The concept of an algorithm. Algorithms in human life

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

MKOU "Vtorokamenskaya secondary school"


Algorithms in our lives

Supervisor : Eresko Irina Alekseevna,

mathematic teacher

Completed by: Khoroshilova Ekaterina,

7th grade student

With. Second Kamenka


  1. Introduction.

  2. Origin of the word "Algorithm".

  3. Algorithm and executor.

  4. Properties of algorithms.

  5. Methods of presenting algorithms.

  6. Types of algorithms:

    • Linear algorithms

    • Branched Algorithms

    • Cyclic algorithms

  7. Algorithms in everyday life.

  8. Algorithms in proverbs, pennies and fairy tales.

  9. Practical part. Research results.

  10. Conclusion.


The present time is characterized by the massive introduction of information technology into all spheres of human life and activity, a change in the role and place of personal computers in modern society. From a subject of professional activity of a fairly narrow circle of specialists in the field of exact sciences, they have turned into a tool used in all branches of production, science, everyday life and public life. A person who skillfully and effectively masters technology and information has another, a new style thinking, has a different approach to assessing the problem that has arisen and to organizing one’s activities. In the modern world, mastery of information technology is ranked on a par with such qualities as knowledge of languages ​​and the ability to reason. The growing role of computer technology provides the user with new opportunities that can influence his education, worldview and creative potential. One of the cardinal problems is the problem of interaction between computer science and society. It is computer science that has set and is strenuously solving the problem of creating artificial intelligence. Within the framework of computer science, the methodological arsenal of science is radically updated, based on the methods of mathematical modeling and computational experiment. Computer and information technologies contribute to the formation new system education - advanced education, which, during the transition of civilization to the path of sustainable development, becomes the highest priority mechanism contributing to the implementation of a new civilizational model.
Cognitive processes: perception, thinking, attention, logic, memory - act as essential components any human activity. In order to satisfy his needs - to communicate, play, study and work, a person must perceive the world, pay attention to certain moments or components of activity, imagine what he needs to do, remember, think, and make judgments.
Now there is a lot of debate about what a school should be like in the 21st century so that it meets the requirements and demands modern society. The social order of society for the education system is that a school graduate should be free to work for personal computer, since this need is dictated by time, the level of economic development and the moral values ​​of society. As practice shows, it is impossible to imagine a modern school without new information technologies, which is why the subject of computer science and its early teaching play such an important role. At the same time, informatization of education opens up the following important opportunities for schools:

  • construction open system education that provides each individual with his own trajectory of self-learning;

  • a radical change in the organization of the cognition process by shifting towards systems thinking;

  • effective organization of students' cognitive activity during the educational process.
It is difficult to imagine a modern teacher who does not use other additional aids in his practice besides the textbook. A teacher who is interested in students’ successful learning of the material will try to enrich the lesson as much as possible using a variety of means, thereby enhancing the clarity of the material being presented. I think it’s quite difficult to dispute the fact that visibility in learning is far from the last place. The computer is the main tool and teacher's assistant in this aspect.

All of the above emphasizes the relevance of my work and defines its topic. "Algorithms in our lives." We live in a large flow of information. Information is a person’s constant companion. People have always sought to make their work easier with the help of mechanisms and machines. And the computer became such a machine for working with information. I met him back in primary school in computer science classes. In the lessons of this subject we learned a lot about information, computer devices, technologies for working with information (text editor, spreadsheet, graphics editor), but most of all I liked studying the topic “Algorithmic language. Algorithms". I was interested in the fact that in our daily life we ​​are surrounded by algorithms; any person performs his actions in order, wondering whether he is doing the right thing.


Formation of algorithmic thinking

Purpose of the study:

  • Make a classification of algorithms in the surrounding information space for the development of logical and algorithmic thinking

  • Analyze the concept of an algorithm, determine whether algorithms occur in everyday life, draw conclusions whether your life can be represented as a sequence of certain actions.
Research objectives

  • Get acquainted with the concept of “Algorithm”

  • Make a classification of algorithms

  • Select algorithms from the surrounding information space.

  • Apply the classification of algorithms when studying computer science.
Subject of study: Section “Algorithmization”, where, based on the studied theoretical material, a classification of algorithms from the outside world was created.

Object of study: The process of applying theoretical knowledge in practical activities in computer science lessons at school.

Origin of the word "Algorithm"

Every person encounters many tasks every day, from the simplest and well-known to the very complex. For many tasks, there are certain rules (instructions, regulations) that explain to the performer how to solve this task. A person can study these rules in advance or formulate them himself in the process of solving a problem. The more accurately and clearly the rules for solving problems are described, the faster a person will master them and apply them more effectively.

A person can delegate the solution to many problems technical devices- automatic machines, robots, computers. The use of such technical devices places very strict demands on the accuracy of the description of the rules and the sequence of actions. Therefore, special languages ​​are being developed to clearly and strictly describe different rules. This is one of the tasks of computer science.

Word algorithm derived from algorithmi- the Latin form of writing the name of the outstanding mathematician of the 9th century Al Khorezmi, who formulated the rules for performing arithmetic operations.

The main feature of any algorithm is its formal execution, which allows specified actions (commands) to be performed not only by humans, but also by technical devices (performers). Thus, the executors of algorithms can be, for example, a person, a computer, a printer, a robotic manipulator, a machine tool with numerical control, a living cell, a trained animal, computer program, computer virus, "turtle" in Logoriter or Logomirs (geometric performer), etc.
The algorithm executor is a control device connected to a set of tools. The control device understands the algorithms and organizes their execution by commanding the appropriate tools. And the tools perform actions by executing commands from the control device. Before creating an algorithm for solving a problem, you need to find out what actions the proposed performer can perform.
These actions are called valid actions of the performer. Only they can be used.
Executor computational algorithms called a calculator. A calculator can deal with numbers and variables that represent numbers. Thus, an algorithm is an organized sequence of actions that are acceptable for some performer. The same performer can be simulated on a computer in many ways.
Types of algorithms: computational, interactive, graphical, data processing, object and process management, etc.

