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Many people face the problem of low internet speed through mobile network. How to improve 3G signal on android? If you are used to using the fast home WiFi Internet, and you want the same connection speed anywhere and anytime, we will tell you how you can improve the 3G signal on android.

How to measure 3G signal strength on android

Thanks to your Android smartphone, you can independently find the best 3G signal in your area.

As you know, cell phone signals are measured in decibels (dB). They are AM/FM radio waves. All cellular devices, including your android smartphone or tablet, operate within this standard: signal level -50 dB to -120 dB.

50 dB is considered the best signal, and -120 dB is a dead zone where there is no signal.

How to find out how many decibels are on an android smartphone? This information available to all users in the settings of the mobile device. Go to menu Settings -> About phone -> general information-> Signal strength.

Depending on the smartphone model, the sections may have a different name. In any case, you should look for signal strength in the "About phone" section.

Remove obstacles

Your smartphone and cell tower are a game of Marco Polo. One shouts "Marco" and the other shouts "Polo".

If your android device and cell tower are in line of sight, you will get an amazing 3G signal. But, when there are various kinds of objects and obstacles between them, there may be problems with the speed of the mobile Internet.

A few simple tips that can help improve 3G signal on android:

  • Check the 3G signal quality outdoors or near a window. It is possible that the thick walls of your house are causing a weak 3G signal on android.
  • Avoid high barriers such as trees, hills, mountains, metal structures and multi-story buildings.
  • The weather can also affect the quality of the 3G signal, such as rain, snow or thunderstorms.

Find the nearest cell tower

The closer you are to the cell tower of your mobile operator, the stronger the 3G signal on android. Try to find the location of the nearest cell towers on the Internet, and check the quality of the 3G signal near it.

Fully charge your smartphone

If your android device's battery is low, it may not have enough power to find a stronger 3G signal. You should fully charge your smartphone to improve the 3G signal on android.

Do not block the smartphone's antenna

Before modern touchscreen smartphones, most phones had large external antennas. Thanks to them, mobile phones received and sent signals to the cell tower.

Modern smartphones also have antennas, but they are hidden inside the case.

If you hold your smartphone in a landscape (sideways) position, your hands may block the antenna, thereby reducing the quality of the 3G signal. It is recommended to keep your smartphone in an upright position to improve the 3G signal on android.

Also, various accessories and covers for mobile devices can cause a weak 3G signal.

Is it necessary to purchase an expensive gadget when it is possible to get by with a device assembled from improvised means?

Those who have at least an initial level of knowledge in the field cellular communication can handle themselves. This requires components and tools, as well as a device diagram.

And you can assemble the simplest cellular amplifier on your own. What is required for this will be discussed below.

Antennas to enhance cellular communications

They are among the most simple devices, allowing to achieve a high-quality signal on any object.

There are two main groups of antennas:

  1. external;
  2. Internal.

The former are usually installed on the roof of a building and are capable of providing coverage over large areas. The signal received from the base station is transmitted by the antenna through the cable to the amplifier. This guarantees good quality communication even in areas where it was previously impossible.

What elements does the signal amplification system consist of

It is possible to provide reliable communication in hard-to-reach places for a radio signal, but this will require special equipment. Collected in single system various devices allow you to achieve High Quality signal and forever forget about its sudden disappearance. It is often referred to as a cell phone booster. However, in fact, it is a complex consisting of the following elements:

  • Repeater or two-way amplifier, which is an intermediate link;
  • External and internal antennas that pick up the station signal and distribute it indoors;
  • Power divider or wire splitter;
  • N-connectors;
  • 50 ohm coaxial cable.

All devices included in the system are divided into two groups:

  1. Active;
  2. Passive.

The first includes devices for which operation requires a connection to a power source - this is a repeater, connectors. Antennas, a divider and a cable are called passive. Each system is calculated for a specific object and therefore can have a different number of amplifiers and internal antennas. The best option it is considered one in which the cable of the minimum length is used, since each extra meter of it is a loss in signal quality. This must be taken into account when assembling a cellular signal amplifier with your own hands.

