How to completely clear a VK group wall. How to clean a wall in VK in a few clicks - detailed instructions

For several years, you have been scrolling through your favorite communities and reposting interesting posts from there. One day, when their number exceeded a thousand, I wanted to delete it all. You can't imagine a worse nightmare than removing each post one by one - you'll have to use something that does it automatically. And there are such ways.

Video - deleting all posts from the VK wall using a script

This is a piece of code that is entered into the address bar or console. It will remove posts currently downloaded on your computer. To remove entries, scroll to the end of the wall. If you can’t load all the posts at once, you can scroll through gradually.

The piece of code we need looks like this:

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item");for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

Now do the following:

  1. Call the console. To do this in Google Chrome, Opera or Firefox, you need to hold down the Ctrl, Shift and C buttons ( Ctrl + Shift + J works too).
  2. Select the Console tab.
  3. Below, in the input field, paste the code and press Enter.

Cleaning the VK wall - method 1

After this, the posts will begin to be cleared. The only thing left to do next is wait. The time it takes to delete records depends on their number. There will be no posts in a few minutes.

There is a simpler option. You don't have to look for the console in it - the code is entered in the field at the top.

You need to enter this script there:

javascript:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str. split("(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval( del_wall,500)

The principle is the same as the previous script. Don't forget to wrap the wall all the way through.

Method 2: programs

There are many programs that make life easier on social media. networks: allow you to download music, remove unnecessary functionality and many other interesting things. Some of them may scrape the page. Let's look at how to work with programs using AutoVk as an example.

Third-party desktop programs always require login information. Enter them at your own risk. Often such programs do not collect passwords, but no one is immune from this.

Cleaning the wall VK method 2. Software method.

As soon as the "Clean Wall" button is pressed, the program will start working. When the work is completed, a notification will pop up.

Ways that don't work

Before the design change, the following programs were popular:

  • Computer program VKBot;
  • Browser extension VkOpt.

VKBot no longer functions, and many options in VkOpt stopped working immediately after major innovations in social media. networks. Now this extension is gradually returning old functions, but today it cannot delete posts from the wall.


Use automatic methods with caution: the VKontakte administration may take such manipulations with distrust and freeze the page. In this case, always remember your password and phone number.

How to delete all posts from a wall in VK at once, if the modern version of the social network does not contain a separate function for destroying reposts and saved publications? This question is not difficult if you look at it more closely. Users are able to use both the built-in functionality of the portal and third-party resources and services. And the most convenient way is to use scripts designed to instantly clear the account’s home page. As a result, the main task is not the destruction itself, but the choice of the optimal approach to avoid unplanned difficulties.

Social The network is constantly changing, so some of the methods that allowed us to achieve acceptable results in the past turned out to be useless in 2019. But several options are universal and do not depend on the implementation of updates. These include:

  • manual removal of unnecessary reposts and posts;
  • using a script for the browser code editor;
  • using a universal code for the address bar.

Each proposed approach differs in its own degree of effectiveness and has positive and negative features that must be taken into account. Therefore, it is worth studying their features in advance so as not to make a mistake in your decision.

Method 1: Manual cleaning

The first approach is the most time-consuming and ineffective. It is optimal when the user expects to get rid of only part of the records, keeping the most important and significant publications. Another situation in which self-deletion is recommended is associated with a small number of published posts, when manual deletion does not cause difficulties.

To use the mentioned method, you need:

  • open the page with publications;
  • find a repost that requires cleaning;
  • click on the three dots in the upper right corner;
  • select the item that offers deletion;
  • take advantage of it.

It is important to emphasize that before exiting the page, it is possible to restore what was destroyed by clicking the corresponding inscription.

Method 2: use the console and script

The above is not suitable for those individuals who do not plan to delay cleaning and do not intend to think about part of what was saved. Therefore, they need an alternative.

An alternative approach to help eliminate unnecessary stuff requires a combination of (function () ( 'use strict'; if (!confirm('Delete all posts from the wall?')) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll('a.ui_actions_menu_item' ); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }());.

Those who want to erase what they have accumulated should not be embarrassed by the lack of harmony and length of what is written, since it is the final result that matters, not the visual impressions.

To use it you will need:

  1. Visit the account with publications and download them by scrolling down.
  2. Right-click on the wall and stop at the line prompting you to show the code.
  3. Go to the Console tab in the loaded menu.
  4. Enter the above script and finish what you started by pressing enter.

