Setting up menu items in a contact. VKontakte menu types


Social network VKontakte. Somehow, while writing an article about that, he noted that one of the advantages or pluses is that, if desired, a person can freely retire from social network. And here is another plus regarding the functionality of the social network - the ability to make a VKontakte menu for yourself, located on the left panel. Because, I am sure that there are such sections of the menu that the user does not need.

In the same editable menu, there are My settings. Click My settings. By default, you are on the General tab. The heading Additional Services appears in front of you, you see a list of possible menus. If you paid attention, then there are marks next to each line. Here, by checking these boxes, you will add a menu item to the left panel, but if you uncheck the box, the line from the menu will disappear. True, you will not be able to remove my friends, my photos and my videos, although theoretically there is such a possibility, but practically not. So it was with me. But I think that there are no such people who do not use the menu items my friends, my photos and my videos.

So edit the menu for yourself. Good luck!

If it was not possible to make a menu

It was not possible to make the Vkontakte menu according to this instruction, write to us by clicking Ask a Question. Write your problem and actions taken. We will answer personally.

Hello! I am Adel Davletshin, head of SMM projects at DrugMedia bureau

Community Private Messages

Surely, everyone has already seen the “Write a message” button and knows about community messages. This feature allows you to set feedback with community administration. If administrators may not notice a comment under the news a month ago or in one of a dozen discussions, then +1 in community messages is hard not to notice.

To start using this feature, you need to enable it. The settings for this section are located in the "messages" tab in the community management.

It's cool that you can write a greeting message. You can also add a group to left menu social networks, where +1 will appear opposite the community when you receive a new message to the group.

Description, info

Tabs with information about the community and wiki pages are now always visible, even if the news is pinned in the group. Therefore, it is important to complete the description and the wiki section so that subscribers can understand the value of the group. It will be sad if someone wants to read the description of the group, and there is emptiness.

The section that we call "articles" can be called whatever you like. We go into this section, click "edit" and write any suitable name for the content. It can be tips, interesting news, menus or articles from experts.

We already wrote tips for compiling a group description in this article:

Wiki menu

The functionality and usefulness of the wiki menu has not changed in any way. But we want to remind you of the importance of having a menu to help subscribers navigate the group. If you design the menu in the style of the community cover, there will be beauty in general :)

You can learn how to work with wiki markup here:


In groups, applications are highlighted in a separate block on the right. Conveniently, the name of the button can be changed in the "community management" settings. But it is upsetting that only one application can be added to the community. Therefore, you have to choose which one suits you best.

Even if you don’t sell tickets, don’t sign up for an event, and don’t accept applications, it’s worth adding a questionnaire or a joke poll to engage subscribers in communication and get feedback.


Decorates the group with a completed Products section. Place in this section the products or services that you sell. So subscribers can quickly navigate, choose and order what they need. You can add current promotions and discounts to products.

Don't forget to choose suitable images for product design, add description, price and feedback channel. Users will see all this by clicking on a specific product and will be able to contact you.

And if you don’t sell anything and your services are free, it’s still worth talking about your capabilities and adding them to your call-to-action products. For example, it can be a search for an employee, and some kind of joke product, as well as a survey in the application to engage subscribers in communication.



Share links to your site, accounts in other social networks and links to other useful sources in the "links" block. It is sad to see in groups a link to instagram with the caption "Our instagram!" or no signature at all. What is your instagram? What should I do with it? Why go there? It is important to label these links in a way that generates interest. This can be done with a short description and a call to action. For example, "choose in a convenient catalog on our website." Short, useful and clear.



There were also those who asked “Why formalize contacts when there are community messages?”. Counter question: "Why not turn off all comments and delete discussions?". Because community posts are one of the feedback tools. Social media is made for communication. Agree that it is more pleasant to communicate with a person than with an impersonal community. By writing to a person from the “contacts” block, we understand with whom we are conducting a dialogue, who this person is and on what questions we can contact him. Therefore, you should not hide behind the name of the group and allow subscribers to see you and communicate in person.

