How to get followers on twitter. More hashtags, more benefits

But here's the problem: even if you're famous, you're unlikely to be able to effortlessly gain a large following on Instagram. You will have to spend time on this and pay attention to this process daily.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do right now to get at least 1,000 quality followers. In this article, we'll look at where you should focus your efforts.

You might think why not buy subscribers. The fact is that such profiles will be either fake or of poor quality, so they will not be of value to you. Do not expect any meaningful activity from such subscribers.

The followers you attract yourself will like your posts, follow links, be interested in you and your business, share your photos, or even want to collaborate with you. The tactics described in this article will help you attract just such subscribers.

1. Create and optimize your profile

Make your Instagram profile visually appealing, introduce yourself, and articulate a reason why users should follow you.

How? Make sure your username is eye-catching and easy to find. You can use your company name. If this username is already taken, then still leave the company name at the very beginning of the name so that people can quickly find you. For example, the Lorna Jane clothing line uses @lornajaneactive.

Don't forget to add the full name of the company in the "options" - "name" section. It will appear under your profile photo and under your login when you search.

Then select a profile photo, a company logo is perfect for this.

Add information about yourself. Describe your brand in a colorful and informative way. This data will help users understand who you are and why they should follow you. Don't forget to add a little "from yourself". Here are some examples:

  • @WeWork: "WeWork is the space, community, and services that make your life extraordinary."
  • @Oreo: "See the world through OREO."
  • @CaliphiaFarms: "Handcrafting, cooking and brewing a delicious planned future."
  • @Staples: "It's easier to act with us."

Next, add a link to your website so people can go to it directly from Instagram. The URL field in the biography is the only one in the entire social network where you can post external links so use this opportunity wisely.

Finally, turn on notifications so you know when people comment on or share your photos. This will allow you to contact them much faster. Go to "options" and select "push notification settings". Check the box "from everyone" in each category.

2. Designate a Content Creator

Your Instagram profile should have one or two managers. When choosing it, give preference to people who have already worked with this social network and are well versed in it.

If you work for a large organization, you may find that different team members have different ideas about what should be posted on Instagram. That is why it will be extremely useful, which will clearly articulate the requirements for posts, the time of their publication and their value.

3. Work on your photography and editing skills

On Instagram, the quality of posts is very important. This doesn't mean you have to take photography courses or practice for weeks before you start. It will be enough to know the basics and be able to use.

photography skills

Since Instagram is mobile app, most likely you will take most of the photos with mobile device. Some brands use professional photography, but most still prefer to use smartphones.

Here are some tips for taking a good photo:

  • Focus on only one subject.
  • Embrace empty space.
  • Find interesting angles.
  • Watch out for symmetry.
  • Notice the details.
  • Bring a smile to your followers.
Editing skills

Instagram has some basic photo editing features, but most of the time it's not enough. Use one or two additional editors before posting a photo. Choose those applications in which it is more convenient for you to work.

4. Start posting photos

It's time to start posting your first photos! Before attracting followers, it is better to fill your profile with at least 15 posts. This will let them know that you will regularly post more of the same quality content.

But before that, you need to set up a posting schedule. think about target audience when scheduling your posts. The time of publications and their frequency will depend on potential subscribers, especially if they live in different time zones.

It will take some time to optimize the graph for the target audience, but at the very beginning, you can focus on . It's best to post on Instagram on Monday and Thursday at any time except between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm in the time zone where your potential followers live.

Since Instagram is a mobile application, people use it all the time, but they carefully study the content more often in their free time. Experiment with timing and suitable days of the week to see which schedule suits your target audience.

5. Curate Employee Content

Of course, one or two people is enough to maintain an Instagram profile. But they just can't be everywhere. In order not to miss out on great photos, create a system where you can curate photos and content from your team members. There are several ways.

First, you can create a separate email address where all your employees can send their photos, short videos and other content. Ask them to give posts relevant topics so you can easily sort them by content. This method is simple and clear, so many employees will be happy to send you their content.

