Which windows is better than xp 7. Everything interesting and useful for a novice computer user

In general, the question is very ambiguous. Someone is all for XP, someone is for Windows 7. There are a lot of opinions about which Windows is better, because how many users, so many points of view. Let's try to figure out which is better: windows 7 or xp; on what basis conclusions are drawn; what is worth paying attention to, and why this question arises at all.

Windows 7 and XP: pros and cons

  • There is an opinion that XP is better suited for computers with low system resources. In this case, we are talking about old computers. The point is that work Windows systems 7 takes up a lot of computer memory. On old cars RAM does not differ in large size and ranges from 512 MB to 1 gigabyte. For the correct Windows work 7 such values ​​are not enough. As a result, old computer with the new operating system from Windows, it is extremely slow and unstable.
  • If you are an adherent of new technologies and follow the development of the market operating systems For personal computers, then it's no secret to you that Windows 7 is the latest and, accordingly, fresh solution for efficient work. What is better for this feature? Windows 7 or Windows XP? Windows XP in 2012 was already 11 years old, that is, the system appeared in 2001. Despite permanent job Microsoft programmers to fix errors in the Windows XP system, this program is getting older every year, which does not improve its performance in any way. Years, commercials, after 5 Windows XP will go to the Microsoft Museum.
  • Windows 7 compares favorably with XP in terms of speed, ease of use, manufacturability and economy of computer operation. If you take two computers, one with Windows XP and one with Windows 7, and check the speed, you will see that Windows 7 is vastly superior to Windows XP.
  • Another windows advantage 7 is effective work with heavy files, graphics and videos.
  • Due to the recent appearance of Windows 7 on the operating system market, many drivers that worked great on Windows XP simply do not fit the Windows 7 system. Especially if the systems are bit different.
  • Proponents of the Windows XP operating system note the great savings in computer resources. They give this example to compare two operating systems: “Imagine that Windows XP is an ordinary diesel freight locomotive. It can move very quickly and freely. Now imagine that 15 wagons are attached to this diesel locomotive, hung with all sorts of beautiful, but unnecessary ribbons, balloons and tinsel. This composition is called Windows 7. So which one will go faster?" Such an example perfectly illustrates the claims of XP fans to Windows 7. According to them, Windows 7 is only outwardly beautiful and pleasant. software, and it does not differ much from Windows XP, although it requires much more resources and RAM on the computer. So thoughts arise, which is better: windows 7 or XP. See what is important to you.
  • Windows 7 supports more devices than Windows XP. If we are talking about the stability of these systems, then there is no difference. Many complain about the operation of the Windows 7 system, although if you put the same copy on another hardware, the system works fine and without failures. It's the same with Windows XP. On one machine one way, on the other another way. In this aspect, everything depends more on the characteristics of the computer itself and its component devices.
  • Windows 7 is the leader in terms of the amount of space occupied on the hard disk. This is not good, because usually there is always little space on the hard disk. And if you also have a system that takes up a quarter of the space of the entire disk, then it becomes much more difficult to work.

Summarize. Which is better, Windows 7 or Windows XP?

As we hope, from the above it is clear that there is no unambiguous answer to this question. Many factors can influence the choice of system: the type of computer, the resources of its devices, your preferences and the purposes for which you use a personal computer.

Greetings to all visitors to the blog site:???:. We all know very well that among operating systems, Microsoft products are very popular among users. And with the advent of his new Windows 7 platform, the dispute between computer owners on the topic does not subside. Which is better Windows 7 or Windows XP? So which operating system should you choose?

Today we will try to answer this question, and consider all the pros and cons of both systems.

Operating system Windows XP.

As for Windows XP, it should be mentioned that this operating system has been around since 2001 and has won the trust of many users. Windows XP was the most advanced and user-friendly operating system. The requirements of this system for computer resources were very small.

However, time is running out and Microsoft has stopped selling and supporting this product. 😥 Replacing it with new operating systems that are noteworthy.

