Experimental-search work on the study of the organization of work on physical culture in a preschool educational institution. Organization and conduct of experimental and search research activities of elementary school students General information about the experimental search work

Under experienced work in pedagogical research is understood as the organization of practical activities by the author in accordance with the experience available in the literature and practice without any constructive author's changes.

In this regard, the second chapter (practice-oriented) includes a description of the methods of work; substantiation of forms and methods of organizing the activities of the individual, the children's team; analysis of technologies used, etc.

Experimental and search work is based on various practical research methods : observation, conversation, experiment, test, personality questionnaires, projective methods, questioning, interviewing, sociometry, analysis of products of children's activities, analysis of documentary sources, game.

Distinguish stating and forming stages of experimental and search work.

Target ascertaining stage - measuring the current level of development (for example, the level of development of abstract thinking, moral and volitional qualities of a person, etc.). Thus, the source material is obtained, which helps to build a program of pedagogical actions and psychological corrections for the formative stage of the experiment.

Formative The (transforming, teaching) stage aims not to simply state the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain aspects of the psyche, but their active formation or upbringing. In this case, a special experimental situation is created, which allows not only to identify the conditions necessary for organizing the required behavior, but also to experimentally carry out the purposeful development of new types of activity, complex mental functions and to reveal their structure more deeply.

In such an experiment, the proof is based on a comparison of the states of two objects of observation - the experimental and control groups. The experimental group is the group that was affected by the experimental factor, the control group is the group where it was not affected. In all other respects, the conditions for the activity of these groups are aligned, and the composition of the groups is also aligned. If certain changes are observed in the experimental group after exposure to the factor under study, but not in the control group, the hypothesis can be considered confirmed.

It is possible to conduct an experiment on one group, without isolating the control group. In this case, the level of education or upbringing, or some other parameters (depending on the goals of the experiment) is measured before and after the experiment.

Summing up the experimental search work, it is very important for a novice research not only to establish external changes, which are fixed when comparing the initial and resulting data, but try to explain them by establishing the relationship between the subject of research of your work and its object. In this case, practical work, indeed, can act as a criterion of "truth".

In design and methodological The papers do not provide for the organization and conduct of a formative and control experiment. The structure of the second (practical) chapter of this type final work may include a description of diagnostic methods, a project of pedagogical activity to solve the problem posed (a system of didactic exercises, games, educational activities, etc.), methodological recommendations.

The organization of the study depends on many factors, but most of all - on its type, that is, on whether it is collective, complex or individual. Collective research is associated with the development of a common theme by a group of participants in the work, when each of the researchers performs some part common work. Comprehensive research is a kind of collective research. It is multi-subject (several research subjects) and multi-aspect, for example, it includes psychological, socio-pedagogical, technological, managerial aspects, and its results are integrated and expressed in the form of pedagogical or organizational-pedagogical conclusions, models and recommendations. Individual research is carried out by one researcher, and its organization is a self-organization of activity.

Let us dwell on the most difficult type of research from the point of view of organization - a collective comprehensive study.

The first stage is indicative. It involves an objective analysis and assessment of the educational situation in the country, region, city (district) or microdistrict, the study of the social order of society and the state to education, the needs of the population, the saturation and demands of the educational services market, the search for possible "social niches" for offering educational services, the assessment successes, achievements and problems facing the team or management bodies.

This stage is carried out by the initiator and potential leader of the collective search with a group of his assistants-activists, among whom it is very desirable to have representatives of the main areas of the planned comprehensive research: a sociologist, demographer, psychologist, scientist-teacher, subject teachers, teacher-technologist, valeologist, etc. (there are different options).

The second stage is diagnostic (if the necessary diagnostics have already been carried out, then at this stage its results are ordered and updated). The level of development of pedagogical processes and phenomena of interest to researchers, historical and modern experience in solving similar (or close) problems are studied. At this stage, a wider range of specialists is involved in the study, mainly already known (standard) methods and techniques are used.