Second, if your team has cloud storage accounts like Dropbox, you can create shared folder, where people can automatically send their photos and videos. This approach is a little more complicated, and not everyone can have the right application installed.

6. Make captions exciting and charming

For example, Instagram @frank_bod, which offers skin care products, attracts users with its unique descriptions. The photo with the gold pendant is signed as follows: “I can’t give you this piece of jewelry, but I can give you the most beautiful neckline to wear, baby. #letsbefrank". Pay attention to the hashtag. Fans often use it when posting their own photos, which makes them even closer to the brand.

Another way to increase the number of shares and encourage users to ask questions is to include a call to action in the caption. For example, you can write: "Tap twice if you find it funny" or "Share your story in the comments". In this example, @HubSpot asked users to tag a colleague they shared their morning coffee with.

7. Use relevant hashtags

On Instagram, hashtags help bring people together who are talking about the same topic. If you are, then you are opening yourself up to more wide audience, in addition to subscribers and those who already know about your brand.

Use hashtags wisely and in limited quantities. Do not add more than 30 hashtags to one description. Also, don't use hashtags like #likeforlike or #like4like. This tactic will only attract low quality followers.

To find the hashtags your target audience is using, do some research. First of all, use the capabilities of the application itself and try to find suitable hashtags in the "search" section. When you enter a query for one hashtag, the system offers you similar ones.

To connect with users on a personal level, you can use popular hashtags that are on everyone's lips.

Once you have your first followers, you can try creating your own hashtag - a company name or a slogan - that fits most of your photos. This will significantly strengthen the position of the brand.

8. Interact with other users, including followers

Instagram is a community and The best way become a part of it - find people who post content that interests you and follow their profiles. In this way, you will draw attention to your account and find many sources for inspiration.

First, when they receive a notification from you, users will look at your profile and decide if they want to follow it (which is why it's so important to fill your account with quality content at the very beginning). Secondly, you will see their latest posts in your feed and will be able to comment on them if you are interested.

When you get your first followers, show them how much they mean to you by responding to their comments, following their profiles, and sharing their content.

9. Use cross promotion

Once you establish strong relationships with those users who have a similar audience, you can offer them cooperation. The more natural the content created for promotion, the better. In any case, it is better not to get carried away with this tactic.

For example, blogger @sprinklesforbreakfast and photographer @graymalin promote each other's profiles like this:

10. Organize a contest

Another way to draw attention to your photos is to organize a competition and ask people to follow your account, like or comment on the photo to participate in it.

You can include user-generated content in the contest by asking people to post a photo with a specific hashtag while following your profile. Here is an example of such a post from Next Step Reality:

11. Make your profile searchable and followable

If you have a physical store, tell visitors about your Instagram profile and encourage them to follow.

Do not forget to tell about your account in other social networks, place a link to it in profile descriptions. Many followers will want to join you on Instagram too.

Let's repeat it again: create a profile and start posting photos, test and optimize it. It will take more than a day to attract subscribers, but the more solid foundation you create, the more quality subscribers you will attract.

Do you want to become famous on YouTube? Do you want to get as many followers as possible? Regardless of your topic, to achieve this goal, you need to attract visitors to your YouTube channel. In this article, I will explain how to increase the number of views on the channel and the number of subscribers.

Post videos as often as possible

Post at least once a week a new video on your YouTube channel. This is very important to attract new visitors to your YouTube channel. The more you post videos on the channel, the faster it will become popular.

Your videos will appear more often in the results search engines which in turn will bring even more new visitors.

Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it

Try uploading your video at the same time of the week, every week. Tell your visitors when your next video is available, which will encourage them to return to your YouTube channel as soon as you upload a new video.

YouTube users prefer to subscribe to channels that regularly upload videos, rather than those who post occasionally.

Add the right tags to your videos

If someone does a search on the web and your video shows up in the results, but the search topic doesn't match your video because you didn't put the right tags, it will stay on your channel for a few seconds and leave and never come back.

Appropriate tags allow your video to appear in search results for of this type video.

Use multi-word tags as well as single-word tags. People often search the web by typing full sentences.