Since all elements are interconnected, it is recommended to install the equipment before finishing, so as not to spoil the interior.

The principle of the repeater

The equipment of this class is in some way a repeater. It processes the received signals and sends them to the base station tower if it is an outgoing call. When a subscriber is dialed, the repeater performs the same function, only the connection is made with the user's gadget.

Watch the video, the simplest way to amplify the signal:

The signal is received and transmitted by antennas. The simplest cell phone signal booster can be assembled by hand. The outdoor antenna receives or sends it to the station, while the indoor antenna is responsible for expanding the coverage area in the room.

How to make a cellular amplifier with your own hands

The use of such a device allows you to achieve high-quality communication in almost any corner of the object. A repeater is especially needed in areas with a poor signal or where it is absent. The advantages of using the system include such opportunities as:

  1. Strengthening the signal in places where there are frequent interruptions in mobile communications;
  2. Elimination of interference;
  3. Improving the clarity of the message;
  4. Reduced radiation level;
  5. More long term phone battery service.

But since such equipment is not cheap, many decide to make it on their own.

Watch the video, do-it-yourself manufacturing steps:

In order to assemble a cellular amplifier on your own, you will need components that need to be connected into a single system. How to do this will be discussed next.

What is needed for assembly

If you decide to make the simplest device, namely an antenna, then you will need:

  • Wire, but not copper (length 30-40 cm);
  • Connection block;
  • Cable (up to 10 m);
  • Fasteners (for mounting connecting blocks);
  • Polymer pipe (20 cm);
  • Plastic.

Since in the process of work you will have to connect individual elements, it is worth having electrical tape on hand. After all the components are found and prepared, you can start assembling the amplifier cellular signal with your own hands.

A piece of wire must be bent in the middle by 90 °, so that the result is a rhombus. To do this, retreat from the center by 9 cm in both directions. Then, at the mark, the wire is again bent at the same angle. As a result of the manipulations, you get a rhombus. The ends are bent inward and a block is connected to them. Install it so that in the future you can connect through it. For this, a polymer pipe is cut along one side and a hole is made opposite.

We watch the video, we make an amplifier from cans:

After the antenna assembly stage has been completed, they begin to connect the coaxial cable. At one of its ends, the outer insulation is removed and the outer and inner conductors are connected to the contacts of the connecting block. As a result, the cable becomes a continuation of the antenna.

After that, it remains to install the device on the roof of the house or attach it to a pole and direct it towards the base station of the mobile operator. The last step in making the simplest amplifier with your own hands is to connect the other end of the cable to a plastic plate. And you can start testing.

If everything was done correctly, then as soon as you bring mobile phone amplifier, the signal indicator will increase by 2 or 3 bars.

Choosing a place to install the repeater

But it’s not enough just to assemble a cellular amplifier, you also need to correctly install it. The efficiency of such equipment is directly dependent on its location, as well as the antennas included in the system. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation, you must make sure that the signal level is sufficient. The easiest way to find out is by making a call from the phone where the antenna is planned to be installed. You can also determine the signal level by the indicator on the gadget's display.

Antenna Installation

But besides this, there are other limitations. For example, the place for installing the amplifier should not be closer than a meter to the heaters.

After planning the location of all components, they begin to lay the coaxial cable. But before turning on the repeater, you need to make sure that all connectors are intact and clean. Do not turn on the device if it is not connected to an external antenna, as it may be damaged. If you need to disconnect the RF cables, be sure to turn off the power.

There are also limitations in temperature regime. If for an external antenna it is from -40 to +50°C, then for the repeater itself it is limited only to positive temperatures. In addition, the repeater can only be installed in a heated room.

Need to remember! An incorrectly assembled system is capable of emitting interference, which affects the operation of nearby stations. Therefore, you should not install it without surveying the object and determining the location for placing all the blocks.

Amplifier setting

In order to obtain a stable and sufficient communication signal at a particular facility, it is necessary to correctly perform all commissioning work. They are in the quality setting. voice messages and exclusion of self-excitation of the device.

