What are channel keywords. YouTube keyword research - free service

Youtube- is growing daily in terms of the number of users, and it is foolish not to use this site as a channel to attract visitors and potential customers.

In this article, we will look at how to choose keywords for youtube, what are the ways, methods, as well as tips from experience.

Video promotion on YouTube includes:

- optimization

- spreading

So here's the pick keywords for video is very important and affects the quality of video clip optimization.

We will select keywords using:

— Video of competitors

And now to the point and in detail:

YouTube, like Google, has a keyword selection service for video searches.

For selection:

- select the desired language

- select the desired region

- select YouTube video URL

As a result, the service shows us the keywords for which the competitor's video is optimized.

At the time of this writing, the service displayed keywords incorrectly, namely:

This gives out only for Russian words, if you look at the results of the video for English words, then:

Most likely these are temporary errors that will be corrected in the near future and work correctly.

We do the same ourselves - we collect suitable keywords and add them to the list for video optimization.

3. Google keyword tool

It is best to initially use the keyword selection service from Google. After all, YouTube is their project, and the selection service is an order of magnitude better than the one mentioned above.

To start picking up words, you need to register in gmail.

Enter the keyword:

Then we make a list. Usually 5-10 keywords are enough for a video.

For example, for a video about how to promote a site, it would look like this:

Keyword selection for youtube- an important point. Since this partially affects the keywords for which your video will be found both in Youtube itself and in the Google search engine.

Keywords are the same tags, only on Youtube. It is enough to find 30-40 minutes of free time to cope with this task. Today I will try to open this topic and answer the following questions:

Why do you need YouTube tags?
- How to see other people's tags on youtube?
— Where and how to find popular tags for YouTube?
- YouTube channel keywords. Where and what to write?

Before you learn how to select tags for youtube, you need to know that there is a certain gradation between them.

In the subject of the article, I would like to recommend a site for channel promotion (for a fee and with high quality):

Tag classification

By popularity, tags for YouTube, as well as keywords for the site, can be divided into:

- high frequency
- mid-range
- low frequency.

It is easy to guess that the most views can be gained using the first tags from the list above. True, there is one caveat: sometimes it is very problematic to bring a video with high-frequency key queries (tags) to the TOP, especially for a young channel.

For example, I will say that I own a channel Clear TV and use key queries in the following percentage:

- 60% high-frequency;
- 25% midrange;
- 15% low frequencies.

By place of use, tags for youtube can be divided into:

— tags for the channel;
— tags for playlists;
- tags for video.

The tags for the channel will be high-frequency (I’ll tell you how and where to register them below). For playlists, I advise you to use the midrange. For video… No, you guessed it wrong 🙂 For video, we will use both high-frequency and mid-frequency tags (if necessary, low-frequency tags).

Hope I didn't confuse you. To show with an example, let's take a video with the title: how to download music from a new VK in 1 minute.

It is not difficult to guess that the main tag is written in the title and it sounds like this: how to download music from the new VK.
The video is placed in the playlist with the main key request: how to set up a new VKontakte.
One word will appear in the keywords of the channel: vkontakte or the phrase: vkontakte music.

Approximately according to this scheme, you can choose tags for: specific videos, playlists and channel.

Why do you need YouTube tags?

Channel tags signal to Youtube itself what information is on the channel.
Tags for playlists can give the user information that a person has more than one video on the channel, but a whole series of videos on some topic.
Tags for videos on YouTube play the most important role and they help the user to find the right or most suitable video in his opinion on request.

How to see other people's tags on youtube?

Finding out the tags of a video, playlist or channel on youtube is not difficult, just in the browser Google Chrome install add-on: "Clever" for Youtube (the video below shows how to do it and how it works). I advise you to subscribe to the channel, there are many useful information, including on Youtube.

Look - does not mean ... Well, you recognized someone's tags, so what? Of course, some of them can be used in your video, but it's far from certain that it will be optimal choice(even if you peeped the tags from the TOP blogger). You can peek at other people's tags in a video or on a channel, but 100% copying of tags will not guarantee that you will have the same number of views.

How do I select tags? I use Yandex Wordstat and sometimes (in 10 cases out of 100) I look at what competitors have there by tags. In fact, this is the answer to the question: where and how to find popular tags for YouTube?

youtube channel keywords. Where and what to write?

