Pin interest, or what is Pinterest.

To your blog. And looking at the statistics of clicking these very buttons and the return traffic from social networks, I noticed an interesting thing. The share of clicks on the Pinterest social network button was 26%. And this despite the fact that I didn’t even have an account at that time in this social network. And then I had the idea that this social network could become another source of traffic for my blog.

Statistics of clicks on social buttons from the PLUSO service

What is pinterest

Imagine a website (for example, Facebook), only instead of all sorts of posts, boards with a variety of images on various topics. And people share images, mark likes and share with friends. Can you imagine what kind of traffic you can get from this?

But why is Pinterest so interesting for website and blog owners? And the fact that we are engaged in infographics (making screenshots) for our materials and these very screenshots can be published on our Pinterest boards and attracted additional traffic from a social network.

Plus, this is a great place to promote your own or partner products. But first things first.

How Pinterest Works

Let's look at how this social network works. Let's stop here in a nutshell.

So you create boards where you post images where other people can view the images they like. Such images are called "pins" and have a link to your site. Although you can change this link to any other. Most people will click on the image and go to the site to read your article. Infographic images are especially interesting, because when people see such an image, they go to the site to find a solution to the problem they face.

Signing up for a Pinterest account

If you already have a Pinterest account, you can skip this step. If you don't have an account, proceed to registration.

We go to the main page of Pinterest and there are two registration options to choose from. The first option is through a Facebook account. That is, if you have a Facebook account, choose this option. The second option is standard, by filling out the registration form and confirming the email address.

If you decide to use the second option, you need to fill out a registration form.

And verify your email address. But this is a standard procedure that is familiar to you.

So, after registration, you go to your Pinterest account. And right there you will be asked to subscribe to several boards of various subjects. Take your time, you will always have time to do it. And I'll tell you how to do it right. In the meantime, let's get down to setting up the profile.

To do this, click on the name of your account in the upper right corner and go to the section "Settings".

Among the suggested settings, you can set up notifications and add other social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. I advise you to do this to interact with these social networks. You can also use these accounts to sign in to your Pinterest account.

Now let's go to our profile and make some more settings. To do this, go to the section "Your profile and pins."

And this is where the most interesting settings will be. You can change your name and connect your blog to Pinterest acanthus. And then your blog will show up on your Pinterest profile page and in search results.

It is better to use the name the same as in other social networks. Well, or you can use the name of your blog. Try to stick to a consistent style.

For your profile photo, use your photo, or your blog logo. This increases your credibility.

And of course you need to enter the address of your site and confirm the rights to its ownership. For this in the field "Website" enter the URL of your site and click the button "Verify site".

To confirm the rights, you need to download the proposed verification file and copy it to the folder with your site. I do it via FTP connection. Read about how to set up such a connection.

After copying the file to the folder of your site, click on the button "Complete Confirmation".

After confirmation, the address of your site will be displayed on your profile page and any visitor will be able to go to your site.

Start with one main board, the one where you will collect your best content. In my case, the main board is called "Business on the web", in accordance with the name of the blog. After that, you can create more boards, for example, corresponding to the headings of your site.

To create a board, you will need to enter a title, description, and select a category. You can also attach a map.

Now it's time to talk about the first mistake, which is easy to make.

There are a lot of interesting topics on Pinterest. But take your time to subscribe to cars, fashion, travel. Remember why you created this account.

Stick to your niche. Use keywords in board and pin names.

Pinterest etiquette rules

Let's talk a little about etiquette. This is extremely important because you don't want to scare away potential visitors to your site.

To use Pinterest effectively, adhere to the following rules.

  1. Post content on the board interspersed with other topical content from other users. Approximately 50/50. You'll see, it will be appreciated.
  2. Never deceive a visitor. Behind the picture there should be a source, your site or the proposed product. Do not substitute left links.
  3. Use themed boards and pins.
  4. Make a short description of the image. Sometimes the image doesn't speak for itself and a few words will help people click on the link.
  5. Don't post everything at once. Do it gradually, you don't want to look like a spammer. Post Pins several times a day or every other day.
  6. If you like something, put "Like".