The properties of algorithms are unambiguity (and certainty), effectiveness (and feasibility), correctness (and understandability), widespread use or universality (i.e., applicability for a whole class of problems, to various sets of source data).

Ways to write algorithms:

  1. Asblock diagrams .

  2. In the form of programs.
Basic Programming Concepts

Programming is a branch of computer science that studies methods and techniques for writing programs for computers. In addition, programming is the preparation of a problem for solving it on a computer.

A program is a sequence of commands that a computer can understand.

The program is written in the form of symbols, which include Latin and Russian letters, numbers, punctuation marks and operation signs.

Requirements for the program

1. Minimum requirements for the computer on which the program runs.

2. Clarity of input and output data and simplicity of the program.

3. Minimum time for creating a program and ease of changing it.

4. Minimum program running time, minimum memory occupied and minimum operators used in the program.

In order for a program to satisfy these conflicting requirements, it is necessary to possess the art of programming.

Properties of programs - feasibility, portability, correctness, efficiency.

Feasibility - the ability to execute a program on this type computers.

Mobility - the ability to transfer a program to another type of computer.

The correctness of the program is the correctness of the results obtained using this program.

Efficiency - minimum execution time, minimum machine memory and other computer resources.

Programming languages ​​are languages ​​for writing programs for computers. This is a set of tools and rules for presenting an algorithm in a form acceptable for a computer.

Operator is an expression denoting and describing an operation.

Types of programming languages: machine, machine-oriented, algorithmic, logical, functional, educational, instrumental, interactive, graphical, etc.

An algorithmic language is a formal language designed to write algorithms.

Programming systems are a set of tools for entering, editing, translating and executing programs on a computer.

A translator is a set of programs that translates a program written in a symbolic language into a set of machine instructions.

A compiler is a translator that translates a program written in an algorithmic language into a set of machine instructions without executing it on a computer.

An interpreter is a translator that provides translation of each construct of an algorithmic language into machine commands and simultaneous execution of this construct in a computer.

All programming systems (languages) have their own translator, compiler and interpreter.

Types of programming languages:

1. Machine-oriented languages ​​(assembly languages).

2. Languages high level.

3. Database command languages.

Examples of high-level programming languages: Fortran, Algol, Basic, Pascal, C++, Prolog, Lisp, Fort, etc.

  1. In the form of text descriptions(recipes, for example, recipes for cooking, medicine, etc.).
Algorithm flowcharts - This is a graphical description of algorithms as a sequence of actions.
There are rules for depicting flowcharts of algorithms.

Rules for depicting algorithm flowcharts

Types of algorithms - structured, unstructured (i.e. with violation of structure - with unconditional transition operators) and auxiliary.

Linear algorithm

Branching algorithm

cyclic, i.e. containing cycles,

Round robin algorithm

4 ) auxiliary, with subroutines,
5) mixed (i.e. containing loops, subroutines, and branching).

BRANCHING is an algorithm command in which a choice is made: to execute or not to execute some group of commands, depending
depending on the condition.

CYCLES are algorithm commands that allow you to repeat the same group of commands several times.

Algorithmization is the technique of writing algorithms and programs to solve problems on a computer.

The method of developing complex algorithms from top to bottom, followed by refinement, is called the SEQUENTIAL DETAIL METHOD. With this method, algorithms are written in the form of a set of auxiliary algorithms that solve auxiliary subproblems. When composing new algorithms, algorithms compiled earlier can be used .

Algorithms that are used entirely as part of other algorithms are called auxiliary. Auxiliary algorithm for BASIC language implemented in the form:

  1. Subroutines;

  2. Standard Features;

  3. User functions.
The order of compiling dialogue algorithms:

task -> script -> algorithm -> program.

A dialogue script is a block diagram of pictures, texts and messages on a computer screen with arrows indicating the order in which they appear.

SOLVING A PROBLEM ON A COMPUTER is the process of automatically converting source data into the desired result in accordance with a given algorithm.
Before solving a problem on a computer, the following steps are performed:
1) Statement of the problem;
2) Construction mathematical model ;
3) Algorithmization;
4) Solving the problem on a computer.

Algorithms in everyday life

Each of us uses various algorithms every day: instructions, rules, recipes, etc. We usually do this without thinking. For example, when opening a door with a key, no one thinks about the sequence in which to perform the actions. However, in order to teach someone (say, a younger brother) to open a door, you will have to clearly indicate both the actions themselves and the order in which they should be performed. For example, like this:

Get the key.

Remove the key.

Let's rearrange the second and third steps in the algorithm:

Get the key.

Turn the key 2 times counterclockwise.

Insert the key into the keyhole.

Remove the key.

You can, of course, perform this algorithm as well. But the door is unlikely to open. So, we are convinced that not only the set of actions is important for the algorithm, but also how they are organized, i.e. in what order they are performed. This is what the algorithm looks like: Get ready for school"

We love getting together as a family on weekends. This is what it looks like in my opinion "Christmas Algorithm"

  • Despite the weather create a warm atmosphere
in the house.

  • Prepare a fur coat and felt boots for a walk to the Christmas tree
 Show your imagination when preparing gifts

  • Buy and iron a festive outfit

  • Remember all the New Year's fortune telling

  • Check TV operation

  • Meet New Year with beloved relatives
My brother does exercises in the morning and therefore does not threaten him with colds. This is how Alexander does it.

Algorithm “Morning exercises”

  1. Get up

  2. Turn on rhythmic music

  3. Start doing exercises

  4. Place your feet shoulder width apart

  5. Take the gontels

  6. Do exercises with dumbbells

  7. Take a lying position

  8. Do push-ups

  9. Finish charging

  10. Take water treatments

  11. Open the window to ventilate the room
I love making salads for the whole family.

Salad preparation algorithm:
1. Boil beets, carrots, eggs.

