Calibrate laptop battery through bios. How to calibrate a laptop battery - the best programs and standard system tools

The laptop is considered by many owners as portable device, which, if necessary, you can take with you on a trip, to the country or just to work in a cafe. In such situations, it is important that the computer can work offline as long as possible - without connecting to the network.

Why calibrate a laptop battery

Laptop batteries have a certain level of charge, which cannot be exceeded due to the chemical processes occurring in the device. Due to incorrect operation of the battery controller, which is a consequence of connecting the laptop to a power source at different charge levels, the maximum battery capacity may decrease.

Example: The actual battery charge may be at 90% and the controller will detect it as 50%. When the charge drops to 5-10% according to the controller, the laptop will go into sleep mode. In this case, the actual level of battery capacity will be at the level of 45-50%, but the owner of the computer will not be able to use the remaining energy.

To avoid situations in which the controller incorrectly determines the level of charge of the laptop battery, it is necessary to calibrate the battery from time to time. Its meaning is to "remind" the battery controller of which charge level is the maximum and which is the minimum.

When to calibrate a laptop battery

There are recommendations from battery manufacturers that calibration should be done every 2-3 months, depending on the intensity of work at the computer. However, it is easier to determine the need for battery calibration by checking its parameters by a specific point in time. To find out if a battery needs calibration, do the following:

It is worth noting that calibrating the battery in any case will not make the indicators of full charge and rated capacity identical. This is due to the chemical processes occurring in the battery, which do not allow the battery to be restored to its original state.

How to calibrate laptop battery automatically

Before proceeding with the calibration of the laptop battery, it should be said that this procedure will take several hours. Do not use a laptop during automatic calibration of the battery pack.

Almost every laptop manufacturer installs various software. Among them, most often, there is a utility that is responsible for battery operation. Through it, you can find out about the status of the battery, adjust the power settings, and, among other things, calibrate. Below we will consider the battery calibration option using the example of the Energy Management application that comes with Lenovo laptops, but the principle of operation of such programs is identical.

To calibrate the battery Lenovo laptop through the Energy Management application, you must:

The calibration process assumes that the laptop is charged to 100%, and then discharged to 0%. During calibration in automatic mode do not use the computer and do not close the lid of the laptop, since the screen is the main consumer when the battery is discharged.

Note: If you can't find a native battery calibration app on your laptop, you can use third-party solutions. There are dozens free utilities with similar functionality, for example: Battery Eater or BatteryCare.

It is worth noting that some laptop manufacturers do not install a separate application for diagnosing and calibrating the battery, but integrate this functionality into the BIOS. For example, this is what HP does, which embeds in Phoenix BIOS battery calibration utility. It's called Smart Battery Calibration and can be found under the Boot tab.

In other BIOS versions and on other computer models, the location of the utility may differ. Before flattering the BIOS to use the battery calibration feature, it is recommended that you read the information on the computer manufacturer's website and make sure that such functionality is provided.

How to manually calibrate a laptop battery

Since the calibration procedure involves a complete charge-discharge of the battery and no more manipulations, it can be performed without third party applications in manual mode. To do this, you must first change Windows settings, because the laptop computers when the battery charge drops to critically low values, they go into sleep mode, and this will prevent the battery from being completely discharged. To calibrate the battery in a laptop, set the power supply of the device as follows:

After that, the newly created power plan will be automatically applied. Next, you need to fully charge the laptop battery and pull out the power adapter. After that, you need to wait until the computer is completely discharged, while you can use it, but do not forget to save your work, because the laptop can turn off at any time. When the computer battery is completely discharged, you need to charge it again to 100%, after which you can switch the computer to standard power mode, since the calibration process will come to an end.

  • 1. Why do I need to calibrate my laptop battery?
  • 2. Battery calibration on Windows
  • 3. Manual laptop battery calibration
  • 5. What should I do to make the laptop work for a long time?

