Why can't update windows. The computer freezes with the error "Windows updates could not be configured" - what should I do? Timely updating of anti-virus programs and their databases

Updated: 05/02/2017 Published: 2016 or earlier


Windows won't boot or it takes a very long time to boot and says "Could not configure windows updates Cancel changes. Don't turn off your computer."


During the installation of updates, an error occurred critical error that the system needs to correct. Since Windows doesn't know exactly which update caused the problem, it undoes all fixes that were last installed. If there are a lot of them, the system will take a long time to boot, which will create a feeling of a stuck boot.

Main reasons incorrect installation updates - an unexpected power outage or Internal error the code for the fix itself.


Step 1 - go to Windows:

We are waiting for the system to load. This will happen sooner or later (sometimes, you will have to wait up to 12 hours).

If you can't wait:

  1. Loading the system into safe mode- this does not always help, since Windows can also start rolling back updates in it.
  2. We start Windows recovery from the installation disk - you will have to work on the command line.

Step 2.1 - if you managed to wait for the system to boot or start it in safe mode:

Click right click mice by Computer - Properties - Windows Update - Settings.

In the window that opens, in the section Important updates choose Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me:

and press OK.

Now open Windows services and disable Windows Update:

We go to the folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete everything that is in it.

* more often, system disk- C, but this is not always the case. Take this note into account and change the letter if necessary.

Step 2.2 - if launched Windows recovery from disk:

Select command line as a recovery tool.

Run the following commands:

> ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download.old

* this command will rename the Download folder to Download.old, thus making the downloaded updates unavailable for the system.

> sc config wuauserv start= disabled

* disable the service automatic update Windows.

Step 3 - start Windows in normal mode:

After making the settings in step 2, restart the computer. It may happen that the system will start rolling back updates again. In this case, you will have to wait until the end of the procedure and restart the computer again.

Now turn on the update service and manually install Windows fixes. But we will not install all the packages at once, since this is precisely what leads to problems. We select several updates, wait for their installation and restart the computer. So until all the fixes are installed.

The version consists in the fact that update packages constantly released by Microsoft, even when automatic search and installation is enabled, are not always installed. At the same time, the system displays a message stating that the Windows 10 update package could not be installed. Why this happens, and how to fix such failures, read on. There are not so many ways, but in most cases they turn out to be quite effective and eliminate the problems that arise.

Why updates fail to install Possible causes

As for the manifestation of such failures, there can be quite a lot of situations: from the banal impact of viruses to the errors of the system itself.

Sometimes the system may report that it was not possible to install some Windows 10 updates or configure them also due to lack of free space in system partition, clogged with incorrectly downloaded cache update files, firewall blocking the Internet connection, etc. But this is rare.

Windows 10 update fails to install: what to do first?

However, let's see what can be done in such a situation. If the user sees a message stating that the Windows 10 update cannot be installed, the failure may be due to the incorrect functioning of the service itself, which is responsible for the operation of the Update Center.

First of all, you can try to set the search for available updates in manual mode. To do this, use the settings section, called directly from the main Start menu, where the update and security menu is selected, after which the button for checking for updates is pressed in the Update Center. Everything that is found, at the end of the search, will need to be integrated into the system or select only what needs to be installed.

Along the way, in the same section, use Extra options and make sure that the recommended automatic mode is used for checking and installing updates.

Troubleshooting system tools

Another method for fixing the situation when the system fails to install the Windows 10 update is to use the built-in troubleshooting tool, which is called from the classic Control Panel (control command in the Run console), where the search bar is selected in the system and security section and problem fixes.

Next, the use of the "Update Center" is selected, the "Advanced" button is pressed in the new window, after which the run as administrator is applied (you can also check the box on the line for automatically applying fixes).

Next, the troubleshooting process is activated. The results will most likely indicate database corruption of the Update Center itself, after which you need to use the patch application string. After that, a report on the resolved failures will be displayed.

Fix crashes with a utility from Microsoft

Let's consider another tool. Let's assume that after applying the described tools, the updates could not be installed (the Windows 10 update log may contain information about errors).

In this case, you can go to the official Microsoft website and download a small utility from it to prevent this kind of errors from appearing. It's called windows update Diagnostic.

After running the utility, you just need to follow the instructions, after which the report will show the problems that were resolved or not. If there is an entry relating to the Service registration component, you will have to check the integrity of the system Windows files(sfc /scannow in a command prompt run with admin rights).

