Html for the communication field. Create a feedback form

1. Plugin for creating online forms “jFormer”

Creation of contact forms: feedback, comments, login form, registration form with checking the correctness of information entered.

2. Step-by-step registration form using jQuery

A neat form with step-by-step filling. Below is a form completion indicator.

3. Step by step form

Filling out the form in several steps and checking that it is filled out correctly.

4. Contact form for the site

Validation of the correctness of the entered information is carried out on the fly before sending the message using javascript.

5. Animated switching between forms using jQuery

Animated switching using jQuery between the site login form, registration form and password recovery field. On the demo page, click on the yellow link to see the effect.

6. Departure PHP feedback form

A similar solution can be used to give a visitor the opportunity to quickly contact the site owner from any page. On the demo page, click on the arrow below to open the form.

7. PHP registration form using jQuery and CSS3

Form with verification of correctness of information entered.

8. PHP registration form in Facebook style

A nice registration form implemented using CSS, PHP and jQuery.

9. jQuery contact form “SheepIt”

The ability to add new fields before sending a message has been implemented.

10. Fancy AJAX Contact Form

Nice neat PHP feedback form with verification of correctness of information entered. Technologies: CSS, PHP, jQuery.

11. Authorization/registration system on the site

12. Data submission form

With verification of correct filling.

13. jQuery “Contactable” plugin

To implement an outgoing feedback form for quickly sending a message.

Good afternoon, a feedback form should be present on every website. Today I will show an example of a ready-made form for inserting into any site, including the WordPress engine. The finished example of html and php code can be copied to your website. In addition to the ready-made example, there are many plugins that are also very popular. On many sites, such a form is already built into the theme, but sometimes it is necessary to add another one to another page or replace the old one.

Before starting to write this article, I surfed the Internet in search of an answer to this question. After reviewing more sites and blogs, I found very few high-quality answers on inserting a feedback form on a site. Most of the materials are written on working with plugins. In some articles it is not entirely clear what and how to do, the code does not work, letters do not arrive... and so on.

There are, of course, worthy answers, but they are very few. I'll give you a simple example that doesn't require much intelligence. No special knowledge in PHP is required, or rather, it is not needed at all. I will write in detail what and where needs to be changed when necessary. The form works fine without any glitches. An example of the form is on my website. In the finished example, I added a few styles for beauty, so that the form no longer looked “poor” at all. If you wish, you can change everything at your discretion.

Ready-made feedback form for a website in html

In this example, the feedback form for the site consists of html code. You can paste this example of html code onto absolutely any page of the site, no matter where or what you use. The same code can be inserted into the WordPress engine page, everything will work correctly and without failures.

Name Email: Message subject Your text:

< form action = "/wp-content/themes/xmarkup/form.php" method = "post" name = "form" > Name< input class = "inp" style = "width: 30%;" name = "name" type = "text" / >

E-mail:< input class = "inp" style = "width: 30%;" name = "email" type = "text" / >

Message subject< input class = "inp" style = "width: 30%;" name = "temma" type = "text" / >

Your text:

< textarea class = "inp" style = "width: 80%;" cols = "1" name = "massage" rows = "5" > < / textarea >

< input class = "inp" type = "submit" value = "Send" / >

< / form >

At the very beginning of the code, in the first line, you must indicate your path to the php file form.php (more about it a little later). There is no need to change anything else. If you are not satisfied with the name of the form and its fields, you can always add new ones or change old ones. You can also add your own styles directly to the table. If this option is inconvenient for you, define new classes and only then add styles through your style.css file

For those who don’t know how to do this, go to the site’s admin panel, go to the editor and open the style.css file. Add this code to the very end of the style sheet. As a result, the form code should be inserted into the page and your css styles into the style.css table

Inp( padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #E5E5E5; width: 200px; color: #999999; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0 , 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px )

Inp (

padding: 10px;

border : 1px solid #E5E5E5;

width: 200px;

color : #999999;

box - shadow : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) 0px 0px 8px ;

Moz - box - shadow : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) 0px 0px 8px ;

Webkit - box - shadow : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) 0px 0px 8px ;

After these steps, you should have a feedback form like this on the page. Don’t get too carried away; your form should be simple and as comfortable as possible. Without unnecessary additional, email, subject and message. If desired, even the Subject of the message can be removed.

Php form code

We have decided on the markup of the form, we have made it beautiful, now we need to create a file with the php extension and add the following code to it. Add the file via FTP client to your website. Most users use a CMS, drop this file in the folder with your theme. You must initially write the address and name of this file in the markup of your form, which I showed above. I wrote down the full path for the example, so that it is clear what needs to be inserted and where.


