Tutorial: Armed Forces Mobile System (MFS) - User and Group Policies. On guard of confidential information Operating system msvs 3.0

Last fall, I rode the subway somewhere. As usual, I have a tux badge pinned on my jacket. which is clearly visible. Usually, almost no one notices him, because. a very modest percentage of IT people know about Linux in general (despite the fact that there are few techies themselves among the crowd). But here are two typical red-eyed people in the car, staring and staring, as if I were a girl with a decollete. After a couple of stops, I could not stand it - I came up myself and asked if they were overexcited by my penguin? They giggle and mutter something about being WSWS developers. I didn’t hear anything about WSVS at that time and thought to myself that it was something small software (maybe visual studio?). Then he made inquiries and discovered this miracle - the Mobile System of the Armed Forces. As Wikipedia tells us, it is - " protected operating system general purpose. Developed on the basis of GNU/Linux Red Hat OS.

I quickly found out what was what, what kind of system it was and how different segments of the population relate to it. Therefore, below I will state my subjective opinion, which turned out to be tough, but - I would like - fair.

So, we have Red Hat Linux of 2002, originally containing the 2.2 kernel and subsequently upgraded to the latest versions of the 2.4.x branch. Junk? Yes. This system uses a working environment, which is a filed and slightly refined Equinox, referred to here as elk(QT version of ekinox). It looks old-school, but somehow too much - even more severe than the EcomStation that has survived to this day. latest version- WSWS 3.0 - got an interface a la Win XP Luna and even partially moved from fltk to qt3. But, one way or another, the WSWS uses old software, an old desktop, and in every possible way opposes modern trends - supposedly for the sake of security. I will not kick her for this, since I myself love a business work environment, and not a “photo album” with bright candy wrappers instead of a desktop.

The point is different. Much of the WSWS is GPL2-licensed code that cannot be appropriated and redistributed under one's own name. If the compiled program is covered by the GPL2, then the vendor must provide the user source these are programs - directly or by reference. What did VNIINS do as a developer of a "domestic" OS? This organization appropriated all the code to itself, passing off the resulting assembly of Linux as its intellectual property.

It is impossible to get the WSWS code, but that's not all. In some programs within the WSVS, all references to the authors of these programs have been erased, everywhere the same VNIINS is indicated by the developer. How to call it, if not bydlyachestvo, theft and redneck, characteristic of the Russian military establishments? The distribution of this OS is essentially the sale of stolen goods. The cost, by the way, is not completely known. According to some reports, a box with WSVS cost 18,000 rubles in 2007. Not bad for work 90% done by the community? If anyone is interested in where and how the code is stolen, then there are enough people on the network who gave a worthy rebuke to this craft. Specifically, it is written about the spit on GPL2, for example, .

In essence, reading the comments of WSWS users is a tin for what it is. Well, for example:

Russian Linux for Russian officers is not funny. This is my harsh reality. It's called the WSWS and it works... weird. For example, folders do not open the first time. And in the server under it, it is impossible to change the tightly wired parameters and, in principle, htaccess does not work. (tyts).

For example, out of the box, he does not know how to rotate logs correctly, so if you just put the WSWS and leave it alone, after a while the system will gobble up everything free place and collapse.

If you set the user to a locale other than Russian, then it will be impossible to log into the system, because the local Elk window manager (stolen FLTK) has had all translations removed, except for Russian (including English).

And the most interesting glitch there is this. Create text file. In the X terminal (this does not work from a text console), we run the script containing "cat filename". We run this script, redirecting its output to another file. And we see that the output file is seven bytes larger than the original one: the system added something to its beginning (it looks like a few meaningless characters). (tyts).

> Let's say I didn't have a browser at all (other than lynx). And in the reviews, her browser is mentioned.
There is a browser. It's called YEAR (Hypertext Data Display). It is sold as a separate module for separate money, about 15k rubles, if the vacuum in my head does not change me. (tyts).

