Cannot login to windows 7 user. User profile service prevents login

Sometimes a failure is possible that after a new account has been created in the OS, the PC user cannot log in from it. This depends directly on the fact that Windows has a User Profile Service, due to an error in which nothing works. Read on - the suggested options will help you fix the problem.

What's the first thing you can do if the User Profile Service is preventing Windows 7 logon? Restart your PC and before loading the Windows OS itself, click F8 to go to the menu BIOS. Then choose to start the OS in safe mode , then let it load.

Now open the menu Start (checkbox) and in the search bar below, type Accounts user – select the appropriate line as shown below:

Accordingly, we go to Manage another account . After clicking in the new window, find the line by Create a new account - create and specify account parameters:

The next step is to go to local disk with OS Windows - I have it "WITH", and for almost all users too. Enter the folder Users (may be called Users). You now need to define a couple of folders: the folder for the user who doesn't want to boot, and the folder for the user you just created. Go to the non-loading user folder and copy all the data to the newly created one.

Reboot your PC and log in to the user account where you copied all the data. If the account starts up - great - now you have a new account. an entry with a new name (if you want, you can remove the old one later).

If this solution did not help you, the following should definitely help you.

Similarly, we go to Safe mode from administrator account records. Similarly, we start with start , but in the search bar we indicate regedit:

We launch the registry editing program and now we have to go a very long way! Be careful! We start with a folder called HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE- and from it we will already go through the branches of folders.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE- start with it - see the screen:

After that SOFTWARE , Now Microsoft , V Windows NT , from it to CurrentVersion and now we find ProfileList .

Inside ProfileList besides the rest there will be two almost identical folders, only at the end of the other one will be added .bak- this is the account that does not let you through.

First, let's deal with the folder without .bak- just rename it, giving it some name, so that in ProfileList it has not been repeated with any other. And the folder with .bak at the end, we just delete this extension - as a result, it will acquire the name of the folder with which you dealt with in the first place - only numbers will remain.

In case you acted according to the description - after rebooting the PC everything should work fine. Let us know if you have resolved the issue where the User Profile Service is preventing logon. What to do in the OS does not work? What was difficult? Leave it in the comments below - we will help you if there are difficulties! Thank you!

What can be done?

1. Go into safe mode (when starting the PC, before Windows boot press the F8 key). Enter in safe mode Start\Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts\Windows Account Control.

2. Create a new user.

3. Next, go to the folder c:\users\your-user-name-that-does-not-load(For example c:\users\Dmitry) and copy the contents of the folder Dmitry to a folder newly created user.

4. We reboot, we come under the new user.

Option number 2 (if the first did not help):

1. We go into safe mode under any user (the main thing is that the account is administrator) (I described how to enter safe mode above). Next, open start in the search bar, write regedit. We go into regedit - the window for editing the registry opens. In the registry, go to the following path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\

In the profilelist folder, we need to find the folder with the ID of the broken profile. Usually this is a folder with .bak, we actually delete the word .bak from the folder name and reboot. If it does not allow you to rename the folder, then most likely there is already a folder with that name. We delete it, then we rename it (we erase the word .bak).

After a reboot it should work fine. Thanks to all. This instruction assumes that your OS is Windows 7, but it will most likely work in other OSes.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article, we will definitely help you.

It happens that the user sees a message when the computer boots up: the User Profile or Account Service prevented the logon.

And as you can see from the error message itself, it is impossible to load the user profile in windows 7, 8 or 10. Thus, work on the PC is suspended. It is for this reason that it is necessary to resolve this error promptly in order to restore the user profile in Windows.

What is the error and why does it occur

As soon as the user sees something like this on his computer, he immediately has thoughts about viruses or that all data on the computer will be lost after it is eliminated. Similar thoughts arise, since the average user solves most problems on a PC by reinstalling Windows.

But this error occurs because incorrect profile settings in the registry or PC check match antivirus program in time with the entrance to the OS. Simply put, when a user tries to log in, the system authenticates them in turn. And as a result of the failure, the operating system thinks that the login is performed through a temporary profile, although this is not the case. This error indicates a failure in the OS.

These are the most common reasons for its occurrence. To eliminate them, it is enough to do a few simple actions. Remarkably, all the ways to fix the error are like for any version OS.

For those who do not know what a user profile is, let us explain. It stores all data, settings and information about the user.

First steps in case of error

First of all, when such an error is found on a PC, you need to do a simple system reboot. This is a quick way to fix it, as the shutdown error may resolve itself.

But don't just hit the "Restart" button. Need completely shut down the OS and restart it after some time.

