How to make money on YouTube. How to link your AdSense and YouTube accounts: Connect monetization Link adsense youtube accounts

Hello friends! Today I will tell you about the actions that need to be done after you have enabled monetization on your channel in order to receive the money earned through the affiliate program. Namely:

1) link YouTube channel with Adsense account;

2) Verify the address via the pin code in the email to set up a payment method.

We do all this if we connect directly to the YouTube affiliate program. When you connect monetization through the media network, you do not need an Adsense account, and you can receive payments using the methods that are available in the media network (Webmoney, PayPal, Western Union, etc.). I wrote about my experience of connecting to an affiliate program through a media network.

So, I offer you my visual video instruction on the topic (lesson updated in January 2017)

And also the text with screenshots ...

We start with what enable monetization on the channel if you haven't already done so.

Important YouTube news from January 18, 2018: now channels with 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of video viewing per year will be able to join the affiliate program and enable monetization. If you have already been connected to the affiliate program before, but have not reached these indicators, monetization on your channel will be disabled from February 20, 2018. It will be possible to apply again when these indicators are achieved!

In the "Creative Studio", in the "Channel" → "Advanced" section, select your country. Previously, it was necessary to indicate the United States, since monetization was not available in Ukraine and Russia. Now everything is available.

After that, a green dollar sign should appear next to your videos:

Associating a channel with Adsense

Now we need to link the YouTube channel with Adsense. To do this, in the same "Creative Studio", in the "Channel" section, go to the "Monetization" tab. Here we are interested in the item “How to get the money earned”, open it and follow the link.

YouTube warns us that we will be redirected to Adsense, click the "Next" button.

Now we are prompted to select a Google account that will be used to log into Adsense. We can choose the same account where the YouTube channel is located, which we are in this moment we bind, or another, if you have several of them.

For example, I have already created an Adsense account, so if I want to link 1 more channel to it, then I click on the button "Use another Google account and choose the one I need.

In the next step, we specify the language of the channel. In my case, Russian.

In the screenshot, I have fictitious data, just for example, since new account I will not create.

When everything is filled in, click on the "Submit Application" button. We will be redirected back to the channel, where we will see a message that the application is being considered, and a notification of its status will come by e-mail. This does not happen immediately, so you need to wait. It took me about an hour to get approved.

When the application is approved, in the "Monetization" tab you will see the following message:

Address confirmation and PIN code entry

You will encounter this step as soon as you have $10 in your Adsense. This is the so-called threshold value, after reaching which, Google sends an email with a pin code to the address specified during account registration.

The second threshold is $100. That's how much you need to dial to get paid. All these threshold values ​​and explanations for them are given in the following table:

Well, we will return to our letter, it looks like this:

By entering this pin code, we confirm our Adsense account, and after that we can also choose the method of receiving payments.

To enter a pin code, go to your Adsense account. You can do this directly from the YouTube channel, in the "Monetization" tab:

Here we need to click on the gear in the upper right corner, select the first item "Settings" (Settings):

(click on screenshots to enlarge)

In the "Address verification" field, click on the "Verify address" tab:

We will get to such a page, enter the pin code from the letter, as shown in the screenshot:

Monetization on Youtube is one of the main ways to make money, although not the only one, because with the wide popularity of one or another channel, many owners of other channels pay to have their channel advertised in videos. There are certain conditions and rules for connecting this service, because its activation is possible only with certain events that have taken place, for example, in order to receive a reward, it is necessary that the videos on the channel be watched for a certain number of hours, hundreds of users subscribe to it, etc. Let's figure out under what conditions monetization will be available and how to activate it.

In fact, the monetization of funds is carried out by clicking on the links that are presented in the posted videos in the form of contextual advertising. Depending on how many such transitions were made, the corresponding remuneration is also charged. In fact, such an advertisement was noticed by each of the users who at least once watched any video on YouTube, when at some point, instead of a video, another, advertising, clip is displayed on the screen, in which some resource, online store is advertised, or a trailer is presented to a film that will soon appear in the cinema, etc.

In order to enable monetization, Youtube hosting sets certain conditions, without which the remuneration will not be paid. At the moment, among these requirements are the following:

  • 4,000 hours watched in total of your uploaded clips in the last 12 months;
  • The channel must have at least 1000 subscribers.

It is immediately worth pointing out the fact that there are two ways to enable monetization in total:

  1. Through the Google AdSense advertising network.

This view is basic, and it is part of one of the Google services. When it is connected, just the above conditions are checked to receive a reward.

