How to wash the keyboard on a laptop. How to clean the keyboard on a laptop

If your laptop keyboard is flooded or dirty with crumbs, you can clean it at home. Find out exactly how in the article.

Even if someone has not yet encountered such a problem as a keyboard flooded with any liquid (and this happens very often!), then clean it from dust, food crumbs or sebum, which everyone has and with regular When using a laptop, it remains on the keys, over time everyone will have to. Therefore, the question of whether and how to wash, clean and refresh the keyboard is very relevant.

Is it possible to wash a laptop keyboard?

It is possible, even necessary, especially if some liquid has been spilled on it. Moreover, this must be done immediately, without waiting until it (tea, coffee, beer, cola, etc.) penetrates inside the laptop and ruins not only the keyboard, but also its other components.

IMPORTANT: It is clear that we are not talking about washing with strong water and complete immersion. It is necessary to carefully remove and clean the keyboard itself

If cleaning is carried out in order to get rid of dust, because the buttons have begun to sink, or for some other reason, then you need to set aside two or three hours of your time for this, because the work will be painstaking.
You can, however, take the device to a service center, where specialists will work on it. You can do everything yourself.

How and with what to clean the buttons on a laptop?

It is best to clean the buttons on a laptop with isopropyl alcohol or a special keyboard fluid, which is sold in departments computer equipment.

IMPORTANT: Before you start cleaning the keyboard, you must turn off the laptop, unplug it and remove the battery.

If the “rescue” of the keyboard takes place in emergency mode, then you can not turn off the laptop, just unplug it and remove the battery

  1. Before removing the buttons, you need to make sure you know how to properly return them to their places. To do this, you need to either take a photo of the keyboard, or put the buttons in the same order as you removed them (this method is only suitable when a person is cleaning the keyboard himself, so that no one moves these buttons while they are waiting to be returned to their place, neither a child nor animal, nor a random movement of one's own hand).
  2. A regular knife, small screwdriver or nail file will help you remove the buttons. The tool being used is placed under the corner of the key and carefully pryed upward. It is better to learn how to remove keys from a laptop keyboard, starting with some little-used key, for example, a hard sign or the letter “e”.
  3. You can wash the keyboard buttons with a brush (toothbrush, napkin, cotton pad), removing them from it and dipping them in a soap solution and cleaning their internal and external surfaces from dirt and dust.
    They must be thoroughly dried before attaching them to the keyboard again.
  4. If you managed to carefully remove all the keys, then putting them back is also not difficult. The key must be carefully adjusted to the desired position and then pressed lightly. If the key is placed correctly, there should be an audible click - the key is secured.
    For larger keys, spacebar, shift, enter, you may need to first attach a metal mount, but this is also not at all difficult.

VIDEO: How to remove and reinsert a laptop key?

How and with what to clean the keyboard from dust, debris, dirt?

You can clean the keyboard from dust and dirt by performing superficial cleaning, or by doing a “general” cleaning.

  1. Superficial cleaning includes wiping the keys with a damp (not wet!) napkin or cloth, cleaning the spaces between the keys with a brush, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or can of compressed air.
  2. “General” cleaning means that you will have to remove the keys, all or part of them, and wash them with soapy water or wipe with isopropyl alcohol.

The algorithm of actions will look like this:

  • finish work on laptop
  • disconnect it from the power source
  • take the battery out of it
  • take a photo of the keyboard if you have to do a “general” cleaning
  • carry out cleanup work
  • assemble the buttons on the keyboard

You can remove the buttons from the keyboard with a screwdriver.

There are special rubber Velcro attachments available for cleaning the keyboard.
This attachment is placed on the keys and pressed lightly. Thanks to its properties, it fills the internal space of the keyboard and absorbs dirt from it. Afterwards it can be easily removed.

How and with what to clean a flooded laptop keyboard?

