The national media group has appointed a new head of Channel Five. Under the leadership of Alexei Brodsky, Channel 5 doubled its audience in a year and took an excellent position in the market Alexei Brodsky Channel 5 where now

Appointed the former Deputy Head of the Directorate information programs Channel One Alexei Brodsky to the post of General Director of the Fifth Channel, told Gazeta.Ru, the official representative of the National Media Group, which is a shareholder of the Fifth. , who headed the company since September 2009, will become the chairman of the board of directors of OAO TRK Petersburg. In his new position, he will focus on the strategic development of the company.

“This decision was not made for business reasons, it is a domestic political step,” a source familiar with the situation told - The management of Channel One is now responsible to the shareholders of Channel Five.

TNS Media Research data suggests that the change in leadership is hardly related to the channel's ratings. In the I-II quarter of 2009, the average daily audience of the channel as a percentage of the population of cities with more than 100 thousand people was 0.3%, while the channel's audience as a percentage of all viewers was 1.9%. In the II quarter of 2010, the figures were absolutely the same. Recently, there have been even more viewers: for the first 20 days of November, the figures were 0.4% and 2.3%, respectively.

“If the channel had been allowed to develop, everything would have been in order. But over the past four years, the leadership has completely changed, ”complains a media manager close to the Fifth.

He is confident in the reorientation of the Fifth program grid.

“Fifth” is very different from other channels: it is more intelligent, educational, it has more documentaries - it was a very interesting path. Now Channel One will influence the content. “Most of the successful projects will disappear from the air, series will appear, and as a result, another “Home” will turn out,” the media manager complains.

Market participants have long been discussing unofficial ties between controlled by Yuri Kovalchuk (owns the National Media Group) and Channel One OJSC. According to Forbes magazine sources, in the winter of this year, the Millhouse capital structures (manages assets), which controlled the non-state stake in the TV channel, transferred it to the beneficiaries of the National Media Group. And at the end of October, as part of a long-term strategy for the development of media assets, the National Media Group announced changes in the management structure. In particular, the top manager of NMG was appointed advisor to the chairman of the board of directors of Rossiya Bank.

In early November, a representative of the Millhouse Capital fund in an interview with Kommersant said that Roman Abramovich's structures still control a 49% stake in Channel One OJSC.

(NMG) announced the spin-off of the TV air segment in the holding structure, which will include REN TV and Channel Five, and appointed Yury Shalimov as the new General Director of Channel Five, the holding reports.

Gazprom Media holding bought 7.5% stake in National Media GroupGazprom Media made a purchase of National Media Group shares against the backdrop of a loss under international financial reporting standards (IFRS), which increased by 24% in 2015.

"On-air television broadcasting was formed as part of the implementation of a strategy to improve the efficiency of the media holding. The new direction will include REN TV and Channel Five. Structural changes will allow centralizing the management of TV channels' business processes, increasing their operational efficiency and strengthening the positioning of television brands. As a result, NMG will have a unified management platform has been created for the strategic development of assets, while REN TV and Channel Five will retain their unique programming and editorial policies," the media group said in a statement.

Vladimir Tyulin has been appointed the head of the television direction, who will also retain the post of REN TV general director and continue to oversee the news broadcasting of the media holding, the NMG added.

“Yuri Shalimov, who previously held the position of First Deputy General Director of REN TV, was appointed General Director of Channel Five. Alexey Brodsky, General Director of Channel Five, decided to leave the company after a six-year employment contract,” the holding notes. Personnel appointments come into force on February 1, 2017.

"The leadership of the new direction faces ambitious tasks. Combining the capabilities of the two channels, which are consistently in the top 5 of the national rating in terms of audience coverage, will significantly strengthen their position in the television market. I also want to thank Alexei Brodsky for his contribution to the development of Channel Five. Under under his leadership, the TV channel managed to take its rightful place among the leaders of national broadcasting. We are open to further cooperation with Alexei in the framework of new projects," she said. CEO National Media Group Olga Paskina, whose words are given in the message.

National Media Group is one of the largest private media holdings in Russia, uniting the assets of key segments of the Russian media market. The holding includes OJSC Channel One (25%), REN TV channel (82%), television and radio company Petersburg-Fifth Channel (72.4%), newspaper Izvestia (98.32%), newspaper Sport -Express" (75%), Life#Zvuk radio station (100%), Art Pictures Vision LLC (50%), Metro-Petersburg, Media Alliance company (Discovery, Eurosport, Turner TV channels), Russian TV channels Viasat (80%).

Under Yuri Kovalchuk, the "five" was forbidden to touch the upper echelons of power, mention those who disagree, invite especially active oppositionists

- You do not like our public! Medvedev laughed.
- Adore! This is cannon fodder for our talk shows! - the general director of NTV was found.
“Hmm, tough,” the president remarked softly.

From Medvedev's pre-New Year's interview to the leaders of the three leading
TV channels with the participation of NTV CEO Vladimir Kulistikov 12/24/2010

The original of this material
© Gazeta.Ru, 01/13/2011, Photo: "Kommersant"

The fifth channel was shown who is the first here

Svetlana Bocharova, Igor Bakharev
Konstantin Ernst
[...] The programs of Svetlana Sorokina "Programme", Nikolai Svanidze "The Court of Time" and Dmitry Bykov's "Oil Painting" on Channel Five are closed, it became known on Thursday from the journalists themselves. The decision was made shortly after the arrival of a new head of the channel - the former deputy head of the directorate of information programs on Channel One, Alexei Brodsky. He was named CEO of Fifth on 28 December. [...]

“The new leadership has an idea of ​​beauty, and it implements it. Now we have decided to change the system. First of all, taking into account the production capabilities and resources of Channel One. The last year was a continuation of what was found by the team of Troepolsky (the former head of the channel), the channel was intelligent, informative, with a Petersburg note. It was focused on history, reflections, discussions, the main character there was "living history". And now “Golden Gramophones” and “Old Songs about the Essentials” have appeared there,” says a manager close to the channel.

