We connect the SSD to the computer. Installing a solid-state SSD in a computer or laptop

Modern technologies do not stand still. There are more and more modern devices, which have a wide range of possibilities, best quality and higher scores. One such device is a solid state hard drive. In this regard, the question often arises, how to install an SSD in a computer?

But before moving on to the installation, let's take a look at what it is and why this device is needed?

What is an SSD

SSD stands for Solid-State Drive, which, translated into Russian, roughly means a solid-state hard drive. But why is it needed? This is a new type of hard drives, which are characterized by high speed reading and writing information. In other words, if you compare SSDs with older HDDs, the former have much higher data transfer rates.

This, in turn, increases PC performance and reduces boot times. operating system. But there is also a drawback. Such drives have certain limits on the number of recording and deleting files. In other words, if the hard drive on the SSD is constantly copied and deleted various files, then it will fail after some time, which cannot be said about HDD drives.

But still, even with such restrictions, the life of the drive is quite long. And the increase in performance, even in games, is very noticeable. It is worth noting that modern HDD drives have the same interface for connecting as a solid-state counterpart, so installing an SDD drive into a computer is easy and fast, without any special costs and difficulties.

Hot keys in Windows 8. Hot keys Windows 8: Video

How to choose a solid state hard drive

So we got to the question of how to install an SSD in a computer. Everything is basically simple. To begin with, let's look at what interfaces for connecting a hard drive can be. There are several of them:

  • ATA (the so-called IDE) is an outdated interface that has not been used for a long time. The data transfer rate in this case is not high, and if you have an outdated computer model that uses such a connector, it simply does not make sense for you to buy an SDD.
  • SATA is more new interface which replaced the previous one. It has a higher transfer rate. In turn, SATA is divided into three types:
    • SATA 1.
    • SATA2.
    • SATA3.

These types also differ from each other in the speed of data exchange. For example, the speed of SATA 2 is higher than that of SATA 1, and SATA 3 is the most modern and fastest interface.

So before buying solid state drive you should find out which connector is available in your PC. For example, it makes no sense to take an SSD with a speed rating of 600 Mb / s if it is connected to SATA 1, since the connection itself will limit the speed to 150 Mb / s.

It should be noted that all SATA interfaces are interchangeable. This means that if the motherboard is equipped with SATA 2, then a SATA 3 or 1 cable can be connected to it.

How to Install Gadgets for Windows 8: Video

How to install SDD

So, the choice has been made. Now you can move on to the question of how to install SDD in a computer. What is required for this? The first step is to make sure that the interface controller is in AHCI mode. You can do this in the BIOS, in the SATA Mode item. .

If your computer has the ability to use additional hard drives, then you just have to disassemble system unit and connect the SSD to one of the SATA interfaces. Most likely, Windows will require you to format the new drive. This is necessary because in the process Windows formatting writes down file system to storage for further work with him.

In this case, you can boot the operating system and copy all the necessary data to the new hard drive. However, due to the fact that SDD has the above disadvantage, it is not recommended to use it for storing files. Typically, it is used to install the operating system. In this case, in order not to reinstall Windows after replacing the hard drive, you can install it already on a solid-state counterpart.

Thus, you will be able to use your familiar and customized system, but on a new, faster and quieter SDD drive. If your computer does not have the ability to use multiple hard drives at the same time, as, for example, in most laptops, then you will have to follow certain steps.

In the case of a laptop, you will have to disconnect the old hard drive from the computer interface. We see that the device is located in a special case. We need to remove it and rearrange it to a new solid-state counterpart. As a rule, the body is fastened with 4 bolts. After reinstalling the case, insert the hard drive back in the same way as you disassembled it, only in the reverse order.

This is completed. No special drivers are required. The operating system already contains all the necessary software. After the first Windows boot will detect a new device and automatically install the driver. After that, the system will ask you to restart your PC.

How to install an SSD hard drive in a computer: Video

Often when working with a PC, we encounter problems that we did not expect. For example, we do not know how to connect an SSD drive to a computer. It would seem that the matter is not at all complicated, but it requires care and correctness of actions. Therefore, if you decide to upgrade components or build a PC yourself, then you will need to know all about such minor difficulties.

For what?

Upgrading a computer is always a responsible matter. Not all users are ready to do this. First, you need to be well versed in the components, understand the compatibility different devices to understand what's new. Secondly, in addition to this, significant financial investments are needed, since what better product, the more expensive it is, respectively.

Everyone will need to learn how to connect an SSD drive to a computer in this case. It is also necessary for those who decide to assemble a PC on their own, or for those who have “passed away” from someone’s hard drive. There are a lot of instructions on this issue on the Internet, so let's get started.


Before we begin to understand this issue, we need to tell those who still do not know anything about the SSD.