  1. If you have an old computer, then all programs and processes will work better with Windows XP? Rather than with Windows 7. For stable operation of Windows XP, just 512MB and 1GB of RAM is enough. As for Windows 7, for stable operation of this system, you need to have a dual-core processor and about 2 gigabytes of RAM. This is the main advantage of Windows XP, it is less demanding on hardware.
  2. If you have a laptop or netbook with rather modest resources, then again best option to achieve maximum performance will be with the operating system Windows XP.
  3. Similarly, when choosing a system Special attention given to graphics. If you are a gamer, Windows XP is a good fit for this, any game in it will work better than in modern Windows 7. And if you ask the question which operating system is best for games, the answer is of course Windows XP.

Operating system Windows 7

  1. The first plus of Windows 7 starts right from the installation of the system on the computer. It takes less time and when installing Windows 7, all drivers for computer devices are installed automatically. In Windows XP, all this must be done manually, after the installation of the system.
  2. Full support 64 bit system. And this is the ability to support more than 3 GB of RAM and higher system performance. If there is a question of choosing between a 32-bit or 64-bit system, then you should pay attention to the computer's RAM. If the RAM is 4 GB or more, of course it is recommended to install a 64-bit system.
  3. Another advantage of Windows 7 is support for DirectX 11 technology. Windows 7 is practically the only operating system in the world with DirectX 11 support today.
  4. Built-in ability to automatically download from the Internet the right drivers for computer devices.
  5. More beautiful and improved design of the system.

Undoubtedly, all powerful modern computers follows the Windows 7 system. But do not forget that for this you need to be the owner powerful computer, otherwise you can forget about the speed of Windows 7. And weak and outdated computers should be equipped with multifunctional Windows xp.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw such a conclusion, it is impossible to say unequivocally Which is better Windows 7 or Windows XP? Each of these operating systems is tailored for specific computers with different specifications.

Do not forget, the operating system should not be chosen on the advice of a friend, but on the configuration of your computer. If you install a stronger operating system on weak computer, then your work on the computer may become completely unpleasant for you.

If you need to create a local network between Windows XP and Windows 7, then read the article about it.

Time inexorably runs forward, and with it the development of IT technologies. Moreover, this development is not just going on, but running by leaps and bounds. Those who purchased computers before the release of the Windows operating system are now wondering whether to switch to Windows 7? In this note, I will describe my impressions of this operating system. It has both pros and cons.

Which is better XP or 7

I've been watching Win7 OS for a long time. For some time, two operating systems were installed on my computer, namely, the good old Win XP lived in section C, and the seven settled in section D. It was during that period that I gained invaluable experience in installing Win 7 on a PC with XP, and vice versa, I learned how to solve the problem when, after installing XP on a PC with Win7, the seven refused to boot (After installing Windows XP, Windows 7 does not boot. Win7 bootloader recovery, Editing list of operating systems in Windows 7). I tested new system about a year and here are the pros and cons I have identified.

Windows 7 is better than XP. pros

1. Installation is very simple, no difficulties, unlike XP. Installed from under XP, just insert the disc into the drive and follow the instructions of the system. Install in separate section hard drive(How to Partition a Hard Disk and How to Delete Hard Disk Partitions with the Free Partition Wizard). After the installation was completed, I did not need to install any additional drivers, all devices worked with a bang. Moreover, the seven itself downloaded the printer and scanner driver from the Internet in a few seconds.

2. I have never used Win Vista, but I heard a lot about its glitches during operation and the inability to install programs. I didn't notice this in 7. There are no freezes, the programs are 99% compatible, everything installs and works perfectly. You can burn discs without installing additional software, as there are built-in software resources. The only thing I needed to install codecs for the video, because not all formats were played, and everything is super.

3. The design is simply chic. Although I'm not a fan of any design chips, but here I was pleasantly surprised.


Of course, it was not without its downsides.

The main downside is of course system requirements. Yes, it is not surprising that a software product of this level requires more powerful hardware. Although my old iron friend coped with this task perfectly. Win7 requires for normal operation from 2GB RAM(RAM). There's nothing you can do about it. I had to buy in addition. The operating system files occupy about 10GB, plus you need to allocate space for the software, total 30GB should at least be highlighted. That's why HDD today is 500 GB at least a must have.

