How to disable touchpad on laptop dns. Uninstalling the touchpad driver

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The touchpad is a touch device designed specifically for portable devices, such as laptops, netbooks, etc. The touchpad responds to finger pressure on its surface. It is used as a replacement (alternative) to a conventional mouse. Any modern laptop is equipped with a touchpad, but, as it turned out, it is not easy to turn it off on any laptop ...

Why disable the touchpad?

For example, a regular mouse is connected to my laptop and it moves from one table to another - quite rarely. Therefore, I do not use the touchpad at all. Also, when working at the keyboard, you accidentally touch the surface of the touchpad - the cursor on the screen starts to tremble, select areas that do not need to be selected, etc. In this case - the best option will complete shutdown touchpad...

In this article I want to consider several ways to disable the touchpad on a laptop. And so, let's get started...

1) Through function keys

Most laptop models have among the function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc.) the ability to disable the touchpad. It is usually marked with a small rectangle (sometimes, in addition to the rectangle, there may be a hand on the button).

Disabling the touchpad - acer aspire 5552g: press the FN + F7 buttons at the same time.

If you do not have a function button to disable the touchpad - go to the next option. If there is - and it does not work, there may be a couple of reasons for this:

1. Lack of drivers

You need to update the drivers (preferably from the official site). You can also use programs for auto-updating drivers:

2. Disable function buttons in BIOS

In some laptop models In BIOS, you can disable the function keys (for example, I observed this in Dell Inspirion laptops). To fix this, go to BIOS ( Bios entry buttons:), then go to the ADVANSED section and pay attention to the Function key item (change the corresponding setting if necessary).

Dell Notebook: Enabling Function Keys

3. Broken keyboard

It occurs quite rarely. Most often, some debris (crumbs) gets under the button and therefore it starts to work poorly. It is enough to press it harder and the key will work. In the event of a keyboard malfunction - usually it does not work completely ...

2) Shutdown through the button on the touchpad itself

Some laptops on the touchpad have a very small on / off button (usually located in the upper left corner). In this case - the task of disabling - is reduced to a simple click on it (without comments) ....

3) Through the mouse settings in the panel Windows controls 7/8

1. We go to the Windows control panel, then open the "Hardware and Sound" section, then go to the mouse settings. See screenshot below.

2. If you have a "native" driver for the touchpad installed (and not the default one that Windows often installs) - you should have advanced settings. In my case, it was necessary to open the Dell Touchpad tab, and go to advanced settings.

3. Then everything is simple: switch the checkbox to completely disabled and no longer use the touchpad. By the way, in my case, there was also an option to leave the touchpad on, but using the “Disable accidental palm presses” mode. To be honest, I didn’t check this mode, it seems to me that there will still be accidental clicks, so it’s better to turn it off completely.

What to do if there are no advanced settings?

2. Remove the driver completely from the system and disable auto-search and auto-install drivers Windows tools. More on this later in the article.

4) Removing the driver from Windows 7/8 (result: the touchpad does not work)

Ambiguous way. Uninstalling a driver is quick and easy, but Windows 7 (8 and above) automatically produces and installs drivers for all hardware connected to a PC. This means that you need to disable the auto-installation of drivers so that Windows 7 does not look for anything in Windows folder nor on the Microsoft website.

1. How to disable auto-search and installation of drivers in Windows 7/8

1.1. Open the run tab and write the command " gpedit.msc"(Without quotes. In Windows 7 - the run tab in the Start menu, in Windows 8 you can open it with the Win + R button combination).

Windows 7 - gpedit.msc.

1.2. In chapter " Computer Configuration» sequentially expand the nodes " Administrative Templates"," System "and" Installing devices", and then select " Device Installation Restrictions«.

1.3. Now check the box next to the option "Enable", save the settings and restart the computer.

2. How to remove device and driver from Windows system

2.1. Go to the Windows Control Panel, then to the tab " Equipment and sound", and open " device Manager«.

2.2. Next, just find the section "Mice and other pointing devices", click right click by the device you want to delete and select this function on the menu. Actually, after that, the device should not work for you, and Windows will not install the driver for it, without your direct instructions ...

Some users say that they simply cover the touchpad with some kind of plastic card (or calendar), or even a simple sheet of thick paper. In principle, it is also an option, although such paper would interfere with my work. In other words, the taste and color ...