“At one time, when Channel Five came to Moscow, there was talk of merging companies to create a modern multi-channel holding like STS-Media or VGTRK,” recalls a source close to the structures of the National Media Group, which includes Channel five. - But the main criteria are not business and not the media, but connection with the authorities and the desire not to offend anyone. Therefore, faced with the dissatisfaction of the St. Petersburg leadership, which felt that they were losing their channel, everyone was returned back. This is the main St. Petersburg media resource.”

Employees of the Moscow branch of the Fifth, who produced the programs of Sorokina, Svanidze and Bykov and worked under indefinite contracts, were asked to write letters of resignation “of their own free will” or move to work in the Kazan branch of the channel, one of the employees of the Fifth told Gazeta.Ru ". Refusal to move will give the employer a reason to dismiss the TV workers on the basis of Art. 77 of the Labor Code, the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru believes. What will happen to the Moscow branch itself, which has about 80 employees, is unknown: proposals to quit or move are motivated by “significant changes in working conditions” and “changes in content,” the Fifth employee specified.

Some employees of the capital's office agreed to resign of their own free will, the Gazeta.Ru interlocutor knows. The rest are negotiating with representatives of the new leadership of the channel.

“We want them to explain to us what is happening and act with us according to the law - they warned us about the reduction in two months and paid compensation,” the employee explained. [...]

According to one version, what is happening in the Moscow office is explained by the fact that Channel One shows “Fifth” who is dad here, according to another, this is such a revenge from “First” to their former employees who at one time switched to “Fifth”, said an employee of “Fifth ". [...]
The original of this material
© Novaya Gazeta, 01/17/2011, Photo: Kommersant

Give two Firsts by 2012!

The fourth rebranding of the fifth button ended with the arrival of Ernst's team. The channel for the smart did not last even a year

Slava Taroshchina

The history of the timid rise and subsequent brazen destruction of the 5th St. Petersburg Canal is interesting primarily because it is - mirror reflection processes taking place in the country. The energy of decay sweeps away everything in its path - even people with the help of falling icicles, even electricity in the Moscow region, even the remnants of common sense in the verdicts of high-profile political processes. And why, in fact, should television be aloof from the turbulent process?

The channel for the smart ones did not last even a year. However, his doom was felt from the first steps. The owners did not stint on announcements - the center of Moscow was generously dotted with giant photographs of famous TV presenters who switched to the "five". But they forgot to take care of signal propagation. As a result, the same center, like most of the metropolis with its environs, had to admire banners depicting people's favorites for a long time, and not their programs. Nevertheless, the new team of Alexander Rodnyansky made desperate attempts to attract the audience. The launch of the channel happened in March, and by the beginning of the summer, they were already talking about the “five”. Through the gloom of St. Petersburg the features of the new brand began to appear - with their own ideas, faces, intonation, manner of speaking. The programs of Sorokina, Svanidze, Mlechin and Kurginyan, Bykov grouped a new viewer around them. Sacred figures of the rating testified that one already exists: if in March 2009 the channel's share in Russia was 1.8, then a year later it was 2.3.

Of course, there were problems with the content, and considerable ones, about which, in particular, I wrote more than once. But it was impossible not to notice the main thing - attempts at a different outlook on life. At the end of December, the attempt was strangled: the Rodnyansky team was dissolved, the power was represented by the new general director Alexei Brodsky, a native of Channel One,. Brodsky became the fourth head of the "five" in less than four years (Yuri Kovalchuk's National Media Group, which includes the channel, was born in February 2008). The history of modern TV has not yet known such transience (and confusion) of design.

"Five" did not have time to start, and rumors about the upcoming changes had already spread. The reason for the rumors was purchase by Kovalchuk last spring of Video International, the one that has been selling advertising on Channel One for more than ten years. It's no secret that the lion's share of local income is precisely advertising revenue. And now all this happiness went to Kovalchuk, more precisely, to his bank Rossiya. And then begins a pure detective story. Closer to autumn, reports flashed in the press that the aforementioned Kovalchuk, following Video International, also bought a 49 percent stake in Channel One belonging to Abramovich. Abramovich's people, who had previously preferred to remain silent, started up and said: no, I didn't buy it. The second after the blocking state stake of 51 percent is still with Roman Arkadyevich.

The intrigue is dark, but juicy details have come to light. It is only known for certain that in 2001 Berezovsky sold his stake to Abramovich. Further, the traces of the shares begin to wind. Magically, as noted by Forbes magazine, 25 percent of Abramovich's property was re-registered in St. Petersburg for companies headed by classmate and classmate of Vladimir Putin - Elena Sorokina and Nikolai Egorov. By the way, the hero of the occasion, Yuri Kovalchuk, also bears the proud name of Putin's friend.

What is the most amazing thing about this story?

First, the unprofessionalism of Putin's friends. Business assets are falling on them from the sky, the essence of which they do not even try to figure out. Four rebrandings of the fifth button in four years is a clear overkill. Any channel needs to have at least three years left to somehow get on its feet. Feverish change of concepts feverishly destroy the unfortunate "five". Today it has turned into a second-hand channel of the First Channel, where endless old songs about the main thing sound.

Secondly, monstrous cynicism. Why did the NMG not immediately begin to cooperate with the First, but first undertook a detour maneuver in the form of Rodnyansky's team? Why is it so easy for professional people to break the ridges?

Thirdly, the blatant opacity of this whole story with shares and the owners of life. After all, we are talking not only about the small "five", but also about the supergiant - Channel One, which forms a nation in our latitudes. So the nation has the right to know to whom it still belongs.

It is noteworthy that the revolution on Channel Five coincided with the final conversation between Dmitry Medvedev and the heads of federal channels. The president delighted the progressive public with his incendiary speeches. How fresh and sharp it is to try on the toga of Leonid Parfyonov, that is, to throw a reproach in the face of the channel's top managers that their news broadcasting is juggling with emptiness! How honestly the President speaks about the dramatic gap between the Internet and TV! How openly he argues with Putin about Khodorkovsky! How boldly he calls the names of opposition politicians, which he does not even deny in his own electoral base! And look how attentively the TV bosses listen to their president - such inspired faces are found only at the sentries on Red Square ...

