How to minimize all windows on macbook. Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac Users

Probably everyone is at least a little bit advanced Windows user knows that an instant exit to the desktop (desktop) in Windows is done using the Win + D key combination. But on a Mac, there are at least 3 ways to minimize windows. Which?

In contact with

First you need to check the settings - open the application on Mac System settings and select the item mission control.

Make sure that opposite the inscription Show Desktop hot button assigned. The key is set by default. F11, but you can change it to any other.

Now we can proceed directly to the execution of the command.

To do this, press any of these keyboard shortcuts at the same time:

  • ⌘Cmd+F3
  • Fn+F11

You will immediately find yourself on the desktop of your Mac, and all open windows will be rolled up.

But you can do everything and even easier - by pressing a single button F11. To do this, go to another section of System Preferences called Keyboard, and check the box next to Use function keys F1, F2 etc. as standard.

Ready! Click F11- and calmly go to the desktop by pressing just one button.

The function allows you to assign certain system commands macOS to move the cursor (arrows) to the corners of the screen. Turn on the function along the way System settingsmission controlActive corners.

Thus, for example, you can assign the command "Desktop"(minimize all windows) to move the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen.

Do you have too many open windows on your desktop? Do you want to quickly jump between them or, for example, expand one and collapse the other? Or maybe you just want to focus and expand the window to full screen? For each of these actions there are hot keys, which, for some reason, are not commonly used actively. Meanwhile, they are very helpful in the work. Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use to manage windows and save time.

1. Switching between windows of the active application - Command + '

Do you switch between applications using the Command + Tab combination? The proposed combination is the same, only inside the active application. This is much faster than if you clicked right click click on the application shortcut in search of the desired window.

So that no one has any questions - the second key from this combination is the same tilde, usually located above the "1" key of the standard keyboard.

2. Minimize the current window - Command + M

Want to get rid of the current window without closing it? Just press Command+M and the window will collapse to the Dock, where you will find it when you decide to return to it.

3.Maximize the current window

Tired of clicking the green button in the corner of the window to expand it to full screen? This can be done using a keyboard shortcut, although you will have to configure it yourself - by default it is not.

  • Open "System Preferences"
  • Select the "Keyboard" menu
  • In this menu, go to the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab
  • In the left column, select "Keyboard shortcuts for the program" and click "+"
  • In the "Menu Name" field, enter "Zoom", and in the "Keyboard Shortcut" field, enter a keyboard shortcut that is convenient for you, for example, Command + =

4. Hide other applications - Command + Option + H

If, in addition to the current application, you have a bunch of windows open and you want to quickly eliminate this mess, then The best decision– press Command+Option+H. As a result, you will remain in the current program window, and all other applications will be minimized and stop interfering with your life and work.

5.Log in full screen mode– Command+Power

If you want to focus on the current task, say while working in text editor then expand the window to full screen. To do this, press Command + Power and there will be nothing on the screen except the current application. To reverse the action, press the same key combination again. If this option does not work for you, then from the previous paragraph you already know how to make it work.

6.Close the current window - Command+W

This keyboard shortcut has existed in OS X since the early days of the system, but I still meet people who have never heard of it. One way or another, pressing these hot keys closes the current program window (for example, a tab in the browser), and if there is only one window in the application, then Command + W closes the application.

7. Close all application windows - Command + Option + W

The keyboard shortcut is similar to the previous one. Only it closes all windows of the current application. Convenient when the browser is littered with tabs, for example.

Hello dear friends! I must admit I have been planning to write this article for a long time and finally got it. This is more likely not even an article, but let’s say “a guide to hotkeys for a macdrive”, I myself am so used to using hotkeys that sometimes I look askance at people who, for example, close a program or tabs in a browser with a mouse, and not with the usual Command + W 🙂

But seriously, knowing even basic shortcuts allows you to save a lot of time and significantly increase the efficiency of your work. Mouse in the direction and let's go.

Short designations:

fn-Function key

Since the article turned out to be quite voluminous, for convenience, I decided to make a table of contents:

How to cut, paste, copy on Mac?

The keyboard shortcuts below work in almost all Mac programs and allow you to perform move operations on all kinds of files (text, music, folders).

Hot keys for screenshots

Keyboard shortcuts for changing boot options

In this section, you will learn how to boot your Mac using the keyboard. Keep in mind that the keys must be held down immediately after starting the Mac.

