Synchronization between laptop and mac. Sync Folders for Mac is the best data sync assistant

Some people believe that Android devices and Mac OS computers cannot interact. This misconception may have been partly true in the distant past, but nowadays there are many methods, applications and services that allow you to use your Android OS device with Mac OS. Within the framework of one article it is impossible to describe all the means available to us for this, but we will try to tell you about the best of them. Many of the services discussed below are cloud-based and make the process of exchanging information between devices simple and painless, although we will also touch on the methods associated with using a USB connection.

Document synchronization

Unlike the iPhone, transferring files to Android devices is quite simple. The method of downloading files may vary slightly depending on the version you are using. Google Android, but generally works on the same principle. The Android OS allows you not only to synchronize certain types of documents, but to download any information in general, using your smartphone as a regular flash drive. Many Android devices use a "USB Storage Mode" that becomes active when the device is connected to a Mac OS computer or laptop. At the same time, you will see a notification about the USB connection on the display of the device. This notification just needs to be opened and the connection allowed. After that, you will have a connected USB flash drive on your computer, which you can safely open and download the information you need to it. After you finish downloading the files, safely remove the device using the special icon next to the device in the explorer window. Disconnecting an Android device from a computer without first ejecting it can damage the drive and the information stored on it.
Some newer Android devices require the use of special program to synchronize with a computer. Google recommends using Android File Transfer (AFT), which is very easy to manage and allows you to easily manipulate files and folders stored on devices. While AFT's capabilities are sufficient for most users, other programs such as Droid NAS , allow for wireless exchange of information between devices. Droid NAS makes your device visible in the Finder as a shared computer, allowing you to transfer files over Wi-Fi. Another method of wireless synchronization is carried out using free service AirDroid, which allows you to access the files stored on your device through a regular web browser. Instructions for using AirDroid are located.


There are several ways you can sync music between your PC and Android device. First of all, you can simply download music to your device with simple copy which we discussed in the previous paragraph. However, some may find it inconvenient to connect the device every time to download a new song, not to mention that the amount of memory on your device may not allow you to download all your music. Numerous cloud services can help you deal with these problems. Unfortunately, Google service Music (which suits us perfectly in this situation) is not yet available in all countries, so many will have to look for other solutions (Dropbox, etc.). On the other hand, the use of cloud services requires not only configuration, but also a constant connection of devices to the Internet, so for us personally, the good old manual method of downloading files is the most preferable.


There are several ways to sync your photos between two devices that allow you to save your photos to your Mac OS PC as soon as you take them on your Android device. The main advantage of these methods is that you only need to do initial setup, and then all operations will be carried out in automatic mode without your intervention. Additional advantage is that you will never lose your photos, because their backup will be stored on your computer and in the cloud service. For such synchronization of photos, the Dropbox service we have already mentioned is ideal, so we recommend using it. After you install and set up Dropbox, all photos taken with your Android device will be automatically saved on your Mac OS computer in the Camera Uploads folder.
As in the case of music, nothing prevents you from using more traditional ways to synchronize pictures, as well as the already mentioned applications like AFT and Droid NAS. And if you like to experiment, we recommend that you pay attention to two more interesting solutions, which are implemented using the SyncMate Expert app and the AirSync addon from DoubleTwist. However, keep in mind that with all of these methods, you are unlikely to achieve the same simplicity and automation as with Dropbox.


The large display found on many Android devices is great for watching movies. However, not everyone uses services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus or HBO Go to watch. Many people find it more convenient (and hard to disagree with this) to download a movie from a computer directly to their phone in order to be able to watch it offline. As a rule, movies are larger than other files, so they may take time to download. Those. if you are late for the train, then starting to download a movie is not the best idea.
To download a movie from Mac OS to an Android device, you can use any of the above methods (AirDroid, SyncMate, DoubleTwist, Droid NAS, AFT), however, keep in mind that wireless methods are usually slower than wired ones, so downloading large files, we recommend using a USB cable and applications like Android File Transfer. But in general, as you might have guessed, there are no particular problems with downloading videos on Android. If you have any difficulties, then they will most likely relate to the inability to play some video formats. However, this problem can be easily solved by installing an additional video player (for example, VLC or MX Player ), which includes a large set of codecs and is capable of playing almost any multimedia format. Another problem may be the lack of enough user memory in the device and, as a result, the inability to download a large number of videos. One of the possible ways out of this situation is to use the Dropbox service we have already mentioned, however, you should keep in mind that in order to work with it, you will need a good Internet connection and a large amount of available traffic.

