Disable additional internet mts smart packages. How to connect additional Internet to MTS subscribers for Smart tariffs

Often megabytes run out at the most inopportune moment, but this is not a reason to get too upset. All MTS subscribers have the opportunity to extend the Internet and get even more opportunities to enjoy their favorite entertainment. How to do this is worth a closer look.

To continue Internet traffic on MTS smart, the consumer needs to perform a number of additional actions. It's easy enough to get extra gigabytes without spending too much time. You can order sets of completely different sizes, which allows everyone to choose the most suitable for themselves. best option.

In what way package content can be extended and exactly how many units for network access can be ordered should be considered more closely.

Ways and methods

How to extend traffic on MTS should know each subscriber of the specified mobile network. There are times when this task is required in an emergency. To increase traffic on a smartphone, a network client needs to perform a number of certain actions. To connect these services, special program Turbo button and it is used very actively. You can order it on your phone in this way:

  • call from your own mobile phone to the number of the operator;
  • use the World Wide Web to activate;
  • execute standard commands on your multimedia device - send a USSD request.

The option is available to all customers. cellular network. The cost of package data is paid in full after receiving the service. You can order several of these sets at a time. If this has already happened, then the first thing to do is use the one that has a slightly smaller content.

Such packages are connected only for a day or 30 days. Everyone can choose the best option according to their own wishes. How to add traffic to an MTS phone with the help of this additional service is worth discussing in more detail.

Commands to execute

How to increase the number of gigabytes, cellular network users have already figured out. To connect each specific package, the corresponding actions must be performed. If this is via the Internet, then you need to open own account, and with the use of more standard ways everything will look something like this:

  • 100 megabytes of Internet on MTS - dial *111*05*1#, and when sending SMS, text 05 is written and sent to number 5340, the service is valid for 24 hours;
  • to receive 500 megabytes, you need to use the combination * 167 * registration of the amount of traffic on the MTS, a lattice and a call or SMS to the number indicated above;
  • if you need 1 gigabyte, then you should dial *467# or the same numbers in the SMS text field;
  • to get 2 gigabytes on a smart mini, you need to specify the command * 168 # ;
  • in order for the operator to provide 5 gigabytes, the client needs to use the possibility of dialing the combination *169# ;
  • if you need the amount of traffic in the amount of 20 GB, then you should dial *469# .

Additional traffic on MTS in the smallest package costs 50 rubles. The largest set of Internet can be bought for 900 Russian rubles.

If, in addition to these, there are also packet megabytes, then the system will not use them in the first place.

The ordered service is fully adapted to the conditions of a particular tariff plan. If, according to its rules, you can only surf the net in your home region, then so will it be with additional content data. How to replenish traffic on MTS is worth looking on the Internet, or asking for such information from a service representative cellular communication.

If the additional MTS traffic has been completely used up, then a person will be able to order a similar supplement for himself again. There is no limit and customers can send requests to the above numbers as needed. Replenishment of the account must be completed before ordering the service, because the system will withdraw the money for using the package immediately after the activation of the set.

If the traffic is over, then this is not a reason to wait for the beginning of the next month. A cellular communication client can easily buy sets of different sizes and actively use them. Everyone is able to take any set of packet data for their mobile and there is no need to perform any serious settings.

Each package can be used at any time of the day, because there are no restrictions on this parameter. To enjoy an uninterrupted presence on the network, a person needs to extend the Internet traffic. If the user has a computer, then such an operation is done with the help of providers, but on a mobile phone, you can easily connect the option yourself.

With the advent of tariff plans and specialized options for mobile internet, which provides a certain amount of traffic for a monthly fee, users faced the acute question of how to extend traffic to MTS on a phone and tablet. After all, after the gigabytes set by the option are used up, you will not be able to use the Internet on comfortable conditions.

How to get out of the situation with minimal monetary losses and increase traffic on the MTS SIM card, for example, by 500 Mb?

Wait for a new billing period

This method is suitable for the most economical subscribers who do not have an urgent need for regular use of the Internet. According to the terms of tariff plans and packages, a new volume of traffic will be provided with the beginning of the billing period. Thus, if all the gigabytes are spent, and there is no possibility or desire to spend money on extending the speed, then you can just wait. How to extend Internet traffic on MTS and keep the ability to access the Network at the same speed?

Take advantage of options to increase traffic

The mobile operator has foreseen the risk that the amount included in the basic tariff or additional option may not be enough for active Internet users.