But the fog of words quickly dissipated. The ghostly thaw was replaced by various natural disasters. The news feed, which so alarmed the president, regularly registers only fluctuations in the weather. The gap between the Internet and TV is growing day by day. Boris Nemtsov ended up in prison, and not in the "Minute of Glory", as one might expect after the favorable mention of his name by the highest lips. Anna Chapman and Philip Kirkorov became the heroes of the New Year's broadcast, which is the clearest evidence of all presidential speeches about the moral climate in the country of freezing rain.

The mirage double reality needs at least some kind of bulwark of stability. An ordinary plot of the Vesti program discovered just such a stronghold. In the Lukhovitsky district, where fires raged in the summer, and by autumn a residential village was built in record time, a curious phenomenon was noticed. The farther the house is from the video camera, which Putin can look into, the worse things are for the new settlers. The most tragic situation is for those unfortunates where all-seeing eye The camera can't reach. Less than a month has passed since moving in, and their houses are already bursting at the seams and drowning in fecal waters.

In this muddy, like faecal water in Lukhovitsy, history, only two circumstances are clear. Putin's friends began with a vengeance to rebuild a channel for him for elections (while Medvedev's friends talk about modernization). And this means that Putin's friends do not need TV for smart people. However, in our country, it seems that very few people need it at all.

Explanatory notes

Dmitry Bykov, host of the program "Oil Painting"
"Oil painting" was made under double oppression, in which none of its manufacturers was not to blame. It was impossible to talk about politics - here any topic was surrounded by flags: we could not touch on the upper echelons of power, we could not mention those who disagreed, we had no right to invite especially active oppositionists, etc. We couldn't talk about culture - as planned at the beginning - for rating reasons. An attempt to talk about cinema or theater turned into an immediate subsidence of the “share”, and the former USSR remained the only open topic. Plus a number of universal human problems like death penalty, physicists-lyricists and conscription into the army (however, around the conscription program too).

do anything interesting program under such conditions, it seems to me, it is impossible. Twice I asked her to close it or change the presenter, and we quarreled with the editorial staff so that I, a rather peaceful person by nature, still feel guilty before Yulia Nikolaeva and Lena Ivanchenko. If we managed to raise a topic that really interested the audience a couple of times and gain a decent rating, this is more of a miracle, not the norm. Today, the production of a somewhat relevant talk show on television is essentially an imitation task, and let Natasha Nikonova and Alexander Rodnyansky forgive me, I learned about the closure of the program (in mid-December) with considerable relief. I remember well how happy passers-by were when they met the hosts of Vremechka on the street - and I don’t smile at all to catch the sidelong glances of today’s TV viewers, who perfectly understand what compromises we have to make. I'm afraid the work on television will have to be postponed until we again have the opportunity to answer for our work. Those who do not believe in the coming of these times are deeply mistaken.

Svetlana Sorokina, host of the Program Guide
I am not an employee of Channel Five, I was on a short-term contract until mid-December. Even if the leadership had not changed, the big question is whether I continued this contract. The management has changed, they have a different idea of ​​what the channel will be like. Therefore, by mutual agreement, we ended our relationship with Channel Five on December 31st. I am an employee of the RIA Novosti agency. I am an associate professor at the Higher School of Economics. I am a columnist for Ekho Moskvy radio. A lot of work.

Leonid Mlechin, co-host of the "Court of Time" program
At the “Court of Time” I was a temporary worker, a guest worker, I mean, I took out the garbage, swept the floors. In my opinion, there was no policy in closing the program. This is a managerial financial decision. I realized that there would be no program a few weeks before its closure, when no orders were received for filming a new series of programs - they were also being recorded. I realized with relief - it was hard work. But interesting. Judging objectively, we really were in the focus of attention. [...]

Rodnyansky's team was disbanded, power in the person of the new general director Alexei Brodsky actually passed to the First

The original of this material
© Fontanka.Ru, 12/28/2010, Channel Five - the concept is changing again, Photo: "Kommersant"

Mikhail Goncharov

On December 28, an extraordinary board of directors of Channel Five was held in Moscow. According to Fontanka, Alexey Brodsky, who previously worked as deputy head of the directorate of information programs at Channel One, was appointed to the post of general director of the channel instead of Arkady Solovyov, as Fontanka learned. This personnel appointment did not come as a surprise, since the "landing" of specialists under his leadership has been studying the cases against Chapygin for more than a month, but it marks another turn in the fate of the "Five" - ​​now on the "Petersburg" Fifth Channel, the team of Alexander Rodnyansky is being replaced by the team of Konstantin Ernst, and The fifth, judging by the information of Fontanka, will pass into the zone of influence of the First.

According to Fontanka in the press service of the National Media Group, Arkady Solovyov, who has headed the company since September 2009, will take the post of chairman of the board of directors of OAO TRK Petersburg. In his new position, he will focus on the strategic development of the company. According to observers, the concept of the “interlocutor channel” presented to the shareholders of the National Media Group by Alexander Rodnyansky (as head of the NMG-TV expert council) and his longtime colleague from the time of STS Vladimir Khanumyan (at that time - the CEO of NMG-TV ) did not live even a year. "Reboot" on the Fifth was officially announced in March 2010. By the summer, it became clear that despite (or perhaps thanks to) the appearance of such persons as Ksenia Sobchak on the Five, the ratings were in no hurry to grow.

Representatives of the Rodnyansky team spoke about technical matters- they say, the problem is not in the content, but in the fact that in many regions the possibilities for distributing the Pyaterka television signal are still limited. However, the shareholders of the National Media Group (the main one at the moment, of course, is JSC AB Rossiya, banker Yuri Kovalchuk) of this, according to Fontanka, it was not possible to convince.

Perhaps the reason for this is the loss of influence by Mikhail Lesin, who was dismissed from the post of presidential adviser. After all, it was said in political circles that it was Lesin who lobbied for the candidacy of Rodnyansky as the ideological leader of the television resources of the NMG holding. By the way, some media outlets link Lesin's resignation, including with Rodnyansky. Allegedly, President Dmitry Medvedev did not approve his candidacy, but a well-known television manager began to manage the TV channels of Yuri Kovalchuk unofficially. Rumor has it that Konstantin Ernst also added fuel to the fire, whose employees Rodnyansky began to “lure” - this is how the producer of the First Natalya Nikonova switched to Pyaterka, which Ernst was not too happy about (in connection with which the future of Nikonova herself at Pyaterka as chief producer is now in serious question).

