Lesson: excursion to the post office. Summary of the excursion to the post office (for children of senior preschool age)

Excursion summary by email

(for children of senior preschool age)

1. Introduce children to the work of postal workers; receive parcels, parcels, sort, process, bandage, send.

2. Expand ideas about the honorable, laborious and responsible work of postal employees. Continue work to enrich and activate the dictionary (forms, seal, addressee, correspondence, main post office, index, post office, pack, bandage, stamp), show the social significance of the work of postal workers.

3. Foster respect for the work of postal workers.

Previous work: reading the poem by S. Ya. Marshak “Mail”, Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, E. Mara “The Story of One Package”, N. Grigoriev “You Dropped the Letter”, Sheikin “the news comes like this”. Drawing on the topic: “Mail”, looking at illustrations, conversations on the topic “Mail”.

Progress of the lesson:

Poem reading:

Who's knocking on my door?

With a thick shoulder bag,

With the number 5 on a copper plaque,

In a blue uniform cap?

Leningrad postman

Today there is a lot

In a bag on the side. -

From Tashkent,


From Tambov

At seven o'clock he began work,

At ten the bag lost weight,

And by twelve o'clock

I delivered everything to the addresses.

Ordered from Rostov

For Comrade Zhitkov!

Custom made for Zhitkov?

Sorry, there is no such thing!

Flew to London yesterday

At seven fourteen in the morning.

Zhitkov abroad

Rushing through the air -

The earth is green below.

And after Zhitkov

In the mail car

A registered letter is being delivered.

Packages on shelves

Efficiently laid out

Dismantling is underway on the road,

And two postmen

On the benches of the carriage

Swinging all night long.

Children, what is the name of this work? Who is author? (“Mail”, S. Marshak)

Guys! Why does a person need mail? (answers)

Correspondence is transported by cars, planes, and trains, so people in the farthest corners of the globe can receive it quickly and completely safe.

Guys, do you think your mom and dad will be pleased to receive a letter from you? Let's draw some pictures and send them. (Preliminary work. Drawing)

Here are our letters ready to be sent. Children, what needs to be done to ensure that letters get to the right address? (Write address, zip code)

Now we need to take them to the post office and meet the postal workers. (Children get dressed and go to the post office. We approach the mailbox).

Guys, guess the riddle.

Blue house at the gate

Guess who lives in it.

Narrow door above the roof

Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse.

(Mailbox) .

That's right, it's a mailbox.

The letter itself will not go anywhere,

But put it in the box.

It will run, fly, swim

Thousands of miles of travel.

Guys, pay attention to the signature, which indicates that the letter is retrieved at a certain time. The mailbox is magical, it can only be opened by a postal worker. (At this time, the postal worker inserts a special bag with a frame and the letters are poured into it).

Guys, how can you guess that we are in the post office building? (by mailboxes) .

But boxes also hang on other buildings (that’s right, but the Post Office sign)

Now let's go in and take a look (the children come in and inspect the buildings).

The building has different postal departments (parcel department, letter department and others. Postal workers' story).

Now let's go to the letters department (we show two letters: simple and registered).

Guys, how are these letters different? (that’s right, this is a simple letter, it is put in a mailbox, but this is a registered letter. It needs to be brought to the post office and done here. In such a letter, securities, documents, photographs are sent in special receipts and given to the sender.

Guys, pay attention to the way people address each other (polite, thank you, please be kind).

How they take care of customers (wide tables, large windows, pens) everyone speaks quietly.

Why is the work of postal workers important? (show concern for people, congratulate various friends, people would not know what is happening in our country and in other countries).

Thank you, dear postal workers (children give flowers and drawings to postal workers).

Outcome of the lesson: clarify with the children what they liked, highlight active and diligent children.




Lesson notes

on the topic: “Excursion to the post office”

Teacher of the first department

social rehabilitation

building no. 3

Demina E.I.

Corrective goal:

Forming ideas about the work of post office workers and the significance of this work.


Introduce children to the work of a postman, sorter, and parcel receiver; Activate children's vocabulary with words: service hall, sorter, receptionist, parcel post, parcel, sealing wax; To instill in children a sense of respect for working people.

Form: group excursion.

Methods: verbal, visual, observations of work.

Techniques: communicating new information, enhancing children’s experience; questions that focus attention, activate thinking, and explain.

