How to watch digital tv on tv. Digital TV without a set-top box: how to watch

The development of digital television is a necessity faced all over the world. The analog signal, of course, extends over long distances compared to the digital signal, but the quality of the image and sound deteriorates with increasing distance to the broadcasting antenna. There was only one way out of the situation - to encrypt the signal so that it could be received and processed tens of kilometers from the translator without loss of quality. So the choice settled on the digital method of transmitting information.

History of digital television

For more than 60 years, analogue television has been the only means of delivering news, movies and entertainment to the homes of millions of viewers around the world. If the receiver, that is, the TV, is located near the repeater, then the signal and sound are of acceptable quality. When removed, it becomes necessary to amplify the signal with various antennas. The farther the repeater, the larger the antenna should be. At a distance of 50 kilometers, these receiving antennas reach enormous sizes, like a multi-story building. All for the sake of several channels in mediocre quality.

Finally, in 2009, after many experiments with various formats, modern DVB-T2 digital television was launched on the air. A number of questions immediately arose. For cable and satellite television nothing has changed, but the recipients analog signal a new problem has arisen. To decode a digital signal, you need a TV with a built-in reception module digital signal or attachment. The cost of the latter reaches $ 50, which is not affordable for everyone.

The issue is partially solved with the help of state subsidies, and, perhaps, in the next few years, digital television will completely replace analog television.

What you need for high-quality digital TV reception

The quality of a digital television signal, like an analog one, depends on the distance to the repeater. The difference is that the analog picture at bad reception the signal will blur, and the sound will hiss. In digital television, the image will either completely disappear, or will be displayed on the screen in rectangular blocks. That is, for high-quality reception of a digital television signal, an antenna is also needed, but not as bulky as in the case of an analog signal.

The television signal is distributed in two ranges - meter (English designation VHF) and decimeter (UHF). The first one does not allow the signal to propagate over long distances, its waves do not cope well with obstacles in the form of buildings, walls inside the apartment. Therefore, most channels broadcast in the decimeter range. Accordingly, for high-quality reception, you will need DVB-T2 for digital television.

Types of decimeter antennas

All antennas for receiving digital television are antennas of the decimeter range, as well as the meter range. Thus, they can be divided into enlarged groups - indoor and outdoor.

Both types of antennas can be either passive or active. The latter has a built-in amplifier, which allows you to pick up a weak signal. But it is more narrowly focused, it must be directed towards the signal source. The passive amplifier does not have, but receives a signal from all directions for its subsequent supply to the signal amplifier on the TV.

Which antenna to choose

Before you can tune the antenna, you need to pick it up. A professional approach to installation involves measuring the signal level using a portable sensor. It will be very useful in areas with dense buildings, where the signal comes not only directly from the repeater, but also reflected from the terrain or comes from several repeaters at once. After obtaining the characteristics of the signal, it is necessary to study the instructions for the antenna so that the reception quality is guaranteed.

If it is not possible to use a portable sensor, then using the general recommendations, you can select an antenna by trial method. The recommendations are simple. For an apartment in an area with sparse buildings, a regular, but high-quality indoor antenna for DVB-T2 is suitable. In a densely built-up area, a signal must be used. In the open, i.e. cottage settlements, in summer cottages, it is already necessary to use an external antenna. Seizing the opportunity free replacement goods in the store, you can independently configure several models of antennas until a suitable one is found.

Setting up a decimeter antenna

Before installing a decimeter antenna for DVB-T2 digital television, you must configure it to receive a signal. By connecting the antenna output to a TV or set-top box to decode the signal, you need to point the antenna in the direction where the repeater is located. Then you need to execute automatic tuning channels from the device menu. The entire frequency range will be tested.

By turning on any channel, if its quality is insufficient, you can slowly rotate the antenna to find the ideal position in which the signal will be the best. Typically, receiving devices show the signal strength for each specific DVB-T2 channel. Do not think that in the ideal position for receiving one channel, all the others will be of sufficient quality. After setting up the reception of one channel, you need to move on to the next and so on until all channels are broadcast.

If the receiver did not find a single channel during automatic tuning or found less than half, in this case, how to tune the antenna? It must be rotated 180 degrees to receive the reflected signal. This is often found in residential areas, where a large number of houses interfere with the signal.

In open areas, the antenna should simply be directed towards the repeater and automatic tuning of DVB-T2 channels on the signal receiver should be performed.