A flooded laptop keyboard must be cleaned and dried, otherwise the liquid that was spilled or poured onto it will flood the parts, they will begin to rot and fail. Even worse, all sorts of Coca-Cola and other drinks can enter into chemical reactions with parts of the laptop, which will also lead to big problems with it.

  1. The buttons on the keyboard will have to be removed, washed and dried thoroughly.
    You may have to disassemble the keyboard further, removing and cleaning the layers under the keyboard buttons (three film layers with contacts and tracks on them). If liquid has flowed onto or under these layers, they will also have to be removed and washed.
  2. The layers are connected and glued. They need to be carefully separated from each other, being careful not to touch the tracks and contacts. First, the rubber gasket protecting them is removed. It comes off without any problems.
  3. Each layer is washed and dried.
  4. A hairdryer will help speed up the process, but its air stream should not be hot, otherwise the contacts may melt.

The question of how to wash the keys and inner layers of the keyboard remains open.

  1. Water, especially tap water with impurities, is not the best remedy. If you do use it, use distilled water for this purpose.
  2. The best option is alcohol, ethyl 96%. It will rinse well and quickly erode, and also absorb water.
  3. You can wash with the same isopropyl alcohol.
  4. The rubber keyboard gasket can also be washed with running tap water.

When wiping the layers, be sure to pay attention to the tracks - they should not be damaged. Unfortunately, if the keyboard has been flooded thoroughly, or time has passed, the tracks may become damaged - oxidize, crumble, crack, etc. But they can be restored using conductive varnish. It is sold in auto stores. This varnish is used to paint those parts of the paths that are damaged.
The varnish must be applied carefully so that there is no short circuit between the tracks.

VIDEO: L Izun keyboard cleaning

How to properly remove keys from a laptop keyboard: disassembling the keyboard

The buttons are located on the so-called elevators. They are made of plastic, their role is to ensure the mobility of the button.

  1. You can remove the buttons by first removing the surfaces covering them, then the elevators on which the surfaces are located.
  2. You can also get the hang of removing the buttons at the same time as the elevators.
    By removing one face of the button (with or without lift), you will notice that each of them has three or four holes. For connecting elevators, each of which is fixed on one side with a hook, and on the other side with two latches. When disconnecting the elevator, you first need to disconnect the latches, and then the hook.
  3. You need to reassemble the washed and cleaned keyboard in the reverse order, guided by a photograph of the keyboard, which was taken in advance, in order to put all the buttons in their place: attach the button; hook the hook; press the button where the latches are to hear a click and feel the button lock.

How to clean a computer keyboard without disassembling it?

Without disassembling the keyboard, the computer is cleaned of dust, crumbs and dirt:

  1. Vacuum cleaner (car vacuum cleaner). It needs to be set to blow, so that the resulting wave of air blows away crumbs and dust.
  2. Using a can of compressed air or a compressor. Crumbs and dust are blown out in the same way.
  3. Using a hairdryer, setting it to blow with a cold (not hot!!!) stream of air.
  4. By wiping the buttons and the spaces between them with alcohol or a special solution using cotton swabs.

Laptop keyboard cleaner

There are special kits for cleaning laptops on sale, which include a special liquid, a cloth and a brush.

The best home-grown remedies are:

  • isopropyl alcohol, which can be diluted slightly
  • distilled water, moisten a cloth or napkin with it and clean
  • ordinary soapy water, which, however, must be used with caution so that the napkin moistened with it is not too wet and moisture does not get on the laptop

VIDEO: K How to clean a laptop keyboard?

The keyboard is an integral part of a computer or laptop. Inattention and untimely maintenance can lead to severe contamination and sometimes damage to the device. Over time, the keys become dirty and begin to stick and sink, which is a sign that they need cleaning. How to clean a keyboard at home, get rid of dust and crumbs, and return it to its original appearance is of interest to many computer users.