Clumsy system. Unfortunately, at work, you have to mess with it.
Primary Browser - KGOD (Hyper Text Processing Client) - Mozilla 0.9 or so
Office suite - KP "Office" - a buggy version of OpenOffice.
In short, claims to developers are constantly pouring in with the requirement to fix it - but you can wait months for a fix. (tyts)

WSWS 3.0 came out around 2002, it was based on RedHat 7.3 if I'm not mistaken. Includes kernel 2.2.x, desktop was KDE version 2. The latest releases are their own build, kernel 2.4, slave. table ELK. He was chosen specifically because of the similarity with Windows. Neither the GOD browser, nor the GOD server, nor KP Office (OpenOffice 1.0), nor DBMS Linter (PostgreSQL 7.3) are included in the standard delivery, but are sold separately. The system has failed miserably. It's hard to say what prevented us from making a normal Linux distribution, either the difficulty with certification, or the staff of programmers from students, or the desire to rake in more dough by doing more research and development work. In any case, although the order for the implementation of this creation was issued in 2002, the system was never fully implemented even in the parent organizations. In those places where they work on it, people install NT 4.0 and MSOffice97 in emulators and use them. The problem with the implementation still lies in the banal lack of linux specialists. Previously, this whole enterprise was lobbied by the Deputy Minister of Defense for Armaments Moskovsky, now the boss has changed and VNIINS is having a hard time. Things didn’t get up, they are preparing KP Office 2.0 (OpenOffice 2.0), developing other programs ... (

Surely at least some of our readers have thought about what operating system is used in our Armed Forces. After all, we all understand that Windows cannot be installed on any missile system that is on combat duty. Today we will slightly open the veil of secrecy and talk about the WSWS OS. This so-called Mobile system Its name speaks about the scope of application, but we will tell about how it is arranged in general terms.

Prerequisites for creation

For the first time safety criteria computer systems were formulated in the late 1960s. In the mid-80s in the United States, all these developments were collected in one document. Thus was born the "Orange Book" of the Ministry of Defense - the first standard for the security of computer systems. Following similar documents appeared in European countries and Canada. In 2005, on their basis, the international security standard ISO / IEC 15408 "General security criteria" was prepared.

In Russia, similar studies were carried out at the 22nd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense. The end result of the developments was the receipt in 2002 of the OS WSWS in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A variant of the state standard based on ISO/IEC requirements was adopted in 2008.

Why does the military need its own OS

The operating systems that we use on a daily basis are not suitable for government use in terms of security parameters. The State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation formulated them as follows:

  • Information must be protected from unauthorized access, both from the inside and outside.
  • The system should not contain undocumented features, in other words, there should not be any "Easter eggs" in the OS code.

In addition, a secure operating system must have a multi-level hierarchical access structure and separate administration functions.

Thus, the task of creating a specialized closed operating system is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The absence of undocumented features suggests that source code and technical description all work procedures will be thoroughly studied in the certification center. And this is the area of ​​trade secrets of the corporations of the owners or the intellectual property of the developers. Such a paradox makes one look towards open operating systems, because it is almost impossible to obtain complete technical documentation for proprietary software.

GOST R requirements

FSTEC as the service responsible for information security throughout the country, a division of the operating system according to the degree of protection of processed information has been established. For convenience, all data is summarized in one table.

It can be seen from the table that, according to a number of requirements, three groups and nine classes of protection against unauthorized access are established, and further division is already made according to them for admission to various kinds confidential information.

At the heart of Linux

Why is Linux so convenient that it is willingly taken to serve in the state apparatus? Indeed, for the most part, ordinary users are afraid of him, like hell incense. Let's figure it out. First, let's pay attention to the license under which Linux is distributed. This is the so-called GPL2 - the universal public, or free, license. Anyone can get the source code and build their own product based on it. In other words, no one bothers to take the best Linux distributions and use them in developing your own secure OS.

World experience public institutions shows that the transition to free software is happening everywhere, the idea is in demand and fully justifies itself. The leading countries of the world, such as the USA, Germany, Japan, and China and India, which are rapidly approaching them, are actively using Linux in the public sector and education.

