Internet as a global information system. When did the Internet appear in Russia? Internet resources

The Internet is familiar to a typical resident of a modern city, but this state of affairs was preceded by a rather long and difficult path of formation and development of technologies, thanks to which it was possible to ensure the deployment of the World Wide Web on a global scale. What are these solutions? How did it develop in Russia?

Definition of the Internet

Internet as a global Information system is a computer network, the nodes of which are distributed throughout the world, and at the same time are connected logically through the use of a special address space. The functioning of this global network is possible primarily due to the unification of communication standards: for example, TCP / IP is used as the main one, which is implemented in the same way on any computers connected to the World Wide Web.

IN modern form The Internet as a global information system has existed for about 30 years. But by the time it appeared, the infrastructure on the basis of which World Wide Web, was quite developed in many countries of the world.

It will be useful to consider how it was built in various states. It is noteworthy that the history of the development of infrastructure, on the basis of which the modern Internet began to be built, practically coincides with the period of confrontation between the two largest world technological systems - Western and Soviet. Of course, this is a very simplified classification, since both within the framework of the first system and the second, regional, national technologies were actively developed, which are very different in some cases.

Ultimately, the basis for development modern internet the Western model nevertheless became - however, by the time it was introduced in the USSR, Soviet specialists already had experience in deploying computer networks, to some extent similar to the Western model of the Internet. Thus, let us consider how the World Wide Web developed within the framework of the Western technological system, as well as when the Internet appeared in Russia, based on the specifics of the development of the national infrastructure of computer networks.

History of the Internet in Western Countries

In the late 50s, during one of the most difficult periods of the Cold War, the US government set a task for American scientists: to create a data transmission infrastructure that could function even in a global armed conflict. The scientists came up with the concept similar system The project was named ARPANET.

In 1969, the computers of several major American universities were networked according to schemes that were developed by scientists as part of this project. Subsequently, the experience gained by researchers was adopted by many other interested structures: this led to the growth of computer networks operating according to ARPANET standards on a national scale.

Specialized programs for this infrastructure also appeared: for example, already in 1971, software was written for the ARPANET designed to send messages. In fact, we are talking about the appearance of the first e-mail - the main functions of the Internet today still include the organization of data exchange in the appropriate format. In the 70s, e-mail was, according to researchers, the most demanded feature deployed in the framework of the American project.

Gradually, the scale of ARPANET went beyond the United States: various European organizations began to connect to the network. At the same time, communication with the American infrastructure was organized through a telephone cable laid across the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, from the moment the Europeans connected to the ARPANET, in particular in 1973, British and Norwegian organizations began to organize data exchange with the network, the project became international. However, communications between computers located in different parts of the planet were not always stable due to the lack of generally accepted standards for data exchange.

The corresponding problem was fixed after the introduction of the universal TCP/IP protocol. It is still used by almost all Internet resources.

By the time TCP-IP was introduced, the American-European network was still more interregional than global - despite the fact that in 1983 the name "Internet" was attached to it. But its further expansion was rapid. This process contributed to the invention in 1984 of the DNS standard - on its basis, the domain name service began to function. It can be noted that in the same year, the ARPANET project had a serious competitor in the face of the NSFNet network, which united computers from various universities.

NSFNet as the infrastructure basis of the Internet

The NSFNet infrastructure made it possible to provide significantly higher dynamics. At the same time, it grew at the most active pace. Gradually, the “Internet” began to be called just the same growing network NSFNet. In 1988, it became possible to use its resources to organize instant messaging in the chat format - using the IRC protocol.

In 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the concept of a global computer network, the World Wide Web. Over the next 2 years, he creates the Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP, the HTML language, as well as URL identifiers. According to many researchers, it was thanks to the inventions of Tim Berners-Lee that the Internet as a global information system began its rapid march across the planet.