This is a solid state drive, which is a non-mechanical storage device. It is based on a memory chip. The device came to replace the HDD. Although this cannot be said unequivocally, since many experienced users prefer to install a hard drive and a solid state drive in their PC and hard drive.

As a result, sometimes this device becomes the main one, replacing the place of the railway, sometimes auxiliary. In the second case, the system is loaded onto it, and personal information is stored on the hard drive.


Now, not everyone needs to learn how to connect an SSD drive to a SATA computer, since most users still use this device in compact devices: tablets, etc.

However, it can also be installed on desktop computers, since it brings additional benefits. Most importantly, it improves system performance. Compared to traditional hard drives, it has a smaller size and weight, and increased speed. Moreover, the speed was 6-7 times higher. Hence the high price for an SSD.

In addition, solid-state drives have begun to be paired with hard drives to form hybrid hard drives. Flash memory in this case has become occupied by the buffer. Although, as mentioned earlier, sometimes it is used as a separate free space.

In addition, noiselessness has been added to the main advantages, since the device is non-mechanical and does not have moving elements. Hence the high mechanical resistance. Reading files is stable, without interruptions and jumps. Reading speed close to bandwidth interfaces.


So, how to connect an SSD to a computer? installed in much the same way. Therefore, if you have ever encountered the work of a hard drive, then there will be no problems with a solid state drive. The difference is only in dimensions. You will need to fit the smaller device into the correct slot.


To start the procedure, of course, you need to turn off the PC. For reinsurance, it is better to do it from the outlet, completely. Don't forget to turn off the power supply as well. Usually the button to turn it off is located on the back of the case.

Now you need to do the following operation: press and hold the PC power button for a few seconds. This is necessary so that all the current that remains on the board and in general in the entire case disappears. So you de-energize all circuits and ensure your safety.

The next steps may vary depending on your needs. But in general, the principle of connection is always the same.

We act

To understand where to connect the SSD drive to the computer, you need to get to the case. First you need to open it. Usually it all depends on its design. But there are always small screws to remove the left panel and get to the “innards” of the PC. There are cases that can have access to ports on the other side, so here you need to act according to the situation.

If you are new to computer chassis design, then you may have problems. But if you at least know what a hard drive looks like and can find it in a metal box, then half the job is done.

Usually the hard drive is placed in a special compartment. There may be several of them in the body. made specifically for the size of the 3.5-inch HDD. This is where you need to put your solid state drive.

Due to the fact that its dimensions are somewhat different, since it is 2.5 inches, it will have to be well bolted. They usually come with the device. Recently, slots in cases for SSDs have become increasingly common. Therefore, perhaps the task will be simplified.

Once the drive is secure and secure, you will need to figure out how to connect the SSD to your computer, to motherboard. Here the matter is somewhat more complicated, since you have to google or deal with interfaces.


Next, you need to take the cable that came with the drive. It has an L-shaped port. This is SATA. In addition, the wires you must have a power cable. It usually looks like a bundle of wires.

First you need to connect the power cable to the connector from the power supply. After we take the SATA cable and look for the right place on the motherboard. There are usually few options. If the board has SATA III, then it is better to use this port. If there is no such option, connect to SATA II.

Now these two wires will need to be connected directly to the SSD. A power cable is placed in a wider connector, a SATA cable is placed in a narrow one.

Other options

Not everyone knows, but for a couple of years they have been releasing M.2 form factor SSDs. Now these models are not uncommon. Many people prefer them. In addition, newfangled models of motherboards began to be equipped with a special connector specifically for this form factor.

As a result, the situation led to the fact that we need to know how to connect an SSD M2 disk to a computer. It must be said right away that there are many variations of this model. Therefore, the connection may be slightly different. But the main point is that, unlike the previous version, we connect the solid-state drive to the "motherboard" not with wires, but with the device itself.

When you see the M.2 SSD drive in the photo, you will understand what the point is. It is presented not in the case, as the model described above. It is made by a small board that has memory chips on it. This board has special slots for installing them on the "motherboard".

It is impossible to describe the connection for all cases, since there are really many options. But when you buy an M.2 SSD drive, you will have instructions that will tell you how to do it correctly.


After you have everything assembled and connected, you can turn on the PC. During its loading, you need to call the BIOS. Here you should look for the AHCI mode, which is responsible for the operation of the solid state drive.

For example, you are going to load the operating system on the SSD. But in addition to the new drive, you already have hard drives connected. Then you will need to set the priority of devices. To do this, put the solid state drive first in the list. We set the ability to boot the OS from a disk or flash drive.

If you need an SSD like additional tool, then it will be enough to check that the already existing hard drive is the first in the queue. Otherwise, the system may simply not boot. You may want to move your OS to an SSD. In this case, after you have learned how to connect an SSD drive to a computer, you will need to do a very voluminous operation. This is a topic for another article.