At the moment, all laptops are equipped with touchpads. This is a touch panel whose function is - replace computer mouse. The touchpad can get in the way in some cases normal operation. For example, when typing text in the editor, they accidentally clicked on it, and the cursor moved to another part of the screen. With repeated repetition, this state of affairs can get boring.

There are also reverse situations, the TouchPad stopped working for some reason, what should I do? Let's talk about both cases in more detail. It is worth noting that inclusion touch mouse is similar to turning off, only carried out in reverse order.

Using function keys

On almost all modern laptops, it is possible to disable / enable the touchpad using a special function key combinations. For various models laptops their options are different. It should be noted that this method works with native drivers.

For many laptops, this is a combination of simultaneously pressed buttons Fn+F9. But, based on what model options may vary.

If your laptop is not among the above, pay attention to the function keys, for the presence of Pictures with a crossed out touchpad.

If you can't find the pictures, it remains to try enumeration(be careful not to disable other desired functions). Probably, in this case, you do not have special drivers installed, you can update them or resort to other methods described below.

Disabling the touch mouse through BIOS

Although the previous method is convenient, the disadvantage is that immediately after the reboot, the TouchPad will again be in operation and you will again need to press the above combination.

Disable completely it can be done through BIOS. The BIOS contains settings for all major components, including this one.

Restart your laptop. When turned on, press F2 or Del(or other options, depending on the BIOS version).

Go to the field Advanced and find the parameter Internal Pointing Device. « Enabled" - to enable, " Disabled» to turn off.

Another option might look like this. (Read in the manual for your laptop, where you have this parameter in the BIOS).

Use the button on the touchpad itself

On some laptops and netbooks, the disable button is present on the touchpad itself.

Then you just need press this button in the upper left corner.

Disable using synaptics

Many laptops use the manufacturer's touchpad Synaptics. If you have such a case, then the TouchPad is easily turned off in the button, which you will find in the button Start.

There we choose Equipment and sound.

Next select Mouse and its properties, where we go to the tab Pointer Options.

Here you can turn it off completely. TouchPad, or you can make it turn itself off when you connect a mouse to your laptop.

Enable and disable via Device Manager

We launch device Manager in a way convenient for you, for example, by entering in the window Run(Win+R) command devmgnt.msc.

In the Dispatcher we find our touchpad, it is most likely located in the Mice and other pointing devices section.

Right click on it and in properties disable.

In case you have native official driver on the TouchPad, you can find its advanced settings. For example, at the manufacturer Dell, this can be done as follows.

We open settings V Mouse Properties where I found the Dell touchpad tab. See the link below to open and change settings devices.

A window will open in which you can inclusion And shutdown touch panel.

If there are no advanced settings, then you can download"native" driver from the official website of your laptop manufacturer.

Almost all laptop models are equipped with a special touch panel, also called a touchpad. It is intended mainly for controlling the mouse cursor, as well as calling context menus in various programs And Windows interface 7/10. Manufacturers laptop computers they try to make touchpads as convenient as possible, but none of them has yet been able to replace the most ordinary computer mouse in terms of convenience.

Moreover, in some cases it becomes a hindrance. When typing text, the user accidentally touches it with his fingers or palm, which causes the cursor to move on the screen, unnecessary ones are highlighted in this moment elements and the like. Therefore, some users are looking for ways to disable the touchpad so that the latter does not interfere with work. There are several ways to do this, and now we will consider them in turn.

Using hardware keys

You can turn off the touchpad on a laptop by pressing a special combination of hot keys, but this is provided that the appropriate drivers are installed in the laptop system. In addition, for different models Notebook keyboard combinations to disable the touchpad may vary. First of all, look at the topmost row of the laptop keyboard - one of the keys should have a crossed-out touchpad icon. This button is responsible for turning it off.

In general, in laptops, the following combinations are used to temporarily turn off the touchpad:

  • Aser - F7 and Fn + F7;
  • Asus - F9, Fn + F9 and Fn + F7;
  • Dell - F5 or Fn + F5;
  • Lenovo - Fn + F5 / F8;
  • Toshiba-F5;
  • Samsung - F5 or F6.

In HP laptops, the touchpad is disabled by double-clicking the area in its upper right corner or holding your finger at this point for a few seconds. If the described method fails to disable the touchpad, most likely the PC does not have the necessary drivers. In this case, either download and install them from the official website of the manufacturer, or go to other options.