If I advise you to write phrases in video tags, then it is better to write tags for the channel from 1 word each. Tags should be written like this: “keyword”, “keyword 1″… How many tags can be written on a youtube channel? 15-20 pieces are definitely possible and this is quite enough. To finally fill this empty window, go to " creative studio"of your channel, on the left click" Channel "and go to the" Advanced " subsection. It is logical that our ready-made tags should be inserted next to the inscription “Channel keywords”. Don't forget to save after making 🙂

How can I see my channel tags?

We go with Google Chrome as a guest to our channel (do not forget that the add-on that was written about above must be installed) and we see that everything is ok. I hope you know how to add tags for videos and playlists without me? 🙂

By keywords, YouTube users find thematic videos and rate pages robots search engines(Google, Yandex). YouTube keywords are extremely important for channel optimization and promotion.

There are few basic methods for selecting YouTube channel keywords:

  • use keyword analytics on the site wordstat.yandex.ru (type wordstat in the search);
  • turn to specialists, i.e. to SMM-boxes;
  • think independently, based on the subject of the video;
  • use special programs, which is innumerable.

Professional webmasters will help you choose the best keywords. But you will have to pay for this service. Turning to specialists can be justified if the owner of the channel is not familiar with the language in which the words are selected, and a large commercial effect is expected from the channel - a profit amounting to solid sums. Self-selection of keywords on YouTube can be done by users who have already had to do this many times and have successful experience. In principle, many directors are familiar with the nuances of website promotion. High-quality promotion and promotion on your YouTube channel you can find by going to link .

Facilitates the task of specific software offered by the same YouTube and third-party developers. YouTube's Keyword Tool Reveals Specific Phrases You'll Like search robots and are often entered by users when searching for videos on a specific topic. Currently automatic creation key queries - the most common way. More about YouTube channel optimization You can read it by clicking on the link.

YouTube keyword research software

YouTube Keyword Suggestion accepts as input a phrase or set of words that gives a rough idea of ​​the search topic. The order of the words may be incorrect, and the phrase almost never occurs on the real Internet. The task of the software is to issue the "correct" and statistically significant keys. To do this, the databases of YouTube itself and the search engines accessed by the programs are used.

YouTube's premier keyword tool - YouTube program keywords . It is tailored for key phrases specifically for YouTube and takes into account the specifics of this social network. It is clear that when searching for movies, queries are different from those entered on general search sites.

Also good results are shown by the Google keyword tool programs and the Wordstat service from Yandex. It's no wonder YouTube is closely linked to the big search engines.

Previously, it was possible to set the video address of competitors at the input and get keywords from there. Now this option is blocked by YouTube. But if you wish, you can peep the key phrases on the pages of competitors directly by loading HTML files into a text editor.YouTube channel keywordscan be found in the keywords tag in the page title, and copied from there manually. Using the achievements of rivals helps a lot, especially in foreign languages. To get likes for videos, follow this address .

What to do with keywords on YouTube

When the YouTube keyword suggestion has worked and you have received actionable phrases, it remains to enter them into your channel. You need to go to the channel settings, in the "Advanced" menu, find the "Channel keywords" input field and copy the keywords there. After saving the settings, they will appear in the page headers and will be available to search robots. Some useful tips on promotion and promotion of the channel on YouTube you will find in the following article .

An example of a set of key phrases on YouTube for the tag: site promotion

In any case, automatically received phrases will not interfere with viewing on your own and making adjustments. Russian-language popular queries often include words such as “free”, “self”, “self”, “download”, “watch”, etc. For example, by entering the approximate phrase “promote a website” into the keyword planner program, you can get effective keyword phrases as an output:

  • how to promote a website for free;
  • how to promote a website for free;
  • how to promote the site yourself;
  • how to promote the site yourself;
  • how to properly promote a site;
  • promote the site in search engines.

Usually 5-10 key phrases are required. If the program gives out more, you should choose the most promising ones at your discretion, guided by the rules of the Russian language and common sense. With our inexpensive service, you can buy live views on youtube at one of the lowest prices on the internet. Test the service and you will be satisfied with the results.