When you try all the above operations by your own example, you will realize that you even know how to connect 2 SSD drives to a computer. The main thing is to have enough space on your motherboard.

But speaking of PCs, you need to remember that initially solid-state drives began to be massively used in laptops, since they are compact. Therefore, you can additionally learn how to connect an SSD to a laptop.

Certainly, this question it is better to consider with each device model, since the cases are different, and accordingly, the placement of the disk slot is also different.

Nevertheless, the main thing is to decide where the hard drive is located in your laptop. Usually for this you have to turn off the device and open the bottom cover. Sometimes it is completely removed, sometimes you can unscrew the panels of the compartments. One of them usually houses the railway. If you can't find it, check your laptop manual.

It must be said right away that the hard drives in laptops are the same size as the SSD - 2.5 inches. In order to remove the hard drive, you need to not just pull it out, but first pull it to the side. It is thus attached to the connector with power and SATA.

Then it's up to the small - just install a solid-state drive. Don't forget to secure it with screws. Since laptops usually have one place for hard drives, you will have to think in advance about how you will transfer the operating system: by cloning or by a new installation.


You need to learn how to connect an SSD drive to a computer in advance, and not when you have unscrewed everything, unscrewed it and turned it off. Sometimes you have to make additional settings, think in advance about the location of the OS.

The easiest way to do this is when you need a solid state drive only as an auxiliary tool. Then just plug it into another compartment and connector. If you want to make it the main one, then you need to read the instructions for cloning HDD and SSD, set everything up and think over in advance.

If you are building a PC from scratch and decide to simply install its fast “colleague” instead of a hard drive, do not forget to configure the connection in BIOS. It is important to set special mode and drive priority.

A heart-to-heart talk: installing an SSD in a computer. Is it worth installing an SSD? Personal experience

Thought about buying an SSD drive.Good day, dear reader! Today I want to touch with you computer theme. Let's talk about installation. SSD disk to a computer. I'll tell you a little about why I was visited by the thought of buying SSD . I can not say that I have some kind of weak computer. The characteristics are as follows:

Before purchase SSD drive and a 500 GB HDD was installed, which was divided into two sections. The operating system was installed on one, the second was intended for storing information. Plus, there is a second HDD drive of 640 GB, which is fully dedicated to storing various data. Let's get back to the SSD topic. My usual computer usage includes: four browsers running all the time, each with a large number of open tabs; work in Photoshop, launch it as needed; work with applications Microsoft Office, watching series / movies in one of the browsers, listening to music, surfing the Internet. In general, this is how I use the computer, while I never turn it off, but send it only to “sleep”. Reboots, of course, happen, for example, after updates. So, for a long time I was satisfied with both the speed of the computer and the time it took to launch programs. But later, I began to notice that the speed of loading the operating system began to take quite a long time. I had to wait probably 10 minutes for the system to fully boot, it was very tiring. Yes, it can be assumed that my system could be “littered” or worse, pick up viruses. I try to monitor the system, conduct periodic cleanings and checks for viruses. The speed of opening various programs, browsers, etc. was also not encouraging. By the way, I have had a HDD since 2007, the manufacturer is Western Digital, it has an excellent service life. Why, until recently, I was completely satisfied with the work of this disk. Until 2013/14 everything was great. Apparently, I did not load the computer with some serious things, for example, in those distant years, I did not use Photoshop. On the Internet, I began to study reviews about SSD drives, what people generally say about them. The opinions of the people were very encouraging. And I really wanted to try the SSD drive myself. That's how the desire arose to buy an SSD drive.

Such a great selectionSSD drives... There really is plenty to choose from. I chose the disk for the first time, so the reviews about the disks helped me. My choice fell on the Kingston SSD. Reviews, both about the disc and about the brand as a whole, are very good. I had a regular HDD of 500 GB, of which 200 GB was allocated for the system. Therefore, I decided to buy a 240 GB SSD (SV300S37A / 240G). This version comes in a plastic blister. There are other delivery options, for example, in a box, where a special sled for the disk is already included. But it doesn't matter. I bought the skids separately, which were designed specifically for this model of the disk. The sled is a mount for the SSD drive. Screws were also included with the sled. I needed to put the SSD in a 3.5" drive cage. Actually, the purchased set helped with this. The disc is very light. I also stocked up with a set of screwdrivers that came in handy when installing the disk. Yes, do not forget about the SATA cable, which is needed to connect the drive to the motherboard. Also better SSD connect to the SATA3 connector on the motherboard to truly experience the speed of the disk. My final set was like this:

After a successful SSD installations disk into the computer, I decided to boot from the old disk with the operating system in order to check whether the computer sees installed SSD. So, when the computer was booting up, there was information about the installed SSD, BIOS also recognized mounted drive. But Windows did not recognize the disk. I had to ask for help google search. The answer was found, the following was done: you had to click on Start, select the Run menu item and enter the command - diskmgmt.msc, press Enter. The Disk Management window on your computer will open. There was an installed SSD drive, BUT without a name. That is, you need to give a name for the SSD and then it will be displayed in My computer. After this procedure, my SSD showed up in My Computer. So, in my system unit all the disks are located. In the end, I left only two disks: an SSD and a 640 GB HDD for files. 500 GB HDD failed...