It is important to emphasize that the described method helps clear a limited group of records that the user has opened.

Method 3: use the address bar and script

Despite its high efficiency, the above proposal will not be able to cope with the task immediately. But the third method allows you to deal with the accumulated history as simply and quickly as possible at once. He will require:

  1. Open Vk.
  2. Place on the line where portal names are usually located, j@@@avascript:var h = document.getElementsByClassName(“ui_actions_menu _ui_menu”); var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName(“a”).onclick.toString(); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split(“(“); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split( “;”); eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall,500).
  3. Erase @ symbols from the script.
  4. Click enter.
  5. Wait.

It is important to warn that the proposed procedure may temporarily slow down the browser.

How to delete all posts from a wall in VK from your phone?

It is a little more difficult to completely get rid of publications from your phone, since the methods described above will be irrelevant. The best way out of this situation would be to use special utilities or applications that help delete all posts from the wall in VK. An example would be:

  • Vkopt;
  • Vk Cleaner.

It must be taken into account that over time, such services lose efficiency and become useless.


To delete all VK posts on the wall at once, just select one of the approaches suggested above. They will allow you to cope with the task both through the Yandex browser and through other programs. The main thing is to take into account that it will no longer be possible to restore what was deleted, no matter how reckless the decision to clean it turns out to be. Even the enormous importance of the lost posts will not affect the situation: it will not be possible to return destroyed publications.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, we need delete all posts from the VKontakte wall. Previously, this could be done in the settings in one click.

But some time ago, the VKontakte administration abandoned such a move, citing the fact that attackers, having hacked an account, would delete all the most important things using this technique:

Deleting one entry at a time is also not an option. Too long, especially if you have been running the page for several years:

First way works unstable, since the script slows down with the new design.

1. Login to your VKontakte page.

2. Enter the script into browser address bar.

java *** script:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName("a").onclick.toString(); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split( ";"); eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall,500);

3. Remove the asterisks *** and press the Enter key.

Deleting all posts on the VKontakte wall

Second way works flawlessly in 2019, but you will have to insert the code many times if you have a large number of records:

1. We scroll through some of our notes on the wall. For a quick effect, hold down space or end .

2. Click anywhere on the page right mouse button, select the value "View code"(in some browsers it is called differently, for example, "Explore element").

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

4. Confirm deletion and wait for the wall to clear.

  • Now we scroll further through the entries, insert the code and delete them;

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question: Do any methods work on the new 2018 design?
Yes, they do. But the script sometimes stops deleting records, so I advise you to use the second method.

Question: Is it possible to delete posts in a community?
Answer: Yes, if you are a community admin.

Question: How to stop deletion?
Answer: Refresh the page (press F5).

Question: The search engine opens/page not found when I enter the script and press Enter, what should I do?
Answer: This is because you forgot to remove the asterisks *** at the beginning of the code.

Question: I want to delete old entries and leave new ones, what should I do?
Answer: Click on the wall, then in the upper right corner "Search by records", Further "Records before a certain date", then select the date where records up to that time will be displayed and insert the script.

Question: Do the methods work in the mobile application?
Answer: Try it, it's not true.

Question: Will photos be deleted?
Answer: Only those that were posted on your wall.

Question: How to delete all posts from a VK wall using the second method on other browsers, if there is no line "View code"?
Answer: The page code can be viewed on any browser, it’s just called differently for each one. In FireFox, for example, "Explore element".

Sometimes situations arise when you need to know how to delete all posts from a wall in VK at once . The fact is that until recently every VK user had this opportunity, but the technical service of the social network decided that the option poses a direct threat to the security of accounts and completely blocked access to it. It is obvious that VKontakte specialists did not pay enough attention to the high-quality development of functionality for quickly cleaning posts on a page or in a group, although users need this quite often.

That is why the latter have to independently invent ways to quickly work with their “wall”. Below we will look at two main methods to clear all posts at once, which are popular in 2018.

In fact, cleaning a wall on a personal page or in a public page does not take much time and does not require special knowledge. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions and follow the recommendations.

Attention! The presence of a convenient console makes the Google Chrome browser the optimal platform for working with the VK social network.