Previous work: Examination of a painting from the series “Professions” “Postman”. Conversation with children about the types of information, where you can get information from, and be able to find “intermediaries” in obtaining it. Reading S. Marshak’s “Mail”, M. Main’s “Carrier of Joy”. Excursion to the mailbox.

Equipment: located at the post office. I first talk with the postal workers and arrange an excursion.

Progress of the lesson

I gather the children around me and tell them:

Guys, today I got your favorite magazine from my mailbox. What is it called? ("Funny pictures")

Who put the magazine in the mailbox? (Postman)

Today we will go to the post office and meet its employees. Let's find out who works there, what departments there are. Don't forget to say hello to the postal workers and remember that people work at the post office and therefore you need to talk very quietly so as not to disturb them.

At the post office:

I give the children a few minutes to explore the room on their own. We greet the head of the post office and get to know her. Please tell us about the mail.

Manager: You are in the service hall. People come here to send a telegram, a letter (registered), a parcel, a parcel post, pay rent, subscribe to a magazine.

And now I invite you to the sorting room (let’s go through).

Newspapers, magazines, and letters are delivered to the post office by car. And before taking them home, newspapers, magazines and letters should be laid out like this (shows) - newspapers to newspapers, magazines to magazines, and in this pile - letters. This is what sorters do. They write the apartment number on every magazine, newspaper, letter with a pencil and sort it into cells. Each street has its own cell and each house has its own. The work of a sorter requires a lot of attention and hard work, why? (Children's answers). Now everything is ready and you can load the mail bag. Who is doing this? (Postman). Meet...this is your postman. It was she who brought the magazine to the Center today for you guys.

Postman: Help me, guys, load the bag. First, let's put down the newspapers (Children help). Now to another smaller section - magazines (children help). But let’s put letters in this (the children help). Everything is folded and you can go take it out.

Try to lift the bag (Several children try to lift it). Well, is it heavy?

Where will the postman go? Why does the postman deliver mail? (To make it convenient for people, there is no need to go to the post office yourself). The work of a postman is difficult, why? (Comes to work early, carries a heavy bag, walks). Do you think there is 1 postman at the post office? (No. There are a lot of letters, one can’t handle it).

S.Ya. Marshak wrote about the postman:

Honor and glory to the postmen!

Tired, dusty.

Honor and glory to postmen

With a thick shoulder bag!

Let's say thank you to our postman for her work and for her story and say goodbye.

Manager: And now we will go to another department - this is the department for sending parcels. We will now see who works there and how you can send a parcel with different items.

We go into the department, say hello, and meet the receptionist. (An employee's story showing actions).

In our department you can send some things, books, some products to other cities. But to do this, they need to be packed in these boxes or boxes. (Shows parcels ready to be sent)

What must be on the parcel so that I know where to send it? (Address) That's right, look, you see on each parcel there is written the address where it should be sent and below the address of the person who sent the parcel.

But before you send the parcel, it needs to be weighed. Why do you think? (Children's suggestions). This is necessary, firstly, in order to know how much the sender must pay for the shipment: after all, the further the parcel is sent, the more you have to pay. And secondly, this is necessary in order to know how many such parcels can be loaded onto one plane or train: after all, these types of transport can carry a certain amount of cargo.

Some parcels are covered with material (Shows a parcel covered with fabric). Such a parcel must be sealed with wax seals. I cannot send this parcel because there is no stamp on it. Now we will put these stamps on you. Look, here in my jar the sealing wax is warming up. (I invite the children to repeat the new word in chorus.) Sealing wax is a very interesting substance. When it is heated, it is liquid. You see (shows). I put a little sealing wax on the place where the parcel is sewn up (shows). And then I put a stamp on the sealing wax (shows). We will wait a little, and you will see that the sealing wax turns from liquid to solid. 9 invites the children to touch the sealing wax with their fingers). And now you will help me put four more seals. I will apply the sealing wax, and you will put the seal. (Invites four children to put a stamp in turn).

The parcel is ready to be sent. But I definitely have to write out a receipt. A receipt is a certificate indicating that I accepted the parcel from you, and you paid me for it. The receipt must indicate the address where the parcel is sent, how much money you paid, and your last name.