WSWS and its contents

The mobile system version 3.0 has worked in the army for a decade and a half, it is now being replaced by a more advanced product, and we can safely look "under the hood" of the veteran. So, this is a network OS running in multi-user mode using GUI user. Supports hardware platforms:

  • Intel.
  • SPAPC/Elbrus.

  • IBM System/390.

It was based on the best Linux distributions available at the time. Many system modules were borrowed from RedHat Linux and recompiled to meet the requirements of the Department of Defense. In other words, the mobile system of the Armed Forces is a Linux RPM distribution with all related application programs and development tools.

Support for file systems is at the level of the beginning of the century, but since the most common of them already existed then, this indicator is not critical.

WSWS versions

Despite the fact that this is a network OS, it does not have repositories familiar to any Linux user. software. All software is supplied on installation CDs. Any program that is used in this system is pre-certified by the Department of Defense. And since the procedure is far from fast, over the entire fifteen years of work, a limited number of versions and changes to them have been released.

The developer of the WSWS is the All-Russian Research Institute of Automation of Control in the Non-Industrial Sphere. On his official page you can find information about the versions of WSWS that are currently supported and have the required security certificates from the Department of Defense.

The mobile system of the Armed Forces for 2017 is represented by two supported assemblies:

    OS WSWS 3.0 FLIR 80001-12 (change No. 4).

  • OS WSWS 3.0 FLIR 80001-12 (change No. 6).

Version 5.0, located on the VNIINS website, has a security certificate from the Ministry of Defense, but was never officially accepted for supply to the troops.

Successor to the WSWS

The next secure operating system, which was presented as a replacement for the WSWS that had served for a decade and a half, was Astra Linux OS. Unlike its predecessor, which received a security certificate only from the Ministry of Defense, Astra received all possible certificates in Russia, and these are documents from the Ministry of Defense, the FSB and the FSTEC. Thanks to this, it can be used in any government agencies, and the presence of several versions adapted for different hardware platforms further expands its scope. As a result, it can unite under its control all devices - from mobile to stationary server equipment.

Astra Linux is a modern Linux distribution based on deb packages, it uses the latest kernel version and up-to-date software. The list of supported processors and their architectures has also been expanded to include modern designs. The list of officially published versions allows us to hope for the success of this software product, at least in the public sector and the defense industry.


In this material, we talked about the WSWS OS - the main operating system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which has faithfully served "in service" for 15 years and is still on a "combat post". In addition, briefly described her successor. Perhaps this will prompt some of our readers to look at what Linux is and form an unbiased opinion about the product.

The Armed Forces Mobile System (MSMS) is a secure, multi-user, multi-tasking, general-purpose, time-sharing operating system (OS) developed on the basis of the Red Hat Linux operating system. The OS provides multi-level prioritization with preemptive multitasking, virtual memory organization, and full network support; works with multiprocessor (SMP - symmetrical multiprocessing) and cluster configurations on platforms Intel, IBM S390, MIPS (Baguet series complexes manufactured by Korund-M) and SPARC (Elbrus-90micro). A feature of OS WSVS 3.0 is built-in means of protection against unauthorized access that meet the requirements of the Guiding Document of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for class 2 means computer science. Security tools include mandatory access control, access control lists, role model and advanced audit tools (event logging). MSVS OS is designed to build stationary secure automated systems. The developer of WSVS is the All-Russian Research Institute of Control Automation in the Non-Industrial Sphere named after V.I. V. V. Solomatina (VNIINS). Accepted for supply to the RF Armed Forces in 2002.

The file system OS WSVS 3.0 supports file names up to 256 characters long with the ability to create Russian-language file and directory names, symbolic links, a quota system and access rights lists. It is possible to mount FAT and NTFS file systems, as well as ISO-9660 (CDs). The quota mechanism allows you to control the use of disk space by users, the number of processes launched, and the amount of memory allocated to each process. The system can be configured to issue warnings when the resources requested by the user approach the specified quota.