Take the time to come up with a good title for your video. A video with a good title is more likely to end up at the top of the search results than a video with a worse title. Take for example a video where you show a cookie recipe. A badly titled video would be "cookie recipes". Instead, consider a title like "Make Delicious Cookies in Less Than 15 Minutes."

You see the second heading gives more detailed information about the video, it also contains several keywords which search engines love.

Descriptions that give detailed information about the video

Only the first lines of your description will show up in search results, so make sure those first lines give a good idea of ​​what your video is about.

Include the required number of keywords in the description, but do not overdo it, two or three are enough.

Planning the structure of your videos

Good script.

This will help you create a very good videos without, it will allow you to stay consistent in your video content. The script will also help you stay focused on the topic of your video and focus your audience's attention on its content.

Post a video on a topic you know well

The most successful videos are made by people who love what they do. Stand out, not make films that look the same as others. You will be much more successful if you focus on what you want to do to grow and become famous.

Start Phrase

The intro is one of the most important parts of the video. It has to grab the viewer's attention, it has to inspire the viewer to browse. The introduction should be short, but captivating. Viewers will not stand the introduction, which lasts more than 10 - 15 seconds. These frames include the name, graphics and some details. Pay attention to them quickly, and then immerse the viewer in the center of your video's theme.

Pay attention to the rhythm of your video

It is important to keep track of the pace of your video so that the viewer does not get bored. Don't try to give too much information at once. If you are making a large video tutorial, consider splitting the video content into multiple parts.

On the other hand, make sure you have enough interesting content to justify the length of the video. If a viewer starts to lose interest in a video, even for a second, chances are they won't stay and go watch another video.

If you are making large videos, add small breaks, this will also give the viewer a chance to think about what they have seen before continuing.

At the end of the video, ask the viewer to help you

Use annotations to insert a "Subscribe" button to your YouTube channel. Make sure this button doesn't interfere with the video and let it appear at the end of the video.

Create your own clips

Video editing.

Some small changes can make a big difference between your videos and the thousands of videos hosted on YouTube. Remove all errors and bad footage.

Take some time to learn how to use video editing software. You can find and download a large number of such programs on the Internet for free. In addition, many cameras are sold with software for video editing.

Use transitions

If you are making a series of videos based on the same theme, use the transitions and effects that you can include in your video. These effects will give a unique and personal touch that will seem more professional to the person watching your videos.

Don't underestimate the impact of the transitions you use in your video.

Make your name popular

Consistency, keynote of your channel

Make sure the videos you create match the theme of your channel. For example, if you started with videos where you review movies, don't upload videos showing you cooking. You will lose visitors if they realize that the videos you create are not what they expected.

You can create multiple YouTube channels to address various issues. This will allow you to link your various channels while keeping your original content, and for your subscribers, you stay true to the theme.

Contact with your subscribers

You will strengthen this community on your channel by continually responding to comments left by your channel's visitors. Also promptly delete comments that may interfere with other visitors.

Subscribe to other channels

Find channels with common interests and subscribe to them. Leave smart and well-written comments and you'll see that they drive visitors to your YouTube channel. Remember that YouTube is a community, you will get better results in terms of gaining subscribers by interacting with them than if you only post videos.

Advertise your channel

You can also advertise your YouTube channel using other social media, such as Facebook or Twitter. Tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter that you've uploaded a new video. If you also have a website or blog, you can link directly to your YouTube channel so your readers can learn more about you and watch your videos.

Be confident in yourself and in the videos you upload.

Avoid making promises that you cannot keep.

Be unique.

YouTube is looking for people who can offer what others can't. Design, personal signature, name, sound, or anything that you only know how to do. Don't give up, it will take time, but don't despair.

Do not use obscene words in your videos, this has a negative impact on viewers who watch the video for the first time.

Do not pay attention to unpleasant comments, they are written out of envy. Remove them and continue on your way.

Try uploading a video every two or three days, if you can keep up with your schedule, it will strengthen the bond between you and your followers.


Some people will not rate your videos and will leave you comments filled with insults. Don't take it personally, just try to improve in your videos.