Now the parcel can be placed on this moving belt - a conveyor, or it is also called a conveyor. Now I will put the parcel on it, press the button, the conveyor will turn on and move the parcel to another room (shows). What do you think a conveyor is needed for? (So ​​as not to carry heavy parcels).

In our department you can not only send a parcel, but also receive it if someone sent it to you from another city. To do this, you must have a notice and a passport. This is for that. So that your parcel cannot be received by someone else.

Guys, let's thank ... for her interesting story about her work.

Now you know that you can send not only a letter, but also various items by mail. Who works at the post office? This work is difficult, but necessary for people. Thanks for your hard work!

Target. Introduce children to the post office, one of the main functions of the post office; talk about how to properly prepare a letter for sending.

Preliminary work.

Children are preparing for the New Year: during art and drawing classes they prepare invitation cards for their loved ones.

The teacher purchases envelopes without stamps (according to the number of children in the group); invites children to surprise their loved ones - send invitations to the holiday by mail.

The teacher and children examine the postal envelope. The teacher says what needs to be done in order to send a letter (write the address). “We all (children of the same group, employees of a preschool institution) live in the same city (village), but the streets, houses and apartments are different for all of us.” Suggests asking parents for the name of the street, house and apartment number.

Attention! The teacher writes in advance on all envelopes the name of the city (village), zip code, parents' surname, kindergarten and group number; secretly from the children, warns parents about the task given to the children.

A certain time is given to remember the address. Children can gradually learn their address: first the street name, then the house number, then the apartment number.

It is advisable to pre-arrange with one of the post office employees about the arrival of a group of children; enlist his support during the event.

Children approach the post office. The teacher tells them the name of this institution, invites them to come in, find out what post offices are for, and send their letters.

Greetings. A postal worker's story about his work.

“This is the post office. A lot of people work here. Every day we all come here. Our work is very interesting and responsible. We accept letters, parcels, parcels, and prepare them for their further journey, sometimes a very long one.

In order for postal items to withstand a long and difficult journey and reach their addressees safe and sound, they are placed in special “clothing”: letters - in envelopes; parcels and parcels - in boxes and paper (show). Envelopes with letters must be labeled (Where?To whom?From whom?). If this is not done, the letter will not reach the addressee. Why do you think an unsigned letter will not reach the recipient?” (Answers.)

The postal worker asks: did the children sign their letters? Looking at the envelopes, he praises the children for knowing their addresses. Draws attention to the absence of postage stamps on the envelopes: without them the letters will not arrive. Offers to buy stamps. The teacher buys them, examines them together with the children, notes the features of their appearance: rectangular shape, on one side there is a picture, on the other there is an adhesive base.

The teacher invites the children to stick a stamp on the envelope, after showing them where to stick it. The children complete the task, the postal worker and the teacher help them.

Children prepare letters for sending into a mailbox, which they first examine, and the postal worker explains what mailboxes are for and how letters are dropped into them.

The children and the teacher thank the postal workers and say goodbye to them.

Follow-up work.

After some time, the teacher asks whether their letters have arrived. He asks: who took the letter out of the mailbox? How did your parents react to the invitation? Did the letter arrive safe and sound?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 38 village. Elban, Amur municipal district, Khabarovsk Territory


Direct educational activities

In senior group No. 13

Topic: “Introducing children to the professions of adults – mail. Excursion to the post office"

Completed by: 1st category teacher

Kuzmina O.A

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the work of postal workers, to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity, to tell children how to properly prepare a letter for sending.


- Expand children's knowledge about the professions of adults, the need and social significance of the work of adults.

Introduce children to the profession of postal workers and their work activities.


Stimulate and promote speech development, expand children's vocabulary.

Develop curiosity, memory, imagination, thinking.


To cultivate respect and interest in the work of adults, in the profession of postman.

Develop skills of cultural behavior in public places.

Equipment: envelopes, drawings.

Preliminary joint activities:

Reading literature: S.Ya. Marshak “Mail”, A. Shibaeva “Mailbox”;

Conversations on the topic “Mail”

Presentations on the topic "Mail"

Selection and examination of illustrations on the topic;

The teacher purchases envelopes according to the number of children in the group.

He suggests asking parents for the name of the street, house and apartment number and signing the envelopes in advance.

Children prepare drawings of their loved ones in advance.

