Cannot find msvcp120 dll. How to fix MSVCP120 dll error - Solution

Sometimes when you start the game, you can stumble upon a sad window with the inscription: “the program cannot be started” or “msvcp120.dll is missing”. The cause of the problem is usually the activity of suspicious programs. A pirated application can remove the desired library or replace it with its own variant. Some dll files prevent the hack from working software, so the pirates replace them with their own version. As a result, a number of problems may appear, for example, system errors logonui.exe and igoproxy64.exe. An antivirus program can express its dissatisfaction with a suspicious library. Modified dlls are recognized by security systems as a virus, and as a result they are quarantined or thrown into the trash. If you find msvcp120.dll in one of these places, you can return it back. After that, add the library to the exceptions so that it does not become a victim of the antivirus again. In some cases, the file is there but not in the registry. You need to register the library in order for everything to return to normal. What should I do if msvcp120.dll is missing from my computer?

Options for action:

  • Msvcp120.dll download for Windows 7/8/10
  • Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

The fastest, but not the most reliable way to fix the error is to download the problematic library to your computer. On our portal you can download the msvcp120.dll file for free. We have an up-to-date version of the dll, checked by an antivirus. After downloading, you should figure out where to throw the library. For Windows 7 x32 and x64 are used different folders. In the first case, find the C:\Windows\System32 directory, and for a 64-bit system, look for C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Register msvcp120.dll in the system and the error will disappear.

If it remains, then download the package Microsoft Visual C++ from our site and install it. It will take a little more time, but this approach gives a positive result in most cases. After Visual installation C++, restart your computer and the msvcp120.dll error will no longer bother you.

Msvcp120.dll is an integral component, without which it is impossible to launch numerous programs and games. It is important to note that the dynamic library is included with C++. Often users face difficulties associated with this file. .dll for windows, you will not be able to open the desired application, and the following notification will appear on the screen:

Missing msvcp120.dll file on startup
Let's figure out what to do if Msvcp120.dll is missing, launch is not possible.

It is worth noting that this problem appears due to various reasons. The computer may not find the file, or the library is completely missing from the system. Most often, the Msvcp120.dll error is the result of installing game repacks, which are unlicensed copies of applications. During their installation, additional libraries are loaded and existing ones are updated, resulting in conflicts between files. Suspecting the content of malware, the antivirus removes the library.

Users of modern operating systems face such a problem.

The following instruction will fix the error, as a result of which it will again be possible to launch games and utilities.

Where to download the Msvcp120.dll file

Dll is an essential library for the functioning computer device. Because she's part of Microsoft visual studio 2013, it is recommended to download it along with the whole package. It should be noted that this is the safest and effective method, which is guaranteed not to harm the PC. You can find the free package on the official Microsoft website. You should not risk the health of your computer by downloading files from unverified sources that may contain unwanted software. You will waste precious time, and the problem will remain unresolved.

In order for the desired game to start, we perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the section where the programs for download are presented.
  2. Select the redistributable package. It is worth considering that Microsoft Visual Studio is a whole line of different products, so choose the one that suits you best among the versions displayed.
  3. Before downloading, in a new window you will be prompted to specify the language. You can easily find Russian in the list. To select it, just click on it once with the left mouse button.
Select language and download
  • Click on the option responsible for downloading - "download".
  • Specify the appropriate operating system. In the new window, you will see two options: vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe. The first one is for 32-bit OS. The second option is pressed if you have a 64-bit OS.

The download will then begin and will take a few minutes. You won't need to throw Msvcp120.dll anywhere. Just open the installer and install the package. After the operation is completed, select the "restart computer" function.

By following the instructions, you can easily fix the error. After rebooting the device, the program should start.

Separate download and installation

If you wish to download and install the file manually, separately from the bundle, then follow these steps:

  • Download the library.
  • Copy the downloaded file to system folder. If the OS is 64-bit, then transfer the library to the Windows 7x64 directory for Windows 7 and, accordingly, Windows 8x64 for Windows 8. This folder is located in SysWOW64В.
Folder where to put the file

In the case of a 32-bit OS, copying occurs to the system32 folder. It is worth noting that the system directory is located on drive C in a folder called "Windows".

When downloading games or running programs on Windows, you may receive the error below. Do not panic. This is a common problem with Windows and you can fix msvcr120.dll file be h labor and fast.