Almost every modern laptop comes with a lithium-ion battery. It ensures long-term operation of the device per charge cycle, which is very important for portable equipment. However, the battery may sooner or later lose its capacity, and its charge level will drop much faster than before. This is especially affected by powerful loads on its internal elements, including HDD. But battery calibration can fix controller errors. Proper use of your laptop will help reduce the degradation of its offline performance.

Why do I need to calibrate a laptop battery?

Laptop battery calibration is the most important step for a user in setting up new hardware. This procedure must be carried out both after purchasing the laptop and during its use. Calibration includes certain step-by-step actions, and it is worth doing it for the controller chip to work without any problems.

Please note that calibration cannot repair physical damage or wear to the device. This procedure only applies to problems in the laptop operating system itself.

It often happens that old devices have glitches in the form of improper controller operation. So the system will display the energy charge of 30%, when in fact it is 60%. The laptop will go to sleep when the system detects that the battery charge has dropped to 10%. In fact, the actual battery capacity will be 40%, which could allow the user to work with the device for about an hour.

It is to eliminate this problem that it is necessary to calibrate the battery. This operation also eliminates the "memory effect" when the charge level is remembered when the laptop is connected to the network and will not be discharged below this value, as it takes given level for a full battery charge.

Battery Calibration on Windows

Can be calibrated various methods, which include manual calibration using standard tools Windows OS. This method will work on any version of this operating system. All that is required from the user is strict adherence to instructions and attentiveness.

First you need to check the battery capacity and charge level. The necessary information can be found using a small algorithm:

  1. Connect the device to the mains and wait until it is fully charged.
  2. Disconnect the computer from power.
  3. Check the battery level in the power settings.

If the user disconnected the device from the power grid, and the charge level was below 100%, then an urgent need to calibrate the battery.

Windows toolkit provides more detailed information about the battery status. To do this, open a command prompt by entering the search command "CMD" and run as administrator by clicking right click mice.

After that, you need to write the value powercfg.exe -energy -output d:\report.html, and wait for the operation to complete (the window will close).

After that, you can go to the directory specified by the program and open the count created in html. You can study it by opening any browser. You need to scroll to the "Battery Information" tab and compare the calculated capacity and the last charge. If it turns out that the capacity turned out to be significantly greater than the percentage of charge, then it is urgent to calibrate the battery.

Using Windows tools, you can only get battery data, but you need to carry out the procedure either manually or using a special program. However, first you should try to carry out the operation yourself, and if there is no result, turn to the software for help.

Manual laptop battery calibration

Manual battery calibration is done in a few simple steps:

  1. Charge the battery fully.
  2. Unplug and fully discharge the device.
  3. Connect the power supply.

In this case, you must correctly select the power mode, because by default each device is set to “Balanced”. However, when manually calibrating, it is worth changing to "High Performance" in the settings, as this will turn off various energy-saving technologies and the likelihood of a successful operation will increase. In addition, at a low percentage of charge, the laptop will simply go into sleep mode, not allowing the battery to reach zero.

By switching the mode, you can continue to work until the device turns off by itself. After that, you need to immediately connect it to the power supply and charge it to the maximum. A certain advantage of this method is the ability to work at a computer. After the battery is calibrated, be sure to return all power settings.

Laptop battery calibration programs

Such programs can play a very significant role, and help the efficiency to cope with the calibration of the battery. In this case, the entire operation is carried out offline, and the user will not be required to make changes to any configuration. But it is worth considering that each laptop model requires its own specific program.

For Asus laptop calibration is carried out in the BIOS, since this manufacturer most often puts desired application as a technological tool motherboard. The same feature is available in the Phoenix BIOS. You can check it yourself, and for this you need:

  1. Power off the laptop.
  2. Reboot the device, and then press F2.
  3. Go to the BOOT tab and find the Smart Battery Calibration menu, after which you can start the process.

For Samsung and Acer laptops, there is a program such as BatteryMark. It is special in that it is able to quickly reproduce discharge-charge cycles. Its main task is to test and diagnose the battery, both in simple mode and under heavy loads. It allows you to carry out several processes in one hour.

