1c 8.3 change the color of the taxi interface. New interface "Taxi

The program "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) from version 3.0.52 works only on the Taxi interface. This provides the following benefits - improved navigation, intuitive work with sections, adaptation to modern mobile devices, informative hyperlinks. If you are not used to the Taxi interface yet, we recommend using our tips.

1. So that the font does not seem large, and the forms fit on the screen, you can reduce the scale

To do this, use the menu "View - Zoom"

2. To quickly find the desired menu item, you can use the menu search

Find menu search box:

Write keyword For search:

3. To fit more information on the form, you can reduce the sections panel

Call the partition panel setting. To do this, use the menu "View - Customize Sections Panel":

Remove labels from the sections panel and leave only the picture in the "Show" window:

4. In order for the necessary columns to be visible on the form and unnecessary ones not to be visible, you can customize the form

Open the form and use the "More" button in the upper right part of the form:

Uncheck unnecessary columns, and move the necessary columns forward:

5. How to add buyer and supplier document journals

Journals of documents of buyers and suppliers are added through the setup of sales and purchases panels. Example:

  1. click the "Sales" menu,
  2. in the upper right corner, click on the gray gear "Settings",
  3. select "Navigation settings",
  4. in the list on the left you will see "Customer Documents", double-click.

The "Customer Documents" journal will now appear in the "Sales" panel.

Another way:

  1. click on the "Operations" menu
  2. open "Journal of Operations"
  3. in the upper left corner, enter in the field "Counterparty" enter the buyer whose documents you are interested in.

Thus, you will see all the documents for this counterparty, even those where he turned out to be a supplier.

6. How to set the log period

There are two ways to set the log period:

  • via "Search Management"

  • via "More"

With the transition of 1C Accounting to managed forms, but this happened starting from version 8.3, 1C constantly changes something in the program. And now a new Taxi interface has appeared, causing, like any major change, a lot of questions from users. Now I will briefly explain what the Taxi interface is in 1C.

I also recommend reading an article about the differences in the interface of version 8.3 in comparison with the previous ones. Helps to understand what is what in the program.

What is a taxi interface in 1C Accounting

The figure below shows a screenshot showing the essence of the new Taxi interface (hereinafter without quotes). This example is not from 1C Accounting, but from the "Managed Application" demo configuration, designed specifically to demonstrate the capabilities of the new interface. If one picture is not enough, then go to the 1C website and run the Taxi test configuration directly in the browser.


Looked? Launched? Great, now let's deal with the main question: "what's so new in the 1C Taxi interface?", And also "Are the changes so critical for the average user?"

What's new in the 1C Taxi interface

I will not describe the features of the new in 1C Accounting - all this can be read on the official 1C website, so there is nothing to repeat here. First of all, it is worth noting that these are still the same managed forms as before. The principle of forming program windows has not changed at all. Only the appearance has changed, that is, the interface, which, in fact, strains users (for the umpteenth time already?).

I want to note that the main thing in 1C Accounting is accounting. The interface of the program does not play a special role here! That's just for some reason, many stubbornly do not even understand this and continue to dig up the Internet in search of answers to questions that are, in general, insignificant. I say all this to the fact that first of all you should deal well with:

  • A) accounting as such;
  • B) work in the operating system;

Then it will not be difficult to master the next new 1C interface, whether it is a Taxi or a whole taxi fleet. This is the most important thing, the rest is unimportant. Therefore, although I indicated in the title of the article the question of what a taxi interface is in 1C, I wanted to talk a little about something else.

Taxi - taxi drivers!

I just want to stick a label on those that are separate studies the interface, and not the very essence of the work in the program! However, if you want to master the new Taxi interface in 1C in detail, then you definitely should:

  1. When working in 1C, use the built-in help (F1);
  2. Read the official documentation on the 1C website;

Yes Yes exactly! Official documentation from the program developer always helps. Much better than articles on third party sites. But few people read all this, preferring to climb all sorts of forums and hoping for a hint from the outside. This is the wrong approach!

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

You need to master the ESSENCE of the program, not the interface!

