Create compressed .cab files on Windows operating systems. Why do I see too many processes of the same name in the Task Manager

Sometimes makecab.pdb.exe and other errors system errors EXE could be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the makecab.pdb.exe file, but when those programs are uninstalled or changed, orphaned (invalid) EXE registry entries are sometimes left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path to the file may have been changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries looking up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), makecab.pdb.exe errors can occur. In addition, malware infection may have corrupted registry entries associated with Platforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK. Thus, these invalid EXE registry entries need to be repaired in order to fix the root of the problem.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid makecab.pdb.exe keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made while editing the registry can render your PC unusable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting up!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any makecab.pdb.exe-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner automates the process of finding invalid registry entries, missing file references (like the one causing your makecab.pdb.exe error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, an automatically created backup copy, which allows you to undo any changes with a single click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors can drastically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an advanced PC user, we do NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and require reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from misuse of Registry Editor can be resolved. You use the Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting a part of the registry related to makecab.pdb.exe (eg. Platforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. An access dialog will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the makecab.pdb.exe-related key (eg. Platforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. Listed Save to select the folder where you want to save the backup copy of the Platforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK key.
  11. In field File name enter a name for the backup file, such as "Platforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export Range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with .reg extension.
  15. You now have a backup of your makecab.pdb.exe-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be covered in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information on editing the registry manually, please see the links below.

After that, it executes the start of DismHost. What is svchost. On the laptop, the processor is loaded at 100%. In the Win7 Task Manager, when displaying the processes of all users, it can be seen that the cause is in the svchost.exe process. Virus scan did not help hard drive co. Many users complain that the Explorer.exe process loads the processor (Cpu) at 100%. Why this is so and how to solve this problem, we will discuss further. First of all, we will understand what the Explorer.exe process is.

svchost. exe loads the processor on Windows 7. In today's article, we will talk about the problem when Svchost. Windows 7 OS. Perhaps there is no such user of Windows OS who has never encountered the phenomenon when this process loads the PC processor to a critical level of 1.

Content: We will try to help and give several ways to solve this problem. svchost virus Or a system process? svchost. exe is a process used for services that are loaded from dynamic link libraries (.DLLs). This operation is used in the MS Windows family starting from Windows 2. Windows 1. 0. In order to reduce CPU time and random access memory the developers decided to use a single process to run multiple services. We will discuss the disadvantages of this solution below. Note!

Virus and Trojan developers use the name of this operation to mask their malicious applications. This is easily explained by the fact that the process named svchost.

The makecab.exe driver is corrupted. A friend suggested the user an antivirus like Trendmicro The Titanium? 2012 Range earlier. PresentationFramework.Aero.dll having high cpu centrol block or file usage from version 3.0.6920.4902 becomes slow for. Makecab.exe problems include high CPU usage, application errors, and possible virus infection. Here are five of the most common Makecab.exe problems and how to fix them.

Since a cursory analysis reveals that the svchost. It should be remembered that the system process svchost. LOCAL or NETWORK SERVICE, SYSTEM. Please note that this operation is launched only through the mechanism of system services. If the svchost. Run- registry key - you are dealing with a virus.

To restart a computer. In some cases, restarting the computer can lead to the desired result, which is why we placed this workaround for the processor load problem at the beginning. Way. This check you can do it yourself or with the help of an antivirus.

The self-check is usually faster but less accurate than the anti-virus check. We recommend that you first perform a manual scan of your computer for virus activity, and then proceed with a scan using an antivirus. Manual verification begins with the fact that we need to go to the "Task Manager", this can be done with the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. Go to the "Processes" tab.

Here, for ease of perception, you can sort processes depending on the load on the processor (or consumed memory), for this you need to click on the heading of the column called "CPU" (or "Memory", respectively) in the "Task Manager" window. As a result, the most resource-intensive processes will be at the top of the column, in our case it is svchost. Mb. Next, we pay attention to the name on whose behalf the operation is launched.

This information is contained in the "User" column. In our case, everything is in order - the process is launched from SYSTEM (system) and LOCAL and NETWORK SERVICE. If the process is launched by any other user in front of you, it is most likely a virus and at this stage it is necessary to scan the computer with an antivirus. In order to figure out which service works with a particular svchost process. Go to Services". In this window we can see more detailed information, which services are using the svchost we have allocated. The services are highlighted in blue and have the same process ID.

Further, by alternately disabling one or another service, you can understand the cause of this problem. The most common services, the operation of which leads to an increase in the consumption of system resources by the svchost process. IP Helper Service" and "Automatic windows updates».

You can disable these services and check the result, but you should pay attention to the fact that as a result, the operating system will not automatically receive updates. This problem solved by starting the update in manual mode. For most users, turning it off will have absolutely no effect on the system. Checking for virus activity with already installed antivirus in some cases does not give the desired result. In some cases, the virus can infect the antivirus itself.

For best scan results, we recommend downloading free version antivirus that does not require installation (for example, Dr. Web Cureit, kaspersky security Scan, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool). Copy it to a USB flash drive and run it for verification, after downloading it to safe mode. Way. How to do this can be found in our previous article. Way. Delete the contents of the Prefetch folder. This folder is used to speed up the loading of the operating system (and launching programs) by saving the values ​​of previous downloads.

Typically, the Prefetch directory is one of the subdirectories of the Windows system directory.

Detection and removal of the bitcoin miner virus. Published 2. 01. 5 p. If anyone has difficulty removing this reptile, we go to the forum, and there we will solve this issue together. People, please subscribe to the channel, it is withering ..., and there is less and less motivation, there are a lot of new videos on various topics, they come out every day) THANK YOU. This virus eats the resources of the video card without your knowledge, and gives someone the resources of your computer.