Installing a decimeter antenna

After successful channel tuning, the result must be fixed, that is, fix the antenna in the position in which the signal reception turned out to be the best. Indoor antennas are usually installed on cabinets, cabinets, but this is not aesthetically pleasing. Stands of modern antennas provide places for fastening with screws and screws, which can be installed directly on the wall.

Outdoor decimeter antennas for DVB-T2 digital television are mounted on brackets or supports. An outdoor antenna is usually supplied with fasteners that will allow you to securely mount the outdoor antenna on a support. When outdoor antennas are used in apartments, they are usually mounted outside the home: on balconies or external walls. Then, as in the case of an indoor antenna, you will need to drill several holes in the wall for a secure fit.

The process of operating a decimeter antenna

A few more comments regarding the operation of decimeter antennas for DVB-T2 digital television. Depending on the weather conditions (even the time of day), the signal reception quality may vary. Therefore, the antenna mount should provide for the possibility of its rotation to adjust the better signal reception.

Choosing the right antenna will allow you to enjoy the digital quality of the television signal. The DVB-T2 network is constantly evolving, new channels appear. This is a great alternative to cable and satellite TV, as it does not require a subscription fee.

It is difficult to imagine life in our world without information technologies such as internet, television and telephone. They are firmly rooted in society and are an important attribute of comfort. However, not all users know how to connect digital TV at home, so they often have certain difficulties when setting up the device.

general information

Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of digital television. Unlike traditional analog systems this type of TV has a lot of significant advantages, providing maximum picture and sound quality.

And when it comes to connecting digital to a TV, many people think that this is a very complicated process that requires professional help. But in fact, everything is solved in a short time and does not require much effort. It should be noted, that there are two types of digital TV on the market:

  1. Cable.
  2. Essential.

The first type is connected via a special television cable, and the second implies the presence of a special antenna. When the TV does not have a digital receiver, you will have to buy it separately. In stores, these devices are sold in the form of a special prefix.

If home tv already equipped with a digital receiver, then all that is required for operation is to install a digital TV smart card with connected provider services. After that, the device will automatically find the channel list and store them in memory.

If you don't have a receiver, you need to buy set-top box. It is very good if the TV has an HDMI output, because it transmits the best picture and sound.

Advantages of modern systems

Despite the development of digital television systems, many people still use cable TV. It also gives a good picture and unlimited possibilities in choosing channels. However, you have to pay a monthly fee for such TV, which, unfortunately, is constantly growing. Concerning digital equipment, then it has the following advantages:

Receiver selection

To successfully launch digital television in a private home, you need to buy a special device - a digital signal receiver. It uses a device that works according to the DVB-T2 standard. As already mentioned, many modern TV models are already equipped with a built-in digital TV module, so the task can be noticeably simplified.

The capabilities of the device are determined by its price range. The most affordable receivers do not support additional functions, while more expensive devices have a small amount of memory and are able to work with flash drives. Also, some models have the ability to record streaming video on removable media.

Given the wide variety of digital receivers, choosing the right option can be problematic. But if you follow some tips and tricks, this task can be solved without much difficulty.

Leaving aside the technicalities and complex radio-mechanical properties of the digital tuner models available on the market, what remains to be explored is their aesthetics and feature set. This approach will simplify the choice of a quality device and make it successful.

If you want to purchase a digital receiver, it is important to decide in advance which functions are needed for television, and which can be discarded. The most important and essential features include:

  1. Viewability TV channels in DVB-T2 format.
  2. The ability to use the tuner as a media player to play audio files, view images and other content.
  3. Access to global network(some models are capable of working with YouTube, IPTV media services, online cinemas, weather and news resources, etc.).

If the receiver model supports the above features, it remains to deal with some visual features. When choosing a case material, it is advisable to give preference to devices made of high-quality metal or plastic. These materials are known to have maximum reliability and a long service life.

On the front panel of the tuner there should be control buttons, as well as various indicator lights. There should be USB inputs and other high-tech interfaces on the back.

Buying an Antenna

For DVB-T2 format receivers, conventional terrestrial antennas capable of operating in the UHF band are suitable. In this regard, many viewers believe that it is not necessary to buy a special antenna, stopping only at buying a set-top box. But this is a huge misconception, because old equipment cannot produce a sufficiently high-quality signal and convert an analog channel to digital. The digital stream is broadcast in parallel with the analog stream at completely different frequencies.

There is another myth that says that powerful digital set-top boxes can transmit an image without an antenna at all. But in practice this is impossible, although with good coverage, it is enough to install a small piece of wire into the antenna input for the TV to start receiving a signal. But such cases are rare.