Effective use of Pinterest

What should you pay attention to in order to better use Pinterest to your advantage? Let's look at some examples of how to improve the attractiveness of your reviews. And thus attract more traffic to your website.

Image (Pins)

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating and posting an image on Pinterest.

First, try to make your image attract the eye with visual contact, prompting action. To do this, you can add captions above the image.

Secondly, pins can be of two types. The first option is a thumbnail or, say, any other image from your article that reflects the essence of the issue. Such images can be published directly from the site.

The second option is very long images reflecting the essence of the issue. Such images need to be made specifically for posting on Pinterest. As an example, I recommend looking at my pin on the book 24 Internet professions, here.

According to statistics, the second option works better.

I confess that this is my omission, but I warn you for the early. Add captions to your Pins. This is another opportunity to assign an image to you.

Descriptions and prices

You can place an image of your product and make a description for it with a price. People like the specifics in the offer, when it is clear what you pay for and what you get.

You can also easily add a price list with a link back to the source.

Use hashtags in the description (#tag). This way, your pins will appear in the search results faster for similar queries.

Example: #matryoshka.

Brand (your style)

You must maintain your boards on high level. Create your own style, brand. You can post your own content and recommend affiliate products. And people will trust you more and want to put your Pins on their boards.

How to find your audience

Pinterest is just starting to gain popularity in our country. While in America this social network takes an honorable third place. And this is good, since you are the first to take a seat in the front row. And over time, more and more people will come to this social network and add you to their boards as featured authors.

As for attracting an audience, you need to start with the obvious. Tell your friends on VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and so on about your pins on Pinterest and let people know that you have found something new, stir up their interest.

In the Pinterest network itself, the methods of promotion are the same as in other social networks.

For search target audience use the search and key queries on your subject. Search results are better sorted by boards, and after looking at a specific board, you can decide to subscribe to this board.

Sharing Pins

In this way, you will dilute your Pins with other people's Pins, which in turn will positively affect the promotion of your Pins.

Plugin for WordPress

At the beginning of the article, I said that I paid attention to which social buttons my blog visitors clicked on. Of course, the presence of social buttons on your blog allows visitors to share your interesting materials. But for the social network Pinterest there is a special plugin that allows you to share any screenshot from your material separately.


That's about all I wanted to share with you today. Adopt and use for good. I wish you successful promotion of your resources.

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Without registration, a manual is published in Russian, which you can explore in the help center. AND looking ahead, to save you time looking for a solution, I would like to briefly talk about the existing alternative for unregistered users.To watch Pinterest without registering, you need to access your personal account through authorization. In simple words, login to Pinterest using one of the social networks - Facebook, or Google Plus.

How to enter Pinterest without registration and authorization through Facebook or Google Plus?

Pinterest without registration is one of the few ways to eliminate the modal window (popup form when scrolling down) and view the Pinterest site without registering an account. To date, download and install script Pinterest without registrationavailable to usersMozilla Firefox.To remove the pop-up window and view Pins without registering on Pinterest, nyou need to install the Greasemonkey or Scriptish browser add-onFirefox. After downloading and installing one of the add-ons mentioned above, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Greasy Fork website and press the button "Install this script" to install custom Pinterest script without registration page for Mozilla Firefox
  2. An installation dialog box will appear, specifying which sites the script will run on. In this case, it will work on all Pinterest sites, including all local subdomains that use http or https.

4. Click "Install" and you're done. From this moment the script works automatically. You can browse Pinterest for as long as you want without going through the on-screen registration overlay in one go.

However, there is one limitation. Your entry point to the site cannot be the main page, as it still displays the signup form. For example, any other page, direct contact pages or custom pages work great and allow you to browse the site smoothly. A good entry point is a category page, for example, which highlights the various popular categories on Pinterest that you can browse.