Light soiling

Maintaining safety during the device cleaning process is a very important point. For this reason, you must turn off the appliance before starting cleaning. For surface contamination, you can use the following cleaning methods:

  • Using a vacuum cleaner is the easiest and most affordable means of quickly cleaning keys. For this, a car vacuum cleaner with a special narrowed nozzle is best suited. If such a device is not available, you can use an ordinary household device, which must be used to carefully process the gaps between the keys.
  • In stores you can purchase special cans of compressed air, which are made for cleaning hard-to-reach places various equipment. When applying, it should be tilted at an angle and sprayed.
  • A hairdryer is also suitable for these purposes. When using it, it is important to turn on the cold air mode.
  • The jelly rag, which is called cyber slime, is another no less effective remedy in the fight against keyboard contamination. The elastic mass is able to clean even hard-to-reach holes and crevices.
  • You can flip the keyboard with the buttons down, which will rid it of small debris that has accumulated under the keys.

Medium severity

In addition to clogging the device with tiny particles of dust and crumbs, its keys may develop a greasy coating over time. To get rid of such contaminants, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Special cleaning wipes that need to be used to treat the device keys. They effectively collect dirt and help protect the keyboard case from premature wear.
  • A solution with an alcohol content of more than 60% will also help rid the buttons of grease and dirt.
  • It is recommended to treat the gaps between the keys with cotton swabs.
  • You can try rubbing dirt that is difficult to remove with a regular eraser. It is necessary to ensure that residues from it do not fall inside the device.
  • A toothbrush dipped in soap or alcohol solution can also be used to clean the keyboard. Upon completion of the procedure, wipe the device dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

Heavy soiling

Even if monthly superficial cleaning of the equipment is carried out, it is still recommended to carry out deep cleaning and disassemble the keyboard every six months. Thus, it will be possible to eliminate dirt in hard-to-reach places. Complete cleaning is carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to take a photo of the keyboard so that the keys can be easily inserted into the appropriate places.
  • Then you should turn it over and use a screwdriver to unscrew all the screws.
  • After detaching the top of the device, you need to gently press on the keys to remove them. The Spacebar and Shift buttons may be secured with metal pins and therefore require careful handling.
  • When removing the buttons, it should be taken into account that a special latch is used to secure them, which must be carefully removed.
  • The removed keys must be placed in a bowl with soapy liquid or disinfectant solution. In case of severe contamination, they can additionally be rubbed with a toothbrush.
  • It is advisable to rinse the upper part under running water, paying attention to hard-to-reach places.
  • All parts must dry thoroughly.
  • Then you should fix all the keys in their original places, connect the upper and lower parts of the keyboard and tighten the screws.
  • You can connect the device to your computer and check the operation of all keys.

This method requires much more time and some skills in dismantling and installing keys. If you can’t do it yourself, you should seek help from professionals at the service center.

Cleaning the laptop keyboard

For superficial cleaning of laptop keys, the same methods as for a computer keyboard are quite suitable. Dust can be removed from the surface by wiping with a special cloth for equipment or a microfiber cloth. The holes should be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol.

More thorough cleaning can be done if it is partially disassembled. Step-by-step instruction looks like that:

  • You need to take a photo of the keyboard.
  • Not all laptops have keys that can be easily removed, but for most popular brands such as Asus, Lenovo, Acer, Toshiba, HP, the keys can be removed quite simply, you just need to pry them off with a fingernail or a small screwdriver.
  • Rinse the removed keys with running water or place them in a bowl with cleaning agent.
  • The internal parts of the device should be treated with a cotton swab slightly moistened with water or blown with a can of compressed air.
  • You need to assemble the keys. To do this, place the button in its place and press until a characteristic click appears.

Sometimes it happens that tea, coffee or water is spilled on the keyboard. If such a problem occurs, you must do the following:

  • Immediately disconnect the equipment from the power source to avoid short circuiting.
  • Turn the keyboard or laptop over so that the liquid can drain out.
  • Wipe dry with a cotton cloth and blow dry using cold air.
  • Leave to dry overnight.
  • In the morning, check the functionality of the device.

