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Is it possible to search Odnoklassniki by photo and find a person if you do not have any more information about him - let's look at this question.

We all know that friends cannot be lost! And if you lost them, no matter for what reason - you moved to another city or even another country, or just divorced your life - urgently start looking for them using any means at hand. Great option for such searches are social networks. For example, try it, because a huge number of accounts are registered there.

Search for people by name and photo in Odnoklassniki for free

In order to find someone on this site, you must have a working account on it, and the device from which the search will be performed must be connected to the Internet. If all of the above is in order, you can start looking!

Search for a person only by photo in Odnoklassniki

But what if you do not know the person's name, but only have his photograph? Is it really impossible to find it? Many recently created services claim that they will find you a person from half a kick - literally from one photo. We decided to check if it really is that simple.

Some advise not to worry and charge the image search in Yandex or Google:

Yes, we found Lady Gaga in this way, but here’s a photo of an ordinary person (we tried four different ones), who is not so famous on the Internet - no, we didn’t find anything (only similar and not very photos of other people).

You can also try this method, perhaps the person you are looking for has much more heritage on the World Wide Web.


We went into each of them and checked the work several times - they don’t find it 🙁 They don’t find anything at all. You can try it yourself, maybe you will have a different result, but we were not lucky.

Be careful with those services that offer to pay for their services! You can spend your hard earned money and get no effect.

Explanatory instructions about searching for a person by photo in Odnoklassniki did not work. We tried, you can try the listed methods, if they work, we will be glad. If you find a way that is really effective, then write about it in the comments - it will help everyone a lot.

Is it possible? You will learn about it by reading our other article on this site.

Search for a person by photo

Greetings dear friends, I am almost sure that every person sooner or later faced a problem when there is a photo but, unfortunately, there is no more information.

A way has appeared that will allow you, just by taking a picture of a person, to find him on social networks.

Let's say you liked a person, whether in the subway or on the street, but, unfortunately, you do not dare to approach him for one reason or another, so a service called Findface will help you find a person by photo, you only need to photograph him discreetly and all.

Program for finding people by photo

Findface works from a photo not even of himself High Quality. This service will help in finding people on Vkontakte.

Findface positions itself as a dating service. If you have a smartphone based on IOS or Android, then you can use the chat that will allow you to chat with the person you are looking for.

So for using this application you must be registered with social network"In contact with"

Go to the official website for this link

A window will appear in front of you, in which we click " Find the same!»

Then we allow the application access to your account with the button " Allow»

You will be taken to a page to upload a photo. One moment, the program is shareware, 30 searches will be available to you per account.
In order to increase the number of searches, you need to purchase: PREMIUM ACCOUNT or VIP ACCOUNT, to purchase, click on the icon " How to get more»

Well, we go directly to the search for a person by photo on the Internet. Upload a photo to the appropriate tab by clicking " Download»

Then in the search results, you will see user profiles that are very similar to the photo you uploaded. Accordingly, the profiles that the program considered the most relevant will be higher.

In order to view the information we are interested in, click on the desired photo from the search and optionally open the profile of the character you are looking for

It is possible that the program will find many fake profiles, in the search process you must determine for yourself whether the real person is in front of you or not.

Yandex and Google allow you to search by faces, as well as find similar images.

Why is this needed?

For example, this will help find other photos of a person from an existing photo.

I think the easiest thing is to find copies of the image in various formats, with additional elements, etc.

Let's take a photo of the famous actress Monica Bellucci and use it to test Yandex and Google.

Search engines have special operators that allow you to search by faces.

Now we take a photo of a person from social networks, result:

Obviously, there are no other photos of this particular lady here, but there are enough relatively similar ones.

More nuances of Yandex search by pictures - on the following video:


NEW: based on photos and other information.

Finding copies of images is not difficult for search engines to cope with. However, if we are talking about searching for other photos of this person by face, so far such a search is more relevant for people who have many photos on the network that are open for indexing.

Explore the article- here you can also find information about services - photo repositories, which can also be used for search similar faces or specific people.

Today, finding a person has become much easier than it was 10 years ago, because today there is the Internet and computer technologies that allow you to find almost anyone. Moreover, regardless of where he lives, where he accesses the Internet, how old he is and what he works with. Before the Internet, we are all equal. In this article we will talk about the most common methods of finding people, of course, all of them will be associated with the Internet and its capabilities.
To begin with, we would like to point out the fact that we will be talking about ways to find your old friends, classmates and acquaintances. Naturally, if a person is lost, then finding him in this way is almost impossible, but no one bothers you to try to do it.

How to find a person by address?

It's very simple, use social networks for this, you can find almost everyone in them. To do this, register in one of the social networks (for example, in VKontakte), go to the "People" section.

You will see a lot of parameters by which you can search:

You can also search simply by entering the data you know in search engine Yandex or Google, it is possible that you will be able to find a person if he became famous or started a personal blog.

How to find a person by photo on the Internet?

To be honest, it is very difficult to find a person on the Internet from a photo, but if he posted his photos on the Internet or others did it for him, then you are lucky. To do this is also quite simple. Our website recommends scanning a photo so that it is available on a computer as an image (if it is a digital photo, this is no longer necessary). Next, upload it to Google Images. To do this, go to the "" page and click the "camera" button, then point to the photo that is already on your PC.
