Change operating system. Step-by-step instructions for reinstalling the operating system

With prolonged use of a computer, any user sooner or later is puzzled by the fact that the system is cluttered, residual files do not want to be voluntarily deleted, and the laptop is loaded at the speed of a wounded snail. Also, some viruses, although they can be treated at first glance, still leave their tiny trace. In the future, it grows exponentially and affects the entire system completely. Therefore, the user begins to ask the vital question: “How to reinstall Windows system 7?"

Of course, to solve these problems, you can use the services of plugins or start using a new antivirus, but such a solution will be temporary, and in a few weeks the situation will not only repeat itself, but also worsen. In addition, sometimes the computer simply leaves no choice, threateningly welcoming the "blue screen of death" with farewell instructions.

Reinstalling the operating system in a specialized salon costs a lot, so today we will save a couple of thousand and learn how to reinstall the OS ourselves. But before you reinstall your Windows 7 system, there are a few things you need to do.

Preparing and saving data

How to properly reinstall Windows 7? In order to protect yourself from losing important files after reinstalling the system, you should spend a little time and save those documents that you may need in the future to a USB flash drive or disk.

For example, not everyone wants to lose the achieved result in their favorite game. It is enough just to find and save one small file, which is located in the AppData folder of the user. If a folder with this name is not displayed, you need to go to "Computer" - "Local Disk" - "Users" - "your name" and click on "Organize" there, then select folder and search options in the drop-down menu.

And put a marker on "Show hidden folders and files.

How to save favorites and links from the browser

  • For Mozilla browser Firefox will need to go to "Local Disk" - "Users" - "Username" - "Favorites" and save the entire folder.
  • To save data Google Chrome go to "Local Disk" - "Users" - "Username" - "AppData" - "Local" - "Google" - "Chrome" and save the User Data folder.
  • For Internet Explorer just save the "Favorites" folder located in "Local Disk" - "Users" - "Username".
  • When working with Opera, we follow a well-known path in AppData folder and then Opera, you only need to save the bookmarks.adr file.

Saving torrent files

To save torrent files, go to AppData, find the uTorrent folder there and copy it completely. After reinstalling the system, the saved folder must be placed in the same location. This also applies to saved games and bookmarks in browsers.

When all the necessary data, photos and other needs have been successfully saved, we start reinstalling the OS to the drum roll.

How to properly reinstall Windows 7

If there is a disk with the operating system available, then we insert it into the drive, after which the automatic reinstallation of the OS should begin, although this does not happen in 60% of cases. What to do in such a situation in order to understand how to reinstall Windows 7? "BIOS" is a mystical word, upon hearing which, many begin to get nervous. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the BIOS, if you do not touch anything extra (and in this case, all parameters can be restored). In order to get to your destination, you need:

  • restart the computer;
  • Press the del key 2-3 times before it appears Windows splash screen. If the transition to the BIOS did not happen, just repeat the procedure again.

So, if everything is done correctly, the following image should appear before your eyes:

Next, find the First Boot Device and set the value on the CD-ROM. This means that when the computer starts up, it will automatically load data from the disk first. It is very important after installing the software not to forget to return everything as it was, or the computer will forever install the system (if you also forgot to pull out the disk).

Press f10 to save changes. If all the conditions have been met, then the system will be reinstalled.

The next window prompts us to select the language, date and set the time. We exhibit simple parameters, and boldly click "next", "install" and accept the license agreement.

type of instalation

  • Upgrade - only suitable if the system is reinstalled for minor reasons. If the decision was made in connection with the "screen of death" or the computer is clearly stuck malware, definitely choose the full installation.
  • Full installation (custom) - reinstalls the OS literally from scratch, mercilessly destroying everything that can harm it.

Disk configuration

Here you have to choose which disk will appear as a local one, that is, the one on which the software will be installed.

If you think logically, then the volume of the system disk should be within 35 GB, but not less. It should be borne in mind that many of us like to save files on the principle of "throw it on the desktop for now, so as not to forget." All documents, pictures, etc., which are located on the desktop, are stored on system drive, just like the files in the Downloads folder. Thus, when calculating the volume of a local disk, it is worth being generous.