One way or another, by October, Alexander Rodnyansky was actually removed from NMG (remaining in his purely nominal, practically “public” post of head of the TV channel’s expert council), Vladimir Khanumyan left NMG-TV, and the entire team they brought in was in the television division of NMG (including not only Channel Five, but also REN TV), according to Fontanka sources, was actually “cleaned up”. And this, of course, is the first serious defeat of the well-known Moscow media manager in the television space.

In St. Petersburg, the above-mentioned "landing" of specialists from ORT landed. According to the employees of the Five, Alexei Brodsky, deputy head of the Directorate of Information Programs Kirill Kleimenov, appeared in St. Petersburg. He came to Chapygin together with colleagues and representatives of the financial, legal service of Channel One and the release service - a total of 11 people. It was then that Alexei Brodsky was first talked about as the new head of the channel.

What all this means for St. Petersburg viewers, except for the appearance before the 2012 elections of a channel close in politics to Ernst's team, still has more questions than answers. Many employees of Channel Five feel in limbo, however, in last years this is not news to them. A large group of specialists, including the well-known presenter Olga Volkova, recently left for the Zvezda channel. The NMG has not yet commented on the change in concept and possible personnel changes. Although, according to Fontanka, among Ernst's ideas, of course, is not only filling the air with what was not useful to the First - you cannot build a concept on this. They say that among his plans, as it is not surprising, is the return of the "Petersburg chip" to the Fifth. Like it or not, we will see next year.

PS: The Russian state television and radio company "Saint Petersburg", later renamed "Petersburg - Channel Five", was founded in 1992. In 1997, Boris Yeltsin liquidated the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, while the broadcasting networks were transferred to Moscow, and the Kultura TV channel was created on their basis.

In 1998, on the basis of "Petersburg - Channel Five", OJSC "TRK "Petersburg" was created. The channel received the opportunity to broadcast in more than 70 cities of the Russian Federation with the concept of "a national channel of Russian regions."

In November 2006, the channel won the tender for federal frequencies and again became nationwide. On October 1, 2006 Channel Five goes on federal broadcasting. Channel director Marina Fokina declares that it will be different from the three existing federal channels, which today actually duplicate each other. The fifth channel will be an absolutely new product in federal broadcasting with the concept of a "channel of the regions".

In January 2007, TRK Petersburg completed the placement of an additional issue of its shares. The largest and only blocking stake of 35% was retained by the structures of Rossiya Bank - OOO IK Abros (25.1% of shares) and the Sogaz insurance group (Abros shared with its subsidiary the 10% of the shares of the TRC).

In February 2008 TRC "Petersburg" and PEH TV were merged into a new media holding with the tendentious name "National Media Group".

When Channel Five was restarted, Fokina hoped that in a few months it would take third place among TV channels in St. Petersburg with a rating of 12-15 points. But the channel with a prophetic name stubbornly did not leave the fifth place with a rating of 5.5. In March 2008, Marina Fokina, general director of the Petersburg-Fifth Channel TV and Radio Company, leaves her post. Instead of Fokina, the channel is headed by Vladimir Troepolsky.

In August 2009, the Fifth Channel leaves its head Vladimir Troepolsky, and Natalya Nikonova is appointed as the general producer with the rights of the general director. The concept of the channel is being developed by a team under the ideological leadership of Alexander Rodnyansky. Among the employees of the Fifth there are rumors about the actual relocation of the channel to Moscow and mass layoffs in St. Petersburg.

In March 2010, a new concept was presented to journalists in Moscow - the management of Channel Five wants to turn the channel into an interlocutor with whom one could discuss the most important topics. The conversation will be conducted in an intelligent manner, in St. Petersburg style, but new presenters will appear, including Ksenia Sobchak, Alexander Weinstein, Dmitry Bykov and Svetlana Sorokina. The word "Petersburg" will disappear from the very name "Petersburg - Channel Five". Almost all high-profile premieres will be produced in the capital. However, it is now clear that next year the new management team will implement new ideas.

"The authorities set the task for Ernst to turn Channel Five into a political tool; now Ernst will deal with this part-time, without being distracted from Channel One"

The original of this material
©, 17.01.2011

Channel №5: new fragrance by Konstantin Ernst

Marina Naumova

Channel One CEO Konstantin Ernst knows how to admit mistakes. Summing up the results of the “zero” in an interview with Afisha, he openly stated the failure of Channel One’s debut attempt to make a revolution on domestic TV and switch to vertical programming: “For the next attempt, you will need to agree with at least two more channels [about such programming] and more precisely guess the product that is needed for this. Well, now Ernst no longer needs to “negotiate” with one of the federal channels: since December 2010, Channel Five has come under the leadership of his ex-subordinate, Channel One manager Alexei Brodsky.

Let's make a reservation, "de jure" there is only the fact of a change in the management of Channel Five: neither the National Media Group, nor the Petersburg TV and Radio Company itself say what the Channel One and Konstant Ernst himself have to do with this process. “De facto” last week, the new leadership practically disbanded the Moscow office of Channel Five (in fact, the creative team), politely and with letters of thanks, refusing the projects of Alexander Rodnyansky (“Court of Time”, “Program Guide”, “Oil Painting” ). On New Year"Fifth" showed programs commissioned by "First" by the company "Red Square" ("Old songs about the main thing", "Carnival Night 50 years later", etc.).

"Fifth" - a once solid city channel with a concept tailored for the intelligentsia and a corresponding loyal audience - became federal thanks to the ambitions of St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko. From the beginning of the 2000s, he began to progressively win regional frequencies and regularly change management. The most intelligible acquisitions are Vladimir Troepolsky (VGTRK) in 2008 and Alexander Rodnyansky (STS-Media) in 2009.