Contacts and calendar

For many, the loss of contacts from the address book can be a serious problem. The days when people kept numbers, addresses, and dates of birth in their heads are long gone. Today, almost everyone relies on having their information stored in the device's memory. Gone are also the days when the only means of synchronizing such information was a USB connection. Google, Apple and some other companies provide wireless synchronization between all devices that are connected to a single account.
The good news is that Google and Apple are getting along quite well when it comes to contact and calendar syncing. On a Mac OS computer, you only need to connect to your Google account in the Contacts and Calendar apps. To do this, you need to launch the application and open its settings (this can be done not only in the application itself, but also by clicking on the application name in the menu and selecting the “Settings” item). On the settings page, you will need to click on the Accounts icon, which is located at the top. In the "Contacts" application, you will need to select the item "On my Mac" (On My Mac) and then put a special checkmark in the window that opens to start synchronization with Google. Please note that the Google account you added to the app must match the one used on your Android device. The process of synchronization with the calendar works in a similar way, however, instead of the item "On My Mac" (On My Mac) you will need to click on the "+" icon, which is located at the bottom of the window, and select Google from the list available services. Again, we remind you that the same Google account must be used everywhere.
On an Android device, you should open the settings, go to the accounts section and make sure that the "Calendar" and "Contacts" items are ticked in the account you are using. If everything is configured correctly, then any changes will now be synchronized on both your devices. In general, synchronization will be quite fast, but sometimes there may be small delays, which are not worth worrying about. If you are a user cloud service iCloud and do not rush to completely switch to services from Google, we recommend that you pay attention to SmoothSync for Cloud Calendar applications and SmoothSync for Cloud Contacts . With their help, you can easily synchronize information from iCloud with your Android device.

Browser bookmarks

Bookmark sync is one of those features that once you start using it, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it. Thanks to it, you can safely switch between your devices and calmly continue the work you have begun. The easiest way to keep your bookmarks in sync, open pages and browser settings between various devices is the use Google browser Chrome. IN latest versions Google Android platforms Chrome browser is already installed by default, and if it is not, then you can try downloading Chrome in the shop Google Apps play. Google version Chrome for Mac OS can be downloaded. In both browsers (on a computer and on an Android device), you need to connect your Google account. IN google settings Chrome, you can also select which services you plan to sync. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you are using Android OS version below version 4.0, then Chrome installation may not be available. In this case, we recommend using the SyncMate application , demon paid version which will allow you to synchronize your bookmarks.
The list of applications described above is far from exhaustive. Perhaps you know other useful applications for android sync and Mac OS, as well as additional areas of interaction between these systems. It will be very kind of you if you share the information you know in the comments to this article.

I think everyone is very familiar with this situation when you often have to transfer various documents to a USB flash drive, edit them on other computers, and then again transfer the modified version to your Mac (only Mac, it cannot be otherwise :)). Agree that it is extremely inconvenient to waste your precious time on such a routine like this.

Therefore, a brilliant idea came to me and that if you find some kind of program that will automatically or on demand synchronize files between the Mac and the USB flash drive and thus allow you to always have the “freshest” versions of documents on both devices.

After testing several programs, I settled on a small utility Sync Folders, which is the best suited for solving file synchronization tasks (even in its free version).

How to set up Sync Folders for Mac

I will not pour water about what a cool paid version of the program is and how much cool it can be, it’s enough for me and free features. Here is what the program looks like when opened.

As you can see, everything is extremely concise. First of all, I propose to set up the great and mighty, go to the settings > localization tab and select Russian from the drop-down list.


Task name- Makes sense if you need a lot different tasks synchronization with various parameters.

Folders A and B- Here you set the path to the synchronized folders.
Advice. I recommend creating a folder on the Mac that will store all the documents necessary for synchronization, for example, "My Docks".