2. After boiling, grate and finely chop the cucumbers and onions.

3. Crush the canned food.

4. Place all ingredients in layers, covering with mayonnaise

Bon appetit!

My mom has a lot culinary recipes for baking, for canning.

It would be easy and simple to live (even uninteresting) if we could outline once and for all what actions to perform and in what sequence. In fact, we have to make decisions depending on the situation at hand. If it rains, we put on a raincoat. If it's hot, then we go swimming. Sometimes there are more difficult situations when you need to make a choice. In such cases, the algorithm is said to contain a compound instruction or branch. And when buying ice cream, the algorithm looks like this.

"Buy ice cream"

For example, the algorithm “If I meet a friend, I’ll ask him for my book, otherwise I’ll go to him” can be written in the form of a flowchart like this:

In our practical activities, we constantly encounter problems that require repeating the same actions over and over again to solve them.

This is what a flowchart of actions looks like for a schoolchild who should do the following before an evening walk: homework mathematics:

I found algorithms in works of art:

  • Tale "Geese and Swans":
If eat rye pie

That I'll hide it

otherwise I won't hide it


  • “Hot Stone”, A.P. Gaidar:
If who will carry this stone to the mountain and break it into pieces there

That he will regain his youth and start living again


  • Fairy tale “The Road of Happiness” in the Chuvash language
If Sullahayakaisan

That vilĕmnetupan

otherwise puyanlăkhtupan


  • Bashkir fairy tale “Karasai Batyr”
If unga barhan

That despondent

otherwise ulerhen


But algorithms from school life

  • Timetable

  • Call schedule

  • Club schedule

  • Schedule of exams, consultations, etc.

I came across these algorithms in school subjects

  • How to write an essay, presentation, dictation

  • How to solve problems in chemistry, mathematics, physics

  • How to make a translation in English

  • How to learn a poem, etc.
In Russian language lessons, I noticed algorithms in proverbs.

Bye the sun warms


prepare the hay


If few stars in the sky

That to bad weather


So, any proverb can be presented in the form of an algorithm.

In my free time I like to sing. I also encountered algorithms in songs

  • Song “If you went on a journey with a friend”
If went on the road with a friend

That more fun on the road


  • Song from the fairy tale film “The Golden Key”
Bye the greedy people around are alive


we won't let go of luck



This is an incomplete list of algorithms that I was able to see, notice and carry out some classification. In the future, I want to continue this research by enriching my knowledge in computer science classes and using information from everyday life. I want to learn how to strictly plan my day, because very soon I will be entering student life.

I think that algorithms can still be classified for each subject, for each class.

I became interested in how my classmates viewed the topic “Algorithms” and I conducted a small survey.

8 students answered the questions.

So, my classmates also like the topic “Algorithms”; unfortunately, not everyone is willing to carry them out, that is, even their daily routine.

I decided to check if my classmates know how to plan their day. This is what happened.

Algorithm “Plan your day”

8 people from 11th grade answered the questions

From the chronomap you can see that:

Most of the time was spent sleeping

There was not enough time for entertainment, communication with friends

The most important activity was going to school

Was it possible to fulfill the planned plan - no

Conclusion: for a plan to become a reality, you need to really plan your day.


  1. Kozyrev N.N. We are studying the topic “Algorithms and executors”. Informatics and education, No. 1, 2, 2003.

  2. Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science and information technology. Textbook for grades 10-11/N.D. Ugrinovich. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.

  3. Chelak E.N., Konopatova N.K. Developmental informatics. Toolkit. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2001 – 208 p.

  4. Shafrin Yu.A. Information Technology. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 1998.

  5. V.A.Kodnyanko. Algorithms and algorithmization.

  6. Russian folk tales.

  7. A.P. Gaidar Hot stone.

  8. Tales of the peoples of the world.

  9. A.G. Asmolov Formation of UUD in primary school: from action to thought. System of tasks - M.: Education, 2011

Gordienko Vladimir, Zagainova Sofya, Gorelikov Ilya, Kurteev Mikhail

We live in a large flow of information. Information is a person’s constant companion. People have always sought to make their work easier with the help of mechanisms and machines. And the computer became such a machine for working with information. We have been studying computer science since 2nd grade. In the lessons of this subject we learned a lot about information, computer devices, and algorithms. I was interested in the fact that in our daily life we ​​are surrounded by algorithms; any person performs his actions in order, wondering whether he is doing the right thing.

Based on the relevance of this problem, we chose to study topic “Algorithms in our lives” and determined the goals and objectives of the work.

Purpose Our research is to consolidate knowledge about algorithms and identify groups of algorithms found in our lives.

We have set ourselves the following tasks:

· clarify the concept of “algorithm”;

  • learn the history of the concept of “algorithm”
  • highlight algorithms from our lives.
  • create training algorithms.

In our work we used the following research methods: studying literature and information on the Internet, observation.

Our work consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.




I. What is an algorithm?…………………………………………………………….4

  1. The concept of an algorithm................................................... ........................................4
  2. The history of the concept of “algorithm”................................................................. 6

II. Algorithms in our lives……………………………………………………8

  1. Groups of algorithms........................................................ .......................................8
  2. Educational algorithms in Russian language lessons...............................................11




We live in a large flow of information. Information is a person’s constant companion. People have always sought to make their work easier with the help of mechanisms and machines. And the computer became such a machine for working with information. We have been studying computer science since 2nd grade. In the lessons of this subject we learned a lot about information, computer devices, and algorithms. I was interested in the fact that in our daily life we ​​are surrounded by algorithms; any person performs his actions in order, wondering whether he is doing the right thing.

Purpose Our research is to consolidate knowledge about algorithms and identify groups of algorithms found in our lives.