To prolong their enjoyment of good connection speeds, a number of turbo buttons have been designed. They differ from each other only in the number of gigabytes and, accordingly, in cost. Among them are both “modest” options for those who rarely use the Internet from a phone or modem and consume minimal traffic within one session, as well as “mega-active” offers. How to extend traffic on MTS with the optimal profit and what options for connecting turbo buttons can I use? We will answer these questions below.

Terms of use for turbo buttons

Are turbo buttons available to everyone? What are the conditions for packages with additional traffic? Before telling how to extend traffic on MTS, and give a description possible ways, you should dwell on the conditions for providing turbo buttons:

  • The minimum traffic package is 100 MB, the maximum is 20 GB. In addition, there are options for 500 MB, as well as 1, 2 and 5 GB.
  • You can connect several turbo buttons at the same time (regardless of volume).
  • The amount of traffic for each additionally connected turbo option is summed up (regardless of the connection time).
  • If there is a rest of the traffic for the main package, the volume activated by the turbo button will be the first to be spent.

  • When activating several packages of different denominations, the packages will be spent in the order of priority (from junior to senior).
  • All turbo options can be connected to both a smartphone and a tablet PC.
  • Turbo buttons are valid for 30 days. After this period, the option will be disabled forcibly by the system if the traffic has not been spent to the end (the rest of the megabytes, of course, will be lost). Also, the disconnection will be performed automatically after all the traffic provided by the turbo button is spent by the user.
  • The 100 MB turbo button is valid for 24 hours. The shutdown will be initiated by the system if the traffic is not spent in time. When the package expires, it will also be disabled automatically.

Option "Turbo button 500 MB"

The second largest amount of traffic is the "Turbo button 500 MB" option. You can activate it in several ways, namely:

  • by dialing *167# from your device (to make sure that the activation was successful, you should wait for an SMS notification from the operator);
  • by visiting a personal web account or using the functionality of the application for mobile devices.

When connecting, 95 rubles should be present on the balance sheet - this is the price for a 500 MB package. The charge for the service will occur instantly, and after 15 minutes you can safely use the Internet. It is recommended to wait for the corresponding SMS notification.

How to extend traffic on MTS (1 GB)?

If five hundred megabytes is not enough and a little more traffic is required, then you can activate a 1 GB package. The cost of such an extension of traffic will be 175 rubles. You can connect it in the same way:

  • via the USSD functionality by dialing the *467# combination (an SMS notification will be sent to the subscriber's mobile device about the successful completion of the operation);
  • visiting Personal Area(here, by the way, you can also check how many megabytes are in the balance both for the main TP and for additionally activated options).

Internet in roaming: is it possible to extend traffic?

For subscribers who often travel outside their city, it is important that the Internet is provided stably and on the same conditions in any area of ​​the country. For turbo buttons regarding roaming, the following rule applies: billing and the procedure for providing Internet in domestic roaming are similar to the conditions for using Internet at a tariff or additional option. In other words, if, according to the terms of the tariff, unlimited Internet operates on the territory of both its own and another region, then the turbo button will have exactly the same conditions. How to extend traffic to MTS outside the home region? You can use all the same activation options.

As for roaming outside your own country, here payment is made at a separate tariff, the same for a particular state. The terms of the main tariff plan, even if they imply unlimited internet, cease to apply. If the turbo button is connected, then traffic will not be spent on it. Thus, it does not make sense to connect it when you are abroad.

To stay online during a business or leisure trip, you should pay attention to offers to optimize the cost of international roaming. Available for your region options for reducing the cost of services outside your country are provided on the official resource mobile operator. You can also contact the contact center and clarify how to extend traffic to MTS while in roaming (within the country and abroad).

Mobile Internet has become an integral part of the life of a modern subscriber. The MTS telesystem is aware of the needs of its customers and regularly replenishes its arsenal with new Internet options and additional traffic packages. MTS customers do not need to think about how to extend traffic to MTS on a phone or any other cellular device. After all, the television system has useful feature"Turbo button", through which you can freely continue to use a high-speed web connection. From today's review, you will learn how to extend the Internet on MTS through this useful option.

Turbo buttons

The service "Turbo button" provides subscribers with additional packages Internet traffic. As part of the service provided, subscribers can get packages that differ in price and volume. Any telesystem client can renew traffic on MTS, regardless of the tariff plan in force on his number.

So, MTS subscribers can add themselves a "Turbo button" of the following volume:

  • 500 MB;
  • 2 GB;
  • 20 GB;
  • 100 GB.