The third stage is staging. The initial theoretical positions, goals and objectives of the search are determined, a model of the future, the transformed state of the process, institution, system, their new “face” is designed. There is a generation of leading ideas and a plan for transformation, the selection of "carriers" of innovations, ways to introduce new things and monitor the effectiveness of innovations are outlined (for more details, see Chapter II "Logical structure of the study"). At this stage, the individual creative activity of the initiators of the search, responsible for its individual areas, and collective mental activity (discussions, defense of projects, brainstorming, discussions) are combined. Concepts and a kind of scenario project (program, research project) of the search are being drawn up.

After the preliminary definition of the main parameters of the study, it is useful to decide organizational issues if they have not been resolved before.

At this stage, care should be taken to improve the moral and psychological climate, to motivate teachers to conduct a pedagogical search, as well as to personnel, logistical, financial (i.e. resource), managerial, psychological and pedagogical support for the search. The main task of this stage is to optimize the conditions for creative search.

The fourth, transforming, the main stage of the study in terms of time and volume of work. The planned work is being carried out (experiment, creation and implementation of copyright programs and projects, introduction of advanced technologies, management models, etc.).

The fifth, final stage includes the final diagnostics, generalization, interpretation and evaluation of the results, presentation of the final analytical report on the work done, publications in the pedagogical press, promotional documents (curricula, programs, recommendations, regulations, etc.). Materials are prepared by performers, heads of directions, and summarized and presented by the head of the research work.

The pre-thought-out logic of the research is reflected, fixed in the main documents that determine the content, direction and methodology of the search, in the concept and in the research project.

Pedagogical concept contains a substantiation of the problem and a detailed presentation of the initial provisions, main ideas, and prognostic studies.

Main content research project - disclosure of the content of the links of the future research. Along with this, the project should reflect the issues of organizational, material and staffing of the search, risk factors and ways to compensate for possible omissions, the form of presenting the result, as well as the content and methods of managing experimental work.

The project can be replaced research program. The difference of the latter is that the content of the work is presented not according to the main logical blocks, but according to the areas of work with the allocation of stages and measures for their implementation.

It is advisable to develop individual blocks of the logical study of a project or program in more detail in other documents that, together with the research project (program), constitute a package of documents that support the research process and are first submitted for examination and then for approval to district, city or regional authorities or administrations. The package of documents usually includes:


research project (program);

charter of institutions of a new type, exemplary regulations on their divisions and services;

curricula and programs (primarily original, author's);

staffing, regulation on remuneration, on the procedure for staffing;

estimates of necessary expenses, new construction projects and other documents justifying the requested funds.

Depending on the goals and nature of the search, other documents can be developed and submitted (regulations on admission, on the teacher-researcher, on departments, laboratories, etc.). All of them, after internal and external testing and subsequent approval, acquire legal force and form the documentary basis for the ongoing research, as well as licensing, certification and subsequent accreditation of the educational institution 1 .


The article describes the organization and content of experimental research work, reveals the features of implementing the developed methodology for developing creativity in future composers in the process of studying at a music university, and presents the results of the study. Creativity is interpreted as a professionally important quality of a future composer, which makes it possible to find non-traditional ways of solving creative problems, implement non-standard combinations of various musical elements, generate various artistic ideas, create new images and implement them in original products of composer activity. The criteria for the development of creativity (motivational, intellectual-creative, emotional-personal), the levels of creativity development (low, medium, high) are determined, and the selection of pedagogical diagnostic tools is made. Special attention given to approbation of the methodology for the development of creativity, consisting of four stages: imitation, experimentation, transformation, individualization.

experimental search work.

music university

methodology for developing creativity

composer activity



1. Ilyin E. P. Psychology of creativity, creativity, giftedness / E. P. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 448 p.

2. Methods of psycho-pedagogical diagnosis of giftedness in children / ed. E. N. Artsiman, A. A. Kardabnev. - Grodno: GrGU, 2007. - 102 p.

3. Sergienko P. G. Creativity as a professionally important quality of the personality of a future composer / P. G. Sergienko, E. R. Sizova // World of science, culture, education. - 2011. - No. 6 (31). - Part 2. - S. 190-192.

4. Sergienko P. G. Methodology for the development of creativity among future composers in the process of learning at a music university / P. G. Sergienko // World of science, culture, education. - 2013. - No. 3 (40). - S. 161-164.