Do not panic if the problem has not been solved in this way. the easy way. It doesn't always work, but it still needs to be applied first. If rebooting the system didn't work, then the files in the account are corrupted.

Create a copy of an account

To do this, do the following:

  • Restart PC;
  • Until the OS starts, press the button F8;
  • A black screen will appear, click " Enter through safe mode»;
  • Through the "Start" go to the Control Panel or Settings (depending on the version of Windows);
  • Select icon " Accounts»;
  • Choose " Family and safety»;
  • Choose " Adding a new account»;
  • Create a new profile(it is important that the account is created with administrator rights).

Thus, a new entry is created. You need to create two such accounts. It turns out that there will be three entries in the OS (two created and one problematic). Now you need to copy the files from the old one. To do this, do the following:

  • Log in with one of your work accounts;
  • Press " Start»;
  • Choose " Documentation»;
  • Go to the top panel of the folder in the "View" tab and check the box " Show hidden items"(or Tools - Folder Options in older versions);
  • Go to the disk where the OS is installed and select the folder Users(along the path c:\Users);
  • Select a folder with the name of the problem entry;
  • Copy all files from this folder, except for Ntuser.dat, Ntuser.dat.log, Ntuser.ini;
  • Back to folder Users' and open the folder with new record different from the one under which the login was made;
  • Paste the copied elements into a folder with the name of the new entry;
  • Restart PC and go through the created copy, check for the presence of all the necessary files.

Using System Restore

Perhaps the error arose due to recent changes in the system that the user or program made. And if so, then these actions can be undone by restoring the OS.

Windows 10 System Restore

In the top ten, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

Windows 8 System Restore

In the eight, the procedure is not much different from the above:

Windows 7 System Restore

To take advantage desired function in the seven you need:

Registry editor to fix the error

Also, in order to fix the error, you can use the registry editor. This can be done like this:

After all the above steps, you need to restart your PC and check if the error has been fixed. After that, the section without the .bak extension can be deleted.

Deleting a profile through the registry

Through the registry, you can completely delete the profile:

  • Enter safe mode;
  • Press the key combination Win + R;
  • Into the window execute» drive in a command regedit and press Enter;
  • Go to section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software \Microsoft \Windows NT \CurrentVersion \ProfileList\;
  • Expand the ProfileList folder and find the subsection that starts with S-1-5 (there should be two of them). As a rule, the names of these subsections have a lot of numbers. One of the subsections must end with .bak;
  • Click on one of them and see the assigned value in the right part of the window. If it points to an OS user profile, then that's it;
  • Right-click on this subsection and delete it;
  • Now, when you log in, the OS will create a new profile without an error.

This is how you can fix the problem with logging into the OS. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the entire sequence, otherwise the system may be damaged.

How to fix the error "User Profile Service Prevented Logon" using Windows 7 as an example?

How do I resolve the "User Profile Service Prevented Logon" error on Windows 7?

Sometimes it happens that the system displays an inscription stating that it is not possible to enter it, since The User Profile Service is preventing logon windows system 7 . A similar message looks something like this.

Error window

In this case, the PC user immediately has disturbing thoughts about the loss of all data on the computer or about a virus attack on the system. But don't panic because this problem solvable and you do not have to take the computer to a service center.

Cause of the Profile Service Error

The most common cause is incorrect system registry settings. Another reason may be the coincidence of antivirus scanning of the computer with your login. In any case, the problem can be fixed.

Troubleshooting Methods

So, you see a message on the screen that The User Profile Service is preventing the logon. What to do when a similar message is found and how to solve this problem? There is a simple but reliable way. But first, try to perform a normal restart of the computer, perhaps the error will disappear by itself.

If the reboot did not help, then you should log in as an administrator. To do this, you will have to restart the computer again and enter. Next, launch the registry editor. To start, you need to click on the menu " Start» to the program « Run", which is located in the "Standard" section or launch it by pressing the keys Win+R. IN command line should write " regedit» without quotes and click OK.

The command to enter the system registry editor

The registry editor will open, in which you need to go through them in the left column with folders in this order:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

  • Select a folder with a long name that ends in ".bak".
  • Find a file called " ProfileImagePath"- on the right, the name of your account and the path in it in the Users folder must be correctly indicated.
  • If the name is correct, then go to another folder with a long name and look for the same file. Most likely it will say " C:\Users\TEMP” or even a set of random characters.
  • Change the names of folders with long names. The one that ended with “.bak” is left without this ending, and the one that did not have this ending is renamed to “.bak” at the end. That is, we swap the ending “.bak” for folders.
  • Now in the folder without ".bak" at the end, find the file " RefCount", then click on it right click mouse and select " Change". And then enter the value " 0 ».
  • Do the same in the file State". Also enter a null value.