If the house already has terrestrial antenna, but it does not transmit an image, then you need to perform several actions and diagnose the equipment. In the absence of such a device, it is better to buy a more powerful model for digital TV.

It should also be noted that outdoor antennas are always more powerful than indoor ones, even if advanced receivers and amplifiers are installed in the latter. Unfortunately, many viewers buy compact models in electronics chain stores, although you can get a good outdoor option for a similar price.

As for indoor antennas, they can only be effective if the TV tower is within locality. With a significant distance from the city, such equipment will be ineffective and even useless. For such conditions, you will have to buy an external antenna. Before buying, you should study the digital signal coverage map in detail to determine where the nearest broadcast points are located.

Additional elements

Also, for the successful operation of digital television, you need to buy a few additional items. Among them is an amplifier. Many indoor and outdoor antennas already have this device, and the receiver only amplifies the signal. In this case, the transfer of information occurs confidently and without failures.

However, you often have to buy a separate amplifier. To make sure whether it is needed or not, it is enough to check the quality of the signal with the DVB-T2 receiver by entering the system settings with the appropriate scale. If, after connecting the antenna to the receiver, the signal level is 75%, and the picture quality is quite normal, then an amplifier may not be needed. If the indicators do not reach this mark, and the image is transmitted with significant interference, the purchase of an amplifier will become a prerequisite.

Also, to connect digital TV, you need to purchase a coaxial cable that can transmit the signal from the antenna directly to the receiver. It is advisable to give preference to models with a copper circuit and a screen, since they are characterized by high quality image transmission, long service life and reliability. When choosing a cable, you should pay attention to its sheath, because the stronger it is, the longer it will last.

If your receiver has an HDMI connector, you need to purchase an appropriate cable to connect to your TV. The experts claim what this standard guarantees best quality transmission of picture and sound. If HDMI is not available, you will have to use traditional SCART, RCA, etc. cables.

Installation of devices

When installing a digital television system, it is first necessary to install an antenna. If an indoor model is used, then it must be placed near the window, since there is a better signal level. Concerning external elements, then they are installed on the balcony or near the window using brackets.

Antenna equipment is directed towards the location of the TV tower, which will positively affect the reception quality. Then you need to lay the cable from the antenna to the receiver. In the absence of a stable signal, the antenna is placed on the roof of the house and turned towards the TV tower. To correctly determine where the television tower is located, it is enough to look where the neighboring antennas are directed.

Next, you need to unpack the receiver and attach the antenna cable to it. After turning on the power of the receiver, you should perform a series of initial settings by selecting the appropriate language, time, and time zone. With the support of the automatic channel scanning function, there will be no particular difficulties in setting up. The system will do everything on its own.

At the setup stage, you need to find the channel of the first multiplex and scan it, and then repeat the same steps with the second device. According to experts, each of these multiplexes has about 10 channels. During the procedure, you should pay attention to the signal level. It will be displayed in the settings menu as a special scale. If the reception level is too weak, it is necessary to rotate the antenna and find the optimal direction, guided by the data from the scale.

Setting up digital television

How to connect digital TV is a hot topic for modern viewers, because after buying the appropriate devices, many users do not know how to set them up correctly. To quickly solve the problem, you need to follow the step by step guide:

It is worth noting that over time the list of available channels may be updated, so it is necessary to periodically rescan in search of updates. When unforeseen problems at the stage of setting up the tuner, you must once again study the instructions. If the trouble persists, then you should contact your equipment and service provider for help.

Understanding how to connect free digital TV to your TV is easy. To do this, it is enough to follow step by step instructions supplied with the receiver, follow the advice of professionals and be careful. The system will do the rest on its own.

Digital television broadcasting is deployed almost throughout the country - in most regions it is carried out in the DVB-T2 standard and only in a few, where broadcasting was started back in 2008-2011, the DVB-T standard is still used. But in the very near future there will be a change in the standard in these regions.

The standard is the standard, but what does the transition to digital broadcasting mean for the average person? Most importantly, a huge leap in the quality of reception and variety of television programs. It may seem strange to a resident of a large city, but less than a third of the population of Russia can watch more than two terrestrial television channels in analog format. Reception of one package of digital television allows you to immediately increase the number of received programs up to 10, and later up to 20-30 with the possibility of receiving high-definition television.