5. Stolyarenko L. D. Fundamentals of psychology: textbook. allowance / L. D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-n / D .: Phoenix, 1997 . – 736 p.


The system of classical music education, which trains performing musicians, composers, musicologists, is a specific area of ​​educational practice, since the subject of development here is artistic and creative musical activity. In a row various kinds musical activity, composer creativity is distinguished by a pronounced specificity, which consists in synthesizing various artistic and life experiences with the imagination in order to create new artistic images and embody them in an original creative product using individual authorial means of the musical language. This determines the manifestation of creativity as a professionally important personal quality of a composer and determines the relevance of the search for methods and means of its development in the process of professional training of future composers in a music university.

Purpose of the study

Consider the features of the organization and content of experimental and search work to test the effectiveness of the methodology for developing creativity among future composers in the process of studying at a music university, and present the results of the search work.

Material and research methods

The study used a set of methods: analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical theory and practice; observation, surveys and questioning of students, method of peer review, experimental and search work on the basis of GBOU VPO "South Ural State Institute of Arts named after I.I. P. I. Tchaikovsky "and FSBEI HPE" Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Art ".

Research results and discussion

In scientific research, creativity is interpreted as a general ability to be creative, as well as "a person's ability to generate unusual ideas, find original solutions, deviate from traditional patterns of thinking" . In relation to the professional activity of a composer, creativity is an integral personal quality that contributes to the manifestation of creative activity, which allows one to find extraordinary, non-traditional ways to solve creative problems, to carry out non-standard combinations of various musical elements, to generate various artistic ideas, to create new images and implement them in original products of the composer's work. activities.

In our previous publications, the structure of the composer's creativity was substantiated and the methodology for developing creativity in future composers in the process of studying at a music university was presented. Briefly summarizing our research, we note that the structure of a composer's creativity includes three interrelated components: motivational (a person's focus on mastering professional values ​​and self-realization in creativity, striving for new knowledge, motivation for success); intellectual (divergence and associativity of thinking, flexibility and fluency of mental operations); personal (synesthesia sensitivity, emotional reactivity, a tendency to fantasize, the ability to improvise).

The methodology developed by us for the development of creativity in future composers in the process of studying at a music university reflects the consistent development of an individual composer's style and includes four stages: imitation, whose task is the primary development of the means of the musical language and their use in the practice of composing; experimentation whose task is to develop the skills to choose and adapt the necessary means of the musical language in one's own composing activity; transformation, the task of which is the formation of skills to embody non-musical images in musical thematics; individualization, whose task is to develop the skills to create original artistic images and embody them by individual means of the musical language.

Verification of the effectiveness of the developed methodology required the organization of experimental and search work, which was implemented in three stages: ascertaining, forming, final. Before the start of the search work, a preliminary survey and surveys of students were conducted in order to identify their general knowledge about creativity and methods of its development, determine their predisposition to the development of creativity, find out how they assess the importance of creativity in composing, etc. For this, we used specially designed questionnaires, as well as well-known questionnaires of creativity D. Johnson and J. Renzulli.

Students of the South Ural State Institute of Arts named after V.I. P. I. Tchaikovsky, Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Art, Saratov State Conservatory. L. V. Sobinov, Ural State Conservatory. M. P. Mussorgsky, Kazan State Conservatory. N. G. Zhiganova. The generalization of the data obtained showed that future composers consider creativity an important personal and professional quality, they would like to develop it in themselves, but do not know how to do it and with what methods. Most students are initially predisposed to creative activity and have good starting opportunities for its development in the professional field. At the same time, students are convinced that insufficient attention is paid to the development of creativity in the process of training composers.

Appropriate diagnostic tools were developed to carry out experimental and search work. Criteria for the development of creativity are determined based on its structural components: motivational (motivation to master new means of composing technique, interest in finding non-standard solutions, the desire to create new artistic products; the importance of social recognition of the results of creativity); intellectual and creative (speed of solving creative problems, independence in performing creative tasks, originality and diversity of the results of solving creative problems); emotional and personal (brightness of emotional and sensory reactions, variety of associations, activity of the imagination, a tendency to improvise).

Based on these criteria, the levels of development of creativity among future composers were established: low, medium, high.

