Cortana voice assistant. Typle - voice control of the computer How to enable voice control windows 10

Experts say that one of the best ideas of the Windows 10 developers was to add Cortana to the system. Such assistants have long been used by owners mobile phones, but the addition of such a service to a computer happened for the first time in Windows 10. So far, Cortana only communicates in English, Chinese, and several other languages, which Russian, unfortunately, does not apply to. Interestingly, by default, even the English-language Cortana is not available to residents of Russia and other CIS countries, but this can be fixed by changing some settings of the operating system.

What can Cortana do

So Cortana is virtual voice assistant, which will help you easily take a note, add a reminder for you, find out the schedule of trains or other transport and provide you with the information you need, it can also keep a conversation with you, tell jokes, sing songs and much more.

It first appeared to the world in 2014, and since then it has been used first on Windows Mobile 8.1 and has now become a hallmark of Windows 10.

In Windows 10, it replaces the default search engine and can search for information both on the Internet and on the hard drive. With the help of voice control, Cortana, in addition to searching for information, can launch programs, perform operations on files, and even change system settings.

Where does Cortana work?

Unfortunately, today, not everyone can use this program as a personal assistant. So far, she has learned to understand and speak only six languages:

  • English;
  • German;
  • Chinese;
  • Italian;
  • Spanish;
  • French.

Accordingly, it works only in those countries where one of these languages ​​is used as the main one. Over time, the developers promise that this voice assistant will be available in all countries. But, if you don't want to wait, let's see how to enable Cortana on Windows 10 in other regions.

How to enable Cortana on Windows 10 in Russia

The assistant itself and its settings are located in the search field located next to the Start menu button. But in our region, we will only see a message that Cortana is not available to us.

This is because the language Windows interface does not match the one supported by this program.

So, follow these steps to turn on an assistant who will be able to communicate with you in English:

Once you've completed the steps, you can safely use Cortana as it's free to use.

Often users complain about the poor performance of the program, arguing that it does not always follow their instructions. And the point here is not the incorrect operation of the assistant, but the fact that the program was configured for English-speaking users, and therefore perfectly understands their speech, but it may not understand your English accent well. For this reason, such problems arise.

The video will show you how to enable the Cortana voice assistant on your computer.

Enable Cortana on your phone

Just like on PC, Cortana supports the same six languages ​​on your phone as it does on PC. But, these restrictions do not reduce interest in it in Russian-speaking and other countries. But, is it possible to connect Cortana on Windows 10 Mobile if you live in Russia? Yes, for this it will be enough to change the following settings:

  • region of residence (USA);
  • interface language (English);
  • turn off the location service (for a while until the phone reboots).

After the reboot, you will be able to work with Cortana, as with a personal voice assistant.


It's important to remember that once Cortana is enabled, it will only work in one of the supported languages. If you don't speak one of these languages ​​well, or if your pronunciation leaves much to be desired, you'll be more comfortable with the idea of ​​using Cortana as your personal assistant.

Some experts argue that Microsoft will soon release a Russian-language version of this program, arguing that in Windows settings 10, section additional features there is already a Russian-speaking data package.

Others cite Kinect as an example, which a few years later did not find Russian in its knowledge base or Siri, which learned to speak Russian only five years after the launch of the English version. We can only follow the news from Microsoft.

is the official voice assistant natively built into Windows 10. You don't need to download Cortana separately, you just need to activate the program. By default, Cortana is disabled for all users, but you can enable it. Enabling the Cortana voice assistant in Russia is a whole quest, and in this article you will learn both about the service itself and how to enable Cortana in Russian on Windows 10.

Cortana - what is this service

Cortana first appeared in 2014, back in Windows times 8.1. Then this service was so raw that it practically did not receive recognition. Cortana received laurels of fame only on Windows 10. It is a universal head assistant that performs user tasks. These tasks are issued by voice commands. Accordingly, in order for Cortana to work on your computer, at a minimum, you need a microphone, either built-in or external. There will be no problems if you use Windows 10 on a tablet or laptop, where microphones are usually built-in. For a regular computer, most likely, you will have to purchase an external microphone.