The WSWS 3.0 OS includes a graphics system based on the X Window. To work in a graphical environment, two window managers: IceWM and KDE. Most of the programs in the WSWS OS are designed to work in a graphical environment, which creates favorable conditions not only for the work of users, but also for their transition from Windows to WSWS.

WSVS 3.0 OS is delivered in a configuration that, in addition to the main control program (kernel), includes a set of additional software products. The OS itself is used as base element organization of automated workstations (AWP) and construction of automated systems. Additional software (software) can be installed by choice, and is focused on the maximum automation of domain management and administration, which allows you to reduce the cost of servicing workstations and concentrate on the completion of their target task by users. The installation program allows you to install the OS from a bootable CD or over the network via FTP. Usually, the installation server is installed and configured from the disks first, and then the rest of the computers are installed over the network. The installation server in the running domain performs the task of updating and restoring software on the workstations. A new version is laid out only on the server and then happens automatic update Workplace software. If the software is damaged on the workstations (for example, when the program file is deleted or the checksums of the executable or configuration files do not match), the corresponding software is automatically reinstalled.

During installation, the administrator is prompted to select either one of the standard installation types or a custom installation. Standard types are used when installing on standard workstations and cover the main typical options for organizing workplaces based on OS WSWS 3.0. Each standard type defines a set of software products to be installed, a disk configuration, a set of file systems, and a set of system settings. Custom installation allows you to explicitly set all the specified characteristics final system up to the choice of individual software packages. If you choose a custom installation, you can install WSWS 3.0 on a computer that already has another OS installed (for example, Windows NT).

The OS WSWS 3.0 includes a unified documentation system (ESD) with information about various aspects of the system's functioning. The ESD consists of a documentation server and a database containing description texts that can be accessed through browsers. When installing additional software, the corresponding reference sections are installed in the ESD database. ESD can be hosted locally at each workplace, or a special documentation server can be allocated in the WSWS OS domain. The latter option is useful in large WSWS OS domains to save total disk space, simplify the management process, and update documentation. Access to documentation from other workstations is possible through the Web browser supplied with OS WSWS 3.0.

MSVS 3.0 OS is Russified both in alphanumeric and graphical modes. Virtual terminals are supported, switching between which is carried out using a key combination.

A key moment in terms of system integrity is the operation of registering new users of the WSWS OS, when user attributes, including security attributes, are determined, according to which the access control system will further control the user's work. The basis for the mandate model is the information entered when registering a new user.

To implement discretionary access control, the traditional Unix mechanisms of access control bits and access control lists (ACLs) are used. Both mechanisms are implemented at the level file system WSWS 3.0 OS and are used to set access rights to file system objects. Bits allow you to define rights for three categories of users (owner, group, others), however, this is not a sufficiently flexible mechanism and is used when setting rights for most OS files that are used in the same way by the main part of users. With the help of ACLs, it is possible to set rights at the level of individual users and/or groups of users, and thus achieve a significant level of detail in setting rights. Lists are used when working with files that require, for example, to set different access rights for several specific users.

Specifications OS WSWS 3.0:

Parameter Characteristic
Information security system built-in
Information security model Discretionary model, mandate model, role model
GIS compatibility with other operating systems "Omonim-390VS", "Olivia", WSWS 5.0
Core 2.4.32 ( actually)
The file system is mandated EXT2, EXT3
Support for other file systems FAT16, FAT32, NTFS (ro), ISO9660
File name length up to 256 characters
Graphics subsystem X-window
Graphics system Xorg-x11-7.3
Type client - server
window manager Elk, TWM, KDE, IceWM
Graphical shell Elk-1.9.9
Support multiprocessor systems Up to 32 processors
Embedded Services DNS, FTP, Telnet, NTP, FTP, TFTP, SFTP, DHCP, RIP, BGP, OSPF, PPP, PPTP
Supported tires ISA, all PCI, SCSI, IDE, SATA, SAS, AGP, USB 2.0
Development tools included:
Programming languages C/C++, Perl, Python, Shell, Tcl
C/C++ compiler 2.95.4, 3.3.6, 4.1.3
System Library glibc-2.3.6
QT 4.6.3
Debugger gdbver 6.8
Installation Options CD-ROM, HDD, Network