Click "Next" and go to have a bite, we have at least 45 minutes. During the installation, the computer will restart several times, which you will kindly warn about. It is not worth interfering with this, if unforeseen situations do not occur in the process, after 45-50 minutes new Windows 7 will be successfully installed.

The next step is the username and computer name. If at some point you need to change these settings, then this is done simply: "Start" - right-click on "Computer" - "Properties". We find "Computer name, domain name and settings working group and then click "Change settings".

It is not necessary to set a password, so you can skip this step by clicking "Next".

You will also need to enter a product key. You can find it on the bottom of the laptop or on a special sticker on the system block(in the event that you purchased the equipment along with a licensed disk).

If the software was installed from another disk, then the key must be indicated on the box. Well, if the system was installed illegally, you can skip this item and forget about this issue for about a month. After 30 days, the beautiful picture on the desktop will be replaced by a black screen, and some functions and devices may turn off. If this does not bother you, then you can safely work with the system further or be puzzled by finding a suitable key on the Internet.

When choosing the type of update installation, it is best to use the recommended settings. If the system does not automatically update, then sooner or later there may be minor problems with the most commonly used programs. The update fixes minor bugs and optimizes the OS.

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disc or from a flash drive

Sometimes it happens that there is no disk with Windows, or the CD-ROM is blind and categorically refuses to cooperate. Do not despair, there are no hopeless situations. There are several ways to install the system using other media. For example, you can reinstall Windows 7 from a flash drive.

Reinstalling the system using a flash drive

First, download the OS image to your computer. After that, install the Ultra Iso program or you can use Daemon Tools, the algorithm is approximately the same.

Next, we take a flash drive or memory card, but it’s worth noting right away that the BIOS will not see any of the drives installed via the USB-3 connector, so be careful and use USB-2. Externally, the connectors do not differ; in some devices, USB-3 is marked in blue. If there is no identification mark, then everything is simple. We find in any search engine information about the characteristics of a laptop or computer, and then - information about which side the connectors we need are installed on.

To prepare a flash drive for further work, it must be formatted even if there is nothing on it. Then we perform the following actions:

  • In UltraIso, open the Windows 7 image that we have already downloaded (“File” - “Open” - select the program image).
  • We find "Self-upload" in the top menu and select "Burn hard disk image".
  • In the window that opens, specify the formatted flash drive.
  • We confirm the check, and set the recording method to USB-HDD +.
  • Click "Record".
  • We agree with the fact that all files will be erased from the USB flash drive (although we formatted it, we still set it to “Yes”).
  • Voila! If we see “Recording completed”, then the job is done, and you can start reinstalling.
  • We go to the BIOS in a known way, described above, and in the First Boot Device we select the recorded USB flash drive.

Reinstalling Windows 7 using a DVD image

Another way will tell you how to reinstall Windows 7 via CD-ROM without a license disc.

Why DVD? Everything is elementary, a regular CD will not work for the only simple reason - there is not enough volume, and the OS image "weighs" about 3 GB.

If for these purposes you decide to use a DVD disc that already has something on it, then, as in the situation with a flash drive, you need to resort to formatting.

Now we open the already known program UltraIso, go to "File" - "Open" and find the downloaded image of "Windows".

Then we go to the "Tools" menu and click "Burn CD image", in the window that appears, check the box for "Check", dutifully agree with the fact that everything on the disk will be destroyed and click "Burn".

That's all, after the message “Recording completed” appears, our disk is ready. We think everyone has already guessed what to do next. That's right: we go to the BIOS and select the recorded disk as the First Boot Device.

How to go back from Windows 7 to XP

Sometimes it is difficult for users to master new system, so it's easier for some to reinstall Windows 7 on XP. The installation procedure is not much different from that described earlier, with the exception of a few points:

  1. After proceeding to the installation, the system prompts you to choose which partition (that is, on which disk) the OS will be installed. In order to destroy the previously installed Windows 7 with the root, you need to select the appropriate partition. After that, there will be 4 formatting options to choose from, the only correct one of which is "Format the partition in the NTFS system". After that, the computer usually restarts and begins the installation of the system.
  2. If there is an urgent desire to install two operating systems at once on one computer or laptop, then, on the contrary, we select the partition that is not occupied system files. This is usually the D drive.