This is what I teach to everyone who signs up for my classes. For the rest, I explain - having understood the principles of working in the program, understanding how it works, you will stop thinking about such a trifle as the interface that has changed after the next update! Once you have mastered the work in 1C, you will then calmly use it and not waste time on insignificant trifles.

Still have a desire to "master the new Taxi interface" instead of mastering the 1C PROGRAM? Then start with the official documentation!

Taxi interface 1C is a new word in the development of the technological platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3. The new face of the program is adapted to the standards of web applications. The developers have made a large number of usability tests and seriously reworked the mechanisms of interaction with users. The program now resembles a well-made website with a friendly interface.

Now the interface can be fully customized by arranging the panels in the way that is convenient for you:

Managed application configuration forms (8.2 and 8.3) are able to switch to Taxi without additional modifications, literally in one click. However, the new taxi interface turned out to be larger, and standard applications from 1C, as a rule, are not designed to work in this mode. At the moment, 1C and partners are actively implementing the translation and adaptation of configurations for innovation.

Transition to Taxi

In order to enable or disable the Taxi interface, it is enough to set the "Interface Compatibility Mode" value to the "Taxi" mode in the configuration properties.

Customizing the Taxi Interface

Setting up the Taxi interface in 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0

The materials of the article are relevant as of 20.08.2014.

Reprinting of the article is allowed with the indication of the author and a link to the source.

Starting from version 3.0.33, the 1C: Accounting 8 program began to be delivered with two interfaces. New interface called "Taxi". It is his developers who recommend using it when working with the program right now, since in a few months the old interface will be removed from the program and only Taxi will remain.

But not all users liked Taxi at the beginning after switching from edition 2.0 and having received answers to the question: “What exactly do they not like?”, We can conclude that what they don’t like is basically simply not configured by the user.

This article discusses the main options for configuring the Taxi interface in 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 in user mode.

When you start the standard configuration 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0, we open:

    system commands area (at the top)

    toolbar (top left)

    sections panel (left)

    home page (in which we see the Accountant's Task List, Manager's Monitor, a field for full text search and links to go to background information to various sites of the company 1C) (Fig. 1).

In the lower right corner, a window will periodically appear with a recommendation to configure backup, clicking on which you can go to the backup settings section. I draw your attention to the fact that the backup setting is individual for each user, i.e. having set up backup for one user, this window will still appear for other users until each of them enters the setting and unchecks the "Perform automatic backup" checkbox. If each user configures backup "At shutdown", then when exiting the program to create backup the work of other users will be blocked while the backup is being created, which may create some inconvenience for other users, so I recommend that one of the users set up the backup.

I will not dwell on the “System command area” setting, since it is the same as in the Interface in previous version 1C: Accounting 8.

Many users who have switched to the Taxi interface find it inconvenient, because the Section Panel is on the left, and not on top (as it used to be) and that the Taxi interface does not have the ability to display windows in Tabs so that you can return to a previously open form.

Both of these inconveniences are to some extent solved by adjusting the location of the panels.

To do this, let's turn to Menu - View - Panel Settings (Fig. 2).

Here you can customize by dragging the areas which panels you want to see and where to place them. For example, let's place the Partition Panel and the Toolbar at the top, and place the Open Panel at the bottom (Fig. 3). It is the Open Panel that will replace the familiar Bookmarks.

As a result, we will get a more familiar and, in my opinion, more convenient view of the program (Fig. 4).

Depending on the size of your monitor, you can position the Function Bar of the current section either on the left (Figure 5) or on the top below the Partition Bar.

Or you can not display it at all, since the Taxi interface provides another option for accessing the Functions Panel commands (in my opinion, more convenient) - this is a click on the Functions Panel element, since in this case we will see all available commands.

If at the location of the Panel open windows If we open many windows from below, then the inscriptions in the tabs become unreadable (Fig. 6).

Therefore, with widescreen monitors, it may seem more convenient for someone to place these tabs on the right (Fig. 7).

You can also add the visibility of the Favorites Panel and the History Panel, but in order not to load the monitor to the detriment of the workspace, I do not do this, and if necessary, you can use the buttons on the Toolbar to access these services (Fig. 8).