  1. The use of private advertising networks.

In some cases, depending on the genre of videos, their number, etc., affiliate programs allow you to earn more money, so some users connect monetization specifically to them. However, this will be possible only if the first option has already been connected and funds have been accrued with its help.

From the above, we can conclude that in any case, the user will have to connect monetization to the AdSense advertising network. Let's analyze the procedure for performing this step.

Instructions for connecting to AdSense

To commit this step, necessary:

If a message appears on the screen that this cannot be done, in this case, you must first specify a different country.

Disabling monetization on Youtube

If the channel already has a lot of subscribers and many advertisers are interested in it, the owners of such projects very often refuse to monetize. This step is due to the fact that when connecting such affiliate programs, the income is not as significant as, for example, inserting an ad into the video at the beginning or at the end of the video, for which higher fees are paid. Accordingly, users who will view the clips will be much more comfortable watching them due to the fact that no ads will pop up in the middle of the video stream. To do this, you need to go to the video manager tab and on each of the posted ones you need to click on the dollar icon so that it turns gray. Unfortunately, there is no group shutdown here.

First, let's talk about what Adsense is and why you need it. Adsense is a contextual advertising service, with the help of this service you can place ads on almost any website and in your YouTube videos.

Adsense will also pay you your earnings. Payments are made automatically once a month. Despite the fact that you can connect any other affiliate program to YouTube (to withdraw funds), Adsense remains the most expensive advertising on the Internet, as it pays you all 100% of the funds earned. Affiliate programs or media networks take 20-30% of your income. In general, both there and there have their pros and cons. You can read about this in another article "Media network or Adsense"

So, in order to apply for Adsense, you need to go to your YouTube account in " creative studio» "Channel" "Commercial use"

You will see a list of questions, you need to select "How can I get the money I earn?" We click on it, after which we see a message that the payment is made using Adsense and we need to associate it with our YouTube account. Click on the inscription "link it" in the window that appears, click "next" and we are automatically transferred to this window:

We are offered to either log into a google account or create a new one. But since we already have Gmail then you need to click on the "Yes sign in to your Google account" button and then enter the password and login from your YouTube channel. Once you log in you will see the following window:

Please note that Adsense already automatically contains the address of your channel on which you will show ads. You can specify any content language, as it does not play any role. Click next, and the third step appears:

At this stage, you should be extremely careful. All data must be filled in Latin letters. For example, since your Name and Surname are written on your plastic card, it is also worth indicating your real address of residence, zip code and mobile phone. All this is necessary in order for Adsense to be able to verify the correctness of your data. After your amount in your Adsense account exceeds the payment threshold, you will be sent an email with a pin code. And it will be sent to the address and to the person you indicated in this form. The PIN code is required to verify the correctness of the data, since payments will be sent to the address specified in the account. As soon as you fill in all the data, click the "Submit Application" tab

What else to pay attention to? Let's talk about. You can play and earn. Available to everyone, you can do without investment.

After your application is sent, the service will automatically transfer you to your YouTube channel and you will see the following table:

Now it remains only to wait for the application to be approved, but you can already safely earn money on your videos. Once your application is approved, you can go to your Adsense account and track detailed statistics on your earnings. YouTube is by far one of the most profitable ways to make money on the Internet.

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  • Each YouTube author determines the subject of his channel and decides which videos he will publish. However, we have an obligation to maintain order on the platform and ensure that all viewers, creators and advertisers are comfortable using it. If you are a member affiliate program YouTube, you can earn income by publishing content, and therefore we have certain strict requirements for it.
  • When you apply to join the Affiliate YouTube program, we will check if your channel meets its conditions. Such checks will take place regularly even after you become our partner.

Sources of income for partners

Each of these features has separate requirements for the number of subscribers and views. If, during the review, our experts determine that your channel or a specific video does not meet the necessary criteria, you will not be able to enable the feature. We set these limits for two reasons. First, we must comply with the laws of all regions where a particular feature is available. Secondly, it is important for us that only conscientious authors can receive income.

Keep in mind that checks can be made on a regular basis.

Minimum Requirements

Each individual function has specific requirements. In addition, some income-generating opportunities may not be available to you in accordance with local laws.

Below are the eligibility requirements that members of the Partner Program must meet in order to earn income on YouTube in various ways.

  • You must be 18 years of age or older or have a legal guardian agree to manage your AdSense payments.
  • Content Compliance