Cortana features on Windows 10

Imagine a real assistant that you can turn to with some assignments. So Cortana is the same assistant, just virtual. You can teach Cortana some actions, and the highly intelligent system will follow your instructions. Microsoft has created not just a system that understands your speech, but a system that really understands what the user needs. You can assign Cortana one of the following tasks:
  • Open or close a specific program on your computer;
  • Make an entry or note, make a note on the calendar;
  • provide you background information;
  • Make settings for the system or a separate program;
  • Find a file or program on your computer;
Microsoft has combined the functions of a search engine and the functions of a voice assistant. Cortana can work both without the Internet and when connected to the Internet. You can find a specific file on your computer or some information on the Internet. Cortana is also connected to the browser, it can provide you with help information not only in its interface, but also in the browser window. For example, she can open an encyclopedia. Also, in a convenient format, information about the weather or exchange rates is provided.

Сortana in Russian - is it possible to download for a computer on Windows 10

You cannot download Cortana in Russian. You will not be able to download Cortana at all, this program is a pre-installed service. And if you somehow “broke” or deleted this service, then the only way to get access to Cortana again is to restore the system. But even in this case, you will not get Cortana in Russian, since it simply does not exist in Russian. At the beginning of 2017, Cortana worked in 6 languages:
  • English;
  • Chinese;
  • German;
  • Italian;
  • Spanish;
  • French;
Support for the Russian language is still only in the plans. It is expected that by 2020, 5 more languages ​​will be added to the list of languages ​​supported by Cortana, one of which is Russian. And then you can use Cortana in Russian. But until then, you can only choose one of the available languages. If you speak English at a sufficient level, for example, then you can activate Cortana. In Russia, this process involves some additional steps, so you will probably need instructions on how to activate Cortana in Russia.

How to activate the Cortana voice assistant in Russia

To begin with, we will reassure everyone who asked if Cortana works in Russia. Yes, it works, but for this you will have to do some manipulations with your computer. If you activate the system in the standard way, the system will give you an error. The fact is that Cortana only works with 6 languages, and if your OS is in Russian, then the system will tell you that "The region is not supported." The good news is that Cortana doesn't care where you are physically, the service determines the region solely by the language used on your computer. And if you want to activate the voice assistant in Russia, then you just have to add the speech pack of the desired language. To do this, you need to follow the following instructions.

In the Start menu bar, you need to find the "Settings" button and click on it:

Next, a panel of parameters will open in front of you, where one of the last items will be the “Time and Language” item, you need to select this item and click on it with the mouse:

In a new window, you will have a choice of regions and languages. If you want to connect Cortana in English, then you need to select any English-speaking region. For example, the USA or England. And in the section for adding languages, select English. And the following window will open in front of us:

The system will automatically download the writing package in English. Below you will see the speech package and its parameters. You must initiate the download of the English speech pack yourself. Of course, for the initial setup and connection to Cortana, you will need access to the Internet. The setup time depends on your Internet speed. In the same section of the parameters of the speech package, make sure that the download of English is completed. Next, check English in the paragraph about speech recognition. A little lower there is a paragraph about accent recognition. You can mark it if English is not your first language. But don't put high hopes on this item, you still need to speak in clear and understandable enough English so that Cortana can understand your speech.

After all the changes, you definitely need to restart your computer. Once launched, open the Start menu again. And in the settings section, turn off the Cortana service as a personal voice assistant. This item will already be in English, since we have previously installed English language pack. Therefore, to activate, you need to select the "On" position in the "Cortana can give you suggestions" item.

Today we will talk about our speech. Would you like control computer by voice, without the help of fingers? And, as they say, by the power of thought! True, we will not control the computer with the power of thought, but with the power of the voice it is quite real.

