How to make an interesting page in contact. Create a new page on VKontakte

After reviewing this material on our website resource, you can quickly and without any special difficulties create in Vkontakte new page. Let's, without delay, try to do it right now. To do this, obviously, it is necessary to go through the registration process. Let's see what this procedure is like in 2018. It should be noted right away that now it is as simple as possible to start a page. All you need is a valid and accessible phone number. It is hard to believe that today in the vastness of Runet among active users there are those who are not yet registered on Vkontakte. Many pages were registered more than 10 years ago, almost immediately after the appearance of By the way, if you want to know the age of your page, on this topic. Despite all of the above, the audience of VK users is constantly increasing, so the procedure for creating a new page will always remain relevant.

The Vkontakte page for a new user looks like the one shown above. Everything is as simple as possible. On the left is a block to enter the site. Here you must enter your email address or number mobile phone, as well as the password from your account (for those users who have already acquired this same account). Also on the page there will be links to download applications for mobile devices. And, most importantly, there will be a button for registration on the page (top left and right).

If you click on any of these links, a window with a special form will pop up in front of you. Filling out this form, you can create a new page on Vkontakte. Do not worry, because the registration process will not take you much time. You don't have to fill in a lot of different obscure fields and answer a bunch of different questions. It will be enough to enter your first and last name, as well as indicate the date of birth (see 1 in the image below). After that, press the special green button: "Register" (2). If you are registered on Facebook, you can continue to work on Vkontakte by logging in through Facebook (3 - in the picture below).

Clicking the register button is not the last step. You will not yet be able to actively use VK to communicate, promote your ideas, find new friends or gain followers. Of course, a large number of friends is an indicator of your popularity, and over time, the studio will help you in this matter. In addition to friends, we easily and very quickly your subscribers, but before that you need to take the last step in registering the page.

Remember, at the beginning of this publication, we already warned that you can create a new page on Vkontakte right now only if you have a “clean” phone number available? What does a "clean" phone number mean? This is a number to which Vkontakte pages were not previously created. If earlier you or one of your relatives, relatives, friends or acquaintances used your ntktajyysq number when registering on Vkontakte, then you will have to look for another number. Don't panic, you don't have to run for a new number. Now there are a lot of resources on the network that provide, on a paid or even free basis, virtual phone numbers for registering Vkontakte. This question you can study as much as possible in the following article on our website: "".

Entering the current working phone number is the last step in registering a new Vkontakte user. After you enter the phone number in a special field, a message with a confirmation code will be sent to it. How to enter the number correctly is shown in the picture above. Enter the phone, press the button: "Get code", confirm the number. That's it, now you can enjoy all the benefits of a social network.

Our writing team has noticed that many users search the internet for instructions, to create a new Vkontakte page. Since this process raises some questions, we decided to prepare a detailed guide for you.

We will consider all the nuances, we will analyze the registration of a new account step by step (see).

What will we need?

The policy of the social network is such that each new page must be linked to a phone number (see). The rule applies - one sim, one account. In the event that your number has already been registered, you will have to prepare another one.

Make sure your phone is working. On it we will receive a confirmation code.

Let's get down to business.

Registering a new Vkontakte page

Let's go to home page social networks (see).

We need a block "For the first time VKontakte?". Here we fill in the required fields:

After entering all the data, press the button "Register".

You will be asked to provide a mobile phone number. Remember, at the beginning I emphasized this. Enter your number in the form, and click the "Get code" button.

You will be sent a confirmation code. And on the registration page, an additional window will appear in which it will need to be entered. Click Send Code to complete the operation.

If you did everything right, then the page will be created. She will look like this.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in setting up a new user page. The biggest difficulty is finding a free phone number.


In contact with

Not so long ago, I wrote about creating a menu for VKontakte groups. Two articles were devoted to this: one about a simple text menu, and the second about a more interesting, graphical one. After creating the menu, the last question remains, which we will analyze today. How to create an internal page for a VKontakte group and add it to the menu.

How to create an internal VKontakte page and add it to the group menu?

Again, for example, I will take the code graphic menu which we used in the beginning.

Let's go to the group. And click on "edit".

In the editor, under the menu code, add a few items, depending on how many menu items you need to do, with the transition to internal pages groups. In my case, it's three. In general, we add the following construction under the menu code:

[[page 1]] [[page 2]] [[page 3]]

And click on Preview.

Below, under the menu, we will see links to internal pages that do not yet exist. We open in turn and fill each page with the necessary information. To do this, click right click mouse on desired link and open it in a new tab, where we will see the following message:

Click "Fill with content", and actually fill the page with some information. After that, we can assign access to this page, if necessary, for example, make the page available only to subscribers of our group. After that, you can save it, and do the same with the rest of the pages.

