What is a wifi router. Wi-Fi router or router: device and use

Today, perhaps, you will no longer meet a person who does not use a computer or does not have a PC at home. In addition, more and more services, programs necessary for work and leisure work when connected to the Internet.

Also, recently, the situation has become more and more popular when in an apartment, house or office there is not one device, but several (PCs, tablets, communicators, smartphones, etc.), each of which requires its own separate connection to the network.

The ability to connect multiple devices to the internet, while having one point of input signal from the provider, is currently carried out using a router or router.

Photo - Networking with multiple paired devices

The router itself is a network device, the purpose of which is to transfer packet data between devices paired with it and an access point - a service provider. In addition, more expensive routers are equipped with a number of additional features, including:

  • the ability to set restrictions on access to sites potentially dangerous for the software;
  • the ability to connect a firewall;
  • the ability to encrypt network access and traffic distribution;
  • orderly distribution of traffic across access points, etc.

A standard router, which can often be found both in a private house and in a company office, public places, is a small piece of equipment, consisting of a hardware unit, an antenna for transmitting a Wi-Fi signal, a power supply for connecting to the mains, patch cords (patch cords).

Photo - Complete set and connection of the router

A standard router is able to organize a network by connecting 4 PCs to it via a wired connection, as well as 5-10 devices for which Wi-Fi signal channels will be allocated. However, experts do not recommend fully loading the router, especially if it is not an expensive model of this device. Otherwise, the router may freeze, unable to withstand heavy loads.

Some router models may be equipped with USB ports for connecting a flash drive or hard drive to them. This feature will allow you to use the equipment as a file server, print server, etc. In addition, some models can also boast support for 3G modems.

What you should pay attention to

When choosing a router, you should consider the following features, operating parameters of this equipment:

  • to organize a home connection or a network for a small office, an ordinary (non-professional) router from the average price range will be enough;
  • device must support IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n will provide data transfer speed via Wi-Fi up to 600 Mbps;
  • installation must support PPTP or L2TP, which will provide access to Internet communications from almost any provider.

The principle of operation of a wireless wi-fi router

The principle of operation of the equipment is based on receiving and converting the recipient's address, which is "registered" in the header of the information packet for its transmission, then the path to which the information is addressed is determined by means of the routing table. In the event that the routing table does not provide any address, the information is not accepted, it is discarded.

Photo - An example of the operation of a network of users with a router

In practice, there are some other systems for transmitting data to devices paired with a router. For example, the use of the sender's address or the protocols of the upper levels of the headers. It is also not uncommon that the basis of the router's operation is the transfer of addresses of both the sender and the recipient, as well as filtering the transit flow of transmitted data.

How to install a Wi-Fi router: step by step instructions

In order to independently connect and configure the router, you must do the following:

  1. The first thing they do to install the equipment is to connect all communications from the router to the PC and to the Internet signal transmission unit from the provider. To do this, insert an Internet cable into the connector called WAN, and insert the cable that comes with the router into one of the remaining ports, its other end is intended for the Ethernet connector on the back of the PC. After that, turn on the power of the device.
  2. Next, go to setting up the router software. Hardware setup is not typical and may differ depending on the router model and connection settings from the provider. Configuration can be carried out through any browser installed on the computer (Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.). To do this, you need to go to the administrative interface of the device by entering a combination of numbers in the address bar of the browser: After pressing the "Enter" key, the equipment administration window should pop up. If this does not happen, then you should check the cable connection, make sure that the connection is running, then try again.
  3. The next step is to directly set up a Wi-Fi connection. If the router is equipped with a quick setup function, then you need to start the "Quick Setup" service and follow the prompts of the installation wizard. Among the configuration steps there will be a choice of the following parameters: — type of preferred connection;

    — type of Internet connection;

  4. Next, you need to connect the Wi-Fi module itself directly. To do this, the installation wizard offers the following menu.

Photo - Wi-Fi signal connection module

After the steps have been taken, the Internet connection should already work. However, if the Internet speed is too low or there are constant signal losses, experts recommend choosing a specific channel (from 1 to 13), saving the settings. You should also take care of the password for accessing the signal of the connected router. Otherwise, unauthorized connections are possible, which will also underestimate traffic and make the router work slower.

After the router is connected and configured, all that remains is to connect the network card to a PC or laptop and use the device to work with the internet. On a laptop, you need to make sure that a special key is pressed that turns on Wi-Fi mode. If this operation is completed, then you need to connect the device to the network.

Photo - Network operation indicator

To do this, right-click on the network icon on the desktop toolbar, select the name of the installed network from the menu that opens, and click the "Connect" button.

Photo - Context menu with installed Internet networks on the device

The connection is made in this way for Windows 8; for other systems, the device is turned on in a similar way.