Lenovo laptops also have their own program called Energy Management. It includes many functions relating to battery calibration, giving the user extensive information about the battery status. To carry out the operation, you need to connect the power supply of the device, close all running processes and applications, and you can’t use the laptop while the calibration is in progress.

HP Support Assistant software has been prepared for a successful operation for Hewlett-Packard notebooks. With an extensive selection of tools, you can not only calibrate the battery, but diagnose the entire condition of the device. To do this, go to "My Computer" and find the battery check point. After testing, the program will report on actions to improve the performance of the laptop.

If the calibration was carried out according to all the rules, and the state of the battery has not changed, then it has exhausted its resource. Lithium-ion batteries are designed for a certain number of cycles, after which the battery capacity is reduced. In order to return the computer to its previous work, you need to replace the battery.

What should be done to keep the laptop running for a long time?

Every experienced user knows that using the battery while the device is connected to the network can damage the charging capacity. It is best to remove the battery and connect it during battery life. Due to the fact that each battery has its own certain number of cycles, energy consumption is wasted during natural operation.

It is best not to strain the battery by depleting or overcharging. It is best to let the laptop fully discharge only when calibrating the battery. Make sure that the laptop does not overheat, do not use the device in places with high humidity.

With proper use of a laptop, you can use the device for more than 5 years. Calibrate every few months, and the device will delight you with its efficient performance.

Something to me often people with the problems of dead batteries. It's understandable - summer, battery-powered laptops were used more often, but for some reason less often to match manufacturers' advertising statements in terms of service life.
There are different opinions on the network about how to monitor the battery (accumulator) of a laptop. Often these opinions are not substantiated by anything - "I heard something somewhere, I geek(and even programmer!) said", etc. Many articles are reprints of each other with a couple of facts, some even contradict each other. But in fact, everything has been known about how a laptop (or phone) battery behaves for a long time, no "black There are no holes in this, everything relies on physics and chemistry.
Generally in household appliances Now four types of batteries are used - NiCd (nickel-cadmium), NiMH (nickel-metal hydride), LiIon (lithium-ion) and LiPol (lithium-polymer). They have different properties, they are not equivalent.
Li-Ion batteries are the most commonly used laptop batteries today. The advantages of using them are well described in the Wikipedia article - this is the absence of a memory effect, and capacity, and size, and weight. It would seem that everything is perfect, and such a battery should serve for a long time. But (apparently, according to the habit that once developed over the years of working with nickel-based batteries, for example, nickel-metal hydride, NiMh), people are trying to use and care for them “from the last century”, and this is completely wrong - the behavior of these batteries is different from NiMh in almost all use cases, whether it is actively used or lying on a shelf.

What is battery calibration.
Let me tell you straight to the main what is battery calibration or battery calibration And how to calibrate the battery. Sometimes this process is also called “battery training”, but training is still an incorrect designation, neither in meaning nor in the meaning of this action.
In fact, battery calibration is just a process full discharge-charging of the battery, There is nothing secret and deeply secret in this process. Calibration by itself does not make the battery more capacious or vice versa, it simply sets the battery controller to extreme charge / discharge values, correcting for statistical measurement errors. In fact, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the software that displays the charge change, whether it be a phone or a laptop. If the indicator shows the battery capacity at, say, 93% of the original (wear 7%), and after calibration it became 96% or 64% - this does not mean that the battery “suddenly” improved or worsened its performance, it only means that the controller statistically more accurately recorded the maximum and minimum levels and the actual battery capacity. These values ​​can change during operation both in one direction and in the other, and the difference in numbers before calibration and after can easily be even 10%. Because all these numbers are calculated between the “full” and “empty” states is the result obtained by several averages, and there is no “fullness scale” or something like that in the battery.

