A powerful plugin for creating an online store on WordPress. How to create an online store on WordPress without unnecessary troubles wp shop plugin

Hello, friends! I think many of you will be interested to know how to create an online store on wordpress. In today's first lesson, you will learn how to set up and Russify a plugin for an online store. woocommerce.

This lesson will be useful for those who already have minimal knowledge in WordPress, but in any case, I will try to describe in as much detail as possible each of the steps in creating an online store based on WordPress.

So let's get started!

Installing a theme (template) for an online store

Choosing a theme (template) is very important moment in creating an online store. The whole problem is that some themes do not support the Woocommerce plugin, which in turn leads to incorrect display of online store elements. Therefore, in this tutorial, I will use free template for online store storefront.

You can download the template on the official website woothemes.com or via a direct link. If you suddenly forgot how to change the template (theme) of your site, click .

Installation and Russification of the Woocommerce plugin

After you have installed the template, you need to download and activate the Woocommerce online store plugin. To do this, go to the administrative panel in Plugins -> Add New and enter “woocommerce” in the search field, after which we see the plugin in the output WooCommerce - Excellence eCommerce. Install it and activate it.

Immediately after activation, you will see a message that prompts you to install the necessary pages for Woocommerce to work (Shop, My Account, Checkout, Cart) and translation for the Woocommerce online store plugin:

Click on the first message Install WooCommerce Pages, and on the second Update Translation.

If the message does not appear, to translate the plugin, go to WooCommerce -> System status -> Tools -> Force translation upgrade.

Previously, the Saphali Woocommerce Russian plugin was used for translation, but after the release of the official translation from Woocommerce, the need for it disappeared.

After installation, you have 4 new pages, namely:

shop- the main page of the store where the products will be displayed. I recommend immediately and rename this page to Shop.

My account- account page.

checkout- payment page.

Cart- cart page.

After you have done all the above, you can say that online store installed!

In the next lessons, we'll cover:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

Hello, friends! I think many of you will be interested to learn how to create an online store on WordPress. In today's first lesson, you will learn how to set up and Russify the plugin for the Woocommerce online store. This lesson will be useful for those who already have minimal knowledge of WordPress, but in any case, I will try to describe in as much detail as possible each of the steps in creating an online store based on WordPress. So let's get started! Installing a theme (template) for an online store Choosing a theme (template) is a very important moment in creating an online store. The whole problem is that some themes do not support the Woocommerce plugin, which in turn leads to incorrect display of online store elements. Therefore, in…

Can be created using special e-commerce plugins. And although many consider creating a store on the WP platform not the best solution, there are still successful plug-ins for online trading, which will be discussed in this article.

Online store on WordPress - features

Before creating an online store on the WordPress platform, you need to understand the following points.

1. WordPress is built in such a way that in the installation version, it makes a large number of database queries during operation, which heavily loads the hosting provider's server. 2. Therefore, firstly, choose a hosting for an online store on WordPress with a memory for running a script from 256 Mb, and preferably 512 Mb. Second, install one of the WordPress caching plugins (for example, ) on your system. It will not only reduce the load on the server, but also speed up the work of the store, reducing the loading time of the store pages and product cards.

Two options for creating a WordPress online store

An online store on WordPress can be created in two ways.

1. Option 1: For the store, use all WordPress system. That is, the store on the system should be the main resource. In this option, it is worth installing a special template for the store, the plugin for trading that you have installed. 1. Option 2: The store can be made as an addition to the main blog. For example, you maintain a company blog and make a small store on it for purchases from the blog pages.

Both options have a place to be, but it all depends on the planned sales, and for starters, on the planned visits. For the main online store, the first option is preferable. As an addition to the main resource - a website or blog, the second option is suitable. For example, if you are trading software products or e-books. In such trade, large resources are not needed, real delivery is not needed, employees are not needed. But it is possible to organize Internet trade correctly and beautifully without allocating a special domain for these purposes.

Now an overview of several online stores based on WordPress. You can download all of the following plugins on the pages: WordPress.org/plugins using the search.

WooCommerce WordPress Plugin

WooCommerce is the most popular WordPress web store. Among its advantages, I would include:

  • By default, all the necessary functionality of the store is enabled, including six payment methods;
  • Many settings that cover the needs of the average store;
  • Good Russian translation of the administrative part;
  • The product gallery is included in the basic installation;
  • Product card design is optimized for store promotion;
  • Many themes from the plugin manufacturer;
  • The WooCommerce plugin does not conflict with and syncs with major WordPress plugins, including , a plugin called , and .

For the WooCommerce plugin, there is a whole store with special themes created for this plugin. This is what the WooThemes page looks like.