What can you watch? Multiplexes

A multiplex is a package of television and radio channels broadcast by one transmitter. The entire multiplex usually occupies the bandwidth of one television frequency channel, but contains up to ten television programs and several radio stations. As a rule, the program guide of each television channel is present in the data stream of the multiplex.

As of December 2013, two multiplexes have been approved in Russia - RTRS-1 and RTRS-2 (the first and second multiplex, respectively). The first multiplex is mandatory for broadcasting in all types of digital terrestrial, cable and satellite television throughout Russia. The composition of packages (multiplexes) is presented below:

"RTRS-1" (first multiplex)

  • "First channel"
  • "Russia 1"
  • "Match TV"
  • "NTV"
  • "Fifth Channel"
  • "Russia K"
  • "Russia 24"
  • "Carousel"
  • "Public Television of Russia"
  • "TV Center"
  • radio "Radio Russia"
  • radio "Mayak"
  • radio "Vesti FM"

"RTRS-2" (second multiplex)

  • REN TV
  • "SAVED"
  • "STS"
  • "Home"
  • "TV3"
  • "Friday"
  • "Star"
  • "World"
  • "TNT"
  • "Muz TV"

What equipment is needed to receive digital TV?

You need to understand that the transition to "digital" may require the purchase of additional equipment or a new TV. Everything is very similar to the launch of color TV broadcasting: a black-and-white TV continued to receive a “color signal”, but it could no longer display color on its screen. And if there was a desire to see a color "picture", then you had to buy a color TV.

Digital television is broadcast in the decimeter wave (UHF) range and in most cases will not require replacement of the receiving antenna. Let's look at the necessary actions, depending on the antenna you have:

MW Antenna

You will need to replace the antenna with a UHF band antenna. Best Choice will be the acquisition of an antenna optimized for digital television reception.

UHF Antenna

Antenna replacement is not required. The antenna is already optimal for digital TV reception.

All Wave Antenna

Antenna replacement is not required. This antenna has the ability to receive digital TV.

The above is true for both outdoor and indoor antennas - if your indoor antenna confidently “catches” analog UHF channels, then digital television will be received without problems.

The issue with the TV itself is somewhat more complicated and varied: the country has a huge fleet of TV receivers of absolutely different ages and capabilities. Moreover, the age of the TV is not always decisive for the possibility of receiving digital television in the DVB-T2 format. Below are the most typical situations:

Modern LCD (LCD, LED) TV equipped with a built-in DVB-T2 module

To receive digital TV in the DVB-T2 standard, it is necessary and sufficient to turn on this function in the TV menu. After that, it will switch to receiving digital multiplexes (packets).

Modern LCD (LCD, LED) TV, equipped with a built-in DVB-T module or without it

Such a TV will not be able to receive DVB-T2 broadcasts on its own. Even if such a TV has a digital signal reception module of DVB-T, DVB-C or DVB-S standards. To watch digital TV, you will need to purchase a digital receiver (receiver) that can be connected via HDMI, RCA or SCART connectors on your TV. The antenna in this case switches from the TV to the digital receiver.

Legacy TV equipped with RCA or SCART connectors

To watch digital TV, you will need to purchase a digital receiver (receiver), which can be connected via the RCA or SCART connectors of your TV. The antenna in this case switches from the TV to the digital receiver.

Legacy TV with only an antenna jack

Unfortunately, there is no way to watch digital programs on such a TV. You will have to replace it with a modern LCD TV, the most optimal would be the presence of a built-in module for receiving a digital signal of the DVB-T2 standard.


Transfer rate - 6900 sim / sec.
If you want to search for HD quality channels, please change the frequency to 338MHz.

After installing and running any of the above programs, you will see a menu for accessing hundreds of channels, for which you do not need to perform advanced settings- just select any of the channels and start watching. The interface of all programs is intuitive and it will not be difficult to get used to it even for novice users.

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Those who use the Internet can perform network scanning. This will make your work safer and more reliable. carried out through special programs. For example, The Network Mapper, or Nmap for short, is a great utility for scanning networks. It has several scanning methods.

You will need


To specify a host to be scanned, enter its name or address in command line after specifying the options. To scan IP subnets, enter the "/" option after the name or IP address of the host to be scanned.

You can search manually: select in the "Menu" subsection " Manual search channels." The "Reset Channels" function will delete all previous channel settings. You can also sort channels, group lists, or move a channel to . This is done through the "Sort Channels" option. Confirm each innovation with the "OK" button.