Here are some examples of well-designed groups:

  • Good cover and product section

  • Short and clear description

  • A usefully filled section with wiki pages

  • Interesting test

  • Simple and clear menu

  • Useful Discussions

  • Bright album covers

Behind Last year VKontakte is actively changing and introducing more and more new tools and capabilities. It is important to keep up with innovations in order to make the social network community effective for your business or brand.

Do you have all the sections filled in the group? In order not to forget anything and not get confused, we have compiled a special checklist for the design of the community. Print, follow and check your employees against the checklist. Then you will be sure that you haven't missed anything. You can download the community design checklist

Good afternoon everyone. It's time to talk about managing various activities on our social media page. So, in this short article we will look at different kinds VKontakte menu and see how your VK page is managed through them.

? If you trust Wikipedia, then it gives the following definition. This is an interface element that allows you to select one of several listed program options (in our case, the VKontakte site). In modern operating systems the menu is the most important element GUI user.

Same with VK. Using the menu, you can quickly navigate through the sections of the site, go to the page settings, quickly perform various activities, such as searching, sorting, etc. Let's look at what types of menus exist, and why each of them is needed.

Three types of menu "VKontakte"

  • settings menu;
  • main side;
  • menu of sections or pages of Vkontakte;

Each of them is responsible either for certain settings or for certain actions. With their help, you can set up a profile or individual actions, as well as simply navigate through the sections.

Page setup menu

Access to it is in the upper right part of the page - where the thumbnail of our avatar is located. To activate, you just need to click on the thumbnail, and a drop-down list will open.

What is possible here do or change? In the “Edit” section, you can fill in or. In the “Settings” section, you can configure parameters such as, etc. If suddenly you have some question about the site, then go to the “Help” section, select desired section and read the information. To quickly find the answer you need, use the search in the help topics.

The last item “Exit” allows you to end the current session. How to exit VKontakte on various devices, described.

All user page settings and profile information are configured through this menu. As a rule, all these actions are performed at. If you recently started a page in VK, then we advise you to set up and fill out your profile, and at the same time deal with all sections of this menu (see the articles on the links above).

Main menu. Pages "VKontakte" and access to them.

The side menu is the basis of work and navigation on the site. All the main pages of VKontakte are collected here. let's consider full list sections and find out who is responsible for what.

  • Games. The name speaks for itself. All the games of the VKontakte social network are located here, as well as the latest games that you and your friends played (and what they achieved in these games);
  • Goods. Here is a list of all products that are sold on the social network. You can use the search to find the product you are looking for, or you can add your own product.

The last two sections are “Bookmarks” And "Documentation" disabled by default. In short… Bookmarks show photos, videos, products or news that you liked (and liked). You can also bookmark people of interest to you or interesting links so you can quickly find them later. Documents displays all the attachments you have sent in messages or any documents you have uploaded to the site. As a rule, most users do not really need these sections, so they are not initially displayed by default, but you can always add them there if you wish. Below we will talk about how to add or remove sections from the sidebar.

VK page menu.

The page menu (or auxiliary) has such sections as “News”, “Messages”, “Friends”, “Groups”, “Products”, “Bookmarks” and “Documents”. It is located in the upper right corner and consists of several items. It was created to perform certain operations on the page, sort data, manage advanced search, etc. Let's look at an example of the auxiliary menu of the "News" page. This is how it looks like:

For example, you can use it to sort news and display only new photos or videos, news from friends or communities, and also view comments under the media you like. Here you can also see recommended news, find the news you need from a huge list, see updates from your friends and communities. We will consider this menu in more detail in the article about.

As we can see, the page menu is a very handy tool for sorting or searching for a specific section. With it, you can flexibly sort the events that have occurred in the life of a social network or almost instantly find the necessary news using the advanced search.

Let's take another look at the secondary menu on the Friends page. It looks like this:

As we can see, here you can also sort flexibly - show all friends, or only new ones. You can view friend requests, and using the “Phone Book” section, you can display your friends' contacts (phone or Skype) as a list. In the “Friends Lists” section, you can sort your friends by the categories you have placed them in (relatives, best friends, colleagues, etc.), as well as through the “Search” section, you can find friends using the advanced search with many different parameters.

