Is it possible to wipe the TV screen with a damp cloth. The better to wipe the LCD TV screen from dust without streaks

Reading time: 1 minute

No wonder TVs, computers, laptops are called "dust collectors". This technique seems to attract all the dust in the room. Sometimes we try ourselves - we accidentally splash products on it, leave fingerprints. If the TV is in the kitchen, then it has a chance and will soon become smeared with droplets of fat flying from the stove. Leaving it dirty is not only unaesthetic, but harmful to itself. And if the screen is stained, then spots can interfere with fully enjoying watching a movie or your favorite program. How to wash the TV correctly, quickly and efficiently, we will tell you further.

Many are interested in how to clean a fragile LCD screen. Let's tell everything" from and to».

Important to remember!

The LCD monitor is a very demanding surface that can be easily damaged. So remember the following:

  • For greater efficiency, neither chemicals nor solvents can be used ( especially acetone!), no liquid for washing glasses and mirrors!
  • Avoid cleaning with paper napkins, towels, or toilet paper.
  • Spraying cleaning spray or ordinary water from a spray bottle is also strictly prohibited! All liquids are applied first on a napkin, a cloth.
  • We clean the screen with a damp but not wet cloth.
  • Turning off the image with the button on the remote control before cleaning is not enough. Before any cleaning of an electrical appliance, it is important to de-energize it - be sure to remove the plug from the socket!
  • Alcohol, vodka, ammonia, soda, ( both food and calcined), washing powder is strictly prohibited.
  • If you are wearing jewelry rings, bracelets), then it is better to remove them before cleaning, especially if the price of the TV is not symbolic. Their material can scratch the screen, and if accidentally hit, leave serious damage.
  • Do not turn on the device until the monitor is completely dry.

Advice! Wet sanitary napkins, which are convenient and easy for us to clean everything and everything, are not suitable for LCD screens. They can leave stains, and their composition can adversely affect the anti-reflective coating.


And how to wash the LCD TV then? The instructions for the device will best guide you in this matter. Echoing her, we also recommend contacting those cleaners that the manufacturer recommends. However, there are other safe and effective remedies - take a look at the table.

Soft dry cloth Be sure to use a lint-free cloth! Special napkins for glasses, screens of gadgets are perfect. Some caring manufacturers include such cleaning products in the TV set. Otherwise, they can be purchased at an electronics and household chemicals store.

However, you should not place all your hopes on napkins - they will only help to remove dust, eliminate light fresh pollution.

Special wipes and products for LCD displays By purchasing such a tool, you kill several rabbits in a row”- wipes can be used to clean not only a television monitor, but also the screen of a laptop, PC, tablet, etc.

In stores you can also find universal sets:

· Two-level cleaning - wet and dry wipes for LCD monitors.

· Wet wipes, microfiber cloth and antistatic spray - cleaning + prevention of dust accumulation.

· Special aerosol, gel, foam and special wipes to combat heavy soiling and other detergents for TVs.

Homemade analogue of an aerosol for cleaning LCD surfaces:

· Distilled water;

Isopril alcohol;

・Spray container.

If you get acquainted with the composition of a product bought in an electronics store, you will be surprised to notice that you can do the same with your own hands at a much lower cost.

Mix the components, pour the solution into a spray bottle and mix thoroughly, shake.

After that, it can be sprayed onto a cloth and cleaned with a dirty screen.

Liquid soap, water, sponge, microfiber cloth If the first cleaning methods did not help, then it is worth diluting a few drops of liquid soap in warm water and, wetting a sponge in it, eliminate contamination. The latter should be soft not abrasive, and even more so not metallic) and only slightly damp.

Then take a clean microfiber cloth and, moistening it already in running water, clean the screen.

We finish cleaning by completely drying the surface with a dry cloth. At the same time, try to act gently, do not press on the screen and do not rub hard.

Antistatic It is a means of preventing the accumulation of dust on the LCD screen. After its application, fatty fingerprints are eliminated easier and faster.
Weak vinegar solution Inexpensive and safe tool that will remove even difficult pollution from the screen. Action algorithm:

3% vinegar in a 1:1 ratio is diluted in a separate container with water.

· Dip a microfiber cloth in the solution, wring it out well and gently wipe the dirt.

· At the end of the procedure, be sure to dry the screen with a dry cloth to avoid streaks.

Advice! All the above tips can be taken into account when cleaning a computer monitor, smartphone or tablet.

How to clean the screen: algorithm

How to wash the TV in the kitchen and living room? The most correct screen cleaning includes a number of simple steps:

  1. First of all, be sure to unplug the equipment from the network.
  2. Without pressing hard, wipe the screen from dirt and dust with a napkin.
  3. If stains remain, then use " heavy artillery from our previous heading recommendations.
  4. The junction of the screen and the body from stains and dust, which is difficult to remove with a napkin, is cleaned with a cotton swab.
  5. At the end of cleaning, wipe the screen dry with a clean, soft cloth. Let's share with you a secret that will help get rid of streaks: run a dry cloth in one direction - from top to bottom.