The last story is the most dramatic. Alexander Rodnyansky in March last year gave a pompous start to the new concept of "Intelligent Interlocutor": new faces appeared, fresh projects were launched. Even after several talk shows (including the flagship "Freedom of Thought" with Kseny Sobchak and Alexander Weinstein) did not live up to audience expectations, and the share of the channel rarely exceeded the 2% achieved by previous teams for six months, Rodnyansky was calm. One could understand him: it was still too early to draw conclusions, and he did not give promises in terms of audience growth, at least in an interview. Rodnyansky did not disregard his production activities, and in June, together with Sam Klebanov, he launched the art-house TV channel Cinema Without Borders.

And already in October, his resignation followed, and on New Year's Eve the appointment of a new CEO, "Deputy Head of the Directorate of Information Programs of Channel One." According to the informal branch "table of ranks" - this is a person below the level of his predecessor or, for example, Alexander Faifman, Ernst's first deputy. Interlocutors of explain this replacement in the same way: the authorities set the task for Ernst to turn Channel Five into a political instrument; now Ernst will deal with this part-time, without being distracted from the "First". It's as if the parents asked their daughter, an excellent student, to pull up her younger brother in mathematics and geography, which he launched, leaning on music and literature. The quarter is almost over.

“Here they are already quite used to it, this is a special story - every two years we have a new management,” one of the old-timers of the “Fifth” told me without much emotion. – Every time everything happens very abruptly. In my opinion, the problem is that every new manager cools off very quickly, and the shareholders demand prompt results.” It seems that in the case of Rodnyansky, the required operational result was the production of an effective political instrument.

Meanwhile, despite all the ups and downs of personnel, the site does not lose its attractiveness for advertisers. The largest seller of TV advertising, Video International, notes that the cost of advertising on the Fifth will not decrease: “We have always believed that it is totally underestimated. Since the fall of 2009, we began to file it federally, but the process of bringing the channel's inventory to a fair price is not fast, ”Seller said.

About the conditions under which the content of the "First" has now appeared in the "Fifth" grid, the representatives of the "First", "Fifth" and "Red Square" do not comment, referring to the lack of present moment specific agreements. But this triangle is not Bermuda at all: Anton Yakimov, a representative of Red Square, confirmed the fact of negotiations with the management of Channel Five. “Now we are discussing the format, volume and distribution of content,” he said. – Larisa Vasilievna [Sinelshchikova, President of the Krasny Kvadrat group of companies, wife of Konstantin Ernst] is unlikely to comment on this matter, and Andrey Kurpatov, the CEO of the [Krasny Kvadrat company, TV host, show "Doctor Kurpatov" on the "First Channel" season 2006-2007]. The contracts between content providers and Petersburg Television and Radio Company expired on December 31 last year, and market participants assume that Channel Five's management will conclude new agreements in favor of cooperation with Krasny Kvadrat.

The nascent “pleasant companion” from Rodnyansky, apparently, seemed to the shareholders to be too subtle a flavor. But about the experienced perfumer Konstantin Ernst, it is known that he knows how to create a sustainable product. What will it be? Most likely, it will take serials as a basis (some of them are docudramas), generously dilute it with humor, perhaps add a couple of bright shows, leave a light trail of “invented stories” in the spirit of “Let them talk” - and all this will be served in a bottle of vertical programming. The intelligence is on the rise.

"It turned out to be a miserable babble"

The transfer of Dmitry Bykov to the "Fifth" with sharp criticism of Anatoly Serdyukov was urgently re-shot in accordance with the position of the Ministry of Defense

The original of this material
© "Free Press", 25.10.2010, What the soldiers kept silent about

Sergey Ischenko

Apparently, a loud scandal around the recent visit of Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov to the training center of the Airborne Troops near Ryazan seriously alarmed not only the military department. The appeals of the Union of Paratroopers, as well as the Union of Russian Naval Sailors, to the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev with a request to punish Serdyukov for the collapse of the Armed Forces and the boorish attitude towards his subordinates, did not go unnoticed. True, there is no visible reaction from the supreme power. But what happened last Sunday suggests that the Kremlin is also busy putting out the political fire that has broken out. Because hardly anyone else is able today at the last minute to take off the air of a federal channel a TV show, which he himself has been intensively advertising for a whole week.

And here's what happened. On the 5th TV channel "Petersburg" there is a cycle of programs of the writer Dmitry Bykov "Oil Painting". The next one was scheduled for October 24 and, as the commercials reported, was called "What the soldiers are silent about." And they are silent, from the point of view of the authors and directors of "Oil Paintings", it is clear why: military service has long been extremely unpopular in society, the Armed Forces have been in a permanent crisis for two decades, the country's defense has collapsed. The very scandal with Serdyukov exacerbated passions to the extreme. Dmitry Bykov invited well-known experts and journalists to discuss all this disgrace. The transmission was filmed in advance. And launched numerous announcements on the air. The recognizable faces of many of the participants in the discussion could be well seen.

However, those who tuned their TVs to Channel 5 last Sunday at 7:30 pm were very surprised. No, the program “What the soldiers are silent about” advertised for a whole week took place. Just not in the form that was promised to the audience in numerous announcements. None of the experts and military observers, who, judging by the television commercials, spoke very sharply about the state of affairs in our Armed Forces, appeared on the screen. Instead, the audience of Channel 5 was invited to listen to the opinion of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Colonel-General Vasily Smirnov, and several other little-known persons about what is happening in the army. According to Smirnov - nothing extraordinary. The defense is getting stronger hour by hour, the troops are on guard and ready to fight back. Serdyukov confidently leads this army to the heights of combat readiness.

How and why did such a radical replacement of one "Oil Painting" with another take place? The correspondent of "SP" asked about this from Dmitry Bykov himself. He commented on what happened:

Indeed, one program was advertised, and another appeared on the screens. But no pressure from above. Work moment. From the very beginning, we invited representatives of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense to the studio. It was fundamentally important for us to find out whether there really is a conflict between Serdyukov and the General Staff or is it fiction? The military thought for a long time, asked to send a list of questions in advance. In the end, they didn't come. Then I had to shoot a discussion with those who agreed to speak. It turned out very sharp. But the other day, when the time for the program to go on the air had already been announced, they called from the Ministry of Defense and said that Colonel General Smirnov, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, still found time for Channel 5. They filmed another version of "What the soldiers are silent about." He went on air. Smirnov's point of view: there is no conflict between the generals and Serdyukov.

