. There are only two options: either you caught some kind of virus, or you yourself or someone else with administrator rights caused harm to the system. In any case, you shouldn’t worry, because, as you can see, fixing an error is not such a time-consuming process. And if you have basic knowledge of the system, you can do it in a matter of minutes. The main thing is not to break everything again later. Just in case, check your system for viruses and make sure that no one else has access to your computer.

Error 711 does not allow you to create a high-speed Internet connection. The message says that the system operator is not able to interact with the “Connection Manager,” but it is necessary to form the connection itself. This component is required, so you won’t be able to start the network without it.

What is the reason for connection error 711?

The connection manager is a kind of intermediary in the system that allows you to perform routing, auto-connections and get access to public access to the network. The operation of the component is directly related to the operation of the SSTP and Telephony services.

Often the user encounters an error precisely because of a disconnection or failure in one of the components on which the dispatcher depends. The reasons for the failure are quite banal: the user disabled the services on his own, virus activity harmed the system Windows files or malfunction.

Important! Telephony requires activation of another service - “Plug and Play” for its operation, so an error may occur due to this component.

Ultimately, it turns out that you can restore access to the network only by identifying the source of the problem and activating the service. Sometimes you may need to restart a component because the component simply freezes.

Error 711 when connecting to the Internet, how to fix it?

Windows error 711 should initially be considered from the point of view of deactivating any important component. To activate, you will need to go to the appropriate menu and change the type of operation of the element.

Algorithm for starting services:

  1. Click on Start and Control Panel;
  2. Select the “Administration” section;

  1. From the list, click on “Services”;

  1. It is necessary to detect all vital services that can affect the occurrence of the error: Telephony, SSTP, Plug and Play and dispatchers for auto-connection and remote access;
  2. RMB on the services listed, whose status is “Inactive” or “Stopped” and select the “Properties” option;

  1. On the main tab, in the “Startup type” column, you should indicate “Automatic” or “Manual”;
  2. Click on “Apply” so that you don’t have to restart the computer, you should also click on “Run”.

There are other ways to get to the required menu, for example, press Win + R and enter services.msc. IN Windows versions 7 and higher, you can simply enter the word “Services” in the search bar in the Start panel.

Mostly the problem is eliminated by this technique, but this does not always happen; the system logging was probably affected, in which case the connection will be disrupted.

Internet Error 711 – Update Logs

Exists Alternative option to solve the problem, but the method will require some program with LiveCD/LiveUSB or other options to influence the system files. Such applications can run outside the operating system, which makes possible change system files.

You will need to change the name of the LogFiles folder, which is located along the path C:\Windows\System32\ and add the word old at the end, it should be LogFiles.old. There are several ways to achieve your goal:

  1. Start the system in safe mode, this will require restarting the computer and pressing F8 during the startup process, usually when the BIOS appears;
  2. Using Unlocker is an application that removes the ban on the use of system and running files/folders. After installing the program, you need to go to the directory, right-click and use Unlocker from the context menu;
  3. Use any LiveCD/LiveUSB application, but you will need to execute commands through the console.

Access right

From time to time there are viruses that change editing and access rights, so the system is not able to use any file. It is worth checking for the appropriate privileges for the system and adding them for the administrator so that the user can influence the section.

  1. Go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\;
  2. Discover LogFiles storage;
  3. RMB on the folder and select “Properties”;
  4. Click on the “Access” tab;

  1. Click on “Advanced sharing settings”;
  2. Set the “Open access” flag;

  1. Then the “Security” tab;
  2. The window should indicate permissions for “System”, “TrustedInstaller” and “Creator-Owner”;
  3. Near the section with users there is a button “Change”;

  1. Then a window will open where you should click on “Add”;

  1. In the largest field you need to enter the user login to add, the system will make prompts;

  1. At the end of the manipulations, the changes are saved;
  2. Now the folder is renamed, and the system will create a new and clean storage.

Read also: How to optimize Windows operation 10 can be found here

System Restore

The rollback to a stable point function helps quite often, but in pirated versions Windows given the service is usually disabled. To perform a restore means to roll back the system to the point in which it was at the time the point was formed.

The recovery method is simple:

  1. Click Start and enter “Recovery” in the line;
  2. Run the found function and click “Next” in the first window;
  3. Then select a suitable point from the list and click “Next”.

The subsequent manipulations are practically independent of the user and there is a built-in assistant, so you won’t get confused.

This manipulation can be performed somewhat easier using the command line. To do this you need to follow the instructions verbatim:

  1. Click on Start and enter cmd into the search;
  2. RMB on the found element and run with admin rights;
  3. The expression secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose is inserted into the console

The error should now be resolved as the problems in the main directories and services have been resolved. If the fault is localized in system files, you can use the Microsoft Fix It utility - this is a tool from OS developers for Windows diagnostics. The built-in system integrity check tool is sfc /scannow - you need to enter it into the console.

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