How much does a computer router cost

Today, the electronics and computer equipment market offers its customers a wide selection of routers that differ from each other both by the manufacturer and by some functional features of the device. These can be routers for a home network with a few paired devices or industrial equipment to provide Internet access for public places, large offices. Accordingly, taking into account the functionality of the device, the cost of devices will vary significantly. By visiting a store or an online store of electrical goods, the client can choose the appropriate equipment for himself, which will meet the requirements for him. At the same time, he will need to deposit an amount of money ranging from 1 thousand rubles. for a standard model up to more than 25 thousand rubles. for professional multifunction devices.

Wi-Fi is a technology for connecting wirelessly to a network using radio signals. That is, WiFi conducts wireless transmission of information (down with the annoying wires and cables that get under your feet). The technology itself was created in 1991 in the Netherlands. The logo of the company is the emblem.

It can be seen in areas where wireless networks are active. Initially, it was created for cash register systems, but after a while the creators realized the full benefits of their offspring, and Wi-Fi was allowed to the masses. No need to rack your brains over how to decipher the name Wi-Fi, it was created to attract the attention of the consumer from Hi-Fi, based on a pun.

Today, Wi-Fi is one of the most used Internet connections. So, to begin with, we will figure out how Wi-Fi works, who needs it and why, and also talk about free Wi-Fi, which is provided in many entertainment establishments to attract customers. Important! If you don't have internet at home, then you can use Wi-Fi only if your neighbors have not password-protected their access. That is, Wi-Fi without paid and connected Internet does not work! Scheme WiFi networks contains an access point and as many clients as it wants to connect to this access point.

Let's see how this system works.

Access point contains a radio module

performing the function of receiving and transmitting data. Exactly the same module must be installed in your computer

or other mobile device. As a result, the access point provides you with a connection between the provider and.

The wireless technology itself is ideal for access over short distances, when high speeds are required, the speed in Wi-Fi reaches 54 Mbps. The distance you can use your Wi-Fi depends on the power the router you are using. The signal transmission distance can reach 400 meters. Access Point and Router

or wireless router (Wireless Router) are the main types of devices.

How to use WiFi

So, you have connected the Internet, the next step is to buy a router that supports Wi-Fi. Having set up a wireless network, you can see several connections, do not be alarmed, it is quite possible that your neighbors have not set a password for their access and, as a result, you can use this if you do not have unlimited Internet. In order not to repeat their mistakes, it is necessary to set a password for your wifi,

because the more people connect to it, the less speed you will have.

It was already mentioned earlier that some establishments, in order to attract visitors, install free Wi-Fi, you just need to come to such an establishment with your mobile phone or laptop, connect to the network and immerse yourself in the vast expanses of the Internet. Usually these establishments have a badge.

However, it should be noted that the speed of the Internet in such establishments is not too high. To connect to someone else's network, just click on the network icon located on the right side of the taskbar,

and select the appropriate network, the connection will be made automatically.

Pros of Wi-Fi

So, we list the benefits of Wi-Fi:

Firstly, it allows various mobile devices (phones, smartphones, laptops, tablets, e-books, and more) to access the network.

Secondly, at the time of data transfer, the radiation from Wi-Fi devices is a hundred times less than from a cell phone (so you don’t have to worry about the effect of waves on your health).

Thirdly, absolutely all equipment that has Wi-Fi is compatible (and this is a big plus, since you no longer have to look for a variety of wires, cables, jumpers and adapters in order to reset any information).

Fourth, it significantly reduces the cost of network expansion due to the absence of cable (and your Internet is no longer afraid of pets who love to feast on wires so much).

It only remains for me to wish you fruitful communication, work and entertainment thanks to Wi-Fi, because the absence of wires and the mobility of your laptop is a great achievement. It is worth keeping up with the times and being constantly connected thanks to Wi-Fi.


So, you have decided to make a local area network at home? Or do you have devices such as a phone, laptop, tablet and computer that you would like to keep online all the time? There is nothing easier!

Today, almost everyone has the Internet. This is not just an opportunity to listen to music or play games, it is already a necessity. Look: electronic diaries are created in schools, documents are sent by e-mail at work, and so on. Therefore, the Internet is no longer a whim and entertainment, but the main means of communication, probably even more important. Well, I convinced you that you need the Internet, and everywhere: on a computer and on a laptop, and even in.

But a lot has changed since the last time someone in your house thought they were using money for a wireless router. It's hard to know which router is right for the needs of your particular snowflake home. There are two types available to most of us: the traditional point-to-point router, which you probably already have in your home, and which has become more popular since last year.

How the Router Works: Video

In addition, by doing this, we can remove the rent that the company charges us. When looking at a wireless router, we must look at the strength of the connection. Usually almost all models offer pretty good coverage in a medium to large home. However, we must take into account the design of the building, in houses of old construction, with thicker walls, the signal transmission is greatly weakened. Although we can always put repeaters if our house is big or the signal is not good.

Each Wi-Fi router has special pre-installed software, which is often called "firmware".