What to do with a new battery.
If you bought new laptop(or a phone, there is no fundamental difference in this case), then the battery in it is usually already half charged. It is recommended to carry out a full charge-discharge cycle (and, by the way, this has nothing to do with the so-called "buildup"), and here many make the first mistake, trying to immediately immediately discharge the battery to the limit. You can’t do this, it’s most likely the other way around, will reduce the maximum battery capacity. This is what happens - when the charge level reaches a low level, your laptop will turn off, but the charge will remain in the battery. If you leave it in this state for a long time without connecting it to power, an overdischarge will occur, and the battery will die for a long time. On the contrary, immediately connect Charger, and wait for a full charge - on or off the device, there will not be much difference. After a full charge, it is recommended to completely, before turning off, discharge the battery, then fully charge it again, and then use it as convenient. Sellers in stores almost always recommend a long initial charge and “buildup”, and are wrong in neither the first nor the second case. A long initial charge is not needed, because. if there is at least a little energy in the battery, then it is understandable that it means that it is already “activated” (for some reason sellers, but not manufacturers) call it that at the factory, after production. No “buildups” are required, if someone tells you that “after the buildup, the battery really started to last longer” - this is just an indicator that it was not used correctly initially, because. the battery “holds” as much as it is capable of, it does not stretch or shrink, but its controller may contain incorrect values ​​​​to the maximum or minimum and errors that can recover over time, showing such a “buildup effect”. Both long-term charging and “buildup” are not recommended by the battery manufacturers themselves! Again, we are talking about lithium batteries: for melallhydride batteries, such a buildup process made sense. Another point is that even when the charge level reaches 100% on the indicator, the battery charge is still happening, but slowly. Apparently, this is the recommendation for long charging.

Battery controller - this is a microcircuit that controls the discharge / charge levels, voltage, temperature, and turns off charging when the battery is charged. It rarely fails, so battery problems are the least likely to be blamed. It happens that as an excuse they say "your charge controller has flown." This is not true in most cases.

How to properly calibrate?
“Battery Calibration” is an action-charge-discharge-charge, as I described above. It's so simple, and no alchemy. The bios of some laptops has built-in calibration utilities that will do the necessary actions themselves, without supervision, but in fact this process “from the BIOS” is no different from manual calibration, except that with manual calibration you need to monitor the laptop, because. when a certain discharge threshold is reached, your laptop most likely will not turn off, but simply go into hibernation (this is how most modern operating systems). Therefore, hibernation must be turned off, otherwise the battery will not be discharged to the minimum values. The calibration point in the BIOS is called battery calibration(and variations of this phrase) and is usually located in power menu(power management, or in some cases - boot, or - advanced)

If you do not have such a utility in your BIOS, this is not a problem. This is done manually - we connect the laptop to the network, charge the battery completely, disconnect it from the network, use it until complete shutdown, after which we reconnect to the network and charge the switched off laptop until it is fully charged. All. Particularly thin lovers of torturing their laptop can carry out the procedure again, but this is an extra waste of battery life.

How often to calibrate?
I know that some do it several times a month. In vain, it only brings harm. Calibration is needed every few months, and even then, “necessary” is not the right word. If the battery performs well, it does not need extra calibration, and you can do it less often, no more than once every six months. But the number of charge-discharge cycles is just limited (I will write about this in more detail below), and by calibrating for the sake of calibration, you simply spend an extra cycle. If you often fail to fully charge the battery, it makes sense to calibrate it more often, but in any case, more than once a month, this is not required, and then if you rarely use the battery. I repeat that in this way you, on the contrary, reduce the battery life by spending full charge-discharge cycles.