Completion of the session. Sleeping mode

Hot keys when working in programs

Suitable for most Mac programs.

Efficient work with text using hotkeys

Hotkeys in Finder

As you can see, the list turned out to be very impressive and not suitable for everyone, for those who, for example, work a lot with text, it will be useful, and for ordinary users it will be enough to know 15-20 hots from various areas. And for "photoshops" you can write a separate book in general 🙂

Cheasheet Utility (Bonus #1)

But there is one very smart utility that will always tell you which keyboard shortcuts are relevant for the program in which you are on this moment work, her name is . Using the program is extremely simple, install it and then hold Command until such a window appears (screen, by the way, from Photoshop):

One not unimportant point, since you need access to all Mac programs, then it must be given permission during installation:

Now everything is ready to receive hints while working in any program, and in the future the necessary key combinations will be remembered by themselves and you will become a keyboard virtuoso.

Assign hotkeys ourselves (bonus #2)

It happens that the user often performs the same action and thinks how nice it would be to assign hot keys for him, but what is the actual problem? Let's look at an example.

Assign a shortcut to an action export in a programme View:

Open system settings > keyboard > keyboard shortcuts and look at the screen what to do next

In the window that appears, select the program, enter the EXACT name of the action to which we assign the shortcut and set the key combination:

Everything is ready, now images can be exported using ⌘+⇧+/

And at the end of the article I want to say again that hot Mac keys OS allows you to significantly increase your productivity by focusing on the keyboard.

P.S. I am sure that I did not mention a couple of useful shortcuts, so I will be glad if you add to my list in the comments.

If on desktop many windows are open, then to hide unnecessary ones in Dock we will have to do this with each window separately by pressing the yellow button ( - ) in the upper left corner of each window, or using the keyboard shortcut cmd+h or Cmd+M.

There is an easier way - hiding all windows at once, and then opening the ones you need. To hide all windows, you just need to press and hold the key combination Alt+Cmd, and then click on any window-free place on the desktop. All open windows will be hidden in Dock. Then click on the ones you need to open them. But that is not all. :)

Restore any hidden window with a simple click. Then, holding down the same key combination ( Alt+Cmd), click on any other hidden window. It will open, and the window opened first will hide. That is, you get the same effect with which we once.


Holding Cmd+Alt you can click not only on hidden windows, but also on the icons of not running programs - such a program will start and hide all other open windows.

Small video demonstration

If you often need to quickly open the desktop on your Mac, the best and fastest way to do this is with a keyboard shortcut. This will minimize all windows, programs, other information and show only the desktop. In this case, none of the programs will be closed.

With macOS keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly access files and other desktop content, or just instantly hide what you have open.

On a Mac, there are several ways to quickly show the desktop, including a trackpad gesture. We will tell you how to quickly open the desktop with a keyboard shortcut and two other methods. These methods work on all modern Mac versions OS with Mission Control or Expose support.

How to Minimize All Windows on a Mac

First combination: Command + F3

The first combination with which you can quickly open the desktop: command (cmd) + F3 . Simultaneously hold down the Command key and the F3 key.

This will instantly activate the "show desktop" feature, and all open windows will be minimized.

To return to programs, just hold down Command + F3 again. Also all windows will come back if you open a new program.

The GIF below shows what this action looks like.

How to minimize all windows on mac os

Second combination: fn + F11

Another way is to combine function + F11 . They will also need to be clamped at the same time.

The second combination works on the same principle as the previous one.

To hide the desktop and return to programs, press Function + F11 again or open a new window.

What to do if combinations don't work?

If for some reason the keyboard shortcuts on your Mac don't work, try the following:

  1. Go to the  Apple menu and choose System Preferences.
  2. Select Mission Control.
  3. In the Keyboard and mouse shortcuts section, find Show Desktop and select F from the menu next to it.
  4. Try holding down the F11 + function keys at the same time, the desktop should open.

The combinations should work even if the desktop is disabled, some icons are hidden, etc., but you will just see your wallpaper without icons.

Using Hot Corners

Step 1: From the menu bar, select the icon Apple > System Preferences > Mission Control.

Step 2: In the window that opens, select Active corners in the lower left corner of the screen.

Step 3: Select a corner to open the desktop when you hover over it, and then from the menu next to that corner, select Desktop.

The settings panel should look like this:
