How can you wipe a plasma TV? How to wipe the LCD TV screen - folk remedies

The LCD screen is a delicate item, which must be handled according to the instructions so that the image quality does not deteriorate.

In this case, even small stains and any contamination can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the picture reproduced by it.

To avoid damage and extend the life of the equipment, you need to understand how to wipe the LCD TV screen and be extremely careful in care.

Such surfaces can only be wiped with a microfiber cloth, since it is completely lint-free, which ensures that the surface is clean from lint and stains - this cloth is ideal for all types of TVs, including plasma ones.

Important: this particular material is used to make accessories for wiping the surface of the TV.

What means to wipe

You can clean liquid crystal displays with various products that are produced specifically for this purpose and are sold in appropriate stores.
Among store-bought products, you can use the following options to remove dust:

  • wet wipes impregnated with a special solution;
  • products made of lint-free fabric, which are attached to a bottle with a special product.

Important: to remove stains, you must use microfiber and spray according to the instructions and do not spray the product onto the screen; it is initially applied to a napkin.

In addition, to clean the LCD screen, you can use other TV screen cleaning materials, for example:

  • vinegar;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • soap solution;

How to wipe different types of screens

At the same time, to cope with dirt on different screens, it is unacceptable to use the same type of products; for example, liquid crystal panels are very sensitive and cannot be cleaned with the same products as a glass surface.

It is better to wipe them with something else. Among other things, to remove stains you can use not only specialized, but also folk remedies.


To clean and not damage the TV’s coating, you must use specialized products that carefully and thoroughly remove dirt from the screen.
To remove dried dirt, you can use:

  • cotton fabric;
  • fleece;
  • flannel;
  • Use a special cloth to clean glasses.

In addition, it is important to remember that it is better to clean the LCD TV screen with dry cloths, so as not to cause a short circuit.
If for various reasons the LCD screen becomes very dirty, then you need to use a special damp cloth, but after treatment and before use, still wipe it with a dry cloth.


To clean the surface, you need a special spray with a microfiber cloth; it cleans the screen not only from dust and fingerprints, but also from other types of dirt.

Important: the advantage of this aerosol is the complete absence of alcohol and after use the screen is covered with a special film containing an antiseptic.

In addition to this option, you can use a lint-free cloth, which, when soap foam is applied to it, will completely remove dirt.

How to clean a plasma TV

Plasma TVs are characterized by the problem of stains on the display, which cannot be removed by conventional means. In this case, it is important to use dry, lint-free wipes designed specifically for this purpose.
At the same time, it is no less important to comply with such conditions as the absence of alcohol in the composition of the napkin, which in this case will not help.

Important: if the contamination is very strong and the stains have become embedded in the screen, you need to use a special soap solution that helps in this case.

In addition to specialized store products, a home option for removing stains is available. To do this, prepare a solution of vinegar and water.

After that, a soft cotton cloth is moistened in it and wrung out well; the surface to be treated should be wiped with it, and then with a dry cloth.

How to remove scratches

Scratches on the surface of the TV can occur for various reasons, for example, children playing or accidentally damaging it with any hard objects.

Despite the obvious changes noticeable to the naked eye, removing scratches from a TV is quite easy; for this it is only important to follow a certain algorithm for dealing with them.

To avoid any contamination and damage to the TV screen, it is enough to keep it clean, which is quite easy to do if you follow such equipment care features as:

  • do not place flowers near equipment, as water droplets are harmful to its surface;
  • do not touch the surface with your fingers;
  • prevent the appearance of insects in the room;
  • regularly use special wipes to clean the monitor;
  • Do not use fluffy cloths or water to clean the screen.

It is advisable to follow all these rules and not experiment, then the equipment will last a long time and reliably, and will delight the owners with a neat appearance.