Should I drain the battery completely?
If the battery is discharged a little, you should not wait for it to be completely discharged - you can charge it. The myth that "it is necessary to discharge completely" is also inherited from NiMh batteries, which have a so-called. "memory effect", and such incomplete discharges-charges reduce the maximum capacity of the battery. For lithium batteries, quantity is more important full cycles discharging-charging, and that 5% charge, that 55% - it will still be part of one cycle. The average battery life before it begins to seriously lose capacity is about 500-1000 cycles, depending on the quality of the battery itself and the conditions (temperature as one of the main factors) around. Those. it should be enough for a year, even if you pull the laptop back and forth a couple of times a day. One important point - it is not recommended to allow deep discharge of the battery. By “deep” is meant further discharge even when the laptop (or phone) is turned off. If you do not charge such a battery for another week, you will encounter the phenomenon of battery aging and loss of its capacity very quickly, and in addition, a situation is possible when charging the battery becomes impossible. The fact is that even a discharged battery still has the current necessary for the operation of the controller electronics, and if it does not, the controller will turn off, and reanimating it is already a problem, the battery may stop charging from a conventional charger. In such cases, "shaking" the battery with increased voltage can sometimes help, this is done in services, but this can lead to battery failure and failure, and even its ignition. It's better not to go home.

The graph shows the dependence of battery capacity on the number of charge-discharge cycles based on batteries for mobile phones(data from craftmann research):

It can be seen that the battery reaches 80% of its capacity just after about 500 charge / discharge cycles. But Apple, for example, talks about a figure of 80% after 400 cycles, indicating this as the norm. In both cases, it is logical that the battery should outlive exactly with active use for a year, but then it is absolutely not obliged, and claims against it become unfounded.

I will focus on temperatures separately. In extreme cold, the current output of the battery is seriously reduced, and self-discharge increases (what self-discharge is is described below). Therefore, before use, the battery must be brought to room temperature. Among other things, this will avoid condensation. Moisture can easily cause the controller to fail, it is not in a vacuum, and is quite accessible to the external environment.
The graph shows capacity versus temperature (thanks per graph goes to craftmann lab again).

It can be seen that when the temperature rises above 20 degrees, the capacitance starts to fall again. Therefore, the best conditions for battery operation are temperatures from about 0 to 30 degrees, in this range the change in battery characteristics is not critical and will not be very noticeable. And if working on a laptop at a temperature of less than 0 degrees is a rarity, then overheating is much more common: there is enough summer around and the laptop working under load. Here's another argument for additional laptop cooling.

Should I disconnect my laptop battery when not in use?
It makes no sense to disconnect the lithium battery from the laptop when not in use.- it, among other things, will serve as a UPS (uninterruptible power supply unit, UBP) if there are any problems with electricity. It's more important than battery life, isn't it? Indeed, according to the law of meanness, this usually happens - the battery was removed, and suddenly there was a power surge, and everything turned off - albeit for half a second, but ruining a bunch of work, not to mention the fact that such jumps are for electronics and mechanics ( hard drives) by themselves are not very useful. The charged battery in the laptop is not charging and is not connected to the charger - the controller turned it off, so there will be no “harmful constant charging” - it simply does not exist. And the battery capacity decreases over time in any case, if you use it actively - more, if most of the time the laptop is charging on the table - less, but not a single battery will give you 100% capacity after two years of use, whether it is used or lying on the shelf all the time. That's why it only makes sense to turn it off when the non-use is really long, you really need to keep it for a month or two, and you do not need such “problem protection” (you already have a stationary UPS). In all other cases, the battery does not need to be touched - it costs itself and costs, it does not ask for food. The electrons in the battery must move, this is the basic principle. Do not spoil your nerves by constantly peeping at the level of wear, there is no point in this - even if it exceeds all permissible limits, you will not be able to influence it with anything other than replacing the battery.

Battery storage.
If the battery needs to be removed, then it must be stored at room temperature (or even better lower, but not in the freezer) with a charge level of ~ 35-40%. So it will be saved maximum capacity battery for the longest possible time. But when the battery is lying for a long time, its capacity gradually decreases. This process is called "self-discharge". self-discharge lithium battery is 5-10 percent per year, so that in this state it can lie for quite a long time, but not indefinitely. It is impossible to store a fully charged or completely discharged battery, especially if there are changes in ambient temperature - after a while you will get a dead battery that cannot be charged (overdischarge). Again, we are talking about lithium batteries. If you have a NiMh phone battery, on the contrary, you should store it when fully charged. Neither in extreme heat nor in extreme cold, it is not recommended to fully discharge - the battery is not recommended - the process simply will not be carried out fully, and the controller will incorrectly record the state of the battery, this is physics: materials expand in heat, contraction in cold, and the battery is not made from words and thoughts, but from materials that are quite subject to all physical laws.