As we can see, the auxiliary menu is a powerful sorting and searching tool. In the following articles, when we consider each page of VKontakte separately, we will study each menu in depth and analyze in detail what each item is responsible for.

How to make a VKontakte menu

You can add or remove some items from the main side menu. It should be remembered that there are sections that cannot be removed from there. These include sections:

  • My page;
  • News;
  • Messages;
  • Friends

All other items at your discretion, you can add to the main menu or remove from it. This is done simply. Go to the settings menu, item “Settings”, tab “General”.

Next, we go to the item settings window. Here we can check the boxes next to the items we want to display. When the required sections are selected, it remains only to click the “Save” button. As we have already said, the first four items are mandatory, and it will not work to turn them off.

That's all. Now you can go to the main page and see the updated menu. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. This concludes our article.

Hello, friends. Everything moves, everything changes. The social network Vkontakte also does not stand still. So my publication on the creation of a single Vkontakte Avatar + Menu block has become irrelevant today. Now, when creating a group, the News block, which was necessary for such a menu, is simply missing.

Fortunately, Vkontakte has the ability to create wiki pages. With the help of such a wiki page, we can create a community menu, and then pin this menu to the top of the group.

So, let's go in order.

How to create a wiki page?

1. Create a link in the address bar of your browser that looks like this:

  • xxx– id of your group or public page;
  • Page_title- any word that you name your page.

How to find out the id of your community? If the id is not contained in the link, for example, , it can be found as follows. Click on the heading of the group wall, where the number of publications is written.

The wall of your community will open separately. There will be numbers in the address bar. This is your community id.

Follow the link you created and click "Fill with Content".

3. Fill your page with content. For example, we need graphic menu as separate buttons. First, we create the entire picture.

Then we cut it into separate buttons. In this specific case we should get four pictures-buttons.

We return to our page and, using the built-in editor, load our button pictures.

After uploading all the images, it should look like this:

By clicking on any of the pictures, you can specify a link to the page where this menu item will lead. This can be either a page of your community or a page of an external site or online store.

We create a menu.

You should get the following entry on the wall of your Vkontakte group:

How to pin a menu?

It remains for us to pin the menu at the top of the group. To do this, click on the text in front of the picture in the post. In the window that opens, at the bottom right, click “Pin”.

All. Now we should have something like this:

If you want to make the menu and the avatar look like one, just choose the picture in such a way that it is a logical continuation of your group's avatar.

In all Vkontakte communities where information can be structured, I recommend making a menu. This will certainly increase the usability of your community. And how to fix the Vkontakte menu, we have sorted it out on specific example. It remains to wish you good luck in the development and promotion of your communities!

If you are subscribed to a large number of Vkontakte groups, then the "bookmark" function may be useful to you, which allows you to separate the communities that are most interesting to you in order to quickly find them. In order to use this feature, you must first access your bookmarks. To do this, go to the page settings, which are located in the menu under the small avatar in the upper right corner. Here you need to click on the "customize the display of menu items" tab.

Make sure that in this section you have a check mark under the “bookmarks” item. Then you can click on the "save" tab. This item will appear in your sections on the right side of the page.

Now you can go to any group you want to bookmark. To do this, under the main avatar, click on the three horizontal dots next to the “you are in a group” tab. One of the options that will be available to you is “add to bookmarks”. Here you can, and vice versa, remove the group from the bookmarks.

Now you need to go to the "bookmarks" section, which is located on the right side of the page, and select the "links" subsection there. All groups that you have bookmarked will be displayed here.

In addition, if you are a group administrator, then you can add your group to the sections located on the right side of the page. To do this, go to the group, and click on the tab with three horizontal dots, and select the "add to left menu" item there. As an owner, this will make it easier to quickly jump into your group. If you are not a community admin, given function will be missing.

Good afternoon everyone. It's time to talk about managing various activities on our social media page. So, in this short article, we will look at various types of VKontakte menus and see how our VK page is managed through them.

? If you trust Wikipedia, then it gives the following definition. This is an interface element that allows you to select one of several listed program options (in our case, the VKontakte site). In modern operating systems, the menu is the most important element of the graphical user interface.