We have set ourselves the following tasks :

  1. clarify the concept of “algorithm”;
  2. learn the history of the concept of “algorithm”
  3. highlight algorithms from our lives.
  4. create training algorithms.

In our work we used the followingresearch methods: literature study, observation.

I. What is an algorithm?

1. Concept of algorithm

Every person encounters many tasks every day, from the simplest and well-known to the very complex. For many tasks, there are certain rules (instructions, regulations) that explain to the performer how to solve a given task. A person can study these rules in advance or formulate them himself in the process of solving a problem. The more accurately and clearly the rules for solving problems are described, the faster a person will master them and apply them more effectively.

A person can transfer the solution of many problems to technical devices - automatic machines, robots, computers. Special languages ​​are being developed to clearly and strictly describe the various rules. This is one of the tasks of computer science.

Each of us uses various algorithms every day: instructions, rules, recipes, etc. We usually do this without thinking. For example, when opening a door with a key, no one thinks about the sequence in which to perform the actions. However, in order to teach someone (say, a younger brother) to open a door, you will have to clearly indicate both the actions themselves and the order in which they should be performed. For example, like this:

Get the key.

Remove the key.

And if you imagine that you were invited to visit. Surely you will ask for a detailed and precise explanation of how to get there. Here's what the explanation might look like:

Leave the house.

Turn right.

Walk 2 blocks to the bus stop.

Take bus number 25 going to the city center.

Go 3 stops.

Get off the bus.

At first glance, these algorithms have nothing in common. However, if you look closely, you will notice significant similarities between them. First of all, this is a strict order of actions. Let's rearrange the second and third actions in the first algorithm:

Get the key.

Turn the key 2 times counterclockwise.

Insert the key into the keyhole.

Remove the key.

Of course, this algorithm can also be performed. But the door is unlikely to open. What happens if you swap the fourth and fifth steps in the second algorithm? It will become impossible! So, we are convinced that not only the set of actions is important for the algorithm, but also how they are organized, i.e. in what order they are performed.

We can now say that algorithms are a strictly defined sequence of actions.

An algorithm is a plan for achieving a goal, consisting of steps. It marks the beginning and the end. The steps of the algorithm are executed one after another from the beginning to the end

2. History of the concept of “algorithm”

The word algorithm comes from algorithmi, the Latin spelling of the name of the eminent 9th-century mathematician Al Khwarizmi, who formulated the rules for performing arithmetic operations. “Al-Khwarizmi” means “from Khorezm” (a region in present-day Uzbekistan).

Around 825, al-Khwarizmi wrote an essay in which he first described the decimal number system invented in India. Al-Khwarizmi formulated the rules of calculation in the new system and probably used the number 0 for the first time.

Today, no one doubts that the word “algorithm” entered European languages ​​precisely thanks to this work.

At first, the word “algorithm” meant the art of counting using Arabic numerals. Gradually the meaning of the word changed. By the beginning of the 20th century, for mathematicians, the word “algorithm” already meant any mathematical process performed according to strictly defined rules. By the end of the 20th century, "algorithm" appeared in computer science. This is due to the proliferation of computers. Everyone knows the word “algorithm” these days. It is found in colloquial speech, in newspapers, and in speeches on television.

II. Algorithms in our lives

1. Groups of algorithms

In our practical activities, we constantly encounter problems that require repeating the same actions over and over again to solve them.

In computer science lessons, we looked at many algorithms from life, educational subjects, fairy tales, etc. We were interested in whether algorithms could somehow be divided into groups. We have identified the following groups.

1) Algorithms in culinary recipes

Any culinary recipe is an algorithm. The name of the algorithm is the name of the product being produced.

Algorithm “Blackcurrant jam”


put blackcurrant berries in a saucepan

add sugar

boil until tender


Algorithm for preparing borscht


Turn on the stove

Pour water into a saucepan

Place the pan on the stove

Place meat in water

cook meat until done

peel potatoes

chop potatoes

Peel the onion

Cut the onion

peel the carrots

peel the beets

grate the beets

grate carrots

put the pan on the stove

turn on the stove

pour oil into the frying pan

fry onions, beets, carrots

shred cabbage

put potatoes, cabbage, fried vegetables in a pan

cook until done

add salt and spices

turn off the oven


Algorithm “Cooking scrambled eggs”


Turn on the stove

Wait until the stove heats up

Place the frying pan on the stove

Pour oil

Break an egg into a frying pan


Wait for the egg to fry

Turn off the oven


Every housewife has many culinary recipes.

2) Algorithms from the outside world

  1. Daily regime
  2. Helping parents with housework (how to clean the apartment, go to the store, etc.)
  3. Weeding beds, vegetable gardens, planting plants

3) Algorithms from school life

  1. Timetable
  2. Call schedule
  3. Club schedule

4) Training algorithms

  1. How to write a summary, dictation
  2. How to Solve Math Problems
  3. How to learn a poem, etc.

2. Educational algorithms in Russian language lessons

To successfully master knowledge, we need educational algorithms. We create such algorithms in Russian language and mathematics lessons. Let us give examples of algorithms used in Russian language lessons.

Algorithm “Sound-letter parsing of words”


  1. Write down the word. Say it syllable by syllable. Indicate the boundaries of the syllables.
  2. Say the whole word several times and listen to which syllable is stressed. Place an accent mark above the stressed vowel
  3. Say the whole word, emphasizing each sound. Write the word in sounds:
  4. Write the word in letters vertically. Indicate what sound each letter represents. Count and write down the number of letters, sounds and syllables
  5. Give a description of each sound. For vowels, indicate whether the sound is stressed or unstressed. For consonants, indicate whether it is voiced or voiceless, paired or unpaired; whether it is soft or hard, paired or unpaired


Algorithm for correct spelling of singular noun endings

To correctly write the unstressed case ending of a noun, you must:


  1. Put it in the initial form (I.p., singular) and determine the declination.
  2. Determine case.
  3. Look at the table of endings of nouns of a given declension in this case

Declension of singular nouns


1 cl

2 cl

3 cl


























The wall








By the wall

By the wall









About the wall








Choose a reference word.