Low level Creativity in a future composer is stated if the motivation to master new means of composing technique is not expressed, there is no interest in finding non-standard solutions, the desire to create new products of creativity is weakly expressed, public recognition of the results of creativity has no personal significance (1); solving creative problems is not carried out quickly enough and, as a rule, with the help of a teacher, does not differ in originality and variety of results (2); emotional and sensory reactions are not bright, associations are stereotyped, imagination is passive, there is no tendency to improvise (3).

Average level creativity in a future composer is stated if the motivation to master new means of composing technique is not sufficiently expressed, and therefore the use of previously found techniques and methods of writing prevails, interest in finding non-standard solutions is manifested sporadically and depends on the complexity of the task, the desire for the creation of new products of creativity is not expressed clearly and is mainly associated with a didactic need, the focus on public recognition of the results of creativity is not stable (1); the solution of creative problems is carried out, as a rule, independently and quickly enough, but not always original and diverse (2); emotional and sensory reactions are manifested quite clearly, but the associations do not differ in variety, the imagination does not always produce new imagery, the tendency to improvise is fragmentary and is determined technical capabilities student (3).

High level Creativity in a future composer is stated if he has a stable motivation to master new means of composing technique, an interest in finding non-standard solutions and a desire to create new artistic products, a pronounced focus on public recognition of the results of creativity (1); solving creative problems is characterized by speed, independence, originality and variety of results (2); emotional and sensory reactions are manifested vividly, associations are diverse, the imagination actively produces new figurative rows, a tendency to improvisation is clearly observed (3).

Each criterion was evaluated using several methods. To determine the level of development of creativity according to the motivational criterion, we used the methodology for calculating the index of value-motivational unity of R. S. Nemov, adapted by us to composer activity, as well as a number of author's questionnaires specially designed to diagnose the motivational sphere of student composers. Diagnostics according to the intellectual and creative criterion was carried out by the method of expert assessment, using a 5-point scale with an accurate description of each point, as well as specially designed expert sheets with precise indication assessed indicators and methods of scoring. To assess the level of creativity according to the emotional-personal criterion, the method of expert assessment and the adapted scale of J. Renzulli - L. V. Popova were also used.

The processing of empirical data was carried out using the methods mathematical statistics and assumed the calculation of the average values ​​of the assessments, the coefficients of correspondence between the reference and actual values, the determination of the relative and absolute dynamics of the development of creativity, the increase in the average values ​​for all criteria, the ratio of respondents who are at different levels of development of creativity at the beginning and at the end of the experimental search work. The low level of creativity development was expressed by medians of estimates in the range of 1.0 - 2.99; the average level - by medians of estimates in the range of 3.0 - 4.49; high level- median scores in the range - 4.5 - 5.0.

Diagnostic sections carried out at the ascertaining stage of experimental and search work revealed a significant predominance of the average level of creativity development in most students (about 70%), high and low levels amounted to about 15%, respectively. The main problems were associated with the predominance of didactic motivation to create new creative products, a weakly expressed interest in finding non-standard creative solutions, an insufficient degree of originality and diversity of the results of creative tasks, the inability to think in broad artistic images, to attract extra-musical associations and synesthesia ideas, and the lack of a stable tendency to improvise. .

The formative stage of experimental and search work was carried out on the basis of two educational institutions: the South Ural State Institute of Arts. P. I. Tchaikovsky (search group) and the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Art (control group). In the educational process of the Faculty of Music of the SURGII named after. P. I. Tchaikovsky, we introduced a methodology for the development of creativity, which covered classes mainly in a special class in composition and was implemented in stages.

At the first stage of the implementation of the methodology for the development of creativity (imitation), methods were used imitation and styling. Students were offered creative tasks to recreate in their own compositions typical features of certain musical genres, models of specific musical forms, features of individual composer styles, styles of various national schools and historical eras:

Composition of musical structures that imitate various genre models (waltz, nocturne, tango, etc.), compositional forms (expositional period of repeated structure, period of through development, period of deployment type, etc.);

Composing musical etudes that reproduce individual genre and style features of different eras, for example, writing melodies in the style of a baroque fugue, in the style of a classical sonata, Russian everyday romance of the 18th-19th centuries, etc .;

Composing musical miniatures that reproduce the integral features of styles, for example, composing a piano miniature in the style of F. Chopin (author's style), composing a choral scene in the style of a Russian opera of the 19th century (national style), composing a piano diptych in the style of a baroque prelude and fugue (epochal style) ).