Modern technology is quite sensitive to any touches and dirt, this can affect the quality of the image and, in general, the duration of its operation, so it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, use only clean or disposable napkins for cleaning purposes, and do not experiment.
AND short video on how to clean your TV

A huge plasma or at least LCD TV is the dream of many. And when you manage to buy it, the question naturally arises - how to care for this miracle of technology in order to enjoy it longer high-quality image. Despite the modern design, the screen of such a device, just like a regular kinescope, attracts dust and small debris from the air during operation. Let's add to this fingerprints, which can be left even by adults, not to mention small TV viewers, and which are very difficult to remove with a simple damp cloth. So how to wipe the LCD TV screen in order to preserve the brightness and clarity of the picture longer and not damage the device itself? You will learn about this from our article.

Why is proper TV care important?

Plasma and LCD screens are designed completely differently from the usual kinescope of a Soviet TV. They are a multi-layer panel, each layer of which is made of durable transparent plastic. The gaps between the layers are filled with plasma or a liquid crystal matrix. Naturally. It is quite difficult to damage this filler. But the plastic itself, despite all its strength, is quite easy to scratch with small abrasives. In addition, he is afraid of aggressive chemicals, including alcohol solutions.

What happens if you, not knowing what you can use to wipe your TV screen, try to clean it with, say, window cleaner and paper napkins? The front part of the screen may become cloudy under the influence of the detergent composition, and it’s good if only slightly. Paper towels with coarse fibers can leave micro-scratches on the plastic. You won't be able to notice them on the surface of the screen with your eyes, but the deterioration in the image will be noticeable.

As a rule, after cleaning the screen with improvised materials, many housewives notice that in some areas the picture has lost clarity and looks cloudy. Having decided that they simply did not wipe off the greasy stain, they repeat the treatment of the TV with the same glass cleaning solution or other unsuitable means. As a result, as you might guess, the condition of the TV panel only worsens further. And if one of the owners decides to spray cleaning liquid directly onto the screen and body of the TV, then you can easily damage not only the surface of the display, but also the internal electronics. It’s not for nothing that many manufacturers do not recommend wet methods for cleaning the screens of their devices.

It’s hard to believe that such a seemingly useful procedure as cleaning can damage expensive equipment. But, if you don’t know how to clean an LCD TV screen, then you can easily verify this in practice. If you do not want to lose an expensive device that is loved by all members of your family, take into account the basic tips for caring for it.

To enjoy the image quality on your new TV longer, you need to know not only how to wash your LCD TV screen, but also how to do it correctly. First of all, remember - during cleaning, the TV must be turned off, or better yet, completely disconnected from the power supply. There are several reasons for this recommendation:

  • basic safety precautions;
  • the ability to better see dirt on a dark screen;
  • greater efficiency of cleaning sprays.

Important! After turning off, wait until the TV screen has completely cooled down, and only then start cleaning. The cleaning spray will evaporate from a warm display faster than it will begin to interact with dirt.

Modern stores will offer you a variety of disposable napkins, already soaked in a special cleaning agent, when you ask for something to wipe your TV screen with. As for cleaning compositions, it is best to use special liquids that are offered by household appliance stores. Do not use glass cleaners; they contain alcohol, which is harmful to the plastic of the screen. In case there are no special equipment at hand and you have nothing to wipe with plasma TV, prepare a solution of baby soap, beat it into a soft foam and use it for cleaning. But under no circumstances use washing powder - no matter how carefully you dissolve it, there will still be small grains of detergent in the foam that can scratch the screen.

Attention! When using a spray, do not spray it onto the screen! Spray a couple of times onto the cloth you are cleaning with, making sure it is damp but not too wet.

What you can and cannot wash your LCD TV screen with

And now about what you can use to wipe your LCD TV. Any store that sells electronics will offer you many different special equipment. The most popular option is disposable cleaning wipes. They are made of soft fibers that cannot damage the surface of the screen. The composition with which the wipes are impregnated does not contain caustic solvents, but is supplemented with an antistatic agent. This will allow you to safely remove dust from the screen and delay its next settling for a long time.

Disposable wet wipes have the only drawback - they can leave behind streaks. This can be avoided if you wipe the screen not immediately after removing the napkin from the package, but after some time, when it dries. But it is much more convenient to purchase a special set of two types of napkins - dry and wet. By treating the surface of the screen with them one by one, you will not only effectively remove dust and grease marks, but also save yourself from stains from the detergent composition.

The third option is microfiber or non-woven cloths. They are often sold immediately complete with a spray, which is very convenient. But in this case the spray should be used only to remove heavy dirt. Microfiber itself perfectly absorbs dust and household dirt. What to wipe with TV led chemicals, putting your health at risk and the risk of allergies, It’s easier to wipe the screen with a slightly damp microfiber cloth. The result will be no worse.

How to wash a TV screen if you don’t have special equipment at hand, you’ve already read above. Cotton pads and a solution of laundry or baby soap will help you do without expensive sprays. However, you will have to carefully wipe the screen with a dry cloth after cleaning to avoid streaks from soap suds. Well, such a product clearly does not have an antistatic effect.

How to clean the TV remote control

It's not just TV screens that suffer from dirt. The remote control collects the most grease and dust, especially the one for the TV in the kitchen. Over time, its keys begin to stick, stop pressing and operating the device becomes inconvenient, or even simply impossible. Therefore, it is important to know not only how to wipe a plasma TV, but also how to clean up its remote control.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to contact specialized workshops. It is enough to wipe the new remote control once every 2-3 weeks with a damp cloth. You can use the same wipes that you bought to clean the screen; they are more gentle on the plastic and paint on the buttons. But if they are not at hand, using any alcohol wipe is acceptable. Dirt around the buttons can be easily cleaned with a toothpick wrapped in a piece of cotton wool and moistened with alcohol or cologne.

Important! Never wash an unassembled remote control under water! Also, do not try to clean it with soap suds or other detergent. In this case, moisture will inevitably penetrate inside, which can lead to oxidation of the contacts and complete breakdown of the device.

If external cleaning does not help, disassemble the remote control according to the instructions included with the TV. Carefully unscrew all existing bolts and separate the housing halves. Be careful not to damage the plastic latches that often hold the remote parts together. After removing the electronics and separating the keyboard, you can wash the case and buttons under running warm water using any usual detergents. There are no such strict restrictions as in the situation when you were deciding what you can use to wipe your LCD TV. The only subtlety is to try not to use abrasives so as not to scratch the body or scrape off the inscriptions. After washing, let the remote control body dry thoroughly, and only then proceed with assembly. Use these tips and your TV will last much longer.

LCD TV is a technology that is now found in almost every home. But how to care for it? In general, the hostess simply takes a damp cloth and wipes the TV screen. But is this the correct care that should be taken when cleaning the screen? Believe me, this is not proper care, and, as a rule, after such a wet cleaning, it can be safely sent to service center. To avoid any damage, you need to know how to wipe the LCD TV screen at home.

When you buy a new TV, you get a bright and shiny display, and that's what makes kids want to touch it, most often. Handprints, constant dust, and splashes from liquids are all you can see on your TV. Therefore, you need to know exactly how to clean your LCD TV screen so that it always remains the same as you bought it. In this situation, whether you like it or not, you will have to put it in order. That is why you need to know exactly what to wipe the TV screen with so as not to damage it.

Please note: if you wipe it over and over again with anything, then over time you will be able to see the results of such cleaning. These are usually scratches and glare. And in the near future it will not be any different from the old one, and the image will be of a low level.

When caring for such equipment, you must know what not to do so as not to cause harm.

Safety precautions for cleaning

Safety precautions when cleaning must be observed to avoid harm.

  • If the display does not have a special coating, then it is simply prohibited to wipe the screen with means such as window cleaner or simply chemical agents. Using such means, the TV will fail.
  • Before you start cleaning it, you must unplug the equipment from the outlet. This will allow you to protect yourself from unexpected incidents.
  • How to wipe the TV? In order to ensure high-quality cleaning, it is necessary to use soft material. In this case, the fabric should be lint-free so that no fibers remain during cleaning.
  • Do not apply cleaning gel or water to surfaces. After you wipe it, you will notice stains on it, which do not look very nice.
  • All aerosols used should not be applied directly to the surface; it is better if they are applied to a rag. Moisture can get into the case, and as a result, a breakdown will occur, which will then be expensive.
  • When cleaning, you do not need to press on the screen, just remove dirt in a circular motion. This must be done with extreme care, as one wrong move can damage your screen.

Please note: Do not turn on the TV until it is completely dry. How to clean your TV screen? First of all, read the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

Rules for cleaning an LCD TV

To ensure that your TV is always clean and serves you for many years, you need to follow basic cleaning rules.

  • Removal of contaminants should be done using special wipes. You can buy them in a specialized store. They are absolutely safe, as they are impregnated with a special product.
  • Using the right products, you get rid of static electricity.
  • Use lint-free wipes to remove dust and dirt. Most often they are made from fleece or flannel. You can buy a cloth for wiping glasses.
  • In addition, in the store you can buy a set of wet and dry wipes, which perfectly complement each other's arches.
  • You can use antistatic wipes. They are great at removing dust and fingerprints.
  • Specialized stores sell wipes that can be wetted with water to remove dirt. There will be no scratches or abrasions from them.

Special aerosols remove dirt of any complexity. And in order for the product to be truly high-quality, before you buy it, make sure that it does not contain alcohol.

Please note: if you bought a special product to clean the TV, then apply it first to a napkin, and then use the napkin to remove dirt from the screen. All dirt in hard-to-reach places can be easily removed using a cotton swab. You can also clean the screen using folk remedies.

In addition to the screen covering, the body also needs to be cleaned regularly. The housing is cleaned at least once a month. All cleaning should be carried out regularly and in addition to using special products, you can also use additional ones that will help save both time and money. But before using them, you need to read the instructions.

Most often, a 3% bite solution is used at home. It is safe for LCD screens. After applying it to the screen, wipe the screen with a damp cloth and it will immediately become like new.

Is your LCD TV or plasma panel dusty? Read about six simple steps for cleaning them.

Some plasma panel manufacturers offer the use of special cleaning products, but this is often a completely unnecessary expense.

In fact, the main ingredient in most “professional cleaners” is distilled water. You can make your own cleaner using water and isopropyl alcohol.

This is probably the cheapest solution you can find. And it works great, very soft and harmless.

The main reason why you will need to clean your TV screen, be it plasma or LCD, is dust and fingerprints. Try to take care of your HDTV or LCD monitor. Try not to touch them. The less you clean them, the longer they will stay like new.

Here are 6 simple steps to clean your appliance screens.

What you will need:

  • Distilled water
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Beaker
  • Two pieces of clean, soft, lint-free cloth
  • Cotton swab on a stick

Before you start cleaning the screen, turn off the TV and wait until it cools down. To remove dust, gently wipe the screen with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Make a gentle cleansing mixture. Using a measuring cup, make a solution with equal parts distilled water and isopropyl alcohol.

Dip the clean end of the same cloth into the solution. Gently squeeze it out. The fabric should be damp, not wet. Then very gently wipe the monitor or plasma screen with a damp cloth.

To clean the interface between the screen and the case, use a cotton swab on a stick. Dip one end of the swab in a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water, and then press it against the inside to remove excess moisture. Gently run the wet end of the swab along the junction of the screen and the body.

Use a second, dry piece of cloth to wipe the screen. Do not leave moisture on the screen, especially before turning on the TV.

Caring for an LCD TV should be carried out following the recommendations of the technical documentation: turn off the TV after 6 hours of continuous operation, protect the screen from impacts, monitor the brightness of the image (if the brightness decreases, it is necessary to replace the backlight).

There is no need to clean the inside of the TV from dust, only after 10 years of operation. If the TV is located in a dusty room, it must be blown out periodically.

Do not use glass cleaner!

Helpful Tips:
  • Always use a clean cloth for cleaning. Tiny particles can become embedded in the fibers of the fabric and may scratch the screen.
  • Wipe with a damp cloth, not wet! Only wet!
  • Do not use glass cleaners! They contain ammonia and can damage the screen.
  • Don't use paper towels.

Even the most careful and clean owners belonging to household appliances very carefully, unwanted dirt appears on the TV screen. Accumulated dust, stray fingerprints and other contaminants must be removed sooner or later. If you do not follow certain rules for caring for your LCD monitor, the service life of your digital equipment will be significantly reduced. To avoid loss of color saturation and excellent visual image, you need to follow simple rules for caring for your LCD screen. Let's consider the most popular ways to effectively clean the surface of a TV, as well as options for means that are strictly prohibited for wiping plasma and LCD TVs.

Due to poor quality screen care, scratches, cloudy spots, and unnecessary glare appear, spoiling the comfortable viewing of bright, contrasting frames. Stopping cleaning your monitor means ruining the excellent visibility of the screen in advance. Indeed, due to the accumulation of dust from a static charge of electricity, the image quality significantly deteriorates.

You already have a plasma or LCD TV at home, or are just planning a corresponding purchase, it is advisable to get acquainted with how to properly clean it without causing any harm to the thin coating of the screen.

Effective Screen Care Techniques

To ensure that LCD and plasma TVs, consisting of several layers sensitive to aggressive cleaning, do not lose color contrast, you should listen to the opinion of the manufacturers modern technology. Professionals advise cleaning only with products specifically designed for this purpose.

Let's look at the most popular methods:

  1. Wipes moistened with a special composition. They can be used to wipe plasma panels and LED surfaces. Moistened wipes effectively clean the surface, do not contain abrasives or alcohol additives that can damage the screen, and also remove static electricity.
  2. A set of dry and wet wipes. They have an antistatic effect, ideally cope with any dirt, and dry wipes absorb moisture and prevent the appearance of drips and stains on plasma and LCD screens.
  3. Dry, soft, lint-free wipes - they are used to remove dust from the LCD screen. In order to remove other types of contaminants, it is necessary to apply special cleaning agents (aerosols, gels).
  4. Microfiber wipes work well for greasy stains, fingerprints, and settled dust. If necessary, you can moisten it with cleaning agent or plain water. Microfiber fabric perfectly absorbs excess moisture without leaving scratches.
  5. Aerosols, gels, foams. The cleaning products do not contain alcohol or substances with allergens. Thanks to the use of spray or foam with an antistatic agent, the entire surface of the screen is covered with a layer that reduces static charge. The cleaning agent is first applied to a microfiber cloth or soft cloth, and then the LCD screen is wiped.
  6. The best option for high-quality equipment care is considered to be a kit that includes a cleaning product in a bottle, a microfiber cloth, and an antistatic brush. The kit necessarily includes instructions for use; sometimes there are additional accessories for more thorough use.

In this way, you can wipe not only the TV, but also any type of monitor, for example, a tablet, computer or laptop. You should choose a product based on your own preferences and budget.

Unsuitable substances for cleaning the TV screen

The use of substances suitable for cleaning and cleaning in everyday life is completely unsuitable for cleaning LCD panels. All kinds of solvents, cleaning agents with abrasive particles, ammonia, acetone containing solutions, gasoline and ethyl alcohol have a detrimental effect on the screen. Wiping the panel with the following substances will hopelessly ruin the equipment:

  1. Conventional wet wipes for hygiene purposes contain harmful substances that leave streaks.
  2. Disposable napkins and towels contain dense particles that scratch the surface.
  3. Alcohol solutions easily dissolve the anti-reflective coating. As a result, small cracks will appear.
  4. Baking or caustic soda, washing powder spoil the thin layer of coating.
  5. Products used in the kitchen or bathroom for washing dishes, windows or tiles contain acetone or ammonia, so their use has an extremely unpleasant effect on liquid crystal panels.

  1. For your own safety, unplug the device. An extinguished, dark monitor will show all traces of contamination; they will be better visible, which will facilitate their quick cleaning.
  2. A soft, lint-free cloth will do a great job of removing dust.
  3. Pressing, scraping, scratching in any way with nails or various objects is prohibited due to the fragility of the anti-reflective coating.
  4. Do not spray directly onto a contaminated surface, rather than onto a lint-free or microfiber cloth. Make sure it is moistened, but not too wet.
  5. It is much more convenient to clean in a room with good lighting.
  6. Plug in only after the surface of the TV has completely dried.

It is not enough to wipe the TV panel, you need to carefully care for the entire body, do not allow dust to accumulate on the entire surface.