You cannot go to the Partition Panel settings with the right mouse button, as it was in the previous interface. It is configured through the Menu - View - Settings section panel (Fig. 10).

You can remove the sections you don't need, change the order of their display, and also select the display option (text, picture or picture and text) (Fig.11).

To change the composition of the Functions Bar of the current section, click in the corresponding section of the Sections Bar and select Navigation Settings, where you can add or remove the visibility of certain commands, as well as change the order in which these commands are displayed. Moving a command to the Important submenu means that the command will appear at the top of the list and be in bold.

At the initial stage of getting used to the new interface, as well as after each update, I recommend adding all commands to the selected commands field. So you will quickly find rarely used commands so that you do not get the impression that some commands are missing (Fig. 12).

To restore the default settings of the commands that, according to the developers, are used most often, you can use the More - Install button standard settings(Fig.13).

But even with the visibility of all available commands in all sections, you may encounter a situation where you cannot find the command you need.

And then the All functions team will help you. Unfortunately, this command is not visible by default. In order for it to appear, you need to go to Menu - Tools - Options - check the box "Display the All Functions command" and then it will appear in the menu.

By calling All functions you will have a tree of all program objects from which you can find and open any directory, document, report or processing (Fig. 14).

If you have a gray bar at the very bottom on which red inscriptions periodically appear with some current and accumulated calls and they interfere with you, then this performance panel can also be removed through Menu - Tools - Options - Display performance panel.

The Favorites Panel has been developed in the Taxi interface.

You can add any section, list, database object, report or processing, and even a command to this panel.

For example, we often look at:

    Bank statements,

    documents for the sale of goods and services,

    OSV and OSV reports on the account

    deleting marked objects.

Let's add these elements to the Favorites, and in the future, to open the Bank Statement or OSV journal, just open the Favorites panel and click this command (Fig. 15).

To add an element to the Favorites Panel, click on the star that appears to the left of the element when you hover over it with the mouse.

Items in the Favorites list can be moved by simple drag and drop, we can rename them, and we can mark the most significant items for us as “important” and they are highlighted and displayed at the top of the list.

Also, even a specific document can be marked in the favorites panel (for example, in order not to look for it tomorrow, if you still need to work with it) or, for example, if we often watch dollar rates, we can quickly access the dollar element from the Currencies directory.

With a widescreen monitor, the Favorites panel can be fixed on the screen and then the most frequently used commands will always be in sight (Fig. 16).

There is also the History panel, which stores information about the last opened documents and directories, indicating the date and time when these documents were opened, through which you can also go to previously opened documents and directories (Fig. 17).

In total, no more than 200 lines are stored in the history. The History panel can also be docked to the screen area.

Well, the last thing we will set up from appearance our interface, this is the Home page setting.

It is configured through the Menu - View - Initial page settings (Fig. 18).

For example, you can remove the Desktop and the Information Center and place, for example, a Journal of Transactions or a Journal of Bank Statements. Or if the manager is engaged, for example, only in issuing documents to buyers, then you can place it on home page customer document log.

Often, users who have switched to the Taxi interface complain that the document forms do not have convenient buttons with texts, there are no buttons such as copy, change, mark for deletion, and so on.

Of course, all these commands are available and you can see them by clicking on the More button. Some commands are also available from context menu called right click mice.

But in Taxi, you can customize which buttons, in what order and in what form you want to see them on the form screen.

To do this, click on the More button and select Change form (Fig. 19).

Here you can specify which buttons should always be visible (to do this, select the command of this button and set No in the "Only in More" element property. The buttons will appear in the command bar.

Also, if you are already accustomed to icons earlier, then in order to fit more buttons, you can set the display of the “Picture” buttons. (although not all buttons have pictures).

After that, you can arrange the buttons in the order that suits you best, using the arrows or simply dragging them with the mouse.

As a result, you can get, for example, the following type of document Sales of goods and services:

Please note that documents with tabular parts There are 2 more buttons. One common for commands related to the entire document and the second for commands related to the tabular part of the document.

The form setting, including the tabular part, is located in the More button, which refers to the commands of the entire document as a whole.