Installing OS WSWS 3.0

During the practical lesson, the process of installing the WSWS OS on a PC or a computer network server will be considered. The WSWS 3.0 OS installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Loading a PC or a computer network server from a storage medium that contains a distribution kit with OS WSWS 3.0. After the boot process is completed, the image shown in Fig. 1 will be displayed on the screen. 2.1. To continue, press the key<Ввод> ().

Figure 2.1. Launch screen of the WSWS 3.0 OS Installation Wizard.

  1. Initialization of the WSWS OS kernel and hardware detection are carried out, after which the image shown in Fig. 1 is displayed on the screen. 2.2. To continue, press the button<Готово>.

Figure 2.2. Discovered devices screen.

  1. The screen displays the "Greeting", shown in Fig. 2.3. To continue, press the button<Да>.

Figure 2.3. Welcome screen.

  1. Selecting the mouse model connected to the computer (Fig. 2.4). Due to the fact that the mouse manipulator in further work will not be used, select "No mouse" and press the button<Да>.

Figure 2.4. Select the mouse model connected to the computer.

  1. markup hard drive- one of the most crucial moments during the installation of the WSWS OS. Not because hard disk partitioning is so complicated, but because the mistakes made during it can only be corrected with great difficulty, and this process can be fraught with data loss.

Similar information.

WSWS 3.0 is a secure, multi-user, time-sharing, multi-tasking operating system developed on Linux. The operating system provides a multi-level prioritization system with preemptive multitasking, virtual memory organization, and full networking support; works with multiprocessor (SMP - symmetrical multiprocessing) and cluster configurations on Intel, MIPS and SPARC platforms. A feature of WSVS 3.0 is the built-in means of protection against unauthorized access that meets the requirements of the Guiding Document of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for class 2 of computer equipment. Security tools include mandatory access control, access control lists, role model and advanced audit tools (event logging).

The WSWS 3.0 file system supports filenames up to 256 characters long with the ability to create Russian-language file and directory names, symbolic links, a quota system, and lists of access rights. It is possible to mount FAT and NTFS file systems, as well as ISO-9660 (CDs). The quota mechanism allows you to control the use of disk space by users, the number of processes launched, and the amount of memory allocated to each process. The system can be configured to issue warnings when the resources requested by the user approach the specified quota.

WSWS 3.0 includes a graphics system based on the X Window. To work in a graphical environment, two window managers are supplied: IceWM and KDE. Most of the programs in the WSWS are graphical oriented, which creates favorable conditions not only for the work of users, but also for their transition from Windows to WSWS.

WSWS 3.0 is delivered in a configuration that, in addition to the core, includes a set of additional software products. The operating system itself is used as a basic element in the organization of automated workstations (AWP) and the construction of automated systems. Additional software can be installed by choice, and is focused on the maximum automation of domain management and administration, which allows you to reduce the cost of maintaining workstations and concentrate on the completion of their target task by users. The installation program allows you to install the OS from a bootable CD or over the network via FTP. Usually, the installation server is installed and configured from the disks first, and then the rest of the computers are installed over the network. The installation server in the running domain performs the task of updating and restoring software on the workstations. The new version is uploaded only on the server and then the software is automatically updated on the workstations. If the software is damaged on the workstations (for example, when the program file is deleted or the checksums of the executable or configuration files do not match), the corresponding software is automatically reinstalled.

During installation, the administrator is prompted to select either one of the standard installation types or a custom installation. Standard types are used when installing on standard workplaces and cover the main typical options for organizing workplaces based on OS WSWS 3.0 (Fig. 1). Each standard type defines a set of installed software products, a disk configuration, a set of file systems, and a number of system settings. Custom installation allows you to explicitly set all the specified characteristics of the final system up to the selection of individual software packages. If you choose a custom installation, you can install WSWS 3.0 on a computer that already has another operating system (such as Windows NT) installed.