Advice! With LCD-TVs you need to try to be as careful as possible! The screen should not be pressed or strongly rubbed. Most the best remedy- a microfiber cloth and a preparation recommended by the manufacturer. Self-activity in this case should not be abused!

Harmful means

If you want to know why you should not use this or that screen cleaner " home theater»we will give you this explanatory table - how to wash plasma tv undesirable.

Means: Harm:
Hygienic wet wipes They leave streaks behind.
Ethyl alcohol and a number of its containing agents They negatively affect the anti-reflective layer: up to the point that they can dissolve it. And this will lead to the fact that the entire surface of the screen will be covered with small cracks.
Means for washing glass, mirrors Traditionally, acetone is present in their composition - its effect on the LCD monitor cannot be called favorable.
Paper Small wood particles can leave behind a network of micro-scratches.
Soda and washing powder By their nature, abrasives can cause visible scratches on the screen.

Also, some housewives are advised to abandon cleaning with ordinary tap water in favor of distilled water. Tap water sins with its rigidity - the content of microparticles of minerals. It is they who are the cause of the haze and streaks that can remain if you do not completely dry the screen.

Care and protection Convenient set One more set
Wipe set Cleaning spray Another wet wipe option for tech

Advice! Manufacturers of some TVs categorically do not recommend the use of vinegar solution for their products. Therefore, before such cleaning, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the device.

Scratch removal

If, unfortunately, you noticed not only dirt, but also scratches on the screen, then you have a chance to eliminate this defect as well! But you need to understand that if the damage is too large and deep, it is best to send the TV for repair, otherwise the problem can be greatly aggravated.

With small and shallow scratches on the screen, we will fight like this:

  • Clear nail polish. Spray some of the product directly onto the scratch and let it dry. Only then remove the excess.
  • Petrolatum. Apply the ointment to a cotton swab and wipe the scratch with it.
  • In the electronics department, buy a special kit to fix scratches on the LCD screen. Proceed according to the attached instructions.

TV cabinet

Consider a completely simple care for the main part of the TV than washing the LCD TV.

Regular and wet cleaning

Caring for the case is not much different from cleaning the screen:

  • Be sure to unplug your device before the event!
  • Regular dry cleaning with soft wipes, as well as the screen, is carried out every 1-3 days.
  • Wet cleaning - as soon as dirt appears. Plastic is also a rather demanding material, so it can react to aggressive agents in a sad way for you. Stop with liquid soap and a mild vinegar solution.
  • « Tools» - microfiber cloths, soft porous washcloths and sponges. Wet but not wet! You can also use special wipes for electronics.
  • Hard-to-reach places are cleaned with slightly damp cotton swabs.
  • After a major cleaning, be sure to wipe the body dry as well!

Fighting grease stains

Unfortunately, the most effective anti-fat agent is ethyl alcohol, which cannot be used on the TV case and screen. Therefore, cleaning from fingerprints, fat droplets will be like this:

  • Use soapy water. A soft brush can also be used for the case.
  • The screen is cleaned with special wet wipes for LCD surfaces or isopryl alcohol.
  • How to wash the fat on the TV safely? If the contamination is very strong, you can remove the body panels, soak them for several hours in soapy water. After that, clean with soft brushes, a sponge. Dry at 100, and then reassemble the TV.
  • For the case, you can also try an aqueous solution of dishwashing liquid.

Remote controller

In conclusion, consider how to keep the remote control clean.

Quick cleaning

Depending on how often you use your remote, it needs a quick cleaning at least once a week. Before the process, we still recommend that you temporarily remove the batteries from the device.

  1. Using cotton pads and cotton swabs soaked in both ordinary water and isopril alcohol or a special plastic cleaner, wipe the buttons, the device body - the front and back. Be sure to dry it with a soft cloth after such cleaning!
  2. Dirt that has clogged into the spaces between the body halves, between it and the keys, we carefully remove with a toothpick. Be careful not to drive debris into the device in this way.
  3. Use a dry, lint-free cloth to wipe the battery compartment, the inside of the back cover. If you notice dirt there in hard-to-reach places, then remove them with dry cotton swabs.

Major cleaning

If the remote control is too sad, or if you spilled or spilled something on it, then only a complete cleaning will help. So, how to wash the TV remote control:

  1. See how the halves of the body are fastened together. If these are screws, then unscrew them with a small screwdriver, if there are latches, then you can help yourself with a non-sharp knife.
  2. In disassembled form, you will find two halves of the case, a canvas with buttons and a board.
  3. Covers and rubber keys are washed in a basin in soapy water. Remove stubborn stains with an old toothbrush.
  4. The board can be cleaned with a lint-free material slightly moistened with alcohol.
  5. Be sure to dry all parts before assembly with a soft cloth!