Same with VK. Using the menu, you can quickly navigate through the sections of the site, go to the page settings, quickly perform various actions, such as searching, sorting, etc. Let's look at what types of menus exist, and why each of them is needed.

Three types of menu "VKontakte"

  • settings menu;
  • main side;
  • menu of sections or pages of Vkontakte;

Each of them is responsible either for certain settings or for certain actions. With their help, you can set up a profile or individual actions, as well as simply navigate through the sections.

Page setup menu

Access to it is in the upper right part of the page - where the thumbnail of our avatar is located. To activate, you just need to click on the thumbnail, and a drop-down list will open.

What is possible here do or change? In the “Edit” section, you can fill in or. In the “Settings” section, you can configure parameters such as, etc. If suddenly you have some question about the site, then go to the "Help" section, select the desired section and read the information. To quickly find the answer you need, use the search in the help topics.

The last item “Exit” allows you to end the current session. How to exit VKontakte on various devices is described.

All user page settings and profile information are configured through this menu. As a rule, all these actions are performed at. If you recently started a page in VK, then we advise you to set up and fill out your profile, and at the same time deal with all sections of this menu (see the articles on the links above).

Main menu. Pages "VKontakte" and access to them.

The side menu is the basis of work and navigation on the site. All the main pages of VKontakte are collected here. Let's look at the full list of sections and find out who is responsible for what.

  • Games. The name speaks for itself. All the games of the VKontakte social network are located here, as well as the latest games that you and your friends played (and what they achieved in these games);
  • Goods. Here is a list of all products that are sold on the social network. You can use the search to find the product you are looking for, or you can add your own product.

The last two sections are “Bookmarks” And "Documentation" disabled by default. In short… Bookmarks show photos, videos, products or news that you liked (and liked). You can also add interesting people or interesting links to your bookmarks so that you can quickly find them later. Documents displays all the attachments you have sent in messages or any documents you have uploaded to the site. As a rule, most users do not really need these sections, so they are not initially displayed by default, but you can always add them there if you wish. Below we will talk about how to add or remove sections from the sidebar.

VK page menu.

The page menu (or auxiliary) has such sections as “News”, “Messages”, “Friends”, “Groups”, “Products”, “Bookmarks” and “Documents”. It is located in the upper right corner and consists of several items. It was created to perform certain operations on the page, sort data, manage advanced search, etc. Let's look at an example of the auxiliary menu of the "News" page. This is how it looks like:

For example, you can use it to sort news and display only new photos or videos, news from friends or communities, and also view comments under the media you like. Here you can also see recommended news, find the news you need from a huge list, see updates from your friends and communities. We will consider this menu in more detail in the article about.

As we can see, the page menu is a very handy tool for sorting or searching for a specific section. With it, you can flexibly sort the events that have occurred in the life of a social network or almost instantly find the necessary news using the advanced search.

Let's take another look at the secondary menu on the Friends page. It looks like this:

As we can see, here you can also sort flexibly - show all friends, or only new ones. You can view friend requests, and using the “Phone Book” section, you can display your friends' contacts (phone or Skype) as a list. In the “Friends lists” section you can sort your friends by the categories you have placed them in (relatives, best friends, colleagues, etc.), and also through the “Search” section you can find friends using an advanced search with many different options .

As we can see, the auxiliary menu is a powerful sorting and searching tool. In the following articles, when we consider each page of VKontakte separately, we will study each menu in depth and analyze in detail what each item is responsible for.

How to make a VKontakte menu

You can add or remove some items from the main side menu. It should be remembered that there are sections that cannot be removed from there. These include sections:

  • My page;
  • News;
  • Messages;
  • Friends

All other items at your discretion, you can add to the main menu or remove from it. This is done simply. Go to the settings menu, item “Settings”, tab “General”.

Next, we go to the item settings window. Here we can check the boxes next to the items we want to display. When the required sections are selected, it remains only to click the “Save” button. As we have already said, the first four items are mandatory, and it will not work to turn them off.

That's all. Now you can go to the main page and see the updated menu. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. This concludes our article.

Less than a quarter of respondents name United Russia as their representative (23%), followed by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (11%), LDPR (10%) and A Just Russia (4%).