Algorithm for determining the declension of a noun


  1. Put the noun in the initial form (I.p., singular)
  2. Determine the gender of the noun
  3. Highlight the ending of the noun
  4. Determine the declension by gender and ending


Algorithm for determining the case of a noun


  1. Find a phrase that includes this noun.
  2. Determine the main and dependent word.
  3. From the main word to the dependent word, ask a case question.
  4. Using the case question and preposition, determine the case of the noun.



Doing this jobwe consolidated knowledge about algorithms and identified some groups of algorithms found in our lives.

These are not all the algorithms that we were able to see and divide into groups. In the future, we want to continue this research by enriching our knowledge in computer science classes and using information from everyday life.


  1. E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova Computer Science. 3rd grade: Textbook-notebook in 2 parts.: 1 part, 2 part, 2010
  2. Dvorchik Sh. Mouse Programmushka in the country of computer science, - M.: Radio and Communications, 1990.
  3. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baykova T.A. Russian language. 3rd grade: Textbook in 3 parts. Part 1.2, 2010
  5. c7e169a0eca1

Belosludtseva Irina


We have been studying computer science since 2nd grade. In the lessons of this subject we learned a lot about information, computer devices, and algorithms. I was interested in the fact that in our daily life we ​​are surrounded by algorithms; any person performs his actions in order, wondering whether he is doing the right thing.

Based on the relevance of this problem, I chose for research the topic “Algorithms in our lives: a new look at known things” and determined the goals and objectives of the work.

Problem: I recently noticed an algorithm on a tea package and wondered what it is and what are they for?

An object research - algorithms

Item research - algorithms on packaging and other things.

Target work: find out what an algorithm is and why and where they are used.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

1. Find out what is meant by an algorithm.

2. What types of algorithms are there?

3. What are algorithms for?

4. Where are algorithms found in real life?

Hypothesis: Let's assume that algorithms are needed for convenience and comfort in life.



MBOU "Kezskaya Secondary School No. 1"

IV school scientific and practical conference of students

"Search, explore, discover..."

Research in computer science:

"Algorithms in our lives"

The research work was carried out

5a grade student

Belosludtseva Irina


mathematics and computer science teacher

Vetoshkina Natalya Vladimirovna

Kez, 2014

Introduction page 3

1. Historical background page 4

2.Types of algorithms page 5

3. Methods of recording algorithms page 5

4. Linear algorithm page 6

5. Branching algorithm page 7

6. Cyclic algorithm page 8

8. Algorithms in everyday life p. 9

9. Conclusion page 14



We have been studying computer science since 2nd grade. In the lessons of this subject we learned a lot about information, computer devices, and algorithms. I was interested in the fact that in our daily life we ​​are surrounded by algorithms; any person performs his actions in order, wondering whether he is doing the right thing.

Based on the relevance of this problem, I chose for research the topic “Algorithms in our lives: a new look at known things” and determined the goals and objectives of the work.

Problem: I recently noticed an algorithm on a tea package and wondered what it is and what are they for?

An object research - algorithms

Item research - algorithms on packaging and other things.

Target work: find out what an algorithm is and why and where they are used.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

1. Find out what is meant by an algorithm.

2. What types of algorithms are there?

3. What are algorithms for?

4. Where are algorithms found in real life?

Hypothesis: Let's assume that algorithms are needed for convenience and comfort in life.

Historical reference

Algorithm - set instructions , describing the order of actions of the performer to achieve the resultproblem solving for a finite number of actions.

Partial formalization of the concept of an algorithm began with attempts to solveresolution problems (German Entscheidungsproblem ), which was formulatedDavid Gilbert V 1928 . The following formalization steps were necessary to define efficient calculationsor "effective method"; Among such formalizations are the Gödel - Herbrand - Kleene recursive functions, and years, λ-calculus Alonzo Church G., " Formulation 1 » Emil Post 1936 And Turing machine . In the methodology, the algorithm is a basic concept and receives a qualitatively new concept as optimality as it approaches the predicted absolute. In the modern world, an algorithm in formalized expression forms the basis of education by example, by similarity.

The modern formal definition of an algorithm was given in the 30-50sXX century in the works Turing , Posta , Church (Church-Turing thesis ), N. Vinera , A. A. Markova .

The word “algorithm” itself comes from the name of the Khorezm scientistAbu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (algorithm - al-Khwarizmi). Near825 he wrote an essay in which he first described the positional decimal number system invented in India. Unfortunately, the Persian original of the book has not survived. Al-Khwarizmi formulated the rules of calculation in the new system and probably used for the first timenumber 0 to indicate a missing position in a number record (the Arabs translated its Indian name as as-sifr or just sifr , hence words such as “digit” and “cipher”). Around the same time, other Arab scholars began to use Indian numerals. In the first half12th century al-Khwarizmi's book in Latin translation penetrated into Europe. The translator, whose name has not reached us, gave it the name Algorithm de numero Indorum (“Algorithms about Indian counting”). In Arabic the book was calledKitab al-jabr wal-muqabala(“A Book on Addition and Subtraction”). The word comes from the original title of the bookAlgebra (algebra - al-jabr - completion).

Thus, we see that the Latinized name of the Central Asian scientist was included in the title of the book, and today it is believed that the word “algorithm” entered European languages ​​precisely thanks to this work. However, the question of its meaning is long-lasting.for a time raised doubts.

Types of algorithms:

Algorithms are:

  1. Linear;
  2. Branching;
  3. Cyclic.

Ways to write algorithms

There are 2 types of recording algorithms: verbal and graphic.