In addition, the user can connect the Turbo Nights service to his number, through which you can use an unlimited web connection at night.

100 megabytes is the minimum mobile telecom web package through which you can increase your traffic. Of course, this will be enough to resume a high-speed connection and read letters, but this quota is unlikely to be enough for surfing or even listening to music.

However, if you are interested in this package, you can connect it by sending USSD * 111 * 05 * 1 # . You can also add 100 MB by sending SMS with the text "05" to number 5340.

Such a replenishment costs 30 rubles. After activation, the extension will be valid for a day, after which it will be turned off again. However, you can activate an unlimited number of times.

500 MB

If you use the Internet to communicate in in social networks or to browse the news and your web quota is running out fast, it would be wise to activate the 500 megabyte Turbo Button.

Such a service as an increase in traffic by 500 MB is also good because its validity period is not a day, but 30 calendar days. That is, you can use a high-speed connection at any time, without worrying that the Internet will burn without a trace. The service costs 95 rubles / month.

And here is how you can extend MTS traffic by 500 MB:

  • throw off the system request * 167 # and press the call key;
  • send SMS with the word "167" to 5340.

1 gigabyte may not be enough to fully watch movies, but this volume will be enough for online surfing. Therefore, if you are running out of traffic, and you need to download a large file, connect this button without hesitation. The cost of the service is 175 rubles / month.

To enable, drop the system command * 467 # or send a message with the text "467" to the number 5340.

2 GB

For more active users an additional 2 GB package will do. For the provision of the service, you will have to pay 300 rubles / month. After 30 days, the button can be connected again if desired.

Here's how you can top up your traffic by 2 GB:

  • discard USSD * 168 # and press the call key;
  • send SMS with the word "168" to 5340.

With such an Internet limit, you can not only actively communicate on the network or exchange files, but also view full-length films, videos, listen to music, etc. The cost of the option is 450 rubles / month.

Here's how you can extend the MTS Internet by 5 GB:

  • send USSD command * 169 # ;
  • send SMS with the text "169" to 5340.

20 GB

This is one of the largest traffic packages. This volume is quite enough for any needs of an active web user. Replenishment of traffic by 20 GB will cost the subscriber 900 rubles / month.

To enable it, you can use the *469# system request or send an SMS with the text "469" to the number 5340.

Internet extension by 100 GB per day is available only within the framework of the MTS Content 4 tariff plan. Of course, not every subscriber may need to renew their web quota for such a mind-boggling amount. But still there is a separate category of users who may need this option.

For example, it can be useful for gamers who download several games over 20 GB per day, or for those who like to download high-definition movies. Alternatively, the option can be activated for an office that works with Internet resources.

Such replenishment is not cheap. For a day, a fee of 5,000 rubles is deducted from the account.

Send a system request * 111 * 1824 * 1 # to activate the function, send a USSD request * 111 * 1824 * 2 # to deactivate the function.

Turbo nights

For customers using Internet packages mainly at night, it would be more expedient to extend traffic to MTS using the Turbo Nights option. As part of the package, the subscriber is provided with high-speed unlimited Internet from 00:01 to 07:00 Moscow time.

Extending the Internet on MTS through the Turbo Nights service costs 200 rubles / month. You can activate the package using the system request * 111 * 776 #, as well as by sending a message with the text "776" to 111.

Each subscriber may accidentally not calculate his needs for Internet traffic and use it completely. In such cases, you do not have to sit all month without access to the network, because you can order additional Internet packages from MTS. This mobile network operator provides a large selection of traffic packages with different volumes and costs. You can take them in several ways: through the mobile application from MTS, through the official website of the company in your personal account, or using USSD commands on your phone. Consider each option in more detail in this article.

How to renew traffic on MTS through the official website

You can enter your MTS personal account from your phone or computer - the algorithm is no different. Follow the link https://login.mts.ru.

  • Enter your phone number.
  • Click on the link "Get password via SMS".
  • Rewrite the password from the SMS message to the second line on the site.
  • You need two sections: "Service Management" or "Packages". Both in the first and in the second you will find the same services for traffic. Sign in to any of them.

  • Now you will see a large list with all possible Internet packages. Click on the one you need and read more about it: terms, cost. If everything suits you, then activate the service directly on the site.

How to extend traffic to MTS via USSD commands

If you do not have an internet connection, then best solution will become regular requests from the phone. Here is a small list that activates Internet packages:

  • To connect the Turbo button for 30 rubles per 100 MB, dial the command * 111 * 05 * 1 #.
  • 500 MB of Internet will cost 95 rubles at prices in Moscow. Connect them by command * 167 #.
  • * 467 # - connection number for 1 GB of traffic for 175 rubles.
  • 300 rubles costs 2 GB of Internet on request * 168 #.
  • Finally, 450 rubles must be paid for 5 GB with USSD code * 169 #.