The battery capacity is 65%, is that normal?!
Why not? The only question is how long after the purchase you will see such numbers. If during the warranty period the battery capacity falls below 80% of the nominal value, this is a warranty case. The warranty period for batteries now for almost all manufacturers does not exceed one year, often only six months, so if you have problems with the battery, hurry up to exercise your right to a replacement. There is one point - in the absence of purchase documents, the guarantee is calculated from the date of production, and it is difficult to say how long the laptop was lying somewhere until it got to you. This is a reason to refuse a guarantee, and formally the service will be right - that's the way it is.

Should I use programs that increase laptop battery life?
Understand a simple thing - not a single such program is able to somehow influence the battery so that it lives longer. In fact, the purpose of such utilities is to reduce the power consumption of your laptop (or phone - such utilities are now actively distributed for android smart phones) by disabling everything that the utility considers unnecessary: ​​usb ports, screen backlight, design effects, etc. In this case, you can get a gain in operating time from a single charge, but you can also get it if you turn off what you really don’t need manually. But the negative effects of “forced shutdown” of such a program can come out in further use. In advertising for such programs, they write that they allegedly “will force an old and partially dead battery to serve” and other high-sounding words, in fact, this is just a lie. Just turning off unnecessary power consumers is all they can do.

After installing Windows7, the battery deteriorated and lost its capacity! Windows in the trash!!
Yes, the situation when after windows installation 7 battery suddenly turns from “healthy” into “sick”, it was not so rare. The point is that this does not happen on new laptops! I saw similar messages - both when someone complained and brought a laptop for repair, and when he himself put windows 7 on a laptop after some other OS. And here's what I'll tell you - I can only agree with Microsoft's opinion on this issue: this message is not an indicator that suddenly appeared without a reason for the problem, but an indicator of the current state of affairs with your battery, which simply did not exist in the previous WindowsXP. Unfortunately, I can't be 100% sure that this is the case, but I'm coming from my experience with this post and I'm drawing the same conclusion from it. It is possible that the problem really could be, but lately I have not seen anything like this. It is logical to assume that even if something like this happened, it was either a) corrected by Microsoft, or b) manufacturers of batteries or laptops. In any case, do not forget to update occasionally - if the problem is in the software, then it is no longer there.

Battery safety.
On the Internet, you can find descriptions of cases when the battery caused a laptop or phone to catch fire and even exploded. In fact, you should not be afraid of this - such cases are extremely rare, and they have happened before, now batteries have more reliable protection(although not all of them. Chinese brothers, for example, traditionally, in pursuit of cheaper prices, can “forget” about something like this during production). But in any case, severe overheating, contact closure, humidity (condensate) resulting from the change of cold to heat, and errors in the process of disassembling and assembling such batteries(e.g. reverse polarity, or crushing of battery cells) are potentially dangerous and should be avoided. If you use the laptop battery normally, i.e. charge it in a laptop, and do not try to do it somehow outside (yes, there is such an experience - one naive person tried to charge the battery by connecting the charger directly to its contacts. He was lucky - everything went off with a small sparkling firework) - then no problems with there will be no battery.

Calibrating the laptop battery allows you to fix controller errors in which the actual battery capacity does not match the values ​​that the system determines. As a result of this failure, the laptop's battery life is significantly reduced, which causes inconvenience to users.

When to do it

Consider specific example: The actual battery charge is 70%. Due to incorrect operation of the controller, the system displays a charge of 40%. When the system sees that the charge has dropped to 10%, the laptop will be sent to sleep. However, the actual battery capacity will not be 10%, but 40%, that is, you could use the laptop offline for another hour.
To fix this error, you need to do a battery calibration. This procedure also helps to get rid of the “memory” effect, in which the battery “remembers” the charge level when the laptop is connected to the network, and subsequently gives energy up to this limit, that is, the battery capacity is not fully used.

