Mdk - decoding in computer games. What is "MDK" in the modern sense? What is the mdk vkontakte community

On the Internet, as well as in chat rooms of computer games, users very often use a variety of abbreviations that help them express their thoughts faster. This is a very convenient tool, but there is a small problem: it will be quite difficult for an uninitiated person to understand what was actually said. After all, you need to have some experience in computer games and Internet technologies in order to understand this topic. For example, very often among gamers you can find the term MDK, but what can it mean? For the MDK abbreviation, the decoding can be very diverse, but this article will give the most common examples.

MDK game series

First of all, you should pay attention to the rather popular MDK series of computer games, which has been in existence for almost twenty years. Of course, it cannot be called a masterpiece. But these games still found their fans. And yet, what is hidden behind the abbreviation MDK? The decryption in this case is quite simple, but no one would have thought to use it. The fact is that behind it are the names of the main characters for whom you have to play. Initially, they wanted to call the game Max, Dr. Fluke Hawkins & Kurt, but by the time of release it was decided to reduce the number of characters in the name to a minimum, as a result, only MDK remained. After that, the second part of the game came out, but its name remained unchanged - it only received the number 2. Also during the game, you can notice several references to the name. For example, when you play as Kurt, one of the missions will be called Mission: Deliver Kindness, which can also be abbreviated as MDK. Now for the game MDK, the decryption is quite clear, so you can move on to other options.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong

There is another game that is usually abbreviated as MDK. The decoding in this case is completely different - this time the full name of the game sounds like Mario vs. Donkey Kong. As old-school gamers might have guessed, here is the confrontation between two iconic characters of computer games that millions of users fell in love with in the nineties. This project did not receive public recognition, because he could not return the very atmosphere that pleased the players so much twenty years ago. Well, now you know how MDK stands for in this case. This is the last game with a similar name, so now it's time to move on to more general concepts.

Kills in games

A huge number of computer games are tied to the fact that you need to eliminate your opponents. And if in this case you ask a question about what MDK means, then you will most likely be answered that this is how murder is indicated in the game, especially when it comes to some kind of task. In this case, this abbreviation stands for This abbreviation is used to designate missions in which you need to eliminate targets, kill everyone on the level, and so on.

Other meanings

Naturally, the use of this abbreviation is not limited to computer games, so you can continue to study the meanings of these letters. For example, in popular network"VKontakte" has a community that is called that way. Also, this abbreviation has been used several times in the music industry - there is a song with a similar name, and even an entire album. This abbreviation is used in the most unusual areas. For example, there is such as well as a development package software distributed on the web for free. Thus, the abbreviation MDK really has a lot of meanings, and the most interesting thing is that they are all unrelated to each other and mean different things, hide different words behind them.

The District Court of St. Petersburg ruled to restrict access to information from the MDK community on the VKontakte social network. Now he is threatened with getting into the register of blocked sites, and MDK has already been on the “black list” of Roskomnadzor. Why is there such attention to him and how it all began - tells

What is MDK?

MDK is a community, a public that arose in social network VKontakte in 2011. Gained popularity thanks to jokes, pictures and demotivators, sustained in a teenage style, which were posted by the users themselves. Often beyond the bounds of accepted ethics: for example, jokes about the dead were allowed, obscene language was used, etc. And the very name of the community is consonants from an obscene word denoting a narrow-minded person.

The strategy turned out to be successful - the community grew along with VKontakte and became the most visited in the most popular Russian social network. So, at the beginning of 2013, more than a million people signed up for it, and by the end - 3 million. mobile version entered the programs App Store. MDK now has nearly 6.8 million subscribers.


Despite their youth, the founders (in their early 20s) managed to turn the community into a business. Advertising posts almost from the very beginning.

At the end of 2013, a trademark was registered for the Sarafanka company. CEO became one of the co-founders Dmitry Aladyshev. He owns 34 percent of the shares. His partners, Roberto Panchvidze and Dmitry Trachuk, got 33 percent each.

Panchvidze explained the trademark registration as a need to fight communities and companies that are trying to cash in on the MDK brand. However, he promised not to interfere with those who use the trademark not for commercial gain.

The community also has accounts on Twitter and Instagram, but both in total gained a little less than 200 thousand subscribers - VKontakte remained the main platform. By the end of 2013, the turnover was estimated at $1.3 million, according to the Russian Forbes. In an interview with, Roberto Panchvidze evaded a direct assessment of the current turnover.

