Download the solid explorer application. Solid Explorer - the best file manager

Great file manager for Android devices which captivates with its meticulously refined design, made in the Material Design style, as well as simply enormous functionality. Working with this application is quite simple, and most importantly, very convenient; there are two independent panels for working with files, and this in turn means that on the first panel you can work with some files and folders, and on the second with others.

That is, you can open in one panel internal memory device, and on the other memory card, and using drag and drop, move the necessary files between these two drives. In portrait mode, only one panel is visible; to move to another, just make a gesture to the left or to the right, but if you work in landscape mode, then two panels will be visible at once, that is, as many are accustomed to seeing in Total Commander on computers.

Solid Explorer File Manager on Android you can do absolutely everything you need for advanced work with files, folders and archives, you can move, cut, copy, paste the necessary objects, extract and create archives, connect cloud storage, configure FTP access, connect to your computer and much more. Also, thanks to this program, you can collect all your media files in one place and have quick access to them.

Thanks to the built-in multimedia programs you can easily play music, watch videos and your photos, both on the device itself and on cloud storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and even on your computer. In addition, the program is easy to customize; you can customize the appearance using different themes and icons. For happy owners root rights a convenient root explorer is provided, thanks to which you can change files at the system level

Solid Explorer PRO– a multifunctional file manager for Android that compares favorably with its competitors.

Why should you download Solid Explorer?

The first thing that catches your eye is the user-friendly interface, sorted into folders and items. Thanks to two panels, the user can easily switch between system memory and SD card, manage cloud storage, files and archives stored on the device, content and other parameters.

Features and capabilities of the program:
- Work with ZIP archives, RAR, 7ZIP, TAR. Read, unpack/pack, encrypt.
- Support for popular cloud storages Dropbox, Google Drive, Yandex, Box, Mega, OneDrive, Mediafire.
- A huge number of settings that allow you to change the interface, theme, icons and file system.
- Using Root rights, gain access to root files and folders.
- Delete, copy, move, search and information about separate file or folder

It is extremely difficult to list all the functionality of Solid Explorer. Everything you need is here! Built-in player for playing audio and video, viewing images, uninstalling programs and cleaning garbage, convenient search, changing rules and setting individual values. Solid Explorer opens full access to system resources, always displays up-to-date information about the device and reliably protects data.

Solid Explorer File Manager is a feature-rich file manager with an elegant design and many features. Full Android TV support.

Solid Explorer is also a cloud file manager, as it provides extensive support for cloud storage services, including Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive, Mega and Owncloud. It can also connect to Windows PC and remote servers running FTP, SFTP and WebDav. And dual-pane browsing with drag-and-drop option improves productivity.

The application has a multilingual interface and also requires an Android version of at least Jelly Bean installed on the device. For media consoles with arm architecture. Without advertising.

Features of Solid Explorer File Manager

  • new modern material design
  • two separate panels acting as a file browser
  • Rich customization options: icon sets, color schemes, themes
  • dragging files within and between panels
  • FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, SMB/CIFS clients
  • ability to read and extract zip, 7zip, rar and tar archives, even if they are encrypted
  • ability to create password-protected zip and 7zip archives
  • cloud file manager: Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, GoogleDrive and Mega
  • Root access makes Solid Explorer fully functional root explorer
  • extensibility: more features in individual plugins available in Google Play
  • detailed information about the file with storage usage statistics
  • useful tools: hides unnecessary folders, FTP server and Chromecast support

Solid Explorer is an excellent file manager for viewing multimedia. It can organize all your photos, videos and music in one place for quick access. It also has a built-in music player and an image viewer that allows you to play back deleted content stored on a PC or in the cloud.


Solid Explorer File Manager is a convenient file manager with a large number of settings. The application allows you not only to carry out standard operations, but also to work with archives in different formats and access cloud storage.

Visually, Solid Explorer File Manager looks very stylish, and if you wish, you can customize the appearance to suit your needs - choose a theme, main color and highlight color, set of icons, etc. The controls are also not satisfactory - group operations here are performed in just a couple of clicks. In general, the interface of this file manager is well thought out, everything here is almost flawless.

In terms of functionality, Solid Explorer File Manager is also not much inferior to its competitors. It works with FTP and SFTP, allows you to read and extract archives in ZIP, RAR, 7ZIP formats, including encrypted ones. In ZIP and 7ZIP it is possible not only to extract data, but also to create archives with a password. The cloud file manager provides access to Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, Yandex, Mega, etc. If you have Root access, Solid Explorer File Manager becomes a full-fledged root explorer. Google Play offers various plugins for the application, allowing you to expand the already comprehensive functionality.

Solid Explorer File Manager can be considered a very worthy alternative to the best file managers on Android. Unfortunately, free version Despite all its advantages, it has a limited validity period - after 14 days you will need to make an in-app purchase or stop using it. True, the cost is low - at the time of writing, it was only 49 rubles. Solid Explorer File Manager scores 4.6.


Productive file manager with Drag and Drop support

Explorer for convenient work with files required by many owners mobile devices. If you are just looking for a suitable application, try downloading Solid Explorer for Android. This file manager is for convenience and abundance useful functions praised by many advanced users.

Features and Features of Solid Explorer

Two-pane browser - to display files in the application, two separate windows are used on the general screen of the gadget. This provides high level comfort and clarity when working with content. You can drag and drop files between both panels and within each of them.

A variety of tools is the main reason to download Solid Explorer for Android for free. The manager performs all basic actions with files and archives, supports Chromecast, works with bookmarks, can open and hide important folders, and works with an FTP server. It also has a built-in media player and image browser. Basic operations do not require root rights, but with them more opportunities open up for the user.

Cloud Explorer - the manager works not only with local files. The application allows you to manage the data stored in such cloud services, like Yandex Disk, Dropbox, Mediafire, Google Drive, SugarSync, Owncloud and some others.

Usability and design of Solid Explorer

The design of the application uses Material Design elements, and different color schemes are preset. For personalization appearance Explorer has several sets of icons and themes. Intuitively clear interface allows you to quickly understand all the settings and learn how to work with the application.

Paid content

You can download Solid Explorer for Android for free using the link below. All functions of the application are ready to use in full. However, there is a time limit for the program. 14 days after installation, the user must purchase license key to the application, which is on this moment costs about 103 rubles. Distributed completely free of charge only old version Solid Explorer Classic programs with reduced functionality and advertising.