What are young ladies made of?
From pins, needles,
From ribbons, tattoos.
This is what ladies are made of!

This poem by Samuil Marshak cannot be read without a smile, so accurately it characterizes the coquettish girlish character. It also unmistakably finds its way to the hearts of young ladies, not quite new, but still gaining popularity. social service pinterest. Behind this ironic name is a play on the words Pin (“pin”) and Interest (“interest”), and behind the site there are already millions of users from all over the world.

From Wikipedia: On August 16, 2011, Time magazine named Pinterest one of its "Top 50 Websites of 2011" list. Since then, the number of users of the site has grown exponentially. And by the end of 2011, Hitwise Social Networking Forums, which identified the most accurate social trends, made Pinterest one of the top ten sites. And in early April 2012, Pineterest overtook Linkedin and became the 3rd social network. network in the US, second only to Facebook and Twitter.

So, we invite you on a tour of one of the most interesting social projects recent years, during which you will learn how to use the Pinterest network, what is in it, and what is the use of this “pin interest” in essence. 🙂

What is Pinterest (Pinterest)?

Pinterest (Pinterest) is a tool that allows you to create virtual collections for storing images, a kind of visual bulletin boards. The pictures that users collect can be stylish looks (for adults and children), photos of stars that inspire them, images of items that they like or want to receive as a gift, photo ideas for decorating their home, garden, party or wedding, covers of their favorite books, beautiful natural landscapes.

This network has a lot of fashion, design, travel, cooking - in a word, everything that is called lifestyle. And a lot of talented people - photographers, designers, stylists, journalists, bloggers, etc. who are constantly sharing their findings. Almost all glossy magazines and online publications have their own accounts here.

A word of warning: Pinterest is so addictive, so if you don't want a new "Internet Addiction", don't read any further and don't visit this site. 😉

Personally, I feel like a squirrel on Pinterest, “hunting” for nuts and mushrooms and quickly dragging everything beautiful, good and useful that I managed to find into my hollow. And then carefully laying out their trophies on the shelves.

Pinterest: registration

On the main page, you see two options for registering: using your Facebook account or via e-mail. If you choose to register on Pinterest with Facebook, click on the blue Sign up with Facebook button and follow the instructions of the system.

If you decide to register more in a standard way, by clicking on the light Sign up with email button, you will see the following window:

Fill in the last name, first name, email address, password, country, gender, and then use the checkbox to choose whether you want Pinterest to take into account your personal preferences.

How it works? How does Pinterest know your tastes? Pinterest, like many other sites, uses cookies, with their help it remembers which images you choose most often, and then shows you the corresponding “Pins” based on this information.

For example, if on sites that allow you to click on the “Pin it” button or use some other Pinterest widget, you most often save photos in your collections recipes, then in the future you will be shown just such images more often and offered to follow food bloggers. Pinterest retains this data for 30 days.

When all the fields are filled in correctly, click on the “Sign Up” button and start working with the network.

The next time you log into the service, select the Already have an account? Log in now - using this window.

How does Pinterest work?

After registering on Pinterest, you have the opportunity to create your own thematic collections or boards (boards), attach, “pin” images (pins) to them, as well as view, “like” (like) the pictures of other users you like, and, most importantly, - save them in your collections (repin).

Thus, you can add pictures (pins) to your boards:

  1. By uploading an image from your computer.
  2. By "repinning" someone else's Pinterest image.
  3. By "repinning" an image you found on the Internet.

Let's dwell on point 3. To easily and quickly transfer the photos you like from external sites to your boards on Pinterest, you need to install the extension (add on) in the top bar of your browser. For Chrome browser There are a few convenient extensions (extensions) for Pinterest that make it easier to work with the service. Other browsers also have something similar, you can search for information about this.

On the top right, you always have access to your personal information (your pins, boards, likes, etc.)