Watch the video what to do if bad signal, look at the solutions:

The first thing to start with is to make sure that all connections are intact. The power adapter and antennas are connected to the high-frequency connectors. If power surges occur frequently in the network, then a surge protector must be used.

The next step is to adjust the gain. It must be at least 15 dB. The repeater can be configured manually or automatically. In the first case, the adjustment is carried out using the potentiometer knob and changing the position of the external and internal antennas.

Auto tuning involves setting the gain level so that maximum output power is obtained. In this case, the device will independently adjust to the traffic of the operator's base station.

Many of us use the Internet provided by mobile operators. Thus, a permanent presence on the Web is ensured, which is so lacking. WiFi networks. And since 2G networks are already completely outdated, 4G, on the contrary, has not reached many and is too expensive for the rest, the most popular mobile Internet for a long time there will be a connection of the third generation - 3G. But very often, due to overloaded transmission lines, obstacles and other troubles, it turns out to be inaccessible, and the phone switches to 2G communication. Well, even if the signal is out of reach, there is several reliable ways resume it, and it is about these methods that we will talk now.

You are driving down a remote dirt road and need to make a phone call, but your mobile phone is in the dead zone and is not receiving a signal. Instead of just throwing your hands away in disgust and driving until you get a reception, there are changes you can make to your phone as well as products you can use to increase your wireless reception.

Preferred roaming list updates

Selecting this will automatically update your phone to include current network your provider. Wait until an automatic voice tells you that the update process is complete before hanging up. Signal repeaters - also called boosters - operate by amplifying the signal sent by the towers cell phone, enhancing your reception.

First, and possibly the most efficient solution- get an additional antenna for receiving a 3G signal. Such an antenna can be either an additional modem, tailored for a cellular operator, or a more powerful built-in antenna of the device itself. That is why, those who need a 3G connection should think about buying a device with good reception signal. Unfortunately the purchase additional antenna is not an option for many, and you don’t want to lose your favorite tablet or phone. Well, they found a worthwhile solution. And it lies in the settings of the device itself.

Some operators are deploying large networks with stronger signals. These networks can increase the size and strength of your signal, but they are only available on certain phones and in certain areas of the country. Visit your wireless provider's website to view a map of your coverage area and compare it with coverage cards from other networks. However, cell phone vendors do not recommend these changes as they may damage your phone and also void the terms of any warranty you may have purchased from your wireless carrier.

In fact, what is served to us default settings about networks - by no means exhaustive information about them. By setting special applications to your device on any operating system, you can find out more information about cellular networks. In particular, one mobile operator usually lays several lines for its connection, so that it is more convenient to distribute users among them. Typically, such distribution occurs automatically, and in the settings the entire network is generally displayed as one. But, using special program, you can manually select the connection line, taking for yourself a free one, and not an overloaded one.

In today's world, our mobile phone has been our portal literally everywhere, we can use it to communicate with people, read works and listen to music or news around the world. It has become an important tool for our Everyday life. We can take it everywhere, in our car, on our workplace, in a public bathroom. The connection from our phone to the provider is changing. This is especially true in the comfort of our own home. Outside, we could connect anywhere, but inside, where we can relax in the comfort of our own pajamas and not judge the wandering eyes of passers-by, and this is where it matters most.

Of course, this solution is not one of a kind. You can choose many settings, thus optimizing the network for yourself. Having tried all the settings, a person optimizes the signal for himself, achieving the perfect connection.

Thus, there are two main solutions to the communication problem - hardware and software. Each of them deserves attention, and each of them can be tried. After their complex application, you can achieve the maximum possible signal.

How to interrupt a cell signal

Unfortunately, it has something to do with this connection. First, let's define the ways in which our precious cellular data can be interrupted. The two main factors are your distance from the cell tower and anything else that can interfere with the signal. Therefore, these methods below affect how your signal is transported to you, or even completely using a completely different medium.

It does not increase your signal strength in the way we want to improve. That means all generation, it's the rate at which data is offered, not the strength of the signal itself, so don't upgrade to a new generation just thinking it will boost your signal strength.