Colleagues, dear, what did you expect? That the Colonel General, who does not intend to nurse his grandchildren in retirement yet, will come to you and publicly admit to the whole country what they are talking about at all corners: “Yes, there was a conflict. Yes, the Minister of Defense is not always shy in terms of expressions in conversations with subordinates. Yes, and not everything is fine with the military reform”? By law, he simply does not have the right to make such statements without first writing a letter of resignation. And where would that Colonel-General Smirnov be today? Therefore, what was said by the respected writer Bykov at the end of our conversation is somehow not convincing:

And that first version of the program “What the soldiers are silent about” we will definitely give. I just don't know when. Well, you think we gave it up? A lot of money was spent on filming. They brought people from other cities. So let's give it. We will definitely give. We will not leave this topic.

However, what do those who took part in it think about the program that was not aired? One of them is the executive editor of the Independent Military Review, Viktor Litovkin.

"SP": - Viktor Nikolaevich, what was discussed in the studio?

In general, we gouged the military reform. Some participants in the discussion called Serdyukov almost a criminal. My position is slightly different. There is a lot of wisdom in what the Minister of Defense does. For example, the transformation of military districts into operational-strategic commands. Or a decrease in the number of officers-bureaucrats in the troops. But at the direction of Serdyukov, outright stupidities are also happening. For example, when thousands of people are thrown out of the army into the streets without apartments. This is what we talked about. Bykov liked it very much. We were even personally sent commercials with fragments of the future program.

SP: And then what?

But nothing. On Saturday they called from Channel 5 and warned that our discussion had been taken off the air.

"SP": - Apologize?

No, they just reported.

"SP": - What, in your opinion, happened in reality?

It's clear. Someone blew into the Ministry of Defense that on Sunday the scandal would flare up even more. Serdyukov's entourage had to immediately save the reputation of their minister. They put pressure on Smirnov. Tom had to rush to television. But since everything was done in a terrible hurry, it turned out completely ridiculous.

"SP": - What exactly?

The fact is that the 5th channel before the appearance of Smirnov on the screen showed a documentary film "What the soldiers are silent about." As I understand it, he was preparing for our program that was not aired. Even though they didn't show it to us. The movie is just terrible. How they beat, mutilate, maim in the barracks. And then the Deputy Chief of the General Staff appeared and began to assert absolutely opposite things. It turned out to be a pathetic babble.

Channel Five's top management was represented by General Director Alexei Brodsky and Deputy General Director, Director of the Directorate of Programs and Marketing Marina Belova. Presenters of the channel were also present: Nika Strizhak, representing the "Open Studio" - a two-hour interactive program unique for modern television live Olga Kokorekina, presenter of the Now news program, Tatyana Shilina and others participated from the Morning at 5 project. Channel representatives summed up the results of 2011 and told partners about how the channel will develop in the near future.

The audience was reminded that at the end of December it will be a year since the channel was headed by Alexei Brodsky. Since then, the management has partially changed and the channel grid has changed significantly. But the main achievement of the new team was the growth of audience indicators. As followed from the speeches of Alexei Brodsky and Marina Belova, Channel Five managed to double the number of viewers in 12 months. In the all-Russian rating in November 2011, Channel Five, with an audience share of 4.3%, ranks seventh, and in St. Petersburg, where its share consistently exceeds 9%, it is fighting for getting into the top three. The hosts of the event did not hide their joy that the audience of the Fifth Channel is increasing despite the general market trend of reducing viewers' attention to on-air channels.

“In such a short period of time, the Fifth did not easily catch up with the audience, but gathered a high-quality audience at the screens, which determines the commercial success of the channel,” commented Sergei Vasiliev, General Director of Video International Group of Companies, who was present at the meeting.

attraction active audience(the channel is aimed at the Vse 25-59 group) is one of the priority marketing tasks of the Fifth Channel. “In order to attract an attractive audience for advertisers to the Fifth, while retaining the core of loyal viewers, we will use comprehensive solutions. It is strategically important to work with the entire marketing and programming arsenal: this includes constant monitoring of viewer interest, flexible programming, clear content positioning, and bright promo,” said Marina Belova, who is responsible for the channel’s program and marketing policy.

According to experts, in Russia the number of active viewers of Channel Five exceeds the size of the age audience, in November the audience share (25-59) was 4.4%, the same trend is demonstrated by residents of Moscow, in the capital, active-age viewers increasingly prefer Channel Five.

“The audience growth occurred not only in those regions where the Fifth just started broadcasting, but also in the territories already covered by the channel’s air, and this is the success of the program management, working for the audience, creating news, airing feature films that arouse the interest of the audience ", - confirmed the general director of the research company "TNS Russia" Ruslan Tagiev.

Channel Five's top managers recalled that a rebranding was carried out in the fall, and the new slogan “Fifth. Mark of distinction". “Rating “five”, excellent - this is what we focus on!”, - admitted the general director of the channel Alexei Brodsky.

All this, as well as many other things, was told by the General Director of the Fifth Channel, Yuri Shalimov in an interview with the Saint Petersburg Vedomosti newspaper.

— Yury Yuryevich, you took up your post in January. Winter is the middle of the television season. This is a very difficult task, especially for the media business. How was the state of the channel and the previously chosen direction assessed? Did you have to change a lot?

— Of course, for me it was a serious challenge. Previously, in a new place, I had to either create everything from scratch, or raise a fallen case. Channel Five is a successful company that has gone from regional media to fifth place in the national media rating over the past 10 years. The channel has its own face, a loving, and most importantly, a loyal viewer.

Of course, television cannot stand still. If the viewer is not offered something new, he will quickly get bored. At the same time, when changing something, it is very important and very difficult to resist and not spill your favorite notes and colors.

By the way, one of the first decisions was the creation of a special design for the St. Petersburg orbit. That is, in St. Petersburg, viewers see a specially made design of the channel. The action "Petersburg Alphabet" immediately increased TV viewing.

There were also obvious problems. The first is that on the federal air the programs “Open Studio”, “Morning at 5”, “Actually” were far below the average share of the channel. Now the performance of the slots where these projects were previously broadcast has been increased by 70% thanks to other software solutions. A little lower than the share, the information programs “Now” and the final “Main” were broadcast. Moreover, in St. Petersburg, these same programs were loved. Yes, and I had no complaints against the authors, it was understood that the agenda formed in St. Petersburg is closer to the townspeople. But the channel has a federal status, it is included in the first multiplex!