The structure of WSWS 3.0 includes a unified documentation system (ESD) with information about various aspects of the system's functioning. The ESD consists of a documentation server and a database containing description texts that can be accessed through browsers. When installing additional software, the corresponding reference sections are installed in the ESD database. ESD can be hosted locally at each workplace, or a special documentation server can be allocated in the WSWS domain. The latter option is useful in large WSWS domains to save total disk space, simplify management, and keep documentation up to date. Access to documentation from other workstations is possible through the Web browser supplied with WSWS 3.0.

WSVS 3.0 is Russified both in alphanumeric and graphical modes. Virtual terminals are supported, switching between which is carried out using a key combination.

A key point in terms of system integrity is the operation of registering new users of the WSWS, when user attributes, including security attributes, are determined, according to which the access control system will further control the user's work. The basis for the mandate model is the information entered when registering a new user.

To implement discretionary access control, the traditional Unix mechanisms of access control bits and access control lists (ACLs) are used. Both mechanisms are implemented at the level of the WSWS 3.0 file system and serve to set access rights to file system objects. Bits allow you to define rights for three categories of users (owner, group, others), however, this is not a sufficiently flexible mechanism and is used when setting rights for most OS files that are used in the same way by the main part of users. With the help of ACLs, it is possible to set rights at the level of individual users and/or groups of users, and thus achieve a significant level of detail in setting rights. Lists are used when working with files that require, for example, to set different access rights for several specific users.

One of the significant drawbacks of traditional Unix systems, from the point of view of security, is the presence of a superuser with the most extensive powers. A feature of WSWS 3.0 is the decentralization of superuser functions. The task of system administration is divided into several parts, for which there are configuration, security, and audit administrators. From the point of view of the operating system, these administrators are ordinary users, who are given the opportunity to launch special administrative programs and access to the corresponding configuration files. Creating Accounts system administrators occurs during the installation phase of WSWS 3.0.

Each of the administrators is responsible for performing only their own tasks, for example, the configuration administrator manages file systems, network interfaces, configuring system services, and so on. The security administrator is responsible for security policy and controls system settings related to security: the minimum password length, the number of failed user login attempts, and so on. At the same time, all events related to security are logged, including the actions of administrators. Audit management is the responsibility of the audit administrator, who can, for example, "clean up" the audit logs.

Decentralization of superuser functions allows to implement the principle of "four eyes". For example, registering a new WSWS 3.0 user is a two-step process. First, the configuration administrator creates an account for the new user, and then the security administrator registers the new user in the security database. Only after that it becomes possible for a new user to enter the system.

To perform administrative tasks, the distribution package includes the "Administrative Tools" package, which includes programs for managing users, files, security, auditing, system-wide and network settings.

The first task that must be completed after WSWS 3.0 is installed is for the administrator to define the security policy that is implemented in the organization. One of the components of this task is to configure the mechanism of mandatory access control. On fig. 2 shows a view of the credentials engine manager program that allows you to configure a set of WSWS 3.0 subject and object credentials. In the upper part of the program window, security levels are configured, the possible values ​​of which can be, for example, “not confidential” and “confidential”. In the lower part, a lot of categories are created that describe the subject area to which the information belongs: “employees”, “technical means”, etc. It is possible to create supersets of categories (for example, "Category_1_2"), including several separate categories and other supersets. Working with levels is most convenient when they are represented in decimal form, since levels have a hierarchical organization. In turn, when working with categories, it is convenient to represent them in binary form, since categories are not a hierarchical set.

On fig. 3 shows a view of one of the windows of the user management program. This program can only be run by configuration and security administrators. At the same time, each of them can set or change only those user attributes, the management of which is within his competence.