Advice! A special cover will help keep the remote control clean as long as possible. You can also use " grandmother's»method - wrap in dense transparent polyethylene and secure with adhesive tape.

So we have figured out how to wash an LCD TV “from and to”: case, screen, remote control. We hope that the tips were new and useful for you!

Over time, the TV screen or computer monitor becomes covered with dust. This interferes with comfortable viewing of movies and work.

It is not possible to avoid pollution even with the most careful and accurate use of equipment. You can wipe the LCD TV screen with professional compositions or home remedies.

How can I clean the LCD TV screen?

The range of detergents for LCD TVs is quite wide.

Many owners prioritize specialized products that clean effectively and leave no residue.

Folk remedies are economical, they also allow you to get a good result, subject to certain rules.

It is advisable to clarify what methods for removing dirt from the screen are recommended by the manufacturer of this TV model.

Store-bought cleaners

Qualitatively remove pollution professional means:

  1. Lint-free wipes impregnated with an alcohol-free formulation. The absence of abrasive substances in the composition eliminates the possibility of even minimal damage to the screen.
  2. A set of wipes, dry and wet. Wet wipes remove dirt. Dry - quickly absorb moisture, do not allow stains and smudges to appear on the surface of the screen.
  3. Dry wipes. They are soft and lint free. Hard-to-remove dirt is removed after applying a special aerosol or gel to the napkin.
  4. Microfiber cloths. Remove not only a layer of dust, but also grease stains, fingerprints. In case of severe contamination, a liquid agent is added. Microfiber does not leave marks, scratches, quickly absorbs liquid.

All types of wipes remove static electricity that attracts dust particles to the surface. Microfiber is the most popular, the most comfortable material to remove dust and dirt.

Specialized liquid products do not contain alcohol and allergy-causing components.

It is made in different types:

  • sprays;
  • gels;
  • foam.

Liquid means must be able to use:

  • you can’t apply them directly to the screen itself: lightly blot a napkin, microfiber, rag with the liquid;
  • the agent should not drip from the wiping material;
  • dust and dirt should be removed with gentle movements without pressure.

The standard professional kit, which is suitable for any TV, includes:

  • instruction;
  • microfiber material;
  • professional antistatic brush;
  • a bottle with a special spray;
  • auxiliary accessories.

Among the entire range of products, you can choose the most acceptable option for price and quality.

home remedies

Dust is collected with a clean and dry cloth. For heavier soiling, liquid detergents are required.

Some of them, made at home from improvised materials, will get rid of pollution on the TV screen no worse than professional products.

These include aqueous solutions:

  • Weak vinegar. When breeding it, the main thing is to maintain the proportions: 1 tbsp. l. 3% vinegar per 5 liters of water.
  • Liquid soap. A drop of soap should be mixed with enough water.

With a soft cloth lightly dampened with the prepared solution, you can easily remove the stain. Residual moisture is carefully removed with a dry cloth.

Features of cleaning different types of screens

The choice of cleaning agents is determined by the specific properties of the screen surface. It is wrong to think that different models TVs are cleaned the same way.

A layer of dust on any TV model is removed with dry wipes or microfiber, soft lint-free rags, like fleece.

It is necessary to take care of the equipment at least once every three weeks. At the same time, one should not forget about the cleanliness of the entire body, the bracket with which the device is attached to the wall.

After all, dust accumulated on objects close to the monitor is attracted to it after switching on.

How to clean lcd tv screen

To clean greasy stains, old dirt, use liquid products, professional or prepared on your own.

The OptiClean set for optics effectively removes dirt.


To care for the LED screen, it is better to purchase a kit that includes a microfiber cloth, a spray that does not contain aggressive chemical substances.

Washing solution in a small volume is applied to the microfiber, which removes any contamination. After drying, a protective layer is formed on the screen, which prevents dust from sticking.

The use of a special spray eliminates the appearance of streaks.

How to wipe a plasma TV

Reliable cleaning method for plasma display - use of professional tools. You can also use distilled water.

A disposable cloth is slightly moistened, then the panel is gently wiped with it. Residual moisture is removed with a dry cloth or microfiber.

How to wipe a computer or laptop monitor?

On the surface of monitors and laptops, due to the peculiarities of operation, dirty spots often appear.

You can get rid of them with the help of various professional kits for optics and screens, which include a gel, a napkin, a brush.

If desired, the cleaning agent can be prepared independently. To clean the monitor, choose a soft, non-marking, lint-free cloth.

What can not be used for cleaning?

Damage to the screen contributes to the use of tools intended for other purposes:

  • hygienic wet wipes contain components that leave stains in the composition of the liquid;
  • disposable towels have dense inclusions that easily leave scratches;
  • alcohol-based solutions destroy the anti-reflective coating, which leads to the formation of microcracks;
  • detergents for washing windows, chandeliers and other glass objects contain acetone or ammonia, which destroy the surface of the monitor;
  • aqueous solutions of baking soda or washing powder lead to damage to a thin coating.