Hello dear blog readers promotion on YouTube. In this article, we will look at one of the priority issues with you - this is the selection of keywords for YouTube videos.

A very important point is to decide at the beginning of the journey on which keyword you will promote your video. For this we open http://wordstat.yandex.ru/ and enter your keyword.

We copy the phrase that matches your request and transfer it to youtube. This is necessary in order to determine the competition - the ability to promote our video to the top of Google and YouTube without much effort.

I chose a good query "stuttering treatment" - for which the approximate traffic is 7468 requests per month, and in youtube the competition is 1620 results. The next step is to analyze competitors TOP 3 - 5 in youtube. Find out what keywords your competitors are ranking for.

Click on the first video TOP 1 and pause it. On the view page right click mouse select "page code view". We look at the tags and put them in a notepad. We carry out the same actions with other videos.

Creating a quality video requires certain skills and a lot of effort. However, if the video is really interesting and hosted on youtube, it will be viewed by many users, and you you can make good money on it. For manufacturers and distributors of goods and services, placed video advertising will also increase demand, which will lead to an increase in the total turnover of companies.

However, only knowledge in video processing and editing will not be enough, and you will not get the effect you expected. In order for a large circle of youtube users to find and watch exactly your video, you need to make a lot of efforts so that, as a result of the search, various search engines place exactly your link in the top. To do this, there are many ways, using which, you will significantly raise your positions in search engines.

YouTube has a SPECIAL tool, which helps to find trending requests of users of this service. Standard tools like Yandex Wordstat, etc. not always help to find the words for which it is worth creating new videos.

One of the coolest video keyword search tools is Youtube Keyword Tool. It will help you find the keywords used when searching for video hosting.

Best YouTube Keyword Search Tool

Recently, the video hosting's own keyword search tool has been disabled. Some functionality switched to KMC. However, these tools are designed for issuing keywords to commercials.

They most often have a general purpose (in most cases, very far from the content of the video) and are not fully able to meet your needs, because when you search for your information, links to advertising video streams will appear first of all.

When entering the first words to search for something, search engines have long introduced the issuance of possible options that are most often found, since this is very convenient for users and allows you to significantly reduce the time for adding text.

The YouTube Keyword Tool uses autocomplete search string technologies when you type certain words.

This allows you to find low-frequency phrases that will be as close as possible to the subject of the video. This service will be able to select hundreds of keywords and phrases (keywords) used in a particular subject, while providing the opportunity to select a region (country) in which your information will be most in demand and translate them.

Video promotion

For people who are closely related to making money on youtube, it is known that SEO optimization linking to videos should be done very carefully (although this applies not only to videos, but also to other resources that need to be promoted). The YouTube Keyword Tool will be the main assistant for solving this issue.

Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Learn how to promote your YouTube channel and earn from it $10,000

It is not always clear on what principle and algorithm the video hosting uses the first phrases of the query, but it is safe to say that the name of the video file, as well as the use of tags in the description, are incredibly important. With their help, the youtube search engine will distribute the video into a certain category and will issue it to users who are most interested in this topic.

The Keyword Tool software will help you decide on the title that will be most suitable for the video, select the necessary key phrases and phrases so that your link is at the top of the list.

And this despite the fact that in search engines such as Google, links to your video will also be in the top of the search results.

Creating a list of tags for YouTube videos

6 cool ideas for recording videos on YouTube - how and what to make a video about so that it becomes popular on Youtube

In all popular search engines and services, the documentation says that tags (key phrases) help you find your link.

In YouTube, you can prescribe a certain number of tags that will significantly help optimize the channel and direct you to your videos target audience. Moreover, this can be done both for a long-uploaded video and a new one.

In order to optimize your video files as much as possible, you do not need to rush to prescribe tags that, in your opinion, will be most suitable. It is best to use the service for youtube keyword tool. It will help to highlight the most significant keywords that should be written. Remember that they do not need to be entered in tens and hundreds! This will not only have no effect, but will lower your video even lower in the search engine results.

Keyword Tool will be a great help for you to promote and promote your video on the most popular video hosting in the world! If you complete all the necessary steps in the right order, you can make very good money on your own channel. Wherein, this program will help you choose tags not only in your native language, but also in others, which will ensure viewing own video foreign users.