The program cannot start because MSVCR120.dll is missing from the computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this issue.

How to fix msvcr120.dll missing error?

To learn how to fix the MSVCR120.dll file, follow the solutions below. You don't need to check them; just follow the instructions until your problem is solved.

What is MSVCR120.dll file? MSVCR120.dll is an important file for the Windows operating system. This file is used to extract valuable application resources required during the third third party program installation. MSVCR120.dll is the corresponding C++ library. If MSVCR120.dll is missing, you will not be able to run games or other programs in C++ programming languages.

Note. All screenshots below are on Windows 10, but the fixes apply to Windows 7 and 8 as well.

Solution 1: Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages

The MSVCR120.dll file belongs to the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. If it is missing on your computer, something went wrong while installing this package. The easiest way to fix the msvcr120.dll file is to update packages from Microsoft.

Important A: Download the file from the official sites to avoid potential risks. Also, DO NOT download DLL files from unofficial websites in an attempt to replace your missing files. These are unauthorized sources for DLL files and may be infected with viruses. Therefore, it is recommended not to do this to ensure the security of your computer.

This should solve your issue. If not, try the following steps.

Solution 2: Do a clean install of the program

As stated in the error message, you can try to reinstall the program to fix it. The program file can get corrupted during installation, so a clean reinstall to have a complete and correct file might fix the problem.

Solution 3 – Run an antivirus for your system

On your system virus or malware may also stop launch dll file. Some errors like dll not found or dll missing refers to malware like Trojan that pretends to be dll files.

To check this possibility, perform a full system scan with an antivirus program. Maybe, Windows Defender won't help, so you can try other antivirus programs like Norton and AVG Antivirus Free.

Run a full virus scan for the entire Windows system and this may take several minutes. A quick system scan may not include many parts of your Windows, so please make sure you check every part of your computer.

After scanning, restart your computer. If, unfortunately, your Windows has been infected malware, follow the instructions shown by the antivirus program to fix it. Then restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Solution 4 – Run the Windows System File Checker

is a utility in Windows that allows users to scan for system corruption and repair corrupted files. So you can try to scan system files and repair missing or corrupted system files.

  1. Enter cmd in the search box.
  2. Click right click mice Command line and choose Run as administrator.
  3. Enter sfc /scannow in the window and click Enter .
  4. This process may take a while and it will attempt to fix issues automatically after the scan. Therefore, do not close the window until the verification is 100% complete. Once it's finished, try running the program that's giving the error to see if it works.

During the launch of some game or program, you might encounter an error informing you that the msvcp120.dll file is missing, as a result of which the application cannot be executed. What kind of file is this and how to fix this error? In this article, we will provide you with detailed answers to both of these questions.

What is the msvcp120.dll file for and why did the error occur with it?

DLL is an extension that stands for Dynamic Link Library. The functionality embedded in these types of files can be used by a huge variety of software installed on the system. The msvcp120.dll file itself is a library that is part of the Visual Studio C++ 2013 Redistributable Package.

Almost all applications in the operating Windows system written in the C++ programming language. In order for them to function properly, the Visual Studio C++ libraries of one version or another must be installed on users' computers. It is likely that the application you are running requested access to the msvcp120.dll library, but something went wrong and it did not succeed.

Why was the application unable to access msvcp120.dll? Well, the error message will indicate that the given library is missing from the operating system, however, this is not always the cause. For example, a library may be on the system, but it has been corrupted, for example by a virus, malware, or even by the user (accidentally, of course). However, sometimes the msvcp120.dll library is really not on the computer, because the Visual Studio C ++ 2013 package was not installed on the system.

How to get rid of the error with the msvcp120.dll file?

In fact, fixing the error with the msvcp120.dll file is incredibly simple: go to the official Microsoft website, download the Visual Studio C ++ 2013 redistributable package from the download section and install it. For your convenience, below you can find a link to both a package with 64-bit libraries, as well as 32-bit ones.

As soon as you download the redistributable package of the bitness you need to your PC (both are needed for 64-bit systems), run the installer, accept license agreement and start the installation process. That's all. After installing Visual Studio C++ 2013 on your computer, you should no longer experience problems with the msvcp120.dll library.

What should I do if the error with the msvcp120.dll file still appears?