What I ended up with. So, after all the manipulations, I decided to install Windows on a new SSD drive. Initially, I just wanted to transfer my existing Windows to an SSD. But, unfortunately, I didn’t succeed, for what reason, honestly, I don’t remember anymore. Write in the comments what problems you encountered when transferring the operating system, tell us how you acted. As a result, I installed the operating system, everything necessary programs And so on. I can definitely say that I am 100% satisfied with the result. Firstly, the system boot speed now takes me only 10 seconds, no more. Secondly, the opening of programs occurs almost instantly. Plus, the SSD drive has low power consumption. And an important parameter, the SSD works generally silently, unlike the HDD.

Are you using an SSD drive? Are they satisfied? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments.

And I was with you

Morozova Anyuta,

One of the easiest ways to improve the performance of your PC is to install a larger hard drive (HDD) for it, or even look for a so-called solid state drive (SDD) to increase the performance of your computer to incredible heights. In this article, we will discuss with you the issue of choosing a disk and installing it.

Step One: Choose Your New Drive

The very first thing all users start with is choosing a disk. Currently, you can install HDD or SSD in your system. It would seem, take what is better - and rightly so. However, it's not all that simple...

Which drive to choose: HDD, SSD or both?

Ask yourself the following question: do you want more performance or free space?

Modern solid state drives are amazing - they are an unsurpassed improvement for any existing system. By switching from a conventional hard drive to a solid state drive, you will notice an incredible increase in the performance of your computer. Your PC will start up faster, load applications and large files faster, and last but not least, it will reduce loading times in most modern video games. However, if you look for an SSD with a size of, say, a terabyte, the price will scare you.

However, you can buy a classic hard drive for your system, which will provide you with a huge amount of free space for a relatively low price. In shops computer technology you can easily find four terabyte hard drives that will surely satisfy the needs of any media enthusiast, within 6-8 thousand rubles, and possibly cheaper.

Among other things, no one forbids you to combine HDD and SSD in the system. If your computer is quite capable of working with two disks at the same time (and most PCs can), then you can install the operating system on the SDD for more quick access To various programs And system files, and use the HDD to store all sorts of files, such as movies, music, some games, and even work documents. If, for example, you already have a hard drive, buying an SSD becomes even more attractive: just move the operating system to an SSD, and take the old hard drive as storage.

If money isn't an issue for you - or you're limited to a single connection in your laptop - you can invest in a multi-terabyte SSD, which will solve your dilemma entirely. However, most PC users still prefer to create combinations of HDD and SSD.

How big should my disk be?

Typically, hard drives come in two form factors: 2.5″ and 3.5″(inches). The latter, i.e. 3.5″, considered full size hard drive designed for a desktop computer. As a rule, almost every PC has a place in its system unit for one or even several HDDs of this size. The only exception may be small form factor PCs, such as some HTPCs, which can only fit 2.5″ hard drives inside.

The 2.5″ form factor is traditionally designed for laptops, however, it may also be suitable for some PCs. For example, in some system units you can find places to install a 2.5″ HDD. If you decide to buy a 2.5″ HDD for your PC, but you don’t have a place to install it in the system unit, you will have to buy mounting brackets somewhere in a specialized store. It is worth noting that such brackets can be designed to install SSD drives, which, however, does not change anything, since many classic SSDs are made exclusively in the 2.5″ form factor.

Speaking of SSDs, there is another form factor for them - M.2. Solid state drives of this format look completely different: a small and thin board resembling a bar random access memory. Instead of the usual connection to the motherboard via a SATA cable, it connects to a special M.2 slot. It is worth noting that not all computers are able to work with this type of SSD.

Let's look at something else. Most laptops still use the 2.5″ drive form factor, however, not all models provide their users with easy access to a SATA or M.2 connection. Getting access to the drive mount is quite easy on cheap, large, and business-class laptops. On other models, it may take a lot of sweat to get to the desired element of the device - especially on new models that have switched to the M.2 standard. Changing the drive on such laptops will probably void the warranty and you will probably have to look at some more specific guides for a particular model.

What kind of connection do I need?

All modern 3.5″ and 2.5″ drives use SATA connections for power and data transfer. If you are installing a drive for your PC, then you need to find a 15-pin SATA cable on your power supply. If your PC only has an old 4-pin Molex, use an adapter that can be found in a computer electronics store.