Recently, quite often in the comments ask questions:

  • What is Windows Modules Installer Worker?
  • Why is TiWorker.exe loading the CPU at 25%, 50% or even 100% or the disk?
  • What to do if the computer slows down due to the TiWorker process?
  • How to uninstall TiWorker, reduce CPU load and get rid of system lag?

In this article we will try to give answers to these questions and tips on how to fix the problem.

What is TiWorker.exe

TiWorker.exe (Windows Modules Installer Worker) is a system process that is responsible for installing both Windows modules and operating system updates. There is no need to delete it!

What to do if TiWorker.exe loads the processor or disk?

There is nothing abnormal in the fact that the TiWorker.exe process loads the processor. It can install updates, of which there are quite a few for Windows 10. Another question is how long the activity of the process is observed.

Tip 1. Wait. If possible, leave the computer alone for an hour and allow the process to finish running applications. It's possible that TiWorker.exe is CPU-intensive simply because it's doing its job.

Tip 2. If you see that the TiWorker.exe process creates a load of under 80-100% for an hour, two or more times, restart your computer. Let the system boot up, wait 5 minutes and watch the activity of the processes. In some cases, after Windows restart Modules Installer Worker calms down. If this is the case for you, then you don't need to take any further action.

Tip 3. Complete. If updates for Windows are available, install them, restart your computer, wait 10 minutes after downloading and check the activity of the TiWorker.exe process.

Tip 4. If you are unable to solve the problem, we strongly advise scan the system for viruses and malware by using . However, such a check will never be superfluous. Sometimes the infection of a computer with viruses and malware manifests itself in the form of an off-scale processor load by system processes. Also, it is worth saying that malware is able to disguise its files as system files. For example, nothing prevents you from naming a malicious file as TiWorker.exe. True, in this case, it will not be launched on behalf of the system, but on behalf of the user and in the description most likely will not words Windows Modules Installer Worker.

Tip 5. If there are no viruses in the system, and TiWorker.exe loads the processor and does not calm down, you can take a radical solution - disable automatic update. (Most often this has to be done on old and weak computers.)

We have described possible reasons, why the TiWorker.exe process loads the processor, and their solutions. If you have add-ons based on personal experience, share them in the comments.

svchost. exe loads the processor on 5. Svchost. exe is a process that is notorious for being able to consume a large percentage of CPU resources, in other words, to load the processor heavily at times. You have probably been in a situation where you work at a computer, are happy with everything, and then the system starts to freeze.

svchost process. How to troubleshoot. Author Max · Comments (58). Rate the material.

It happens that they can load the processor from 0 to 100%. Not sure what to do if svchost. Read about what is causing the problem, how to find the source of the problem, and how. Today we’ll talk about what to do if svchost.exe loads the processor, preventing it from working normally on the computer. Reasons why the system is booted by the svchost process. Since svchost.exe serves a significant part of the system services.

You press CTRL+ALT+DEL to open the Task Manager, click on the Processes tab, and see that there are several svchost processes running on the system. Someone might think: “Oh my God, I have a virus in my computer!”. Well, maybe so, because some types of malware are disguised as “svchost.

Windows. So why is svchost. Svchost is a launcher for services and DLLs.

In the list of processes you have seen a lot. DLL - they cannot be run as a standalone unit. They are launched by Svchost. The question arises, how to eliminate the error in which Svchost. CPU. First, you need to determine the service that was started by that copy of Svchost.

Svhostt.exe Loads Windows 10 Processor At 50

Is your computer slow? svchost process. Find out the simple solution on our website! And if there are no services included but there is svchost.exe. In Windows 7, the most important process in the OS is Svchost.exe. Very often, Windows 7 PC users encounter a problem when this process heavily loads the processor. Loading processor cores. You press CTRL + ALT + DEL, open the "Task Manager", click on the "Processes" tab, and you see that several svchost.exe processes are running on the system, one of which loads the processor by 50% - 100%. Svchost.exe is a process that is notorious for being able to consume a large percentage of CPU resources, in other words, . We will tell you what the svchost.exe process is in Windows 10, whether it is a virus and how to find out why svchost is loading the system's processor and memory.

CPU. To do this, you need to use additional utilities, one of which is Process Explorer, written by programmers from the former Sysinternals company, which is now part of Microsoft. So, download Process Explorer, unpack the archive, and run it. In the program window we find that svchost process. A pop-up card appears with information on which we see the service started by this copy of svchost.

Now if it's not windows process, you just need to end it and remove the program that launched this problematic process. If you cannot find this program, then it is probably just a virus. Take advantage virus scanner and then install good antivirus. However, most likely our problematic svchost. Windows such as Task Scheduler, Firewall or Collector Windows events. Sometimes a simple restart of the computer can solve the problem.

If this does not help, the first thing to do is install Latest updates Windows. To do this, in Windows XP, open Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. In Windows 7: Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools - Services (or write in command line services.

Enter). Find the required service (service), click on it right click mouse and select Properties. On the first tab, in the Startup type list, select Disabled.

In the future, you can always enable this service. After that, you still need to download the updates from the Microsoft website and install them, and then try to enable the service again. The error should be gone. There is another way to get rid of high CPU usage from svchost.

To do this, open the "Windows Task Manager" (press CTRL + ALT + DEL), find the process causing the problem, right-click on it, in the menu, move the mouse to the "Priority" item and set it to "Below average" ( or "Low" if "Below Average" doesn't help). However, be aware that setting the priority to "Low" may affect other issues. Also, in case common mistakes associated with the svchost process. To do this, you can use one of the utilities, for example, CCleaner (just remember to make backups before cleaning).
