Search engine specialist, SEO optimizer. How is the working day of an SEO optimizer? May 28 is SEO Day

AHTUNG! The profession of SEO specialist is discredited!

Over the past 5-7 years, a real pessimization of SEO services.

SEO specialists are not liked. They don't believe them.

An SEO specialist has turned into an “SEO specialist” - a parasite, a stupid “promoter”, a hero of memes and jokes.

This is partly to blame dishonest SEOs, who successfully disguise themselves as honest SEO specialists.

To lure the victim into their nets and lull his vigilance, they use tricks:

  • Unrealistically short time - your site is in the TOP in 30 days;
  • Extremely low price - promotion for 4,500 rubles;
  • Traffic promotion with paying visitors;
  • All kinds of guarantees.

As a result, the entrepreneur begins to believe that the SEO is the god of search results. He is ready to give 30, 50 and even 70 thousand a month... and dutifully wait for the promised result.

On the other side, Entrepreneurs themselves are to blame for the decline in confidence in SEO.

Why is this happening:

Many people believe that SEO is a magic pill. which will not only bring traffic to the site, but will also automatically increase sales by 5, 10...100 times!

At the same time, a crooked website, poor performance of the sales department and other nuances are not taken into account.

Entrepreneurs don't understand anything about promotion.

They believe that learning SEO to promote one website is like studying to be a car mechanic in order to change your tires and oil in the garage.

As a result, customers do not understand how to evaluate the qualifications of an SEO specialist and monitor his work. This is taken advantage of by dishonest SEOs who have no problem deceiving their clients.

Frustrated SEO customers rush to the Internet barricades screaming "SEO doesn't work!" and start talking nonsense from the series “a properly run business does not need SEO”.

I look through specialized forums and blogs. A colleague shared a case of promoting a taxi website from St. Petersburg - added it to bookmarks and will study it later. I go into the office around 10:30 - a flexible schedule allows me to stagger my workday.

First thing I do is check my email

Notifications are received daily about changes that have occurred in the robots.txt files of client sites. When starting to work with a new customer, we create this file in such a way as to close pages that are unnecessary for indexing, for example, “Search Results,” and open the ones that are necessary, for example, “Category” or “Delivery Information.”

Using notifications, I find out when the customer accidentally made changes to the file. Today this happened to a car dealer's website. I checked the file, it turned out that the changes appeared due to a change in the CMS system. I am writing to the client and duplicating the recommended robots.txt.

I look at notifications for monitoring the content of promoted pages. First, I check the report to ensure that the Title and H1 headers correspond to the reference values ​​for each project. The standards are loaded into an internal system, which checks these values ​​against real values ​​on a daily basis. If something on the site changes, it is displayed in a table sent by email and I can react quickly. Today the reports arrived on the websites of the dental clinic and university, but the webmasters have not yet managed to add the recommended headings to them, so everything is in order.

The following critical checks are related to a server response other than “200 OK” on promoted pages. Checking helps you react quickly if links to some pages have been removed or are unavailable. Today we received reports about pages that have already been added to the system, but have not yet been posted on sites by webmasters.

If the search database has been updated, notifications about visibility results for projects are also sent by email, but yesterday there was no update.

I continue my morning ritual and look at notifications in the Yandex.Webmaster panel for each client. I recently encountered a problem that was resolved promptly thanks to daily checking. A client who delivers sushi across Russia put a Clickjacking code on the site. The mechanism places invisible elements on the site, which, for example, automatically subscribe to the emails of site visitors, without their knowledge.

I immediately saw a notification that the site had come under a filter and the positions for most queries had dropped sharply. I promptly wrote to the client, and he, in turn, quickly removed the code. Three weeks later, the site's position was restored. Today, fortunately, I did not find any problems for all clients.

I move on to checking traffic data in Yandex.Metrica

The sushi delivery company saw its position decline slightly in the middle of the week. A common story for clients in this area is that traffic increases towards the weekend. But for another client - a car pawnshop - a drop in performance on Wednesday was not typical. I’m studying a cross-section of traffic sources, the reason is that regional pages for Krasnoyarsk users are blocked from indexing. Recently they were hidden because they were not related to website promotion based on his requests. In general, the problem is not critical: as soon as we figure out the keywords, we will open the pages and the traffic will be restored.

The next stage is checking the tasks completed by webmasters. In the evening, a colleague sent me a modified layout of the pages of a catalog for a manufacturer of thermal insulation materials. I check the correctness of product names in the catalog listing, the correctness of Alt... attributes in images and product descriptions. Everything is done perfectly, I send it to the client for approval.

Another webmaster was redesigning the structure of a dental clinic’s website; it needs to be checked for compliance with the technical specifications (TOR). A colleague moved some pages to new addresses, deleted “blank” pages, updated the main and additional menus, but missed some of the 301 redirects. I indicate which pages he forgot and send the task for revision.

Now we need to prepare technical specifications for copywriters on writing texts for a regional subdomain of a car pawnshop

I distribute key queries across pages using the internal Clusterer tool and manual processing. Using the “Text Analyzer” service, I scan the top 10 search results for keywords each group and get a list of phrases that need to be used in the texts.

