How to remove someone else's page from the Internet. How to delete someone else's VKontakte page? Is it possible to block someone else's page

The question of how to delete someone else's page in Odnoklassniki is currently very relevant. It is of interest to people who are faced with the phenomenon of creating a clone account with their photos, information or other data. In most cases, behind such acts are people who want to humiliate, insult, discredit or divulge any confidential information about your acquaintances.

How to delete someone else's profile on the site

The main most popular and effective way deleting someone else's account on the Odnoklassniki social network is the need to complain to this portal. After that, the relevant agent considers the complaint and makes a decision on the possibility or impossibility of blocking the account violating the rules of this site.

Note! The site employee may consider the applicant's arguments insignificant or false. That is why, before writing, it is necessary to formulate your appeal in such a way that in the end there are no questions about your rightness.

Anyone can leave a complaint against any Odnoklassniki account in accordance with the regulations described on this page:

Many VK users are faced with humiliation and insults in their direction. Often this happens for no reason - just a certain user did not like something and he begins to insult the person. In this case, the question may arise - is it possible to delete someone else's user page?

Let's not beat around the bush - it is impossible to delete someone else's page. No, of course there is one option: get access to the user account (login and password are required) and delete the profile yourself using . Only now the probability of such an outcome tends to zero, I’ll sharpen that hardly anyone will share data from their account with you.

What can be done? If the user really offends you, you can safely complain about him. In the event that the moderator really sees insults or obscene language, he can block the user's account.

To do this, go to the page of the person you are interested in, lower it down until you see a small menu of three items. Click "Report this page".

A small window will open. You must indicate the reason for the complaint (in our case, "Abusive Behavior") and add your comment.

After you write a comment, click on the "Submit" button. In the event that what you wrote turns out to be true, the user's page will be blocked.

In addition, you can click "Block username" - in this case, this user will not only not be able to write anything to you, he will not even be able to get to your page. Alas, this will not protect you in any way if a person creates another page, which, however, you can also block.

But what if the user does not do anything that would violate the rules of VKontakte, but at the same time you would really like to delete his page? Nothing. If VK moderators deleted each page at the mere desire of a certain user, from social network nothing would be left.

There are situations when you need to delete your own or someone else's VKontakte likes.

A simple example - you got likes with the help of bots, and then all accounts were deleted.

In such a situation, under your photo there may be 100 or more likes from "dogs", i.e. non-existent and deleted profiles. It is clear that you do not need such likes.

The flip side is when you yourself expose a lot of unwanted likes, for example, to your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, and after breaking up you want to remove all your tags. In this case, you should talk about deleting your own likes, and this also does not cause any difficulties.

In another educational step by step instructions of our site "Carbon copy" we will tell you how to delete your own and other people's likes on VKontakte, spending a minimum of time on this.

This article will be divided into 2 parts, in which we will deal with both procedures, moreover, step by step and with screenshots! We can start.

How to remove other people's unnecessary VK likes: step by step instructions

Step #1

By the way, these same methods are applicable not only to photos, but also to videos, and to comments, and to posts on the wall, and to all other elements of VKontakte.

Photos in our case are considered solely for a good example.

Step #2

Under the photo we see the number of likes.

Move the mouse cursor over the heart icon (the "Like" option) until a pop-up window appears with the people who put these likes.

Step #3

Step #4

Moving the mouse cursor to the upper right corners of the avatars, we will see the "Block" tooltips and the classic closing cross icon.

We click on the cross.

Step #5

When you click on the same cross, the "Report spam" window appears and we can click the "Continue" button.

After that, all the "I like" marks left by the user will simply disappear, and the person himself will move to.

Be careful with this option, as you will immediately remove ALL of the person's tags, and even block him!

But there is probably no other way to remove other people's likes.

After the user returns from the Black List, all his former likes and marks are NOT returned!

Those. you will restore the user's rights, but his likes will be deleted forever!

How to delete your unwanted VK likes: step by step instructions

Step #1

First, let's check that you have bookmark options enabled. Go to "Settings" in the sub-item "General", click on the option "Customize the display of menu items":

In the window that opens, next to the "Bookmarks" item, put a tick:

The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to go to the "Bookmarks" menu item, which you will have to do!

Step #2

The "Bookmarks" menu stores all the materials that you liked, where you put "Like" icons, which you approved.

By simply switching between the Videos, Photos, Recordings, People tabs, you can gradually open each separate file and remove your likes.

If you do not know, then to remove the like (mark "I like") you need to click on it 1 more time.

It turns out that you have to open all the approved files and take off your marks everywhere.

As an example, a visual screenshot:

Of course, here you have to tinker. Still, opening every approved file and hitting the "Like" button again is a tedious and difficult task.

But, again, there is no other way to get rid of your likes. You will again have to go through all the files and delete your label on each of them. Who cares, watch the video:

Almost every member of social networks, for example, VKontakte, has to deal with the fact that other users publish information that is personal to him and he would like to delete it. For example, photos, information about personal life, phone numbers or addresses ... But, on the other hand, such information attracts other participants. social groups, and the owners are in no hurry to remove the page on which this information posted. So what to do in such a situation?

