What Soviet equipment has a lot of capacitors km. Radio elements from old equipment: capacitors

A capacitor is a device that can store and release electrical energy. Capacitors are present wherever there is an electric current. They occupy from 15% to 20% of the list of components in almost any electronic equipment.

A bit of history

The year of the invention of the capacitor is considered to be 1745. This invention belongs to the German and Dutch physicists: Ewald Jurgen von Kleist and Pieter van Muschenbroek. This first prototype of an electric capacitor was called the "Leyden jar" (after the name of the city of Leiden, where this design was assembled).

Main characteristics

Capacitors KM are ceramic monolithic capacitors in packaged and unpackaged versions. They belong to a subclass of fixed capacitors. According to the classification, these are low-voltage capacitors with voltages up to 1600 V. The capacitance range is from 16 pF to 2.2 μF. Is it a lot or a little? For comparison, let's say that the capacitance of the Earth is about 710 microfarads.

The group of low-voltage capacitors KM is divided into low-frequency and high-frequency ones. According to their purpose, they are divided into three groups: 1, 2 and 3.

— group 1 is used when high capacitance stability and low losses are essential;
- group 2 - when not what is essential is what is characteristic of group 1;
- group 3 - like the second group, but designed to work in low-frequency circuits.

There are more than ten basic electrical parameters for each capacitor and more than 25 operating characteristics. Please note that these are just the main ones. full list close to 60.
Let's dwell on some of them.

Rated capacity. This value is standardized and is selected from a certain range - E3, E6, E12, E24, E48, E96, E192. For each decimal interval, the numbers after the E indicate the number of nominal values. So, for example, for E6 we have a number of nominal capacitance values: 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 (for each decimal interval).

For nominal values, there is a tolerance limit, which is expressed as a percentage. For example: ±0.1%, ±0.25%, ... ±30%, (-10+30)%, (-20+50)%.

Rated voltage. This is the voltage at which the capacitor can operate under certain conditions and keep its parameters within acceptable limits. For KM capacitors, depending on the modification, the range of values ​​​​is in the range from 25V to 250V.

Temperature coefficient of capacity (TKE). It is used for capacitors with linear dependence containers on temperature.

TKE value: this parameter can be used to determine how much the capacitance of the capacitor will change if the ambient temperature changes by one degree in a given temperature range (both Celsius and Kelvin scales are used). A number of TKE capacitors KM: P33, MPO, M47, M75, M750, M1500, H30, H50, H90.

Modifications of KM capacitors

Produced the following modifications of capacitors: KM-3, KM-4, KM-5, KM-6.

KM-4, KM-5, KM-6 - can be 1 or 2 types, KM-3 - only 2 types.

Design options:

- non-isolated, multidirectional conclusions: KM-3a, KM-4a, KM-5a
- non-isolated, unidirectional conclusions: KM-3b, KM-4b, KM-5b
- isolated, unidirectional conclusions: KM-3b, KM-4b, KM-5b, KM-6 (a, b)
- unprotected: KM-3v, KM-4v, KM-5v

Range of nominal capacities:

KM-3 680 pF - 22 nF
KM-4 16 pF - 47 nF
KM-5 16 pF - 0.15 uF
KM-6 120 pF - 2.2 uF

Distribution of KM by the value of the rated voltage (V) and TKE groups:



Capacitors KM are designed for operation in DC, AC and pulsed current circuits. Used in any electronic equipment: in household appliances, communication systems, measuring and scientific equipment, in industrial equipment, etc.

Precious metals in KM capacitors

The use of materials such as palladium, platinum and silver in capacitors is due to technological requirements and has a rational basis.

Structurally, the capacitors are made of a ceramic dielectric with a thin layer of metal deposited on it on both sides (capacitor lining). The technical and operational characteristics of the capacitor depend on the selected material of the dielectric and plates.

As a dielectric, special ceramics based on calcium, zirconium and barium titanate are used. Technologies make it possible to obtain ultra-thin dielectric layers and assemble them into sandwiches. This ensures low electrical conductivity, capacitances of fractions of picofarads and a rated voltage in a wide range.

Depending on the technology used for applying metals to a dielectric, the use and content of one of these precious metals in capacitor plates varies. At technological requirement high-temperature firing of ceramics, the use of silver is limited and more palladium and platinum are used.

Curious information: it turns out that out of the total amount of palladium that is needed for the electronics industry, the share of palladium used for the production of ceramic capacitors can reach up to 60%.