Reinstalling Windows 8 to 7

Despite the fact that most users positively rated the seventh version software from Microsoft, the "eight" has collected quite conflicting responses. Since the latest version is fundamentally different from all the previous ones, sometimes there is a desire to replace the OS.

In order to reinstall Windows 8 to 7, you will need to go into the BIOS and set the primary priority on the CD-ROM (how to do this was described earlier).

After that, we save the changes and proceed to boot from the disk or from another medium. Installation type at Windows change 8 by 7 can only be " New installation”, so the OS is different, there is no need to talk about any updates.

It is also necessary to delete all sections, including hidden ones. After that, no longer thinking about how to reinstall a Windows 7 computer, we do the rest:

  • specify the time, date and keyboard layout;
  • agree to the terms, indicate the username and computer;
  • enter the key, etc.

After installation (drivers)

As a rule, reinstalling Windows 7 on a laptop or computer is quite easy, but after the OS replacement process, many users have a number of questions. For example:

  • “Why did the image quality deteriorate after installing a new system?”
  • “Why does a computer or laptop not see a USB flash drive?”
  • "Why did the sound get worse?" etc.

All this happens most often when the reinstallation was carried out by downloading the OS or buying a disk from hand (you don’t have to think about how to reinstall a Windows 7 computer, but some “jambs” still pop up). In order to solve a number of such problems, it is enough to download the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer. Or pay attention to the drivers before reinstalling the system.

Let's take an example. Suppose, before reinstalling Asus Windows 7, the user was not puzzled by the question of saving data from his laptop, or he simply did not have the opportunity to do so. How to be?

It's simple, just type in the search engine the model (the manufacturer's company is enough) of the device and add the cherished phrase "Download drivers from the official site." Then go to the link of the manufacturer's website and there, in the appropriate form, indicate the full model of the laptop. Next, you have to download all the presented drivers one by one and install them one by one on the laptop. There are no tricks in the installation, since the drivers themselves install themselves where they should.

If, for one reason or another, the drivers went on a rampage and were installed in the wrong place, you can go to the device manager and force them to update.

In order to get into the remote control, you can simply type "Device Manager" in the search bar that pops up when you click "Start". Next, right-click on the driver that is marked with an exclamation mark. And we select "Update drivers", in the new window it remains only to indicate that the required files need to be searched on the computer itself and indicate the place where they were installed.

If all drivers are installed normally in the device manager, the image will improve and the screen resolution will increase to the required level.


The computer can “fly” at any time, so it is worth considering organizing a backup storage of high-value files before reinstalling Windows 7. This way you can save a lot of time after installing the system, because it is quite possible that even the most elementary programs ( Word, etc.) will have to be searched and installed again.

Reinstalling Windows 7 on a laptop or computer is not difficult; even a novice user can cope with this task. The main thing is to approach the issue responsibly and spend an hour trying to save all useful information from the computer before reinstalling the OS.

How to swap windows.
Hi everyone, today we'll talk about how to change windows in some places when loading, if 2 operating systems are installed in a computer or laptop.
I know several ways, I'll start with the first, where you only need to be able to work with administrator rights and a couple of mouse clicks. We will work directly from Windows, you will not need anything other than built-in tools.

Let's say that two operating systems are installed on a computer or laptop. And you want to swap windows so that the default one is now loaded, to access which you had to select the arrow in the boot menu. Not comfortable? Let's fix...

Swap windows. FIRST OPTION.

We need Homepage Control panels:

Select button Additional system settings:

click on the button Options... You will see the properties of the initial (before windows loaded) menu, and when you click on the field Operating system, loaded by default, and a list of other systems. You just have to choose the second one in the list, for example:

And save the changes. As you can see, the Startup and Recovery window also offers to change the countdown time before loading windows by default. Before loading, you have to wait half a minute - you are free to change it at your discretion.

Swap windows. SECOND OPTION.

The option is even faster. Click Start - in the Search programs and files field, type the command msconfig. In the configuration utility window, select the tab. In it, in the same manner, select the system you need from a small list, press the buttons in sequence Use by defaultApplyOK. You can reboot and see what you've done.

Swap windows. THIRD OPTION.

