Connect your phone as a modem. How to use your phone as a usb modem? Connecting with mobile apps

How to use the phone as a modem for a laptop or tablet computer should be known to every user who pays a mobile Internet service to a cellular operator. We are talking about gadgets based on Android or iOS, which are widely used due to their versatility. And if about the possibility of connecting the device to a third-party WiFi networks almost everyone knows, then not everyone can name the ways of distributing personal traffic.

Before using this option of your smartphone, you need to clarify the tariff connected to it, which should include the presence of a certain amount of Internet traffic. For this you need:

  • Enter the device menu.
  • Activate the "Mobile Internet" section.

A corresponding icon should appear in the upper right corner of the display, indicating the connection to the network. For greater confidence, you need to type any query in the search engine and make sure that there are no problems with this type of connection.

Connecting the phone to the computer using a cable (comes with the device) is carried out through a free USB input. The required drivers will be installed in automatic mode, so it's not worth bothering with the basics of programming. The user learns about the readiness for work from a message from Windows. After that, you can use 2 options for using the phone as a wired modem for this device:

  • Directly the "Modem" function - in the phone mode selection menu, set "Internet via USB", check for network access.

  • EasyTether Lite/Pro - The utility downloads to the phone and sets it up as a wired router on its own. To access the Internet, after connecting, you need to select Connect Via Android as a modem on the computer.

It should be borne in mind that depending on tariff plan and sustainability mobile signal, the Internet on the phone can come in 3G or 4G format. This will significantly affect the page loading speed on the connected computer or laptop.

Wired modem for iOS devices

Function wired router available to owners Apple smartphones. The connection method is also quite simple and should not cause difficulties:

  • In the phone settings, activate the item " cellular».

  • In the window that opens, select and click "Modem Mode".
  • The sections “Username”, “Password” and “APN” are filled in turn, information can be taken from the contract with the mobile operator or from the administrator of the technical support service.

After rebooting the smartphone in modem mode, it should be connected using a cable to a free USB port on the computer. After activation, the device is ready to access the Internet.

Hotspot wifi signal

This method is the most convenient (no need to carry a connecting cable with you) and practical (allows you to distribute a signal to several devices at once). Connection various systems has some differences that their owners should be aware of:

  • Android - in the section " Additional settings» "Tethering hotspot" is activated. In the window that opens, the SSID, cipher type and password are filled in, after which the connection is activated using the slider.

  • Activation for iOS - in the "Connection" section, you set your own password and turn on WiFi transmission signal.

  • Devices on Windows base– signal transmission is enabled in the settings section. The "Shared Internet" section is activated by moving the toggle switch to the "Enabled" position.

Newly connected to the Wi-Fi signal of a wireless modem (phone), you must select its name in the "Available networks" window and enter using the password set directly by the owner.

bluetooth router

And how to do without the old and archaic Bluetooth option, which continues to be equipped with almost every computer device and means mobile communications. To use this function as a guide for a wireless router, you need to enable it. After that, through the corresponding menu section, a search is carried out desired device.

If you experience problems while connecting your phone as a modem, which may include the following:

  • No connection icon on the computer when using a cable.
  • The search window does not show the presence of a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signal.

You should study the instructions of the phone more carefully and, if it is impossible to eliminate the causes on your own, contact the nearest service center or check the presence of traffic coming from mobile operator connections.

In contact with

Hi all! In this article, we will talk about how to connect Android as a modem to a computer. The need for such a scheme arose from the author of the blog, again at work. Remember moving a small LAN?

And so it is with her that the intense struggle continues. Today, an accountant called with a request to set up the Internet, as they are running out of deadlines for submitting various declarations to the tax office. Of course, an interesting task, given the fact that the telephone line does not yet work in the room.

But none of the computers, unfortunately, is equipped with wireless network card, so the run-in scheme with the organization disappears immediately. But there is a solution, and it is quite simple.

So, friends, in order to connect an Android smartphone to a computer as a modem, we need drivers for the mobile device used and a standard USB charging cable from the kit. In general, we connect:

In this example, we use Huawei P7 based on operating system android version 4.4.2 . Immediately after pairing the devices, the computer will start detecting the phone and will ask you to install drivers. We must agree with this.