If too much liquid has been spilled, it is recommended to disassemble the keyboard, wipe it with alcohol and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Typically, in such cases, diagnostics are still required at a special service center. Specialists will determine the presence or absence of damage.

To extend the life of your keyboard for a long time, it is recommended to carry out a monthly superficial cleaning. Liquid poses a great danger to the device, and therefore washing the keyboard is strictly prohibited. This may lead to damage and failure of the device.

Quickly clean the keyboard to a new state - according to our instructions. Today, a laptop or personal computer has become an integral attribute of a person, both at home (in an apartment) and in the office. We spend most of our time at the computer. Avid gamers, programmers or designers, even have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the computer. However, this can have serious consequences for your computer keyboard. So, even a small amount of crumbs or pieces of food getting on the keyboard clog the keys, and over time, they can completely damage one or more keys. While it’s easy to clean the keyboard of a regular PC, it’s much more difficult to clean a laptop keyboard! How to clean your computer keyboard without breaking anything?


What threatens us with debris under the keyboard?

A dirty keyboard is bad. A dirty keyboard threatens your immune system, since dust and dirt are an ideal environment for germs to multiply.

In addition, you should keep in mind that preventive cleaning of your computer keyboard is a prerequisite for the excellent functioning of computer equipment and your excellent health! Dust, various contaminants and heavy dirt, especially drops of liquid spilled on the keyboard, can completely break the keyboard and even cause a short circuit.

And of course, from an aesthetic point of view, a dirty keyboard is unpleasant, to say the least.

How often should you clean your laptop or PC keyboard?

First of all, you should understand that, despite the apparent ease of cleaning computer keyboard, the cleaning procedure itself must be performed as carefully and carefully as possible.

Cleaning a laptop or PC keyboard is divided into two main types:

  • 1. Deep cleaning.
  • 2. Superficial cleaning.

A deep keyboard clean can remove all dirt and dust, both on the outside of the keys and underneath the keys. At the same time, surface cleaning can only remove dirt that is on the keys, and also, partially, between the keys.

It is recommended to superficially clean the keyboard once a month. The keyboard requires deep cleaning once a quarter.

How to clean a laptop keyboard?

The cleaning itself is carried out using special brushes and napkins. They can be bought both in specialized computer stores and in markets where components and computers are sold. Consumables. Using brushes, you can effectively remove dust and dirt between the keys. At the same time, the keys themselves can and should be cleaned with napkins. The procedure for cleaning keyboard keys with brushes and wipes is called superficial.

To clean the keyboard, it is not recommended to use liquids with aggressive, abrasive components, such as gasoline or acetone. If they are used, the keyboard may be damaged.
If you don’t want to spend money on special products to clean the keyboard, you can get by with a solution of isopropyl alcohol and a soft cloth.

Important: There is no need to use large amounts of isopropyl alcohol. Try to also act extremely carefully and not erase the letters from the keyboard.

If you need a stronger, more thorough surface cleaning of the keyboard, it is recommended to use special USB vacuum cleaners, or (which is more effective) a can of compressed air.
For deep and complete cleaning laptop or should be disassembled (remove the keyboard) and clean the keys and the keyboard itself from dirt.

Sometimes, after removing the laptop keyboard, cleaning it and installing it back, it does not work. The reason for such a breakdown is simple - you did not secure the cable properly.

How to clean laptop keys without removing the keyboard?

Cleaning laptop keys without removing the keyboard is quite simple. To do this, you need to turn off the laptop and, using a can of compressed air, clean the space between the laptop keys, then wipe the keyboard with cleaning fluid and a dry flannel cloth. At this point, the procedure for cleaning the laptop, without removing the keyboard, can be considered complete. If necessary, using a special screwdriver, you can remove the keyboard keys from the levers and, after wiping them with a cleaning agent, reinstall them. Be careful and cautious before this procedure. Before you start removing the keys, take a photo of the layout.

Cleaning debris under keyboard keys

Turn off your computer and disconnect it from the network. Then, carefully disconnect the keyboard itself. After this, you need to turn the keyboard over with the keys down, press the buttons several times and tap the keyboard body with your palm. This will allow you to shake out any debris that is stuck between the buttons. Next, you should use a can of compressed air or a special vacuum cleaner to blow out the gaps between the keyboard keys.
Secondly, you should clean your keyboard keys. To do this, apply isopropyl alcohol to a cotton swab or other cloth and thoroughly wipe the surface of the keyboard. Finally, wipe down the keyboard itself with a microfiber cleaning cloth.

Since the laptop is portable version personal computer, many users carry it with them almost everywhere. But such treatment does not go unnoticed, and the device begins to become contaminated with all kinds of garbage. In the absence of effective and timely cleaning, it stops working normally, starts to slow down a lot and produces a lot of errors.

Cleaning methods without disassembly

Carry out dismantling laptop computer quite difficult to clean at home. Therefore, owners of such equipment are looking for other methods to clean the keyboard on a laptop without disassembling it. Today there are 2 cleaning methods used:

  1. Surface.
  2. Deep.

In the first case, debris is removed from the buttons and between them by treating with wet wipes and soft brushes. Suitable cleaning products can be purchased at specialized computer hardware stores. To increase the efficiency of processing, it is better to prepare a special solution and rags. Dip the cloth in the liquid and then wipe the keyboard with it, paying special attention to the spaces between the keys.

If such a composition is not available, it can be replaced with isopropyl alcohol. The main thing is to remember the correct dosage and not allow liquid to get on the contacts. Do not use ethyl alcohol and acetone for cleaning, as these are aggressive substances that can corrode the paint or melt the body.

Deep cleaning removes dust from the contacts and conductors inside the laptop. For such processing, you can use the following tools:

  1. USB vacuum cleaners with special attachments for removing various contaminants. However, such devices are not powerful enough, so they are not able to provide a deep cleaning effect.
  2. A can of compressed air, which is supplied under high pressure and eliminates dust on the contacts. This product should be used sparingly, as frequent use may cause the keyboard to become deformed.
  3. When treating small areas, sticky stickers are used, which are glued to the problem area and immediately peeled off. The method allows you to instantly get rid of dirt, but it requires some effort and a lot of time.

How to clean your keyboard

Cleaning the keyboard Asus laptop, Lenovo or Samsung can be performed different ways. However, to carry out such a procedure it is not necessary to call a specialist, since with minimal effort and skill you can get rid of dust yourself.

Most simple method External cleaning with a soft cloth dipped in liquid is considered. Use a damp cloth to wipe all keys and remove any remaining dust or stains from food or drinks. Special attention is given to the end elements, because they accumulate the greatest amount of dust and dirt.

To combat hard-to-reach stains, use a small brush. You need to use it in the spaces between the keys, where old dust may be present. During processing you need to be careful not to damage the fasteners. Once cleaning is complete, wipe the surface again with a clean cloth.

Despite the absence of difficulties when cleaning dust from keys, it is important to be as careful and attentive as possible so as not to damage any button or other important element. Before cleaning the keyboard on an Asus or Lenovo laptop, you need to prepare special brushes and wipes. They are sold in specialized computer stores or in the equipment care market. Using small brushes you can reach hard-to-reach dirt. Otherwise, cleaning will only be superficial.

Experts prohibit the use of gasoline or acetone to remove dust.

How to clean your keyboard with compressed air

If you can find a brush to clean the keyboard on Lenovo laptop, is missing, it is better to use another method and purchase a can of compressed air. Such containers are sold in all computer stores and on counters with equipment care products.