There are 2 approaches to router software:

  • each model has its own unique software;
  • software is created for a whole line of routers.

Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Finally, we must focus on security, as a rule, all routers allow us to encrypt connections with quite powerful security protocols. In addition to the fact that it will be later, we will have to configure it. With this measure, it is very difficult for them to guess the password of our connection.

While it's not quite a router, it's a very interesting option that once tried to grow energy companies but didn't finish winding down. However, component manufacturers are betting on it, and there are very interesting solutions. Or what is the same: to have the Internet by simply connecting the device to the light.

The advantage of the first approach is that in this case the resources of the device are used most rationally. However, given that new features are constantly appearing in router software, and with them various errors, it should be updated periodically. Quite often it happens that when releasing new models of routers, manufacturers forget about the old ones and stop updating their software. In this case, users are often forced to buy a new router.

Why do I even need this router of yours?

They haven't introduced us in person yet, but he was quite tall. Although not specified, we understand that this is a 3x3 router capable of using up to six antennas at the same time, three for sending data and the remaining three for receiving. In the absence of an effective demonstration of the circular design of our antennas, we know for sure that, being inwardly, we cannot change or change our position according to our needs.

In the absence of knowing the actual performance of this project and its impact on coverage, we know for sure that, unlike other market models, there is no way to modify these antennas in terms of both their position and power. So far they have all said that the collection is limited to information about connected devices and network performance.

The advantage of the second approach is that the software in such routers is constantly updated and for this reason they are more functional.

Manufacturer rating

If we talk about router manufacturers, each of them has both good, fast router models, and frankly unsuccessful ones.

This system is responsible for the router to prioritize the bandwidth according to the network condition and the user's needs according to certain criteria. In addition, many of the routers on the market in the €200 range include technology to improve coverage.

And it is interesting that those who are interested in managing their networks may not seek simplicity, but control. If we are looking for something advanced and working, there are many brands with great designs. Of these, we are not limited to understanding the status of the network or connected devices, but they include managing your own network, printers, multimedia equipment, parental controls, networks for guests, and space in the cloud.

Every router company has both fans and detractors who are constantly arguing about which brand is better. In our experience, we can say the following: everyone has problems. For example, D-Link Wi-Fi routers used to have software and wireless problems quite often, which were solved by updating the firmware. For such manufacturers, as things are a little better, although a lot will depend on which router model you choose. If we talk about such manufacturers of routers as, and, they are very reliable, but there are exceptions among the devices of these companies.

Keep in mind that if you purchase the simplest models, no matter what manufacturer they have, problems may arise with them, since manufacturers have saved as much as they could on such models.

If your budget for the purchase of a router is very limited, it is better to pay attention to the "advanced" models of the third wave manufacturers - WiFi routers and Upvel. These devices have a relatively low price, and at the same time, they have a good “stuffing”.


We hope that our advice will help you decide on the choice of a Wi-Fi router, and you will be able to purchase the best option that will delight you with stable operation.

It is important to understand that in order to choose the most suitable version of the router, you need to get information about the house in which it will be installed (area, wall thickness), about the devices for which you need to provide access to the Internet, and about the tasks that will be performed on these devices.

Summing up, we note once again that it is better not to save on the router, because otherwise you may have problems with speed or signal quality.

Gone are the days when there was only one personal computer in the house. The average family, in addition to a PC / laptop, has a couple of smartphones, a tablet, a smart TV. How to connect all this equipment to the Internet if the cable of the Internet provider can only be designed for one device? A specialized computer comes to the rescue - a wireless router.

What is a Wi-Fi router and why is it needed

Any home user sooner or later comes to the idea of ​​​​integrating all his devices into a local network. This will allow you to organize network storage for music and movies, provide shared access to a printer or scanner, and even build a home video surveillance system. Although the main task will remain to provide shared access of devices to the Internet channel of the provider.

Sooner or later, each user comes to the idea of ​​connecting all their devices to a local network

To create a home local area network and provide Internet sharing, the industry has long produced specialized single-board computers - routers or routers. They are able to receive data from an Internet provider and distribute traffic to all available devices. Routers equipped with ports for connecting wired clients and a Wi-Fi wireless module will easily connect all your gadgets into a single network, and after initial setup they will be able to work for months without shutting down.

How a wireless router works

The principle of operation of a wireless router is to receive traffic from an Internet provider and distribute it to clients on a home network. The router software distributes traffic evenly to avoid speed drops in the work of each connected user. Using the settings, you can restrict the access of any connected client to certain Internet resources (black list) or allow access to the network at a strictly defined time (relevant for child users). All router settings are made through a graphical add-on over the software - a web interface. It opens in any internet browser like a regular website.

AsusWRT is a visual interface for ASUS routers.