Made the team happy! I had to work with many “five-stars” before, and at least the top management was well known to me, I heard about many, even tried to lure someone in my time. So I didn’t plan to bring new personnel from Moscow, and I didn’t have to. From the first day we speak the same language with colleagues. And now I go to work not through the entrance, as they say in Moscow, but through the front door!

- Well, it's already September, which means you've been in office for the ninth month. What has been done during this time?

We are now on record! The share of Channel Five among the audience of "All 25 - 59" in July was 6.5%, the average since the beginning of the year was 6.14% (in 2016, the average share was 5.9). For the first time in history, we held the fourth place among all federal channels for two months. Weekdays during prime time target audience“All 25 – 59” Fifth also strengthened its position and in 2017 takes fourth place with a share of 7.6%!

This teamwork. And a lot has been accomplished during this time. We paid a lot of attention to programming, changed the broadcasting schedule and optimized production processes.

This is a complex of various monitoring, thorough analytics and, of course, an empirical way - sometimes only after the broadcast it becomes clear whether the project has hooked the viewer or not. I am a fan of the scientific approach and prefer not to focus on my own taste, but to work with a large amount of sociological data. Here the program directorate and our sociological service help me a lot. After all, tastes are constantly changing, there is a fragmentation of the television audience, and the competitive environment is very turbulent.

In addition to the content that we buy, there are serial premieres of our own production. They consistently get into the tops of the national television rating. For example, the new season of the series "The Last Cop" with Gosha Kutsenko. Success with the audience was ensured by such novelties as the TV series “Major and Magic”, which received 8.4% in the target audience “All 25-59” and 10.3% among women 25-59; Consequence of Love, for example, garnered 8.0% for All 25-59 and 10.7% for women 25-59.

We also have time-tested series, real flagships. The series "Trace" last week celebrated 10 years on the air! Can you imagine? And all this time he has been in the lead. Viewers love this show. During this time, they have literally become related to the heroes, they have become a real family. The series "Detectives" has been popular for many years. Of course, these products change internally, along with time, as they are produced very quickly. The audience sometimes gets the impression of a documentary! The heroes of "Trace" and "Detectives" are written with requests to sort out the problems, in search of justice!

Returning to the tools for improving indicators, I would like to note that the largest amount of work was carried out within the block of information programs. One of the next successes is the launch of a new final analytical program, Izvestia Glavnoe, with Evgeny Gusev. The program airs on Saturday evenings, with a second episode on Sunday morning. And we are very pleased with the results! All episodes have significantly exceeded the average timeslot and are now significantly higher than the program of the last TV season.

Another important programmatic decision was the transfer of news from pre-prime to prime, the project's performance increased from 4.8% to 8.1% for our target audience 25-59.

It turns out that we not only increased the indicators of the news itself, but also received a significant increase in the pre-prime. And this is a powerful incentive for the heart of the network - prime time!

Another big thing is the creation of a full-fledged online edition. The Fifth Channel had a business card website, which was visited by 10-15 thousand users. Literally in two weeks, we converted an empty cinema hall into an online editorial office, and the staff of the crime scene "Crime Scene" was completely thrown into the creation of a new, competitive online media. The so-called traffic grew 20 times in the first two months!

- But recently articles appeared in the press about the reduction of their own production at the Fifth, mass layoffs of journalists ...

- Here colleagues mixed truth with lies, and the result, as always, turned out to be a duck!

I will say right away: there are even much more journalists, producers and editors working in the interests of the audience of Channel Five! We got a huge correspondent network, access to international partnerships without incurring large costs!

It was a revolutionary idea of ​​the leadership of the National Media Group, of which we are a part! And it is simple, like all ingenious! There was a merger of the information services of the group of companies, Channel Five, REN-TV and Izvestia under a single brand. As a result, Izvestia MIC (Multimedia Information Center) turned out to be one of the largest media in the country. News staff have moved to a new structure, almost at full strength!

A simple example. Now we will go to an official's press conference with one camera instead of three, and we can send three cameras instead of one to an emergency!

One more example. Previously, the Fifth, and REN, and Izvestia kept separate bureaus in key regions. Now we have eliminated the backlog, moreover, at the expense of the released funds, we have significantly expanded the geography of our presence.

At the same time, the editorial offices of the channels have retained their uniqueness. Viewers see their favorite presenters and correspondents, the agenda of information releases is formed within the channel. But there are incommensurably more opportunities for obtaining content and information!

We even decided to rename the Now information program to Izvestia. Thanks to colleagues from MIC for allowing us to use this 100-year-old brand! By the way, let me remind you that Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally launched the Multimedia Information Center at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum - this is a great honor and responsibility for us.

Of course, the ratings of news programs immediately increased. Not so long ago, the Levada Center conducted a study. Channel 5 is in the top four. And this is according to the results of a survey of a young audience! 22% of respondents aged 18-24 watch news mainly on Channel Five.

- More from the press. It is reported that Channel Five is going to get rid of real estate or implement on its territory due to the weak workload of the studios. major project with the construction of business centers and housing.

- Another duck! I don't know where this information comes from. A few years ago, a similar noise was raised in the press, but even then it turned out to be a dummy. We even launched two new studios. In the House of Radio on Italianskaya and in the letter "P" on Chapygin - a completely new pavilion for your own projects!

The freed up capacities are waiting for modernization and work on new tasks. In addition, Telecentre brings us rental income. And that's okay!

The City Agency for Television and Radio Broadcasting and the Leningrad Regional Television Company have been operating on our territory for many years. Recently, the shooting of a new project by Alexander Tsekalo took place.

As for offices, there are practically no free spaces here.

- Not so long ago, a new channel "78" was opened in St. Petersburg. He, like the Fifth, REN and Izvestia, is part of the NMG holding. Part of the projects and the team moved there. Why was such a decision made?