It is definitely not worth worrying about SATA support in your computer, since all modern PCs undoubtedly support this connection interface. You have something to worry about only if you own some really ancient monster, but then you need to think not about buying a working disk, but about changing your computer. However, let's not deviate from the topic.

Let's talk about SATA cables. In the picture below you can take a good look at one of these cables. These are ordinary double-sided cables, one end of which is connected to the motherboard, and the other to desired disk. Some connectors on SATA cables are L-shaped, but this is done only for ease of connection. However, there are cable variations with exclusively straight plugs. You need to choose a cable based only on how little space your system unit has.

If you are setting new disk into a laptop that has access to a SATA connector, you won't even need cables. You can simply connect the HDD or SSD you need directly to the slot that is suitable for this, which already has an output for power and data transfer.

Let's talk a little more about SATA. At the moment latest version The SATA interface is SATA III. Most modern motherboards support SATA III, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding the right HDD or SSD. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that SATA interfaces are fully compatible with each other, for example, you can connect a second SATA HDD to SATA III to the motherboard - it will work fine, but in a limited mode.

For example, by connecting a 550/520MB/s SSD via SATA II, you will limit the sequential read and write speed to about half. There is nothing wrong with connecting SATA III to SATA II, especially when your motherboard only supports SATA II, but if it supports SATA III, try to choose drives with the latest interface version to ensure maximum performance. Use exactly the same principle when buying SATA cables.

Among other things, on this moment there are even more modern SSD drives connected via the M.2 interface. This connection interface can be found on many modern motherboards. This is how the M.2 interface looks like with an SSD already installed in it:

We will talk more about these drives and their connection below.

Notebooks. Laptops do not use SATA cables, and therefore you simply have to select one or another disk for it with a suitable one. SATA interface. It all depends on the model of a particular laptop, so you will have to find out on your own what SATA (or even M.2.) your old drive is running so that it can be replaced with a new one.

How much free space do I need?

Yes, sometimes this question is asked. The price of a hard drive or solid state drive is commensurate with the amount of free space that it offers to its user. The larger the carrier, the higher the price for it. It's that simple. Stay within your budget.

How fast should my drive be?

In fact, the faster your drive is, the better. For example, if you're swapping out your old hard drive for a new SSD, your mouth will open wide at how much faster your PC is now. And this is even taking into account the fact that your SSD will not be the fastest on the market. Believe me, the difference between HDD and SSD in terms of write and read speed is simply colossal. However, like the price between them, which also cannot be ignored.

If you buy a classic hard drive for your computer, then the speed of such a device is usually expressed in RPM - the purity of spindle rotations per minute. 5400 RPM is a typical speed of some inexpensive solutions (especially the 2.5″ form factor). 7200 RPM is the most common speed for HDDs, and these are the kind of HDDs we recommend using on regular PCs. Among other things, you can also use the services of high-speed 10,000 RPM hard drives, however, for the price at which such devices are usually sold, you involuntarily look at much faster SSDs.

There is also a third option - hybrid drives, which combine HDD and SSD. Such hybrids will not have the speed of a real SSD drive: you will get at your disposal a regular hard drive with a small flash storage cache. Your HDD won't magically become much faster, but it will greatly increase your file caching speed if you're constantly requesting access to the same programs and files. However, these drives are somewhat more expensive than regular hard drives, making them highly unpopular with computer users.

Step Two: Whether to Move the Operating System to a New Drive or Perform a Clean Install

Once you have bought the drive you need for your system, nothing prevents you from opening the case of a laptop or system unit to install it. The next question that we have to discuss is whether to transfer the operating system to a new disk or to execute it clean install. Of course, each of these actions has its pros and cons.

Moving an operating system to a new drive

Transferring the OS to another drive is an extremely lengthy, but important process for those users who do not want to part with the habitable system. Well, it's understandable: when installing new system you will have to configure everything and everything again, which not everyone wants.

Do we recommend doing this process? Only if you really care about your operating system. In another case, we advise you to perform a clean installation, so as not to waste your time on such a simple, but lengthy task. However, you should be aware that there is a series software, which will help you when moving the operating system to another drive.

If you are using a laptop, then you will need to use a SATA adapter connected via a USB interface in order to transfer the operating system and all necessary files. You can do the same with a desktop computer, but it's easier to just install a new disk in the system unit, perform a data transfer, and then disconnect the old disk (or stop it there).

Performing a clean install

Installing a clean operating system on a new drive has a lot of advantages. One of the biggest upsides to this situation is that you literally start from scratch. Your OS will not be littered with old temporary files, forgotten programs and installation files of all kinds of updates. We are also confident that you will notice a small performance boost by moving to a clean OS.