The appearance of the router, the purpose of connectors and ports

The router is a stand-alone device in a closed case with external or internal (hidden in the case) antennas. Most of the service connectors are located on the rear panel of the router:

Also on the rear panel can be located power and reset buttons to factory settings. The button for creating a secure wireless connection is usually located on the front or side of the case and is equipped with an LED activity indicator.

For clarity and convenience, the WPS button can be located on the side or front panel of the router

Types of routers

Currently, an ISP can provide an incoming channel using a wide variety of equipment. This could be traditional UTP-8 twisted pair, telephone line copper noodles, TV coaxial cable, or modern optical fiber. There may not be a cable at all if your provider is a mobile operator. Depending on the type of incoming channel, different types of routers are used.

ADSL Modem Routers

Among cable networks, the telephone one is confidently leading in terms of prevalence. wire telephones are in the most remote and deaf corners of the country. It would be unwise for ISPs to ignore such an extensive cable structure. As a result of this, ADSL technology was born, which makes it possible to transmit not only the sound signal of a telephone line, but also data at high speed over a pair of copper wires. The data channel is asynchronous - the reception speed (about 20-30 Mbps) is almost an order of magnitude higher than the transmission speed (about 3-5 Mbps).

DLINK DSL-2650 shows speed up to 30 Mbps over a telephone line, has two USB ports and perfectly strips the Internet over Wi-Fi

Routers designed to work with such lines have a built-in ADSL modem and a corresponding port for connecting a telephone line. These can be either very simple and cheap devices that are not equipped with a wireless communication module, or 2-antenna devices of the middle class that allow you to connect to a wireless network at speeds up to 300 Mbps. ADSL routers are not represented in the premium segment, since the communication channel itself is very average in terms of speed characteristics, and a high-performance router will work “idle”.

Twisted Pair Routers (Ethernet)

The most numerous family of routers are routers that work with a twisted-pair (Ethernet) connection. The ability to transfer data at speeds up to 1 Gb / s, the cheapness of the cable and the ease of installation make twisted-pair networks the most common. Therefore, a router for such a connection can be chosen for every taste and wallet.

The most inexpensive models are equipped with one fixed antenna and provide wireless network speeds up to 150 Mbps, allowing you to connect up to 10 clients (in theory) and 2-4 computers over the air using twisted pair at speeds up to 100 Mbps.

TP-LINK TL-WR740ND is equipped with one fixed antenna and provides wireless network speed up to 150 Mbps

Advanced routers are equipped with three or four high-gain antennas, and support for 802.11 b / g / n and ac data transfer protocols allows you to achieve a maximum wireless data transfer of up to 900 Mbps. The twisted-pair ports for such devices are gigabit both for connecting clients and for connecting to a provider. An integral attribute of such routers is one or more USB 2.0 ports for external hard drives, 3G modems and other peripherals.

TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND is a powerful three-antenna router with speeds up to 450 Mbps

3G/4G routers

In places where there are no Internet providers providing cable services, the only way to connect to the network is mobile Internet from one of the mobile operators - MTS, Beeline or Megafon. To work with 3G Internet, manufacturers produce specialized routers in which you can install a SIM card and distribute Internet via Wi-Fi to several clients. Since such routers are often used on business trips or away from civilization, most of them are self-powered from a built-in rechargeable battery that allows you to work for several hours without recharging.

The 3G router fits easily into a trouser pocket and can run for several hours on the built-in battery

You can also connect to the 3G Internet using a bundle of a 3G modem and a wireless router with a USB port. Such a hardware solution will allow you to combine the performance of a stationary router and the advantages of mobile Internet and is perfect for a summer house, a country house or a field camp.

Routers with GPON interface

Although most last mile cabling (wiring from the client to the ISP switch) is implemented using 8-wire twisted-pair Ethernet standard, more and more new routes are being laid by providers using fiber optic cables. Optics are cheaper, practically unaffected by moisture and corrosion, and most importantly - insensitive to electrical interference. It's no secret that during a thunderstorm, electrical interference in a cable network can disable not only the provider's equipment, but also computers in the whole house.

The fiber optic cable is not afraid of electrical interference, is not subject to corrosion and has a huge bandwidth

To connect to a fiber-optic Internet channel, you can use both a media converter, to which a regular router is connected, and a router equipped with a GPON port - an interface for connecting optics. Setting up such a router is no different from setting up a classic twisted-pair router. The difference lies in the physical interface of the incoming channel.

The ZTE-F660 router is installed by the MGTS provider for customers

Video: what types of routers exist

How to choose the right router for home, office or travel

Before buying a router, you should outline the scope of its application. This will avoid unnecessary costs and a situation where the device cannot solve problems due to its low performance.

Router for home

When choosing a router for an apartment in a multi-storey building, it is worth considering a few points. Many other routers work in an apartment building, because the neighbors also have Internet. To minimize the influence of other devices on the signal of your router, you should give preference to a device with internal antennas of sufficient power. They will provide coverage inside the apartment without receiving the signal of other people's routers. The ideal option would be to purchase a 5 GHz router. Such a signal decays faster, and the standard provides more free channels than the 2.4 GHz standard. The absence of external antennas will make the router less vulnerable when interacting with children and pets.

