Windows 10 troubleshooting is very. Working with tools

As the owner of a computer with Windows 10, you have repeatedly witnessed the fact that the "ten", although constantly being improved, is a rather crude operating system, and a lot of problems arise in it. Developers solve only the most common problems by implementing fixes in service packs or releasing out-of-order patches (fixes) to get rid of a specific error. So, for example, it was with When there are special cases that concern only a computer with certain hardware or software, Microsoft offers to use an integrated tool for troubleshooting.

Run the troubleshooter

Diagnostics of a computer with Windows 10 begins with the launch of the tool, which contains a mass of tools designed to find and fix errors that have occurred on the PC.

Note that Windows 10 includes about 20 tools designed to identify problems and then fix them.

Tools are launched through the "Control Panel".

  • We go to the "Control Panel".
  • Switch the type of visualization of elements to "Categories".
  • We launch the Troubleshooting applet to open a window with a list of applications for troubleshooting the computer and fixing them.

The principle of operation of any component is as follows: it checks the current system settings and compares them with the default settings. When mismatches are detected, the user is notified of this and prompted to reset Windows 10 settings to their original state or somehow change automatically to fix the problem. This is how Microsoft diagnoses and fixes issues with running software.

Composition of problem detection tools

The conflict resolution tools are divided into several categories, many of which also include subcategories.

  • Programs - This tool executes applications that run into incompatibility issues.

After starting the search for problems, the utility will scan the system and display a list of applications installed in it. In the window, you must select the problematic program and click "Next" to run diagnostics in order to identify the source of the conflict.

  • Hardware and Sound - Using the tools placed in this category, diagnostics of the hardware used on a computer with Windows 10 is carried out.

The funds include:

  • device setup - detection of difficulties in the operation or in the process of configuring a particular hardware component of a computer;
  • sound - used when there are problems during playback / recording of sound or conversations on Skype and similar programs for Windows 10;
  • network - diagnostics of operation and configuration of networks, including wireless, and network devices;
  • printer - getting rid of conflicts that arise during the printing process;
  • Windows Media - search for causes that cause complications with video and DVD playback;
  • video playback - identifying the reasons that do not allow playing video files;
  • background transfer service - Diagnosing problems that prevent files from downloading in the background;
  • Store Apps - Identify factors that are preventing apps from the Windows Store from functioning properly.

As you can see, the set of tools for troubleshooting and returning the computer to a state of normal functioning in Windows 10 is large. Another issue is their effectiveness. But here all the responsibility lies on the shoulders of developers with more than 20 years of experience in creating operating systems.

In any case, these tools have more than once saved beginners from doing a hard reset or completely reinstalling it.

To make it easy to find the application you need, all tools can be displayed in one window without sorting by category. The button "View all categories" is responsible for this.

Working with tools

Nothing is required from the user to use the diagnostic tools. The functioning of each element is accompanied by the launch of a wizard window with hints, a couple of buttons and the presence of switches (checkbox, checkbox).

The only thing to do after identifying the problem is to apply the recommended fix for it.

Be careful, the application will require administrator privileges to change some settings. Such functions are distinguished by the presence of a blue-yellow shield icon.

New opportunities

Windows 10 has new troubleshooting and troubleshooting features that allow you to detect a problem before you even start your computer (in preboot mode).

To bring up a menu with a list of available tools, restart your computer while holding down the Shift key. After rebooting, on the action selection screen, click "Troubleshooting".

There are two options available here: Reset your PC (reset Windows 10) and advanced options.

In the additional parameters, there are tools that allow you to restore the health of Windows 10 by:

  • rollback to the previous state;
  • using a system image;
  • return to the previous assembly;
  • launching funds to restore the download "dozens";
  • using command line capabilities.

As you can see, Windows 10 is distinguished not only by the presence of errors and problems, but also by a set of tools for eliminating them and returning the computer to a working state, sometimes without requiring almost any activity and knowledge from the user.

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Windows 10, despite all the developers' assurances about the versatility of the system, as well as its predecessor, is not immune from critical failures. One of the most annoying is the appearance of an endless loading of Windows 10 with the issuance of some messages, the occurrence of blue screens or without it. What is the reason for this behavior of the system and how to fix the problem that has arisen, then we will try to figure it out.

