Post from instagram to vk. How to post photos from instagram to a group on vkontakte or facebook

The Instagram service is very popular, and most users of the social network Vkontakte use it. Also, people love to upload new pictures. To simplify the process, you can set up photo import. After that, by uploading a photo to Instagram, it will automatically be duplicated on your page on the social network.

Let's learn how to do it.

How to set up import from Instagram to VK

In order for photos to be duplicated on a social network, you need to link Instagram account. To do this, go to your page and open the section "Edit". The button is located below the profile photo (see ).

Here we open the tab "Contacts", and click on the link "Integration with other services".

After that you will see a list available services. The first one on the list is Instagram. In this block, click "Configure Import".

If you have not logged into your Instagram account yet, you will be prompted to do so. Enter your username and password, then click "Login".

If everything was done correctly, you will return to the social network. Before you will be a form in which your account on Instagram should be indicated.

Now you need to choose where to import the photos. Three options are available.

  1. "To Selected Album". When you select this item, just below you will need to select an album for placing photos. By default, an album is created with the name "Instagram" (see).
  2. "Upon my wall".
  3. "Do not import (hashtag only)". If you want only certain photos to be published on Vkontakte, set special hashtags for them (see). You can use two hashtags. "#vk" - to import to the selected album, "#vkpost" - to import to the wall.

When you choose desired option, click the Save button to apply the changes.

Now try uploading a photo to Instagram. Based on the import options you set, it will end up in an album or on your wall.


If you frequently add new photos, be sure to set up the import. This will allow you to significantly save your time and not duplicate photos in both social networks.


In contact with

How to repost from Instagram to VKontakte? If you still do not know the answer to this question, I am ready to help you. Posting posts from Instagram on other social networks can have a beneficial effect on promoting you or your business.

story time

My friend, when he just started promoting his products through social networks, constantly complained to me that he spends a lot of time maintaining pages on Instagram, Facebook and Contact. He kept active, held various interactive activities, but it took him a lot of time just to post the same post on all the necessary social networks.

When I finally got tired of it, I had to tell him how to simplify the algorithm for maintaining several social networks at once. True, instead of gratitude, he almost killed me for not telling him about it earlier. But the feeling of bright joy from helping your neighbor is still wonderful. And now I will help you too.

Benefits of integrating multiple social networks

It would seem, why complicate your life and set up some kind of social network integration? But after spending a little time, you will get the following goodies:

  1. Saving time. You will be really surprised when you realize how much effort goes into maintaining accounts without copying posts instead of creating them from scratch. Yes, it may not take so much time to write one post, but your activity is unlikely to consist of one post a day;
  2. Audience influx. Someone sent a link to you on Facebook. Someone saw your group in a friend's subscriptions. Someone you follow on Instagram. The audience in social networks is different. It rarely happens that the same people are in friends and subscribers of VK and Insta. Therefore, we show them that you also have other very interesting accounts;

How close are Insta's ties with VK and FB?

Integration with VK allows you to copy posts. Unfortunately, this does not apply to videos. If you try to repost a video, only its cover and a link to Instagram will appear on the wall.

In my opinion, the hashtag repost function is very convenient. When setting up account linking, you can select special hashtags that posts should appear in your account. That is, you won’t even need to make unnecessary movements - put a hashtag and share a photo with several social networks at once.

FB reposts work in much the same way. The only thing I didn't see was the auto-posting option. Maybe you know more about this. In general, the connection between Insta and Facebook will help you a lot, not only for reposts, but also for security. You can easily restore your Insta account through the linked FB. Therefore, this connection will become another line of defense.

How to repost from Contact and Facebook to Instagram?

Instagram is still a rather closed social network, and it will not work to publish a post from other social networks on your Instagram page. You can copy the post manually or use third-party services to set up automatic publication to several social networks. You really shouldn’t get upset, because these services are very convenient, you can schedule publications in them for the near future, and generally don’t bother filling out communities, an account, and so on.

Possible problems

The third problem is an empty wallet. Posting services are certainly very convenient. However, to use all the functionality, you have to pay. The price there is small, however, because of the phrase "empty wallet" you read this paragraph to the end.

The fourth problem is more likely not related to the quality of reposts or system lags. This is just my advice. It may well be that your audience on social networks is about the same people. In this case, a stream of identical posts can get boring for them. This can result in either a decrease in coverage or unsubscribes. There are several solutions to this problem: you can change the text or simply do not abuse the copying of posts from one social network to another. Yes, you yourself can come up with a way out of this situation. This world is only limited by your imagination.


You can safely do without reposts. Yes, and without doing business in social networks, at the very least, but it will continue to exist. But in our time, the most valuable resource is not money. The most valuable thing in our life is time. And that is why things that simplify life and reduce the time to perform ordinary actions are so valued. And that is why I personally prefer to sit down, make a repost, plan on Onemorepost to upload content for a month to all social networks, and spend the saved time with the dearest and closest people.

"Repost" in translation from English is the re-publication of something. Social media is full of useful information, and the repost feature is very common. If you want to save some information on your page from some public or group, all you need is to repost, and today we will tell and show how to repost on Vkontakte or Instagram.