Using the cylinder is quite simple: you need to present it to the keyboard and press the air supply button. Under the influence of pressure, all dust and debris will appear on the surface. To consolidate the result and remove any remaining dirt, all you have to do is wipe the keys with a clean cloth.

The disadvantage of this method is the rapid scattering of particles, so in addition to processing the laptop itself, you will need to clean the workplace.

How to clean your keyboard with a vacuum cleaner

Another effective cleaning product is a special vacuum cleaner. Considering the delicacy of portable equipment, it is better to use a compact car device and select the minimum power (if such an option is present). Otherwise, the strong suction current may pull out some button and cause you further problems.

After carefully treating the surface, all that remains is to wipe it wet wipe.

How to Clean Your Laptop Using Isopropyl Alcohol

Certain types of contaminants are so strong that they cannot be removed using traditional methods. In most cases this is:

  1. Hand grease.
  2. Stains from sweets and drinks.
  3. Drips.
  4. Traces of food.

In such cases, more powerful agents are used, such as isopropyl alcohol (many people confuse it with ethyl alcohol, but these are 2 different substances). A cotton swab should be dipped into the cleaning agent, and then, with careful movements, get rid of the dirt. This approach provides deep processing of hard-to-reach areas and spaces between buttons.

Using gel

Keyboard treatment gel or slime is a valuable assistant for all computer users. Such products are sold in many stores, especially on large trading platforms like Aliexpress. However, when ordering products from China, you will have to wait 2-3 weeks until they are delivered to your destination. Therefore, craftsmen create a gel for cleaning buttons at home. To do this you will need the following components:

  1. Sodium tetraborate.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Coloring additive (this ingredient is needed only in the production of colored slimes for children).

You also need to prepare a container in which the listed substances will be combined. The process of preparing the gel is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to thoroughly shake the PVA glue. The adhesive base must be of the highest quality. Otherwise, the gel will not acquire the desired consistency.
  2. The glue is poured into a container and mixed with the coloring component.
  3. Next, sodium tetraborate is taken and an additional batch is made. The ingredient determines the viscosity of the mass, so to change the consistency, the borax must be kneaded with gradual movements.
  4. After the gel reaches the required viscosity and begins to stick to surfaces, it must be removed from the container and thoroughly kneaded with your hands.
  5. If all manufacturing rules are followed, an elastic mass will appear that quickly stretches and takes on its original shape. If you put the lump on the table, it will quickly spread. This is normal because an overly hard slime will not be able to remove dust and dirt.

This cleaning product is affordable and easy to manufacture.

How to clean the keyboard on a laptop if it is stained with tea, coffee or juice

If the keyboard has been flooded with juice, coffee, tea or other liquid, you will have to disassemble it to restore functionality. First of all, you need to quickly disconnect the laptop from the power supply and disconnect the module. The effectiveness of the repair is determined by the speed of response to trouble: the faster the correct actions are taken, the better the cleaning result will be.

If you leave everything as is and do nothing to clean the laptop keyboard, this can lead to the following negative consequences:

  1. The keys will completely stop responding to presses.
  2. Some buttons will function incorrectly, producing characters that are not intended.
  3. The laptop will not be able to start due to a short circuit. A similar problem occurs after liquid gets on the motherboard or power circuits.
  4. Important functions of the laptop will be unavailable, and working modules will stop working. Among them: battery, touchpad, RAM strips, etc.
  5. User data will be lost due to storage corruption.

If the device is accidentally spilled with any drink, before removing the keyboard from the laptop and washing it, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Quickly turn the device upside down to prevent liquid from flowing deep into it.
  2. Turn off the power by removing the plug from the socket and the battery.

After carrying out such activities, you can begin to dismantle the laptop or begin removing the keyboard. When disassembled, it is worth determining the degree of spillage.

If you turned the device over in time after the incident, perhaps everything will work out by simply cleaning the keyboard, because... Some models have a protective aluminum or plastic tray under the keys. If substances get on the motherboard, you will have to wash it and dry it.