Activation of the "Update Center" service

However, it is possible that the system is unable to install Windows 10 updates just because the service itself is in a deactivated state.

You can check this in the corresponding section, which is called by the services.msc command in the Run console. Here you need to find the "Update Center" service, double click go to edit parameters and check it out. If the service start button is active in the window, then it is really turned off. We press the start button, and at the same time we check the startup type (it must be set to manual, as it was by default).

Actions with the system registry

Rarely, of course, but sometimes you can encounter update errors related to duplicating user profiles. This problem can only be fixed in the Registry Editor (regedit in the Run menu).

In the HKLM branch, you need to go down the directory tree and find the ProfileList directory there, as shown in the image above. In each directory, check for the presence of the ProfileImagePath parameter. If several sections contain a link to the directory of the same user, the extra lines must be removed. You can easily identify them. Only those lines for which the value of the RefCount parameter is set to zero, or those lines in the name of which there is “.bak” at the end, will be superfluous

SoftwareDistribution Catalog

Finally, very often problems with installing updates are associated with the SoftwareDistribution folder and its contents, which is located in the main directory of the system. To fix the problem, this directory must be renamed by adding, for example, “Old” at the end of the name and first disabling the “Update Center” service, as shown above, but with the system booting in safe mode.

You can also do this from a command prompt starting with administrator rights (or from removable bootable media), where you enter the command ren c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old. After that, the system is restarted in normal mode. Next, you can check for updates. If the installation goes without problems ( new folder with the initial name will be created automatically), you can delete the renamed directory and re-enable the update service.

From the first minutes of working on a computer, each user slowly discovers a completely new world computer capabilities. It has a place for the vast expanses of the Internet, and a bunch of ultra-modern programs, applications, games, thanks to which life becomes much easier and more interesting. At the same time, in the computer “barrel of honey”, there are also enough of their spoons with tar in the form of system failures, glitches and errors, from the elimination of which sometimes the head is spinning. What do you want to do if Windows 7 updates are not installed on the PC? How can one explain such behavior?

Reason #1: Incorrect download of updates

As practice shows, the update package for Windows 7 is most often not installed on the system due to problems with its download. The essence of the process is that it is initially loaded into the cache and stored there until the user gives the green light to the Windows Update service to install these files on the computer.

As a result, if the download is incorrect, it becomes impossible to install them into the system. At the same time, a new attempt to download updates will also be unsuccessful, because the cache accessed by Windows 7 will display files downloaded with an error.

What is the way out of this situation? Right! Delete updates from the cache, download them again and then install them on your computer without the slightest problem. Our favorite command line will help us with this. We launch it through the "Start" menu by typing three English letters cmd and clicking the value that appears in the "Programs" line with the mouse:

After that, enter into the command line, alternating with pressing Enter, the following commands:

  • net stop wuauserver
  • ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.OLD
  • net start wuauserver

After completing them, we go to the "Update Center ..." and manually update the system. If you wish, you can also remove previously installed problematic files from the update package here:

Reason #2: Problems in the Windows Registry

More than half of all failures in installing updates to 7-ku are accompanied by the appearance of error 80070308, which in turn can be caused by incorrect operation of the Windows registry.

How to deal with this problem? First you need to call the Run utility by pressing + R, drive the regedit command into it and click the OK button. Next, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section, select the COMPONENTS tab and delete the PendingRequired item in it:

After that, it remains only to restart the system and re-download the updates.

Reason #3: Update service failure

Problems installing updates on a Windows 7 computer can also be caused by a problem with the corresponding service. How to bring her back to life? To get started, in the Start menu, type search query"Services" and click on the appropriate program in the list that appears. Then, in the displayed list of services, you need to find the "Update Center ..." tab, click on it with the mouse and stop the service by clicking the "Stop" button:

Further, without closing the system window, on the hard disk you will need to find in the directory Windows folder SoftwareDistribution and manually delete all the data that is stored in it. After that, you need to return to the "Services" window, find the "Update Center ..." item again, right-click on it and select the "Run" option. Having done this, all that remains is to restart the computer and search for and install updates.

Note that the Fix it utility can also help in this case:

It works in automatic mode, so there should not be any difficulties when working with it. If it does not help, try performing a system rollback:

Other causes and solutions

No matter how trite it may sound, errors in installing updates on a Windows 7 PC can also be associated with a lack of free space on the hard drive. So, in order for the system to be fully updated without the appearance of frightening messages about system failures, you need to have at least 5 Gb available. free memory on the hard drive. If the mark is moving towards this indicator, you don’t even have to ask why the system suddenly hung when installing updates, and I can’t do anything with it at all.