These packages are valid for 30 days from the date of connection. First, this package is consumed, and only then the rest of your traffic according to the tariff.

How to extend traffic on MTS through a mobile application

Download the application from MTS to your phone, as it allows you to manage absolutely all services using your number.

  • Log in to your application in which you have already been authorized.

  • Click on the "Services" button in the middle of the screen.

  • Go to the "All" tab.

If you suddenly need to download a large file in the shortest possible time, or you urgently need to send someone a large amount of information and you need to urgently increase the speed of the file sharing service, you can connect useful service"Turbo button" MTS.

And also thanks to this service you can easily install yourself on mobile services « Home Internet and Home Cinema. The duration of the useful option is 2 hours, but if necessary, the service can be extended. We will describe below how to connect the MTS turbo button, and also, if necessary, disable it.

Service activation

Customers who use mobile applications"Home Cinema" or "Home Internet". If these functions are available on your mobile, go directly to step by step instructions how to connect turbo button:

  1. First of all, we go into our personal account, select the “Services” category on the panel, then press the “Turbo button” key.
  2. Then you need to read the terms of the agreement and check the appropriate box.
  3. Next, we find the acceleration section (for 2 hours) and click on the "Connect turbo" button.

From now on, the function is enabled, and you have become happy owner additional internet traffic. The expiration time of the function can be viewed in the corresponding section. At the end of the time, your billing will be the same in automatic mode, if you wish, you can extend the service.

How to cancel the service?

In case you did not notice the activation of the service, you can easily measure the data transfer speed. For these purposes, you can use any free Internet program.

If a feature doesn't suit you, you can easily turn it off. A function such as the “MTS Turbo Button” is deactivated in 15 minutes. The procedure is performed as follows: go to your personal account and on the corresponding menu, click the "Refuse" button. Next, you will see a window in which you will be asked to clarify the reason for the refusal. If it doesn't bother you, answer in a nutshell why this option did not suit you. This is necessary so that the mobile operator has the opportunity, based on the comments of customers, to improve the service.

If you disable the option, you can reactivate the service no earlier than ten days later. In this case, the money debited from the account will be returned within 15 minutes.

How to connect the service for a certain number of megabytes?

The operator allows its customers to choose the traffic speed that suits them. So, mobile operator prepared for its subscribers the following services:

  1. To get an additional 50 megabytes of speed, you will need to dial: * 111 * 05 #. The price of this connection can be checked with the operator.
  2. Turbo button on MTS 100 Mb can be ordered by sending the following request: * 111 * 284 # . But that is not all. Next, you need to send an SMS to 5340 with the text 05. The 100 MB Turbo package will be valid for 24 hours. If the traffic is used faster, you automatic order return to the standard Internet billing on MTS.
  3. There are two ways to connect a 500 MB turbo button to MTS. In the first case, you will need to reset the USSD request to * 167 # or dial * 111 * 167 * 1 # . Then you need to confirm the request for the telesystem by sending an SMS with the text "164" to the number 5340. The second option is to enable the button for bonus points. If your card has accumulated 600 points or more, you can take a button for free by dialing the following combination: * 111 * 455 * 35 #.
  4. And here's how you can order a button for 1 gigabyte: dial * 467 # on your phone and wait for an SMS message. As soon as the system sends a response USSD request, it means that the button for 1 gigabyte is already working.
  5. To get a 2 GB turbo button, you need to send an SMS to 5340 with the text "168". The 2 GB turbo button on MTS will be valid for a month or until the Internet limit is completely exhausted.
  6. To get a button for 5 GB, you need to enter your personal account and click on the corresponding icon. Then select the function "Turbo button 5 gigabytes" and confirm the connection. Next, send a USSD request to * 168 # . After confirmation, you can safely use the useful service.
  7. For those who need to fully work on the World Wide Web, a 20 GB button is suitable. The standard validity period for a 20 GB package is 30 days. You can add a 20 GB button to yourself as follows: send an SMS request to * 469 #, and then send a confirmation to 5340 with the text "469".

To quickly find out the rest of the traffic, dial * 111 * 217 # . After some time, you will receive a notification about the status of your Internet traffic. However, you need to remember that while roaming, the calculation is made at the standard rate.