It is unacceptable to use aggressive solvents, cleaners with abrasive particles that destroy the protective coating of the screen. Tap water is also not suitable.

Cleaning with newspapers, toilet paper will also cause harm - it will leave noticeable scratches. Do not use materials from coarse, fleecy fabrics.

How to remove stains?

It is not always easy to get rid of old stains, especially fat drops, handprints. Remove them with a liquid, which is applied in a small amount to a dry cloth.

If you can’t remove the dirt, you can wet a cloth or napkin a little harder. Suitable for these purposes and a special wet wipe.

Process sequence:

  • with a damp cloth, without pressing on the screen, they remove a dirty spot;
  • to avoid streaks, wipe with microfiber or just a soft cloth.

Important! Do not overdo it with the amount of liquid. Doing so may cause moisture to enter the appliance and cause damage.

Getting rid of scratches

There are several ways to hide shallow scratches:

  1. Special varnish. It is applied in a thin layer to the scratch site.
  2. Petrolatum. It is applied to a soft rag, then the scratch is smeared until it disappears completely, making light rotational movements for this.
  3. Compositions for the care of optics. They are applied with a cloth for cleaning glasses.

It is not easy to hide deep scratches, so it is better to prevent their occurrence - do not use hard objects, rough fabrics when caring for appliances.

Causes of pollution

Dirt on the screen is constant problem which cannot be permanently eliminated.

The following points contribute to this:

  • dust settling;
  • hand marks;
  • wet splashes (when sneezing and coughing).

Dirt accumulates especially quickly in children's rooms and the kitchen, where a layer of fat and dust is deposited not only on the screen, but also on the entire body of the equipment.

Cleaning Safety Precautions

When cleaning the monitor, it is necessary to observe safety measures that protect the equipment from premature failure:

  1. Disconnect the appliance from the mains.
  2. First, wipe the screen from dust, then clean all sorts of stains.
  3. The screens of modern TVs do not differ in strength, so it is forbidden to press on them, try to scrape off the dirt with hard objects.
  4. Do not spray sprays, gels, or other liquid formulations directly onto the screen and housing.
  5. Cleaning liquid should be applied to the cloth in moderation. It is unacceptable for liquid to drip: the napkin should be slightly moistened.
  6. Keep the entire cabinet of the TV clean to prevent dust from entering the cabinet.
  7. Connection to the network must be made after the surface has dried.

. The fabric should not leave lint and absorb moisture well.

Particular attention is required when cleaning a TV with a large diagonal, mounted on a wall at a certain height.

Due to the inconvenience of the cleaning process itself, uncontrolled pressure on the screen, breakage of the wall mount is possible.


Proper care of the screen and the entire body ensures good quality image, prolongs the life of your computer or TV.

It is important not to make a mistake with the choice of cleaning agent, which can be both professional and homemade. The cleaning procedure itself also has a number of features.

Until the moment when a LCD TV appeared in the house, many did not even think about how to wipe the LCD TV screen at home. As when cleaning an ordinary old TV, the housewives out of habit, armed with a wet rag, wipe the dust off the screen. After such actions, most people become customers service center. This cleaning method will damage the finish of the TV and, in the worst case, cause it to break. In order to avoid this situation, you need to know how to wipe the LCD TV screen at home.

Why does the LCD screen get dirty?

LCD screens transmit beautiful, rich colors and sharp image. Therefore, you often want to touch the monitor with your finger, especially for kids.

In addition to such contamination, dust settles on the TV and splashes from liquids can occur. Therefore, you will have to wash it anyway, but you need to know how to wipe the TV screen.

Important! If it is wrong to clean the equipment over and over again, then over time the consequences of such cleaning will appear on the surface: scratches, streaks and glare. Your new TV will show no better than an old Elektron.

How to clean the LCD TV screen? - Precautionary measures

Before you start wiping the LCD screen of the TV, you need to know what absolutely cannot be done so as not to spoil such expensive equipment:

  1. If the screen does not have a special coating, cleaning with liquid window cleaners, solvents and products that contain chemicals is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the LCD monitor will be permanently damaged.
  2. Turn off the TV before cleaning. All you have to do is press a button on the remote control. It is necessary to completely de-energize it by pulling the plug from the socket. Such actions will ensure your safety while washing equipment.
  3. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dirt from the surface of the TV.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to apply liquid, gel-like cleaning agents and ordinary water to the surface. This will lead to the appearance of iridescent streaks and a fuzzy image of the picture.
  5. Do not spray directly onto the monitor, moisture may collect under the bottom of the panel or enter the inside of the case. This may cause a short circuit or breakage.
  6. When cleaning, do not scrape, press or scratch the surface in any way.
  7. Equipment with an LED surface should be cleaned with extreme care, as this coating can be damaged even by pressing your fingers.
  8. Do not turn on the TV until the screen is completely dry.