Jigoshop online store

Jigishop is a multifunctional plug-in for creating Internet WordPress store. Tcnm minor administrative bugs for free version, namely:

  • Not a complete translation of the panel into Russian. Multi-Language Expansion Pack costs $45;
  • By default, there are few payment methods, only two (PayPal and checks). Additional forms of payment, both paid and free, need to be “added on” in the form of extensions;
  • In general, the manufacturers of this plugin “bracketed” a lot of functionality from the installation, free version. A lot of extensions for the store are offered on the manufacturer's website, and most of them are paid;
  • No built-in product gallery;
  • The advantages of the plugin, with an interference fit, include a multifunctional store console with well-viewed purchase statistics, a separate tab for working with coupons and discounts, a separate setting for web optimization (cache compression and clearing);
  • Eat free extensions for data transfer (export/import) from all major foreign e-commerce plug-ins.

jigoshop website page

And as always, the topics on the manufacturer's website, mostly paid.

Russian Internet shop on WordPress. Frankly, the plugin is quite powerful, but it requires the study of all the administrative "bells and whistles" from the authors. The installation version includes all the initial functionality of the store, but again you need to know how to activate them.

  • The product card is pale and poor. By default, there are no product galleries.
  • All extensions to the store require "digging" in the codes, although they are free.
  • Most of the new extensions are offered in "raw" form with bugs.

In general, the store is not bad, but not custom. Requires the administrator to have knowledge of editing codes and a permanent presence on the tech forum. support. Although if you manage to configure it, it works fine.

WP eCommerce Store ( https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-e-commerce/) from Getshopped.org is one of the oldest WordPress ecommerce plugins. This is probably why when you get acquainted with it, you get the impression that you are working with the plugin on the WP 2.5 version. However, the plugin is tested on 4.9.5 and is constantly updated.

Standard, in any way. True, after activation, you need to manually upload folders appearance. This is done in the plugin settings on the "Presentation" tab.

  • The translation of the administrative part of the plugin is not complete;
  • Delivery of goods in the store, by default, is focused on postal order.
  • The main forms of payment through bourgeois "pals". True, the choice of free payment gateways is not bad.
  • There are a lot of plugin settings. It is quite possible to build a small store.
  • Is it true, additional extensions to the plugin are mostly paid. So the cost of the product gallery costs $45. By default, there is no gallery, unlike, for example, the WooCommerce plugin.
  • Themes to the store are paid, on WordPress themes the product card turns out to be inconspicuous.
  • Since the main payment gateways are imported, the form for processing goods is very large and detailed.
  • True, there is fundamentally in the WP eCommerce plugin desired function. This feature is installed by default and is called "Import".
  • With the Import Products function, you can upload a list of your products in CSV format.

In conclusion, I note that creating an online store on WordPress is possible only through trial and error. Each plugin has both poles and minuses, and only you can choose it for your specific tasks.

The WordPress platform was originally developed for quick start blogs on the internet. Over the years, it has evolved into a full-blown content management system where you can create any type of website from scratch, even an e-commerce site.

However, WordPress eCommerce is not for everyone. Here are examples of situations in which it would be the best choice:

  • You want to easily manage your website.
  • You want to easily add other sections to your online store site (blog, pages, etc.).
  • You don't need extra costs to other integrated platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce.
  • You want to start small and expand as needed.
  • You are not afraid of technical work - that is, the abbreviation "FTP" will make you feel curiosity, not fear (in general, creating an online store on WordPress is quite simple, but not in one click).
  • You want to have a common platform that you can easily find additional developers for as you grow.

If at least a few items from this list suit you, then it's time to get acquainted with how to create an online store on wordpress.

Actually, you can easily add functionality eCommerce in WordPress using a dedicated plugin.

In this case, you need a plugin that will allow you to create custom product pages; which will act as a shopping cart, allowing individual visitors to select products and set them aside for further purchase; which will be synchronized with payment acceptance systems to match them with customer purchases.

There are a lot of such tools on WordPress, but there is one interesting option from Russian developers called WP Shop. This is a free plugin with powerful functionality for creating an e-commerce site, with the ability to connect many Russian payment systems and additional modules.

Key features of WP Shop

This plugin is different similar decisions the fact that the products in it are added like regular WordPress posts, but with a price tag and a button to buy. After that, you can combine these records into a category, thereby creating a group of products. In addition, you can make showcases and price lists out of them, with the possibility of fine-tuning.

In WP Shop, you can choose many options to allow users to receive and pay for goods from your website, including both online methods (payment through all electronic payment systems, VISA and MASTERCARD cards, ROBOKASSA and UNITED CASH (W1)), and offline methods (receipt by courier, pickup from the office, cash on delivery by mail). In addition, full integration is available in it. payment system Yandex Checkout. Each payment option has its own checkout form.