What solution can be? It's easier, of course, to remove from the hard drive junk files and forget about the problem. If this is not possible, you will either have to abandon the idea of ​​​​updating, or buy a removable HDD and throw all the information on it. But maybe still remove the unnecessary, huh?

Meanwhile, problems with Windows update 7 may also occur due to lack of internet connection or proxy server errors. The solution here is simple - we check the Internet settings, reconnect to the network and update the system. At the same time, it would be nice to check the operation of the anti-virus program / firewall: does it accidentally block update files and access to the Microsoft website. If this is the case, you will need to either disable it temporarily or remove it if the process repeats.

For the stable operation of the operating system and to reduce the number of vulnerabilities, developers are constantly releasing updates. operating room Windows system- not an exception. But sometimes there are situations when the update cannot be installed for one reason or another, and the operating system hangs during update.

In this case, the user will see a message on the screen that says “Windows updates could not be configured. Cancel Changes. Such situations occur due to the release of incorrect updates. This article will discuss two ways to resolve this error.

Method 1: Perform a System Restore

To do this, you need to boot from a USB flash drive or recovery disk and run it during system recovery. First you need to insert the recovery disk or USB flash drive into the computer, and reboot the system. Next, you need to go to the PC boot menu, often pressing the keys in turn F2 and Del. In the BIOS boot menu, you need to select as a priority device for booting CD Rom or USB-HDD, depending on the media being used.

After the flash drive or disk is loaded, you will need to select the item "".

After that, you will need to select the operating system used, after which a window with recovery settings will launch. In the window that appears, you must select a restore point that must be created before installing the "ill-fated" updates.

After selecting the desired point, you need to click " Ready”, after which the system will start recovery. After this operation, the user will be prompted to restart Windows. After a reboot, the system should boot normally.

Method 2. Using LiveCD.

If the previous method did not solve the problem, then there is a more difficult way.

To do this, you need to boot the system using boot disk LiveCD to boot from file manager and remove all information from the directory

This will require you to stop the Windows Update service.

There are a lot of different kinds of LiveCD on the Internet. You can also use the professional Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset. Booted from this disk(flash drives) you need to select the item ""

Next, go directly to Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset. In the window that opens, select " Conductor» (Explorer), which will open a directory tree in which you need to go to the directory C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download.

Unfortunately, even the latest versions of Microsoft operating systems do not always allow you to correctly install Windows updates. In principle, if the user does not need them or is simply disabled, there is nothing wrong with that. This will not radically affect the operation of the system. But what to do when the user follows the recommendations of Microsoft, and updates are not installed?

Why Windows Updates Can't Be Configured: Common Failures and Errors

If we talk about the root causes that entail the failure of the system to search for and install constantly released updates, there can be quite a lot of them. At the same time, messages containing notifications about the impossibility of updating the system can also be completely different.

So, for example, the system may issue the same warning like “Windows update failed”, but then different error codes will be indicated corresponding to certain failures. The most common failures are considered to be errors with codes 643, 800b0100 and 0xc0000005 (they will be discussed in more detail a little later). Also, do not discount the possibility of a virus infection, as a result of which not only the file responsible for the update is damaged, but the entire update center service. In addition, quite often software conflicts between the system Windows Security(firewall, aka firewall) and installed antivirus software. True, mostly this problem applies only to free utilities like AVAST and the like.

However, the constantly dropping connection in terms of connecting to the Internet can also cause such problems. However, in this case, we will not consider them, but will focus only on the most basic problems.

Now let's see what can be done to correct such situations without affecting cases related to complete reinstallation systems, especially since most users resort to such a measure only as a last resort, which is quite understandable and understandable.

Windows Update: Checking basic options and settings

First you need to find out exactly what parameters and settings are involved in the update center itself. You can get to it through the standard "Control Panel". In Windows 10, you can use the properties menu, called by right-clicking on the "This PC" icon.

First of all, you should check if Windows is installed (this is the recommended default option). If this setting is disabled or changed, you can simply enable it. In theory, if you have an Internet connection, the system will immediately start searching for updates. If this process did not activate immediately, a restart may sometimes be required. computer system for the settings changes to take effect. But the trouble is that the usual inclusion of the main update mode does not always work, and the system again reports that it still cannot configure Windows updates (initially it is a search for available packages), not to mention the installation.