Important! Before cleaning the TV, read the instructions. Pay attention to the important points that the manufacturer notes and what he recommends for cleaning the LCD screen with.

Our articles will also help you evaluate all the advantages of your new panel:

How to clean LCD TV screen? - Basic Rules:

  • To remove dirt from a delicate surface, you can purchase wet wipes to care for the LCD TV screen in electronics stores. They are impregnated with a special composition, with the help of which static electricity is easily removed. The wipes do not contain alcohol and abrasives, so they are suitable for any type of monitor.
  • Dust and loose dirt can be removed with a soft, lint-free cloth or cloth. Use cotton, fleece or flannel for this. An ideal option for such purposes would be a cloth for wiping glasses. When wiping dust, do not wet it, so as not to damage the surface.
  • A set of dry and wet wipes will effectively clean the surface from dirt. Dust and fingerprints can be removed more easily from the surface of the LCD screen if periodically wiped with anti-static wipes. A damp cloth cleans the surface, while a dry cloth absorbs moisture and eliminates streaks.
  • Microfiber cloths are used to remove dust. They also remove stains and grease stains. You can eliminate other types of dirt using a special product or water that is applied to a napkin. Napkins made of such material perfectly absorb moisture and do not leave scratches and scuffs. Therefore, with the help of such an inexpensive tool, you can easily clean the LCD TV screen at home as needed.
  • Specially designed care products for LCD panels are available in the form of a gel, foam and aerosol. They are able to remove dirt of any complexity and have antistatic properties. Before buying such drugs, make sure that the product does not contain alcohol. You can buy special tools in an electronics store. Their huge range will allow you to make a purchase based on your budget.

Important! Gel, foam or aerosol must first be applied to a napkin, and then wipe the TV with it.

  • Dirt at the joints can be removed with a cotton swab.
  • Don't forget to clean the hull. It should be cleaned every 3-4 weeks. Dust from the body is removed with a soft cloth. More complex pollution - in any of the above ways.

Read the review separately.

How to clean the LCD TV screen at home?

It is possible to clean the liquid crystal surface not only with special devices. There are several methods on how to clean the LCD TV screen at home with improvised means.

Important! Before using such methods, carefully read the instructions for the TV and the manufacturer's warnings so as not to damage the equipment.


A safe cleaner for LCD surfaces is a 3% vinegar solution.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute vinegar with cold water in equal proportions.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the monitor in a circular motion.
  3. Use a clean, well-wrung cloth to rinse off any remaining vinegar.
  4. Then wipe the surface to be cleaned dry.

soap solution

If you need to remove dirt other than dust from the screen, prepare a soapy solution.

Mode of application:

  1. Take toilet or baby soap and dilute a small amount of it in water.

Important! Do not use laundry soap to remove dirt. Its high alkali content can harm the delicate surface of the TV.

  1. Soak a soft, lint-free cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the screen. In this case, you should not make special physical efforts so as not to damage the surface.
  2. Use a well-wrung cloth to rinse off any soap residue and wipe the screen dry.

Important! The liquid crystal screen has a very delicate coating, so cleaning should be done carefully, without pressing on it. If you wear jewelry on your hands, it is advisable to remove them before work or wash the TV with gloves.

Isopropyl alcohol

Fingerprints and dried dirt can be removed with 70% isopropyl alcohol (wound disinfectant).

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute isopropyl alcohol 1:1 in cold water.

Important! It is very important in this case to observe the proportion. To do this, use a measure, if not, then it is better to make the solution less concentrated. Otherwise, screen corrosion may occur.

  1. Soak a washcloth in the solution.

Important! Make sure the napkin is well wrung out.

  1. Wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth.
  2. Wipe the surface again with a clean, damp cloth.
  3. Remove moisture with a dry cloth.

How can you clean an LCD TV?

Liquid crystal panels are very sensitive to chemicals. To clean them, it is not recommended to use products that include the following components:

  • Acetone.
  • Ammonia.
  • Ethyl chloride.
  • Gasoline, or solvent.
  • Dyes.
  • abrasive cleaners.

These substances will irrevocably ruin the equipment.

Also prohibited for processing liquid crystal screens are the following tools:

  • Alcohol and the means in which it is included. This component dissolves a special anti-reflective coating that is on the surface of the screen. Subsequently, the monitor is covered with small cracks.
  • Means for washing windows, glasses and washing liquids for dishes. Most of these products contain acetone or alcohol, which adversely affects the surface of the screen.
  • Washing powder and soda. Particles that do not dissolve in water cause small scratches on the monitor.
  • Paper napkins and towels. Often there are poorly processed rough wood particles that scratch the surface of the TV.
  • Wet wipes for hands. Such products leave streaks on the surface, and the components that make up their composition are harmful to the anti-reflective coating.