It is known for certain that many users have difficulties at this step, since the disk out of the box is not always at hand, but to find suitable version drivers on the Internet, not everyone succeeds the first time.

So here is the advice. Download immediately a proprietary program for synchronizing your gadget with a computer. It will already have all the files and components necessary for installation. For example, for Huawei it is called HiSuite.

After that, the first step is to go to the "Settings" menu:

Then, in the wireless networks section, select "More":

In the next step, we find the option "Modem mode":

And, in fact, put a daw in front of the "USB modem" function:

Now it remains only to return to the very beginning and activate the data transfer:

It is clear that for this you need to have a configured mobile 3G Internet service on your phone, which is provided by the mobile operator within the framework of the tariff plan used.

And now, in principle, our Android smartphone should already work in modem mode for a computer via a USB cable. If the pages in the browser do not open, you need to check whether the recently appeared telephone connection is active on the PC:

Also in such cases it would be useful to use PING. And on this, our story on how to connect Android as a modem to a computer via USB has come to its logical conclusion.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article. Together we will think about their solution. And in the end, you can watch another interesting video.

From a fixed router. But what if the mobile device already has high-quality high-speed Internet and you don’t really want to spend extra money on “classic” WiFi.

So, here we will look at how to connect a laptop to the Internet via a phone and whether the phone can even be used as a modem.

To use the phone as a modem for a laptop, you first need to check:

Is the “phone as a modem” service available on your tariff?

If you frequently surf world wide web, it is most profitable to connect a special tariff that involves active use of the Internet.

Is the internet connection working on the phone itself. To do this, open the installed browser (mobile application) and enter the address of your favorite site: if the phone is capable of downloading and displaying Internet pages, respectively mobile network functions correctly and you can use it on your laptop.

How to connect the Internet to a laptop through an Android phone

To connect your phone to a laptop as a modem, you will need to change the settings of your android device. All the options required to connect to the Internet in any of the three proposed ways are located in the menu item "Settings -> Wireless networks -> Advanced settings -> Tethering and portable hotspot".

Method number 1: Connect via USB cable:

  • 1. Attach your ;
  • 2. Your laptop should report detecting a new device;
  • 3. Enable the USB connection option.

In the absence of a cable, the connection can be made through one of the wireless networks:

Method number 2

  • 1. Open the settings of your smartphone;
  • 2. Enable the option i.

The first time the option is enabled, the default settings are used. They can be changed in the corresponding menu item.

Method number 3

  • 2. Connect your phone to your laptop via bluetooth;
  • 3. Open the smartphone settings;
  • 4. Enable the portable hotspot via Bluetooth option.

How to set up the Internet on a laptop through an iOS phone?

Connection options are located in the menu item "Settings -> Cellular -> Select modem".

Method number 1: Connect via USB cable.

To make your phone a modem via a USB cable, you need to have iTunes installed on the laptop's operating system.

  • 1. Turn on tethering mode in iPhone settings;
  • 2. After that, just connect your device to the laptop: the connection to the network will happen automatically.

Method number 2: wireless connection(wi-fi)

Method number 3: Wireless connection (Bluetooth)

  • 1. Make sure your laptop is equipped with a Bluetooth module;
  • 2. Pair iPhone with laptop via Bluetooth interface;
  • 3. Select "pair" on the smart phone, enter the code shown on the computer;
  • 4. Connect to a smartphone from a laptop.

How to connect a laptop to the Internet through a mobile phone running Windows Phone?

This device class does not support a USB connection. However, there is still the possibility of connecting via a wireless network:

  • 1. Open the list of settings, find the item "Internet Sharing";
  • 2. Enable this option, select the type wireless network, create a username and password.

How to set up a laptop for mobile Internet?

After setting up the phone accordingly, all that remains is to connect from a laptop to a previously created network. For this:

  • 1. Open the list of available networks;
  • 2. Find the network name in the list, previously set in the phone settings;
  • 3. Connect to the selected network by entering the password you set on your phone.