Why does Windows 10 endless loading appear?

Alas, it is not immediately possible to say exactly why the operating system falls into a cyclic reboot.

Of course, in the event of failure messages or indication of failed components in the description attached to the blue screen, one can partially guess what caused the constant restart. However, the most common reasons why Windows 10 endless loading starts again and again are considered to be hardware problems (hardware failures), damage to the system components of the bootloader, problems installing the latest updates, etc. It is possible that such behavior of the system could affect and problems with the "Update Center" itself. Also, sometimes a cyclic restart can be triggered by incorrectly installed user applications (most often in the form of pirated copies or unofficial assemblies) and even virus exposure.

What to do in case of hardware failure?

To begin with, let's look at hardware failures associated with the incorrect functioning of the installed equipment, as a result of which a blue screen first appears, in which a description of the failed driver is usually present, after which the endless loading of a Windows 10 computer starts. In this situation, the hard drive, RAM are considered the main culprits and video card. To troubleshoot, first of all, check the tightness of the connection of all the hard drive cables, as well as the correct installation of the graphics adapter or memory sticks on the motherboard. If a visual inspection does not give anything, try removing the RAM strips one by one, turning on the computer again each time. If at one point the download goes well, the bad bar will have to be replaced. If you have bootable media with programs like TestDisk for checking the hard drive, Memtest86+ for testing RAM, or similar utilities, perform a full check of these components using them. This will pinpoint the exact cause of the failure.

How to fix Windows 10 endless loading when turning on the computer in the simplest way?

But as practice shows, the greatest number of such situations is provoked by damage to important system components. In the case of an endless loading of Windows 10, force shutdown the computer or laptop and then turn it on to activate the start of the automated recovery tool. It is possible that turning off and on will have to be done several times. When the rollback starts, the system (unless critical damage is found in it) will be restored. However, quite often you can’t count on such actions, because when you try to restore, you still receive a message stating that the computer was not booted correctly.

In this situation, do not immediately press the restart button. If there is an active advanced options button nearby, use it, and then try loading Last Known Good Configuration or entering Safe Mode. After that, you can fix some problems.

What to do if the recovery environment won't boot?

If you succeeded in starting in Safe Mode, go to the configuration settings (msconfig) and set either diagnostic startup using the general tab for this, or set the safe mode options on the boot tab using either the minimum configuration or Active Directory recovery.

You can start the recovery environment from the command line by typing the “reagent.exe / enable” command, but if encryption of the system partition is enabled, it may not work, so you will first need to deactivate Bitlocker using the corresponding section in the Control Panel.

Troubleshooting to start the system

When using the blue horse with the selection of additional options mentioned above, you can try to get rid of the system going into a cyclic restart using the boot recovery item, which is available in the list after selecting diagnostics.

It is possible that problems will be identified and dealt with automatically.

Bootloader recovery and update management

In case of damage to the bootloader, which is most often observed, none of the above results will give. Therefore, it is highly recommended to boot from a removable media with a distribution kit or using a LiveCD, call the command line, and then use the Bootrec.exe tool, adding the “/ FixMbr” attribute separated by a space, and then “/ FixBoot” (without quotes).

If the problem is not resolved during the restart, you will have to completely rewrite the bootloader by adding the “/ RebuildBCD” attribute to the main command, separated by a space, and then reboot the system again in normal or safe mode.

Since it is very common to experience endless loading after a Windows 10 update, the most reasonable solution would be to remove them. To do this, if possible, it is better to use Safe Mode, go to the Programs and Features section in the Control Panel, and then remove the latest installed packages one by one from the installed updates section.

Note: You don't need to delete everything. It is enough to uninstall the packages one by one, checking the system's performance after the restart, and when a failed update is found, when manually searching for updates again, it will need to be removed from the installation list. Also for such purposes, you can use a utility from Microsoft called Show or hide updates.

But it also happens that the system seems to be working, but updates are not installed. The endless download of Windows 10 updates is almost always associated with problems with the Update Center itself. First, look at the startup type of this service in the corresponding section (services.msc).

The Update Center, Delivery Optimization, Windows Modules Installer, and Windows Installer services must be active. If some component is not active, launch it in the parameter editing window, and in the start type, set the value to automatic start.

Also, to fix problems, you can use the command line, run as administrator, with the update service restarted. First, the commands "net stop wuauserv" and "sc config wuauserv start= disabled" are executed, followed by a full reboot, and after that the activation is performed by the commands "net start wuauserv" and "sc config wuauserv start= auto". If this approach does not work, try looking for an automatic solution in the "Troubleshooting Center" by calling it from the "Control Panel".

Crashes when starting installed programs

Sometimes the problem may not be in the system, but in the installed program. For example, endless loading of Windows 10 with NFS Underground 2 is very common. In other words, the installed game itself provokes a failure. Apparently, this only happens because not the official, but the pirated version is installed. To fix the problem, you need to download the official release or at least replace the speed.exe game start executable file with the original one. Also, some experts recommend launching the game in compatibility mode with Windows versions below the tenth (if possible, even XP, and if this option is not available, then using the previous system modification).

What else could there be?

Finally, do not be too lazy to write some bootable antivirus like Kaspersky Recue Disk to removable media, boot from it and perform an in-depth scan of the computer, marking everything that is in the list of items to be checked. Perhaps the problems with booting the system were related precisely to the viruses that had penetrated the computer.

One of the undoubtedly indispensable tools of the Windows 10 system is diagnosing and troubleshooting your computer. Consisting of several child tools, this application makes it easy to solve system problems - from sound glitches to fixing network adapter errors. But how to use this useful utility "to its full potential"?

Windows 10 diagnostic tools

The Windows 10 PC Diagnostic Tool consists of 20 tools that identify and fix problems in your system.

Run Computer Troubleshooter

In the Search bar, enter "Troubleshooting" and open the found item.

We need a highlighted item in the results

How errors are corrected

Diagnostics goes as follows: the running component checks the state of the system at the moment and compares it with the default initial state. If differences are found, the tool informs the user about this and offers to “roll back” the system to the original settings.

How to work with diagnostic tools in Windows 10

After switching to the Troubleshooting tool, we see a window in which 4 sections are available to us.

Sections and settings available to the user

Now more about how to work with the tools. Consider the example of fixing problems with sound.

  1. Select the item "Playing sound" in the troubleshooting window.

    Diagnosing audio problems

  2. Be sure to check the box next to "Automatically apply corrections". We press "Next".
  3. After the system detects problems, you need to apply the suggested settings, if, of course, you want to solve the problem.

    All we have to do is apply the fix

    Sometimes administrator rights are required to apply the settings (select the "Run as administrator" item).

    Setting Administrator Rights

How to remove the memory diagnostic icon from the notification area

Some users do not like the fact that the notification area (the area with small icons in the right corner) is often crowded. Among others, this zone can be occupied by a diagnostic program. How to remove the annoying icon?

Diagnostics of the computer at startup

Surely most of you are familiar with the blue screen at startup. The text on it begins with the words "There is a problem on your PC ...".

A picture familiar to most

Why does it start

One of the most common reasons for such a failure is incorrect installation of system updates. Perhaps you did not have enough patience, and you turned off the computer at the inscription “Do not turn off. Updates are being installed "or it happened due to a voltage drop. In any case, this inscription is not accidental, and at the moment the system needs an update adjustment. For those users who are afraid to get into the operation of the system on their own, we advise you to take the computer to a service center. But if you want to try to do it with improvised means, we work according to the following instructions.

How to disable

For the next steps, we need to boot through safe mode.

  1. Click on the notification area (lower right corner) and select the "All settings" tile.

    We need the "All Options" tile

  2. In the window that opens, we need the item "Updates and Security".

    Item "Updates and Security"

    Now select the "Recovery" item and in the "Special boot options" click on "Restart now". We wait.

    Select "Special Boot Options" and reboot

    When the computer boots, we get into safe mode. Select "Advanced Options" and here the "Download Options" tile. As is clear from what is written on the screen, we need to press F4 to boot in safe mode. We press.

    Everything is described in detail on the screen.

    Now is the moment of truth. If the download went well, then the problem causing the blue screen is in the software part. Then here, in safe mode, check the computer's device drivers (if there are any outdated ones) and view the list of programs - we are interested in suspicious programs whose installation date coincides with the date the problems appeared in the system.
    If the blue screen also interfered with booting in safe mode, the system warns us of a serious hardware problem that needs to be solved at a service center or by reinstalling Windows.