Taking into account the fact that capacitor production technologies were mastered sequentially, based on technical requirements, the content of these precious metals in capacitors should depend both on the plant and on the year of their production.

As mentioned above, the content of ceramic capacitors in used electronic equipment can reach up to 20% of the number of components, and in some products even higher. The problem of processing waste from the electronic industry today is actually an unsolved problem. In this regard, there are a fairly large number of offers on the market calling for the collection and delivery of unusable electronic devices.

For KM ceramic capacitors, lists have been compiled with features that determine the type of capacitors and their approximate value. The content of these "lists" may differ from each other, but there is a commonality of certain parameters by which one can determine the value of one or another type of KM capacitor.

Below are some groups of offers from different capacitor buyers. In the "Marking example" column, the "/" sign indicates the separation of the lines of the inscription on the capacitor case itself.


Price (%)

Marking example

green, thin


green, thin

red, fat


red, fat


red, fat

red, fat

6B/H90/1m0/0985, 6H90/1M0/0480

green, thin

green, thin

5F/M1/V2, 5/M1500/4H7/1078

red, fat


Price (%)

Marking example

green, thin

5N30/68N/0481, 5/N30/68N/1079

green, thin

red, fat

4H30/47H/0578, 5H30/33H/0278

red, fat

4DB/68n/U3, 5DB/47n/WD

red, fat

red, fat

6H90/1M0/0582, 6/H90/1m0/0685

KM, others

green, thin

5M75/1N2/0572, 4M/N47K/0375

red, fat

6/H90/m47/1085, 6BBF/m22/U7

There are also simpler lists without indicating the value,
but only listing what is accepted, for example:

The linear dimensions of KM capacitors depend on the version, nominal capacity and TKE group (dimensions in mm, from min. to max.):

Green, thin - from 3 × 3x0.3 to 13 × 13 × 3;
- red, thick, 1MF, 2*2MF, H90, 1M0, 2M2 - from 14×14×6 to 14×14×10;
- red, fat, others - from 6.5 × 6.5 × 4.5 to 14 × 14 × 6.

A certain difference in offers can be explained by individual conditions and business features. The absolute values ​​of prices for precious metals depend on many parameters (including prices on stock exchanges) and it makes no sense to give them at any particular point in time.

The family of capacitors is large in number. These devices can store and distribute electricity. They can be found wherever there is a current that is directed to the benefit of man. Usually they occupy about 15-20 percent of the total number of components. Of these, KM capacitors stand out with their parameters. What are they and why is there such attention to them?

What are KM capacitors?

What are these devices? This is a ceramic monolithic capacitor, which is made in unpackaged and packaged versions. They belong to a subclass of devices that have a constant capacity. KM capacitors are classified as low-voltage devices, the voltage of which can be up to 1600 V. Their capacitance ranges from 16 pF to 2.2 μF. So you can estimate how much it is, you can make a comparison. The entire capacitance of the Earth is approximately 710 microfarads.

Main characteristics

KM capacitors are divided into high-frequency and low-frequency. Depending on their purpose, they are classified into one of three groups:

1. These include those for which high capacitance stability and low losses are characteristic.

2. Those who can not boast of what group No. 1 has.

3. The same as from point No. 2, but there is a slight difference. They are designed to operate in low frequency circuits.

The greatest interest in the selection provides a dozen basic electrical parameters and over twenty-five performance characteristics. There are over 60 of them in total.


The main scope is work in pulse, alternating and direct current circuits. They can be used in any equipment: communication systems, household, scientific and measuring equipment, industrial equipment - and this is not a complete list of possible applications. How not to confuse KM capacitors in work? The marking of this type of devices is carried out directly on them and is represented by an alphanumeric index. Therefore, if there is a desire to purchase one such device, then you must first find how it is designated and how it looks. When this stage is passed, you should go to a radio engineering store or to the market in order to find a capacitor there that is similar in appearance and corresponds to the indicated marking.

The use of precious metals in construction

The technology of applying materials to the dielectric, as well as their content in percentage terms, has a significant impact. By the way, most of the palladium (60%) that is used in industry goes specifically to capacitors.


In general, this class of devices can be attributed to the most popular. Therefore, there should be no problems finding a retail outlet where they can be purchased. But even if you can't find it in the first store required model, then it will be found in the next few for sure.