The 720th TP-LINK has a small size and good performance

Office router

For a router working in an office, the performance and power of the wireless interface are at the forefront. It will also be useful to have USB ports for sharing a printer. To ensure that your wireless connection is stable and the speed does not drop, choose tri-band models equipped with high-gain antennas.

Router ASUS RT-N66U will provide a stable wireless connection in any corner of your office

Travel Router

For field work and business trips, you will need a 3G router with the ability to work autonomously from a built-in battery. The router model is secondary here, because the speed of the mobile communication channel will be able to "digest" any mobile router released in 2017-2018. In order not to overpay, it makes sense to take the router for which the mobile operator will have the maximum discount when concluding a contract.

Sign a contract with Beeline (or another mobile operator) and get a 4G router as a gift

5 GHz routers and their advantage over 2.4 GHz routers

Squeezing 300 Mbps out of a 2.4 GHz router if it is operated in an apartment building or office building with a lot of wireless equipment is an almost impossible task. Routers interfere with each other's work, the data transfer rate drops by 2 and 4 times (from the theoretically possible).

The electronics industry has come up with a new data transmission standard, 802.11 AC. The equipment of this standard operates at a higher (twice) frequency - 5 GHz. This provides more channels on which the router transmits and receives data. At a frequency of 5 GHz, routers can work simultaneously without interfering with each other.

Increasing the frequency of broadcasting leads to the fact that the signal decays faster and passes through walls worse. Such a signal is freely distributed over the area of ​​​​your apartment / office, but it no longer reaches the “possessions” of a neighbor.

Before buying an 802.11 AC router, make sure that all your other equipment (smartphones, tablets, laptops) can also work in this frequency range. Otherwise, the router will operate in compatibility mode at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and all its advantages will remain only on the paper of the brochure.

Popular manufacturers of Wi-Fi routers and reviews

The top three home router manufacturers include Asus, Zyxel, and TP-Link. Each manufacturer has devices for every taste and budget, and even the younger models will be equipped with branded “chips” that make the brand recognizable.


The company has been producing communication and network equipment for decades. In the 90s, Zyxel was famous for its excellent performance and uncompromising quality of telephone lines. At the moment, the company does not give up its positions.

The company's lineup includes ADSL routers, repeaters, access points, managed switches. But the Keenetic series wireless routers are the subject of special pride.

For inexperienced users with low requirements, Keenetic Start routers are available - single-band routers with a maximum wireless network speed of 150 Mbps. Number of wired ports 4 or 2 (depending on the generation of the router). The use of a processor with low speed characteristics has a pleasant side effect - the router practically does not heat up during operation, so it can be safely operated in hot summers or in rooms with difficult climatic conditions.

Keenetic Start is an entry-level router, but it has a number of advantages that older models cannot boast of.

Buyers who want to provide a small office or a multi-level private house with the Internet, it makes sense to stop at the Zyxel Keenetic II model. External antennas with a gain of 5 dB, wireless network speed up to 300 Mbps, and two USB ports will provide users with high-speed Internet and allow sharing network storage, printers and scanners.

Keenetic II provides high-speed Internet and will allow you to share network storage, printers and scanners

The premium segment is represented by a powerful Keenetic Giga router. The dual-band, quad-antenna router is capable of reaching wireless network speeds up to 900 Mbps and connecting computers over twisted pair at 1 Gbps. A high-performance dual-core processor and 128 megabytes of RAM allow you to serve a large number of connected users simultaneously without slowing down.

Keenetic Giga allows you to simultaneously serve a large number of connected users without slowing down

The Zyxel Keenetic Wi-Fi router is a great idea and software, but filthy hardware. ADVANTAGES: programmers and firmware, website and technical support, incomparable capabilities of the Kinetic series router. FAULTS: IRON. Where do you buy such filthy chips? After a week or so, the Wi-Fi module died (my netbook sees the ZyXEL access point, but cannot get an IP address from Kinetics). With another router, everything is fine, the netbook is 100% serviceable. Rezet, flashing and all sorts of Wi-Fi settings did not help. True, the rest of the router (through a twisted pair cable) works like clockwork, but anyway I took it and handed over the device to the warranty (despite the fact that 2 more weeks had not passed, Svyaznoy refused to return the money). I think it's just an unfortunate marriage of iron. Everything is fine with ZyXEL: programmers and firmware, website and technical support, incomparable capabilities of the Kinetic series router ... BUT IRON. Where do you buy such filthy chips? Sad to the tip of the tail! Now to wait for a replacement for a month or so ...