On fig. Figure 4 shows an example of a file management program window that allows you to view and change file attribute values. Visualization of the tree structure of the file system in the left part of the window makes it easier to navigate through it and select the desired file. The right part shows the attributes of the selected file, grouped according to their functional purpose. Each group has a separate tab. The General tab contains traditional Unix file attributes such as type, size, number of hard links, discretionary attributes, and timestamps. A feature of WSWS 3.0 files is the presence of mandatory attributes and the expansion of discretionary attributes with a list of access rights. Mandatory attributes are presented in the "Mandate label" tab. To manage the ACL of the file, the "Permissions" tab is highlighted. Moreover, when selecting directories for which it is possible to create an ACL by default, the tab "Access rights by default" is activated. On fig. 5 shows the view of the window for working with the file ACL. It is possible to add both a single entry for a user or group, and multiple entries with the same access rights. As with the previous program, only configuration and security administrators can run the file management program. Each of them can change only those attributes of the file, the management of which is within its competence.

WSWS 3.0 Services

WSWS, like any other operating system, serves to create optimal conditions for the execution of services and applications that provide automation and increase the efficiency of users' work.

One of the main services of any OS is the print service. WSWS 3.0 includes a printing system that allows you to print documents in accordance with the requirements for secure systems. Among the features of the WSWS 3.0 printing system, which distinguish it from similar systems, is the support of the mandatory access control mechanism, which allows, at the stage of generating a print job, to determine the level of confidentiality of the document and automatically send the job to a specific printer in accordance with the printing rules adopted in this organization. Each printed sheet is automatically tagged with document credentials, including the last name of the user who printed the document and the name of the computer from which the print job was sent. One of the advantages of the printing system is its invariance with respect to applications that access the print service. This means that she is not tied to existing applications and does not change when new applications appear. As a consequence, printing applications must take sheet marking into account and leave space for this. The fact of printing is recorded in a special journal for recording the reproduction of printed documents. To work with this log, use special program, which allows you to view, edit some fields of records and print them (Fig. 6).

An important element of the WSWS 3.0 security system is the identification/authentication system. The user must enter the correct password to successfully authenticate. Obviously, the quality of the chosen password determines the resistance of the system to the penetration of intruders into it. To generate user passwords, WSWS 3.0 includes a special program (Fig. 7).

To monitor domain computers, a performance monitoring system (CF) is used, which consists of a server and special agents. Agents are installed on domain computers and report their state to the server. The CF system allows you to obtain information about various aspects of the functioning of computers (the state of processes, the disk subsystem, kernel subsystems) and monitor the performance network services(ftp, ssh, etc.). The information received by the server is accumulated in special logs, which makes it possible to observe not only the current state of the domain, but also to study its state over the entire period of the system's operation.

WSWS domain

WSWS 3.0 is used to create the domains on which secure automated systems are built. Physically, a domain is implemented as a local network of computers, most of which serve to organize user jobs. Some of them are necessary for the organization of shared resources, such as a file server, a database server, a print server, mail server. Logically, the WSWS domain is a set of computers that implement a single security policy and form a single administration space. A unified security policy implies that a single set of access subjects and objects, security attributes are supported on all computers in a domain, and there are also unified rules for discretionary and mandatory access control. In this sense, the WSWS domain is also a security domain.

A single administration space implies a uniform administration of information resources (computers) of the WSWS domain. Its basis is the single user space of the WSWS domain.

  • For each domain user at his workplace is supported Account, which includes the necessary information about the user (logical name, password, full name and user security attributes). This information used to perform identification/authentication procedures for a user when he enters the WSWS domain.
  • On each computer of the domain with shared resources (server) on which this user can work, there is exactly the same account for him as in his workplace.
  • The security administrator workplace maintains a database with information about all domain users, including their account, extended information (for example, position, department name/number), as well as the name of his computer and all servers to which he has access.

Thus, the account is the only one for this user within the WSWS domain, and it is through it that the user's access to information resources domain.

Heterogeneous domains

On the this moment when developing a secure automated system, the existing local networks, which are usually dominated by servers and workstations on Windows base NT. The impossibility of an organization's immediate transition to the WSWS platform creates the problem of its integration with Windows. Two aspects can be distinguished here: the choice of the optimal strategy for the transition to WSWS and the technical difficulties that accompany this transition.