Parties, in the opinion of citizens, primarily defend the interests of the oligarchs (as 28% of respondents believe), the authorities (17%), and their leaders (12%). And only 10% of Russians see them as defenders of the interests of certain social groups, another 15% - different social groups depending on the party. At the same time, political forces generally successfully solve two problems - the preparation of new laws (as 50% believe) and participation in elections (48%), while protecting the interests of citizens in disputes with authorities (32%), business structures (28%). %) and the provision of targeted assistance to those in need (25%) is given to them worse, the respondents believe.

Defender party and left turn

The study shows a high demand for a left turn in politics - 41% of respondents are in favor of such ideals (up to two answers could be selected in the survey). When asked about expectations from the ideology of a hypothetical new party, 22% of respondents named support for a socially oriented state (high taxes and the level of social protection), 19% - a left-wing socialist party (support for workers and nationalization of wealth).

Liberal market ideals are supported by 34% (17% - for the party in support of small business and another 17% - for the liberal party with the ideology of protecting freedom of speech and choice).

The patriotic and conservative platforms were supported in total by 28% (protection of the country's interests in the foreign arena and traditional values ​​are of interest to 18% and 10% of the respondents, respectively).

For the majority, the basic value expectations from the program of the new party are rather the well-being within the country and a decent standard of living for ordinary citizens (81%), rather than maintaining the country's authority in the world (15%).

Respondents are primarily concerned about creating conditions for the development of the economy (66%), and not about maintaining the state system (20%), promoting the country's integration into the international community (62%), and not supporting isolation from the outside world (21%).

The respondents were roughly divided in half according to their preferences between liberal and conservative values. For 51%, it is more important to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, rather than traditional values, the institution of the family (42%). Ideological party expectations are associated with age. The older the respondents, the lower the demand for liberal ideas (the lack of parties that protect freedom of speech is reported by 32% among respondents under 25 and only 11% in the group over 60).

The ideal party for many respondents should fight for an increase in payments, pensions, benefits (32%), against corruption (29%) and for justice (27%). Also popular are requests for price controls (22%) and advocacy for the poor (21%). Other distinguishing features of the desired party are dialogue with the population (34%) and accountability to the people (32%), the nomination of ordinary people in elections (21%) and the creation of the party itself on the initiative of ordinary people (20%), the fight against officials (17% ) and the purity of the ranks - the absence of oligarchs and officials among its supporters (15%).

“A pronounced public demand for a defender party declaring a rather populist set of promises, with effective information support and a decrease in trust in the ruling party against the backdrop of an economic downturn, can bring such a party structure to the level of significant competitors” United Russia', the researchers conclude.

Leftist ideas have become the norm for public consciousness, political scientist Nikolai Mironov believes. According to him, the current political system was stable while "mimicking" a socially oriented one, but now there is a crisis of confidence in this system on the part of Russians. “The people are fighting for social guarantees, not for human rights, and therefore only those systems that declare social norms will live,” the expert believes. “That was the reason for the long stability of the Soviet system.”

Hi all! So, instructions on how to make a menu in new version quickly and most importantly without errors in the code. By following the instructions exactly, you can make the menu yourself, quickly and correctly! Let's start ;)
1. open the menu picture in Photoshop or any graphic editor.

2. Check the size of the picture and if it is more than 600 pixels in width - change the size to 600, the height of the picture will change proportionally, do not set it manually!

3. Select the "cutting" tool and cut our picture into buttons.

4.Save the picture for WEB

This completes the work in Photoshop, go to our group.

5. Turn on the MATERIALS group in the settings, set it to Limited and click SAVE.

6. We go to the main page, the "latest news" tab, click "edit".

7. We went to the Wiki editor, now the most interesting) Change the name "fresh news" to "menu" or any other and click the camera icon, add all the cut pieces from the folder where we saved them.

If instead of the code you see images immediately after entering the wiki editor, switch the wiki markup mode!

