Why is my Instagram search history not being cleared? How to clear your search history on Instagram? Why you need to clear your Instagram search history

Hello everyone, dear readers! In today's article, I will tell you how to delete an Instagram story. You can delete the current history and search archive from both iPhone and Android. Ready? then let's go...

Instagram is a widespread social platform, which to this day does not cease to gain momentum. Every day the service is replenished with new users. Beginners often have many different questions regarding the correct use of the application. Next, we will talk about how you can clear the history.

How to delete history on instagram

Most often, deleting history involves cleaning search information or deleting an existing history.

Cleaning search data on Instagram

Delete your story on Instagram

Thanks to stories, you can publish something like a slideshow that contains photos and small videos rollers. The peculiarity of the presented function is that it is removed in automatic mode after a day from the moment of publication.

So, regarding the issue of deleting stories on Instagram, that’s all for today.

That's all friends, if you didn't succeed and have questions, then ask them in the comments. I am always happy to help each of my readers for free. I wish you all good health and wellness!

On this moment social network Instagram is one of the most fashionable and popular. This application is used by a huge number of users around the world. Access to the network is carried out, as a rule, from modern smartphones running on the iPhone or iPad platforms. Since these are not full-fledged PCs, users from time to time encounter various problems that are caused by a lack of memory on the device. The wider and more often a social network is used, the more memory it takes on the device. It is for this reason that there is an urgent need to resolve the issue of how to clear the search history on Instagram on an iPhone.

An activity associated with a process such as clearing history in social network, this is a special process that allows you to significantly improve the performance of not only the application, but also the smartphone you are using. The main part of the cache of this social network is filled in the process of viewing numerous photos of users. Pictures are downloaded automatically to the application cache, which, following the instructions below, can be completely cleared from time to time and at the same time decide how to clear the Instagram ios cache.

How to Clear Instagram Cache on iPhone?

You can solve the question of how to clear the history on Instagram using different methods. Do this with a special software, as well as through certain actions performed directly with the application and the phone. If the social network works on iOS platform, it is worth using iMyFone Umate Pro when deciding how to clear Instagram on iPhone.

This is one of the best and most effective programs that allows you not only to clear the cache on the network, but also to produce the general information part of the smartphone. After launching the application, you can get rid of unnecessary information in such places of visit as:

  1. Internet browsers used;
  2. Various social networks, except for Instagram;
  3. All possible video portals and services;
  4. Chat rooms Viber, WhatsApp, as well as the popular Skype.

The application perfectly - quickly and safely - decides how to clear the Instagram search history of the device used, which automatically eliminates a large number of different problems and annoyances.

To clean up on an iPhone, you will need to download and install the product, run and select the very first designated tool. Before uninstallation, users will be prompted to conduct a quick scan of the entire system as a whole or a specific program, and only then activate the removal. For this purpose, you just need to activate the "Clean" button. In conclusion, it remains just to wait for the result, and after the end of the process, restart the smartphone.

How to clear history on Instagram?

To quickly and effectively clear the history in the application, it is absolutely not necessary to use the downloaded application. You can clean up much faster and easier. For this purpose, the following actions are performed:

  1. Open Settings - General - Storage and iCloud - Manage.
  2. In the list presented, you need to find Insta.
  3. Go to the application properties and activate the Uninstall process.

After complete removal social network, the application needs to be downloaded again and will continue to use it without any failures and problems. The operation associated with uninstalling the program can effectively clear the cache of photos and other information that was brought to attention during use.

How to clear history on Instagram?

If access to the social network is carried out from iPhones, the user can use phone app QuickClean. This is another useful utility that allows you to quickly clear your query history and memory space. A special advantage of the program is the ability to simultaneously correct various failures and errors of the technology used. To clear your history, follow these steps:

  • Perform software installation;
  • Application launch;
  • Activation of a button that looks like a brush.

Next, you need to follow the instructions given by the program. Using this application, you can quickly and easily clear the accumulated history and cache items, thereby freeing up a fairly large amount of free space. The program interface is simple and clear even for an insecure Internet user. This is the best opportunity to get rid of various garbage in your Android mobile phone after using the application for a long time.

Instagram how to clear search history?