Well, here's how it is. What conclusions can be drawn from all this? Which is better xp or win 7? I will say my opinion, the seven is better in many ways and more promising, I was convinced of this over a year of work in this system. Should I upgrade to Windows 7?? Yes, and the sooner the better. XP will be hopelessly outdated like its predecessors Win95, 98, 2000 and the like. Moreover, there will come a time when it will be impossible to play or work normally in XP. XP instead of Win 7 I won’t put it exactly, so all publications on this site will come out exclusively from work experience in the seven, well, this is what the current time requires. Forgive me if anything. Well, those who buy laptops today may not even think about it, since all computers now come with the basic version of this system.

So, we are faced with the task of installing two operating systems on one computer - Windows XP And Windows 7- in multiboot mode. And organize their work so that when you start your computer, you can choose to load any of them.

Why, why, why all this is necessary, we will not specify here - there can be dozens of reasons, and each user has their own. In general, let's take it for granted - it's just NECESSARY, and that's it. Well, if it is necessary, then we will bet. Go.

The most convenient, simple and "ideologically" correct method would be to install Windows XP first, and then install Windows 7 in the neighboring partition of the disk. In this case, "7" correctly determines the "Pig" already on the hard drive and carefully "picks " her. Therefore, immediately after such an installation, we will get two normally working operating systems that are on adjacent partitions, and a boot menu in which you can select any of them. And all this without any additional gestures and "dances with a tambourine". This method is very simple, accessible even to a beginner, and is described in sufficient detail by us here. So read it carefully, and if you are going to organize a multi-boot on a hard drive that does not yet have a single OS (or are going to delete them all), then use this particular method. He's easier.

Option number 2. For those who are not looking for easy ways.

Let's say you already have Windows 7 installed. Everything works, everything spins, spins just fine. And you are not going to demolish "7-ku", and then rearrange it in a new way - it's a pity, or even just laziness. So, we have a task to carefully attach "Piggy" next to it in the next section, so that nothing "7-ke" is damaged, and correctly equip the boot menu, in which one could select any of them when starting the computer.

So, the task is set. We decide.

Retreat number one. It is worth remembering firmly that different operating systems on one computer should only be installed in DIFFERENT disk partitions - each OS has its own partition. Purely theoretically, with the help of cunning gestures, you can set it to one, but no one guarantees you the result. As a result, either everything can turn out smoothly, or instead of work or entertainment, you can spend all the time catching all sorts of glitches that have formed after your experiments. Do you need it? So, we remember for the future as "Our Father": different operating systems on one PC(different Windows versions, Linux, MacOS X, etc. - doesn't matter) are placed only in DIFFERENT partitions of the disk. And nothing else.

All systems of dressing from Microsoft can be installed only in the main partitions. Therefore, we must have them (or create) before starting the installation. As a rule, these are two main partitions located at the beginning of the hard drive - partitions designated by us as drives C and D. One of them already has Windows 7 installed, and in the other we need to carefully attach Windows XP. Which of them in which section - by and large, does not matter. Well, except perhaps for reasons of personal convenience. For me, it's better to put "7-ku" on the first - C, and XP - on the second - D. But you may have a different opinion. Decide for yourself whichever is more convenient for you.

Retreat number two(important for understanding the process). If we install Windows XP after Windows 7, then "7" will stop loading for us (although there is nothing wrong with that). This is explained very simply: Windows XP is a rather old system. When it was created, "7-ki" was not even in the project (and after all, its loading is arranged a little differently). That is why the Piggy installer cannot correctly determine that the computer already has one installed system- from his "point of view" the hard drive is absolutely empty. And he "with a clear conscience" sticks his boot files, while overwriting other people's loaders. And we get a working and normally booting Windows XP and Windows 7, which, in principle, is fully functional, but we still cannot load it, since its bootloader is overwritten by the Piggy bootloader. As a result, the whole task comes down to the accurate and correct recovery of Windows 7 boot files after XP is installed by the second system. This is what we'll do.