The code of the form.php file itself contains:

< meta http - equiv = "refresh" content = "1; url=http://сайт" >

< meta charset = "UTF-8" / >

if (isset ($_POST [ "name" ] ) ) ( $name = $_POST [ "name" ] ; if ($name == "" ) ( unset ($name ) ; ) )

if (isset ($_POST [ "email" ] ) ) ( $email = $_POST [ "email" ] ; if ($email == "" ) ( unset ($email ) ; ) )

if (isset ($_POST [ "temma" ] ) ) ( $temma = $_POST [ "temma" ] ; if ($temma == "" ) ( unset ($temma ) ; ) )

if (isset ($_POST [ "massage" ] ) ) ( $massage = $_POST [ "massage" ] ; if ($massage == "" ) ( unset ($massage ) ; ) )

if (isset ($name ) && isset ($email ) && isset ($temma ) && isset ($massage ) ) (

$address = " [email protected]" ;

$mes = "Name: $name \nE-mail: $email \nSubject: $temma \nText: $massage";

$send = mail ($address , $temma , $mes , "Content-type:text/plain; charset = UTF-8\r\nFrom:$email") ;

if ($send == "true" )

( echo "Message sent"; }

else ( echo "Oops, something went wrong"; }


echo "Fill in all the fields";

Instead of url=http://site, write your site address. $address = " [email protected]"- in this line we indicate your email address to which letters will be sent. There is no need to change anything else, everything is set up and working. If you have any difficulties during the installation process, write in the comments, I will definitely answer.

Inserting feedback in WordPress

The process of installing a form in WordPress is no different; all steps are done in the same way. It is advisable to upload the form.php file to the folder with your theme. Don’t forget to indicate the full and exact address to the handler file in the html markup. In addition, you need to change the website address to your website and write the email address correctly. The finished form code can be inserted onto any page of your blog. As an example, I added a page with competitions to my blog.

As an example, you can create a “Contact the Author” or “Author” page and upload your form there. On some blogs, I noticed at the bottom of each form a row of social networking buttons or additional options for contacting the author. If you wish, you can do the same again. The contact form works on my blog, I tested it personally using my own example. If letters do not reach you, then there is a problem on your part.

WordPress plugins

If you are having difficulty inserting this kind of feedback into your site, you can say one of the plugins and install it on your site. Today, there are a large number of plugins that can be used to create such forms for a website. Go to the admin panel, click on Plugins - add new. We choose any one you like and use it for your health. The Contact Form 7 plugin is more popular.

  1. Fast Secure Contact Form.
  2. Contact Form by Contact ME.
  3. FormCraft.
  4. Visual Form Builder.
  5. nForms – WordPress Form Builder.
  6. Gravity Forms.

We install each one in turn and look at each of them separately. Pay attention immediately to the functionality of the plugin and to the removal of extraneous links to the author’s website (if any). All such forms initially look very unattractive, can you customize it to your taste and color.

Let's take the first of them as an example. We add a new Contact Form 7 plugin. This plugin is very simple, there should be no problems working with it. Many bloggers use this plugin for additional small forms on their sites. Go to the Contact Form 7 item in the console on the left and click “add a new form”. The default language is already Russian.

In the first tab, select and name the fields that will be present. There is no need to make a very large form; add a name, email, subject, message and a “send” button. In the “Letter” tab, indicate your email address to which messages will be sent." You should not have any particular difficulties, everything is intuitive.

Once created, the plugin will offer you a short shortcode that you will need to paste into the desired location on the site, for example. After inserting the shortcode, you will see your brand new form. When creating any page, go to the “Text” editing tab and paste your code.

The small downside is that your feedback design will be very terrible. Don't be too upset. Login via ftp to this address wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules. This folder contains all the plugin's css styles. You can safely add your own new properties to make your form beautiful and noticeable.

Feedback form generator

In addition to additional plugins, you can use such forms. There are special services with which you can quickly and without special knowledge create a brand new form. There is another side to the coin. Such services also need to be checked for functionality and, most importantly, for the cost of such pleasure. Some of them are free, but there are also paid options. Write the name of one of them in Yandex.

  • formdesigner;
  • livetools.uiparade;
  • Google Forms;
  • iFormbuilder;
  • faary.

In such online generators there is no need to write code from scratch, think about errors, and so on. Everything has already been done before. You only need to select the fields for the form, add a “send” button and enter all the necessary entries. After all these steps, the service will offer you a code to insert into the site page. Copy the received code to your page and check the connection to see if it works.

A connection with the owner of a website, blog or store now exists on every website. A lot of online stores use paid services. With the help of such services, in addition to sending letters, the number of sales increases. It is very convenient when a client visits a website and can contact the online store administrator live at any time.

Today, there are a large number of similar types of services and all of them do not stand still. With each update new features are added. Online consultants add many features to your online store for easy communication with the client. Let’s take the livetex service as an example, its only downside is probably the price. A three-month period of use costs 4,200 rubles for one store. There is always the option to try a trial period.