Wi-Fi router Zyxel Keenetic Giga III - a productive router with support for IEEE 802.11ac. ADVANTAGES: productive, reliable, simple and convenient settings, wide functionality, powerful signal. DISADVANTAGES: exorbitant price. The Zyxel Keenetic Giga III router has a lot of functionality. And what is even more pleasant, it is not necessary to load the device with unused means. The firmware is modular, that is, after enabling the desired feature, its support is loaded and control settings appear. Comfortable. All three buttons can be programmed as you wish. More than covers all my needs (dual band, port forwarding, DMZ, strong signal, MAC filtering, FTP, DLNA, USB3 for external HDD). About the bad - the price bites, but I got it almost for free (I accumulated bonuses from a network retailer).



ASUS Corporation produces a wide range of electronic and computer equipment. And although the routers are not in the top lines of this list, there are worthy models in the line of routers that are not inferior and even in some ways superior to the products of competitors. True, this applies to most of the premium segment models.

The budget segment is represented by ASUS RT-N10 and ASUS RT-N10LX models. By today's standards, these are extremely low-performance devices with a small amount of RAM and a slow processor. Their older brother ASUS RT-N12 differs only in the presence of a second antenna, which provides wireless network speeds up to 300 Mbps. Routers are very "hot", their operation in a hot summer without additional cooling is fraught with interruptions in operation, and even the failure of devices.

ASUS RT-N12 features a second antenna for wireless speeds up to 300 Mbps

ASUS RT-N14U router can be called a classic representative of the middle segment. A router with an attractive design. Perfectly fit into the interior of the apartment and office. Two internal antennas allow you to develop a wireless network speed of up to 300 Mbps, and a USB 2.0 port allows you to connect external hard drives, printers and 3G modems. AsusWRT firmware is unified with the older line of routers and allows you to flexibly configure the router to suit your needs. Among the shortcomings, one can note increased power consumption (a 12 V power supply with a current of 1.5 A is used) and strong heat dissipation. When installing the router, find a place for it away from direct sunlight and with air flow, otherwise interruptions in operation may occur.

ASUS RT-N14U has a nice design and good performance

ASUS premium devices are at the peak of progress: a large amount of RAM, 4 antennas for two bands and an active cooling system allow such routers to work 24 hours a day for months, providing the Internet and a local network of a medium-sized office. Such devices will also be useful in the homes of inveterate gamers, web developers, coders and all those who need a fast and stable Internet channel. Users who want to buy a top-end router and save money should take a closer look at the ASUS RT-N66U. Despite its respectable age by modern standards, this three-antenna dual-band unit will still be able to satisfy 99% of the needs of a sophisticated Internet user.


Wi-Fi router Asus RT-N66U is a high-speed router for home network. ADVANTAGES: brand, quality, power, signal strength, good software, many additional features. DISADVANTAGES: price, case heating. This is the second router that appeared at my house instead of a broken one, also Asusovsky. The fact is that the first one had a rather low data transfer rate, and my husband and I decided that there was no point in fixing it, it was better to take a high-speed one. So we stopped based on reviews on the Asus RT-N66U router. The Internet really flew, almost half a year. And the router is pretty heaped up in many ways. As one day the Internet began to break off. I began to look for the reason in the provider, they like to turn off the Internet with us. But this time the reason was in the router. We tested the router from both sides together with the network customizer and it turned out that the Internet slows down the router. He turned it on for two seconds and cut it off. Fortunately, we had a guarantee, we took the router for repair. I don’t know what happened to him, but they returned me a completely new sealed router, which I’m glad about. It's better than getting it fixed. I hope that the new Asus RT-N66U router will last me more than six months 🙂




TP-LINK, entering the market of the former CIS countries, set itself the task of offering customers routers at a price lower than competitors, but with similar technical characteristics. This was partly successful, especially in the budget segment, where the user counts every ruble. In the niche of the middle price category, the gap is no longer so obvious, and some features are added, rather, for show. An example is the TL-WR842N router. It is equipped with a USB port, but the standard software only allows you to connect a printer to it. Nevertheless, TP-LINK routers are reliable and unpretentious. Not without reason Internet service providers for installation to the clients buy them in thousands.

The budget segment is represented by the "classic of the genre" - the TP-LINK TL-WR741N router. This is a simple single band device with a 150Mbps wireless module and four twisted pair ports. The amount of memory and processor speed allow you to distribute the Internet to 4-5 clients without slowing down, so this router is bought not only at home, but also in small offices. For users who will not connect more than two devices to the router (computer + smartphone), a simplified version of the router has been released - TL-WR720. It has only two wired ports, and the antenna is internal.

TL-WR741N is bought not only at home, but also in small offices

The middle price category includes routers of the eighth and ninth series (841N, 842N, 941N, 942N). All devices are dual band. The eighth series is equipped with two antennas (access speed up to 300 Mbit / s), and the ninth - three (its speed is one and a half times higher). The best model in the segment is the TL-WR942N router. The increased amount of RAM and extended software allow flexible use of the built-in USB port both for network storage and for creating a backup Internet channel in conjunction with a 3G modem.