These standards, as well as the capabilities of the universal TCP / IP protocol, have made it possible to scale the World Wide Web on a global scale at a gigantic pace. In the early 90s, the main features of the Internet that are available to modern users were formed: accessing web pages through browsers, posting information on them, receiving and transferring files. Of course, e-mail and IRC services remained in demand.

perfected Xia hypertext language, site management technologies. Servers have been used as the backbone of the Internet for a long time. nsf net, but in 1995 given function was transferred network providers. In 1996, it became common www Standard, through which it was possible to transmit almost any data using Internet channels. But the standard has retained its relevance FTP. And today manyInternet resourcescontinue to use it for efficient file sharing.

In its usual form, the World Wide Web as a whole was formed by the beginning of the 2000s. As the speed of user access to online resources increased due to technologies such as DSL, fiber, 3G, 4G, video content hosting resources such as YouTube, gaming portals, cloud services. Through the Internet, not only the exchange of data between people is organized, but also between various devices— from simple household items to large industrial infrastructure. There are a large number of scientific concepts regarding how the Internet will develop as a global information system in the future. They are very different, and in many respects their implementation depends on the course of development of computer technologies themselves.

History of the Internet in Russia

Let us now study when the Internet appeared in Russia. We have familiarized ourselves with the Western model for the development of online communications, and now it is important for us to understand how the corresponding infrastructure was implemented in our country.

As we noted at the beginning of the article, for a long time information technologies in the Soviet Union developed in parallel with Western ones. It should be noted that, to a large extent, their development became possible due to the appearance in the USSR of resources for the reproduction of the Western microprocessor base, which began to be actively introduced at various levels of communications management in the 60-70s, although before that Soviet scientists had very progressive developments of their own. . But one way or another, the essence of the Internet in the Western interpretation could differ significantly from the concepts of the development of computer networks in the USSR.

Back in the 1950s, Soviet scientists were building computer networks as part of projects to create a missile defense infrastructure. These networks were based on Soviet computers such as "Diana-I", "Diana-II" and other solutions. The exchange of information between the corresponding computers was carried out in order to calculate the trajectory of the flight of anti-missiles.

In the 1970s, computer networks were also actively used in the civil sphere, in particular, as an infrastructure within the framework of systems such as ACS-Express and Sirena, which made it possible to reserve railway and air tickets, respectively. In 1974, the computer encoding KOI-8 was invented.

In the first half of the 80s, the VNIIPAS Institute began to carry out, using computers, remote data exchange with foreign organizations. In general, in the 80s, the deployment of Soviet network computer systems went quite actively, largely due to the appearance in the USSR of localized versions of the operating system UNIX (on the principles of which modern Linux operating systems operate and, in turn, Android operating systems based on it, which can be attributed to the most common in the world, if we take the mobile device market). In fact, by 1990, the USSR had formed all the necessary infrastructure for the subsequent unification of Soviet computer networks and the Internet, which functioned on the basis of NSFNet resources.

RELCOM - national computer network

All-Union computer network RELCOM, which uses Internet protocols and technologies. Communication between computers is provided through telephone channels. The most important role in building this infrastructure was played by the developers of the Demos cooperative, which developed various software solutions.

In August 1990, researchers from the University of Helsinki established a link to ensure the functioning of the channels for the transmission of mail messages within the Internet itself. In September 1990, RELCOM specialists, as well as the Demos company, registered the domain of the Soviet Union. Su, which is still in use - and there are versions that its popularity will grow.

In the USSR, along with RELCOM, FIDO user networks are being developed. By 1991, for Soviet users connecting to RELCOM, resources with domain addressing became available - like on the modern Internet. In 1992 already in Russian Federation first providers appear.

The use of the international TCP/IP standard in Russia is becoming widespread. In April 1994, the national domain.Ru was registered. Since then, the Internet in Russia has developed in general in the same way as in Western countries. At the same time, Russian specialists have also made a significant contribution to the development of the World Wide Web, in particular at the level of developing anti-virus and server solutions.

So, we have studied how the Internet works, the development features of the relevant communication technologies in Russia and in the West. Let us now study what the World Wide Web is today.

Modern Internet: providers

Internet access for users is provided by providers. Let's study the specifics of the tasks they solve.