The tool suggests what should be approximately on each page of the site: the number of keywords themselves, options for their combination, recommended subheadings and volume of text. I manually check the correctness of the recommendations, add a few phrases, and additionally study the texts on sites in the top search results. At the same time, I analyze the anchor core of competitors for the main key phrases.

On the resource that was in the top search results, I discovered that, in addition to the main links on auto pawnshop topics, webmasters included links with anchors “Selling gophers,” “Selling potatoes,” “Selling pigs,” and “Selling ostriches.” I send my colleagues a link with the comment “This is how to promote car pawn shops :).” I add a brief from the client and send the task to the “Copywriter’s Office”.

Time to have lunch

Together with an account and another optimizer, we usually go to local cafes and walk a little after lunch.

I return to work, and a letter from men’s bags is waiting at the post office: the client is worried that there were no calls yesterday. I log into the call tracking system and find that there were calls, but for some reason they did not reach the call center. I recommend that the client contact the telephone provider.

Now we need to analyze the external link mass of an online clothing store. I analyze the top 10 competitors: I evaluate the total number of domains, links, their growth dynamics, and the anchor core for the distribution of links among branded, “addressed,” commercial, and diluted anchors. As a result, I understand that the link mass is insufficient, so I set the task “Solve the problem this week.”

I go to the website of the cargo transportation company

Recently, together with a client, we decided to transfer the rigging service to a separate site. The main resource was ranked well for the keywords: “Rigging”, “Rigging work”, “Rigging work in Moscow”, “Order rigging”. I decided to transfer some of the content (texts, headings, images) from the old site to the new one. I gave recommendations on the technical side at the development stage, and now it is necessary to check the structure, the correctness of the content transfer and the filling of pages with headings and meta tags. The web developers did everything right, so I open the resource for indexing and set up page-by-page 301 redirects on the old site.

I analyze the loading speed of mobile and desktop pages. WITH using Google Page Speed ​​Insights determines that home page loads slowly due to unoptimized images. I challenge the webmaster to correct the situation.

The next task is to carry out initial optimization of the website of a holiday home near Moscow. I evaluate the overall performance of the site, the correctness of the assigned regions in the panels for webmasters, the correctness of the site indexing settings, the compilation of the robots.txt file and the XML sitemap. It turned out that duplicate pages were not blocked from indexing. I correct the situation and create the final file.

And then the webmaster writes that he has solved the problem with loading the site using . I check - the speed is 87 points. I compare with the main competitors in the top search results for basic queries: they have 32, 34, 71, 50, 29 points. Our competitors clearly did not optimize loading speed, so we can count on a small plus in relation to our site both from users and from search engines.

Returning to the holiday home website

I check the settings of the main mirror of the site and the processing of non-existent pages by the server - everything is fine with this. To search for duplicates, I use tools for unloading indexed pages, a parser of titles and meta tags. As a result, I find 163 complete duplicates, for which I recommend setting up 301 redirects.

Based on the brand request, I find two more similar sites. An internal service check for affiliation showed that the resources are not yet affiliated with Yandex. I am writing a letter to a client asking him to comment on who owns the sites and for what purpose they were created. This is necessary for further development of an optimization strategy.

The last task for today is to analyze the competitors of the manufacturer of thermal insulation materials

Recently we decided to attract additional traffic by posting feature articles on the website. In order to compete with information sites on construction and repair, it is necessary to prepare high-quality materials with interesting media content.

I analyze competitors in the top 10 search results for each group of queries. Based on the analysis for each page, I draw up plans for articles and prepare a list of additional questions for the client. Example for requests from the “House insulation” group:

I send a letter to the client and get ready to go home, where my wife and three children are waiting for me.

Russian SEO specialists celebrate Runet Optimizer Day. The young holiday has not yet received official recognition, but is already loved by professionals in the powerful and popular SEO industry.

A little SEO story

The date of the celebration, paradoxically, was chosen completely by chance. In 2006, at the largest Searchengines forum, SEO specialists decided to make their own “holiday selection” as a derivative. The majority of votes gave preference to the warm spring day of May 28th.

A new profession appeared in Russia in the mid-90s and arose from among IT specialists. First, the first search engines appeared: the first system was Yahoo, then the giants Google and Yandex entered the network space. Website ranking has provoked the need for specialists who know how to increase the resource’s position and raise portals in search results.

SEO specialists who can deftly juggle user requests and arrange site content for them are worth their weight in gold. Occupation of a top position by a site directly correlated with the profitability of the resource. SEO specialists began to use a diverse and constantly changing set of tools to increase ratings, and SEO turned into a powerful industry with fabulous turnover.

SEO Wizard functionality

The specialist’s task is to organize a mobile chain of actions and technologies to increase the site’s ranking in search results. An SEO optimizer carefully studies the positions of competing sites, their techniques, collects and analyzes statistics, improves content and comes up with new ways of promotion.

