Network access to the folder. How to share a folder

How to create one in Windows XP or make general access we have already said, so I will not repeat myself.

Creating the same shared folder in Windows 7 is a little more difficult, so I'll show you everything in order.

I just want to warn you. Never don't share for system folders, such as the Windows folder and Program Files. This should not be done for security reasons.

  • It is best to create a folder on the desktop. Call her whatever you want. The name does not matter, only it was clear to all your network users. I usually name the folder Exchange.
  • Click right click click on this folder and select the link from the drop-down list Properties.

Go to the tab Access and press the button Advanced setup...

Check the box next to the entry Share this folder and click on the button Permissions.

In the field below Enter the names of the objects to select write the word Guest

  • Assign permissions for the Guest by ticking the checkboxes and clicking the button Apply And OK.

  • Now go to the tab Safety and press the button Change...

  • Next press the button Add

It would seem a trite topic, but at least once a week, lengthy explanations begin on the forum about how to still get access to any object. Most often, these are, of course, folders or files, sometimes registry keys. I'll try to put together ways to get access to local objects.

If you do not have access to a local object, you cannot manage its permissions, the lack of such an opportunity can be compensated by changing the owner of the object, after which you can manage its permissions. This can be done in several ways, consider them in order.

Method 1: Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Method 2: Use the takeown and icacls command-line utilities

Applies to files, folders, and drives only.

Method 3. Item to change the owner of an object in the Explorer context menu

To simplify the procedure for changing ownership, you can add the appropriate item to context menu conductor.
The proposed version also uses utilities command line takeown And icacls with certain parameters, and the received command will set the owner of the object on which the menu item will be applied to the group Administrators(or Administrators in the English version of the OS).

To add the "Change Ownership" menu item to Russian

@="Change Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F"

@="Change Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F /t"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F /t"

To add the "Take Ownership" menu item to English Windows versions Vista apply this registry tweak:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Take Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F"

@="Take Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t"

To remove this menu item (regardless of the system language), you can use the following registry tweak:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



In order to make a network folder in Windows XP, create a folder, for example "Network Folder", right-click on it and select " Properties".

In the properties window, go to the " Access" and check the boxes next to " Share this folder"if you want network users to be able to change (add, delete) files in this folder, check the box-" Allow changes to files over the network".

On this, the creation of a network folder (it is called a "ball") can be considered finished. As you can see, a hand appeared at the bottom of the folder, which means that the folder is a network folder.

In order for other users to see it over the network, you need to go to network , choose " Show computers working group ", find the computer on which the network (shared) folder is located, click on it and see the shared network folder there.

Can be pressed "Start" - "Run" or keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R", enter //<имя или IP компьютера> , For example // comp, press the Enter key, all shared folders of the computer will open.

network drive .

How to make a network folder in Windows 7.


In the properties window, go to the tab " Access"and press" General access".

Now you need to add the necessary users and give them the appropriate access, in this example full access(the ability to change and delete files) per folder will be available to everyone. In the Add field, select " All", in the column Permission level choose " Reading and writing", press " General access".


After that go to " Start" - "Control Panel" -"or click on the button network connection on the taskbar and select "Network and Sharing Center".

In the opened window Network and Sharing Center look at which network is used (in this example - Working) click on "".

In the profile you use (home, work or shared), make the necessary changes, namely:

Scroll down and:

Save your changes.

This completes the network folder setup in Windows7.

Computer, right click " Net", select the computer on which it is located network folder, all shared folders of the computer will open on the right.

Another way is to click "Start" or keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R" and enter //<имя или IP компьютера> , For example //User-PC.

For ease of use, a network folder can be connected network drive .

How to make a network folder in Windows 8.

In order to make a network folder in Windows 7, create a folder, right-click on it and select " Properties".

In the properties window, go to the tab " Access"and press" General access".