What is an Internet Service Provider? In the early years of the development of the World Wide Web, this was considered a company that provides switching services to ensure communication between the user and the nearest Internet servers. Now the provider is a supplier of high-tech communication resources that ensure functioning on a regional and sometimes national scale. Companies providing relevant services can be both very large, international, and local, which can operate on the scale of one city.

There are a large number of technologies through which providers can provide their services: optical and telephone channels, satellite, cellular internet. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The prices for the Internet formed by the provider largely depend on which channels are used. As a rule, the most affordable for the user are wired channels, a little more expensive - cellular, the most expensive - satellite. In this case, payment for the services of the provider can be carried out:

  • in the form of a subscription fee;
  • for traffic
  • in some cases - for the time of access to the Network.

The role of the Internet in the modern world is primarily to provide users with the opportunity to visit various sites.

Modern Internet: websites

A site hosted on the Internet is a collection of files (text, graphics, video and audio recordings containing other multimedia components) that are accessed through protocols such as WWW, HTTP, FTP and others that are optimal in one case or another. Of course, these files are systematized in a certain way to facilitate the perception of information by the user.

The main system element of the site is a web page. In most cases, it is compiled in HTML, often using various scripts. The site may have different themes. It can be an online newspaper, blog, video hosting, sports, entertainment portal - there are a huge number of types of resources that can be placed on the World Wide Web.

Modern Internet: radio and television

We noted above that as communication technologies develop and data transfer speeds increase, various video resources on the Internet are gaining popularity. Such can be considered, for example, Internet television, as well as online radio. These technologies make it possible to broadcast television and radio programs on special sites using special technologies.

It is noteworthy that many of the modern services allow any user to organize their own broadcasting. Internet television, given the prevalence of high-speed lines, is no longer a privilege, but an ordinary resource. Which, at the same time, may require significant investments (labor, financial) from users in its promotion and development. The same can be said about websites. An online newspaper or entertainment portal can be registered by any user, but turning it into a recognizable brand is not an easy task.

Modern Internet: mobile applications

One of the most pronounced trends in the development of the modern Internet can be considered the ubiquity of mobile applications- special software launched from smartphones or tablets. Functionally, application data in many cases can be similar to web pages. But there are also specialized solutions of the appropriate type, for example, adapted to organize secure access to any personal account, such as a bank account. The Internet today is a communication environment within which almost any digital data can be transmitted, and in many cases this requires the use of special protocols and technologies, including those implemented in mobile applications.


So, we have studied what the concept of the World Wide Web is, as well as the main technologies that are involved in order to ensure its functioning. The essence of the Internet - in providing users from all over the world with stable low-cost access to various types of useful information, files, multimedia content, as well as resources through which people can communicate with each other and exchange various data. Such an opportunity today is already familiar to residents, probably, of all countries of the world, although earlier it was available to very few people, in many cases it could be used only with high qualifications in the field of information technology.

Who is an Internet provider, which one you can connect to and at what price are questions that a typical resident of a modern metropolis almost certainly knows about. The World Wide Web continues to evolve: new services, technologies, concepts for organizing user communication appear, devices for data transmission are being improved. How technological progress will go, how the world economy will develop, will determine the vectors for the further development of the Internet.

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 11 classes | Lesson planning for the academic year (according to the textbook by Semakina I.G.) 2 hours per week |

Lessons 24 - 29
Organization and Internet services (§§ 10 - 12)
Practical work 2.1. "Internet. Working with e-mail and teleconferencing"
Practical work 2.2. "Internet. Working with a browser. Browsing Web pages"
Practical work 2.3. "Internet. Saving downloaded Web pages"
Practical work 2.4. "Internet. Working with search engines"

Internet as a global information system (§ 11)

Internet as a global information system (§ 11)

In what follows, we will talk about the Internet in terms of fulfilling its main purpose: to be a global information system. A system that gives the user unlimited opportunities both for information communications with other people and for obtaining any information of interest to him.