Stage, its duration

Stage tasks

Activities of a teacher

Pupils' activities

Forms, methods, techniques, possible activities


Organizational stage

1 minute

Attract the attention of children, create an educational situation.

Guys, listen to the riddle and tell me what profession I want to tell you about today.

He brought us a telegram: “I’m coming, wait for mom!”

He brought my grandfather a pension, although he was not Santa Claus at all.

He's been on his feet since dawn, Who is he?

Establish contact with the teacher.


Children's attention is attracted.

Motivational and incentive

(process of involvement in activities) 5 min.

Form ideas about upcoming activities

Guys, remember when we prepared drawings for your mothers?

Do you think they will be pleased to receive a letter from you?

I suggest you send the letter by mail. To ensure that letters reach their recipients unharmed, they are wrapped in envelopes.

Envelopes must be signed indicating the address and surname of the person who should receive it. If this is not done, then the letters will never reach their recipients. Why do you think an unsigned letter will not reach the recipient?

If you want to send a letter, you need to put it in an envelope, seal it, and write the address. Our letters are ready to be sent. What will we do next? What is mail? What is it for?

Children's answers


own thoughts;

Express their guesses

Children's answers

Questions for children

Looking at envelopes

Questions for children

Sealing envelopes


internal motivation for upcoming activities

Update 3 minutes

(beginning of actions on GCD tasks)

Update existing knowledge about mail

Look what's hanging on the wall of the building? what is it for?

Pay attention to the signature, which indicates that the letter is retrieved at a certain time. The mailbox is magical, it can only be opened by a postal worker

Children's statements.

Answer questions.

Putting letters in the box



Artistic word.


Expanding and enriching knowledge about the mailbox.

Demonstrating curiosity and independence.

Dynamic pause

1 minute

Changing the type of activity, preventing fatigue

What did the postman bring us?

He walks with a thick bag:(children marching)

Translation, magazine, newspaper,

There are two cassettes in the parcel.(turn the body to the right, left, arms to the sides)

And a letter from Aunt Valya

So that they await her arrival (jumping on two legs, arms up).

Participate in games and do physical exercises.

Gaming techniques

Relieving tension, emotional and physical release.

Getting a new gaming experience

Perception and assimilation of new things

(or expansion of existing views)

5 minutes

Expand and generalize knowledge and ideas about postal workers.

Look, the workers are working behind the counter. This is the operator. One issues and receives parcels, issues and receives registered mail. It’s a simple letter, it’s dropped into the mailbox, but this is registered. It must be brought to the post office and given to the operator.

The second issues pensions to grandparents, accepts payments for various services, the third sorts letters, newspapers and magazines. The post office also employs postmen, sorters and the postmaster. The sorter sorts and sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, and money orders so that the postman can correctly distribute them to the addresses. The postmaster supervises the work of all the people who work at the post office.

Look how many newspapers and letters lie on the postman’s shelves. And before taking them home, they need to be properly laid out.

Newspapers, magazines, and letters are delivered to the post office by car.

How does the postman know which newspaper to put in whose mailbox?

Children consider a simple and registered letter.

Children's answers, making assumptions

Children's answers

Children's statements








Expanding and generalizing knowledge about the professions of postal workers.

Children have formed ideas about the work of postal workers.

The final stage

3 minutes

Summing up the results of the GCD.

Generalization of the child’s knowledge

Why, guys, is the work of postal workers important? What did you like most?

Children's statements

Children's guesses.

Conversation, discussion.

Questions, answers

Formation of ideas about the work of postal workers.

Larisa Rybakina

Target: Activate vocabulary and systematize knowledge children about the work of postal workers.


1. Expand ideas about the work of adults, its necessity and social significance.

2. Expand and activate subject vocabulary, vocabulary of actions, adverbs children on the topic“Professions. Workers mail» .

3. Form mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and independence.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the work of workers mail, children's reading literature: S. Ya. Marshak « Mail» , A. Shibaeva « Mailbox» , looking at magazines, postcards on the topic.

Progress of the excursion

When you walking along the city streets, what do you see besides residential buildings? (Shops, pharmacy, etc.) And in every city there is mail. Today we will go to mail, let's get to know the employees email and we'll see how they work.

They offer to draw pictures and see what they bring postman our letters to us or not.