Other features of this solution include:

  • Personal account of the buyer, which allows you to view the profile, current orders, purchase history.
  • A tool for selling "digital products" that allows you to download a file only after payment.
  • System of discounts formed according to a given formula.
  • Generation XML files, which allows you to transfer the assortment of the site to various services, such as Yandex.Market.
  • Connecting PayPal, and integrating Yandex and Google metrics.
  • Export and import settings.

Such a large number of various functions built into this plugin makes it somewhat difficult to set up for beginners. But the developer's site has step-by-step instruction explaining in detail how to install and configure it.

Using WP Shop


WP Shop can be installed directly from the WordPress admin panel of your site, but please note that for correct operation you will need an additional plugin - cFormsII, otherwise the order form will not be displayed. A separate form for each payment option, in cFormsII, is created automatically when WP Shop is installed.

Adding WP Shop Products

Adding products to the plugin is very easy. This can be done by creating new entry WordPress, where the title is the product name, the content is the description, and the thumbnail is the image. In order for this record to be displayed as a product card, you need to add a custom field to it with the name "cost_1" and a value equal to the price. The price is entered without spaces, and pennies should be separated by a dot. Please note that you do not need to enter the name of the currency, it is added automatically.

One product may have several properties that will affect the price, such as weight or equipment. In order not to create a bunch of copies for all varieties of one product, you can simply add an additional price tag. This is done by creating another custom field with the name "cost_2" and the desired price.

You can add your own description to each price tag, this is done by creating an arbitrary field "name_1" for "cost_1" and "name_2" for "cost_2", respectively. The numbers in the field index for one product must necessarily match.

Import of goods

In addition to creating entries for each product from scratch, WP Shop allows you to use a partner online store as a source. To do this, you need an additional module from the same developer - WP Shop YML Parser. It allows you to copy an affiliate product list and then import it into the WP Shop. Also, you can synchronize a partner store with yours in it in order to update the assortment in a timely manner.

Thus, you can use the program offered by the affiliate online store to earn commission. In addition, you can open the program yourself as an affiliate store, providing resellers with a convenient tool for importing your assortment.

Currency change

By default, the plugin uses ruble price tags, but the calculation is made according to the currency that will be selected in the "Payment settings" section. To change the abbreviation of price tags, you need to enter the desired currency in the "Store Settings" section. In the same place, you can write text for what is already missing from the assortment of your site.

Showcase creation

The plugin allows you to display a list of products in the form of a table (showcase), and this The best way show all your products to the buyer. The showcase is created by adding a new WordPress page, which should contain the following shortcode:

The parameters are set depending on what showcase you want to see. An example of what should happen:

A short description for individual products in the storefront can be added to the additional field "short_text", otherwise it will be taken from the text of the entry. You can also add other additional fields to the showcase, such as: pic (HTML code for the image), video, flash, and even JavaScript.

Placing a shopping cart

To add a shopping cart to your website pages, all you need to do is make a text widget containing the shortcode . It will display the number of products ordered, as well as their total amount. To be able to view the items in the cart, you need to create new page, as an example - "My purchases", with the content . The link to it must be English language. After that, you need to copy this link, and then, in the "Store Settings" section, paste it into the "Link to the cart page" field.

Enable advanced mode

In this module, the universal form for the purchase is set by default. This form does not allow you to select payment and delivery methods. To display a form for a particular method, you must turn on advanced mode. It can be found in the "Shop Settings" section and check the "Show payment method" option. The number of these methods depends on how many of them you have enabled in the Payment Settings section. Now, the buyer will be shown the form that corresponds to the selected method.

You can change certain fields that a form contains by accessing the cFormsII module. There will already be a form for each payment method, you just have to edit it to suit your needs. But keep in mind that changing some fields may cause errors. You can learn more about how the form is edited and see examples on the developer's website.

Setting a minimum purchase amount

Sometimes, it happens that the cost of the goods is less than the price for delivery, and this is not economically feasible. In this case, setting the minimum amount for further checkout will be the most simple solution. The standard minimum amount is 0.1 rubles, but it can be changed in the "Store Settings" section, in the "Cart" block. In addition, there you can also make a warning for the buyer who has collected an order less than the minimum amount.


In general, this plugin is quite powerful and functional, but it has some bugs that you will have to fix yourself, as evidenced even by mixed reviews about it. With it, it will be easy to create an online store on wordpress, small in size, however, when implemented major project may have problems. In any case, these shortcomings are covered by the fact that it is completely free, and also has excellent localization, since it was created by Russian developers.

Allowing you to make the site work online store. The plugin has the following features: adding new products to the catalog, sorting products, calculating the cost of an order including delivery, editing promotions and discounts, product rating system, email templates for notification and distribution, and other useful features.
Selection templates support , which allows you to view the product list on any device. You can also file optimization using Wordpress plugins (if this is not provided in), which will allow your store to be on the account of search engines.
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Incart Lite

Stylish theme for an online store in a flat style. Also can be used for portfolio, corporate or business website. Contains a slider with various image changing effects, product categories, a list of brands, side panels, fixed menu, up arrow for easy navigation and more.