During cleaning, many people are interested in how to wipe the TV screen, especially if it is LCD. Previously, they didn’t even think about it, since the old equipment was washed with an ordinary wet rag. However, now this method of removing dust will break the coating of the monitor, which can cause various defects and cause it to break. To prevent such problems, you need to remember how to clean monitors.

1 Basic rules

When broadcasting, the LCD screen transmits rich colors and clear pictures, so that kids often want to touch the monitor with their hands. In addition, dust, splashes of various liquids and so on remain on its surface. So no matter how carefully the owners treat the equipment, after a while you will have to clean it.

Using special wipes

Here are the basic requirements:

  1. You can clean the monitor with a slightly damp cloth, which is specially designed for cleaning this type of surface. It can be bought in specialized stores that deal with electronics. They are impregnated with a substance that quickly removes electricity. static type. Such solutions do not contain alcohol and dense particles, so they are suitable for any TV.
  2. You can wipe the dust with a material or a napkin that does not have lint. This will remove both light dust and dried dirt that has not yet dried. The ideal option is a cloth that wipes glasses glasses. You can use fleece, cotton and flannel. The material does not need to be wetted so as not to damage its surface.
  3. Dry and slightly damp wipes can sometimes be used, but they must be sized specifically for handling the LCD screen. A wet cloth will get rid of dirt, and a dry one will absorb the remaining moisture, which will prevent streaks. Fingerprints and dust particles are much easier to remove with this method. By the way, it is recommended to periodically use wipes with antistatic properties.
  4. Cloths that are made of microfiber are also suitable for removing dust particles. They also help against greasy stains and streaks. Other types of dirt can be removed with special means or water, in which wipes are moistened. By the way, microfiber cloths perfectly absorb moisture. In addition, they do not leave scuffs and scratches, so with their help you can easily clean LCD screens at home.
  5. Special tools that are designed to care for LCD monitors. They are available in spray, foam and gel form. Such substances are ways to remove pollution of any complexity. In addition, they additionally have antistatic properties. Before buying such drugs, you need to make sure that they do not contain alcohol. In specialized electronics stores, you can easily purchase any of these tools. First, an aerosol solution, foam or gel must be applied to napkins, and then wipe the TV.
  6. Don't forget about seams either. In these places, the dirt can be removed with cotton swabs.
  7. We must not forget about cleaning the body itself. This procedure must be repeated every month. Dust from the case must be removed with soft cloths, more complex contamination using the methods described above.

2 How to clean the LCD screen at home

You can clean the LCD type monitor with special tools and fixtures. However, at home, you can use other options, using only improvised means. But before using them, be sure to read the instructions so as not to spoil the TV. Here are the most popular options.

Cleaning the screen with soapy water

  1. Vinegar. Oddly enough, but it is considered a safe remedy, but the solution should be only 3%. To prepare it, you need to take cool water and vinegar in equal proportions and mix. Then, in the resulting liquid, moisten a piece of soft cloth and begin to wipe the monitor with slow movements in a circle. Then, with a clean piece of cloth, which is dipped in ordinary water and carefully wrung out, it is necessary to remove the remaining vinegar from the surface of the monitor. After that, you need to additionally wipe it with dry material.
  2. Soap solution. If there are other types of dirt on the monitor besides dust particles, then you should use a normal soapy solution. It is necessary to take ordinary baby or toilet soap and dilute it in a small amount of water. Laundry soap should not be used, as it has an alkaline composition and will harm the surface of the equipment. Further, in the resulting solution, it is supposed to moisten a piece of soft, lint-free cloth and begin to wipe. You can not press too hard, so as not to damage the equipment. Then dampen a clean piece of cloth with clean water and wipe the screen to remove soap residue. After that, it remains only to wipe the surface dry.
  3. Isopropylene alcohol. Oddly enough, but such alcohol is allowed to be used. For example, the means that are used to treat wounds are suitable. They contain 70% isopropyl alcohol. It removes both fingerprints and various dirt that has already dried up. It is necessary to mix alcohol with cool water in equal proportions. Be sure to maintain concentration. If the solution is more concentrated, then corrosion will form right on the screen. Then it remains to moisten a napkin in the resulting liquid, and then squeeze it out (this must be done). Now it is supposed to wipe the surface of the equipment with a damp cloth. After that, wipe it again with a clean wet cloth. In the end, you just need to remove the remaining water with a dry cloth.