Renaming profile values ​​in the registry

It remains only to restart the computer, and the problem should be solved if you did everything right. Now the profile service should not interfere with the logon.

If the method described above did not help, then by booting into, you can create a new profile and enter windows already under it.

Also, do not forget about system restore, which can be launched through the same safe mode and roll back the system to a date when there was no error “User Profile Service prevents logon”.

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Another common problem, only here users often become to blame - this is the user profile service that prevents the user from logging in. The error indicates failures or bugs in the profile itself and it occurs due to a mismatch between the security key or the name of the folder location. Temporary profiles are extremely inconvenient, as they completely delete all data entered by the user during the session. This kind of malfunction must be corrected immediately.

First of all, remember, you may have changed any variables / folders / files that are system-wide for the user. If this is the case, then simply return everything to its place and reboot the system. Another option is to install programs that block or edit profiles, such an application can be an antivirus with parental control.

Nevertheless, for a complete solution to the situation, you need to figure out how to fix the mistake of a temporary user.

Temporary profiles, how to fix?

Almost always, a malfunction occurs due to a change in the name of the folder with user data. The system simply does not know where to save the profile information and therefore clears it at the end of the session. If you fundamentally want to change the folder name, for whatever reason, you can:

1. Rename the user, and the folder name will change with it:

  • Click on the avatar in Start;

  • Select the "Change your account name" link.

2. This option helps both in case of renaming and troubleshooting:

  • Enter regedit in the search;
  • Follow HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList;
  • Among the folders with SID keys, find with the ending.bak;
  • The Profile Image Path parameter should contain the correct path to the folder, if it is not, change it;
  • Check for a similar section on the left side, only the folder name without bak, and the rest is identical. If one exists, then remove it, and the one containing bak should be renamed to remove the ending.

This method can also help in solving our main problem.

Also, the error can be temporary and occur due to a one-time failure, so before moving on to alternative solutions, simply restart your computer and check for a malfunction.

Removing login blocking

The "User Profile System Prevents Logon" error occurs due to mismatched security keys. They changed or got corrupted due to a bug in the system, when a key was created for one user and entered for another. Such confusion arises in temporary profiles, in other words damaged.

The problem is located in the registry, respectively, and it will have to be dealt with from there:

  • Search for regedit;
  • Follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-> Software-> Microsoft-> ​​Windows NT-> CurrentVersion-> ProfileList;
  • The folder must contain several sections (depending on the number of accounts) that contain S-1-5 and then the SID key in the name. Before you change anything, make sure that the right area of ​​the section contains a Profile Image Path c with the path to the desired profile (so as not to harm another entry). You can delete a folder without the bak ending and with an identical name or simply change its name;

  • Remove .bak from the section with the extension. To do this, right-click on it and click "Rename";
  • Now, on the right side of the renamed section, find the RefCount parameter. Right click select "Edit" and change the value to 0;

  • Similarly, set the State argument to 0;

  • Close the editor and restart the system.

Account replacement

Perhaps more justified in terms of time will be the removal of the lagging profile and the creation of a new one. You just need to save the user information to another section first.

The easiest way to achieve this result is to log in using safe mode, which uses the built-in administrator profile, for this:

  • At startup, press F8;
  • Set the selection to "Safe Mode", using network drivers as needed;
  • Next, follow the path C:WindowsProfile, where Profile is the name of the entry;
  • Download a copy of the folder to a drive other than the system drive.

You can also use the data transfer service tool and, after checking, simply select the desired data.

To fully uninstall the profile, it is better to use the Microsoft Fix it special tool. It cleans up all profile information stores to eliminate the possibility of a problem returning. You can find it on the Microsoft website.

Now we need to create an entry:

  • Open "Control Panel" from Start;
  • Find the "User Accounts" tile;
  • Click on the link "Manage another account";

  • Click "Create an account" at the bottom;

  • After all, you need to copy the data saved before to the user partition.

Additional troubleshooting

The simplest and effective method is to use the recovery service. There is only one serious limitation, namely: the presence of a point in the desired time period. You should find a point that was created with a working system. The tool we need can be found by entering "System Restore" in the search.

By following the algorithms presented above, you can get rid of this error by changing installed key security or creating a new profile.

If you have any questions on the topic "User Profile Service prevents login", you can ask them in the comments

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