For effective cleaning without deep dismantling, you need to use a special technical liquid - Kontakt U. It is sold in 300 ml bottles.

This product contains powerful solvents for removing fat and treating small contacts. Active substances fight grease, old grease and oil, silicone impurities or dirt.

During the rinsing process, you need to pay attention to all the buttons so that the product flows down the surface into the prepared container. Savings with such processing are impractical, because the solution should remove all spilled drink residue.

If you carry out the actions quickly and correctly, the processing result will be positive. The device will start up again and work without failures.

In case of untimely processing of buttons and motherboard the contacts will oxidize heavily and begin to stick. This will increase the risk of board failure due to corrosive processes.

How to disassemble the keyboard on a laptop

The need to disassemble the keyboard appears after a drink has been spilled on the laptop or before an upcoming deep cleaning. There are a number of factors that should encourage the user to dismantle the device. Among them:

  1. Rapid heating of the case with minimal loads.
  2. Application crashes and slow interface.
  3. Spontaneous shutdown of the laptop due to overheating of the working nodes.

The specifics of disassembly may vary depending on model features. A wide selection of laptops with different external and technical parameters is available for sale. However, most of them have a similar method of attaching buttons - they are screwed or secured with latches.

The dismantling process consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, you should determine which side will be easier to detach the keyboard from. Each button has 2 fasteners - vertical and lateral. Disassembly is carried out in a vertical direction, because When removing the buttons horizontally, they will be damaged.
  2. First you need to disconnect the buttons with letters and numbers, since they have the same fastening mechanism and are square in shape portable devices. In the process of removing the keys, they must be put aside together with the microlifts. Such elements are not universal and correspond to each button, so if they are mixed, problems may arise.
  3. At the next stage, the top buttons E, Esc, F, etc. are dismantled, and the large buttons are removed. Lastly, remove the space bar and service keys Fn, Win, Ctrl, Alt.
  4. After successfully removing all the keys, you need to remove the stencil. First of all, a three-layer film is obtained with each layer being separated in turn. When performing this procedure, you need to be careful not to damage the cable connecting the keyboard to motherboard. After completing these steps, you can begin cleaning.

How to care for your keyboard

Not all users pay attention to keyboard care the right attention. As a result, the device quickly becomes dirty, begins to slow down and emit software errors. To avoid such consequences, you need to carry out preventive cleaning on time and properly care for the panel.

The keys can only be disconnected and connected when they are turned off. Otherwise, they may fail and the user may receive an electric shock.

The accumulation of hair, debris, and crumbs between the buttons is a nuisance that can lead to many problems. If the internal surfaces of the device are heavily soiled, the keys will begin to stick or function incorrectly. To combat technical and household waste, you should regularly treat each button with a damp cloth or cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

You should not try to remove one key to clean the space underneath it. The fasteners in laptops are quite fragile, so they can easily be damaged if handled carelessly.

For processing, it is better to use a compressed air cylinder, which can remove hard-to-reach dust and contaminants under pressure.

If eating over a laptop is half the problem, then drinking drinks is a recipe for disaster. If the device is flooded with juice, coffee, wine or other liquid, not only the keyboard, but also the device itself may fail.

If there is severe damage, you will need the help of a specialist, but no one gives a 100% guarantee of a successful restoration of functionality. Therefore, it is better to hold a tea and coffee ceremony at a safe distance from buttons or in the kitchen. It is also better to place vases with flower plants further away.

Dirty buttons not only increase the likelihood of keyboard failure, but also pose a threat to human health. A large number of germs remain on the keys, which is why people can develop intestinal infections and other dangerous diseases.

Therefore, as a preventive measure, you need to constantly wash your hands and keep the buttons clean. You should also use your laptop carefully and maintain it on time.

Most laptop owners are quite negligent in cleaning their keyboards. Therefore, no one is surprised for a long time by sticky keys, the space between which is clogged with dust and crumbs.