The "memory" effect occurs in nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, but there is no such problem in lithium-ion batteries.

Determination of battery capacity

Before calibrating the battery, check if the battery needs to be carried out at all. You can do this with the command line:

If the last full charge is much lower than the maximum capacity, then you need to calibrate the battery. Recalibration will help fix a failure in the laptop battery controller. It is important to understand: the battery will not recover to its original state, you will only eliminate the error due to which the battery capacity is incorrectly determined.

Automatic calibration

There are several ways to calibrate using special programs on different laptops.

energy management

Lenovo laptops have special utility to calibrate the battery counter. All Lenovo Idea laptops come with an Energy Management program that allows you to manage your power supply.

The calibration process will take a long time - the battery will first be charged and then completely discharged. It is impossible to interrupt the operation, it is also not recommended to use a computer.

Phoenix BIOS

There are programs of this kind on other laptops. HP laptops are equipped with a utility that allows you to check the status of the battery and, if necessary, calibrate it, correcting an error in determining the charge level.

On some laptop models, the calibration program is embedded in the BIOS. Let's see how to calibrate the battery using Phoenix BIOS as an example:

It is important that the power adapter is disconnected during the battery setup procedure. Otherwise, when you run the utility in the BIOS, you will see a warning.

If you did not find the built-in calibration tools, you can download universal program for all laptop models - BatteryCare, Battery Eater, etc. However, it is better to use standard tools, avoiding third-party software.

Manual calibration

If you do not have a program on your laptop that allows you to calibrate, and there is no way to download a universal utility, then you can perform the procedure for fixing the controller error manually. You can calibrate the battery in three steps:

  1. Charge the battery to the maximum.
  2. Discharge it completely.
  3. Charge again to 100%.

The problem is that as soon as you disconnect the laptop from the network, the power plan on it will change. Upon reaching a certain level of low charge, the laptop will go into sleep mode, that is, it will not be possible to completely discharge it. Let's fix this shortcoming:

The plan you created will be automatically selected.

Another option is to go in and wait for the battery to run out. Almost all laptops in the BIOS do not have charge control, so the laptop will not be able to turn itself off until the battery runs out.

To calibrate, use the laptop until it shuts down due to a dead battery (power adapter off, device running on battery only). Next, you should connect it to the network as soon as possible - it is harmful for the battery to be in a discharged state for a long time.

After following these steps, the controller failure will be resolved. Calibrating a laptop battery does not increase battery life - it is impossible to restore the physical wear of a battery using software methods. But the battery capacity will be determined correctly, which will allow the most efficient use of the available charge.

Almost every model of a modern laptop comes with lithium-ion batteries different capacities depending on the specific equipment. This approach makes it possible to ensure long-term operation of the device in one charge cycle, which is why portable equipment is valuable. One way or another, any battery gradually loses its capacity over time and discharges faster, especially when heavy loads on CPU, video card and hard drive. However, if you operate the laptop correctly, then the threshold for reducing the efficiency of offline operation will occur very slowly.

Laptop Battery Calibration - milestone V initial setup new device, which is also relevant for other equipment running on Li-ion batteries such as smartphones and tablets. This procedure is recommended for both immediately after purchasing a laptop, and in the process of using it. Calibration involves the intentional conduct of charge-discharge cycles, and is done so that the controller chip can display the real percentage without glitches. In addition, this procedure sometimes helps to "extend the life" of the battery when, for example, there is a sharp drop in charge or offline work lasts no more than 20-30 minutes in normal load mode.

There are several ways to do this operation today, and one of them is manual calibration using standard Windows tools. The method works on any version of the OS and is practically the same, all you need is attentiveness and strict adherence to the instructions. First you need to check the current battery capacity and its level at a hundred percent charge. Surface information can be obtained as follows:

  • Insert the charger and wait for the charging to finish;
  • Disconnect the laptop from the network;
  • Check the battery level in the power settings.