Thanks to modern technologies you can use android devices as a modem. This means that you can give your computer access to the mobile Internet through your smartphone. To do this, the smartphone has a tethering mode that provides access to a global mobile connection. Today we will try to tell you in detail how to do this correctly.

Making a router

The first way is the easiest one. If your computer has a Wi-Fi module, then setting up an Internet connection will be easy. For an older smartphone, use one of the special applications placed in the store. For Android, we recommend FoxFi. Install, run, press the button to activate the access point.

If the device is new, then everything is even easier. Go to the settings, look for the item "tethering and access point". We go there, turn the "portable point" switch to the on position, the network is working. In the settings you can change its name, password and other features. Do not forget that for everything to work, the mobile data connection must be active.

We make a USB modem from the phone

  • We connect the smartphone to the computer using a USB cable.
  • If you have not yet installed drivers to work properly with your phone, do it now. They may be on the disc that came with your smartphone. Sometimes located on the mobile device itself. To accurately determine this, connect your smartphone to the computer in USB storage mode, the corresponding item can be found in the settings, but usually they offer to do so immediately after connecting.
  • When you understand the drivers, activate the USB tethering mode. In different firmware, the path to it is different, the standard "Network - modem and access point - USB modem".

The distribution can be different modes: Depends on how the mobile device itself accesses the Internet.

Other Connection Methods

There is another, more complex method that does not require additional software. Its advantage is that it is suitable for both old mobile devices and new ones. First, we connect the phone via USB, as in the previous paragraph. Then we look in the control panel for the column "Phone and modem". There we find our phone and study its properties. There you should find the line " Extra options initialization" and specify it. What it is depends on the operator.

When prompted, create an internet connection by selecting your smartphone as a modem. Phone number to call: *99#. We confirm and use the Internet.

Now you know how to connect to the network even if the desktop computer does not have access to it. Mobile phone- an indispensable assistant in such situations.

Articles and Lifehacks

The possibilities of modern mobile devices are truly wide. The list of user questions arising in connection with this is just as wide.

In particular, they are interested in using a mobile phone as a microphone for a PC and much more.

But sometimes novice users confuse concepts, and the question of how you can use a modem as a phone remains invariably relevant.

Obviously, the question is asked incorrectly, and, most likely, the questioners mean the possibility of using the phone as a modem. This is worth talking about.

Phone setup

  • Let's start by setting up our mobile device. Connect it to a PC using a cable or Bluetooth. Now let's install our device as a modem in the desktop computer.
  • Once connected, Windows should find the new hardware on its own and install it properly. Often the system does everything automatically, although it may be necessary additional installation drivers.
  • If we did not find a suitable driver in the phone package, you can try to download them.
  • It remains to create a remote connection and proceed with the configuration. The setting method depends on the operating system.
  • To access the Internet from a PC, we need mobile device with GPRS support, as well as a connected Mobile Internet. As already mentioned, the device is connected to desktop computer, and we need to install drivers and set up a connection.
  • If we use a mobile device as a modem, we do not need to configure it separately. It will be enough to activate the Internet, as well as connect the device to a PC.

Setting up a phone for MTS

  1. If we are a subscriber of this mobile operator we can try the following. As already mentioned, in any case, you need to start by connecting the mobile device to the PC (for this we use Bluetooth, a USB cable or an infrared port).
  2. Next, we proceed to setting up our computer (laptop). The exact setting method depends on the installed operating system. We can find instructions for each of them on the official website of the operator.
  3. For example, if we use Windows XP, we connect the device to the PC and go to "Start". Go to the "Control Panel" through the settings, where we select the item " Network connections» > «MTS GPRS».
  4. In the connection window, click the "Call" menu. We wait until the icon of 2 computers appears on the taskbar. The connection is now established.
  5. Using the mobile Internet settings, we set up our mobile device. Specific settings can also be found on the MTS website.
  6. We prescribe the profile name, access point, password, data channel used, username, primary and secondary DNS. By the way, often the mobile Internet is already set up and ready to go - all that remains is to activate the profile.