First, boot into Windows 7 and go to " Disk Management"(as you wish - either through the Control Panel, or something else). And we see something like this there:

If we believe what we saw, we have one main partition of the disk on which Windows 7 is installed (in this case it is marked as C), another partition prepared for installing "Piggy" (D), and another one that is marked with " System Reserved". This section in Windows 7 does not have a letter, is hidden and is designed to ensure booting into the recovery environment Windows RE. This section in our case is active, which means that it is on it that all the boot files of both operating systems will be located.

Please note that some configurations with installed Windows 7 this partition may not be present on the disk. In this case, the active partition will most likely be the first partition, and it is on it that the boot files will be stored. So don't panic and just take it for granted. And make yourself a notch as a keepsake.

In addition, we also see an optical disc drive, which we have the letter E. Look around carefully again and remember where and what is on your hard drive. In addition to the letters, also pay attention to the sizes of the partitions - perhaps it will be easier for you to navigate by these sizes during installation, since everything will look a little different in the installer.

Next we take installation disk Windows XP, insert it into the drive and reboot in order to launch a "clean" installation of "Piggy" (since it will not be possible to start the installation from under Windows in our case).

In general, launching the installation of one Windows from under another Windows, in my opinion, is a natural perversion, which for some reason the dissolute programmers from Micro$oft are trying to impose on us. Personally, we promote healthy sex with a normal install. Therefore, an exceptionally "clean" installation!

So, we put it in, rebooted, it started ... Dwell on the process in detail Windows installation XP makes no sense - it's standard here. We get to the moment of choosing a partition for installation:

We select the one that we prepared for XP, format it and continue. Then everything is on knurled, until the very end.

Installed, loaded - everything, we are in XP. Now, as a result of all our movements, we have two installed and fully working operating systems, one of which - Windows 7 - has lost the ability to boot. So our tasks are:

  • 1. Restore Windows 7 bootloader.
  • 2. Create a dual boot menu.

Pay attention: section marked as " System Reserved", became visible in Windows XP. Now it has the letter C. Partitions with Windows 7 and Windows XP have changed their letters to D and E, respectively. The optical drive now appears as F. It is from these positions that we will indicate to you console commands. If in your version the sections have other letters, you will have to slightly tweak the paths in these commands to your own values.

So we're still in XP. We insert the Windows 7 boot disk into the drive and open it in Explorer. Find a folder on it BOOT. We go and see the file there bootsect.exe. That's what we need. We pay attention to the path to this file: in our version it is F:\boot\bootsect.exe(since our drive has the letter F).

We launch command line (Start => Run, enter in the field cmd and click ENTER). In it, enter the following command (we complete the entry of all commands with the key ENTER):

F:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 all

The result of this entire procedure will be the restoration of the Windows 7 bootloader - now we can enter it without problems. However, you should not rush - the fact is that we still do not have a boot menu with a choice of two operating systems, we have not created it yet. You can create it both from under Windows 7, rebooting into it, and remaining in "Piggy".

We remain in XP (why jump back and forth, right?).

Now we need a special utility to edit the data of the "7-ki" bootloader. In XP, of course, it is not there, but it is present in folders with "7" installed (I remind you that under XP, the partition with Windows 7 looks like D).

Working again on the command line. We go in it to the folder with the desired utility:

First we give the command


cd windows\system32

We are here and we are starting to work. Create a storage in the Windows 7 bootloader for Windows boot XP:

Bcdedit /create (ntldr) /d" Microsoft Windows XP"

Sometimes this store is already created by default, so this command may fail. Ignore and continue:

Bcdedit /set (ntldr) description "Microsoft Windows XP"

With this command, we renamed the repository the way we need it. Then:

Command indicates Windows bootloader 7 location of XP boot files. Further:

bcdedit /set (ntldr) path \ntldr

The command tells the Windows 7 bootloader the path to the Piggy bootloader. Then add a line with Windows selection XP in the boot menu and place it at the bottom, under the rest:

Bcdedit /displayorder (ntldr) /addlast

Everything, our multiboot menu has been created. You can also optionally change the selection timeout, which by default is 30 seconds - obviously too much. Enter:

Bcdedit /timeout XX

Where XX- the timeout we need in seconds.