Dear jokes

The reason for the jokes in the community was both current events and typical everyday problems. The public did not shy away from attacks against advertisers. We must pay tribute to the community: they did not fail to joke about their potential closure.

Screenshot of the MDK community in Vkontakte

The most infamous MDK publication was a picture with lyrics parodying the words of Zhanna Friske's song, released on the day of the singer's death. In addition to the potential blocking, already familiar to the community by that time, even criminal prosecution was sought for its authors.

The current court case states that each of the 695 community albums contains 400-600 photographs that are pornographic in nature and can affect the mental health of children. Also, the community published texts with profanity, pictures that offend the feelings of believers. At the same time, very tragic events did not remain without comment - for example, the terrorist attack in Volgograd. This post has since been deleted.

Consequences of fasting

If the closure was threatened quite often (usually everything ended with the removal of the materials under jurisdiction), then in the case of the post about the singer, the sore point of MDK was affected - the community was disconnected from the advertising exchange, through which a significant part of the income was received. However, the community has not changed its concept.

Screenshot of the MDK community in Vkontakte

Often, after claims against the community, claims were also made against VKontakte, but social network employees usually took a neutral position, demanding a decision from a judicial or regulatory authority to take appropriate action. An exception was made only in the above case with a joke about Friske. Also, once a community was banned for posting a link offering to download a malicious application.

In November 2013, the public itself threatened to go on a counterattack, announcing against State Duma deputy Mikhail Markelov for his statements on October 23, 2013 about a post dedicated to the terrorist attack in Volgograd. However, no further information about the lawsuit has been forthcoming, and the post is not available at the link.

Any event, be it a lawsuit against the community or a response, MDK always strives to turn into self-promotion. It is difficult to expect that the next lawsuit will change something in this concept.

MDK co-founder Roberto Panchvidze commented on his view of the current situation with the community.

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Meaning of the word mdk



MDK- a computer game, a three-dimensional third-person shooter with elements of a first-person shooter.

The game was originally named Max, Dr. Fluke Hawkins & Kurt, however, the game was renamed MDK just prior to commercial production.

There are several transcripts of the abbreviation MDK. The initial letters of the names of the main characters of the game M ax, D octor, K urt- dog Max, Dr. Hawkins and Kurt Hektik. Kurt's mission is called « M ission: D eliver K indness", as well as MDK is decrypted as M urder, D eath, K ill.

MDK (disambiguation)

MDK is a multi-valued abbreviation. It can take the following values:

  • MDK - a series of computer games
    • MDK is a 1997 computer game.
    • MDK2 is a sequel to MDK released in 2000.
  • MDK - VKontakte community.
  • MDK is a mobile slewing crane. See Faucet Indexing.
  • Mekanik Destruktiv Kommandöh is a 1973 Magma album.
  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong(English) - 2004 video game.
  • GNU MIX Development Kit (GNU MDK) is a free software package for software development.

MDK (community)

MDK, Also MDK- one of the popular humorous communities on VKontakte with more than 6.9 million subscribers (as of July 2016) and a monthly audience of 12 million people (as of August 2013). Since October 27, 2015, it has been banned on the territory of Russia by a court.

The community has apps for smartphones and tablets. In particular, the iOS app became one of the most popular in the Russian-language App Store in January 2013.

Most of the entries in the group are funny pictures and demotivators on topical topics. Content is created by both users and community administration. Repeatedly accused of extremism and xenophobia.

Game modes Carrier Systemic

The game was originally named Max, Dr. Fluke Hawkins & Kurt, however, the game was renamed MDK just prior to commercial production.

There are several transcripts of the abbreviation MDK. The initial letters of the names of the main characters of the game M ax, D octor, K urt- dog Max, Dr. Hawkins and Kurt Hektik. Kurt's mission is called « M ission: D eliver K indness"("Mission: Delivering Kindness"), as well as MDK stands for M urder, D eath, K ill.


Description of the background of actions in the game MDK is presented in the form of a diary of an eccentric inventor, Dr. Fluke Hawkins ( Dr. Fluke Hawkins), specializing in the invention of absolutely useless things. Dr. Hawkins makes some strange discovery, which he calls Flange Orbits. After he presents his discovery to the scientific community, it is questioned and ridiculed.

To prove the existence of the effect Flange Orbits Dr. Hawkins needs to go into space. To do this, he builds a spaceship called "Jim Dandy" ( The Jim Dandy), and as an assistant he takes his janitor Kurt Hektik with him ( Kurt Hectic). After entering outer space, the doctor realizes that Flange Orbits that he "discovered" do not actually exist. Instead of returning to Earth ridiculed, he goes into self-imposed exile, vowing never to return until he actually invents something useful. He plunges into work on the creation of a six-legged robot dog, which he gives the nickname Max.