As a result of the analysis of information flows in a secure automated system, it is possible to identify areas that are most important from the point of view of security. First of all, these areas include information import / export flows, since it is through these flows that confidential information (both received from the outside and generated inside) enters the outside world: print servers and information export to disks and tapes. The second most important are the areas of information storage: file servers and user workstations.

In the process of turning a Windows network into a secure automated system, those sections of the network that are most critical in terms of security must first be modified. The first step is to minimize and control output information flows. As mentioned, WSWS 3.0 has a developed system for accounting and controlling the printing of documents, and allows, in a network built on its own basis, to implement the requirements for issuing printed documents for a hard copy.

The second step is to migrate the file servers from Windows platforms. WSWS 3.0 provides for a developed system for managing user access to information resources of the operating system, which allows you to organize the protection of user data at the proper level.

When integrating WSWS and Windows, a number of technical problems arise, the most important of which are problems of compatibility of user identification/authentication schemes, user access control principles used in these Cyrillic encoding systems.

The first two problems are that in the Windows NT environment, the scheme for logging users into the NT domain is supported based on a single database stored on a special control server - a domain controller. This scheme fundamentally different from the scheme used in the WSWS. In addition, the Windows NT architecture lacks support for mandatory access control and cannot map many of the security attributes of the WSWS operating system to it. Windows systems use CP1251 encoding, while WSWS 3.0 (as a legacy from Linux) uses KOI8-R, however, the accumulated data (which requires Windows environment) are usually stored in the CP1251. At the same time, the presentation of data to users, their input and editing takes place in the WSWS environment, so it is necessary to transcode on the fly. In addition, for solving data management problems (for example, the task of sorting data), the CP1251 encoding is more acceptable than KOI8-R.

To build a secure automated system based on WSWS 3.0 with the possibility of temporal compatibility with NT, a terminal access system was developed (Fig. 8). This system allows you to organize work with Windows applications in the WSWS as follows: file and print servers, as well as client sites, are built on the basis of WSWS 3.0, and an application server based on NT is allocated to work with Windows applications Terminal Server Edition accessed in a special way. One of the advantages of this option is the flexibility in organizing the work of users, who actually get the opportunity to work simultaneously in two operating environments and use the applications of each of them. The disadvantage is the need to create an application server with special access, which leads to restrictions in the security policy. As a result, the task of integrating WSWS and Windows NT is solved by creating an WSWS domain with an NT-based application server and using a terminal access system.

Let us now consider how a user works in a heterogeneous WSWS domain. The user enters the domain through his workstation. To access a Windows NT application server, the user accesses a terminal access client. In a special database stored on the application server, there is a correspondence between the user name and the name of his computer, which is used when mapping network drives for this user. As a result, when working in an NT session, the user sees only the contents of his home directory as a network drive at his workplace, as well as domain shares (file servers and printers). It can run Windows applications, but will only work with a limited set of files (own or shared) stored on computers running WSWS 3.0.

To organize the printing of confidential documents in the domain, a print server based on the WSWS is allocated, which is responsible for the implementation and accounting of printing, which prevents unaccounted duplication of output confidential documents. Can be connected to print non-confidential information local printers to ARM. User working with Windows applications or WSWS, sends the document for printing, and it does not matter where the document is located - on the local machine or on the file server. With the help of WSWS, the level of confidentiality of the document is analyzed. If the document is confidential, the job is redirected to the print server; if not, the document is printed locally.

The proposed options allow you to organize a gradual transition from information infrastructure to Windows based NT to protected automated systems information processing based on WSWS 3.0.


1. State Technical Commission of Russia. Guidance document. Computer facilities. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of security from unauthorized access to information. Moscow, 1992

2. D.V. Efanov. Document printing accounting system // ACS and controllers. 2001, №1

Andrey Tyulin- employee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Igor Zhukov, Dmitry Efanov ([email protected]) - employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of Control Automation in the Non-Industrial Sphere (Moscow).