By clicking on the “Settings” button, you can edit your personal data (Basic Info), email notifications settings – note that they are all enabled by default, as well as settings for other social networks: you can connect “ Pinterest” with your accounts on Facebook, Google + and other social networks and broadcast your actions there.

To save the changes, click on the red button at the bottom right “Save Settings”. There is also a “Deactivate Account” button (deleting an account), although it is unlikely to be useful to you. 🙂

About copying pictures on Pinterest

Almost all sites allow you to “take” a picture on Pinterest. Those who close their images from this service, in this specific case make a mistake because all pictures are saved with a link to the source .

Accordingly, in Pinterest you should not see another Internet thief gaining popularity at the expense of others. On the contrary, consider this social network as a tool for promoting websites and blogs with really good content.

As a rule, a user who likes some idea will want to get to know its author and click on the link to the source, sometimes getting stuck on this blog or site for a long time. This is good for both parties - both readers and authors.

How to find the best?

You can view images without any filtering. You can use the division into categories.

Follow other users whose Pins you like. On many blogs - both children's and those who write about fashion, style, cooking and travel, there is a Pinterest button, by clicking on which you will be taken to the page of the blogger you like inside the service. As a rule, the content of this page will not be identical to the content of the blog, because people in this network massively share not only their own, but also other people's finds.

Another way to find interesting accounts is to use search recommendations: go to google, search for something like “best pinterest boards kids”, get and select a selection that interests you.

You can use Pinterest's own search (top left):

Pinterest in Russian?

There is such a phenomenon. Perhaps for someone site, which is almost a complete copy previous version Pinterest (the original site has recently been completely updated, the Russian copy is not today) will seem more convenient and enjoyable. The service is almost the same, but everything is in Russian plus advertising from Yandex. 🙂

Personally, I like the original better - if there are no problems understanding the basic in English(and you don’t need to understand much, because the service is absolutely visual, for its full use it’s enough to know only a few constant symbols), what’s the point of limiting yourself to one country when the whole world is open in front of you?

Amazing finds are scattered all over the world - thanks to the international nature of the network, I found many fascinating blogs, very beautiful and original sites, unusual shops that I would never have known about without this network.

It is also much more convenient to follow world fashion and all other trends in the original source - all fashion magazines and bloggers have their own Pinterest offices, and street style does not belong to any one country.

"Mom Blogs" - also recently can be found on Pinterest so see you and have a successful hunt! 😉

  • We invite you to leave links to your Pinterest accounts in the comments to the post. In addition, this can be done in the comments to the post in which we leave links to all our social media accounts (you can always find it in the right panel or ).

In this article:

Pinterest is a relatively young photo hosting service, which turned only five years old in March 2015, originally from the United States. Such a young age did not prevent the project in its homeland from taking third place in popularity after Facebook and Twitter, and now only Instagram can compete with Pinterest in terms of activity. The service began to spread to the expanses of the Russian segment of the network much later - its main pages were translated into Russian in December 2013. Today, almost all site usability is available in Russian, including the help center. Since the main contingent of the network is still Americans, descriptions for specific categories and photos still remain in English.

Like many major projects Pinterest severely restricts its internal content for users who do not pass the registration stage. In general, the resource is absolutely free. To fully enjoy the richest bins of this service, you need to go through a simple process of presenting yourself to the system. Registration on Pinterest does not take much time and it really takes no more than 15 seconds, as promised main page. It is believed that, like in many languages, Pinterest in Russian, without registration, is very difficult. It is impossible to get photos located within the network without restrictions without registering in it.

Such restrictions mean an annoying pop-up form asking you to register. Everything would be fine, but it completely blocks the useful content of the page, overlapping it with itself.

Let's try to find ways to get rid of this form and discover all the features of Pinterest without registering in the system itself. And for those who are just getting acquainted with this service, we recommend that you read first.