A capacitor is an electronic device designed to accumulate electronic charge and field energy. There are many types of capacitors and their implementations. In this article we will talk about clay capacitors of the KM type. Capacitors of this type are used in industrial equipment, in the manufacture measuring devices highest precision, radio transmitters, also in the military industry.

Clay KM capacitors are distinguished by the highest stability, they are designed to operate in pulsed modes, also in AC and DC circuits. They are characterized by the highest adhesion of plates to ceramics, as well as slow aging, which ensures a low value of the coefficient of capacitive temperature variability. KM capacitors, with rather insignificant dimensions, have a higher capacitance (reaching 2.2 microfarads). In general, the change in capacitance value in the operating temperature range for KM clay capacitors ranges from 10 to 90%.

KM capacitors of the H group are in most cases used as transitional, blocking, etc. Modern clay capacitors KM are made by pressing under pressure into a single block of thin metallized ceramic plates. Due to the highest strength of the mentioned material, it is possible to use very thin workpieces, as a result, the capacitance of the purchased capacitors, proportional to unit volume, increases dramatically.

Capacitors of the KM type also differ from other capacitors in their own highest price. The reason is that they use the following as dielectric plates. precious metals(and their consistency): Ag, Pl, Pd. Palladium is almost always used, and it is precisely this that justifies their value. In this regard, not only new products are in great demand, but also used ones and even those that have become unusable. Precious metals are contained in KM3-6 type capacitors. They are divided into two types: palladium (KM H90) and platinum (KM H30). There is another subspecies of KM capacitors of the H30 group - this is KM5 D, which differ from H30 in that there is even less platinum in them. The content of precious metals in KM H90 is 46.5 g of palladium and 2.5 g of platinum per kilogram of capacitors. And in capacitors of the KM H30 type, it is 50 g of platinum per kilogram of capacitors.

Capacitors of the KM D group (greenish) contain 40 gr. platinum, in other words, 20% less than in capacitors of the H30 group (greenish). Capacitors of the KM type of the H90 group, which have the letter V in their own marking, contain 10% more precious metals than the capacitors of the H90 group. In theory, such capacitors should be more expensive than other clay capacitors of the H90 group of greenish color. And the smallest capacitors should be cheaper. In practice, all KM capacitors of the H90 group of greenish color are identical. The price of KM capacitors directly depends on the price of precious metals, as well as on the price of refining costs. The most common clay capacitors KM (photo shows

In electrical stores, capacitors can most often be seen in the form of a cylinder, inside of which there are many tapes of plates and dielectrics.

Capacitor - what is it?

The capacitor is part electrical circuit, consisting of 2 electrodes that are capable of accumulating, concentrating or transmitting current to other devices. Structurally, the electrodes are capacitor plates, in which the charges are opposite. In order for the device to work, a dielectric is placed between the plates - an element that does not allow two plates to touch each other.

The definition of a condenser comes from the Latin word "condenso", which means compaction, concentration.

Elements for soldering containers are used to transport, measure, redirect and transmit electricity and signals.

Where are capacitors used?

Every novice radio amateur often asks the question: what is a capacitor for? Beginners do not understand why it is needed, and mistakenly believe that it can fully replace a battery or power supply.

All radios come with capacitors, transistors and resistors. These elements make up a board brass knuckle or a whole module in circuits with static values, which makes it the basis for any electrical appliance, from a small iron to industrial appliances.

The use of capacitors is most often observed as:

  1. Filter element for HF and LF interference;
  2. Level of sharp jumps alternating current, as well as for statics and voltage on the capacitor;
  3. Voltage ripple equalizer.

The purpose of the capacitor and its functions are determined by the purposes of use:

  1. General purpose. This is a capacitor, in the design of which there are only low-voltage elements located on small boards, for example, devices such as a television remote control, radio, kettle, etc.;
  2. High voltage. Capacitor in the circuit direct current supports production and technical systems under high voltage;
  3. Pulse. Capacitive generates a sharp voltage surge and supplies it to the receiving panel of the device;
  4. Launchers. They are used for soldering in those devices that are designed to start, turn on / off devices, for example, a remote control or a control unit;
  5. Interference suppression. The capacitor in the AC circuit is used in satellite, television and military equipment.