(On the way to mail the teacher pays attention children on the rules of behavior on the street, pays attention to the sidewalk and the road.)

Near the building mail teacher

Who knows what it is mail, what is it for? (Answers children.)

Look, it weighs on the wall of the building Mailbox

I'm blue

Hanging on the wall

And many greetings

Is stored in me

This mail box here you need to put an envelope with a letter

Arriving at mail, the teacher gives the children some time for independent examination.

Educator: Look how big the hall is, look at the workers working behind the counter. One is the operator. She accepts parcels, another issues registered mail, and the third sorts letters, newspapers and magazines. How do these people do their jobs?

Children: Calmly, leisurely, attentively, politely talk to visitors.

Educator: Who else works for mail, listen here

He delivers it home

A heap of letters, telegrams,

And in blue envelopes

News from friends and family?

Children: Postman

Educator: That's right, well done, on Postmen work at the post office. And also on mail sorters and the boss are working mail. The sorter sorts and sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, money orders in order to postman correctly distributed them to the addresses. Boss mail manages the work of all people who work for mail. Do your parents go to mail? What do you think parents do? mail?

1 child: Yes, they do. My mother received mail one money order from my grandmother and two letters.

2 child: My grandmother subscribed to mail three newspapers and two magazines.

3 child: And my dad sent five greeting cards and bought five envelopes for letters to go with them.

Educator: Guys, let's ask the boss email view, How does it work postman?

(After greeting the boss mail escorts to the postman. The teacher reminds you to be quiet and not make noise so as not to disturb your work)

Guys, look how many newspapers and letters are on the shelves postman. Look, they are all different. Multi-colored and black and white. Look, there are magazines here. They are also different small and large. There are magazines for children, and there is one for adults. Do you receive magazines?

Newspapers, magazines, letters are brought to mail by car. And before you take everything home, newspapers, magazines and letters should be laid out like this (shows): newspapers to newspapers, magazines to magazines, but this one

a stack of letters.

But as the postman finds out, which newspaper, whose put mailbox? (Assumptions children.) for this purpose on every newspaper and every magazine postman write the apartment number in pencil (shows). Look how fast the postman signed all the newspapers. Now everything is ready and you can download mail bag. Everything is folded and ready to be carried. Try lifting your bag. (Some children trying to lift the bag.)

Postman: Well, is it heavy? Now come with me. (Children together with the teacher and the postman goes to the hall.) Now we need to decompose newspaper mailboxes, magazines and letters. I look at the number written on newspapers and magazines and know which box to put what in.

Educator: I also keep newspapers here, so I’ll get the key to postal box and I'll open my cell, look at me too the postman has already put down the newspapers.

Educator: Look, one aunt decided to send a parcel, look, she put the things in a special box and wrote the address where the parcel should be delivered. Look at the operator, he weighed the parcel and sealed it with a special tape that says: « Post office» and now this package can travel by train or even by plane, depending on where it needs to go.

In order for letters and parcels to withstand such a long and difficult journey and reach their addressees safe and sound, they are dressed in a special clothes: letters - in envelopes, parcels and parcels - in boxes and paper.

Look how many parcels there are here, and these parcels are waiting for their owners, our operators wrote them notices and are now waiting for them to come for them

It’s true that it’s interesting here, but we’ve completely forgotten why we came here.

Answers children

That's right, we wanted to send our drawings.

What do I need to do?

Children: Put the drawings in an envelope

Educator: Now let’s buy an envelope and a stamp.

They look at the envelope and see what shape it is. The teacher pays attention children that without a stamp the letter will not arrive. Note the features of appearance stamps: rectangular shape, on one side there is a picture, on the other there is an adhesive base, it is suggested to stick a stamp on the envelope in the upper right corner.

Envelopes with packed letters must be labeled (where, to whom, from whom). If this is not done, the letter will never reach its addressee. Why do you think an unsigned letter will not reach the recipient?

The children put the letter prepared for sending into Mailbox.

Educator: Today, guys, we got acquainted with the labor of a worker mail. Work the postman is very necessary, but heavy. Therefore on there are many postmen working at the post office. S. Ya. Marshak wrote about postman:

Honor and glory postmen, tired, dusty.

Honor and glory postmen with a thick shoulder bag!

The teacher and children thank the workers mail, say goodbye.