In addition to this, some users insult you in the comments for their own pleasure to insult you. Be careful, some people like to act like idiots, you will only encourage them if you start responding to their insults.

Here is the article today. If you have read it to the end and you liked it, I invite you to subscribe to the newsletter of this site (the form below), and also visit my channel YouTube you will find a lot of interesting things!

When you first start blogging, you build it from scratch. No matter how well you research your Target Audience, you will still make mistakes. But the problem is different, no one will point them out to you, at least not yet.

I suggest you take advantage of the experience of Neil Patel, one of the world's best Internet marketing specialists. Below you will find one of my favorite articles on blog promotion.

Once you've researched your Target Audience enough, you can reach your first 100 fans. They will be a "tool" for the development of your blog.

Regular readers will leave comments, reviews and post posts. With the help of active visitors, you will be able to track any movement in the blog by their responses. They will give a signal if something on the blog is not to their liking, it will be comments, a response to email or just user silence.

If you already have 100 subscribers, but there are no comments and reviews, this is not the users' problem, but yours, because this is your content!

In reality, you just fell into the gap between perfect communication and dull silence. Under some of your posts there may be 10-15 comments from 100 subscribers, and under others only 1 or 2 replies.

Use this feedback to tune blog performance, attract followers and improve content. That's when you can see the consistent development of the blog and the rapid growth in the number of subscribers.

So, where are we now?

You have a new blog, but no subscribers (or very few). Finding them is your main task. You want to get your first 100 fans.

You have the impetus to take action. You have to create content, develop it, build relationships with subscribers and much more. You are the only one who can do all this, given that your blog does not yet generate income.

How to attract blog subscribers

Optimal Strategy #1: Guest Guide

The first step in your strategy should be guest posting. The most popular places (blogs and forums) where your potential subscribers hang out is the perfect place to start.

You need to find popular blogs with a huge target audience. A small portion of this audience will become your Target Audience. You can attract them to your site by inviting them through a guest post. Guest posting is an important strategy for growing blogs of all sizes.

A typical mistake you can make is to write a guest post that you think will be popular with your followers. However, even if this post becomes popular and brings you new subscribers, they may be useless for your blog and business in general.

Instead, find text that looks good on the blog you're posting. This text will interest target visitors if it is written from a different angle to the general topic.

For example, if I were to guest post on Forbes (which I do on a regular basis), then I would not write an article on general theme state of the economy in the world. While this could become popular, I'd rather write less popular articles about how recent events in the economy can affect your business, online marketing, and other similar topics.

Keep in mind that your goal is this stage- get 100 regular subscribers to your site! Grab their attention first and then drive traffic.

Optimal Strategy #2: Create the Right Type of Content for Your Blog

As I said, time is limited. While ideally it may take a lot of content to get your blog into orbit, it doesn't really matter.

IN this moment you have few visitors (or even none). You do not need to constantly compose content, no one reads it anyway.

It is better to spend more time getting traffic from other sources before creating a large number of posts on your blog.

This means that you need some content on your blog, but some types of content are superior to others. Writing a reasoning post is a waste of time, why should anyone care what you think at the moment? It's sad, but it's a fact. You need to build your reputation as an expert before you start writing posts like this.

But there are content types that work at this stage. In particular, you should write posts that will attract high-quality backlinks and help build relationships with advanced and influential users. If you do it right, it can lead to some decent targeted traffic.

These magical content types are:
. Roundup posts
. Ego Bait Posts
. Cover Boy Posts

You probably already know what a roundup link means. You set up a survey of several influential users in a niche and post the results. Some of the influencers will comment on the post, link to it, or share it on social media.

"Ego bait" covers a wide range. In essence, you are appealing to the ambitions of influencers and the ambitions of companies. You help them improve your image by showing how their advice can solve your or someone else's problem. Let them know you've created a post and maybe they'll link to it.

Finally, you can use the cover guy tactic. This type is similar to "ego bait", you use next level tactics. Find a couple of authoritative examples, a specific strategy or technique, and move on down the track.