The easiest way

Not many people know about this option. The approach does not require installing additional software or changing browser settings. Having a direct internal link in Pinterest, you can open it without any restrictions, however, an attempt to follow the next link will fail - a blocking form with a registration offer will not allow you to take further actions. To get rid of it, you just need to reload the page by clicking on the appropriate button in your favorite browser or by pressing F5. However, this option will not get rid of the panel rising from the bottom, which will rise higher and higher with each movement of the mouse wheel and eventually completely block the page.

Using the Remove It Permanently Plugin for the FireFox Browser

We must pay tribute to the developers of additional software, who have always tried to give the user what he really needs, but what the main program cannot offer. First of all, this concerns plug-ins, extensions and additions to Internet browsers. Remove It Permanently extension for firefox browser allows you to delete various blocks and scripts that are loaded along with the useful content of the page, but are useless for a particular user. First of all, this applies to ad units, intrusive calls to action, and so on.

Considering that the page with useful content loads completely, let's try to remove intrusive Pinterest registration forms using the Remove It Permanently plugin, which literally means “Delete It Immediately”. It is worth emphasizing that this method will only be useful if a direct link to the content you are looking for is known.

After restarting FireFox, you need to check if the add-on is enabled:

Install the Pinterest without registration script in the same way:


Pinterest today is a very developed and convenient photo hosting. I don’t want to cast a shadow on Instagram - there the content is still more tied to the author than to the topic, however, if there is a need to find interesting, creative and high-quality graphic image Maybe Pinterest is better. Moreover, there is a convenient multi-level page of general categories, which, without being tied to a specific author, allows you to find exactly what you need.

Hopefully this article will make a search necessary information in Russian Pinterest it is more convenient without registration. If you have any questions or opinions - we will be glad to any comments that you can leave in the form below.

To enter the Personal Area, you need to go to the site, or download the application for Android or iOS.

How to login via social networks?

In order to log in, you need to select the login option, of which there are several both with the browser and with mobile versions Pinterest service.

  1. Login using e-mail, it is understood if you used these data during registration, after which the mail was confirmed;
  2. Login via Facebook account it is possible if during registration it was linked to the account;
  3. Login via Google account+ is possible if it was linked to the account during registration.

Also, if you have registered a business account, then below all of the above items there is a button to enter a business account, thanks to which you can easily promote your products and services in this service.

Possible problems and solutions

It often happens that there are problems when logging into your account on Pinterest. Consider the most common of them and how to solve them:

  1. Check the email address and password you are entering. If you registered with the service using email, then make sure that the address you enter is correct. If it matches then the problem is in the password. Go through several options, change the keyboard layout and click the "CapsLock" button. If all else fails, you can reset the password and set a new one. To do this, click on the “Reset password” message that appears, and then on email you will receive an email with further instructions;
  2. If you logged in through your Facebook account, and now you can’t log out, then you should also check several options. First, you need to log in to your Facebook account, because. your page and account in this social network are connected and authorization directly depends on the active Facebook account. If this does not help, then remember, maybe you registered using your second account, because. there should be no other problems with the entrance;
  3. Similar to the above problem, synchronization with Google+ is also checked, because. the entry technology is almost identical;
  4. If none of this helps, check your internet connection. Try to go to other sites and check if everything works correctly;
  5. Change your browser, it might be the problem. Try logging in with multiple browsers and see which one works best. You should also try to disable various browser add-ons and extensions, perhaps they are blocking access to the service;
  6. Try changing your antivirus or disable it temporarily. This type of problem is unlikely to occur, but in rare cases, some antiviruses are able to erase the saved data about any services, considering them dangerous, thereby making it difficult to use them later;
  7. Check your computer for viruses. Your computer may be infected with malware software, because of which the correctness of the input data is distorted;
  8. If you have difficulty logging in mobile app, then it should be updated to more new version Or try uninstalling and reinstalling.

In most cases, there are no problems with logging into Pinterest, because. The service is constantly updated and all kinds of bugs are quickly eliminated. But if you have any questions, you can always contact support.