Capacitor types

The device of the capacitor is determined by the type of dielectric. It is of the following types:

  1. Liquid. A dielectric in liquid form is not common, mainly this type is used in industry or for radio devices;
  2. Vacuum. There is no dielectric in the capacitor, and instead of it there are plates in a sealed case;
  3. Gaseous. Based on the interaction of chemical reactions and is used for the production of refrigeration equipment, production lines and installations;
  4. electrolytic capacitor. The principle is based on the interaction of a metal anode and an electrode (cathode). The oxide layer of the anode is a semiconductor part, as a result of which this type of circuit element is considered the most productive;
  5. Organic. The dielectric can be paper, film, etc. He is not able to accumulate, but only slightly level out power surges;
  6. Combined. These include metal-paper, paper-film, etc. The efficiency increases if the dielectric contains a metal component;
  7. Inorganic. The most common are distinguished: glass and ceramic. Their use is determined by durability and strength;
  8. Combined inorganic. Glass-film, as well as glass-enamel, which are distinguished by excellent leveling properties.

Types of capacitors

The elements of the radio board differ in the type of capacitance change:

  1. Permanent. The cells maintain a constant voltage capacitance until the end of their entire shelf life. This type the most common and versatile, as it is suitable for making any type of device;
  2. Variables. They have the ability to change the volume of the container when using a rheostat, varicaps or when changing temperature regime. The mechanical method using a rheostat involves soldering an additional element onto the board, while using a varicond only changes the amount of incoming voltage;
  3. Trimmers. They are the most flexible type of capacitor, with which you can quickly and efficiently increase throughput systems with minimal refurbishment.

The principle of operation of the capacitor

Consider how a capacitor works when connected to a power source:

  1. Charge accumulation. When connected to the network, the current is directed to the electrolytes;
  2. Charged particles are distributed on the plate, according to their charge: negative - into electrons, and positive - into ions;
  3. The dielectric acts as a barrier between the two plates and prevents the particles from mixing.

The determination of the capacitance of a capacitor is carried out by calculating the ratio of the charge of one conductor to its potential power.

Important! The dielectric is also able to remove the voltage formed on the capacitor during the operation of the device.

Capacitor specifications

Characteristics are conditionally divided into points:

  1. The amount of deviation. Without fail, each capacitor undergoes a series of tests on the production line before it enters the store. After testing each model, the manufacturer indicates the range of permissible deviations from the original value;
  2. Voltage value. Basically, elements with a voltage of 12 or 220 Volts are used, but there are also 5, 50, 110, 380, 660, 1000 or more Volts. In order to avoid burnout of the capacitor, breakdown of the dielectric, it is best to purchase an element with a voltage margin;
  3. Permissible temperature. This parameter very important for small devices powered by 220 volts. As a rule, the higher the voltage, the higher the level of acceptable temperature for operation. Temperature parameters are measured using an electronic thermometer;
  4. The presence of direct or alternating current. Perhaps one of the most important parameters, since the performance of the designed equipment completely depends on it;
  5. Number of phases. Depending on the complexity of the device, single-phase or three-phase capacitors can be used. To connect the element directly, a single-phase one is enough, and if the board is a “city”, then it is recommended to use a three-phase one, since it distributes the load more smoothly.

What does capacity depend on?

The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the type of dielectric and is indicated on the case, measured in uF or uF. It ranges from 0 to 9,999 pF in picofarads, while in microfarads it ranges from 10,000 pF to 9,999 uF. These characteristics are spelled out in the state standard GOST 2.702.

Note! The larger the capacity of electrolytes, the longer the charging time, and the more charge the device will be able to transfer.

The greater the load or power of the device, the shorter the discharge time. At the same time, resistance plays an important role, since the amount of outgoing electric flow depends on it.

The main part of the capacitor is the dielectric. It has the following number of characteristics that affect the power of the equipment:

  1. Insulation resistance. This includes both internal and external insulation made of polymers;
  2. Maximum voltage. The dielectric determines how much voltage the capacitor is capable of storing or transmitting;
  3. The amount of energy loss. Depends on the configuration of the dielectric and its characteristics. As a rule, energy is dissipated gradually or in sharp pulses;
  4. capacity level. In order for a capacitor to store a small amount of energy for a short time, it must maintain a constant volume of capacitance. Most often, it fails precisely because of the inability to pass a given amount of voltage;

Good to know! The abbreviation "AC", located on the body of the element, denotes alternating voltage. The accumulated voltage on the capacitor cannot be used or transmitted - it must be extinguished.