Some users are unable to get rid of the problem with the stipulated library. If you are one of these "lucky ones", then we recommend that you follow the following series of steps:

  • go to "Programs and Features" (or "Apps and Features" for Windows 10);
  • find the Visual Studio C++ 2013 package;
  • right-click on it and select "Delete";
  • After removing possibly corrupted libraries, install Visual Studio C++ 2013 again using the above link.

In general, try reinstalling the Visual Studio C++ 2013 Libraries to fix the error with the msvcp120.dll file. As a general rule, after a reinstall, the problem should be resolved.

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A number of PC users, when starting a program (usually a game one), may encounter an error and the corresponding message “The program cannot be started because MSVCR120.dll is missing on the computer” (a similar file). As follows from the indicated message, the cause of this error is the absence of the msvcp120.dll file on the computer, which is part of the C ++ package for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. In this article, I will tell you what the Msvcp120.dll error is, what are its causes, and how to fix the error on your PC.

What is this Msvcp120.dll error

As I mentioned above, the reason for this error is the absence of the msvcp120.dll file on the computer, which is part of the libraries of the C ++ package for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. This package is used by many programs (especially gaming ones), and those in it DLLs (abbreviation for "Dynamic Link Library" - dynamic link library) have importance for the normal operation of said digital products.

The msvcp120.dll file usually ends up on the PC as part of other programs (it is not included in the basic package of the Windows OS), located on the computer at C:\Windows\system32 (Windows 32-bit OS), or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 ( 64-bit Windows OS), provided that operating system located on the C drive.

Also, the specified file can be installed as part of any of the game programs, and the main directory of the game (where it is usually located) may contain not the original, but a modified version of msvcp120.dll.

If the previously problematic program worked without failures, then the cause of problems with the msvcp120.dll library may be the action of virus (or antivirus programs), accidental (or intentional) deletion of this file by the user, as well as violation of the integrity of the structure hard drive(bad sectors). After we figured out what this msvcp120.dll error is, let's fix the absence of this file on the PC.

Fixing the MSVCR120.dll error on the computer

How to Fix Msvcp120.dll Error

There are several basic ways to get rid of the Msvcp120.dll error on your PC. Below I will list each one in turn.

Method number 1. Install the C++ package for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

The easiest way to fix the Msvcp120.dll error is to install the C ++ package for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 on your computer (it contains the library we need).

  1. To implement this, go to, select the language (Russian), and click on the "Download" button.
  2. Check the boxes next to the required files depending on the bitness of your system ( vcredist_arm.exe and vcredist_x86.exe- for a 32-bit system, vcredist_arm.exe and vcredist_x64.exe- for a 64-bit system), and click on the "Next" button at the bottom.
  3. Install these packages on the PC and then restart the PC, the problem I am considering may be resolved.

If you do not know what the bit depth of your system is, then click on the Win + Pause button combination, and in the window that opens, pay attention to the value of the "System Type" parameter.

Method number 2. Spot installation of the msvcp120.dll file

Another option is to download the msvcp120.dll file from the Internet, copy it to the system directory, and then register it in the system. To disadvantages this method its hypothetical danger applies, since instead of the necessary dll file, an inexperienced user can download various virus programs to his computer.

If you decide to engage in such a "point" installation, then go to the site and download from there given file(select the file according to the bitness of your system).

After downloading, copy this file to the C:\Windows\system32 directory (for 32-bit OS), or to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory (for 64-bit OS). I also recommend copying the specified file to the main folder of the program, upon launching which the error I am considering occurred.

Then you need to register the specified file in the system. To do this, press the key combination Win + R, in the plate that appears, enter: regsvr32 msvcp120.dll and press enter (it is recommended to carry out this procedure with account administrator).

Method number 3. Reinstall the problematic program

I also recommend reinstalling the game program, in which an error occurs with the msvcp120.dll file. If it was a pirated repack, then try using a repack from another author, or download this program from another (having a good reputation) network resource.

Try reinstalling the problematic program


What is msvcp120.dll? To solve the problem with the msvcp120.dll library, you need to download and then install the C ++ package for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 in the system. Also, if necessary, you can download only one msvcp120.dll library by copying it to the directory I specified on the hard drive. The implementation of the above methods will allow you to run the required program, thereby stabilizing normal work your PC.