Type program- This is one of the best software for controlling a computer through voice. On sites in the comments to this program, opinions converge.

True, it has its shortcomings. But more on that later. By the way, if you are interested, read my review.

You can download the program here:

How to use it? First, let's run it and see the main control buttons:

The program welcomes us and immediately gives us hints on how to use Type. At the beginning, we will press the “add” button and write down the word, for example, “open”. To do this, say this word into the microphone:

Then click add. So, we saved the word “Open” in the program with our voice. You can speak any other words into the microphone. The main thing is not to get confused.

The next step is to add commands. To do this, go to this point:

Then we check the box next to the item that we need:

Select a program, application or action and click on the red record button. If the computer accepted our voice, click "Add":

And now one voice command will be visible in our profile. In this case, the one that opens 7-Zip:

And now, by pressing the final button "start talking"

we say the phrase "open Seven Zip". In my case, everything will work. And the 7-zip program will open. Remember this phrase: Sim sim open? Here is something about the same.

The program does not always work properly. Now the mighty Russian language has not been fully studied by linguist programmers ... But still, it's nice when a computer obeys you.

Therefore, for testing and banal curiosity, the Typle program is 100% suitable.

In this video you can see the history of the creation of the first voice engines and what else we need to work on:

There are such terrible names of other analogues of the program as Gorynych, Perpetuum, Dictograph, Voice Commander. But all of them are “not that one”. Do not pass the criticism of a worthy program.

It took me 5 minutes to master this program. This is quite a long time (mostly, I understand such programs in 1-2 minutes). If you have any questions - write. See you soon, friends :)!

Did you know that PC voice control is now possible?

In this article, we will take a closer look at how the process of voice control of a computer takes place, and with what programs and devices this can be done.

What programs are used for voice control of a PC?

Imagine with you that lying on the couch in front of a computer monitor, with our voice we will tell him what to do and what programs to run, typing for messages or documents.

Now it has become possible, for this you need a good microphone and special programs.

Gorynych, this is a domestic development designed for voice control of a computer, it has a number of good advantages, such as voice typing and recording additional commands in the body of the program. Installed without any problems, after installation you need to configure the microphone.

Speaker and Type are foreign developments, they have a lot of extensions and various functions, they are used for both Russian and English interfaces. They are used for PC voice control, after installing the programs, you only need to configure the microphone and select the language for control. Come across and free versions but original full version it's not quite cheap.

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Write in the comments below which of the voice control programs you used and your opinion about the quality of this program.

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Voice control of a computer in Russian using special programs.

The leader among programs for voice control of a computer in Russian is the Gorynych 5.0 program. In other respects, English is also subject to this program. With the help of Gorynych, you can set various voice commands to the computer: run the program, close the window, create new document, restart or turn off your computer. In fact, with voice control, you control most of the processes of user work in the Windows system without the help of a keyboard and mouse. Voice control The program allows you to type text on your computer without using a keyboard and mouse.

How to set up computer voice control

But here there are several nuances. One of the advantages of the Gorynych program is to obey the voices of only their masters. And for this you need to first configure the software command base. You need to teach Gorynych the Russian language with your own voice. With the help of a microphone, you form your own vocabulary that is recorded exactly from your voice. Computer voice commands can be user-defined, but for a set of documents, make an effort to make the database rich in vocabulary. Therefore, for voice dialing, nevertheless best solution there will be an online series from Google.

Useful programs for voice typing on a computer with support for the Russian language.