Similarly, you can customize the view of the document log by changing the output columns of the list.

If you want, you can even change the format of the date representation if you don't like that the time is shown after the date (but I don't recommend doing this).

Well, if you are already an experienced user, then you can disable informational links - tips at the bottom of the forms to save space.

Well, if during the setup process you did something and now you don’t know how to fix it, you can always return to the standard settings.

The return is in the More button next to the Form Settings (Fig.21).

In addition to command buttons, forms can have their own navigation bars, which you can also customize as you like (Fig. 22).

This can be done through the View menu - Customize the form navigation bar (Fig.23).

With the development of the platform and configuration, there will be new customization options user interface without the participation of programmers. I will try to keep you informed of the most interesting changes.

I wish you success,

Sergey Golubev

Started working in 1C ZUP ed. 3, and it seems that everything here is so uncomfortable and unusual? Don't like the new interface?

We decided to prepare for you a series of articles on working with the TAXI interface. In this and the following articles, we will share with you the tricks and subtleties of working with the interface to make working with the program easy and convenient.

Today we will consider the “Top 5” questions that are most often asked by users who have started working with a “troika” salary.

1. Small monitor, and the "Menu" does not fit! You have to press the button all the time to see the desired section!

Don't worry, it can be fixed! The "Menu" in the TAXI interface is called the "Partition Panel". To set up, go to Main menu - View - Section panel settings.

And you can customize the display of sections without pictures, only text.

Now the screen fits more.

In addition, if you do not use any sections, you can “hide” them. In the section panel settings, the "Selected sections" column displays those that are currently in use. Drag the sections you don't use to the "Available Sections" column and they will not be displayed. If necessary, you can return them at any time by dragging them back with the mouse. If necessary, you can change the order of sections using the up and down arrows.

As a result, only the commands that you use will remain on the section bar. The location will be compact and you won't have to move anything.

2. In ZUP 2.5, all orders were separate, but here everything is in a heap!

Most often, users who worked in ZUP 2.5 want to see the same document logs that were there in the “troika”. And they can't find them. For example, in 2.5 there were separate magazines for the documents "Hiring", for personnel transfers, for dismissals. And here receptions, transfers and dismissals are together, it’s convenient for someone, not very good for someone, and I want to return everything “as it was”. We will tell you in more detail how to set up convenient logs, using an example.

This is how the log of admissions, transfers and dismissals "By default" looks like.

And under this “Gear” (available in each of the sections), navigation settings are hidden, where you can “pull out” the necessary magazines and hide those that you don’t use.

Do you have a question, do you need the help of a consultant?

Select the required logs in the "Available commands" column and use the "Add" button to transfer them to the selected commands. Unused ones are removed in the same way (click on the command in the "Selected" and remove it with the "Delete" button)

And here are our new added magazines:

See which magazines you use and which you don't, and leave only the ones you need to easily and quickly navigate the program.

In order to make it even more convenient, the developers made it possible to transfer logs to "Important". Those logs that are placed in the "Important" will be highlighted in bold, and are located above the rest. For example, we moved the magazine with the documents “Employment” to the “Important”

3. I don't remember where desired magazine… I saw it somewhere, but now I can’t find it…

In this case, the right assistant is the search! The search bar is located in any of the sections on the right (the search will be performed in all sections).

For example, they forgot where the writ of execution is entered ... We just start typing "Executive" ...

And we see that they are located in the "Salary" section in "Deductions".

4. Sorting

Very often, users do not know how to set up sorting in a magazine or list. Or it happens that sorting is accidentally knocked down, and they don’t know how to fix it. Consider the example of a list of employees. We want to see the list in alphabetical order, but here the sorting is somehow strange ... And the thing is that our sorting is set up by personnel number. See the little arrow on the title of this column?

To sort "Alphabetically" simply click on the name of the "Name" column. Clicking again will sort in reverse order.

5. And I set up - set up (logs in the navigation bar, section bar, sorting, etc.), and now I want to return everything to the previous settings, but I don’t remember how it was!

Then look for the “More” button, and in it the item “Set default settings”. In this case, you will return the settings that were originally set by the developers.