Capacitor Properties

The capacitor acts as:

  1. inductive coil. Consider the example of an ordinary light bulb: it will light up only if you connect it directly to an alternating current source. This implies the rule that the larger the capacitance, the more powerful the luminous flux of the bulb;
  2. Charge accumulator. The properties allow it to quickly charge and discharge, thereby creating the strongest impulse with little resistance. Used for production various kinds accelerators, laser installations, electric flashes, etc.;
  3. Battery received charge. A powerful element is capable of storing the received portion of current for a long time, while it can serve as an adapter for other devices. Compared with battery, the capacitor loses part of the charge over time, and is also not able to accommodate a large amount of electricity, for example, for an industrial scale;
  4. Electric motor charging. The connection is made through the third output (capacitor operating voltage of 380 or 220 volts). Thanks to new technology, it became possible to use a three-phase motor (with a phase rotation of 90 degrees), using a standard network;
  5. compensator devices. It is used in industry to stabilize reactive energy: part of the incoming power is dissolved and adjusted to a certain volume at the output of the condenser.


The fact that iron must be forged while someone else needs it, you know even without a blacksmith.
(Why do we need a blacksmith? We don't need a blacksmith.) And the fact that a spoon is expensive for dinner is also not true.
last. That's about an expensive iron spoon, more precisely from rare iron, I want to tell you,
Especially since dinner is already served.

The metal under which this review is imprisoned will be palladium. Palladium is included in platinum
group. This noble metal is widely used in various industries. Whole
We are not interested in the range of applications. Only two areas are of decisive importance - machine-building
and electronic. And if in the first demand for palladium is growing, then in the second it has almost stopped. And I
I believe, although this is not relevant to the case, that not the last role in the fall in demand for this metal among
enterprises of the radio industry played a reduction in spending on military needs of the state.
But before we were richer and could afford the luxury of riveting details with a specific
content of rare and therefore expensive metals. Certainly not for general use.
The slogan was strictly observed: All the best for children! And the children, you know who - a horse in a coat and with shoulder straps.
Until they play enough with their toys, we won't get it.

But something also fell to civilian radio destroyers, and not only from thieves, modestly called "nonsense", but also in various sets
number so much for young soldering detector receivers.
Palladium is very refractory, which allows components made on its basis
work normally and without failures in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion. This is a joke, of course, but still.
Contacts of switches and trimmers, made with the involvement of palladium,
withstand more aggressive environments and are less susceptible to oxidation. Capacitors,
containing palladium operate over a very wide temperature range without changing their electrical
aka capacitance parameters, and have low leakage currents, which again for a walkie-talkie on an armored train,
which that into the fire, that into the water - one crap, just a godsend.

Since you are probably still confused as to why I am telling all this, then for the sake of seed I will say
- for a kilogram of such conders without leads (legs), they give a piece of bucks (ONE THOUSAND US DOLLARS). Behind
a volume that fits in incomplete fifteen matchboxes, that kind of money! Agree, reason
worthy of a gold rush. Money is all around you, it literally lies under your feet, you just need to know what, where and where.
The stocks of palladium accumulated in the form of radio components by our radio amateurs are so large that the method
the extraction of this metal, known as "Extraction of cheese from dumplings" more than pays for itself. Hundred
grams of a pure product, on the world market, costs about three thousand dollars, they will give you a hundred,
however, for a hundred grams of capacitors containing no more than 20 percent palladium. Do you feel
how the chain bought-processed-taken-sold is overgrown with cabbage. But climb into the thick of it
action is no reason for us. It is very dangerous for health IMHO, but we need to protect our health. You will
enough uncle from the nearest radio market, who will gladly change the menu of your details
on evergreen and therefore always relevant money.

To tell the truth, radio components containing precious metals have always been bought up. But the price of palladium
has more than doubled in just Last year and became a third more expensive than even platinum, which
in the matter of cost has always been a leader. How long will this situation last?
hard, and I'm not an expert on this issue.
In general, the growth of something can always be simply explained. The monopolist twists his arms.
Palladium is no exception. In this case, the monopoly is Russia, which releases
the world market is 70 percent of this metal. Monopolist No. 1 - President of Russia, Monopolist No. 2 - RAO
"Norilsk Nickel". The first gives a quota for sale and sets a duty, and the second actually,
digs and packs in beautiful boxes. Now let's deal with those who create a stir,
elbows in the queue and raises prices.
Almost all palladium is bought up by automobile plants in Europe, the USA and Japan. Introduction
since January 2000 in the US and Europe new emission standards forced manufacturers to
1998-1999 significantly increase the output of automobile engines equipped with catalysts.
As a result, the need for palladium, which is used to manufacture automotive
catalysts has increased significantly in recent years.
It is believed that the European Union will once again tighten legislation in this area in
2004-2005, by which time the US government will probably also review the
permissible standards for the content of environmentally harmful substances in automobile exhausts. And although
industry is actively trying to develop a new catalyst model, where the use of
palladium would be more efficient through better application or application technologies
other platinum group metals, according to experts, further growth in demand for palladium
is inevitable. In Japan, new emissions restrictions will be introduced a little later and in several steps
- until the end of 2002. But Japanese car manufacturers are already forced to equip
palladium catalysts export models. Therefore, their third of palladium is regularly shipped
and they.

