Amigo is not deleted. How to permanently remove amigo browser from your computer

Sometimes, along with certain files, users download and automatically install completely unnecessary software, in particular the Amigo browser, and then the question arises of how to remove Amigo.

Also, VKontakte Odnoklassniki programs and so on are installed with this absolutely unnecessary and impractical browser. They are simply links to the pages of these social networks.

We will show you step by step how to remove all this software from your computer.

Step #1. Removal using standard means

Of course, first we will remove Amigo in the same way as any other program.

  • First you need to go to the “Programs and Features” menu. It can be done different ways, for example, by opening the program launch window (press the “Win” and “R” buttons at the same time) and entering the “appwiz.cpl” command. You can also find Go using search. In some Windows versions You can go to the “Start” menu and there, in the “Control Panel”, find “Uninstall programs”. It's all the same thing.
  • When you get to this menu, you will need to find “Amigo” in the list and click on “Delete” at the top. You can also simply double-click on this item in the list. After this, the uninstall window will open.

  • Actually, all you have to do next is follow the instructions in the removal window.

As you can see, the removal is quite standard. You can do the same with any other program. But in the case of Amigo, everything is not so simple and to remove it from your computer forever, this is not enough.

Step #2. Removing side programs

The fact is that other programs are installed along with the useless browser. As for the Odnoklassniki and VKontakte shortcuts, you can simply delete them from the desktop. It would be enough.

The problem is that puts its processes in startup and they also need to be removed so as not to clog the system.

The fact is that the program that installed all this garbage on your computer is a real virus, which even after removing Amigo will change start pages in browsers, install new programs and so on. Therefore, it is very important to remove the most important programs in the Task Manager.

This is done as follows:

  • First you should launch this same Task Manager. This can be done by pressing the “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Delete” buttons. Also, in some versions of Windows, you can right-click on the bottom panel and select “Launch task manager” from the drop-down menu.
  • In it you need to go to the “Processes” tab and find two processes in the list - “Mail.Ru updater” and “MailRuSputnik”. It is quite possible that you will only have one of them. So, on each one you need to right-click and select “Open file storage location.” A folder will open, which we will return to in the third item of this list. In the Task Manager, you need to click “End Process” on each of the above programs.

Attention! Recently, processes related to the Kometa program, for example, “Kometa browser updater,” have also begun to be recorded in startup. All this can also apply to Amigo. They should be dealt with in the same way as with unnecessary programs whose name contains “Mail.Ru”.

  • In the folder that opens, delete the files that will be there. To do this, select the file and press the “Delete” button on the keyboard, or right-click on it and select “Delete” from the drop-down list. You can also delete the entire folder. To do this, you need to go to a higher level in the file manager.

  • Now you need to remove this program from startup as well. The easiest way to do this is by opening the program launch window (the “Win” and “R” buttons) and entering the “msconfig” command. The System Configuration window opens. In it you need to go to the “Startup” tab, find the same Mail.RuUpdater there, select it and click “Disable all” in the lower right corner.

The same should be done with MailRuSputnik. But in some cases, these actions are not enough.

Step #3. Removing all residues

All of the above programs leave behind a lot of residual files. All of them also clog up the computer's memory, and some can even reinstall Amigo and all other garbage.

Therefore, after removal you need to do this:

  • Go to the path C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp and delete all files there. Most likely, there is some MailRu garbage left there. And in general, it is useful to periodically delete the contents of this folder. To do this, simply select all the files and press the “Delete” button on the keyboard or “Delete” in the drop-down menu that opens after clicking right button mouse on selected files.

  • Use CCleaner program in order to remove all residues. Download free version Can . When the program is installed, go to the “Service” section and the “Startup” subsection. Check if Amigo or anything related to MailRu is there. If there is, highlight this item, then click “Turn off” and “Delete”. In the action confirmation window that appears, click “Yes”.

  • Now go to the “Uninstall Programs” section and do the same if there are any suspicious programs there.
  • Using the same CCleaner, clean the system of all possible debris. This is to ensure that no “infection” remains on the computer. To do this, first go to the “Cleaning” section, click “Analysis”, then “Cleaning”. When this process is over, and usually it lasts quite a long time, go to the “Registry” section, click “Search for problems”, then “Fix…” and in the window that appears, “Fix marked ones”.

After following all these instructions, all traces of Amigo and other junk will be erased from the system.