To instantly remove all posts from the wall, a third-party JS script is used. Its size is quite impressive, but for all its visual complexity, it erases quickly and easily. So, an approximate algorithm for working with the script is as follows:

  • Log in to VK, enter the “My Page” section.
  • Scroll down the wall for any number of posts.
  • Right-click anywhere on the wall and find the “View code” item, which opens the page code editor.
  • Click on the “Console” tab.
  • Copy code (function () ( 'use strict'; if (!confirm('Delete all posts from the wall?')) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll('a.ui_actions_menu_item'); for (var i = 0;< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }()); .
  • Paste the code into the open “Console” tab and press Enter on your keyboard.

  • Click the OK button to confirm deleting everyone on the page.
  • If necessary, scroll down the posts on the wall and repeat the above steps.

Reference! You can restore deleted posts only before updating the page.

This method of cleaning the wall has a number of advantages, including a minimum set of actions, stability and high speed.

Removal using script and address bar

This method of mass deletion of posts should be considered as an emergency and used only in the most acute situations. The fact is that running a special script can seriously reduce the performance of the Internet browser.

Reference! Unlike the previous script, the method described below allows you to instantly clean the wall without any effort on the part of the user.

  • Login to VKontakte. Log in to the “My Page” section.
  • Copy script j@@@avascript:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName(“a”).onclick.toString(); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split(“(“); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split( ";"); eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall,500);
  • Clear the address bar and paste the script there.
  • Remove "@@@" at the beginning of the line. Press Enter.

These are the main methods that allow you to quickly clear posts on the wall, both in a group and on a personal page. And their final choice depends only on you.

Once upon a time, VKontakte had a function to delete all posts on the wall with one click, but it did not work for long. It was quickly removed for security reasons, as users often deleted information they needed without the possibility of restoring it.

But, as time has shown, the need remains. And today the question “” remains relevant. In this article I will answer it and tell you about several methods and programs.

When is it necessary to delete records?

I cannot give an exact answer to this question, since each case is individual. But most often people want to clear their group wall because there are too many old and no longer relevant posts.

Some people no longer like such a wall, others no longer consider the information they previously published interesting, and some even want to change the topic of the community (even though this is prohibited by the site rules).

Regardless of what goal you are pursuing, you can achieve it using the methods described below.

How to clean a wall manually?

Now on VKontakte, without using third-party tools, you can delete entries only one at a time. If there are hundreds or even thousands of posts on the public wall, then this method will be ineffective. But if there are few posts, then after spending just a few minutes, you can remove everything unnecessary.

How to delete:

If desired, each post can be restored before the page is updated.

This method is convenient because you can selectively delete posts on the wall. This way you can leave the information you need and delete everything else.

Using scripts

Scripts allow you to delete all posts on the wall of a VK group at once. You don't need to download or install anything. All you need to do is:

  1. Open the VKontakte public page.
  2. Paste the following script into the address bar of the browser:

java@@@script:var h = document.getElementsByClassName(“ui_actions_menu _ui_menu”); var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName(“a”).onclick.toString(); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split(“(“); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split( “;”); eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall,500);

  1. Remove @@@ signs after "Java".
  2. Press key

Ready! The script will immediately start working and you will see how the posts on the wall begin to disappear.

There is another script that can also clean a wall. You need to use it a little differently:

(function () ( 'use strict'; if (!confirm('Delete all posts from the wall?')) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll('a.ui_actions_menu_item'); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }());

  1. Press Enter.
  2. Confirm the action by clicking the “Ok” button.

This process must be repeated because it only deletes the entries that are displayed on the page. Therefore, refresh the page and do the procedure again.

Applications for deleting entries

And the third way to clear the group wall of unnecessary posts is to use third-party services. These are various programs and extensions for browsers.

The most popular extensions are:

  1. VkOpt
  2. VK Helper
  3. Instrumentum

All of them are free and to use you just need to install them in your browser. Next, open the extension and select the appropriate function.

In addition to extensions, there are also bots that need to be downloaded and installed on your PC. The most popular are:

  1. VkOpt.
  2. VK Helper.
  3. Instrumentum.

The first service is paid (from 21 rubles/month), the second is free. Their advantage lies in the availability of a large list of tools for automating most routine processes in VK. With the help of such programs, you can not only clean your wall, but also promote your public in automatic mode.