One more thing, listen to advice and track your results. Do a case study of your results and you'll be impressed, it's great motivation. This will serve as real proof of how cool you are in your business!

Optimal Strategy #3: Paid Traffic

If you have more money than time, and you are ready to invest in a business - paid traffic is for you, it will accelerate the growth of your business!

This, by the way, is absolutely not necessary. Many successful blogs have never resorted to paid advertising, but at the same time, there are popular sites that sometimes resort to this particular strategy.

A big advantage of paid ads is the ability to get target audience in the absence of traffic on this base. But it can get expensive, especially if you're new to online advertising. It is very important that you spend a little time studying before you blow a thousand or two dollars.

Optimal Strategy #4: Grow your social media presence

Last but not least is your social media presence.

Popular social media platforms are full of traffic, especially Vkontakte, Facebook, etc., they almost certainly include your target audience.

The problem is that any good social media strategy takes time. If you are aiming to grow in social media, be prepared to use the platforms for several months until they start to pay off and get decent traffic.

If you're really into social media promotion, use paid traffic to drive traffic to your site. For example, paid advertising on Facebook is relatively cheap and allows you to quickly create a credible and popular page.

I don't recommend using social media as your primary traffic strategy unless you're willing to constantly invest in it. However, you can define one or two channels and use them while you focus on building traffic in other ways.

What about SEO?

If you know me well, then remember how much I love and benefit from SEO. But on the other hand, when building an author page, you should not focus too much on SEO at the beginning.

It will take several months of publishing quality Content to gain credibility and trust from search engines. You will be able to see real organic growth in your traffic in about a year, and then you will be able to pay more attention to SEO development.

Hello, friends! I hope you have already missed the new useful articles. Today's post will be of interest to bloggers of a wide variety of topics, beginner businessmen on the Internet, those who are just trying to create their own permanent source of income, or those who are making far-reaching plans. In general, the article is for those who look ahead. Today we will deal with you how to attract subscribers to the subscription base.

So that you do not close the article ahead of time, do not scold the next “pseudo guru”, I note that I tested everything that will be discussed below from personal experience.

My subscription base is gradually growing, and paid methods were NOT used to attract subscribers.

This article was written as part of the $ 5,000 7 Tips contest, which is run by the famous blogger Vladimir Karpeev. You can also take part in the competition. By the way, I recommend subscribing to the updates of this blog - you will find a lot of useful and interesting things. I signed)

Frankly, I thought for a long time on what topic to write a contest post and whether to write it at all. If you write - it should be relevant, based on personal experience, give some "cases" to those who read it.

You could, of course, try to tell readers about rewriting, but this is still a rather narrow topic. Yes, and regular readers are aware of all the chips, news, if not, subscribe to updates.

So for your attention 7 tips about how to attract subscribers to your subscription base.

This is the cornerstone on which the development of your subscription base will be built in the future. Give that course, book, product that SOLVES the subscriber's PROBLEM. It should be really valuable and useful.

For me, such a bonus is “How to start making money on copywriting”. For those who do not want to read the description on the above link, I will briefly describe what is in this book.

The reader finds here:

  • Introduction to copywriting, drawing up a plan of earnings;
  • Secrets of making money on content exchanges;
  • Rules for writing articles that will be sold;
  • Working on the most popular freelance resource - how to get started;
  • Reasoning on financial topics;
  • What to do to grow professionally

I will give a few reviews of subscribers who read the book, followed the recommendations in the mailing list.

Hello Dmitry! Just read your book. I must admit, at first I thought that the book would be 300 pages! :) Impressions after reading it were positive - I wanted to move mountains! Written in an accessible language, many examples and, which is good, personal experience.

Alexander Shalovkin

Thanks for the book. Everything is clear, concise and to the point.

[email protected]

A very useful book, especially for beginners. The book is presented in an accessible language, so I learned a lot of useful things. Thank you very much, I hope to learn more useful things. Thank you very much!

A moment of attention :)

Surely, you are interested in additional earnings on the Internet.
I offer tools that I have been using myself for several years:

Sincerely, Maxim.