Regardless of how exactly this browser appeared on your computer, you need to know how to remove Amigo from your computer completely so that it does not cause problems while using your PC.


Removing this Internet browser from a computer is a task that will be very difficult for a novice user to cope with. If you simply uninstall the browser from your computer, it may appear again over time. And in this case, it doesn’t matter how exactly you “picked it up” - by installing it intentionally or when installing programs, like third-party software.

You can remove Amigo browser from your computer in a few steps. Do them sequentially so that you don't end up encountering him again.

This is a standard procedure, after which any other program will be removed from the PC. But due to the fact that after uninstallation the Updater process remains in the system, it will automatically download the Internet browser and install it again on the computer.

Ending the process

Disable in Startup


The video shows the Amigo removal process more clearly.

Cleaning with special programs

It is not always possible to remove the Amigo browser from your device using standard means. In this case use special program AdwCleaner. The utility will remove the Amigo browser and other malware from your PC, including automatically.


Installation of the Amigo browser on a computer occurs due to negligence or along with different programs as additional software. Delete it in a standard way It won't work from a PC, so follow the steps described in the article. Also use a special program called AdwCleaner, which will remove it automatically.

Anyone who has not heard of such a browser has never used the Internet on their home computer. The fact is that Amigo very persistently offers to install it on a PC, using not entirely honest methods for this. Most often, unauthorized installation occurs when downloading programs and applications from the network. The Amigo search engine is not viral content, but it does cause inconvenience in operation. Let's look at ways to completely remove it.

Amigo was developed by portal specialists as a search engine. Despite some of its advantages, the way it is installed on a computer allows Amigo to be classified as a typical malware.

Amigo causes such problems:

  • interferes normal operation major browsers;
  • consumes resources random access memory and takes free place on the hard drive;
  • periodically updates to the latest version and loads files;
  • there is a high probability of catching a virus along with the installation of Amigo.

Attention! The browser fits into Windows processes, therefore, to remove it, ordinary cleaning, which only creates an appearance, is not enough. After you restart your PC, it will be installed automatically.

The very first thing you need to do is try to clean your computer using Windows applications. The procedure is as follows:

Interesting! You can quickly call up the search bar using the key combination Win+R

Removing processes through the task manager

IN latest versions Amigo writes itself into the Windows Task Scheduler, making it much more difficult to remove. The program will not stop bothering you until it is removed from the Task Manager processes.

You can open the task scheduler using the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del or through the “Control Panel” tab - “System and its maintenance” - “Administration”. In the task scheduler we find Amigo and MailRuUpdater and shut down these applications.

Important! From this menu you can go to the file storage location and clear all the data there.

Windows Registry Cleaner

After all the operations performed, it is recommended to check the registry for entries from a variety of malicious applications. Do it best special utility, for example, CCleaner, ADWCleaner or an analogue. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Launch the program on your computer.
  2. Select the “Analyze”, “Scan” or “Check” command.
  3. After the scan is completed, the service will display all suspicious and dangerous applications in the registry on the screen.
  4. Use the “Clean” button to delete unnecessary files.

Cleaning the registry will not only help get rid of Amigo, but will also improve the performance of your computer.

The main reason for installing unauthorized content on home computer is the user’s inattention and lack of any protection while working on the Internet. An easy way to protect yourself is to enable built-in hardware protection in your browser and install any of the available antiviruses.

Video - How to completely remove amigo browser from your computer

Amigo is a dubious browser that advertises itself as a powerful web browser with built-in social networks. It was developed by Mail.Ru Group. However, the developers did not disclose that Amigo is adware and potentially unwanted program. The browser is supported by advertising and is mainly aimed at Russian users. It is mainly distributed through packages software.

Important! Once the Amigo browser gets onto your computer, bad behavior on its part cannot be avoided. It can replace browsers on your computer such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and other browsers that were installed by default. It then initiates continuous redirects to the domain, which is a shady website.

Using this browser may require the patience of an enlightened sage as it will constantly disturb your browsing with endless advertisements covering the content you are trying to view. Not to mention, if you click on third-party links displayed in your browser, you will be redirected to malicious websites that may contain malware or other scams.

Important! Another intrusive behavior of this browser is that it can track you to collect personal information. The information collected may be provided to third parties to provide you with sponsored content tailored to your tastes based on the ads you choose, search queries, frequently visited sites, address Email and many others.