Stylish and neat template for an online store of any kind of goods. Main colors: green, white and black. Features: slider, sections with banners, featured products, blog articles. Shop with pagination. Made in light light style.

Eco Gray Free

Simple template in the style of minimalism. It has a store with sorting goods and a few more pages. Suitable for any kind of goods or services.


shopping- free theme for online store. Made in style minimalism with a white background and an active purple tint. Suitable for any kind of product.


The template is made in purple tones on a white background. Modern style. It has a slider and includes all the necessary pages to provide the user with all the information about the store. At the time of writing, the demo is not loading, I hope the developers will fix this error.


Template for an online store of children's goods(toy store, children's clothing store, etc.). Colorful site with a themed background. On home page made slider and popular products. Also has a blog and shop. The template is done professionally.


Wordpress theme for an online store of any product. Main colors: blue, white and black. Contains a jQuery dropdown menu, image and featured product sliders, lots of shortcodes, product categories, a blog and

The post is an extended comment that I wrote on the post “WordPress and Woocommerce Online Store: Advantages and Disadvantages of This Solution”.

First, let's define what is meant by "point of sale". I understand this as a site that presents a product catalog with the function of adding goods to the cart with subsequent payment, and automating further order processing (at least, this is tracking the number of remaining goods in stock).

It's minimum. In a good way, the user part needs the functions of sorting, filtering, selecting by parameters, the ability to specify product attributes (color, size, etc.), and for the administrator part - convenient (mass) adding products, import-export (from excel, cvs, 1C), management of discounts and promotional options, separate accounts with different capabilities for the sales manager, administrator, and the one who puts products in the catalog. Plus registration of users-buyers.

Now let's see what WP can do.

Without plugins, WP does not allow you to organize any of the above. With plugins, you can organize your catalog and cart. The user part, the frontend, will depend on which design theme is used - that is, usually, all these sorting and other joys of the store are created not by the engine, but by the theme, and the information is taken from custom fields.

As for the administrative part, it is very problematic to implement:

  • separation of user roles (most likely, this is again a separate plugin),
  • convenient management of store goods; visually, it will be the same as managing blog posts. Which is not very convenient when you have several thousand products,
  • mass goods management; you will not be able, for example, to add a discount or some other option to all the necessary products with one click,
  • registration of buyer users with separate fields for address, default payment method data, etc.
  • payment through Russian payment systems; all popular plugins support payment only through foreign services
  • bulk import-export of goods excel, cvs, 1C

Another one possible problem- This is an update (change) of the design for the site. Since all user functions are stored in the theme files, and not in the plugin, it will not be possible to simply change the theme to any one you like, without losing functionality. And developing a theme with features for the store is, again, money.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to make a WordPress store. But the default functionality of WP does not allow anything that we need. Accordingly, you need to use plugins, and this is not always reliable - there may be problems when updating (updated WP, ​​or store plugin, or theme), compatibility with other plugins, etc. As a starting point, a WordPress online store might not be bad. But if there are a lot of goods, and sales go actively, it will not be very convenient to use it. Therefore, why create extra work for yourself when transferring the site to another engine in the future, if there are already ready-made systems specially designed for this?

I wrote this article in October 2014. That is, a year and a half ago. Then I was a freelancer and had no experience with large orders, and I did only three or four stores. In the year and a half that have passed since the writing of the article, I managed to work in a web studio, where about 4-5 sites were developed every month, of which half were online stores. Therefore, my opinion has changed a little, and some other arguments have appeared.

Firstly, the site should solve the problem of your client. And it is necessary to proceed from this.

Secondly, important value for money, quality and time you spent on development.

For example, if a client wants to launch a store in a week with a small budget, and before that you only worked with one CMS (it doesn’t matter if it’s WordPress or something else), then do it on it. You won’t miss the deadlines, you won’t have problems with learning a new CMS.

Another example, the client wants a big store, with a big budget, it is important for him that the system creates accounting reports, invoices, all kinds of forms in accordance with GOST, integrates with the bank, and so on - do it on Bitrix, because it's all there out of the box. Yes, if you have not worked with him before, the first time will be difficult. Therefore, it is better to hire someone who has worked (again, based on the price-quality-labor ratio).

The client wants exclusive features, and is ready to pay for them - make a unique system only for him on the framework, and not on the CMS - Laravel, Django, Ruby on Rails - on what you know best.

If the client and the developer are you in one person - do what you want more, then you will work with it.

So, in short, there is not and cannot be an unambiguous answer to the question of which CMS to make a website / online store / whatever.