Gorynych is better than other programs to control a computer with a Russian voice, and voice typing is recommended to be done in the Google Web Speech online application. It is only available for Chrome browsers. Web Speech supports 32 languages ​​(including even Japanese and Chinese characters). In order to print text using the ear, you only need the Internet, Chrome browser and microphone. The program perfectly understands the Russian language and gives the result in whole words, translating oral speech into printed text. Development is now over paid application for audio and even video speech recognition by a computer. The RealSpeaker program is able to recognize not only the voice, but also the user's facial expressions. To use it, a regular webcam is suitable with the help of which the program will “read the lips” of a computer user. This approach improves efficiency in voice control by converting not only speech, but also facial expressions into text commands. RealSpeaker already today has support for Russian and 10 more popular languages. The program is designed for Windows7 / 8 platforms. After installation, the program should be configured. You need to keep your head straight, it is undesirable to allow frequent loss of face contact with the webcam. The distance from the webcam should preferably not exceed 40 cm. There is a dictionary with the Russian language, which can be expanded. But in general, compared to Gorynych, RealSpeaker is more convenient for converting voice to text.

Working on the voice control of computers, many programs were created.

Speech recognition using a computer programmers-developers have been devoting their work to voice control since the days of Windows 95. During this time, many programs have been created for Russian voice control of a computer and speech-to-text conversion. Some of the more popular programs include:

  • Dictograph 5;
  • Perpetual mobile;
  • KOMBAT Vocative Russian ASR Engine.

For English speech, the popular programs were:

  • MedSpeak;
  • Sakrament ASR Engine;
  • ViaVoice;
  • Voice_PE;
  • Lucent;
  • voicetype;
  • sacrament;
  • VoiceXpressPro;
  • iVoice;
  • Philips FreeSpeech 98;
  • SR-TTSC.

To date, the programs are leaders in this field:

  • Gorynych 5;
  • Web Speech;
  • RealSpeaker;
  • Dragon (English only).

These four programs produce the most optimal result in computer speech-to-command and text conversion. We can say that there is not much to choose from. The problem of speech conversion into computer commands and text is still relevant. This is still a free niche for programmers-developers. There are still very few worthy products created in this industry.

Download programs.

Artificial intelligence in software is evolving.

Artificial intelligence created with computer programs, each user met in computer games. For example, when playing chess, a computer analyzes the player's combinations and, according to its own algorithm, makes its next move. In games, all opponents of the user are endowed with artificial intelligence. Today, computer technology allows using artificial intelligence to communicate with programs. And the software intelligence itself is able to develop and improve its functions in practice. In a word, today programs are able to evolve.

A simple program with artificial intelligence.

Let's start from the very a simple example. ChatMaster is an artificial intelligence program that can talk to a person using a chat. Main Feature at first glance, a simple program - self-study. The more you communicate with the program, the more its vocabulary grows and the ability to adapt to the interlocutor when conducting a dialogue. The author of the program claims that he managed to create a program model of human thinking.

At the beginning of work, the program may seem "weak". But the reason is that after the first launch, you should not immediately test it for the level of intelligence and ingenuity. At first, the program should be treated like a 12-year-old child, who in a few hours will communicate at the level of his interlocutor. To do this, the vocabulary of the program must grow from 3,000 to 10,000 words. After that, the impression of working with the program exceeds all expectations.

It is noticeable to the naked eye that the program remembers not only words but also the linguistic reaction of the interlocutor to the set phrases. If desired, you can adjust the program's responses to your options using forced learning. In the same mode, you can prohibit memorizing individual phrases entered with typos. If desired, you can export the bases and exchange with friends for more fast learning(with active import/export don't forget to do backups). In general, the logic in the program, although peculiar, is very well developed.

Improved artificial intelligence software solution.

A very interesting software solution in the field of artificial intelligence was proposed by developers from A.L.I.C.E.

Recommend a program for voice control of a computer

They are well versed in artificial intelligence and are actively involved in the development of programs in this area. To get acquainted with their developments, an online application was created to communicate with Captain Kirk (Captain Kirk) in real time. The principle of the application is built similarly to the previous program, but there is a nice feature. The program answers all questions written to it by voice aloud. A significant drawback of the program is the ability to communicate exclusively in English. It was not possible to find a similar application for communication in Russian, and it is a pity that the programmers did not use such a function. After all, there are many speech synthesis programs that convert text into audio speech using SAPI5 technology. It is a pity that programmers did not have a desire to create alternative program with Russian language support. After all, in fact, this is still a free niche.

Communication with the program through a microphone refers to artificial intelligence.

The program for communicating with a computer in Russian is called - Parrot Grisha. In this program, most likely, a prototype of artificial intelligence is implemented. But the idea is very original. The fact is that the main distinguishing feature of Grisha's Parrot is the ability to communicate through a microphone and speakers (without using a keyboard).

The program has a speaker-independent speech recognition module. It is the analysis of the incoming audio channel that relates this program to artificial intelligence. But, unfortunately, it is able to recognize only a few questions (only 46 phrases are given in the help). When the program starts, the parrot sleeps. As soon as you speak through the microphone, it wakes up to start a dialogue. Software system Speech recognition uses not informational functions, but communicative ones:

  • appellative;
  • emotive;
  • dominance method.

The categorical vocabulary of dialogue is based on semantic primitives. The method of speech recognition is carried out not according to the linguistic content, but according to the definition of the function of the utterance. Thus, during the voice recognition of the user's speech, the speech act, the communication script and the dialogue itself are determined. Therefore, when communicating with the program, it is not the word usage that is important, but the communicative act. When recognizing, random scenes are selected. If input signal absent, for some time, the parrot itself provokes the user into a dialogue. The scenario of the parrot's behavior can be controlled with the help of phrases and even change its character to: sad, touchy, cheerful.

For mobile technology more actively develop and implement programs with artificial intelligence. This can be seen from a brief video review of the program:

Download programs.

Cortana is a virtual voice assistant for Windows with artificial intelligence. Allows users to communicate with their device using voice commands- much faster to search for information, navigate between applications, check incoming emails. Cortana was developed by Microsoft as the main competitor to voice assistants. Google Now and Siri.

According to the idea of ​​​​the developers of the voice assistant, Cortana was created in the likeness of the program of the same name - artificial intelligence from the Halo game. The voice by which the voice assistant gives answers to users belongs to the same actress Jane Taylor, who took part in the voice acting of Cortana in the game universe.

The Microsoft Voice Assistant can only be used by users over the age of thirteen. Cortana checks the personal information of the owner of the Microsoft account before performing a search on the user's request, if the age does not meet the stated requirements, the assistant will notify the user about this and stop searching.

So far, Cortana does not understand Russian, so you will have to communicate with her (give commands) in English. Cortana has long been promised to be Russified, but so far the situation in this matter has not changed. So let's practice our skills in English together. 😉

How does Cortana work?

Cortana is integrated into the Windows search engine. The program can be given access to personal data - e-mail, phone or address book, search history. Based on this information, the program is able to study, analyze and identify patterns in the user's behavior, thereby predicting his future needs. In the process of searching the Internet, Cortana uses the Bing search engine also from Microsoft, or searches for files on the computer using standard tools.

In order to start using the assistant, you can drive into the line Windows Search the question of interest on the taskbar, or put the system into voice command recognition mode and say the phrase: “Hey, Cortana.” In the latest releases of operating Windows systems you can activate the voice assistant immediately after installing the system.

Cortana works and understands commands in the following languages: English, Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese. The voice assistant temporarily does not support systems with Russian-language localizations. Representatives of Microsoft, in one of the interviews, voiced one of possible causes lack of Russian translation - lack of well-trained specialists in Russia. Since Cortana is not a simple voice assistant, but a trainable artificial intelligence, simple voice acting is not enough. It takes a very long time to process and translate all the response templates that a Microsoft voice assistant needs to have. According to recent rumors, the company has postponed the release of the Russian-language Cortana to 2020.

How to set up Cortana on a computer?

Before you can search using Cortana, you must first sign up or sign in to an account. Microsoft records. To do this, go to the following path: Start → Settings → Accounts. In the window that opens, select "Login with account Microsoft.

After a successful login, you need to activate Cortana. Since the program is not available for Russian localization, for its operation it is necessary to change the system language to any of the supported list (in our example, English). To change the language from the system settings, go to the Time and Language category and go to the Region and Language section there.

Then, in the Languages ​​tab, select the English language pack and click the "Use as Primary" button.

If initially the system does not provide the required language pack, it must be downloaded from Windows Store by clicking on the "Add language" button.

After that, either log out or restart your computer. And only after all the procedures, you can activate Cortana. To do this, go to the search on the toolbar, and in the options allow the use of Cortana and start by voice command.

For more effective work Cortana, we recommend that you allow access to the user's personal data. To do this, using the key combination Win + I, you need to go to the settings, from there to the privacy section. Here you need to view the sections: General, Location, Microphone, Speech and text input; and give the system the appropriate permissions.

After completing all the settings, Cortana is ready to use. Now let's look at the main features and the most common scenarios for using the voice assistant.

Cortana features

As mentioned above, the main goal of developing Cortana is to make an assistant that would simplify the user's life, help make his usual tasks more efficient, while not being distracted from the current affairs.
Let's see how Microsoft implemented it. And using examples, we will analyze the main features and the most popular voice commands that you can ask Cortana to perform.

Remind about an event

Cortana allows you to set reminders, associate them with a specific person, mark a meeting place, and set the required time. In order to create a reminder, the command is suitable:

In the field that appears, forms will appear that you can fill out if necessary.

You can see all scheduled reminders with the command:

All subsequent reminders will appear in the search bar, you can go into each one and change its parameters.

Schedule an event on the calendar

By giving Cortana access to a personal calendar, the user can use voice commands to create in it. All you have to do is tell Cortana:

Set an alarm

To set an alarm, the command is suitable

A field will open in front of the user, where you will need to select the time and frequency of the alarms.

You can view the list of active alarms with the command:

The list that opens will contain all the set alarms.

Shows current weather

The start bar will display the results for that location.

But in order for the results to be viewed not from the search results, but directly from the start, the weather application from the Microsoft store must be installed.

Will help you find out how to get to any place

For this you can use the command

Show me directions to (and name the location where you want to go)

Cortana will automatically launch the Maps app. If this app has already been granted all the necessary permissions, using the location service, Cortana will determine the current location, find the end point of the route, and show the path on the map.

Find files on your computer or cloud storage

To do this, it is enough to name the file name and the voice assistant will show all possible matches right in the start menu, whether they are similar files on a computer or in the cloud.

Launches the desired application

To launch any application, just ask Cortana about it:

Once installed, the Cortana icon will appear on your desktop.

Mobile Cortana launch and features

You can only start the voice assistant manually, there is no voice launch like in the desktop version. In the program menu in the lower left part there will be a microphone icon, by clicking on which you can pronounce the one that interests us search query, or ask Cortana to take a simple action. For example, let's ask Cortana to call. Press the microphone icon and say the phrase:

Call to (contact name)

But, since the program works only in English, it is necessary that the contacts in the directory should also be in English.

In addition to calls, Microsoft's voice assistant can send SMS, create text notes, tell us about a fact of interest to us, set an alarm, or search the Internet for any request. The program understands my imperfect English quite well. But unlike the desktop version, the program does not know how to search for files, run applications.

Smart voice assistants are now the norm for modern smartphones and computers. But on this moment developers are still at the very beginning of the journey. Voice assistants can easily cope with simple tasks, but they are not yet able to perform more complex logical actions. However, the development of technology voice assistants will allow you to perform any task even more efficiently.

But it must be noted that for a better interaction of such a voice assistant with its user, more and more access to personal information will be needed. In order for the program to better understand speech, it needs to listen to many hours of personal conversations, to ensure the safe driving of the car, it is necessary to install cameras in the cabin. Not everyone may like it. Since the information owned by the voice assistant can be stolen by a hacker or special services can get it on request. But this is the price that modern technology development costs.