After we have saved the page, you should pay attention to the address bar of the browser. There is the address of this page, which we need to add to the menu item of the VKontakte group.

In the address bar, highlight and copy the following part of the link:

And the same must be done for each menu item. As a result, our VKontakte group menu will lead users to the pages that we need, whether it be internal or external links.

And finally, when for each menu item, we will substitute links to internal pages of vkoktakte. The design that we added under the menu can be deleted and the menu can be saved.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Create an internal vkontakte page and adding it to the group menu is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Now any manipulations in Vkontakte groups (menu, navigation, pagination, news, etc.) will be much easier to perform, for this it is enough to study my VideoCourse on the technical secrets of Vkontakte groups. Create internal pages for video lessons and design them at your discretion. Add page navigation for ease of use and more to make any group look classy and convenient. You asked for video lessons, and I recorded a whole video course - take it !!!

That's all for me. Good luck!

Many people are wondering how to register on VKontakte? And that is why we created this article - a lesson so that beginners can quickly and easily register a VK page. Here is the simplest and easy way how to create a new page, and no questions should arise.

In order to create a page, you need to do the following on your computer: in your browser, in the address bar, enter the address of the social network, or go to link after which the main page will open where you can register.

Vkontakte registration page (will open in a new window)

Registration through the official website of VKontakte

  1. To get to the registration page, click on one of the buttons that are marked in the figure below.
  2. After that, a small window will open, in which you must specify the Last Name, First Name and date of birth and click on the button Registration.
  3. In the "Registration Confirmation" window, you must enter mobile number to protect your page. It will receive a free message with a code that must be entered in a special field.
  4. The code will come to the phone within a couple of minutes, you can request a new code if nothing has arrived within 2 minutes.
  5. The next registration step is creating a password for the Vkontakte page. Under the field where you enter the password, there will be tips on how complex the password is.

    To make the password strong, you need to enter numbers, symbols, small and capital Latin letters. Be sure to write down your password in a notepad on your computer. When you specify your password to enter your page in contact, click on the "Login to the site" button.

  6. After entering the site, a page opens where you can fill in all the information about yourself, add a photo, add friends from other social networks, subscribe to interesting people.

    On this page, you can immediately fill in information about your education, your school and institute or university. After filling in all the fields, your possible friends with whom you study or studied will be shown.

My VKontakte page enter directly to the page

Now you can go to and see what it looks like. You will be highlighted with special tips for navigating the page. Then you can search for your friends, different groups and communities. You can also listen to music and watch videos.

How to make a page in contact? Many newcomers to the Internet often encounter many confusing situations in the course of getting acquainted with social networks. They do not know how to create their own page in contact. But sooner or later you will need to do this, so read on. The creation of your page can be influenced by many reasons for some of these: the search for classmates, friends, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues, and communication with them, search and much more.

Where is it much better to create your page, in which service? After all, you need to find all your friends, acquaintances, classmates in one social network. Today, of course, the main leader, which is very popular among our social networks. networks in Russia is Vkontakte.

How to create a new page in contact?

3. Then you need to fill in your mobile phone number and click on the "Get Code" button.

5. After that, you need to come up with a complex, unique password that will protect your account from hacking, enter it and click on the "Login to the site" button.

Tip: The password must contain numbers and Latin letters, but do not use your name, date of birth or the name of your locality, since this information will be available on your page and will serve as a hint for account hackers in contact.

Well, that's all we went through the entire registration procedure. You have your own personal page in contact. Fill it in as accurately as possible enter your personal data, if you did not during the registration. This will help you quickly find your right people on the social network and start communicating with them, exchanging various information with them. Find and add your own friends, acquaintances to your VKontakte page and go! Also, add me in your profile, let's become friends and I will reciprocate.

How to create and communicate VKontakte on two or more pages?

Is it possible to do this? Yes, it turns out it is possible and easy to implement.

This can be done in two ways:

The first way is to create and use several pages on a social network using different browsers. For example, if you are using Google browsers Chrome and Opera. But if you do not have different browsers, then download via the Internet, it's all simple. Type in the search engine the phrase of any browser, go to the official website and click "download". After that, you create one page in one browser, and another in another. Then you can enjoy your result.

The second way is how to make several pages in contact using incognito mode. The other way is much easier. Press this key combination on your computer Ctrl + Shift + N, and we get into incognito mode. We go to social network and create another account. What happens? And it turns out that in one window there is one profile, and on the other, in incognito mode, another. Enjoy.

I must say right away that registering one profile from one cell phone today is not possible. Many now have two or more SIMs on their phones, take advantage of this. But if someone does not have such an opportunity, then there are services on the Internet that send SMS for a fee through various cell phone numbers.

Well, today we have considered the topic . Who liked the article, I'll forgive you to speak in the comments.

I wish you good luck creating your page and.