At the second stage of the implementation of the methodology for the development of creativity (experimentation), methods were used compiling and combining. Unlike imitation and stylization, these methods are not aimed at recreating "foreign" composer means and writing techniques, but at the organic interaction of "one's own" and "alien" in the context of one's own compositions, at enriching one's own musical language at the expense of means found by other composers. . At the same time, it is important that the use of “foreign” material be aesthetically justified and have the goal of creating a certain artistic effect that evokes the necessary associations and artistic analogies in the listener. On this stage students performed creative tasks related to composing musical works on the themes “Musical Baroque”, “Classical Kaleidoscope”, “Classics in the 20th Century”, “Russian Holiday Divertissement”, “Russian Romansiade”, “French Chansonnier”, “Baroque Mosaic” and etc., focused on the extensive use of musical quotations in the context of their own musical material.

At the third stage of the implementation of the methodology for the development of creativity (transformation), methods were used associative parallels and transfer of language structures, involving the composition of musical etudes based on the proposed visual, plastic, literary and other artistic samples using both borrowed and author's composer's means. Students were offered rows of paintings depicting pictures of nature, united by a single emotional state or embodying a close artistic image (for example, A.K. Savrasov’s paintings “Early Spring”, “Rooks Have Arrived”, “Thaw”, made in cold, gloomy gray tones conveying a feeling of "stiffness", emptiness and sadness); drawings, caricature sketches, literary portraits, which display various characters and human "types" (for example, a description of landowners from N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", where each character has its own unique character). To characterize the images and establish associative parallels, students were asked to select the maximum number of epithets, comparisons, metaphors, build the widest possible associative array with other types of art, and then embody the artistic image in a musical composition using adequate means.

At the fourth stage of the implementation of the methodology for the development of creativity (individualization), methods were used conceptualization of ideas and author's improvisation. These methods involve working with the conceptual program of the composition in two directions. In the first case, the student himself must create an artistic concept and implement it practically in his own musical composition. In the second case, the concept is proposed by the teacher, and the student must translate it into a composition or author's improvisation. The students were offered the following generalized topics: “Life after a global catastrophe”, “A holiday of all times and peoples”, “Space fireworks”, etc. Future composers had not only to write an essay on this topic, but to present a conceptual composition program in which to describe the artistic the idea of ​​the work, the author's content, to substantiate the musical means of embodiment. When completing the task, it was important to avoid spontaneity, to consciously find an original idea, artistic intent, to understand and comprehend why the work is being created, what it should embody, what information to convey to the audience.

The data of the control sections carried out at the final stage of experimental and search work recorded an increase in quality indicators for all established criteria. Diagnostics showed that most of the students in the search group reached a high level of creativity development (52.1%), while in the control group the majority of students remained at an average level (66.7%). Mathematical data processing showed that the positive dynamics in the development of creativity is much more pronounced in the search group and is 25.0% versus 13.9% in the control group.

Conclusions. As a result of using the developed methodology, the students of the search group increased their motivation to create new artistic products and wide social recognition of the results of creativity, an interest began to appear in the search for non-traditional, extraordinary ways to solve creative problems; the work of artistic imagination and fantasy became more active, the associative field of artistic perception expanded, thinking became more flexible and inventive, which made it possible to achieve significantly greater originality and diversity of the results of creative tasks, to show a tendency to create authorial improvisations.

Thus, the results of the experimental and search work confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for the development of creativity in future composers in the process of studying at a music university and proved the research hypothesis.


Sizova E.R., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of History, Music Theory and Composition, SBEI HPE “South Ural State Institute of Arts named after I.I. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Chelyabinsk.