The downside, of course, is that you will have to perform a clean system setup: installing drivers for PC hardware, installing desired programs, as well as games (where can we go without them). Alternatively, you can make a backup of all your important personal data in advance, such as work documents or movie collections, install a clean OS on a new disk, and then download all the copied files to the system. Actually, many users do this in order to get their hands on a clean system and the necessary data.

Step Three: Installing a New Drive

The steps for installing a new drive may vary slightly due to differences between desktops and laptops, as well as SATA and M.2 drives.

Installing a new drive in a laptop

Different laptop models have different access to the drive connection. However, it is worth noting that on some laptops it is extremely problematic to access the drive connection. Some business-class laptops allow their users to remove the drive from the device case by unscrewing just one screw. On other models, it may be necessary to completely disassemble the bottom of the machine or even remove the keyboard. Of course, you will have to find out on your own how to perform this procedure for your laptop model.

Let's, for example, analyze the disk replacement for the ThinkPad T450s laptop model. A laptop like this is several years old, and in order to replace a drive in a machine like this, you would have to completely remove the bottom of the case. It is worth noting that most often you will have to perform exactly the same procedure on other laptops, at least on models similar to the ThinkPad T450s.

To access the drive, you first need to remove the battery and eight screws in various places on the case. Once you're done, you can remove the bottom of the laptop case. This laptop has a hard drive installed, which you can see in the upper right corner of the screenshot below.

To remove the drive itself, you need to unscrew another screw, lift the drive a little, and then carefully remove it from the SATA connector built into the system. Next, you need to pull the old rim out of the aluminum mount with rubber bumpers. Then take your new drive and place it in this aluminum mount, after which you need to follow the previously described process in reverse: connect the drive to the SATA connector.

Now let's take a quick look at connecting an M.2 SSD drive. So, connecting such a small board is done as follows: take the board, carefully insert it into the connector (on the right side in the previously shown screenshot), slowly bend the board in the connector to the screw hole, screw the board to the motherboard. As a result, the SSD drive in M.2 literally does not take up space in the laptop, as it is pressed against the motherboard.

It is worth noting again that the process of changing a disk may differ from laptop to laptop. If you need step-by-step instruction for disassembling your laptop - Google search will help you. You will definitely find at least some material related to your laptop model.

Installing a new disk in a desktop computer

If you have never changed anything in your computer, but only, for example, cleaned it, then it must be said that the process of replacing a disk is exactly the same process in terms of complexity as replacing a disk in a laptop, which you could learn about from the above information.

All you need to change a drive on a desktop PC is a screwdriver, a purchased drive, and a SATA cable that fits it. You also need to connect power to the drive you are installing, but it must be included with your power supply desired cable. However, if there is no such cable, use an adapter.

So, turn off your computer first, as trying to replace something in a running computer is a very bad idea. Then, as a rule, remove the side cover from the system unit case (on the left side, if you look at the front side of the unit). Having exposed the insides of the machine, take a good look around: the place you need to install the disk will be in the front of the case. If you are replacing a drive, you should see it connected to the motherboard via a SATA cable. The power cable, in turn, will go from the side of the power supply.

The note: it is worth noting that in your system unit you can see both 2.5″ and 3.5″ disks. Among other things, it can be located in a completely different place. In some custom system units, disks can be placed completely behind the motherboard. Not finding the disk in the usual place, remove the second cover from the system unit and examine the bottom of the board.

If you're not going to keep the old drive as a spare, then it's time to take it out. Depending on the situation, you can also leave the power and SATA cable in order to connect the new drive. So, first you need to disconnect a couple of cables from the old disk: power and data. CAREFULLY: these cables are often equipped with special latches.

If the old disk is placed in a special mount, pull it out from there using a screwdriver. As soon as you make sure that the disk has been detached from the system unit, pull it out and put it aside. We remind you that things like disks are extremely delicate devices, so be careful with them. All you have to do is repeat the whole process described above, but only with a new drive: fix it in the system unit and connect the power and data cables.

M.2 SSD drives - everything is done here in the same way as in the case of laptops: insert the board at an angle into the M.2 slot, bend it to the screw hole and screw it to the motherboard. The advantage of these drives is that you can easily combine them with SATA drives without taking up too much space.

That's all. You may have to fiddle around with a bunch of screws, but other than that it's pretty straightforward. Once you're done, take another look at your work: check the connections, count the screws, and more. After replacing the old or installing a new disk, close the system unit, and then try to start your PC. If you did everything correctly, you can start installing a new OS or enter a previously transferred one.

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Every day more and more users are thinking about the question: how is the HDD in a laptop replaced with an SSD? This topic is especially relevant now: HDD as in a mobile computer outlives its own.

To change or not to change? That is the question

There has been a discussion for many years whether the hard drive will be superseded by solid state drives or not. Power users value SSDs for speed and reliability. However, any medal has two sides, so it should be noted that the reactivity of the drive is very expensive.