The result of such sloppiness is always the same - damage to the keyboard or even the entire device. Laptops are primarily at risk, since the keyboard is an integral part of them.

Laptop failure due to dirty keyboard

Many people mistakenly believe that getting rid of dirt is necessary only for aesthetic reasons.

But a clogged housing can cause a number of problems, among which the most common are the following:

  • “sinking” of buttons;
  • keyboard failure;
  • breakdown of internal parts;
  • laptop overheating.

At the same time, careless cleaning can also result in damage to the device. However, this can be easily prevented if you follow the tips below.

How to clean your keys

Most often, specially designed products are used to clean keys. These include cleaning fluids, special wipes and brushes. Wipes are needed for the keys themselves, brushes will help remove dust and dirt between the buttons. Thanks to the listed devices, you can clean the keyboard on your laptop at home not only quickly, but also quite efficiently.

But when the right approach the surface can be cleaned with improvised means. The best cleaning agent is diluted isopropyl alcohol (regular alcohol can damage the paint on the keys). With its help you can get rid of even stubborn stains.

Advice! Do not overdo it with the cleaning liquid; under no circumstances should it drip onto the contacts between the keys.

A special brush for cleaning a computer can be replaced with a soft paint brush with long bristles. Some also use a knife wrapped in a rag. As for napkins, it is recommended to use any rags made of non-woven material instead.

In addition, the keys should be wiped regularly with soapy water. However, they must not remain wet. They need to be wiped dry as quickly as possible. It is also convenient to clean the surface with cotton swabs.

Video: clean your laptop keyboard

Cleaning from dust and dirt

First you need to figure out what kind of cleaning the mechanism needs - superficial or deep. The first cleans the buttons and the space between them, and the second helps remove dust from the contacts, which can settle on internal devices over time. The more often you carry out superficial cleansing, the less often you will need deep cleansing.

Anyone can perform surface cleaning. First, turn the device over and shake out its contents. A car vacuum cleaner or furniture cleaning device will make the cleaning procedure more effective. They must be used carefully so as not to accidentally tear off the keys.

In this case, you can use a can of compressed air or, as a last resort, a regular hair dryer. Note that the air from the can comes out under strong pressure, which allows you to thoroughly blow out the dust that settles on the contacts. When using the first one, try not to inhale its contents. After completing the procedure, ventilate the room.

Deep cleansing will require a lot of effort. The device will have to be untwisted. The keys can be detached from the body using a table knife or screwdriver. In this case, you need to act with the utmost caution, otherwise you risk damaging the cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard.

It is equally important to reassemble the keyboard correctly. The main thing here is to place all the keys in the correct position. This will be easier to do if you prepare a photo before the procedure begins. Some buttons may have metal bases, so make sure all parts are seated in the designated slots before installing them.

But remember, if you decide to completely disassemble the mechanism, it is quite possible that later you will not have the opportunity to exchange it under the warranty. And in general, computer buttons are not so easy to replace, especially Enter and spacebar.

How to clean a laptop keyboard from spilled liquid

Specialists service centers They claim that every 3rd laptop breakdown is somehow related to spilled liquid.

To avoid serious problems, you need to act correctly in the first seconds after the incident:

If a lot of liquid has been spilled, it is worth disassembling the product completely or separating the keys. After removing the buttons, wipe the surface of the case first with isopropyl alcohol and then with a dry sponge. In addition, you should be prepared to replace protective membranes. If the case has been damaged by a drink, you will need a special detergent.

The described procedure does not require special knowledge and skills. But in order to avoid more serious damage, you should consult with service center specialists.

They will diagnose the computer and check the serviceability of the contact tracks. When the latter are oxidized, individual parts will need to be replaced.

You need to clean your laptop regularly. This simple procedure is, in fact, a mandatory preventive operation to extend the life of your computer. In addition, immediately after cleaning, you will see that the mechanism begins to work better.
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