Now you need to add the necessary users and give them the appropriate access, in this example, everyone will have full access to the folder (the right to change and delete files). In the Add field, select " All" and in the column Permission level choose " Reading and writing", press " General access".

A message box will open stating that the package has become networked. Press " Ready".

After that go to "Control Panel" - "Network and Sharing Center"or click on the button network connection on the taskbar and select "Network and Sharing Center".

In the window that opens, look at which network is used (in this example, Public), click on " Change Extra options public access".

In the profile you are using (private, guest, or public), make the necessary changes, namely:

Turn on network discovery;

Turn on file and printer sharing;

Go to tab " All networks":

Turn on sharing to network users could read and write files in shared folders.

Disable password protected sharing.

Save your changes.

This completes the network folder setup in Windows8.

To use the network folder, go to Computer, right click " Net", select the computer on which the network folder is located by clicking on necessary computer, all its shared folders will open on the right.

Another way is to press the keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R", enter //<имя или IP адрес компьютера> , For example //pk2. Pressing Enter will open a window with the shared folders of the computer.

For convenience, the shared folder can be connected network drive .

I hope now you are independent of the operating Windows systems XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8, you can share the folder without any problems.

And after that, perform a series of specific actions, which will be discussed in this article. Shared access may be required in various occasions, for example, for joint work on any project and so on.

Set up right away network settings profile:

The network settings have been successfully configured, now it remains to open the public access to desired folder, for this we use the following instruction:

That's it, sharing has been successfully activated, now on other computers on the network you can go to the folder to view files, as well as edit them, if you have the right to do so. This is done as follows:

In addition to sharing folders, any user may also need shared access to the printer, in order to activate it, do the following:

Printer sharing has been successfully activated, all computers that are connected to the network will be able to use it. Access to it is carried out in the same place as to shared folder.

Features of using Windows 7 sharing

If there are more than two computers on the local network, carefully configure folder permissions to avoid losing files.

You can share not only folders, but also selected local drives(this is done in exactly the same way).

When the "sharing" button in the folder properties is not active, you need to go to the folder settings (you can put a link to the article that I wrote) and in the view tab, check the "Use Sharing Wizard" item.

After reading this article, any user can easily set up local network sharing. You can also use .

Many users, sooner or later, think about how to exchange files between two or more computers on a local network. As you already understood, in order to perform this action, you need a created the local network and all computers in it must be connected to the same access point.

So, Let's start sharing folders in Windows 7. For example, let's take several folders with different names.

Opening access occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, check your network sharing settings. To do this, right-click on the network icon next to the clock on the taskbar. Select "Network Control Center ..." and follow the link "Change advanced settings ...";

  2. Now you need to make all the settings in the same way as we will show you now. Please note that some settings may have been configured initially, this is even good. After all the parameters are set as they should, click "Save Changes". Remember that you must have administrator rights to do this;

  3. The next step is to create access. You can either limit the number of users who can edit / delete / add files to folders, or set full access (i.e., no restrictions at all), but we still recommend choosing the first option. For creating open access, right-click on the folder and select "Properties", and in them go to the "Access" tab;
  4. In "Access" you see, immediately highlighted, the "Share" button - that's what we need. Feel free to go to the settings by clicking on this button;
  5. In the settings window, you need to decide who you want to share with. From the dropdown list choose desired option and clicks on it. Then change the attributes (permission level) from "Read" to "Read and Write". After that, click "Sharing";

  6. After that, you will see that the folder is available through sharing. Below, under the folder name, you will see the full name of the folder - its path through which you can enter it from another computer connected to the network. We click "Finish". After that, we continue the settings in the "Properties" window;

  7. Click on the "Advanced setup" button and set the user limit to 2. Then save the changes;

We carried out similar actions with another folder, now we have several shares, and we can see the entire list in the “Share name” drop-down list in the “Advanced settings” window.

So we showed you how to quickly and easily share folders in Windows 7 with standard means systems.