Now we see the code for our menu, but it needs to be slightly modified to remove the spaces between the pictures. Now our code looks like this:

and by clicking "preview" we see that the pictures are not in their places and there are white stripes (spaces) between them

8. Fixing the code:
By default, VK puts maximum size images are 400px wide, the first button is 600px, we change the size of the first button 400x89px to 600px, we do not specify the height. We also add the nopadding tag to each line separated by a semicolon.
Attention! DO NOT PRESS ENTER after lines of code if you want two buttons side by side on the same menu bar. The editor will transfer to newline something that does not fit!

Code after editing:

Now, by clicking "preview" we see that everything has fallen into place:

We add links to each button to the code, for example, I make the first button non-clickable! Don't forget to remove the space between | And ].


9. making sure that everything is correct, click "save" and return to the page, please note that in the new version there is no "back to page" button, so just click the page name at the top

Hello! I am Adel Davletshin, head of SMM projects at DrugMedia bureau

Community Private Messages

Surely, everyone has already seen the “Write a message” button and knows about community messages. This feature allows you to get feedback from the community administration. If administrators may not notice a comment under the news a month ago or in one of a dozen discussions, then +1 in community messages is hard not to notice.

To start using this feature, you need to enable it. The settings for this section are located in the "messages" tab in the community management.

It's cool that you can write a greeting message. You can also add a group to the left menu of the social network, where +1 will appear opposite the community when you receive a new message to the group.

Description, info

Tabs with information about the community and wiki pages are now always visible, even if the news is pinned in the group. Therefore, it is important to complete the description and the wiki section so that subscribers can understand the value of the group. It will be sad if someone wants to read the description of the group, and there is emptiness.

The section that we call "articles" can be called whatever you like. We go into this section, click "edit" and write any suitable name for the content. It can be tips, interesting news, menus or articles from experts.

We already wrote tips for compiling a group description in this article:

Wiki menu

The functionality and usefulness of the wiki menu has not changed in any way. But we want to remind you of the importance of having a menu to help subscribers navigate the group. If you design the menu in the style of the community cover, there will be beauty in general :)

You can learn how to work with wiki markup here.

In VKontakte, for some time now, it has been possible to add your groups to the left menu. This is done, among other things, so that you can instantly receive notifications of new messages. Today we will show you how to add a group to the menu for a new design.

Everything is actually very simple. Hover your mouse over any of the menu items to make the gear icon appear. Click on it.

You will see a small window with several sections, including "General", "Communities", Games and Applications "(the latter may not be there if you do not have your own groups or added applications). You need to select the "Communities" section, in which you will see a list of groups. Select a group and check the box next to it. In our case, there is only one group, so there is no need to choose. But if you have multiple groups, you can check the box for all communities.

Now we return to our page or simply open VK and look in the left menu, where we see a quick link for the group.

If you add several groups to the menu, then the number of links will be proportional to the number of communities. That's all.

If you are subscribed to a large number of Vkontakte groups, then the "bookmark" function may be useful to you, which allows you to separate the communities that are most interesting to you in order to quickly find them. In order to use this feature, you must first access your bookmarks. To do this, go to the page settings, which are located in the menu under the small avatar in the upper right corner. Here you need to click on the "customize the display of menu items" tab.

Make sure that in this section you have a check mark under the “bookmarks” item. Then you can click on the "save" tab. This item will appear in your sections on the right side of the page.

Now you can go to any group you want to bookmark. To do this, under the main avatar, click on the three horizontal dots next to the “you are in a group” tab. One of the options that will be available to you is “add to bookmarks”. Here you can, and vice versa, remove the group from the bookmarks.

Now you need to go to the "bookmarks" section, which is located on the right side of the page, and select the "links" subsection there. All groups that you have bookmarked will be displayed here.

In addition, if you are a group administrator, then you can add your group to the sections located on the right side of the page. To do this, go to the group, and click on the tab with three horizontal dots, and select the "add to left menu" item there. As an owner, this will make it easier to quickly jump into your group. If you are not a community admin, this feature will not be available.

Good afternoon everyone. It's time to talk about managing various activities on our social media page. So, in this short article, we will look at various types of VKontakte menus and see how our VK page is managed through them.

? If you trust Wikipedia, then it gives the following definition. This is an interface element that allows you to select one of several listed program options (in our case, the VKontakte site). In modern operating systems, the menu is the most important element of the graphical user interface.