We, on the global problems of the automotive industry, by and large do not care, we do not
are required. The terms of delivery according to the original Russian tradition are not observed at all. The enemies have
the technical process is scheduled by the minute, for years to come. Any failure causes indescribable losses. In order to
self-education, I recommend reading "Wheels" by A. Hailey, about the work of Ford factories. The only one,
probably, to whom all this fuss on FIG - "Zaporozhets". This foreign car with an exhaust is OK.

Now imagine - the whole of January is continuous holidays, then preparations for February 23,
and there, March 8 is just around the corner. So it turns out that no one goes anywhere before April 1st.
For obvious reasons, for three, four, five months, foreign automobile plants
will not stop. So they have to inflate prices at the end of the year, creating
strategic reserves, knowing our unpredictability and optionality. And since the demand for
palladium grows every New Year, then with the beginning of the sales season, it does not fall. that we are not
may not please. That's it, the theory is over, practice has begun. Although it was tempting to divide the review into two parts.
Long texts on the screen are difficult to read. But, crunch the wrapper and hide the candy a few more
days I considered dishonest. So do a couple of squats and continue.

If you are not a professional radio destroyer, use my picture. I did
photo of the most delicious details. We need to know in person who we will take. You must not
make a mistake.

WARNING! The fact that stealing is not good was explained to you back in kindergarten. In your own
age should already be clear that this is fraught with sad consequences. The best thing
exchange the things you need from the natives for mirrors and trinkets, for "fire" water,
Eventually. So, the first number is ceramic capacitors KM-3,4,5,6. Rating maximum
- about a piece of bucks per kilogram without legs. The capacitor type is usually marked
corresponding number. KM-4.5 are rectangles or squares of different sizes
and various shades of green. With
pontom military. KM-6 are made, as a rule, in the form
pads of brown-red tones. There are unpackaged versions of capacitors. In such
case, they look like small, ash-colored rectangles.
In the days of the USSR, large computing machines with significant content
KM-ok. Such a decommissioned machine is just a dream of Jack the Ripper. Unfortunately, such a technique is cunning
the boys had already gone crazy by the mid-nineties. But then the hunt was for gold connectors, and boards
with the palladium-containing conders that have jumped up in price now, they went into the trash. Maybe it's time to dig
the dead?

I remember that somewhere in X there was a metal detector circuit, because all the radio factories were disposed of
their illiquid assets with the help of a bulldozer. There was a lot of this goodness in the first Soviet personal
computers. In "BK" from "Electronics", in Kyiv "Search", in Minsk ES1840 ... 43. Suddenly someone
waiting for an upgrade? And he will be fine, and you will cut your money.
Instrumentation (instrumentation) are considered another repository of treasures.
Generators, voltmeters, oscilloscopes. You understand, their testimony should not depend on the weather
outside the window and therefore they used the "correct" details. To the most "precious" devices

Oscilloscope: S-114, 116, 120, 121, 125; C1-9-9, C9-11, C9-27.28.
Analyzer: SCH-60, SCH-74, SCH-82.
Gauge: E7-14.15; P2-73, 85, 86, 102; RF-37; SK8-4B.
Generator: HCh-151, 164, 165.176; G3-122, 123; RF6-01.
Frequency meter: SCH8-68, 68/1; SC8-74.
Voltmeter: V1-28; B3-63; B7-40, 46.

With regard to appliances, the approach is twofold, depending on the level of decency
ripper. The first is used by scumbags. All tasty details are bitten out, and a
imitation of device operation, burning bulbs, buzzing wires, etc. In general, a complete linden, not
has nothing to do with measurements. Here is g…
vparivaetsya gullible buyer for considerable
money. I would kill such innovators. The second approach is more complicated, but quite acceptable.
- all expensive radio components are replaced by inexpensive counterparts. As a result, the output
we get a fully functional product, plus a bag of treasures.