Through the control panel in the properties of the mouse

Many modern laptops are equipped with touch panels manufactured by Synaptics. If so, you will most likely have a special driver installed in your system, and in the mouse properties window there will be a special tab “Device Settings”, marked with a characteristic red icon. Through the Settings app or the classic Control Panel, open Mouse Properties.

Switch to the tab (if available) "Device Settings", select the device you do not need, in this case the touchpad, and disable it with the appropriate button.

Yes, you can also select the middle option by checking the checkbox "Disable internal pointing device when connecting an external pointing device to USB port". This action activates the function automatic shutdown touchpad when connected to a laptop mouse. Again, all this assumes the presence on the PC the right drivers. Now let's see how to disable the touchpad on a laptop if they are not there.

Disabling the touchpad through Device Manager

You can disable the touchpad through the Manager Windows devices. Open the snap with the command devmgmt.msc and expand the Mice and other pointing devices branch. If you see a PS / 2 mouse in the list, then this is most likely a touchpad.

Right-click on the device and select "Disable" from the menu. The touchpad can also be located in the “HID Devices” branch and be called either a USB mouse, or TouchPad, or something else, here you will already have to experiment by turning devices off and on in sequence.

What if the "Disable" options in context menu No? In this case, the device can be removed, and in order to prevent it from being installed again when the system is rebooted, use the command gpedit.msc open local editor group policies, go to location Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Device Installation - Device Installation Restrictions.

In the right column, open the "Prohibit installation of devices not described by other policy settings" policy, set the radio button to "Enabled" and reboot.

After that remote device will not be reinstalled.

Note: disks shipped with laptops often have "native" programs for controlling the touchpad, for example, smart gesture at Asus. If such a program is installed on your PC, the touchpad in Device Manager will not be called "Microsoft PS / 2 mouse", but something else.

In this case, to disable the touchpad, it is better to use the program, for sure it has a corresponding function.

Disable touchpad in BIOS

If you are looking for how to disable the touchpad on a laptop without using system settings and programs, do it at the hardware level - through the BIOS. On most laptop models, entering the BIOS is done by pressing and holding the F2 or Del keys. The BIOS interface of different laptop models may differ, but as a rule, the option responsible for disabling / enabling the touchpad is called “Internal Pointing Device” and is located in the “Advanced” section.

The "Disabled" key disables the touchpad, the "Enabled" key re-enables it. New BIOS settings pressing F10.

Using Third Party Programs

And finally, one more way to disable the touchpad. For these purposes, there are special utilities. There are not many of them and some of them may not work for seniors. Windows versions. The most popular of them is. After installation, this little free program settles in the system tray, automatically blocking accidental clicks on the touchpad.

In the Touchpad Blocker settings, you can enable autoload, set the touchpad blocking time and set the necessary hot keys for this.

- A utility for blocking the touchpad, used even before the advent of Windows XP. It is highly unlikely that it will work on Windows 7/10, but you can try it as an option. The utility is completely devoid of any settings, it starts working immediately after installation. You can close it from the system tray.

A program similar in functionality to TouchFreeze, it only disables the touchpad at the time of entering text. Deprived of settings, controlled from the notification area.

If the above tools do not suit you, try installing the driver Synaptics TouchPad Driver. In theory, after installing it in the properties of the mouse, you should have an additional tab "Device Settings", and in it - touchpad control tools. By and large, the TouchPad Driver serves the same purpose as the driver that controls the touchpad. Microsoft Windows, but at the same time he also offers a series additional features, supporting touchpad disable, three-finger operation, rotation and some other functions.

At the moment, laptops have become so popular that many users buy them either as an addition to their computer or instead of a stationary device. And, of course, every laptop has a touchpad or touchpad - an input device designed to control the cursor and issue commands. electronic device. In simple words, touching the touchpad simulates pressing mouse buttons or keyboard keys.

Let's look at the simplest way first.

On some laptop models, near the touchpad, there is a button that will help you turn it off and, if necessary, turn it back on. On HP laptops, you can try double tapping the top left corner of the touchpad, or holding the top left corner of the touchpad for 5 seconds.