TL-WR942N is a balanced solution for home and small office

The line of premium routers is represented by TP-LINK Archer. Routers will provide you with high-speed Internet (1 Gb / s) and allow you to work with wireless networks in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, as well as create a backup channel using a 3G modem. Depending on the model, routers can be equipped with three, four or even six high-performance antennas, which will allow the wireless network to work stably even in the littered air of an office center or apartment building. And the use of energy-efficient processors from Mediatek as the “heart” of the router allows the router to remain cold even in hot summers, working steadily and without failures.

Archer C3200 is a combination of advanced technical solutions and futuristic appearance

Wi-Fi router TP-Link Archer C1200 - reliable Internet access and more. ADVANTAGES: reliable operation, versatility, upgradability, price. DISADVANTAGES: minor when operating at a frequency of 5 GHz. The router is a very important home device; Internet access, which is necessary for all home devices, depends on its performance. If the router is not working or malfunctioning, then every member of your family will notice it. Therefore, the choice of a router must be approached as carefully and carefully as possible. The device should be reliable, functional and, if possible, inexpensive. Many features of professional routers for the home are not required and negatively affect the price. We have been adherents of the D-Link technology for many years, but with its high functionality and bells and whistles, it is very sensitive to comfortable working conditions. The previous D-Link router in winter, when the central heating was turned on, very often went into reboot, so it was decided to change the router along with the replacement of the desktop computer. And this time they chose another company TP-Link, and for more than two months of daily work, he showed himself perfectly. It never restarted, even after replacing the computer with a more powerful one, which, accordingly, also heats up more intensively. The TP-Link Archer C1200 router itself also has a non-critical warm case temperature, which does not cause performance problems in terms of freezes and unauthorized reboots. What was especially lacking in the previous D-Link router was the power on and off buttons. I had to pull out the power connector when it hung, and this is wrong. There is a special convenient button here, only restarts on this reliable equipment are not needed. And if you do it for some reason, then on a normally working device it is better to do it through the program. The router provides good DDNS support. When changing the dynamic IP address, it is always possible to contact, find your personal computer or any other device on your home network on the vast expanses of the Internet using a standard Internet link. I often use this to transfer photos from my smartphone to the Intel NUC Mini Computer BOXNUC 7i7BNH. TP-Link Archer provides parental controls. It allows you to restrict Internet access to any device on your home network at a specified time and day of the week. For example, you do not want your child to play on the Internet in your absence instead of doing homework on the weekdays of your absence, for this we set the restriction parameters and sit quietly at work. You can connect a wireless modem in case the wired Internet suddenly turns off or it doesn’t exist at all. But the manufacturer does not guarantee stable operation with all wireless modems. If you obviously need a wireless Internet connection, then it is better to immediately take another device that is one hundred percent suitable for this type of connection, containing an already built-in modem, which only needs to insert a SIM card. A flash card inserted into the TP-Link C1200 router becomes available for viewing from any home device and serves as a so-called media center. But we do not really need this, because our network has a more advanced device, namely, a D-Link network storage with great capabilities and volumes of stored information. You can connect a printer to the router, which makes it possible to print from any home device, but here you need to separately specify the compatibility of devices in the list on the manufacturer's website. Support for two bands of the WI-FI network 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz at once. Of these, the newer 5 GHz network is good because its channel is not busy due to the fact that it has not come into use tightly, few people still use it. However, he is sensitive to obstacles - this is his plus and minus at the same time.



Review: Wi-Fi router TP-Link TL-WR720N - light router - light Internet. ADVANTAGES: price, weight, simplicity. CONS: Short LAN cable. If you do not want problems with the Internet, buy a router. Now there are so many different models, for every taste and budget. I chose the cheapest, I confess. In addition, an additional plus for me was the absence of antenna horns in this model. The internal antenna works just fine. On the box with the router there is almost all the information about the product. Turning it in all directions, you learn everything about the model. In addition, there is a quick connection guide for the router and an installation disk with the Quick Setup Wizard. The Russian language in the manual (as well as on the disk) is presented. Quick connection is not a standard word in the manual. The whole process took me just a couple of minutes. Step-by-step instructions do not allow you to turn anywhere. Here it is, my router, working at full speed, winking merrily with LEDs and shoveling megabits and gigabits of information. Rear connection ports: one WAN port, two LAN ports. Some people will think that is not enough. I have enough for one laptop (two at the same time does not happen here). And the tablet uses Wi-Fi. There is also a power socket and a reset button, surprisingly not recessed, but tight. Don't accidentally drop it. The lower part contains only information about the model and loops for mounting the router on the wall. But the hands have not yet reached. Let's summarize. An absolutely chic router model for such a price, although it was made in China. Fast, easy and convenient. The only negative is a short LAN cable, but this is easily fixed by switching the laptop to Wi-Fi.