In the event that immediately after disconnection charging block out of the socket percentage is less than 100, then you need to calibrate the battery.

The Windows OS toolkit also suggests the possibility of obtaining more detailed information. It will help you to know command line, which opens by typing the “CMD” command in the search, you need to run it as an administrator by right-clicking and selecting this option. Then type in the value powercfg.exe -energy -output d:\report.html, where D is the name local disk, which in your case may be different (C, E, and so on). This is where the report file with the name report and the .HTML extension will be saved. Open it with any browser and scroll to the "Battery Information" tab, then compare the last full charge and estimated capacity. If the first is much less than the second, then without fail calibrate the battery.

Operating windows tools they only give information about the state of the battery, and the calibration procedure must be carried out manually, or using specially designed software. First, it is better to try to do everything yourself and if there is no result, resort to software. Manual calibration is carried out in several steps:

  • Full battery charge;
  • Turn off the power supply and discharge to 0;
  • Network connection.

Here it is very important to correctly set the power supply mode, because by default the system selects “Balanced”. In the above procedure, it is recommended to set "High performance" in the settings, as this turns off various energy-saving technologies and increases the likelihood of a successful calibration. In addition, when the battery level is low, the laptop will go into sleep or hibernation mode and will not allow the battery to “land” to zero.

A laptop battery calibration program can play a very important role and help you to cope with this task in the most effective way. In addition, when using the software, the whole process is carried out automatically and the user does not need to change any configuration. However, it must be borne in mind that various programs are used for each laptop model.

ASUS laptop battery calibration is most often done in the BIOS, since this manufacturer often integrates the necessary application in the form of a motherboard technology tool. Most often, this feature is present in the Phoenix BIOS, but you can check it yourself:

  1. Disconnect the power adapter from the laptop;
  2. Reboot or turn on the device, and then press F2 (sometimes another F-ka);
  3. Go to the BOOT tab and find the Smart Battery Calibration menu, start the process.

Note: It is recommended to search for this item in all BIOS sections, and its name may also differ, but it always contains the word Battery. If there is no item, then it is better to calibrate manually according to the scheme described in the previous section of the article.

For laptops from manufacturers such as Samsung and Acer, there are great program for calibration called . Its peculiarity lies in the possibility of faster discharge-charge cycles, due to the fact that it automatically starts the process of searching for the Pi Number, while giving the maximum load on the central processor. In general, its main purpose is to test and diagnose the state of the battery both in idle mode and in peak loads. With it, you can perform several cycles in one hour by choosing the accelerated method and high performance in the laptop settings.

The well-known manufacturer Lenovo has released a profile utility called . It is quite multifunctional regarding battery calibration, provides the user with comprehensive information and tools for correctly configuring the battery. Before starting the procedure, connect the power supply, close running applications and background processes, and do not use the gadget during the action.

is a very useful official software for Hewlett-Packard laptops. A large arsenal of tools makes it possible not only to calibrate the battery, but also provides a variety of functionality for diagnosing the general condition of the device. In the "My Computer" section, you will find a battery check item and after the test, the program will notify you of the most preferred actions.

Every experienced user of portable gadgets already knows and adheres to generally accepted advice on how to avoid or, at least, delay the battery life as much as possible. First of all, don't use it. This is by no means a joke, because when you are working on the device and there is an outlet nearby, you need to pull out the battery and plug the power adapter into the connector, so when you really need battery life, you will have much more time. This is due to the fact that any battery has a given number of cycles and energy intensity, which in any case is lost during natural operation.

Further, if you do not use the battery, then it is best to leave it at 60-70 percent. Surely you have never paid attention, but a new gadget, be it a smartphone or a laptop, always shows exactly this level of charge the first time you turn it on. Li-ion batteries do not like recharge and complete exhaustion. And lastly, always try to comply with the recommended operating conditions, that is, do not allow the gadget to overheat, do not use the laptop in rooms with high level humidity or low temperatures. In general, in the instructions, all these tips are presented in an understandable and accessible language.

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