While in space, Dr. Hawkins notices a strange phenomenon - energy flows of incredible power ( Streams) that point directly at the Earth. Hawkins tries to warn scientists about the unusual phenomenon, but he is once again ignored. After some time, energy flows begin to spew hordes of alien creatures - Streamriders, who come to Earth in giant minecrawler fortress ships. Every minecrawler(literally from English. crawling miner) is a huge mobile fortress that mines minerals, levels the soil, destroys buildings and entire cities through which it passes. Earth's military forces are quickly overwhelmed by space invaders.

Dr. Hawkins decides to take action. He designs a unique protective suit coil suit(literally from English Twisted Suit), equipped with a reusable ribbon parachute and a streamlined helmet, in which a sniper weapon is mounted. Since the doctor was advanced in age and the robot dog had extra limbs that prevented the use of the suit, the doctor's servant Kurt was the only one who could put on the suit and fight the aliens.

Kurt is reluctantly sent to Earth. Counter Alien Invasion Gets Titled "Mission: Delivering Kindness" (" M ission: D eliver K indness"). Throughout the game, the intelligent dog Max helps the hero.


The gameplay is very similar to regular third-person shooters. The player has a rich arsenal, the action of which is different in machine gun mode and sniper mode. In addition to the usual running and shooting, the game has various mini-games, as well as small quests at the beginning and end of the level (). For example, Kurt will have to capture a bomber, drive a snowboard, and also disguise himself as a sentry robot to deceive the guards.

Entry into the atmosphere

In order to get from the Jim Dandy ship to the alien car, Kurt has to make a jump from the Earth's orbit. The Maincrawler fires a green beam (radar), which, when Kurt is detected, gives a signal to launch anti-aircraft missiles that must be evaded. At the same time, in flight, Doctor Hawkins drops various weapons from the ship, which can be picked up before landing.


Each level is divided into special zones, the so-called Arenas. Each arena can have its own structure, size and methods of passing. Some arenas are large fields with infantry generators, some require parachuting and platform jumping skills, some arenas require puzzles to solve.

Despite the fact that there are only six levels in MDK, each level is huge and consists of a large number of arenas connected to each other in a linear way. Since the game was originally developed for the PlayStation console, in the original version of the game, you can only save the game between levels, and if the player dies, he starts the level again. A patch was later released that added the ability to save anywhere in the level.

energy flow

At the end of each level, Kurt will have to fight the boss who controls the minecrawler, after which the hero, along with the wreckage of a huge machine, begins to drag out the energy flow. While inside the energy tunnel, Kurt has to avoid touching its edges, each such touch takes away 5 health points from the player. After some time of flight downstream, he is picked up by Max, who is connected by a halyard to the Jim Dandy ship.

After the destruction of the last minecrawler, no one pulls Kurt out of the stream (due to Max's kidnapping), causing the stream to bring Kurt into the alien world.

Twisted Suit

Kurt's main defense is Twisted Suit Dr. Hawkins, a thick armor made of leather-like material. The suit protects Kurt well from various weapons, and it also helps to avoid the lethal effects of atmospheric friction when jumping from Jim Dandy. The suit's helmet add-on is actually a sniper rifle. It is capable of magnifying and using up to six types of cartridges. Three cameras allow you to follow the movement of the bullet until it hits the target. When removed from the helmet and attached to the arm of the suit, it functions as a fast-firing machine gun with infinite ammo. Also can be found power up to increase the power of the machine gun (up to 400 shots in one power up). The suit is also equipped with a parachute that allows it to glide and take off with the air currents.


The enemy in the game are representatives of an alien race called Stream Riders(literally from English. riders on streams). The leader of the invasion is Günther Glath ( Gunter Glut). The aliens use energy flows to transfer their minecrawlers to Earth and extract all kinds of planetary resources. Usually aliens attack in large numbers. Equipped with parachutes, they are able to engage in combat from the air. Often there are generators that create new aliens until they themselves are destroyed. In addition, there are improved aliens, as well as their heavy equipment (tanks, bombers).

Music in the game

Original music composed by Todd Dennis and Tommy Tallarico plays throughout the game. On one of the arenas, a fragment of the work of MP Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition" arranged by Chris Hülsbeck and Jay Frog is used.