The high cost of SSD for the most part and does not allow it to enter widespread use. Many owners of PCs and laptops, whose activities require the best performance, still renounce the HDD.

Pros and cons of SSD and HDD

The fact is that HDD has a number of disadvantages in comparison with SSD:

As a rule, it is because of them that many decide to replace, and one cannot ignore the advantages hard drives before solid state drives:

  • Volume. At the moment, ordinary users are available from 320 GB to 10 TB. And the same SSD in ordinary stores can be found with a maximum of 2TB. We are not talking about drives for industrial or server equipment, but only about those that can be bought at the nearest computer market.
  • Price. She is much lower. If we compare the cost of a popular hard drive with a volume of 2 TB with an SSD of the same capacity, it turns out that a solid state drive is 16 times more expensive than an HDD.
  • With an SSD, it is almost impossible to recover deleted data due to the storage method. The maximum that can be done is to take the drive to the laboratory, where the necessary equipment will be.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude if the speed and security of data is more important than their volume. Do you value low power consumption? Feel free to upgrade to an SSD.

What HDD is used in the laptop?

At the moment, laptops use 2.5-inch hard drives. This means that inside there are “pancakes” of exactly this diameter. Some MacBooks have 1.8 ″ hard drives installed, but this is a separate issue, and we will not talk about them.

Each disk has a set of characteristics, such as:

  • manufacturer;
  • size: the amount of data to fit, usually in GB;
  • buffer memory: fast memory or cash;
  • rotation speed: the number of revolutions per minute made by the spindle;
  • connection interface: connector that connects the drive to the board.

The HDD price depends on the set of these characteristics and their quality. The most common option hard drive at the time of writing this article has:

  • connection interface - SATA III;
  • volume - 2 TB;
  • - 5400 rpm;
  • buffer memory - 32 MB.

What SSD can be installed instead of a hard drive?

The main difference between a solid state drive and an HDD is that data is written non-mechanically. Simply put, information is recorded on microchips. This results in high and low noise levels.

Such drives have 4 common form factors:

  • PCI-E AIC (add-in-card);
  • M.2 2280;
  • mSATA;
  • 2.5 in.

In the context of this article, which is devoted to the question of how to replace the HDD in a laptop with an SSD, all attention will be paid to the latest format drives, i.e. 2.5 inches. They with HDD have the same shape and SATA III connection interface. A similar view allows you to remove the drive and install an SSD in its place, screwing it to the same slide and closing it with the same cover.

mSata form factor SSD

Some laptops also support mSata. They have a special III on the motherboard and two places for screws to secure the drive. Such SSDs can be used both as independent storage devices, and paired with depends on the design of the laptop.

In many Lenovo models, such an SSD acts as an additional medium (in the role of a cache). There are laptops that have mSata installed in pair with the hard drive and used as system partition, that is, on it, except for the operating system, nothing is installed. Thanks to this solution, OS loading is accelerated, and the amount of data storage remains quite large, since information is written to disk.

SSD form factor 2.5″

To successfully replace the HDD with an SSD, you need to choose the right drive. At the moment, we managed to decide that it should be 2.5 inches and connected via SATA III. It is also worth paying attention to the thickness of the SSD, since for hard drives it ranges from 5 to 9.5 mm. If you buy an SSD that is too thick, the disk cover in the laptop may not close.

Next is a matter of taste. For home use, 100-300 GB is considered sufficient. According to Tom Hardware the best SSD for users is recognized at its affordable price under $100 it has great features. If you are an inexperienced user, just look for something similar in the description and you will not lose.

Replacing an HDD with an SSD in a laptop

The process of changing a hard drive to an SSD is the same as installing a new hard drive.

The first thing to do if the old hard works is to copy information from it to another medium. Important data must be transferred to the cloud, to a USB flash drive or removable disk.

You can buy a case for HDD 2.5, install an old hard one in it and use it later as a mobile storage medium.

Replacement process

First you need to remove the battery. If it is non-removable, turn off the computer, remove the cover, and remove the battery connector from the motherboard.

  1. Loosen the screws that hold the disc cover and remove it.
  2. Remove the screws holding the hard drive sled.
  3. Pull the sled away from the connector to disconnect the HDD and remove it from the case.
  4. Loosen the screws securing the drive to the sled and remove it.
  5. Take the drive, install it in the sled in the same way as the hard drive was, and tighten the screws.
  6. Lower the SSD with the sled into the case and slide it into the slot to connect the drive.
  7. Screw the sled fasteners into the housing.
  8. Close the cover and tighten the screws.
  9. Connect the battery in the same way as disconnected, and close the cover if necessary.
  10. Turn on the laptop and check the performance of the SSD.

The minimum check will be to go into the BIOS or UEFI and see how the drive is determined. In most laptop models, this can be done by pressing the DEL or F2 key (Enter on some) immediately after switching on.