If you wish, you can without leaving the console (and from the folder windows\system32, of course) to check the correctness of all our body movements. Let's run the command:

bcdedit >c:\bootcfg.txt

A text file appears in the root partition of drive C bootcfg.txt. We study it and rejoice that we did everything right.

Well, when we reboot, we now see a menu in which you can select any of the two operating systems.

Well, now a bit for those who are used to creating problems for themselves with their own hands, so that later they can successfully overcome them - for those who, immediately after restoring the "7-ki" bootloader, left XP, or for some reason decided to create a multiboot right from under Windows 7.

The technology here will be almost the same, but with minor amendments. First, the command line must be run with administrator rights. To do this, find it in the menu Start, click on it right click mouse and select " Run as administrator".

Secondly, for those who still remember - boot Windows files 7 and Windows XP are located on the first, active partition, marked as " System Reserved". In "7-ke" this section is hidden and has no letters. Therefore, in it, instead of the command

Bcdedit /set (ntldr) device partition=C:

need to be done

bcdedit /set (ntldr) device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume1

If for any reason you have a " System Reserved" is missing (it happens - remember, we mentioned this at the beginning of the article?), and all boot files are saved to the first (active) partition C, then this amendment does not need to be made - the command is given in the same way as in Windows XP.

Everything else is done exactly the same as in "Piggy". Just remember to keep an eye on the drive letters so that you enter the correct paths in the commands - because these letters will be different from the letters in XP.

Well, that seems to be it.

P.S. Especially for those sufferers who for some reason still "have the presence of an absence" boot disk Windows 7. For you personally, we have attached a couple of files you need to the article. I give you a hint: a little lower. Found? Download, put them in the place you need and start your "dancing with a tambourine" according to our recommendations. Do not forget to only adjust the paths to the files in the commands to your own.

Recently, the question has become interesting: what is the difference between Windows 7 and Windows XP? I searched the internet and didn't find anything, so I figured it out myself.

On the first site, apart from user comments, I did not find anything. So, let's figure it out. First of all, I read a sociological survey that compared three systems: seven, exp and whist. As a result, 89% for the Seven, 8% for the Expo and 3% used Vista. When asked why, people answered: interface, speed, search, etc. But when they asked professionals, they said that Linux is better.

And what is better, what is right for you? First you need to define who you are. If you are a person who does not want to mess around, do not want to look for drivers, and you have enough space, both in RAM and on the hard drive, then the seven will suit you. About whist I will not describe, since it is completely outdated. Well, if you can make your computer fully functional, then you need XP... or Linux, but that's another story.

Now more. Let's start with Seven. It should start with the fact that it is divided into several versions that differ in capabilities. The best is Maximum. Everything is possible in it! Everything, but not always. When installing Seven on a computer, remember that it needs a lot of space. But it makes up for it. At the first start, a desktop appears, which is fully customizable. From the color of the buttons to the pictures at startup. Also, with the system itself, a set of very good themes is provided, but they greatly slow down the system! Remember this! I also read comments about convenient search. Yes, it is, you just typed three letters, and the system already finds similar files.

The most important difference is the automatic detection of drivers! If you downloaded a webcam somewhere in China, without a driver disk, the system will still find them, and everything will work. But again, I repeat that it takes up a lot of space.
XP is another matter. Everything depends on you. That is, install the drivers yourself, do not really change the topics, the search can let you down, the initial system startup is simply terrible if the driver packages were not included in the disk. But on the other hand, the system works quickly, without brakes, the system is fully developed! The strangest and most incomprehensible minus is RAM! If you put at least thirty-two gigabytes, then the system will see 3600. And it does not perceive more than two cores. But all this is in the seven or in Linux.

And finally, Linux. The system does not have an attractive interface, but the speed of work and 100% reliability are guaranteed. And you can do anything with your computer, the main thing is not to touch the Linux kernel. So this is a real lifesaver for advanced users (users).
I have tried to explain the difference between the systems. Their pros and cons. Which one to choose is up to you! Good luck.