Volchegorskaya E.Yu., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Subject Methods, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=9944 (date of access: 01/05/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The organization of the study depends on many factors, but most of all - on its type, that is, on whether it is collective, complex or individual. Collective research is associated with the development of a common theme by a group of participants in the work, when each of the researchers performs some part of the common work. Comprehensive research is a kind of collective research. It is multi-subject (several research subjects) and multi-aspect, for example, it includes psychological, socio-pedagogical, technological, managerial aspects, and its results are integrated and expressed in the form of pedagogical or organizational-pedagogical conclusions, models and recommendations. Individual research is carried out by one researcher, and its organization is a self-organization of activity.

Let us dwell on the most difficult type of research from the point of view of organization - a collective comprehensive study.

The first stage is indicative. It involves an objective analysis and assessment of the educational situation in the country, region, city (district) or microdistrict, the study of the social order of society and the state to education, the needs of the population, the saturation and demands of the educational services market, the search for possible "social niches" for offering educational services, the assessment successes, achievements and problems facing the team or management bodies.

This stage is carried out by the initiator and potential leader of the collective search with a group of his assistants-activists, among whom it is very desirable to have representatives of the main areas of the planned comprehensive research: a sociologist, demographer, psychologist, scientist-teacher, subject teachers, teacher-technologist, valeologist, etc. (there are different options).

The second stage is diagnostic (if the necessary diagnostics have already been carried out, then at this stage its results are ordered and updated). The level of development of pedagogical processes and phenomena of interest to researchers, historical and modern experience in solving similar (or close) problems are studied. At this stage, a wider range of specialists is involved in the study, mainly already known (standard) methods and techniques are used.

The third stage is staging. The initial theoretical positions, goals and objectives of the search are determined, a model of the future, the transformed state of the process, institution, system, their new “face” is designed. There is a generation of leading ideas and a plan for transformation, the selection of "carriers" of innovations, ways to introduce new things and monitor the effectiveness of innovations are outlined (for more details, see Chapter II "Logical structure of the study"). At this stage, the individual creative activity of the initiators of the search, responsible for its individual areas, and collective mental activity (discussions, defense of projects, brainstorming, discussions) are combined. Concepts and a kind of scenario project (program, research project) of the search are being drawn up.

After the preliminary definition of the main parameters of the study, it is useful to decide organizational issues if they have not been resolved before.

At this stage, care should be taken to improve the moral and psychological climate, to motivate teachers to conduct a pedagogical search, as well as to personnel, logistical, financial (i.e. resource), managerial, psychological and pedagogical support for the search. The main task of this stage is to optimize the conditions for creative search.

The fourth, transforming, the main stage of the study in terms of time and volume of work. The planned work is being carried out (experiment, creation and implementation of copyright programs and projects, introduction of advanced technologies, management models, etc.). Of particular importance is the training of personnel in the methodology of research work, the implementation of scientific and scientific and methodological support for transformations (stage-by-stage analysis, scientific and scientific-methodological seminars, examination of completed fragments of the work). Departments, sections, research problem laboratories, creative groups should work actively, exchange of work experience, joint search best solutions(meetings, consultations, expert advice, etc.).

The fifth, final stage includes the final diagnostics, generalization, interpretation and evaluation of the results, presentation of the final analytical report on the work done, publications in the pedagogical press, promotional documents (curricula, programs, recommendations, regulations, etc.). Materials are prepared by performers, heads of directions, and summarized and presented by the head of the research

The pre-thought-out logic of the research is reflected, fixed in the main documents that determine the content, direction and methodology of the search, in the concept and in the research project.

Pedagogical concept contains a substantiation of the problem and a detailed presentation of the initial provisions, main ideas, and prognostic studies.

Main content research project - disclosure of the content of the links of the future research. Along with this, the project should reflect the issues of organizational, material and staffing of the search, risk factors and ways to compensate for possible omissions, the form of presenting the result, as well as the content and methods of managing experimental work.

The project can be replaced research program. The difference of the latter is that the content of the work is presented not according to the main logical blocks, but according to the areas of work with the allocation of stages and measures for their implementation.