How to run a random access memory (RAM) test

There are several ways to do this:

In both cases, we get to the "Windows Memory Checker" window. Here we select the option we need.

We have two options for running diagnostics

The RAM check will start after the system reboots. You will need to wait for some time, during which the screen will display the current verification statuses. At the end of the check, the system will be restarted again. The diagnostic result can be viewed by clicking on the "Memory Checker" icon in the notification area in the lower right corner of the screen.

Troubleshooting network and internet problems

Before you start solving network problems through the system tools, make sure that there are no network outages on the part of the Internet service provider. Try restarting your modem and/or router. If the problem persists, then you should turn to the easiest way to solve network problems.

In the lower right corner, we look for the icon of your connection, right-click on it and select "Diagnostics of problems" from the context menu.

Choose your problem type

After selecting your problem type, simply follow the on-screen instructions.

One of the most common causes of network problems is an outdated network device driver. In this case, you need to update it.

  1. Right click on the Start icon. Select "Device Manager".

    Select "Device Manager"

  2. In this window, open the "Network adapters" item.

    We need to select the network adapter we are interested in

    In the list of available adapters, we are looking for the one that responds to the Internet connection (in the picture this is the second Realtek).

  3. In the context menu, select "Update driver", and in the window that opens, we agree to automatically search for updated drivers.

    Select the first menu item

    Now follow the instructions on the screen and, when finished, close the setup wizard.

  4. Sometimes, after installing a driver update, the system may ask you to restart. Reboot either immediately, or when it suits you.

Problem solved.

Problems with the diagnostic wizard - does not start or freezes

What should I do if I have problems with the troubleshooting wizard? Sounds weird, but it happens more often than you think.

We need to restart one of the system components. Before proceeding with the following steps, make sure that you are running as a system administrator.

  1. Right click on the Start menu, turn on the Control Panel.

    Looking for .NET Framework 3 version in the list

  2. After loading the system, we follow the same path, but now we set the checkbox to the active state. Click OK, reboot again.

Ready. You can run the troubleshooter again.

To solve regular situations and problems with the system, the troubleshooter is the most suitable option. There are many third-party programs and utilities, but as a rule, Windows 10 deals with failures on its own. Everything that you cannot fix at home becomes the concern of the service center. We remind you: if you are not sure that you can master the work with system files and settings, it is better to immediately take the computer to the master. Stable work to you!

Hi friends! In today's article, I want to introduce you to one wonderful and at the same time little-known tool with which you can troubleshoot various problems in the Windows 10 operating system, this tool is called "Computer Troubleshooter". DThis tool is fully automated and in order to solve the problem that has arisen, we only need to select one of several tools and run it, the problem will be diagnosed and the cause of its occurrence will be established, then the problem will be fixed.

Troubleshooting Windows 10

I am sure that for many novice users, the Computer Troubleshooter tool is completely unknown, although it was also present in earlier versions of Microsoft operating systems. Well, experienced users will find several new useful tools in it.

Run tool "Troubleshooting your computer" in Windows 10 is very simple.

Right click on the start menu and select "Control Panel"

Click on the button "Finding and fixing problems"

In the initial window of the Computer Troubleshooterall instruments are divided byseveral categories:

Programs- used to fix Windows 10 compatibility issues with apps nii intended for earlier versions of Windows.

Equipment and sound- Performs troubleshooting and troubleshooting playing sound on a computer.

Network and Internet- Troubleshoots various network issues.

system and safety- performs search and elimination of various system problems: related to the operation of Windows 10 Update, power, security, etc.

We will also open "View All Categories"

This window contains all the tools at once.

If you left-click on any tool, a window will appear describing the capabilities of this tool.

DVD in Windows Media Player. Troubleshoots issues related to DVD playback in Windows Media Player.

Internet Explorer Security. Diagnoses settings in Internet Explorer that may violate the security of the system when surfing the Internet.

Video playback. Troubleshoots video playback issuesin Windows Media Player.

Sound playback. Troubleshoots audio playback issues.

Incoming connections. Solving problems related to blocking incoming connections.

home group. Fixes access issueshomegroup files.