  1. Live communication with the client.
  2. Lead generators.
  3. Various widgets for call back.
  4. Online statistics.
  5. Online monitoring.

If you still have questions about how to install feedback on the site, ask them in the comments. Feel free to share the article on social networks.

From the author: Greetings, friends. This article will be a continuation, in which we implemented sending form data to the server without reloading the page. Here we will continue this topic and learn how to receive data on the server and implement sending a form to email. So, let's set up a feedback form and add the ability to send it by email.

You can download the source files of the current article from .

In this lesson we will do everything as simply as possible and on our own. Specifically, to send emails, we will use a special PHP function called mail(), which was often used to send emails in the past.

Let's start with the syntax of the mail function. This function has three required parameters and two optional (not required). Required parameters:

to — recipient’s email (you can also specify several addresses, listing them separated by commas);

subject — subject of the letter;

message — text of the letter.

Of the optional parameters, only the first one is almost always used, which is responsible for the letter headers: encoding, sender, letter type, etc.

Let's try to send a letter using this function. Let's do this in the mail.php file, in which we accept data from the form. The new code for this file will be like this:

Your message has been sent

"; )else( echo "


"; }

< ? php

$to = " [email protected]" ; // address of the recipient

$subject = "Order a call back"; // letter subject

$message= "Name: ($_POST["name"])\r\n"; // add name to text

$message. = "Phone: ($_POST["phone"])"; // add phone number to text

$headers. = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8". "\r\n" ; // set the encoding

$headers. = "From: [email protected]" . "\r\n" ; // add the sender

if (mail ($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) (

echo "

Your message has been sent

" ;

) else (

echo "


" ;

This is the minimum code that will already allow you to generate a message for sending. Let's check how it works:

As we can see, the code works, in response we receive a message that the letter has been sent. Since we are working on a local server, letters are not actually sent by the mail() function; they are saved as a text file in a special folder. In Open Server this is the \userdata\temp\email\ folder. Let's open this folder and make sure that the letter is there, it will look something like this:

Great! There are a few things left that wouldn't hurt to fix in the JS script. For example, it is necessary to display a message not in plain text, but in HTML code, and also to clear the form fields after sending the message. The final JS code will be like this:

$(function())( $("#recall").submit(function(e)( e.preventDefault(); var data = $(this).serialize(); $.ajax(( url: "mail.php ", type: "POST", data: data, beforeSend: function())( $("#submit").next().text("Sending..."); ), success: function(res)( $ ("#recall").find("input").val(""); $("#submit").next().html(res); error: function())( alert("Error! "); ) )); )); ));


$("#recall" ) . submit(function(e)(

e. preventDefault();

var data = $(this) . serialize();

$. ajax ((

url: "mail.php" ,

type: "POST"

data : data ,

beforeSend : function () (

$("#submit" ) . next(). text("Sending...");

Hi guys. Seryoga is in touch. I know that I haven’t written for a long time - things to do, things to do... And now, to be honest, I don’t have any time at all. And we will make the form not according to my lesson, but according to the lessons of my friend - Krotova Romana.

Create a feedback form for the site we will be consistent. Therefore, this article will be divided into 3 lessons.

We will simply enter it into HTML and create a PHP handler for sending letters. Everything will be consistent, from scratch to result. So that you understand everything and can embed the necessary fields yourself.

Roma will show you how to do Ajax loading. That is, send data from the form without reloading the page. Which, you see, is very convenient and modern.

Well, in the third (lesson is being prepared - there will be a link here later), we will build in a validation check. Not using the browser, but using special scripts.

Video 1. Creating a feedback form for the site.

Paying attention! For the form to work, it is necessary that your hosting supports PHP.

If you have any questions regarding unclear points in writing a form handler for sending letters, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments.

Code from the lesson on creating a feedback form

This is what we ended up with in the index.php file

Let me remind you what it contains simple feedback form. Without decoration or other bells and whistles. So as not to burden you with unnecessary information.

Contents of the submit.php file:

Here, a basic check of the form for completeness is carried out so as not to send empty messages. If everything is “good”, the letter is sent. And there is a redirect to a notification page about the successful sending of the letter.

If (!empty($_POST["name"]) AND !empty($_POST["email"]) AND !empty($_POST["message"])) ( $headers = "From: Krotov Roman " ." Reply-To: [email protected]" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $theme = "New message from site"; $letter = "Message details:"; $letter .=" "; $letter .="Name: ". $_POST["name"]; $letter .=" Email: ".$_POST["email"]; $letter .=" Phone: ".$_POST["phone"]; $letter .=" Message: " .$_POST["message"]; if (mail(" [email protected]", $theme, $letter, $headers))( header("Location: /testform/thankyou.php"); ) else ( header("Location: /testform"); ) ) else ( header("Location: / testform"); )

Well, I don’t see the point in posting the notification page itself here. There's the basic structure of an HTML document and just one line of text.