Is it possible to block someone else's page?

Users have long noticed that social network administrators are extremely reluctant to delete or block members' pages. He does not want to spoil his reputation and the staff of VKontakte. In order for the VK administration to block someone else's page with information that is undesirable for you, a serious reason or a gross violation of the VKontakte rules on the part of the page owner is required. However, there are options to help you achieve your goal.

Blocking by filing a complaint with the site administration

When registering on the VK site, everyone gets acquainted with the rules that are not allowed to be violated. It is necessary to find such violations from your "friend" and report them to the leadership of VKontakte. Below are the most interesting reasons, according to which the VKontakte administration can block the page of any participant:

  • Inaccurate or inaccurate VK data
    It is the responsibility of the user to provide their accurate personal data. For example, inaccuracies can be detected by inconsistencies in photographs (do not belong to this person), inaccurate full names, and so on. Scrupulously check all the information, look for inaccuracies, inconsistencies, report them to the administration. Accordingly, demand to delete the VK page of this user.
  • Using someone else's material without the consent of the author. Look for texts or pictures copied from author's third-party sources and posted on someone else's VKontakte page. The rules clearly state that the user does not have the right to post the content of books, websites, catalogs, data collections, etc. without the consent of the copyright holder. When you find a "copy-paste" in VK, you will need to find on the Internet the place where the author's text is posted, and inform the owner of this material about the illegal copy, indicating the address of the posted plagiarism. At the same time, you should duplicate the complaint to the support service. Most likely, after the actions you have taken, the VK administration will decide to delete the specified VKontakte page.
  • Illegal video or audio posted on VKV If such content is found, immediately report it to the VKontakte management. Most likely, the site administration will decide to delete this page in VK.
  • Defamation or use of personal information: If on a social network page:
  • posted slander;
  • spread deliberate lies;
  • offend

should write about the event in technical support with a request to block someone else's page. Most likely, this page will be completely blocked by the site administration.

Good way provoke a conflict with the administration of creating a large number of pages (up to 50) dubbing the villain.

Naturally, this is done from different IP addresses (Wi-Fi in different cafes and shopping centers). Then you should wait a while and inform the VKontakte administration that given user specifically started so many duplicate pages for fraudulent activities and trolling. More likely this page VK along with duplicates will be turned off forever.

Ways related to violation of the law

  • An effective, but dubious way in terms of legislation. If you know your username and password for desired page VK, or you have access to the phone, through which it is possible to ask for a password change, then you can get full access to the “enemy” page and perform any actions with it: delete the page, block the account, completely take over account by changing the password and the phone associated with it. But this method is against the law. Russian Federation. And if such attempts are detected by the administration of the service, you are threatened with an eternal ban.
  • Blocking not the page, but only access to it
    In this case, the ability of your "friend" to access the access point is blocked. The material on this is extensive, so it will be presented in another publication.
  • We force the owner to delete the page on their own
    This option is only suitable for the black PR maestro. Not every person will be able to do this. A friend needs help here. Yes, one who has the ability to make the enemy leave this social network forever.

As soon as experts raise the issue of shutting down certain sites, a rumble grows in society about the introduction of censorship, they say, on the sly they will turn off media sites or sites that cut the truth in elections, for example. Although the experts themselves, starting such conversations at their specialized conferences, have in mind, first of all, the fight against pornography and illegal content. At the same time, Russian legislation now gives fraudsters every opportunity to conduct illegal activities, leaving honest citizens, copyright holders and those who were simply insulted on the Internet with only one option for solving problems - going to court.

It would seem that everything is fine, we live in a state of law and can really solve our problems through the courts. But what does it look like in practice, if we are talking specifically about the Internet?

This applies to everyone: today someone stole your photos, made a clone of your site and in automatic mode, without any effort, takes away all your copyrighted content that you created by spending your own resources. Someone methodically insults you on the website of some city forum or uploads photos discrediting you somewhere. What can you do? Write to the owner of the resource? In the case of LiveJournal or Facebook, it can work, they have their own strict site rules, and based on them, the content of the attacker can be deleted. But if you were offended by a person who owns this resource, you have no chance to solve your problem without a trial.

Theoretically, a site can be disabled in several ways. This can be done by the domain registrar (he has the right to remove the delegation from the domain) or the hoster (he can stop providing the service to his client). Most hosters and registrars in our country will not turn off the site, sending you to court. There will be a court decision or a request from law enforcement Only then will they start doing something.

The worries of hosters and registrars are understandable, if they turn off the sites of their clients right and left, they will incur reputational risks, and in the event of a lawsuit by the “disconnected” side, they may be deprived of their license. It is beneficial for many not to understand your situation at all, sending a reply about the letter of the law.

In a private conversation with AiF, a representative of one hosting company said that small hosters have a couple of administrators who are simply unable to process every complaint, but can scribble template answers - we can’t do anything. Large hosters hire a couple of dozen lawyers who deal with complaints about various sites. Lawyers, not tech support boys.

Thank you host for this!