- Yes, the new channel "78" is also part of the NMG holding. Of course, we helped our colleagues get started. And they did it all together. We're one team. And to give impetus to a successful start, we donated our favorite shots. With great regret, we parted with the editors of the programs "Morning at 5", and "Open Studio". But this decision was not made by chance, after all, these presenters are especially in demand in St. Petersburg, precisely by its audience. In addition, thanks to this, the channel "78" immediately received a combat-ready, professional team. Some channels have been “rocking” for several years. And here - already a close-knit team - immediately into battle!

— Are you afraid of competition in St. Petersburg?

- No, we are not afraid. Firstly, the channel "78" will become the basis for the northwestern branch of the MIC and will produce regional news content for the Fifth, and secondly, the presence of competition only helps. New channel has been working since the beginning of September, and I personally really like what his team is doing!

What do you think Channel Five should be proud of?

- The fifth channel performs an important social mission. We are trying to help children. Not in words, but in deed. And this would not have been possible without the help of our viewers. Together with them we manage to save real lives. First of all, this concerns our youngest viewers who require urgent and expensive medical care. When the diagnosis of doctors sounds like a sentence and millions of rubles need to be collected in a short time, our viewers come to the rescue. All our country. The fifth channel holds a weekly action "Day of good deeds". Every Thursday, our journalists talk about those whom we can help together, it's really simple. Thanks to caring people, more than 2.5 billion rubles have already been transferred to charitable foundations. During the existence of the Day of Good Deeds, the project was able to help more than 4,000 children, and this is only targeted assistance. Also, with the funds raised together with the viewers of the Fifth Channel, medicines were purchased for entire departments and equipment for clinics, thanks to which hundreds more children received and are still receiving assistance.

But we don't just help provide expensive surgeries and treatments. On the Fifth, the program "Day of the Angel" is released. Thanks to her, more than 150 children have already found a family! This result can rightfully be considered a significant award for the entire Channel Five team! We are proud of this figure and will do our best to keep it growing. After all, even the creation of one new family suggests that our efforts were not wasted, and the efforts were not in vain.

- Channel Five is preparing one of the largest and most significant events in our country - the holiday of school graduates "Scarlet Sails". Every year there is something new for the fans. What to expect from "Scarlet Sails" -2018?

“Firstly, I want to say that I am delighted with the skill of a huge team that annually prepares this grandiose holiday. With the support of Joint Stock Bank "RUSSIA", with the active participation of the Government of St. Petersburg, this unique bright show is being created. After all, we not only broadcast, but are also fully responsible for the creative part of the event.

"Scarlet Sails" is a hallmark of St. Petersburg, but the country is also waiting for a concert on Palace Square, a pyrotechnic show in the Neva and, of course, an amazingly beautiful ship under scarlet sails! Everything must be perfect down to the smallest detail. And these are not only artists, presenters, a huge amount of high-tech television technology, these are hundreds of people who are involved in the project, this is pyrotechnics! Thousands of small details, but at least something goes wrong - that's it, there is no that effect. This year everything was perfect - both the weather and all the planned elements of the show worked. Indeed, the holiday has a guardian angel!

The TV broadcast of "Scarlet Sails" on Channel Five collected 7.1% of the audience "All 18+" - this is a historical maximum! The share of the audience of the water extravaganza in Russia "All 18+" was 12.2%, in Moscow - 10.4%, in St. Petersburg - 37.2%.

2 million 100 thousand people came to see the miracle of "Scarlet Sails" with their own eyes, which is an absolute record! For some time now, tourists from all over the world have been striving to get to this unique performance, because last year the Scarlet Sails festival was recognized as the best urban event in Europe. The first place for the grandiose show organized by Channel Five was awarded by the authoritative jury of the 11th EuBea International Festival of Event Marketing and Live Communications.

What our viewers will expect in 2018 is still a mystery. But I can already say now that it will be the most powerful and brightest show ever. In 2018, our channel turns 80 years old. The date is serious. So let's celebrate in a big way.

- Tell us how the channel is preparing for its 80th anniversary?

— I want to note that our history is our pride. We appreciate and cherish her very much. Leningrad is the birthplace of our television! Not far from here, a house has been preserved, where experimental broadcasting began.

It was here that the famous announcer Nelly Shirokikh worked. Although she was born in Moscow, her whole life was connected with the Leningrad TV, to which she devoted 30 years! Director and director of photography Valery Smirnov worked here for many years.

The wave of perestroika, and then the 1990s, gave the channel a whole galaxy of talents. The entire Soviet Union hurried to the TVs to see Alexander Nevzorov, the host of the 600 Seconds program. It was on our channel that the stars of Kirill Nabutov, Svetlana Sorokina, Ivan Urgant lit up.

The famous Soviet-American teleconference with Phil Donahue and Vladimir Pozner was held at the First Studio of the Leningrad Television Center in 1985.

Now Channel Five has become a well-known and recognizable brand that is trusted. And our duty is to continue its glorious history. Continue the continuity of generations. Many more stars will come out of the walls of the St. Petersburg TV Center, because the Fifth is an old school with a professional approach to its business.

— St. Petersburg is not an easy city. Someone falls in love with him at first sight, and someone can never become related to him. How is your relationship with the city? Was it not hard to leave the capital for St. Petersburg?

- The move was easy, there were only domestic difficulties. Still, he worked in Moscow for almost 20 years, where he came from the Far East at one time.

But I didn’t become a Petersburger by birth just by a miracle. I have roots here. My great-grandfather also headed a galvanizing workshop in Leningrad, my grandfather worked for him before entering the military school. Mother graduated from the Leningrad Medical Institute. A sister was born on the Petrograd side. Now I also have a residence permit in St. Petersburg, which I am proud of. The youngest daughter goes to the gymnasium here with pleasure, and the wife dreamed of living in this beautiful city even before moving to St. Petersburg.

It is worth noting that St. Petersburg is a city with a special energy. I immediately fell in love with him. You could say it was love at first sight. He is more thoughtful than Moscow. Here, more attention is paid to traditions, and this is very close to me. The most amazing thing is the weather. Those who do not know the city well complain about the bad weather. But I saw with my own eyes: there are more sunny days here than in the capital. I love walking home after work. The city is very beautiful, with a completely unique architecture. Walking on it is a pleasure.