Name Duration
1. Prologue 4:32
2. "Strange Things" 4:08
3. "The Enemy Among Us" 2:13
4. "Facing the Inevitable" 4:38
5. "An Upscale Affair" 1:23
6. "Vengeful Aliens" 4:30
7. "Grenich Time" 3:27
8. "Portrait of an Insane Asylum" 1:48
9. "A Padded Cell" 1:50
10. "New Territories" 3:29
11. "Dreaming of Victory" 3:55
12. Starship 1:56
13. "Gunter Planet" 3:00
14. "World Militia" 3:41
15. Tribal Unity 2:35
16. "Crossfire" 2:09
17. Bounty Hunter 1:52
18. "MDK" 3:38


see also



  • Computer games alphabetically
  • Computer games 1997
  • Games for Windows
  • Games for Mac OS
  • Playstation games
  • First person shooters
  • Shiny Games
  • DOS games

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "MDK" is in other dictionaries:

    MDK- Desarrolladora(s) Shiny Entertainment Neversoft (PlayStation) Distribuidora(s) Playmates Interactive Entertainment Diseñador(es) Nick Bruty, Bob Stevenson, Tim Williams … Wikipedia Español

The social network "VKontakte" with its appearance has brought a lot of innovations into our lives. We began to communicate more, watch the news, have fun in the browser games VKontakte and many others. Do not forget about the important and significant thing that makes social networks the way we know them - these are communities. They can be of various directions, which attract more and more audience. This article will talk about what “MDK” is and why everyone loves this community so much, as well as the similarity of its name with a disciplinary subject.

What are VKontakte communities?

Communities are special pages on which certain content is posted. Each group or community should be highly specialized, and a sudden change in topic promises blocking. Such are the rules, but this has its own plus - a person can always rely on one or more groups and communities, where he will definitely find the desired content.

People by nature are quite constant, so not everyone will like it if the animal community abruptly starts posting musical compositions on their page. This is what makes VKontakte a unique social network that differs from others in its atmosphere and charm.

It is precisely this charm that the MDK community has, which is why the question of what MDK is arises not only among VKontakte users, but also among ordinary readers. global network internet around the world. Let's talk about this in more detail.

A few words about what "MDK VKontakte" is

This group is quite famous in the Russian segment for its black jokes, or to be more precise, “memes”, which used to be called “fotozhabs”. Nothing lasts forever, just like the name of the old concepts. Strange as it may seem, the theme of MDK is humorous. The community was founded back in 2011, after which there were literally more events that could close the community once and for all, and bring the creators to criminal liability for extremism.

In 2015, the creators were threatened with criminal liability for extremism in their "memes". We are talking about a published picture, which ridiculed the death of the popular pop singer Zhanna Friske. The publicity of the case was given by the television program “Let them talk”, to which the creators of the community and many celebrities of Russia were invited. Also, Iosif Kobzon could not restrain his opinion, wishing death to those who laughed at the "meme".

After all these events, VKontakte and Rospotrebnadzor blocked MDK for the Russian segment of users. However, the community exists to this day, it is not difficult to find it. Almost every fifth user of the above social network is its reader, so among friends there will definitely be at least one who has “MDK” in the group list. If you have a “black” sense of humor and a desire to understand trends, then this is the most suitable content in the entire Runet.

What is it - the subject of the MDK?

By definition, the IDT is a special interdisciplinary course. Every year, reforms in the education system make it possible to make the process of training new personnel for the country more flexible and reasonable than previous methods of training. MDT is a global practice that not only contributes to the creation of more qualified employees, but also increases the number of people who are able to work in various fields, while having only one education.

An excellent example is the discipline called "MDK: Programming in computer systems”, because after graduating from college, a person not only knows how to understand computers, programming, but is also a fully qualified accountant. This approach is considered to be MDK.

The question also arises of what it is - MDK 01.01. In the learning process, each profession has its own interdisciplinary courses. For example, builders may have an MDT called "Organization and control of installation of industrial equipment." And within this curriculum the subject will be indicated by the specified index.

Is it worth creating your own VKontakte community?

The opinions of many experts agree that this type of activity is most suitable for those people who want and can put their soul into something, while receiving a lot of money for distributing advertising records in their community.

The bottom line is to create interesting and captivating content that people will come to and consume. An example of a successful community can be MDK, because one of its authors at the time of its creation was an ordinary student, now he is a businessman: he has about 20 VKontakte groups that bring him considerable cash income.


We hope that this article on the topic “What is “MDK?” enriched your knowledge of the modern media field, because by law, all communities that have reached the number of 3000 subscribers are media. We also recall that MDK has this moment time, there are more than 8.5 million readers.