Connecting and configuring a Wi-Fi router

Thanks to the friendly software of most routers, their configuration is simple and accessible even to an unprepared user. Consider connecting a router using the example of TP-LINK devices:

  1. Set your computer's network card to automatically obtain a network address and DNS addresses. The easiest way to do this is to enter the "netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp" command in the "Command Prompt".
  2. Connect the provider's cable to the socket marked WAN or Internet, and connect the laptop or computer using a patch cord to any free socket marked LAN.

    For initial setup, the provider's cable must be inserted into the socket marked WAN or Internet, and the PC / laptop connected to the socket marked LAN

  3. By entering in the address bar of the browser, open the router's web interface. From the list of sections on the left side of the window, select "Quick Setup". On the first screen, just click the Next button.

    The quick setup wizard will be the best connection option for an inexperienced user

  4. On the next screen, select your country, city, ISP name, and WAN connection type from the drop-down lists. If your provider is not in the list, check the box "I did not find suitable settings" and click the "Next" button.

    The type of connection to the provider can be selected from the list

  5. Enter the username and password from the contract with the Internet provider. If your tariff plan includes a digital television service, additionally select the type of secondary connection: static address or dynamic. Press "Next".

    Login and password for accessing the Internet can be found in the contract with your provider

  6. If your ISP provides a connection based on the MAC address of the network card, clone the address of the computer's network card into the WAN interface of the router.

    Be sure to clone the MAC address if required by your ISP.

  7. For routers equipped with a USB port, you can select a 3G modem as a backup channel. The router will switch to it if the primary WAN interface is unavailable. Select a mobile service provider and complete all fields in the dialog box.

    Mark the ranges in which the router will be allowed to work

  8. Enter your wireless network name and password, then click Next. If the router is dual-band, a similar settings window for the 5 GHz band will open.
  9. Within two to three minutes, the router will apply the settings, connect to the provider's channel, and be ready to go.

Video: how to set up a TP-LINK router

The correct formulation of the question contains 90% of the answer. By finding out in advance the requirements of the Internet provider for client equipment, deciding where the router will work and what devices will connect to it, you can choose a router with balanced characteristics without spending a lot of money and providing your home network with stable and uninterrupted operation.

The principle of operation of the router (router)

Reading this article, I think everyone understands what a router is and why it is needed, but has anyone thought about how it works? In this article I will try to tell the basic principles of the router in the most accessible language. This article will be useful for both system administrators and ordinary users.

The main function that works in any router is NAT

NAT- Network Address Translation is used to replace IP addresses. In local networks, addresses like 192.168.1.XXX or similar are mainly used, and this creates a routing problem in the global Internet, since IP addresses in the network should not be duplicated. The solution to this problem is NAT - local network computers connect to the local interface of the router, receive IP addresses and a gateway from it (the router serves as the gateway), and the WAN interface of the router connects to the Internet.

Now consider the principle of NAT translation:

  • A request is made from any computer on the local network, for example, you try to access any site - the computer sends this request to the gateway address, that is, our router;
  • The router, having received this request, records your computer as the initiator of the connection, after which a copy of your packet is created and sent to the destination address, but already on behalf of the router, and with its IP address, and your packet is simply destroyed;
  • The server to which the request was sent processes it and sends a response, naturally to the address of the router. And the router was already waiting for this, as it created a record that a response should come to your computer's request, and sends it to your computer. As you can see, according to this scheme, only a computer from the local network can be the initiator of the connection, and the response from the server will reach the computer only if the router waits for it (reply to the request). In other words, all attempts to connect from outside will stop at the router, and will only be successful if the router provides a resource on the requested port or it has Port Forwarding rules configured, which we will talk about now.

Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding- this is essentially the same as NAT, but in the other direction, and therefore only static NAT, that is, certain requests only to certain computers, because in the global network they cannot know the IP addresses behind the router. For example, you have created an FTP or HTTP server on your computer and want to provide access to these resources, for this you need to register this rule in the router, which will indicate that all incoming packets on the desired port (21 or 80 in our case) will be transferred to The IP address of our computer on a specific port (the port can be changed).


NAT-DMZ- this is absolutely the same as Port Forwarding, but with the difference that you do not need to write a rule for each port, you just need to configure NAT - DMZ, which will transfer all requests incoming to the WAN of the router to the desired computer. Of course, you can't change ports.


To simplify the idea of ​​what it is, we can say that it is the same as NAT, but only in both directions. With this scheme, the router must have more than 2 LAN interfaces (not ports, but interfaces), with different address spaces, for example, one IP interface is, and the other is Consequently, computers on one network will receive IP type 192.168.0.XXX, and on another network 192.168.0.XXX, and their gateways will be and, respectively. This is how you get two-way routing.

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