The iOS platform allows you to manage cached memory in the most efficient way possible without having to do anything particularly complicated. It is enough just to restart the device. Performing such a reboot and leaving your favorite photos is quite simple. For this purpose, you must press the power button and keep it active until the inscription “Turn off” appears in instagram. After about one minute, the phone must be turned on again, hoping that this will help unload the device. After this procedure, the history and cache on the phone will be cleared, the device will be fully restored.


If you use one of the methods presented to your attention, you can not only understand how to quickly and correctly clear the search history and cache in the social network used on your phone. Any method does not take much time from the user, it is enough to complete the process in two to three minutes.

When users enter a query in search engines about how to delete a story on Instagram, it is not entirely clear what is meant. This is because with the recent advent of such a social network chip as, given request can be interpreted in two ways. That is, if the user wants to delete his current story (story), then this is one thing, and if he wants to delete the history of his actions on Instagram, then this is completely different. Depending on the task, the user's actions will also differ. Despite this difference, in this article we will try to understand all the intricacies of both options:

  • Deleting your Instagram story.
  • Deleting the activity history (history search queries) on Instagram.

We talked about that not so long ago, so let's first consider the issue of deleting Instagram-story. We have repeatedly talked about all sorts of intricacies of stories, so we will assume that our readers are well aware of how to create your own story. If, for some reason, you do not know how to use new feature, click on the link at the very beginning of today's article to shed light on this issue.

So, you have already added some great pictures or short but interesting videos to your story today. When new content is added, your story will be surrounded by a colored border, as shown in picture 1 above. So the followers will know that you recently updated the story about today. In general, a systematic update of the photo on Instagram or updating the story will help to attract more subscribers. If the growth rate of the number of your fans is low, contact the SocPRka agency. In addition to cheating followers, our company also provides a service to cheat likes, which can be issued. Each user wants his photos, videos or stories to be as interesting as possible, so there are situations when you need to remove unsuccessful frames. For this:

  • Start playing the story by tapping on the icon.
  • In the window that opens, touch the three dots (see screenshot 3 above) to call context menu(see screenshot 2 above).
  • In window 2, touch the top item "Delete", as shown in figure 2 above.
  • At the very end, confirm the removal of the selected snapshot from the history.

So you can one by one delete all the failed photos or those that, in your opinion, do not fit into the overall storyline.

Now consider the second part of the question - deleting the search history on Instagram. There can be many reasons for deleting your search history. Here we will not go into their consideration in detail, but will focus on the implementation of the plan. If you go to the Instagram help center, you can see what exactly it writes about this technical support social networks (see screenshot below).

You can go to the page of interest by clicking on the link that you see in the figure above. In order not to rewrite, we will give the page address in text form: "https://www.facebook.com/help/instagram/354860134605952?helpref=uf_permalink". This page describes the algorithm for clearing history for two mobile operating systems: IOS and Android. It is worth noting that the option to clear history on Instagram is not available in the regular desktop version of the site. On a computer, to delete all history, you need to clear your browser of any mention of Instagram.

Despite the excellent instructions in the help center, let's take screenshots as an example of how to delete your Instagram search history on iPhone. For Android devices, everything is done in exactly the same way. The only difference is in the icons. So, let's begin.

  • First, go to your page personal profile. To do this, touch the icon with the image of a man at the bottom of the main page. (yellow frame in Fig. 1 above).
  • Next, tap the gear icon (Instagram settings) as shown in the same picture 1 above
  • In the options window that opens, go down almost to the very bottom. The third item from the bottom is responsible for clearing your search history on Insta (2 - in the picture above).
  • At the end, you need to confirm your action by touching the "Yes" button (3 - in the top figure).

Almost everyone nowadays has an account on social networks. Networks provide an opportunity to keep in touch with old acquaintances and make new friends. The Instagram application is designed to post your photos, videos, or just the pictures you like on the network.

Bad story? Let's fix it now

The Stories feature on Instagram allows you to post your photos and videos online. Sometimes the user needs to correct these actions if the publications are unsuccessful. If you use the app and don't know how to delete your Instagram story, we'll help you learn how to manage this feature.

It is known that the history in the application is available for viewing 24 hours, after which it disappears without a trace. A successful publication can significantly increase the rating of the author, and an unsuccessful one can lead to the fact that one of the subscribers will unsubscribe from the user. If you have such a situation and need to make adjustments to your account, read on, we will tell you how to delete a story on Instagram.