Graphical way to write the algorithm

Start and end block.

Data input and result block.

Condition checking block.

Command block.

The set of mathematical figures forms a block diagram of the algorithm.

Linear algorithm or followingis a type of algorithm in which the sequence of actions does not change during its execution.

Examples of linear algorithms:

  • The operator receives an order over the phone or via the Internet.
  • Having received the order, the operator processes it and transfers it to the baking department.
  • The pizza is prepared and packaged.
  • When baking is finished, the shop foreman informs the operator that the order is ready.
  • The operator places the order in the queue for delivery.
  • A free pizza delivery driver receives the order and delivers it to the address specified in the order.
  • The customer receives his order, signs for receipt and pays.

Let's write an algorithm in the form of a block diagram for solving a linear equation: 5x – 2 = 0.

The root of the linear equation is calculated as x = -2/5.

Tree planting algorithm:

1) dig a hole in the ground;
2) lower the seedling into the hole;
3) fill the hole with the seedling with soil;
4) water the seedling with water.

Algorithm for sending a letter


Take the letter envelope and brand.

Put a stamp on it.

Write the address on the envelope.

Fold the letter.

Put the letter in envelope .

Seal the envelope.

Leave the house. Drop the envelope in the mailbox.


Algorithm “Make a Sandwich”


Get bread, butter, cheese, knife.

Take the knife.

Cut a piece of bread.

Cut a slice of cheese.

Butter a piece of bread.

Place a slice of cheese on the butter.

Put away the bread, butter, cheese, knife.


Algorithm “Collect a herbarium”


Come to the forest or park.

Collect leaves.

Bring the leaves home.

Take one sheet.

Examine the leaf.

Dry the leaf.


The algorithm for solving the ancient problem “About the Wolf, the Goat and the Cabbage” looks like this:

  1. transport the goat;
  2. cross;
  3. transport the wolf;
  4. transport the goat back;
  5. transport the cabbage;
  6. cross;
  7. transport the goat.

Algorithm for performing door opening.

1. Take the key out of your pocket.

2. Insert the key into the keyhole.

3. Turn the key counterclockwise twice.

4. Remove the key.

2). A branched algorithm is an algorithm that includes a selection of those

or other actions depending on any condition. In the verbal description of a branched algorithm, the words “if”, “then”, “otherwise” are used.

An example of a branching algorithm:

The inscription on the stone at the intersection: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, if you go to the left, you will die, but if you go straight, you will lose your horse and die!”

3) Cyclic - Algorithms in which actions are repeated an infinite number of times.

Examples of cyclic algorithms:

Algorithm for sewing a button:

  • Get your sewing supplies.
  • Select a spool of thread that matches the color of the button.
  • Cut the thread to the required length from the spool.
  • Thread the needle.
  • Tie a knot at the end of the thread.
  • Pass the needle through the fabric (from the wrong side) and through the button hole.
  • Pass the needle through the other hole of the fabric button.
  • Repeat steps b and 7 five times.
  • Cut off the remaining thread with scissors.

Tales about the fisherman and the fish, the bun are examples of cyclic algorithms.

Algorithms in everyday life

We constantly come across the concept of algorithms in various fields of human activity.

  • Cookbooks contain recipes for preparing various recipes.
  • Any device purchased in a store is supplied with instructions for its use.
  • When you are going to sew a dress, you will first try to find a description and pattern for it in a fashion magazine.
  • Every driver must know the rules of the road.
  • Good harvests will be obtained from year to year if certain rules are followed when cultivating the land.

Algorithms in Russian folk art

Fairy tale "Geese and Swans"

Algorithm with branching


"Kolobok" cyclic algorithm


Conclusion: Having completed my research work, I learned that many people understand the word algorithm to be the execution of certain actions.

I also learned that there are branching, cyclic and linear algorithms.

I also learned that algorithms are needed for convenience and improvement of our lives.

In life, algorithms are found at every step, for example: you can see algorithms on packages of quickly prepared food, in advertising of cosmetic companies, or even in people’s actions, for example: the route along which children walk from home to school or in their daily routine - this is also algorithm

Literature: Internet resources.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

MKOU "Vtorokamenskaya secondary school"


Algorithms in our lives

Supervisor: ,

mathematic teacher

Completed by: Khoroshilova Ekaterina,

With. Second Kamenka

Introduction. Origin of the word "Algorithm". Algorithm and executor. Properties of algorithms. Methods of presenting algorithms. Types of algorithms:
    Linear algorithms Branched algorithms Cyclic algorithms
Algorithms in everyday life. Algorithms in proverbs, pennies and fairy tales. Practical part. Research results. Conclusion.


The present time is characterized by a massive introduction into all spheres of human life and activity, a change in the role and place of personal computers in modern society. From a subject of a fairly narrow circle of specialists in the field of exact sciences, they have turned into a tool used in all branches of production, science, everyday life and public life. A person who skillfully and effectively masters technology and information has a different, new style of thinking, and has a different approach to assessing the problem that has arisen and organizing his activities. Proficiency is ranked in the modern world on a par with such qualities as knowledge of languages ​​and the ability to reason. The growing role of computer technology provides the user with new opportunities that can influence his education, worldview and creative potential. One of the cardinal problems is the problem of interaction between computer science and society. It is computer science that has set and is actively solving the problem of creating artificial intelligence. Within the framework of computer science, the methodological arsenal of science is radically updated, based on the methods of mathematical modeling and computational experiment. Computer and information technologies contribute to the formation of a new education system - advanced education, which, during the transition of civilization to the path of sustainable development, becomes the highest priority mechanism contributing to the implementation of a new civilizational model.
Cognitive processes: perception, thinking, attention, logic, memory - act as the most important components of any human activity. In order to satisfy his needs - to communicate, play, study and work, a person must perceive the world, pay attention to certain moments or components of activity, imagine what he needs to do, remember, think, and make judgments.
Now there is a lot of debate about what a school should be like in the 21st century so that it meets the requirements and demands of modern society. The social order of society for the education system is that a school graduate should be able to work freely on a personal computer, since this need is dictated by the time, the level of economic development and the moral values ​​of society. As practice shows, it is impossible to imagine a modern school without new information technologies, which is why the subject of computer science and its early teaching play such an important role. At the same time, informatization of education opens up the following important opportunities for schools:

    building an open education system that provides each individual with his own trajectory of self-learning; a radical change in the organization of the cognition process by shifting towards systems thinking; effective organization of students during the educational process.