It will require the installation of the EasyBCD program. It just serves such tasks and can do much more than just swap windows. So, it is successfully applied to your computer. After installation, you need a button Edit Boot Menu(Edit Boot Menu):

This menu will allow you not only to swap systems at boot, but also to change their name or even delete the system entry from the menu if it is not needed, after which the faulty and deleted system will not boot.

I wish you success

Read: 201

Hello Jacob.

Unfortunately, now it is no longer possible to purchase a computer or laptop with the familiar and intuitive seven. Windows 8 is installed on all computers by default. The presence of a boot disk with Windows 7 does not yet guarantee an easy change of operating system, since the manufacturer includes protection that prevents changing the operating system.

And yet there is a solution. You need to remove the factory protection through the BIOS.

On the different computers BIOS opens differently. Someone must frequently press the F2 button during the reboot. Someone presses the DEL button during a reboot. There is a great variety of options from the F1 key to the F10 key. To calculate your magic button you will have to experience. Just try pressing different buttons during the next reboot. Pressing should be fast, frequent. You don't need to keep pressing the button.

Once you are in BIOS, you need to change the value UEFI Boot on CSM Boot. This action will allow you to allow booting from the boot drive.

Look at the picture. The BIOS default is UEFI Boot.

It's not possible to change the value just like that - the item is not yet available. You need to go to the BIOS in the security section - Security. Here you need to find the line Secure Boot.

To disable the feature that prevents downloads from installation disk, you need to change the Enabled value to Disabled.

From this point on, switching from UEFI Boot mode to CSM Boot mode becomes available.

Go to the Advanced section. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll down to the desired line and press ENTER. In the window that opens, instead of UEFI Boot, select CSM Boot and press ENTER.

Now everything is great! You can start installing "Windows" from the installation disk in normal mode.

Go to the Boot section, select boot from CD-ROM, press ENTER. Press F10 and then ENTER to restart your computer.

The computer will start to boot from hard disk drive, but from a DVD-ROM that is inserted into the drive and stores the intended installation operating system Windows 7. But, unfortunately, the problem is not solved yet.

You need to convert the partition style from GMT to MBR.

At hard drives New computers and laptops have a different style of partitions. It used to be MBR, but now it's GMT. Because of this, installing Windows 7 in normal mode is not possible.

During installation, the following error will be generated: "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has the GMT partition style."

You need to convert the disk from the GMT format to the classic MBR format.

Open a command prompt by pressing the Shift and F10 keys.

AT command line write the command " diskpart" and press ENTER. This will bring up a small program to work with the disk.

Open the list of disks on the computer using the command " list disk".

Select desired disk, which must be converted using the command " select disk 1". In this case, instead of one, you need to specify the number of your disk.

The disk has been selected - now it needs to be cleared. Enter the command " clean" and press ENTER.

Now it's time to convert the disk from GMT format to MBR format. Give the command " convert mbr".

Now you can safely put any operating system on your computer, even the "seven", even XP, even "Linux".

Right on the command line, you can create a primary disk partition and determine its size in megabytes.

To do this, type " create partition primary size=x", where x is the size you want to allocate to the operating system.

Team " format fs=ntfs label="System" quick" will allow you to format the created partition in file system NTFS. This system is designed to install any type of OS.

After that, return to the OS installation process, update and complete the installation.

Good luck with your installation!

Sincerely, Veronica.

For the correct operation of your compact portable PC, you need to know exactly how to reinstall Windows on a laptop. Many users often encounter the problem of reinstalling the OS and prefer to solve problems on their own. Let's describe a step-by-step brief instruction on how to reinstall Windows on a laptop from scratch.

Preparing to reinstall the OS

First of all, you need to make a copy of the necessary information from disk C, since the reinstallation process involves the destruction of all information from this disk. If there is an emergency reinstallation, then this step is skipped. It should be noted that if you have no idea how to reinstall Windows on a laptop or you are doing it for the first time, then it is better to invite a specialist. If you are unable to do so, please use the information below.