I will not copy many reviews, I hope the reader understands that the book carries a certain value.

And no need to say that writing (recording a video) such a product will take you a lot of time, effort and money. I wrote the book literally over the weekend. True - it took much longer to plan. It's worth it just to take it and do it.

The next important step is to create a subscription page, a special subscription form. Actually, this is the person where you will send traffic. I repeat, the traffic is not bought, but the visitors of your blog, sometimes the readers themselves will recommend you.

Again, creating such a page is not difficult. I learned this thanks to the course of Alexander Borisov, about which. Of course, the landing page can be made awesomely beautiful, polished, bright. The question is different - what is the purpose of your subscription page? In my opinion, it is extremely simple: convert a visitor into a subscriber.

I wrote more about the secrets of landing pages in . I recommend that you read it carefully. I am sure that you will find a lot of useful things for yourself.

For those who have the opportunity - experiment with design, shapes, etc. But above all, the value. If it is, the person will subscribe. Don't believe? The numbers say something else

Council number 3. Recommendation of an authoritative specialist, recognizable person.

More recently, I have felt the full force of such a recommendation. I'll tell you in detail how it all happened. I got acquainted with the course "Money" by Vladimir Belyaev, studied it, introduced lots of chips, recommendations into my life. Naturally, I wrote a detailed, truthful review about this product and how it affected me -.

To be honest, I was very surprised that Vladimir Belyaev drew attention to me. And just at that time he was recording a video course on copywriting, making money on articles. Asked to see the book...

Just read your book from A to Z. Very sensible. Today I’m recording a short video course on this topic and I’ll put your book in the archive if you don’t mind.

I promise to be useful to all those readers who have already come (still will come) on his recommendation. And there are already a lot of them - 81 subscribers in less than 6 days. See screenshot below.

Council number 4. Guest posts, natural links to you.

Guest posts have a good effect not only on the attendance of your resource, but also on a certain level of expertise, your authority. In a guest post, it is desirable to put down both a link to your blog and to the newsletter.

Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I devote little time to guest posts. But good work were written. Here, for example, is one of them.

Natural Links

No wonder they say that natural links work best. Indeed, when the author puts a link to you without asking, for free - this is only a plus. Try to build natural link mass. I am especially pleased with the article "my teacher", where he talks about his best students.

Contests are a great opportunity to express yourself, attract a permanent audience that did not know about you. A significant surge in attendance, comments was on the blog after getting into prizes, the same effect was seen in where everyone painted their personal experience.

Yes, most readers will simply look at the contest posts, at most they will write something in the comments. But there are those who will look, and what kind of mailing it is, look at the page about me. Eh, I would take a place in the top three and evaluate the effect))) In no case do I hint at anything to the members of the jury of this competition.

Read the title of this paragraph again. Yes, you will not believe, the subscriber is a person. This is by no means a soulless e-mail, of which there are simply a lot today. If you undertook to solve the problem of the reader - help, answer letters, give advice, hold webinars, etc. And do it for free. Of course, for those who want everything at once - there are also paid products, consultations, I do not argue with this.

Respect your readers, share with them interesting content, personal experience, run polls to find out exactly what they want to see in the mailing list/blog.

A trusting, friendly relationship with the reader is the key to success. Here I even have nothing to add.

If you don't understand that subscription base- this is your golden asset, a source of income that you constantly need to develop, re-read this post again. Let me emphasize the following - TARGET SUBSCRIPTION BASE. There is no point in having 1000, 10000 subscribers who will not open your emails, read them, look at offers, and in the future, buy from you.

Therefore, focus on the target subscriber base, plan how to increase it, think about where to get subscribers, what work needs to be done for this. Use social networks for these purposes. I will not write about them, since my personal experience of promotion in social networks Hardly ever.

You can find me at:

If you are registered on VKontakte, then at least once you received a personal message with an invitation to join the community, or unknown people asked you to be friends. These are two clumsy and ancient ways to increase the number of subscribers.

It would seem that bad. Sit down and bombard people with friend requests and messages for free. But not everything is so great.