Using Manual Update

One of the easiest ways to check the system for operability in terms of installing updates is to use the update in manual mode (Windows Update also offers this possibility).

To start the search, you must first use the search function represented by the corresponding button, and then confirm the installation by clicking the "Install Now" button, of course, provided that updates are found.

What does it say? The fact that the file responsible for the search and installation of updates is damaged. How to fix this situation? To begin with, you can try to rollback (system restore) to a fixed state point, when such failures were not observed. As a last resort - check the system disk for errors with their automatic correction. But it is better to do this from the command line using commands like chkdisk c:\f \r or other varieties. However, perhaps the reason is different. There are several important points here.

Virus check

Damage to the desired file is most often associated precisely with the impact of viruses, which not only violate its integrity, but also prescribe their own commands in the content. What it means, let's see.

The fact is that when you try to search for updates, any Windows operating system that provides such a function refers directly to official source(in our case, this is the online Microsoft update resource). When exposed to a virus, it creates another link, which, when used, redirects the system request to another location, very often not even existing. Therefore, as you might already guess, the system reports that it cannot configure Windows updates, in the sense of finding and installing them.

To solve this problem, it is highly recommended not to use standard scanners to check for viruses, but to give preference third party utilities, preferably portable. Among them, I think, the most worthy look such powerful programs, How Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (KVRT), Dr. Web Cure It! and the like.

These applications are good because, unlike most other tools, they do not delete infected files or quarantine them, but cure them. Agree, deleting the file responsible for the operation of the update center will not lead to anything good, but if you cure it, it is likely that the problem will disappear and the system will work normally.

Firewall and antivirus conflicts

Now let's approach the issue of when the installation of updates is not possible, somewhat from the other side. The essence of this section boils down to the fact that conflict situations, for example, when updates for Windows 7 or 8 should be installed (however, no difference), can also manifest themselves in the fact that the firewall and installed antivirus, so to speak, cannot divide the field of activity among themselves. This affects many programs, and at the same time partially affects the system itself for searching and installing updates.

The situation is simple: the same requests are interpreted differently by these two services. One considers the redirect safe, the other - on the contrary, and because of this, the active services themselves begin to block each other. What to do in this case? To begin with, you can try to add the antivirus to the list of exceptions in the same firewall.

Does not help? Try to disable either the firewall, or the antivirus, or both services at the same time during the update in the same manual mode (which is best solution). When the process of searching for and installing updates is completed successfully, no one bothers you to activate these services again.

In general, if you look at this problem globally, better antiviruses like AVAST or something similar, do not use, but install, although shareware, but commercial software. Of course, such programs will consume much more resources, but in most cases they will not miss viruses, and they will not conflict with Windows.

Windows problems after installing updates

But that's not all. Quite often, situations can arise when, for example, updates for Windows 7 are installed (even if not automatically, but manually), but after their installation, real problems begin, leading even to the complete inoperability of a computer or laptop.

As practice shows, such failures are mainly associated with several packages of updates themselves, which, as is already clear, are far from perfect. To solve such a problem, you will have to get rid of them, and it is not always possible to do this from the uninstall programs menu or disable Windows components.

Let's see how and which Windows updates should be uninstalled. The problem itself is related to two components, these are the KB2872339 and KB2859537 packages. You can even get rid of them without restoring the system, when you rescan it will try to install them again. Here you will have to use the Run menu or the command line, in which the wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2872339 command will be set and the same, but with a different update number, for the second package.

You can do otherwise and use the update log, for example, if the system allows you to boot in safe mode or from Updates in the log should be sorted by date. Then remove (disable) them one by one with each subsequent reboot of the computer until the normal operation of the entire system as a whole is restored.

.NET Framework Update

A fairly common problem after the update can also be called the appearance of error number 643. It signals that there are malfunctions Microsoft platforms.NET framework.

Here, the simplest solution is to download the latest version of the installation package and install all components with full integration into the system. Find latest version, of course, you can on the official Microsoft website in the updates and downloads sections.

Automatic Crash Correction Programs

However, if you are unable to set up Windows updates after all this, you can use automatic utilities such as Fix It and System Update Readiness Tool from Microsoft.

In some cases (not always, though), they help fix update errors completely automatically and do not require any special knowledge from the user.


It remains to be added that we have considered the most common situations with Windows update problems. Of course, before applying this or that solution, it is desirable to identify the root cause of failures, and only then give preference to some particular method. And not always automated utilities should be used in the first place, because they also have limited capabilities.