The success and profitability of the customer’s business depends on the accuracy of the manipulations and the correctness of the SEO specialist’s strategy. Violation of promotion algorithms is fraught with a decrease in traffic, loss of positions and lost profits. Optimization can be fair and transparent – ​​“white”, illegal – “black”, and a mixed type – “gray”.

Holiday traditions

The main mission of the holiday is to increase the prestige of the SEO administrator profession and express gratitude for intellectual and creative work. On this day, it is customary to hold thematic conferences, specialized seminars, business meetings, advanced training courses, and presentations. Industry gurus organize open webinars, useful workshops, master classes, as well as public testing of new programs.

The best professional wishes on Runet Optimizer Day – “top positions in search results”, “high TIC indicators” and “off-scale PR”.

With the development of the Internet, the number of websites increases. And they turn to search engines to get information. For people who are engaged in such activities, they made a special holiday, they celebrate it on May 28.

They are usually treated to a cake with a special logo that relates to the computer industry. This event is mentioned in the media, and articles are also published in magazines.

SEO specialists have been celebrating their professional holiday since 2006. The date was set by a vote that took place on the Searchengines forum. This holiday is not officially recognized, but is becoming increasingly popular.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means working with search engines using different methods.

SEOs do the work of improving the search engine rankings of pages, reports 1rre. They monitor site positions, collect and analyze statistical data, and develop proposals for improving texts.

Today this profession is very popular. The customer’s business and income depend on the work of the optimizer.

SEO optimization appeared in Russia in the 90s, when the first search engines appeared. Today, the SEO industry has a million-dollar turnover.

Three types of optimization can be imagined:

— “White” optimization method, such sites are always interesting and occupy high positions. The optimizer monitors sites to monitor the quality of content.

— “Black hat optimization” is a prohibited method. Techniques such as spam and hidden text are used. These are the real enemies of search engines.

— “Gray optimization” is not prohibited, but can be regarded as unnatural methods of website promotion. This still allows you to bring resources to the first positions.

CEO Day is celebrated on May 28: what is the job of a SEO specialist

The work of an SEO specialist includes the following stages:

  1. Analysis of the client's website.
  2. Formation of the core of search queries.
  3. Creating a broad structure for the site.
  4. Conducting an audit, creating tasks for website optimization.
  5. Increasing the popularity of pages.
  6. Content optimization.
  7. Crawl budget.
  8. Increasing website usability.
  9. Increasing the conversion rate from visitors to clients.
  10. Optimization by sections, categories.

On optimization day, it is customary to hold various seminars, courses, conferences, presentations, and master classes.

The development of the Internet is accompanied by an increase in the number of websites. The most common way to obtain information is to use search engines. They rank pages based on the content's proximity to the query. To achieve a higher ranking in search results, special measures are taken. A professional holiday is dedicated to people engaged in such activities.

Who's celebrating

Everyone involved in this area of ​​activity takes part in the celebrations on the occasion of SEO Day. Among them are specialists in search engines and algorithms, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence. The holiday in Russia is considered by students, graduates and teachers of specialized educational institutions, researchers. The memorable date is celebrated by their colleagues, friends, relatives, acquaintances, and people interested in this field.

History and traditions of the holiday

For the first time, SEO Specialist Day was celebrated in 2006 by people related to the Runet. The date does not contain any symbolic meaning; it was chosen arbitrarily. Participants in one of the forums organized a vote to determine the most convenient time for the celebration. Based on its results, it was decided to set the celebration for May 28. Since then, they have become increasingly famous, attracting new fans of the action.

The event is informal and common in a professional environment. The purpose of the event is to increase prestige and express gratitude for work. Traditionally, colleagues, their friends, acquaintances and relatives gather around the table. There are congratulations, warm words, wishes for health and success in responsible work. Toasts are complemented by the clinking of glasses.

The heroes of the occasion are usually treated to a cake with a logo related to the computer industry, and are given memorable gifts. Among them are T-shirts, pens, postcards, notepads, cups. Celebrations are moving from offices to cafes, restaurants and bars.

On the eve of Optimizer Day 2020, with the support of large enterprises in the field information technologies, seminars, advanced training courses, and festivals are held. These events, which gather several thousand visitors from many neighboring countries, allow for the exchange of experiences. Participants discuss work issues, news, make presentations, and test programs.

The event is mentioned in the media. Specialized journals publish articles on system administrators. Interviews with prominent industry figures are published.

About the profession

SEO optimizers work to implement measures that increase the ranking of pages in search engine results. Their tasks include monitoring the positions of the site and main competitors, collecting and analyzing statistical data, and developing proposals for improving the content of texts.

The path to the profession begins with training basic principles functioning of linguistic algorithms. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills are mastered. Employees must constantly monitor changes in their subject area, criteria that determine the quality of materials, and use best practices in combating malware. For this purpose there are forums, exhibitions, literature.

The profession is in high demand. This is due to the regularly changing ranking order and companies competing for positions. The success of the customer’s business depends on the actions of the SEO optimizer. Violation of promotion rules can lead to a significant reduction in the number of visitors and website revenue.