It is advisable to develop individual blocks of the logical study of a project or program in more detail in other documents that, together with the research project (program), constitute a package of documents that support the research process and are first submitted for examination and then for approval to district, city or regional authorities or administrations. The package of documents usually includes:


research project (program);

charter of institutions of a new type, exemplary regulations on their divisions and services;

curricula and programs (primarily original, author's);

staffing, regulation on remuneration, on the procedure for staffing;

estimates of necessary expenses, new construction projects and other documents justifying the requested funds.

Depending on the goals and nature of the search, other documents can be developed and submitted (regulations on admission, on the teacher-researcher, on departments, laboratories, etc.). All of them, after internal and external testing and subsequent approval, acquire legal force and form the documentary basis for the ongoing research, as well as licensing, certification and subsequent accreditation of the educational institution 1 .

The work of researchers in programming is specific education development, comprehensive programs of social and pedagogical protection of the family and childhood for the region, city, municipal association.

To create such programs for the development of education, it is necessary to attract the most competent and interested people, and not only teachers and specialists in the field of education. To do this, it is expedient to announce competitions for the drafting of educational development programs, and to determine the winners on the basis of an expert evaluation of projects by a group of highly qualified specialists. The authors of the winning project become the core of the group of program creators.

The organization of drawing up a development program roughly includes the following elements (steps).

1. Development (by the customer or together with the customer) of techno
logical task for performers.

2. Creation of a group of programmers. This stage starts
comes from the selection of analysts (sociologists, economists
comrades, political scientists, historians, demographers, lawyers, psychologists,
teachers, etc.) and familiarize them with the terms of reference.

1 Licensing- issuance of a license, a document for the right to carry out certain types of activities (including educational, medical), fixed in the Charter of the institution. Certification - official assessment of the level of work, compliance with state requirements. Accreditation - official approval of the status of an institution (gymnasium, college, socio-pedagogical complex). All of the above procedures are carried out by state authorities.

The group discusses the conceptual foundations of the program until they are accepted by all involved specialists. In the course of this work, the concept is clarified, the members of the group are updated (the departure of those who disagree, the attraction of new ones, etc.), the distribution of tasks, the clarification of deadlines


3. Collection of material, diagnostic, ascertaining
ing study of the state of affairs.

4. Analytical work groups. Based on the statistical
historical and other research materials
a comprehensive analysis of the state of the education system in the region and
the main trends of its development in the context of the overall development
region and outlines the first recommendations on the content and
directions of changes in the education system.

5. Constructive work of the group. The concept is being worked out
and the design of the study, the development of an invariant
section structure, instruction cards for each section
(for orientation and general discussion). For example, based on
recommendations, the members of the group highlight the main directions
(target blocks) of the program, for each development block
in structural and substantive aspects, projects are
aimed at the implementation of the target blocks of the program (“Leisure”,
"Family", "Education", etc.). Each of the projects is developed
is determined according to the scheme: a) guidelines for project activities; b) conch
specific activities for the implementation of the project; c) responsible
event performers; d) deadlines for the implementation of activities.

6. Development of each direction and section, including ana
liz, forecast, design, programming.

7. Putting it together separate sections, their coordination and
generalization, coordination of all provisions, elimination of duplication
ing, consistent implementation of the main ideas of transformation
vany, primary editing.

8. Discussion of the first version of the program. After compiling
of the first version of the program, it is desirable to replicate
to discuss and involve as much as possible more teacher
gov-professionals, members of the public, independent
my experts. During the discussion, the content of the program may
change significantly, up to the rejection of some options and
development of others, new ones.

9. Finalization of the project, taking into account the comments and suggestions, re
text dubbing.

10. Acceptance of the program. An updated version of the program
is worn for discussion of the meeting of practical pedagogical
workers (competent teachers, children's preschool workers,
school, out-of-school educational institutions,
parents educational institutions) and accepted by him. After that, pro-

gram of development of education is submitted for examination. Approved by the department of education and the administration (or authority), it becomes the main document regulating the course of updating the education of the region.

Of course, the provisions of the program should be regularly clarified; it should not turn into a dogma. For successful monitoring and correction of the implementation of the program, it is desirable to retain the group of its creators as analysts and consultants.

The next organizational task is scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the program (search and selection of existing methods and development of new ones) and provision of scientific and methodological support for the program (training of personnel, development of subprograms, phased analysis and correction of its sections, exchange of experience, etc.).