If you want to watch electronic programs(EPG), press the "EPG" button on the remote control. The screen will show 2 lists: at the top - a list of channels, at the bottom - a list of programs for the channel. To navigate through the list, use the up and down buttons on the remote control. To exit the "EPG" menu, press "Exit" on the remote control remote control.


Some TVs do not have an RCA connector, so choose a SCART/SCART connector.


  • tune in digital channels on the TV

TV- tuners are special devices that allow you to view on personal computer cable or broadcast television. There are many types of TV tuners on the market today, but the setup for all of them is almost the same.

You will need

  • - TV tuner;
  • - driver;
  • - a program for viewing a TV signal.


Select TV tuner. This stage is perhaps the most important in setting up the device. The fact is that not all TV tuners may be suitable for your computer, especially if they do not have own program to watch the video. There is an internal board device that connects through a free Ethernet port on the router and connects to a USB or IEEE 1394 port on a computer. Determine which type is right for your PC or laptop. If necessary, purchase a special adapter.

Connect your TV tuner to your PC or laptop. This step depends on what type of device you purchased. If you are in doubt about your actions, then read the instruction manual that the TV tuner should be equipped with. Check the correct connection of the connectors.

Turn on the computer or laptop and insert the driver disc that came with the TV tuner into the drive. If there is no such disk, then you can download the necessary files on the Internet on the website of the device manufacturer. If you have an operating Windows system 7, then in some cases it will prompt you to download the required updates.

Install software to watch TV channels. It is on the disc sold with the TV tuner. If you don't have one, you can set the device to Windows Media Center or download a suitable viewer from the Internet. In the first case, it is necessary to check the compatibility of the TV signal transmitted by the TV tuner and received Windows program media center. You can find similar information at

Connect the TV tuner to a cable TV or antenna. Launch the program for receiving TV signal and press the channel scan button. If you have followed all the previous steps correctly, a list of TV channels will appear. Otherwise, check if the TV tuner is connected correctly.

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On computer can be viewed TV any kind - cable, satellite, Internet TV. Each of these types of TV has its own advantages and disadvantages, however, if we talk only about the quality and stability of the video image, then we can arrange them in this order in descending order of characteristics - cable TV, satellite, Internet TV.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - TV tuner;
  • – DVB-map;
  • satellite equipment;
  • - Unlimited high-speed internet connection.

Moscow is one of the first cities in Russia where broadcasts began on-air television in digital format. Until 2015, Muscovites could receive TV signals in DVB-T format. Now you can watch on-air "figure" only if you have equipment that supports the DVB-T2 standard. The network of RTRS transmitting stations provides reception of the first 10 channels (the 1st multiplex) practically throughout the entire territory of the Moscow Region. Broadcasting of both multiplexes (20 channels) is carried out for 2016 only from a few TV towers: the Ostankino TV tower and towers in the cities of Shatura, Alexandrov and Obninsk.

frequency map

Traditionally for the RTRS network, digital broadcasting in the Moscow region is divided into many single-frequency zones. This means that within each zone multiplexes broadcast on the same frequency. On the frequency map, you can indicate the broadcasting frequencies of the first multiplex in different parts of the Moscow region. For information about the frequencies of the second multiplex, you can use the interactive map of digital television. Using the map, you can not only find out the frequency of the transmitter, but also the distance to it from a specific place and the direction of the antenna.

Coverage area of ​​the second multiplex in Moscow

As mentioned above, as of 2016, all 20 channels were broadcast from only four repeaters. Understanding the desire of viewers to watch as many TV channels as possible, we have placed on the site the calculated coverage areas of TV towers that broadcast both DVB-T2 digital multiplexes. Despite the fact that the accuracy of the calculation is quite high and takes into account the terrain, the actual coverage pattern may differ from the calculated one. You can also use the height profile building service. With its help, you can determine the terrain from the TV tower to a specific reception point with high accuracy.

Click on the map and it will open in a new window and high resolution

Third multiplex in Moscow

A feature of digital broadcasting in Moscow is the broadcast of the third multiplex of digital TV channels from January 15, 2015. Like the first two, the multiplex consists of ten DVB-T2 TV channels. Of the channels "Sport 1", "Lifenews" and "Our Football" occupy permanent positions, and on the remaining seven channels, numerous thematic projects share the air. The third multiplex is also broadcast without the use of the conditional access system and any pay-per-view. Thus on this moment this is the only opportunity to watch "Our Football" for free. The package of channels is broadcast only from the Ostankino TV tower on the 34th frequency channel.