It is difficult to imagine a modern teacher who does not use other additional aids in his practice besides the textbook. A teacher who is interested in students’ successful learning of the material will try to enrich the lesson as much as possible using a variety of means, thereby enhancing the clarity of the material being presented. I think it’s quite difficult to dispute the fact that visibility in learning is far from the last place. The computer is the main tool and teacher's assistant in this aspect.

All of the above emphasizes the relevance of my work and defines its theme “Algorithms in our lives.” We live in a large flow of information. Information is a person’s constant companion. People have always sought to make their work easier with the help of mechanisms and machines. And the computer became such a machine for working with information. I met him in elementary school during computer science classes. In the lessons of this subject, we learned a lot about information, computer devices, technologies for working with information (text editor, spreadsheet, graphic editor), but most of all I liked studying the topic “Algorithmic language. Algorithms". I was interested in the fact that in our daily life we ​​are surrounded by algorithms; any person performs his actions in order, wondering whether he is doing the right thing.


Formation of algorithmic thinking

Purpose of the study:

    Make a classification of algorithms in the surrounding information space for the development of logical and algorithmic thinking. Analyze the concept of an algorithm, determine whether algorithms occur in everyday life, draw conclusions whether one’s life can be represented as a sequence of certain actions.

Research objectives

    Get acquainted with the concept of “Algorithm” Make a classification of algorithms Select algorithms from the surrounding information space. Apply the classification of algorithms when studying computer science.

Subject of research: Section “Algorithmization”, where, based on the studied theoretical material, a classification of algorithms from the outside world was created.

Object of study: The process of applying theoretical knowledge in practical computer science at school.

Origin of the word "Algorithm"

Every person encounters many tasks every day, from the simplest and well-known to the very complex. For many tasks, there are certain rules (instructions, regulations) that explain to the performer how to solve a given task. A person can study these rules in advance or formulate them himself in the process of solving a problem. The more accurately and clearly the rules for solving problems are described, the faster a person will master them and apply them more effectively.

A person can transfer the solution of many problems to technical devices - automatic machines, robots, computers. The use of such technical devices places very strict demands on the accuracy of the description of the rules and the sequence of actions. Therefore, special languages ​​are developed to clearly and strictly describe the various rules. This is one of the tasks of computer science.

The word algorithm comes from algorithmi, the Latin spelling of the name of the outstanding 9th-century mathematician Al Khwarizmi, who formulated the rules for performing arithmetic operations.

The main feature of any algorithm is its formal execution, which allows specified actions (commands) to be performed not only by humans, but also by technical devices (performers). Thus, the executors of algorithms can be, for example, a person, a computer, a printer, a robotic manipulator, a machine tool with numerical control, a living cell, a trained animal, a computer program, a computer, a “turtle” in Logowriter or Logomirs (geometric executor), etc. .d.
The algorithm executor is a control device connected to a set of tools. The control device understands the algorithms and organizes their execution by commanding the appropriate tools. And the tools perform actions by executing commands from the control device. Before creating an algorithm for solving a problem, you need to find out what actions the proposed performer can perform.
These actions are called valid actions of the performer. Only they can be used.
The executor of computational algorithms is called a calculator. A calculator can deal with numbers and variables that represent numbers. Thus, an algorithm is an organized sequence of actions that are acceptable for some performer. The same performer can be simulated on a computer in many ways.
Types of algorithms: computational, interactive, graphical, data processing, and processes, etc.

The properties of algorithms are unambiguity (and certainty), effectiveness (and feasibility), correctness (and understandability), widespread use or universality (i.e., applicability for a whole class of problems, to various sets of source data).

Ways to write algorithms:

In the form of block diagrams. In the form of programs.

Basic Programming Concepts

Programming is a branch of computer science that studies methods and techniques for writing programs for computers. In addition, programming is the preparation of a problem for solving it on a computer.

A program is a sequence of commands that a computer can understand.

The program is written in the form of symbols, which include Latin and Russian letters, numbers, punctuation marks and operation signs.

Requirements for the program

1. Minimum requirements for the computer on which the program runs.

2. Clarity of input and output data and simplicity of the program.

3. Minimum time for creating a program and ease of changing it.

4. Minimum program running time, minimum memory occupied and minimum operators used in the program.

In order for a program to satisfy these conflicting requirements, it is necessary to possess the art of programming.

Properties of programs - feasibility, portability, correctness, efficiency.

Feasibility is the ability to execute a program on a given type of computer.

Mobility - the ability to transfer a program to another type of computer.

The correctness of the program is the correctness of the results obtained using this program.

Efficiency - minimum execution time, minimum machine memory and other computer resources.

Programming languages ​​are languages ​​for writing programs for computers. This is a set of tools and rules for presenting an algorithm in a form acceptable for a computer.

Operator is an expression denoting and describing an operation.

Types of programming languages: machine-based, machine-oriented, algorithmic, logical, functional, educational, instrumental, conversational, graphical, etc.

An algorithmic language is a formal language designed to write algorithms.

Programming systems are a set of tools for entering, editing, translating and executing programs on a computer.

A translator is a set of programs that translates a program written in a symbolic language into a set of machine instructions.

A compiler is a translator that translates a program written in an algorithmic language into a set of machine instructions without executing it on a computer.