3 Optional

Sometimes scratches appear on the surface of the screen. If the equipment is new, then it is better to simply return it to the store. If flaws appeared during the operation of the TV, that is simple methods to help get rid of scratches:

  1. Special kits can be purchased from the store to remove scratches from LCD screens. This is the safest and easiest option.
  2. Use vaseline. He will also get rid of this problem. It is necessary to carefully apply the substance using a cotton pad. Then the place of the defect must be processed in a circular motion.
  3. Special varnish from scratches. This is a special tool that will save the TV from a defect. Before using it, you need to wipe the screen from dirt and dust. Then the varnish is supposed to be sprayed over the scratch and wait until it dries.

4 Precautions

Before wiping the LCD TV screen, you need to remember what to do is strictly prohibited so as not to spoil the equipment. The following activities are prohibited:

  1. If the screen does not have a special coating, then it is strictly forbidden to clean it with ordinary liquid substances, products and solutions for windows and mirrors. Otherwise, the monitor will quickly break down.
  2. Turn off the TV before starting the cleaning procedure. To do this, it is not enough just to press the control panel. The plug must also be removed from the socket. This is one of the main safety rules.
  3. Fluffy fabrics or thick materials should not be used.
  4. It is forbidden to apply gel-like and liquid products, ordinary water to the surface. This will cause iridescent streaks, so that the image on the monitor will be fuzzy.
  5. Do not spray aerosol directly onto the monitor. Moisture gets on the panel and can get inside the case. This will result in breakage or short circuit.
  6. Do not scratch or press on the surface.
  7. Do not put any jewelry on your hands while cleaning the TV. All rings, bracelets, etc. must be removed so as not to harm the monitor.
  8. Cleaning the LED surface should be done very carefully. In no case should you press, since even a slight pressure of the finger will damage the surface.
  9. Do not turn on the equipment until the screen is completely dry.

Wiping the LCD TV Screen

It is very important to read the instructions before cleaning. Be sure to pay attention to the points that are noted by the manufacturer. LCD screens are very susceptible to any attack, especially chemicals. It is forbidden to clean them with products that contain the following substances:

  • ethyl chloride compounds;
  • ammonia products;
  • acetone;
  • means with solvents in the composition;
  • petrol;
  • various substances from the group of dyes;
  • abrasive particles.

All these products will completely ruin the equipment, so that they can no longer be used.

In addition, the following options are prohibited:

  1. Products that contain alcohol. This substance is destroyed by a special anti-glare layer, which is located on the top layer of the monitor. In the future, microcracks will appear.
  2. Dishwashing liquids and window cleaners. Most of these substances contain alcohol, as well as acetone, which adversely affect the integrity of the monitor.
  3. Soda and washing powder. The particles do not completely dissolve in water and scratch the monitor.
  4. Paper towels and napkins. Often they are made of poorly finished material, so that wood particles also scratch the screen.
  5. Wet hand wipes. The components included in the solution in which the wipes are moistened harm the anti-reflective layer. In addition, there are still divorces.

5 Conclusion

Every person who has an LCD TV at home should know how to clean the screen. It is necessary to carry out a series important rules so as not to damage the equipment and extend the time of its operation. But the old Soviet methods that were used for conventional tube TVs definitely cannot be applied to LCD monitors.

At home, maintaining the LCD TV display in order is very simple, the main thing is to do it regularly. But there are certain factors that provoke the appearance of pollution:

  • dust;
  • splashes from water;
  • frequent touching the monitor.

How to clean the screen from pollution?

That is why it is important to understand how to wipe the LCD TV screen at home and not damage it, but at the same time get rid of all stains. To do this is quite simple, just follow the recommendations below.

How to clean lcd tv screen

Noticing pollution on the monitor, the owners try to remove them with a rag. This is not always correct. First you need to figure out what cleaning products can be used for liquid crystal displays. It can be professional formulations and folk recipes. In both cases, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Be sure to use wipes that won't damage your screen

As a rule, modern screens are multi-layered - each layer is made of artificial materials that do not tolerate the effects of aggressive substances. Therefore, it is better to choose specialized tools. It can be:

  1. All kinds of detergents.
  2. Home compositions.

Specialized wipes

You can buy them at any store household appliances. Such tools allow you to quickly and easily remove stains that appear on the LCD screen. Professionals recommend cleaning the display using the following tools:

Type of napkin Peculiarities Application
Wet These are specialized wipes that are impregnated with a special composition. You can buy them only in computer stores or where you bought the TV. The cleaning composition does not contain alcohol and abrasive particles, so it easily removes all dirt. At the same time, it has a gentle effect The cleaning procedure is carried out twice: wipe the display to remove dirt. Then remove the second napkin, dry it slightly and go over the entire surface again. This is how divorce can be prevented.
Lint-free Wipes quickly remove dust from the display, but are unable to cope with serious dirt. Remove the wipe from the package and gently wipe the screen
microfiber Perfectly removes dust, fingerprints, greasy stains and ugly stains. At the same time, the cloth absorbs all the moisture, so you can wet it to wash the most difficult stains. Use a tissue to wipe the display while Special attention problem areas

Store-bought cleaners

Another option is how to clean the TV. Cleaning products include foams, aerosols and gels that contain special components. As a rule, on such tools there is an indication of the possibility of their use for LCD screens. The composition can only be used in combination with a lint-free cloth and cotton pads. Ordinary rags will not work, as they do not absorb moisture well, they can leave scratches and lint.