Same with VK. Using the menu, you can quickly navigate through the sections of the site, go to the page settings, quickly perform various actions, such as searching, sorting, etc. Let's look at what types of menus exist, and why each of them is needed.

Three types of menu "VKontakte"

  • settings menu;
  • main side;
  • menu of sections or pages of Vkontakte;

Each of them is responsible either for certain settings or for certain actions. With their help, you can set up a profile or individual actions, as well as simply navigate through the sections.

Page setup menu

Access to it is in the upper right part of the page - where the thumbnail of our avatar is located. To activate, you just need to click on the thumbnail, and a drop-down list will open.

What is possible here do or change? In the “Edit” section, you can fill in or . In the “Settings” section, you can configure parameters such as etc. If suddenly you have some question about the site, then go to the "Help" section, select the desired section and read the information. To quickly find the answer you need, use the search in the help topics.

The last item “Exit” allows you to end the current session. How to exit VKontakte on various devices is described.

All user page settings and profile information are configured through this menu. As a rule, all these actions are performed at. If you recently started a page in VK, then we advise you to set up and fill out your profile, and at the same time deal with all sections of this menu (see the articles on the links above).

Main menu. Pages "VKontakte" and access to them.

The side menu is the basis of work and navigation on the site. All the main pages of VKontakte are collected here. Let's look at the full list of sections and find out who is responsible for what.

  • Games. The name speaks for itself. All the games of the VKontakte social network are located here, as well as the latest games that you and your friends played (and what they achieved in these games);
  • Goods. Here is a list of all products that are sold on the social network. You can use the search to find the product you are looking for, or you can add your own product.

The last two sections are “Bookmarks” And "Documentation" disabled by default. In short… Bookmarks show photos, videos, products or news that you liked (and liked). You can also add interesting people or interesting links to your bookmarks so that you can quickly find them later. Documents displays all the attachments you have sent in messages or any documents you have uploaded to the site. As a rule, most users do not really need these sections, so they are not initially displayed by default, but you can always add them there if you wish. Below we will talk about how to add or remove sections from the sidebar.

VK page menu.

The page menu (or auxiliary) has such sections as “News”, “Messages”, “Friends”, “Groups”, “Products”, “Bookmarks” and “Documents”. It is located in the upper right corner and consists of several items. It was created to perform certain operations on the page, sort data, manage advanced search, etc. Let's look at an example of the auxiliary menu of the "News" page. This is how it looks like:

For example, you can use it to sort news and display only new photos or videos, news from friends or communities, and also view comments under the media you like. Here you can also see recommended news, find the news you need from a huge list, see updates from your friends and communities. We will consider this menu in more detail in an article about.

As we can see, the page menu is a very handy tool for sorting or searching for a specific section. With it, you can flexibly sort the events that have occurred in the life of a social network or almost instantly find the necessary news using the advanced search.

Let's take another look at the secondary menu on the Friends page. It looks like this:

As we can see, here you can also sort flexibly - show all friends, or only new ones. You can view friend requests, and using the “Phone Book” section, you can display your friends' contacts (phone or Skype) as a list. In the “Friends lists” section you can sort your friends by the categories you have placed them in (relatives, best friends, colleagues, etc.), and also through the “Search” section you can find friends using an advanced search with many different options .

As we can see, the auxiliary menu is a powerful sorting and searching tool. In the following articles, when we consider each page of VKontakte separately, we will study each menu in depth and analyze in detail what each item is responsible for.

How to make a VKontakte menu

You can add or remove some items from the main side menu. It should be remembered that there are sections that cannot be removed from there. These include sections:

  • My page;
  • News;
  • Messages;
  • Friends

All other items at your discretion, you can add to the main menu or remove from it. This is done simply. Go to the settings menu, item “Settings”, tab “General”.

Next, we go to the item settings window. Here we can check the boxes next to the items we want to display. When the required sections are selected, it remains only to click the “Save” button. As we have already said, the first four items are mandatory, and it will not work to turn them off.

That's all. Now you can go to the main page and see the updated menu. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. This concludes our article.