Sound recording. Fixes audio recording issues in Windows.

Keyboard. Troubleshooting keyboard issues.

Equipment and devices. Find and fix problems with your computer's hardware and devices.

System maintenance. Perform routine system maintenance ifthe user himself forgets to do this.

Shared Folders. Troubleshooting access to shared files and folderson other computers.

Nutrition. Troubleshoot computer power issues.

Internet connections. Troubleshoot internet connection problems.

Search and indexing. Troubleshooting Service Issues windows search.

Apps from the Windows Store. Troubleshoot issues that prevent apps from the Windows Store from working properly.

Printer. Solving problems related to the operation of the printer.

Internet Explorer Performance. Troubleshooting issues affectingperformance of the Internet Explorer browser.

Network adapter. Troubleshooting network problems.

Blue screen. Eliminate errors that cause the system to stop and suddenly restart.

Troubleshoot compatibility issues. Find and fix Windows 10 compatibility issues with older programs.

Windows Update. Fix issues that prevent Windows from updating.

For example, let's troubleshoot a sound issue on our computer.

Sound on our computersometimes disappears or is very quiet.

Left-click on the Sound Play tool

The process of detecting problems related to sound playback on our computer begins.

The problem has been found and is being fixed.

I had a problem with the speakers, not the headphones and I check the item "Speakers"

The process of detecting additional problems.

The problem is fixed, the sound on the computer appeared!

Close the troubleshooter.

When troubleshooting some problems, we may be asked to restart the computer.

In exactly the same way, you can fix the problem on your Windows 10 computer or laptop.

The developers from Microsoft are slowly fulfilling their promises and the Ten will indeed become the most user-friendly from their entire family of operating systems. We received another improvement with the release of the Fall Creators 1703 update package - Windows 10 troubleshooting became available already in the system settings. Now you do not need to climb the Toolbar for a long time - the main set of diagnostic utilities for troubleshooting problems that arise during computer operation can be found in a couple of mouse clicks.

First you need to click on the Start button, and then, in the menu that opens, on the "Settings" icon in the form of a gear:

Well, or just press the key combination Win + I. The "Windows Settings" window will appear, in which you need to go to the "Update and Security" section. Further in the menu, which is located on the left side of the window, you need to find and select a subsection Troubleshooting. The right side will display a list of all available tools to fix the most common Windows 10 problems:

For example - you have no sound in the speakers. Select the "Playing sound" section and click on the "Run the troubleshooter" button:

After that, the diagnostic wizard will be launched, which will first collect all the necessary information about the system, then search for possible problems.

If necessary, clarifying questions will be asked in which you must choose the option that interests you.

Based on the results of the work, the wizard will give a result - the problem has been fixed or not. In my case, for example, the sound does not work because they forgot to connect the speakers to the sound card, or the cable from the PC to the speakers is damaged.

Troubleshooting in Control Panel

If you are used to working with the good old Control Panel, then there you can easily run troubleshooting with the built-in tools of Windows 10. It has all the same options as in the Options menu and even a little more.

So, press the key combination Win + R to open the Run window:

In the "Open" line, type the command control and press the "Enter" key. The Control Panel window will open. In the upper right corner, select view as small icons:

In the general list, find the "Troubleshooting" section and open it. Your eyes will see all the means available in the operating system to restore its normal performance.

Troubleshooting when booting the operating system

Unfortunately, you may not always be able to run the troubleshooting wizard in Windows 10 due to the fact that the operating system simply does not boot, giving a blue screen of death or freezing tightly at one of the boot stages. What should I do in this case to restore normal boot? The "Diagnostics" mode will help us in this, which allows you to troubleshoot boot problems. You can get into it either by rebooting the OS while holding down the Shift key, or, if the system does not boot, through the Windows 10 installation disk or flash drive.

In the diagnostic mode menu, go to "Advanced Options". All available Windows boot troubleshooters will be shown here - choose the one that suits your situation. Most often, this is either troubleshooting that prevents the OS from starting normally, or restoring the system using the existing ones. In some cases, you will need to use . As practice shows, if the cause of the problem is not in the hardware, then quite often it is possible to restore the normal startup of the OS, which will at least copy the necessary files from the system disk.