All products designed to care for LCD TVs are presented in a wide price range. Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

If you urgently need to wipe the screen, and there are no specialized compounds in the house, prepare the following solution. Mix distilled water and isopropyl alcohol or regular alcohol. The temperature of the liquid should be at room temperature. Such a home remedy allows you to achieve the same effect as professional cleaners.

Prepare the composition from improvised means

Many people think that you can clean the screen by any means, regardless of its type. This is one of the most common mistakes. Some displays are glass, others are made up of many crystals. Therefore, for each option there are recommendations for care.

Special fabric to remove dirt

You can use both folk and ready-made compositions, which are best applied with a fleece cloth, flannel, and a cotton rag. These materials are ideal for removing dirt from a TV screen.

To remove dust, use professional tools. Napkins perfectly wipe the dust and do not damage the surface. Another option is a cloth designed for cleaning glasses. It is advisable to wipe the display with dry materials so that there is no short circuit.

Use wet wipes

If there is a lot of dirt and they are serious enough, use wet wipes to remove them. After all procedures, walk over the surface with a clean, dry cloth.

For such models, it is recommended to use microfiber and spray. With their help, you can clean even a heavily soiled display. The main advantage of this method is that the aerosol does not contain alcohol, and after its application a protective layer is formed on the screen.

For such TVs, use microfiber and spray

Another option is a lint-free wipe. You can apply foam on it, which will easily cope with any dirt.

How to remove stains

Spots often appear on the display of LCD TVs that cannot be removed. in the usual way. But the task is quite solvable. Specialized dry wipes without alcohol and lint will come to the rescue.

Need lint-free wipes

Use foam to eliminate stubborn stains. In this case, the cleaning agent must be applied first to the napkin, and then to the monitor. After processing, be sure to wipe it with a dry cloth. Among folk recipes, a solution of vinegar can be distinguished. Soak a cotton cloth in it, wring it out well and wipe the TV.

If there are scratches on your TV screen, a soft eraser will help to remove them. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wipe the scratch with a lint-free cloth, after wetting it with a specialized liquid.
  2. Dry the screen.
  3. Wipe the damaged areas with an eraser - it should be new, white and soft.
  4. Wipe off the remaining traces with a damp cloth, then walk over the display with a dry cloth.

Eraser to get rid of scratches

If everything is done carefully and correctly, scratches will disappear without a trace. But this method is only suitable for minor damage.

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of pollution than to think later than to wipe the LCD TV at home.

Do not touch the screen with your fingers, it will be difficult to wash off traces later

Insects instantly stain TVs, so try to prevent them from entering the apartment. If you see a fly or a mosquito, destroy them as quickly as possible. To restore the screen to its former shine, buy wet wipes produced for cleaning monitors. It is enough to process the TV just once, and it will shine again.

If you want to clean the LCD screen, remember that you can not use aggressive liquids for this - acetone, ammonia, gasoline, dyes, solvents.

Do not use powders and soda, they can damage your monitor

Also prohibited:

  1. Alcohol and all preparations based on it - they are able to dissolve a thin anti-reflective coating, resulting in cracks.
  2. Washing powder and soda - they scratch the fragile surface of the display.
  3. Products intended for windows, glass and dishes - they contain acetone, which adversely affects the screen.
  4. Paper napkins and towels - they contain coarse particles that damage the monitor.
  5. Wet cosmetic wipes - they leave stains.

Cleaning Safety Precautions

When removing smudges and dirt from the LCD screen, be sure to be careful to avoid serious trouble. In the absence of a special coating, do not wipe the screen with detergents and chemicals. Otherwise, the TV will stop working.

Before starting work, unplug the equipment from the socket. Use only soft, lint-free materials for cleaning so that there are no fibers left during cleaning.

Do not apply cleaning gel or water on the surface. If this is done, ugly streaks will remain on the display. Also, do not spray aerosols directly onto the monitor - moisture can penetrate into the case, as a result of which the equipment will fail.

When wiping the screen, remove all dirt with gentle movements, do not put pressure on it. This must be done carefully, as one wrong gesture can damage your LCD TV. When cleaning, pay attention to the body - it may also contain various contaminants. It is advisable to wipe the display every three weeks to avoid dust accumulation. Do not turn on the device until it is completely dry.

Cleaning the screens of household appliances is a necessary measure that allows you to keep the equipment in working condition. To perform a quality cleaning, you must follow the instructions above and the recommendations of a specialist, as well as follow simple precautions. Only in this case, the LCD TV will delight you with a bright and rich image for many years.