Disconnecting the modem from the Internet

Press: SETTINGS select NETWORK and set "only WCDMA". Click "OK"

Boost Your Cellular Signal with a Signal Booster

Thus, the first way to signal cell phone is the signal amplification. This is a simple antenna that amplifies the signal it receives. Once it amplifies this signal, it then broadcasts it to the area requiring reception. This not only amplifies the signal coming into your phone, but also the one that comes out, enhancing that two-way communication. You will need to research specific signal accelerators that will support your carrier. Of course, you can always use an omnidirectional antenna that will receive signals from all directions, but if you used an antenna that was specific to the carrier, then you would have much more strong signal.

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Switch Cell Service for Signal Boosting

This method would be helpful since you don't have to switch carriers, but it can be tricky to install and find the right signal boosters for your cellular device. The second option is to simply switch cellular carriers. If you don't have a contract, you can switch to the carrier that provides the best signal for your area. The only problem you might run into with this method is the cost. Most contracts are for multi-year periods and their value breaks down a bit.

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Be prepared for a dramatic drop in quality mobile communications. And it's not that it's not enough base stations, the signal from which the mobile device finds. Although this factor is also very important. After all, the mobile phone and the station are constantly in contact with each other. The cellular device is constantly looking for a station with a stronger signal, sending it the SIM card number and IMEI of the device. Then the network computer examines the authenticity of the subscriber, doing this by transmitting a random number to the mobile gadget, which the SIM card must process according to a certain algorithm and sends the result to the base station that is in the nearest access. In turn, the base station sends the data to the control computer. They check the code from the phone and the one that was calculated by the computer. If the data matches, the device can connect to the network.

But if you were able to or didn't have a contract at all, then this is definitely an option if you want to research which operators provided a stronger signal in your area. The last option is similar to a signal booster in that you don't have to be directly different from your ISP. Femtocell or microcell can be connected to your broadband internet connection. Instead of using cellular data, it routes all your calls over the internet instead of through a cell tower.

They are very useful and quite easy to install, however they require a fast and stable Internet connection, an authorized area and the necessary operator details. You can see all currently available microcells. I hope with these suggestions you can solve the problems cellular signal. Be sure to find one that correctly fits your situation, both in location and cost. After all, it means your life is better. Once you find a way you like, kick back from your cellular device and use it for anything.

Both the phone and the base station are constantly in contact. The device connects from one station to another, provided that it has a stronger signal. And even if your device is in standby mode, this process still happens. The main thing that mobile device was not further than 35 km from the station. It is this figure that is the maximum possible for being away from base station.

Operator selection cellular communication - big decision, especially when most require you to lock in a two-year contract. The wireless amplifier can eliminate dead spots and activate cell phone signals indoors. At correct installation it can take a signal level from zero or from one bar to four or five.

  • Fewer calls in your building.
  • Strict reception during calls.
Unlike network expanders sold by many carriers, professional installation cellular amplifiers can increase cell phone signal strength throughout the building.

But even if you are in close proximity to the base station, the terrain features, living on the ground floor in an apartment with massive walls, the presence of deciduous trees next to the windows, etc. also play a role.

And if earlier the owners of devices with an external antenna did not know sadness and could easily improve the quality of the communication signal, now, in the era expensive smartphones with built-in antennas, everything is much more complicated. After all, firstly, the built-in phone antenna glued by the manufacturer to the body, and secondly, there are at least 3-4 of them and it is difficult to improve something without damaging native parts. menu. The aircraft is designed to be used while in flight so as not to interfere with the electronics on board the aircraft. The control center is the most fast way switch access. If the above does not work, we need to resort to further measures. This can be done using a combination of buttons.

Therefore, if you are thinking about how to improve the quality of communication, use the diagnostic connector to insert the built-in whip antenna into it. If there is no connector in the cellular device, you can try to glue a passive antenna made of foil on the cover from the inside, where the native phone antenna.