Selecting drivers for reinstalling the OS

So it will take boot disk operating system for your laptop. Modern laptop manufacturers equip PCs with operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows 8. However, earlier versions of this OS, such as Windows XP, are also in demand among users, so the question is: "How to reinstall Windows XP on a laptop ?" is still relevant today. It should be noted here that in order to reinstall Windows XP, SATA drivers are required, which can be included in Windows distribution XP or added by you yourself. Later versions of the OS already have built-in drivers. For those users who know how to reboot the system on desktop computers, the question is: "How to reinstall Windows on a laptop?" will be simple, they will easily figure out all the points.

Start reinstalling the OS

We insert the disk into the drive and turn on the laptop. By pressing del we go into the BIOS. AT different models laptops, entering the BIOS can be done in different ways: by pressing the F10, F1 or F2 keys. Next, the Boot tab is required, in which we choose the boot order of the laptop from CDROM. Go to the Exit tab, click on Exit Saving Changes. Further, the process of starting the laptop will occur from the boot disk that you inserted into the CDROM.

Installing the system from disk

We proceed to install the system from the disk. First you need to select or create a partition for Windows installation and specify its size. By clicking on it with the mouse, we proceed to formatting. The system will offer you two formatting options - fast NTFS and full FAT32. The most common option is NTFS, select and press Enter. After formatting is completed, the system starts the copy operation on HDD your installation files. After the system reboots, Windows starts up.

Data setup

Let's move on to setting up basic data, such as input language, your name, license key, computer name (any), administrator password, which you need to write down in the windows offered by the system. Then the time and date data are configured, while choosing the time zone of your region. The penultimate stage of the installation ends with the configuration network settings, where we select the tab "Regular options".

Completing the installation

To complete the system installation process, you must restart the laptop. We hope that you now understand how to reinstall Windows on a laptop. Good luck to you!

In the process, you will format local disk, which contains the current version of Windows. Simply put, before installing a new system there, you will have to erase all old data from it. The contents of the remaining disks should remain unchanged. But it is better to play it safe and first copy to the cloud or to physical media absolutely all the data from the computer that you are afraid to lose.

If paid programs are installed on your computer, do not forget to read the rules for working with licenses when reinstalling Windows in their documentation, otherwise you may lose them.

2. Create a boot disk or flash drive

If you want to install/reinstall licensed version Windows, make sure you have the correct activation key. Even if you are already using an activated system and just want to install the same version again, the old activation key may come in handy again.

  • If you already have a bootable USB flash drive or disk with the version of Windows that you are going to install, you can proceed to step 3. Otherwise, you need to download the Windows image from the Internet and burn it to any of the listed media according to the instructions below.
  • Decide on the version of Windows you'll be installing and make sure your computer meets its system requirements. This information can be found on the official Microsoft website or on the disc with the purchased Windows. Don't forget to also check that your computer supports bit depth. new version: 32 or 64 bits. In order not to miscalculate, you can install a version with the same bitness as your current version of Windows.
  • To create bootable flash drive with anyone way Windows found on the Web, you can use the program (with UEFI support) and proceed to step 3.

And below I will tell you how to create a boot disk or USB flash drive with an official system image using Windows 10 as an example.

3. Boot the system from a disk or flash drive

Now that you have the physical media with the desired Windows image, you need to go into the special BIOS software environment and select the disk or USB flash drive as the boot source here.

Perhaps instead of the classic BIOS you will see a more modern one GUI. Moreover, even in various older versions BIOS settings may differ. But in any case, the procedure will be approximately the same: go to the boot menu, select the desired media as the source and save the changes.

After that, the computer should boot from the selected disk or flash drive.

4. Run the installation wizard

If you did everything correctly, the Windows setup wizard will appear on the screen. Further actions do not exceed the complexity of installing an ordinary office program. You just have to follow the prompts of the system and wait until the files are unpacked. Unless you have to select a local drive to install the operating system and format it.

Also, be ready to enter your activation key during the process. But if you reinstall an already activated one on your Windows computer 10, then the step with the key can be skipped.

After installation is complete, your computer should boot into normal operating mode.

5. Install drivers

Modern Windows versions automatically load drivers. But if, after reinstalling the system, you notice that the video card, speakers, or anything else is not working correctly, you can use the driver autoload utility. Suitable, for example, free Driver Booster.

After completing all of the above, you can get to work. The computer must be ready.