Folder filter- By entering certain rules, you can exclude subfolders from data exchange.
For example: ! = Folder1, and! = Folder2, and! = Folder3

Filter file- Same with files. For example, if you don't want to synchronize files with doc and pdf extensions, then write the following rule: !end=.doc, and !end=.pdf

Synchronization mode- There are two of them in the basic version of the program:

  • (bidirectional synchronization mode) - I will explain on my fingers, if the text.doc file was deleted from folder A, then during subsequent synchronization its “brother” from folder B will also be deleted. Therefore, this mode should be used very carefully.
  • (Bidirectional synchronization mode without tracking exceptions) - In this case, the synchronization process will add all the missing files between folders (if text.doc is in folder A, and was deleted in folder B, then after synchronization ^ it will all reappear in folder B) * I use this mode*

By checking the “move files for deletion to a special folder” checkbox, the program will create the _DelSyncFiles folder in which the changed files detected during synchronization will be stored. There are also two storage modes:
- replacing (replacement) - Old ones will be replaced by new ones
- adding (adding) - All versions of files will be stored until the memory of your Mac runs out.

When all the necessary parameters are set, all that remains is to click "Save task".


On this Sync Folders tab, only the auto-sync item deserves attention, I set it to 3600 seconds (1 hour).

Last changes


Synchronization error logs are displayed here, and which ones can be found in the next tab.


I must admit, apart from changing the language, I didn’t touch anything else here 🙂


As you can see, Sync Folders for Mac is a very simple and unpretentious program, once you set it up, you can permanently close the issue of the relevance of data on your computer and external media.

P.S. And if you are interested in how to make a full backup of your Mac with subsequent automatic synchronization, then I recommend reading about.

iPhone, how much in this word! A few years ago, people could not even dream of such devices. Now, many people have iPhones, and their functionality is amazing and inspires respect. With their help, you can perform dozens of tasks, and in a very short time. Users who have just purchased this product have a lot of questions about what and how to do. Today we will try to answer one of them: sync data between iPhone and MAC | PC(iphone setting).

First, let's look at the official site to download iTunes ( With his help, we will synchronize data. You can also use iTunes to move media files between five computers, set up wireless transmission to other rooms (Air Tunes function), synchronize the media library (music, video, programs, games, etc.).

Well, have you downloaded it? Now you need to install it on your PC. Follow the simple prompts and "you will be happy." Then connect your iPhone to USB port 2.0 on your MAC or PC using the included cable.

Follow the on-screen prompts in iTunes for further syncing to be available (computer must be connected to the internet).

By default, iTunes automatically syncs all songs and videos in your library. If the volume exceeds a certain limit (free volume - 2GB), you will be notified that the content cannot be synchronized. You can set iTunes to sync one or more types of data:

Contacts - Names, Phones, addresses, etc.;

Calendar - Meetings and events;

Web page bookmarks;

Ringtones (Call melodies);

Music and audiobooks;


In order to connect an iPhone to a personal computer, we need a cable, which was mentioned above. The synchronization process is simple and short. What is needed for this?

Connect iPhone to computer and launch iTunes;

Select iPhone in iTunes source list;

Configure synchronization settings in each of the settings panels;

Click "Apply"

If you want to turn off the automatic sync feature: go to iTunes - Settings on a MAC or Edit - Settings on a computer. Go to the Sync tab, select "Turn off automatic sync for all iPhones and iPods".

In addition to this method, there is another one - third-party programs, with the help of which iphone sync. Examples: Move2Mac, PhoneView and others. Each of them is good in some way, but not all of them have the right set of functions. The choice is always yours!

Using PhoneView, you can significantly expand the data exchange between macOS and iPhone, make backups, use the iPhone as a flash drive. The only negative is that it is impossible to view the files, and you can extract them only with the help of this program.

If you want, then you can install a bunch of utilities on your iPhone that will significantly diversify your leisure time. These are utilities for reading books, and for watching videos, and financial calculators, and much more. The Internet is at your service.

For today, that's all I wanted to talk about. sync data between iPhone and MAC | PC. In case something does not work out, you can always turn to knowledgeable people. Employees of the KliK company will be happy to help with any issue related to the iPhone, or any other issue related to Macs (software, Apple repair) or personal computers. For a nominal fee, we are ready to go home and solve all the hardware and software problems. Call, write, come. You are always welcome!

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and Liability

A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts for current models so that you do not have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good taste for service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

Service repair and delivery

Good service appreciates your time, therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service is known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. You give Macbook repair to an expert specifically in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.