Means of providing certain information services for users of the Network are commonly called services (services) of the Internet. The number of different services on the Web is constantly growing. We will describe only some of the most famous services, dividing them into communication and information.

Every service on the Internet is provided with the help of server programs. Servers are divided into several types, depending on the type of service provided to users: web servers provide access to information in the form of web pages, file servers provide access to files, mail servers exchange mail messages, game servers serve for the simultaneous game of several users, etc. A client program interacts with the server, running on the user's computer.

E-mail – e-mail Network node Server e-mail POP3 protocol Client's mailbox. Address: ra User's computer Client e-mail ( Outlook Express) SMTP protocol Mail folders: Inbox Outbox Sent items INTERNET

Teleconferences - Organization of mail correspondence. To become a participant of the conference, you need to subscribe to it. For these purposes, there are certain addresses. A teleconference is always devoted to a certain topic, so the correspondence in it takes place only within the framework of the topic.

Forums of direct communication - chat Literally translated "chatter" in real time (chat - conferences). Communication between the participants takes place online in writing. Just like in a teleconference, the participants of a chat conference are divided into thematic groups.

Internet - telephony voice communication through the network online. This is a new, growing service. Its main advantage over the phone is its low price. The quality is still inferior telephone communication(time delays, sound distortion), but there is no doubt that over time this shortcoming will be overcome.

File Transfer This service is often referred to by the name of the protocol used: FTP (File Transfer Protocol). On the Web side, the service is provided by FTP servers, and on the user side, FTP clients. The purpose of the FTP server is to store a set of files for a wide variety of purposes (usually in an archived form).

The World Wide Web (WWW, World Wide Web) is the most massive information service on the Internet today. It is a huge information system distributed all over the world containing millions of documents on a wide variety of topics. This service is based on the HTTP protocol.

Questions: 1. Explain the difference between communication and information services on the Web. 2. Why do the email server and client use different protocols? 3. What is the difference between a chat-conference and a teleconference? 4. What is the advantage of Internet telephony compared to traditional telephony?

Internet as a global information system

Prepared by: teacher of mathematics and computer science

MOU "Uysko-Chebarkulskaya secondary school"

Musienko Vera Petrovna

Any service on the Internet is provided with the help of server programs. Servers are divided into several types, depending on the type of service that is provided to users: - web servers (provide access to information in the form web pages); - file servers (provide access to files) ; - mail servers (perform mail exchange) ; - game servers (serve for the simultaneous game of several users) and etc.

Internet Services built on client-server technology Communication Informational -E-mail - File Transfer (FTP) - Video conferencing - WWW - World Wide Web - Forums of direct communication (chat) - IP telephony (Internet telephony)

Email - e-mail.

  • Email- the most popular type of service on the Internet. Its purpose is to support the exchange emails between users. To create and receive letters, various programs for working with e-mail are used - specialized, for example, Eudora, or built into Web browser, such as Netscape Navigator .

Scheme of functioning of e-mail

Network node

User computer

Email server

Email client.

Communication session

POP3 protocol

SMTP protocol

Client mailbox. Address: name@server_address

Mail folders:

  • inbox
  • outgoing
  • Sent


video conference

video conference- region information technology, which simultaneously provides two-way transmission, processing, transformation and presentation of interactive information at a distance in real time using hardware and software of computer technology.


symmetrical asymmetrical

(subscribers see and hear each other) (some participants only see and hear, but

are not regularly involved).

Instant messaging services (chat).

Instant messaging service is a way to send messages to interactive users using the TCP/IP protocol ( network service). The contact list displays connected users who can participate in the conversation.

The most popular instant messaging program.

ICQ (I Seek You - I'm Looking For You) is a popular program (the most common Internet pager) for real-time communication. Since ICQ is an outdated centralized network with a closed protocol, experts currently recommend that users migrate from the ICQ system to Jabber.

IP telephony (Internet telephony)

IP-telephony is a system that allows you to talk in real time using Internet communication channels.

There are two types of connection, depending on the communication devices used.

First option, computer - computer;

Second option, computer-phone.