Let's go through the capacitors again, but already containing another component - tantalum.
The prices for it are much lower, but also impressive, especially since the capacitors based on them
stored in the people even more than palladium. See picture. THIS, THIS-1,2 big washers green
or grey. They take them by the piece, about two bucks apiece. Same, only series
K52-2 take 30 cents cheaper. For small performance they give 25-30 cents. The biggest
K52-1 capacitors are bought at 80 cents, they have, in addition to everything else, a silver case.
K53-1, 7, 18, 20 take 20 cents each, but these are for the largest sizes. The smaller the dimensions, the

Above, I already mentioned super-reliable palladium contacts. The picture shows
a tuning resistor with such a contact is PP3-43. He pulls for a dollar and a half. They take everything
PP3-40 ... 47 from 67 to 82 inclusive. They do not refuse SP5, but produced before 92.
Here is another list: PPBP, P-74, RPP, PTP-1,2,5, PPMP, PPMP-I, PPMP-M, PPMP-IM, PPMFM.
In civilian reference books you will not find information on all these radio components, full data
is only in data sheets, so I give only short lists. The next ones have gone
switches: BKNB, PG-2, PG-5, PG-7, PG-43, P1T3-1, PR-2, PR-5, PR-10, PP-6, PM2-1, MP12,
P1M10, P1M9-1, PKN-2,4,19, P2KN, PT8.7-12, PT11-1, PT9,13-1, P2KnT 3V, 4V, 4T, A18.
The price and demand is in line with my local radio market. Considering the general trend for
once indestructible and powerful, one might say - in the adjacent territory, the demand for such
iron is and always will be. Obviously, this business can be done ALMOST legally, because.
activities for the collection of non-ferrous metals are licensed. Activities without a license are
violation under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, with volumes over 200 minimum wages. List of licensed
collection points for non-ferrous metals can be found in the relevant department of the local administration.

May the wire cutters be with you at the right time!

A capacitor is an electronic device designed to store electric charge and field energy. There are many types of capacitors and their designs. In this article, we will talk about ceramic capacitors of the KM type. Capacitors of this type are used in industrial equipment, in the manufacture of high precision, radio transmitters, as well as in the military industry.

KM are highly stable, they are designed to operate in pulsed modes, as well as in AC and DC circuits. They are characterized by high adhesion of plates to ceramics, as well as slow aging, which ensures a low coefficient of capacitive temperature instability. KM capacitors, with rather small dimensions, have a high capacitance (reaching 2.2 microfarads). However, the change in the capacitance value in the operating temperature range for KM ceramic capacitors ranges from 10 to 90%.

KM capacitors of the H group are most often used as transition, blocking, etc. Modern KM ceramic capacitors are manufactured by pressure pressing thin metallized ceramic plates into a monolithic block. Due to the high strength of the material mentioned, it is possible to use very thin workpieces, as a result, the capacitance of the obtained capacitors, proportional to unit volume, increases dramatically.

KM capacitors also differ from other capacitors in their high price. The reason is that they use the following precious metals (and their mixtures) as dielectric plates: Ag, Pl, Pd. In most cases, palladium is used, and this is precisely what determines their value. In this regard, not only new products are in great demand, but also used ones and even those that have become unusable. Precious metals are contained in KM3-6 type capacitors. They are divided into two types: palladium (KM H90) and platinum (KM H30). There is another subspecies of KM capacitors of the H30 group - this is KM5 D, which differ from H30 in that there is much less platinum in them. The content of precious metals in KM H90 is 46.5 g of palladium and 2.5 g of platinum per kilogram of capacitors. And in capacitors of the KM H30 type, it is 50 g of platinum per kilogram of capacitors.

Capacitors of the KM D group (green) contain 40 gr. platinum, that is, 20% less than in the capacitors of the H30 group (green). Capacitors of the KM type of the H90 group, which have the letter V in their marking, contain 10% more precious metals than the capacitors of the H90 group. In theory, such capacitors should be more expensive than other ceramic capacitors of the H90 green group. And smaller capacitors should be cheaper. In practice, all KM capacitors of the H90 green group cost the same. The cost of KM capacitors directly depends on the price of precious metals, as well as on the cost of refining costs. The most common KM ceramic capacitors (photo shows external