  1. You can send no more than 20 letters per day to people who are not friends. From these letters, according to experience, about 25-50% are opened, and no more than 5% are entered.
  2. After 1-1.5 weeks, the page from which the letters were sent will be frozen and then they will be blocked regularly when spam is sent again.
  3. You can invite no more than 50 people to friends per day. Of these, about 7-10 will confirm the application, and the ability to send an invitation to the group will be active for a maximum of 3-4 of those who add you as a friend. At the same time, no more than half will join the group (subscribe to updates) - 2 people.
  4. Captcha pops up every 3-5 invitations. And if you consider that you will be choosing people for your community, the whole process will take at least 1.5-2 hours.

It turns out that the effectiveness of such methods is very low, you can use one non-existent person for about 3-4 weeks until it is finally closed (and you should not expect trust in such profiles), methods require large investments in man-hours. Oh yes, and do not forget about the irritation and discontent that your letters and friend requests will cause. And it will definitely be.

The question arises: what to do? How to increase the size of the community? For this, VKontakte has several proven types of advertising, and new methods often appear. Let's look at the most popular and in demand, as well as potentially interesting ones that have just been announced, in more detail.

1. Proven standard
  • image with text (title of 25 characters, description of 60 and picture 90x65);
  • large image (title of 25 characters and picture 90x120);
  • exclusive format, only one of your ads will be shown on the page, but its price is higher than that of the others (title of 25 characters and picture 90x160);
  • community promotion (picture and title are selected automatically from the community design, there is a "Join" button).

Among the advantages are wide targeting settings for displaying ads to your target audience, the ability to control the budget and, if necessary, make changes.

The best part here is the price. One user can cost you less than 2 p. (if the ad has a good conversion for impressions).

2. Advertising in communities

This is a way to tell about your community in other, for example, related publics. Here you can either search for communities for advertising on your own (relevant if you have a small regional business, because there is no geotargeting in the community exchange settings), or use a special community exchange.

Here are two ways to promote yourself:

  1. A post with text and an attachment that will simply be posted in the community feed.
  2. Repost of another post. Here you first create a post in your community, and then post it to others through a link.

The second method is more interesting because potential subscribers immediately see your community and can go to its page.

Don't forget about pages with wiki markup as well. They can be attached both to a regular post with a link, and to a post that you will post as a repost. The advantage of such a page is that there will be a “Subscribe” button in the header for users who have not subscribed to your community updates.

As for the cost, it can vary significantly depending on the subject: in the range from 150 to 150,000 rubles. for 1 post. Optimally placed at a price of 500-2000 rubles. for publication.

3. Special format

Another interesting and relatively the new kind attracting subscribers to the community - advertising in the news. In this format, your ad will be displayed in a special block in the user's news feed. When you click on it, a person goes to the community page and there he can already see the news and subscribe to updates.

The price is set for impressions and depends on the theme and the settings made. 1000 impressions will cost you about 20 rubles.

4. New "like in Facebook"

At the end of April, VKontakte announced the launch of a new advertising format that will allow posts from communities to be promoted in users' news feeds. Such an opportunity has long been implemented in Facebook. There you can already promote any of the entries on your page.

Where to invest or a little personal experience

Of course, you always want to know what will work more efficiently, where to invest in the first place. There is no single answer to this question. Everything needs to be checked and tested.

For example, in an advertising campaign for a site, posts posted through the exchange work most effectively. From them, we get about 3-3.5 times more subscribers than from other methods of advertising on VKontakte with a comparable budget. In second place in terms of performance are retargeting ads (retargeting group - website visitors). Next - ads targeted at the audience of adjacent communities, then ads shown to the target audience selected using the settings of the advertising system (when gender, age, hobbies, etc. are indicated).


Attract an audience only in proven ways that are officially approved by VKontakte. Other approaches will not only waste your time, but may also damage your reputation by causing negativity. And restoring reputation will cost you much more than the amount saved.

If you have never advertised on VKontakte before, but want to try, we will help you. Our specialists will create ads for you and launch a VKontakte campaign or develop an advertising post, select communities and make a publication.