File Transfer (FTP)

File Transfer (FTP) is an electronic information transmission system that allows each network user to access programs and documents stored on a remote computer.

WWW - World Wide Web

The World Wide Web(English) world wide web) is a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on various computers connected to the Internet.

What is email?

E-mail is in many ways similar to regular postal communication. After writing a letter on a sheet of paper, the sender puts the sheet into an envelope, seals it, sticks a stamp on it and writes the address of the recipient. Then he drops the envelope into the nearest Mailbox.� After some time, the letter will be delivered to the recipient. If it turns out that for any reason the letter cannot be delivered, it will be returned to the sender. �Email does the same much faster with the help of the Internet and computers, which is why it is mainly used today for daily business and personal correspondence.� Instead of paper and pen, you use the keyboard to type the text of the letter in the window mail program or browser. Letters are sent by pressing the "Send" button or similar. � Mail servers act as post offices, and Internet channels serve as postmen. Mail servers store users' e-mail boxes. As soon as the user looks into his mailbox, he will immediately see the incoming letters. And then it's only a matter of minutes (or seconds) to read them.� What is an email message? You can think of email messages as electronic documents, similar to documents created by programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, WordPad or Notebook.

Usually, special email programs are used to create, send and receive e-mail messages, such as Microsoft Outlook Express, Netscape Composer, The Bat! etc. Another popular way to work with mail does not involve the use of a special mail program - a regular browser is enough. The visitor only needs to go to the mail page to send and receive emails. e-mail transmit audio messages, Images, office documents, in a word, everything that can be written to a file.

What is an email address?

An e-mail address, or e-mail address, is a name that uniquely identifies the e-mail box where the e-mail message is sent. IN various types networks, email address formats may vary. The following form of address is accepted on the Internet: user_name @domain_name. Usually the username matches the login by which he accesses the Internet from his provider

What is e-mail?

E-mail is a letter sent using a computer (e-mail). The content of the message can be either text entered from the keyboard or a file stored on disk. A sent message is stored in a "box" on the mail server serving the recipient's email address until the recipient downloads the message to his computer. After reading the message is deleted from mail server and can be saved, printed, forwarded to another recipient, or deleted by the user.

What is login and password?

Login (from the English log in) is a set of letters and numbers necessary for authorization and identifying you in the system. The login is used together with the password and only you should know them.

Elementary rules for creating a password:

1. Do not use the most common password options.

2. Do not use passwords that are consonant with the login.

3. Use large and small letters, as well as numbers in the password (except for the date of birth, phone number, etc.)

4. Try to come up with a password that you can remember in a year.

5. The longer the password, the more secure it is.

What are the free mailboxes?

Currently, there are quite a large number of servers that provide free mailboxes. Here are some of them:��;�;�

Before proceeding to the practical part, let's do gymnastics for the eyes (exercises are being performed)

Practical part

Find the sign up button. Fill in the fields of the registration window.

Consolidation of the concept of "login", "password", "@". Mailing addresses.

Create and enter your username and password. After successful registration, close the window and log in to your email inbox again.

We get acquainted with the command buttons of the program: view mail, write, send, attach a file, etc. We write a letter to the created email addresses to each other, for this the teacher offers to exchange email addresses. We accept mail - open a letter. Attach a postcard. Individual tasks: Anzhelika writes an invitation to Ulyana's birthday, Kirill invites Nikita, Kostya writes a congratulation on March 8 (girl of choice). Angelina writes a request to a classmate to help with homework, etc. The teacher approaches students who have difficulties, observes the work in the classroom. The teacher explains the concept of e-mail culture.

The teacher asks those who failed to create their mailbox to raise their hands. The teacher asks the guys who have already sent the letter to raise their hands. (students should all see the phrase “letter sent successfully) The teacher asks those guys who have already received an e-mail to raise their hands. The teacher verbally encourages the children who completed the task the fastest. The teacher offers those children who completed the task to send each other text file, which they created at the beginning of the lesson. The teacher at this time works with those children who have difficulties.