An interpreter is a translator that provides translation of each construct of an algorithmic language into machine commands and simultaneous execution of this construct in a computer.

All programming systems (languages) have their own translator, compiler and interpreter.

Types of programming languages:

1. Machine-oriented languages ​​(assembly languages).

2. High level languages.

Examples of high-level programming languages: Fortran, Algol, Basic, Pascal, C++, Prolog, Lisp, Fort, etc.

In the form of text descriptions (recipes, for example, recipes for cooking, medicines, etc.).

Algorithm flowcharts are a graphical description of algorithms as a sequence of actions.
There are rules for depicting flowcharts of algorithms.

Rules for depicting algorithm flowcharts

Types of algorithms - structured, unstructured (that is, with a violation of the structure - with unconditional transition operators) and auxiliary.

Algorithms are:
1) linear,

Linear algorithm

with branching,

Branching algorithm

cyclic, i.e. containing cycles,

Round robin algorithm

4) auxiliary, with subroutines,
5) mixed (i.e. containing loops, subroutines, and branching).

BRANCHING is an algorithm command in which a choice is made: to execute or not to execute some group of commands, depending
depending on the condition.

CYCLES are algorithm commands that allow you to repeat the same group of commands several times.

Algorithmization is the technique of writing algorithms and programs to solve problems on a computer.

The method of developing complex algorithms from top to bottom, followed by refinement, is called the SEQUENTIAL DETAIL METHOD. With this method, algorithms are written in the form of a set of auxiliary algorithms that solve auxiliary subproblems. When composing new algorithms, algorithms compiled earlier can be used.

Algorithms that are used entirely as part of other algorithms are called auxiliary. The auxiliary algorithm in BASIC is implemented as:

Subroutines; Standard features; User functions.

The order of compiling dialogue algorithms:

task -> script -> algorithm -> program.

A dialogue script is a block diagram of pictures, texts and messages on a computer screen with arrows indicating the order in which they appear.

SOLVING A PROBLEM ON A COMPUTER is the process of automatically converting source data into the desired result in accordance with a given algorithm.
Before solving a problem on a computer, the following steps are performed:
1) Statement of the problem;
2) Construction mathematical model;
3) Algorithmization;
4) Solving the problem on a computer.

Algorithms in everyday life

Each of us uses various algorithms every day: instructions, rules, recipes, etc. We usually do this without thinking. For example, when opening a door with a key, no one thinks about the sequence in which to perform the actions. However, in order to teach someone (say, a younger brother) to open a door, you will have to clearly indicate both the actions themselves and the order in which they should be performed. For example, like this:

Get the key.

Remove the key.

Let's rearrange the second and third steps in the algorithm:

Get the key.

Turn the key 2 times counterclockwise.

Insert the key into the keyhole.

Remove the key.

You can, of course, perform this algorithm as well. But the door is unlikely to open. So, we are convinced that not only the set of actions is important for the algorithm, but also how they are organized, i.e. in what order they are performed. This is what the “Get ready for school” algorithm looks like

We love getting together as a family on weekends. This is what the “Christmas Algorithm” looks like in my opinion.

    Despite the weather create a warm atmosphere
    Prepare a fur coat and felt boots for a walk to the Christmas tree

☺ Show your imagination when preparing gifts

    Buy and iron a festive outfit Remember all the New Year's fortune-telling Check the TV's operation Meet with your beloved relatives

My brother does exercises in the morning and therefore does not threaten him with colds. This is how Alexander does it.

Algorithm “Morning exercises”

Get out of bed Turn on rhythmic music Start doing exercises Place your feet shoulder-width apart Take dumbbells Perform exercises with dumbbells Take a lying position Do push-ups Finish exercises Take water procedures Open the window to ventilate the room

I love making salads for the whole family.

Salad preparation algorithm:
1. Boil beets, carrots, eggs.

2. After boiling, grate and finely chop the cucumbers and onions.

3. Crush the canned food.

4. Place all ingredients in layers, covering with mayonnaise

Bon appetit!

My mother has a lot of recipes for baking and canning.

It would be easy and simple to live (even uninteresting) if we could outline once and for all what actions to perform and in what sequence. In fact, we have to make decisions depending on the situation at hand. If it rains, we put on a raincoat. If it's hot, then we go swimming. Sometimes there are more difficult situations when you need to make a choice. In such cases, the algorithm is said to contain a compound instruction or branch. And when buying ice cream, the algorithm looks like this.

"Buy ice cream"

For example, the algorithm “If I meet a friend, I’ll ask him for my book, otherwise I’ll go to him” can be written in the form of a flowchart like this:

In our practical activities, we constantly encounter problems that require repeating the same actions over and over again to solve them.

This is what a flowchart of actions looks like for a schoolchild who needs to do his math homework before an evening walk:

I found algorithms in works of art:

    Tale "Geese and Swans":

if you eat rye pie

then I'll hide it

otherwise I won't hide it

    "Hot Stone":

if someone takes this stone to the mountain and breaks it into pieces there

then he will regain his youth and start living again

    Fairy tale “The Road of Happiness” in the Chuvash language

if sullahayakaisan

then vilĕmnetupan

otherwise puyanlghtupan

From the chronomap you can see that:

Most of the time was spent sleeping

There was not enough time for entertainment, communication with friends

The most important activity was going to school

Was it possible to fulfill the planned plan - no

Conclusion: for a plan to become a reality, you need to really plan your day.


We are studying the topic “Algorithms and executors”. Informatics and education, No. 1, 2, 2003. Computer science and information technology. Textbook for grades 10-11/. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010. Developing informatics. Toolkit. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2001 – 208 p. Information Technology. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 1998. . Algorithms and algorithmization. Russian folk tales. Hot stone. Tales of the peoples of the world. Formation of UUD in primary school: from action to thought. System of tasks - M.: Education, 2011