Also solve the problem weak signal mobile communications You can also use an amplifier that increases the power of the signal. This passive phone antenna in the form of a sticker is very easy to install. It only needs to be pasted on back panel or put under battery mobile gadget. Due to the fact that the passive phone antenna is in the same plane as the internal antenna, it will improve the reception pattern of the communication signal. You can also use conservative methods to improve communication and use repeaters, repeaters, or install an external a phone antenna. You can either buy it online or make your own.

This fixes most of the connectivity issues that you might experience with regular use. If the signal issue is still unresolved and you're sure you're not in the Siberian wilderness where there are no cell towers, you'll probably need to do some hardware troubleshooting.

It's not a good sign if these three steps don't work, but don't give up just yet. Go to the Settings app, tap on General and then on Update software to check for a pending update. It also flushes certain caches that are related to the network and is useful help to solve connection problems such as receiving a signal.

As you can see, there are solutions to improve the quality of mobile communications. You just have to choose yours and remember that the worse your phone receives a mobile signal, the faster the battery runs out.

Quite often, Internet access is provided by a usb modem. Such a device is quite convenient, takes up little space and allows you to have access to the World Wide Web not only within the city, but also on vacation, in the country or on vacation. You will need a PC or laptop. The main thing is that the signal quality is stable and stable connection. However, often this important parameter communication is not responding the right requirements. As a result, a weak signal interferes or even limits access to the Internet.

What to do in this case? Let's start in order.

To begin with, let's figure out what affects the signal level, the quality of the connection, thereby predetermining efficient work modem?

First, it is the distance to the nearest cell tower. Secondly, the presence of other wireless devices that may interfere. Nearby industrial enterprises, most of which use communication jammers, can also be affected. Thirdly, it is the isolation of the room. It is one thing when the signal passes through wooden walls, thin plasterboard structures, and quite another if massive concrete partitions are encountered on its way. Fourth, this is the location of the modem itself. 3G and 4G signals are much stronger near windows or on higher floors.

Atmospheric precipitation can also reduce the data transfer rate: rain, snow, hail, fog, etc. Even the terrain of the surrounding area affects: mountains, hills, tall trees, etc. We must not forget about software the computer or laptop itself. May be overloaded RAM or the hard drive contains a large number of system errors, viruses, etc. Less commonly, problems with signal transmission are due to problems at the base station tower. For example, slot occupancy, i.e. a large number of currently connected subscribers.

From all of the above, we conclude that the quality of the 3G and 4G modem signal depends on a large number of factors. Not everything can be influenced by the user. However, by eliminating at least most of them, you will be able to significantly improve the data transfer rate.

How to determine your data transfer rate?

Modem speed is easy to find out with the help of special online tests. You will need a computer, a browser and internet access.

One of the simplest is the resource http://speed.yorest.ru/ Its principle of operation is that you download a small file, while the site analyzes the speed of data transfer. Here you can choose the testing parameters and the size of the control packet (200 KBytes, 1000 KBytes, 3 MB). It is best to stop at the largest document. The test takes longer, but its results are much more accurate.

http://www.speedtest.net is a popular worldwide internet speed testing resource. By the way, its interface is the most attractive and informative. When you enter this site, the nearest test server is automatically selected, which speeds up the procedure and positively affects the accuracy of the results. When testing the data transfer speed on a 3G or 4G modem, be prepared for the fact that about 20 MB will be taken from your traffic.

This online service displays not only the speed of transmitting and receiving information, but also analyzes ping. This value is displayed in milliseconds and indicates the server's response time to your request. Ping is quite an important indicator. Especially if you use programs like Skype or like online games.

If, with the help of such tests, it turned out that the speed of transmitting and receiving data is less than 80% of that stated in the contract with the provider, then you need to contact the support service. If the speed is fully consistent with the promised indicators, but working with web pages seems painfully long to you, then you should think about a more expensive tariff.

How to find out your base station?

The problem of constant interruption in the operation of a 3G or 4G modem is most often associated with a weak signal level. Some users identify the cause of low internet speed in a simple way. If the data transfer rate is constantly low, regardless of the time of day, then the reason is the distance from the tower. If the speed improves at night and in the morning, then this is the congestion of the base station (BS).