At first, the clone site was on an English hosting, and at my request it was immediately turned off. The English are very reverent in this sense. Yandex removed advertising for these resources from search results, because she broke their rules. But the site opened again, now hosted by And unlike their English counterparts, the hoster is not going to turn off the domestic clone site.

The only thing he did was forward my "letter to the hoster" - to the attackers. In an unchanged form, along with my contacts. The attackers immediately published my letter to the hoster and my personal data on the city board with their offensive comments. This is called - thanks to the hoster! Did I give permission to forward my letter, and even more so my contacts, to people who are already making money on my behalf? No!!! They were supposed to state my claim, act as an intermediary between us, but why, if you can wash your hands by "forwarding" the letter, and sending me to court?

A good business turns out - you open the doors to everyone, including scammers, you gain fame as a very loyal hoster, you earn money.

There is even such a concept on the Internet as “bulletproof hosting”. This is a hosting where you can place almost any materials and not worry that the hosting company will remove them on the first complaint (abuse) and without warning. Doorways, spam, porn, illegal software, movies, mp3s, etc. are usually used as "any materials". Bulletproof servers are located in countries where such materials are not prohibited. They write that in China, Panama or Malaysia even the authorities cannot close the site. One consolation - such services are much more expensive than usual virtual hosting. Free attitude to the content of sites in Sweden, everyone who is afraid of censorship goes there, for example.

If you try to influence the display of a site that violates your rights in Yandex, you will receive a response: “We do not exclude sites from search results because they copy content from other sites”. Although Yandex describes in some detail the sites that it considers high-quality and low-quality, and says that it may exclude some from the index at its discretion.

It turns out that if a site violates your rights in one way or another, you can officially do nothing but go to court.

Protecting yourself is too expensive!

Why doesn't a trial seem like a good idea to me in this case? If we are talking about a large copyright holder with a good staff of lawyers, yes, it costs nothing for them to start a lawsuit. If we are talking about a simple person who was insulted today on one resource, tomorrow his personal photos were stolen from him on another?

The state duty to the court will cost 200 rubles, the costs of a notary for certification of a web page - from 4,000 to 6,000 per web page, the costs of contacting a lawyer for a lawyer's request - 1,000-3,000 rubles. Plus the cost of transport to the court, since if the owner of the domain lives in Vladivostok, then the district court of Vladivostok will consider the case. Plus attorney's fees if you go to court in his company. Such rates are provided by a lawyer. Mikhail Salkin. That is, the injured party must spend at least 10 thousand rubles to try to restore justice: to remove offensive content, to punish the thieves of copyright content. Without a guarantee that tomorrow all this will not move to another domain and hosting and will not work again. And again the court, again spending.

If you still decide to go through with the process, this information will come in handy: a notary certifies a web page within an hour, information about a domain owner upon a lawyer’s request is provided within a week, sometimes even faster, the court, according to the requirement of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, is obliged to consider the case in 2 -3 months, but if the domain owner does not appear in court, the process may take up to six months, he says Mikhail Salkin.

Whoever owns a site that violates your rights may not spend a dime on this lawsuit. Do you still want to go to court or silently swallow the insult and try to forget about the photos and texts that were stolen from you, about the fact that someone insults you on some site?

official position

"The Coordinating Center for RU and RF domains does not remove the delegation and does not select domains,- said AIF Andrey Kolesnikov, director of CC. - Only registrars have such powers, but in strictly defined cases, for example, if it turns out that the administrator has provided false documents. In the case of placement of child pornography, the registrar has the right to independently remove the delegation.”

Fake documents are identified using a special document recognition procedure. By the way, this method - to remove delegation for false contact details - happens to be used by registrars if illegal content is obvious.

But perhaps the situation with copyright protection will soon change. “The issues of protecting the rights of copyright holders on the Internet have been discussed for several years by the copyright holders themselves and lawyers representing their interests, law enforcement officers and law enforcers, legislators, and finally, representatives of Internet companies,- speaks Andrey Vorobyov, Director of the PR Department of RU-CENTER. - Thus, Russian domain registrars and hosting providers, which they are constantly trying to make extreme in this fight, are developing industry recommendations within the framework of the Commission of Registrars and Hosting Providers of RAEC.

“Copyright issues are perhaps the most controversial and most difficult to resolve that hosting providers and domain name registrars have to deal with,- considers Matvey Alekseev, Chairman of the commission of hosting providers and registrars of RAEC. - The main difficulty here is to determine whether the copyright has indeed been infringed, and whether the content really belongs to the user who is making the complaint.

Sometimes this can be bypassed, for example, if the content can obviously have only one copyright holder. Thus, all rights to use the Olympic symbols and the name Sochi 2014 in Russia belong only to the Russian Olympic Committee, and any use of it on sites that do not belong to the committee can be considered illegal a priori. It was this circumstance that made it possible to create a declaration on the protection of the Olympic symbols and protect hosting providers and domain name registrars from lengthy litigation if they remove illegal content.

In all other cases, the situation, as a rule, looks much more complicated, and hosters and registrars cannot take on such responsibility, even within the framework of some special declaration. Therefore, the main way to resolve disputes between copyright holders will be litigation without the participation of the hoster, and the providers themselves will close the resources only after receiving the appropriate court decision.”