If the drive is operational and installed correctly, the information section will show its name and serial number. Additionally, you can run tests using the utility and check the rest, for example, the write speed.

The first thing to do is to copy the information. This is written above. The principle of operation for all computers in this regard is the same.

1. Disconnect the battery from the HP laptop. If the battery is removable, like this model, then you can do it simply:

  • unlock the battery lock;
  • pull the second latch;
  • remove the battery from the socket.

2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws that secure the hard drive cover to the chassis. In most models, it is small, about ½ of the entire back surface. Remove the cover, you may need to use a little force, as it can be secured with additional latches from the inside.

3. Loosen the screws that secure the hard drive carrier. There can be 2 or 4 of them. Move the hard from the connector to disable it.

4. Pry up the mount and remove the screws. If the hard drive is disconnected from the connector, this will be easy.

5. Loosen the screws that hold the HDD in the sled. Usually they are located on one and the other end of 2 pieces.

6. Install the SSD in the sled instead of the hard drive and tighten the screws on both sides.

7. Install the drive bracket with the drive into the chassis and slide it into the slot. Screw the slide screws back.

8. Close the housing cover, install the screws in the same order in which they were removed.

9. Connect the battery, that is, install it until a characteristic click. Slide the battery lock back into position.

10. Turn on the laptop and check that the SSD is defined in the system, you can perform additional testing.

Thus, the HDD in the laptop is replaced with an SSD. In the vast majority of models, this work is performed in the same way. The differences usually lie in the way the battery is disassembled and disconnected.

In this section, we will consider options for upgrading a hard drive to an SSD drive in Acer laptops. For clarity, an example will be given a model in which the battery is built-in, and almost complete analysis is required.

First of all, we still copy important data. Here the amount of information was small, so the transfer was made to a USB flash drive. We turn off the laptop and proceed to the replacement.

1. You need to remove the back cover of the case. To do this, remove all the screws from the back.

2. Remove the back, gently prying it around the perimeter. If the cover does not come off on either side, stop and check if all the screws are removed.

3. Disconnect the battery, to do this, remove the cable from the connector by gently pulling it towards you. Do not break the plug, otherwise you will have to completely change the battery.

4. In this model, the hard drive is not fixed in the sled, but simply inserted into the connector on the board between the chassis mounts. In order to replace the HDD with an SSD in a laptop, just remove the old drive by pulling from the connector. Then put the drive in its place.

5. Connect the battery back. Make sure the connector is straight and not damaged.

6. Replace the housing cover and tighten all screws. Make sure that the back does not pinch the wires.

7. Turn on the laptop, check the performance of the solid state drive in any way. If the computer does not respond to the power button, you will have to disassemble it again to check the battery.

In this way, the HDD in the laptop is replaced with an SSD for some models from the manufacturer Acer. You can rely on this instruction if you have to update other computers with a built-in battery.

Replacing HDD with SSD in Lenovo laptop

There is no big difference from the previous two options here. It can be noted that replacing the disk with an SSD drive in this option combined the two previous ones. This Lenovo model has a removable battery, but the HDD mount is located under the back of the case. There is no separate lid.

Following the main principle, you need to transfer the necessary data to another place or prepare an HDD-case to mount your old disk into it. This time we will not copy anything, we will insert the hard drive into Case and start using it as a portable “flash drive”.

1. First you need to disconnect the battery. The battery in this model is removable, so you need to remove the latch and remove the battery.

2. Unscrew all the screws in turn, which are located at the bottom. Be sure to check if your model has extra screws on the side.

3. Carefully remove the cover, snapping off each fastener one by one. If the case does not give in, check if all the screws have been removed.

4. Remove the screw that secures the hard drive carrier. In this example, there is only one. Lift up the HDD brackets and remove it from the laptop.

5. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the sled to the hard. In this model, the mounts have a shielded foil that protects the disk controller from shorting to the case.

6. Install the new SSD into the HDD bracket and screw it back into place.

7. Close the laptop with the bottom of the case, carefully snapping all the fasteners. Tighten the screws in the same order and connect the battery.

8. Turn on the laptop and test the drive in BIOS or some utility, for example, Victoria.

Ways to change the HDD to SSD in a laptop can be listed endlessly. The fact is that each model has its own principle of disassembly. Therefore, if you are not qualified enough and do not have experience in this matter, it is recommended to turn to professionals.

Replacing the hard drive with a solid state drive will increase the performance of your laptop by an order of magnitude. However, be sure to take into account the parameters of the processor and the amount of RAM. If you have a very weak CPU installed and no more than 2 GB of RAM, then the system will slow down anyway, even with an SSD.

Price your computer adequately, make only the necessary changes to it, and it will serve faithfully until you buy a new one.