Basically, a bad 3G or 4G signal is associated with a large distance from the BS to the user. Therefore, it is important to know its position, which will allow you to make special amplifiers or simply place the modem in that part of the room that is as close as possible to the BS. Advanced users, knowing the numbers of various BSs, will be able to configure the modem so that it connects not only to the nearest tower, but also to the one that has more free radio channels, thereby significantly improving the speed of the Internet connection.

The online resource http://cellidfinder.com will help you find your BS. You only need to know 4 parameters:

  • Code of the country in which the operator is located (MCC). For Russia, it is 250.
  • The unique code of the operator itself, called MNC (Mobile Network Code).
  • Local area code or LAC. This is a kind of association of several base stations within the same territory, which are served by one controller.
  • The last parameter is CellID (CID). This is the identification number of the sector where the BS is located.

How to find out all these parameters? To do this, you can use the Netmonitor application or a web resource of the same name. By the way, on this site you can find a map showing most of the BSs in the central part of Russia, owned by the most popular telecom operators.

We find out through the netmonitor all the necessary values ​​\u200b\u200band enter them in a special search box on home page http://cellidfinder.com. Next, check the boxes next to "Google data", "Yandex data" and "Averaging". Thus, the accuracy of determining the coordinates increases. Press the "Find" button. We look at the map marked places with the location of the BS.

Ways to amplify the modem signal

The most popular include:

  • Installing a PC or laptop with a modem near a window;
  • Using a USB extension cable and placing the modem on the windowsill or even on the street;
  • Creating a reflector, i.e. a device that amplifies the signal (some craftsmen make it from pots and colanders, someone uses sound speakers and frequency resonance);
  • The use of a factory-made 3G or 4G signal amplifier (average cost 1000-2000 rubles).

Each of these methods can improve signal quality by 10-30%. A complete lack of results cannot be ruled out. For example, a long USB extension cable can lead to the fact that the modem will not have enough power, and it will no longer be detected by the computer.

A viable but costly solution is the repeater. This is a 3G or 4G signal amplifier. Its undoubted advantage lies in the fact that it increases the speed of data transmission and processing not only of a specific modem, but also of several devices. When it operates within a radius of up to 50 m, cellular communications will also work better. We recommend purchasing a repeater to improve the signal in basements or basements.

An effective and budgetary way to amplify the modem signal is a special antenna, which is not difficult to make on your own. Let's look at a few examples.

We assemble an antenna to amplify the modem signal with our own hands

  • At home, you can simply amplify the 3g or 4g signal with your own hands. Especially often, these home-made antennas are used in a country house or in a country house to amplify the level of a cellular signal, including for receiving the Internet. The simplest antenna is made in a few minutes. A small winding of copper wire is taken, which wraps several times around the modem, and is brought closer to the window or outside the room by 40-80 cm. The number of turns must be selected based on the thickness of the device. The main thing is to wrap the part in which the SIM card is located. You can put a tin can on the end of the wire. Is such a construction valid? Quite. Expect a 5-10% increase.
  • For another simple antenna, you will need an empty metal coffee can. In the side part, right in the center, a hole is made into which we fix the modem. Ideally, when the outer part of the device protrudes about half or a little less. Then we connect the modem via a USB extension cable and by trial we find a good place with the best signal.
  • Quite often, to amplify the modem signal, a loop antenna is created that has a zigzag shape and resembles 2 rhombuses made of copper wire. Both have one point of contact with each other, consisting of two corners. It turns out an unrounded "eight". On the Internet, this design is better known as the Kharchenko antenna. Next, a high-frequency cable is soldered to it (as for TV). It is best to solder part of the wire to the connector - it will look like a plug. The other end of the cable is stripped to wrap the modem itself (5-6 turns). To increase efficiency, it is worth equipping the antenna with a reflector - a plate of metal or foil. We fix the structure as high as possible, for example, on the roof or the last floor.