Program activities, therefore, should proceed from taking into account both the general and the specific, from stimulating amateur activity, initiative, activity of participants in the educational process, and from not strictly, but softly regulating indirect managerial influences. In the programs, it is expedient to develop the authors' own approaches to those important positions that are not reflected in national documents or are not sufficiently specified in them.

Programs for the development of education with this approach are not directive programs (the time for directives has passed, and even in conditions of social instability and a market economy, a directive approach is unpromising), but they do not become only forecast programs. These are rather science-based benchmark programs that indicate strategic goals, stages of updating all levels of education, requiring further specification in work plans, individual targeted programs, projects and specific events and stimulating initiative, extensive search work in educational institutions, practical verification of projects, and their improvement. .

Let us dwell a little more on ways to optimize the conditions of psychological and pedagogical search in the team as an important area of ​​organizational work.

Search success is largely predetermined conditions, that is, those external and internal circumstances in which the search is made. Therefore, before starting experimental and search work, it is necessary to analyze the conditions and try to optimize them. Of course, not everything depends on the experimenters themselves, but many conditions can be adjusted to enhance the positive and reduce the negative impact of the conditions on the process and results of work. If their totality is clearly unfavorable or there are no defining (mandatory) conditions, one should refrain from deploying experimental and search work and work on co-

building favorable or at least acceptable conditions. Some of the conditions are enough to understand and take into account, others can be changed and adjusted.

Let's start with conditions of a broad socio-political plan. They are generally quite favorable. The society and its official bodies give the go-ahead for pedagogical research, the public demand for socio-pedagogical innovations has manifested itself quite clearly, but at the same time, the real socio-economic conditions for pedagogical creativity are still very incompletely provided. The society and the state do not realize the decisive role of education for the destinies of the country, the pedagogization of the environment is slow, the school remains alone with its needs. The narrow departmental approach to the problems of education, family, unemployment, and rehabilitation has not been overcome. State appropriations for the development of education and the social sphere are completely inadequate. It should be noted, however, that it is institutions striving for something new that find public support much faster, receive state subsidies and sponsorship funds.

Now let's talk about organizational and methodological conditions, many of which, to one degree or another, are subject to the organizers and are amenable to regulation. We only want to warn that some of them are mandatory, and some are desirable. In the latter case, the presence of conditions facilitates, and the absence or incompleteness makes it difficult, reduces the efficiency of the search. We identify four mandatory conditions: the presence of a "leader" (individual or collective - a group of leaders and teachers), armed with ideas of transformation and capable of generating them;

comprehension of real difficulties, contradictions, development prospects; adequate assessment of the situation, own achievements, problems and opportunities;

the availability of qualified personnel who own the leading types of activities (teachers-masters, qualified educators and psychologists);

a sufficiently high general cultural level of the teaching staff (it is also called the cultural or intellectual "background" of the search). Only the general culture of a specialist can be the basis of his creative activity, and the general culture of the team can be the key to the success of a collective and even more complex research.

The desirable conditions for creative search include

the following:

sufficiently high prestige of the institution, trust in it by parents, students, the public, clients;

favorable psychological climate in the team;

not a very large number of students (up to 500-700) or pupils (up to 100-150); then there is an opportunity to study everyone, to create an atmosphere of mutual trust, and in the history of pedagogy, it is relatively small schools and educational institutions that most often act as centers of innovation and excellence; if there are more than a thousand students in a school, then for an experimental search it is useful to take a relatively independent unit, say, elementary grades or senior level;

classes at school in one (first) shift, which makes it possible to plan work with students for a full day;

availability of material conditions (premises, equipment, literature, financing, etc.); the availability of funds, which makes it possible to replicate programs, methodological documentation, questionnaires, carry out mathematical data processing, attract specialists, pay for additional work of teachers, improve their qualifications, etc.;

a reserve of free time for the participants of the experiment, which makes it possible to think, draw up projects, analyze, search for and correct errors;

highly desirable contacts with research teams (departments of universities, subdivisions of research institutes, etc.).

If the desired search conditions do not fully satisfy the requirements, this creates additional difficulties, but does not exclude the possibility of a successful search.