Even though the Amigo browser has an official distribution site, this does not change the fact that it is a potential threat to your security and the security of your computer. Research has shown that the browser is distributed along with software packages. The likelihood of infection is especially high if you like to download software packages from free sharing sites.

Important! To avoid such suspicious programs, it is highly recommended that you read the program's legal documents, such as the privacy policy, license agreement etc. When installing a program, always select the Advanced or Custom installation method. So you can remove unnecessary programs from the list of components to install on your computer. Not installing a program is easy, but getting rid of unnecessary software can be very difficult.

How to remove Amigo and all its components

Below are removal instructions to help. Follow these instructions carefully to successfully remove the malicious browser:

Removing residues

On a note! In order to get rid of the Amigo browser, you can also reset all browser settings.

SpyRemover Pro

To ensure that the Amigo browser is removed, you can also use the SpyRemover Pro program.

SpyRemover Pro is one of the best programs to remove spyware modules. In order to perform a full system scan using SpyRemover Pro, you must do the following:

Note! Register SpyRemover Pro to protect your computer from future threats.

Video - How to completely remove Amigo browser

Amigo is a fairly well-known browser from the company. However, the web browser has a lousy reputation. Amigo is criticized for its similarity to Google browser Chrome and a lot of advertising, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The reason why people hate the brainchild of is obsession. If the program does end up on your PC, it is very difficult to get rid of it. In this article, we will discuss how to completely remove Amigo from your computer.

To install some program (game, text editor etc.), the user must use a special installer. This is where the root of the problem lies. Most installation managers add additional software to the PC ( Agent, Amigo browser, Odnoklassniki client and other rubbish). Users, due to their own carelessness, do not prevent the installation of side programs. Therefore, the computer becomes clogged with unnecessary software.

Why is it difficult to remove Amigo? The fact is that after the uninstallation procedure, some files remain on the PC. It is because of them that the Amigo browser may reappear on the PC. Let's figure out how to remove Amigo and all its components.

How to remove Amigo browser

There are several ways to get rid of an intrusive browser. The first is to use standard Windows tools 7, 8, 10. This method Suitable for inexperienced users who are comfortable with computers. The second method is intended for more advanced users. Its essence lies in the use of special software for uninstallation. Let's consider each of the above methods in more detail.

Standard Windows Tools

To remove Amigo using standard means Windows, first you need to close the browser. After that do the following:

It would seem that the browser has been deleted and will no longer appear on the PC. But that's not true! To get rid of Amigo once and for all, you need to delete residual files:

But that’s not all. You need to take the last step and remove deleted file from startup. To do this, open the “Run” utility by clicking on the hot combination Win + R. Next you need to activate the command. A new window will open in which you need to go to the “Startup” tab. There you need to click on the “Open Task Manager” hyperlink and delete MailRuUpdater.exe. Reboot your PC and voila – Amigo is completely removed from your computer.

Specialized software

To remove Amigo, you can use special software. Using such utilities is very convenient, because you can uninstall the program by pressing just one button. Let's look at how to remove Amigo using the example of a popular utility called Revo Uninstaller.

First you need to download the program from the official website of the developer. Having done this, install and run Revo Uninstaller. A huge list of programs that are on your PC will appear. To remove Amigo just click on the browser icon and horizontal menu located at the top, click on the “Delete” button. The program will completely uninstall the program. Removing Amigo will take a couple of seconds. The utility not only uninstalls all files, but also removes unnecessary entries.

Revo Uninstaller is one of the best programs for uninstalling unwanted software. The utility copes with its task perfectly and does not leave a trace of deleted programs. If for some reason you do not want to use Revo Uninstaller, then you can resort to using other software. Fortunately, the Internet is full of uninstallation utilities. For example, you can download the Uninstall Tool, IObit Uninstaller, Absolute Uninstaller, etc.

How to prevent Amigo installation

To avoid the hassle of uninstalling the Amigo browser, it is best to prevent the installation of unwanted software. How to do it? Carefully read the contents of the windows during installation. If the installer wants to download unwanted software onto your PC, he will notify you about it. To cancel installation additional programs, just uncheck the box next to the corresponding item.

If you are not particularly careful, you can install a special program on your PC that automatically unchecks all the boxes in the installer. There are quite a lot of such utilities on the World Wide Web. The most popular is Unchecky. You can download it completely free of charge.

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