If there is no such shutdown button in your laptop, then you can use function key Fn in combination with the top row keys: F1, F2, ..., F12. Keyboard shortcuts will vary for different laptop models. I have ASUS, so to disable the touchpad, I press Fn + F9. In general, at the top we are looking for a key on which a crossed-out touchpad is depicted, and click on it.

The following are the various key combinations that will help disable the touchpad, depending on your laptop model:

  • Lenovo - Fn + F5 or Fn + F8;
  • ASUS - Fn + F9;
  • ASER - Fn + F7;
  • Toshiba - Fn + F5;
  • Samsung - Fn + F5;
  • Sony Vaio - Fn + F1.

Second way

If the keyboard shortcuts did not work, then you do not have the necessary drivers installed. In this case, disable the touchpad through the Control Panel. To do this, follow these steps:

"Start" - "Control Panel" - "Mouse" - tab "ELAN"- put a tick "Disable when connecting an external USB mouse"- click "OK".

Now we can work with the touchpad until a mouse is connected to the USB port. That is, when it is connected, the touch panel automatically turns off. Using this method, you yourself can choose what you want to work with: touchpad or mouse.

Another way is to disable the touchpad through the BIOS

To do this, you need to restart the laptop and go into the BIOS. In order to get into it, we restart the computer and start pressing the F2 or Del button hard immediately after the laptop screen lights up. We move into the BIOS using the arrows. We go to the tab "Advanced", select "Internal Pointing Device", press "Enter" and select "Disabled". Now you need to save - press F10. To exit the BIOS, press ESC.

I hope one of the methods described in this article suits you, and now you will never have a question - .

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The touchpad on a laptop is a very convenient and practical thing until you have to type text. The cursor now and then jumps and makes arbitrary inserts of text where it should not be. How to disable touchpad on laptop?

But before answering this rather topical question, I want to say that the touchpad itself, also called the "Touchpad" (touchpad), appeared on laptops in 1990 and did not have a unique name.

Different manufacturers called this device differently: "glidepoint", "touchpad", "trackpad" and "pointing device", "touch sensitive input device".

It wasn't until Synaptics launched another touchscreen device called "TouchPad" on the market, and then Epson picked up the name, that the word "touchpad" firmly stuck to this device and became entrenched in everyday life.

Nevertheless, despite its popularity and the fact that all laptops and netbooks are equipped with a touchpad, its use causes a number of problems.

In particular, due to the fact that the touchpad is usually located below the keyboard and is a rather sensitive device, during typing, due to inadvertent involuntary touch, the cursor jumps and typing starts elsewhere.

Sometimes this leads to sad consequences. For example, when typing an article, you can fully collect your thoughts and focus on the keyboard, just not notice that the cursor jumped over and scribble the text in pieces anywhere.

Then you have to look for all this and drag it to its place, and this takes time. Therefore, it is important to know how to disable the sensor.

1. The fastest and easiest way to disable the touchpad is to simply tape it. For example, you can use an old expired bank card attaching it with tape.

2. In some laptops (not all) it is possible to disable the touchpad with a special button. Such a button is usually located either at the top of the keyboard or on the touchpad itself. Look carefully, maybe you'll get lucky ..

3. If you are unlucky with the button, then try experimenting with the key combination "Fn" + "F1 - F12". One of them, in theory, should call the function to disable the touchpad. From experience, I can say already known combinations for such models:

  • Dell- Fn+F5
  • ASUS- Fn+F9
  • Acer- Fn+F7
  • Lenovo- Fn+F8

(if anyone else knows keyboard shortcuts for other brands of manufacturers, please write in the comments ..)

4. If you use a mouse and have not yet decided how to disable the touchpad on a laptop, then you can try to disable the touchpad using Windows itself.

To do this, follow the path:

"Start" → "Control Panel" → "Mouse" → "Device Settings" → tab "Enable / disable the touchpad" → move the switch to the "Disable" position.

5. For advanced users, there is another great opportunity dig deeper into the BIOS: We are looking for the Internal Pointing Device section and select the desired value for the touchpad by turning off the touchpad.

6. And finally, my favorite way is to install the TouchpadPal program.

This program simply blocks the touchpad while typing. Simply reliable and without unnecessary gimmaroy. In addition, the program is absolutely free. I recommend!

I hope this article on my website helped you get an answer to the question: How to disable the touchpad on a laptop?