Guide to action

To do this is easy, follow the instructions:

  1. Log in to the app.
  2. Open the story you want to delete.
  3. In history, tap the three dots icon.
  4. Select "Delete" from the menu that appears.
  5. Confirm the action or refuse.

If something doesn't work out for you, try again. After performing this action several times, you will surely remember how to delete a story on Instagram.

Some more useful

Sometimes users ask a question about how to delete search history on Instagram. The reasons for this may be different for everyone, we will not delve into this topic. This is not at all difficult to do, but if you have any difficulties, we offer you step-by-step instructions.

  1. Login to the app
  2. Open your profile, to do this, tap the picture of a man in the lower right corner.
  3. In the top right corner, you'll see a gear icon or three vertical dots, depending on your mobile device.
  4. Tap on this icon.
  5. You will see a menu, follow it down.
  6. Almost at the very bottom you will see the line "Clear search history".
  7. A window will pop up asking you to confirm this action.
  8. Confirm it or refuse.

Everything, the search history is cleared.

Now you know how to delete history on Instagram and how to clear search history. The author who posted new history, can always see the list of users who viewed his publication. To do this, open the story and touch the number below, which displays the number of views. You will see a list of those who viewed the photo or video in your story. This list is available only to the author, no one except him will be able to get acquainted with it. If you are interested in how to delete your browsing history on Instagram, then the answer is no way. Stories lives for 24 hours, that is, in a day the publication will disappear and with it the list of users who have watched these photos and videos.

Social networks have become a part of everyday human life. Initially, these resources were conceived as a means of communication, but over time, everything has changed significantly. Today, such resources act as powerful information systems as well as means to attract customers. Very often, advanced users make good money on these sites. However, not everyone knows how to properly delete a story on Instagram. In this case, you should consider how, as well as what can be done with this function in addition.

How to carry out the removal

Information that is not always present in memory needs to be stored. In some cases, you need to get rid of the data. From social Instagram networks, the user has the option to erase all saved information. The following two options for deleting data are available for cleaning:

  1. Search information.
  2. Personalization from stories.

Each individual case provides for its own order of operations, while the user subsequently has no chance of recovering the erased data. It should be understood that erasing personal information is not at all necessary, since the profile holder has the right to do so by making the appropriate privacy settings.

Information from the search

In order to completely eliminate these details, it is recommended to do a certain algorithm of sequential actions, namely:

  • open the application on the device;
  • in the main section, find the settings tab;
  • then it is recommended to scroll down the available options;
  • here you need to select the bookmark "";
  • in the end, it remains only to confirm the correctness.

If necessary, the user can prohibit saving data from the search, for this you need to find the "Recent" or "Best" tabs, and at the end, holding the section with your finger, select "Hide". Subsequently, the details will not be stored, and fill up the memory.

Important. The user can open accessibility for storing information at any time by returning the previous settings, as well as confirming the actions.

Data from stories

If the visitor needs to, and subsequently delete them, then you will need to do the following:

  1. here you will need to select an entry;
  2. then click on publishing options;
  3. after that, you need to select the "Delete" tab;
  4. at the end, it remains only to confirm the change.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to erase all the information at once, which is why each publication is erased in a separate order. Immediately after deleting an entry, there is an option to restore personalization, however, it ceases to be effective immediately after the page is refreshed.

Important. When deleting a story (Stories) from the Instagram network, a member can also update or reload their post.

Is it possible to hide your story

  1. First of all, you need to run the application on the device.
  2. Next, it is recommended to go to the settings.
  3. After that, you need to select the "Privacy" tab.
  4. This is required for all visitors.
  5. In the end, all that remains is to confirm your actions.

After saving the new settings, the access to view such pages will be blocked for all visitors to the Instagram platform, with the exception of the direct owner of the profile.

Important. Additionally, the account owner has the opportunity to select the circle of persons who will have access to the page and view current and relevant entries.

Such resources have tightly entered the life of visitors to the World Wide Web. Some underestimate the significance of projects, as well as the opportunities that give such sites. However, most people know that some records in a certain period of time need to be completely cleared, which is why account holders need to know how to properly clean up.