How to repost Vkontakte?

1. First of all, we find the news / entry / photo that we want to place on our page.

2. To repost, you first need to like. Click "I like".

3. Then click "Tell Friends".

Repost done, you can check it on your wall!

It is also possible to do not only on your page, but also in your group or public, for this we do the following operations.

1. We select the record we need.

2. Click on the picture of the horn, it appears if you hover over "I like it".

3. Now we can choose where we want to repost, and we can also comment on it.

"Friends and followers" - the entry will appear on your page.

"Send by private message" - you can also send a message to your friend.

Here is the result of our actions:

VIDEO. How to quickly repost Vkontakte?

How to repost on Instagram?

Making a repost on Instagram is a little more difficult than Vkontakte, as it will take additional program. Well, let's see how it's done!

1. We open App Store or Google Play(depending on the operating system your phone). Downloading special program for "Repost for Instagram" reposts.

2. We open the application, and we see the inscription "Log in with Instagram", click on it. This is the so-called login to Instagram, only through another program.

3. Enter your username and password for your Instagram account. Then click "Login".

You probably noticed that some Vkontakte users posted the same photos as on Instagram with the same hashtags and the Instagram mark in the upper right corner. Today we will learn how to do it. After all, it is very convenient if you are an active user of social networks to quickly share the same photo in several services at once.

Integration (import) of photos from Instagram Vkontakte on the machine

Let's start with this method, since it is automatic and will not require any actions from you in the future, you only need to set everything up once.

We go to our Vkontakte page and under the profile picture click on the "Edit" link:

In the right menu, go to the "Contacts" section:

At the very bottom of the window that opens, we are interested in the link "Integration with other services":

Enter your username and password from your Instagram account and log in:

The integration settings window opens. The best option here is to select the third option “Do not import (only with a hashtag)”. In this case, not all photos that you post on Instagram will be imported, but only those that you post with hashtags:

#vk - import to album

#vkpost - import to the wall.

Everyone, with this method, figured it out. If you want to import everything in a row, you can, of course, use the first two items in the settings.

There are also often times when Photos from Instagram Vkontakte are not imported in this way. To do this, you need to cancel the integration and set everything up again. You may have to perform this operation several times. Or you can use the following method.

In order to use this method, this time we will have to go to our Instagram account and select the photo that we want to post on our Vkontakte page.

In the upper right corner, click on the menu in the form of three vertical dots:

Enter your VKontakte username and password and click on the "Login" button:

As you can see, everything is in order, the photo was posted on our page along with all the tags that were on Instagram.

How to link Instagram and VK to synchronize data in both social networks? This feature appeared a long time ago, but to this day it is very popular. It allows the user to remain highly active on both pages by adjusting the content of only one of them. The binding procedure is quite simple. This does not require a call to the support center, and there is no charge for it either. It is possible to make settings at home.

The binding procedure will active user social networks synchronize all the information that enters them. Such an operation will open up new opportunities for him, including:

  1. Account authentication. If you connect one page to the second, their owner will have the opportunity to authenticate and prevent possible blocking pages as spam.
  2. Search for acquaintances and friends. The synchronous operation of social network pages will allow you to find accounts from VK registered on Instagram.
  3. Fast automatic repost of entries. All published posts on Instagram will be automatically placed in the feed of the second network.

Also, the merge operation will allow you to find the user in other networks. This principle is effective not only with a group, but also with a personal page. But how to link Instagram to a VK group or individual account? This procedure is carried out directly in the settings of the application or site through which authorization was performed. Usually, this requires opening the appropriate section, then entering the username and password from the social network.

If you need to connect the joint mode of operation of two profiles through a contact, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Download the program to your smartphone and log in to it.
  2. Open the "Edit profile" item and go to the contacts section. Click "Show detailed information".
  3. Select the integration tab with other services and "Import".
  4. Enter your username and password for your profile.

Thus, publications posted by the user in this network will automatically be posted in Intagram. Disable this function possibly in the same way using the system settings.

Via phone

In order for the synchronization process to be available through the phone, you need to download the Instagram application on it. This feature is only available for smartphones on Windows platform Phone, iOS or Android. Next, you will need to perform the following mandatory steps:

  1. Log in to the system under your own nickname.
  2. Open the lower right tab, then go to settings.
  3. In the settings menu, the item “For subscriptions” will open. Here you need to open the "Friends" section and log in to the new social network.

Authorization here takes place according to the standard scheme with entering a login and password. As soon as it is done, the joint work of both social networks for contacts will begin. But in order for reposting to be possible, in the menu section you must select “ Linked accounts” and also add a page. After that, all entries made on Instagram will be automatically posted in the news feed of the second network.

Via computer

Today, it is impossible to perform a similar procedure in a browser. However, social networks are developing dynamically and it is possible that soon such a function will appear for computer version. But how to connect Instagram with a Contact, if necessary, but there is no way to use a smartphone? It is also possible to edit the profile work through a special program for computer bluestacks. To do this, you need to download and install it, then download the Instagram application in it and log in to it in the usual way. After that, you need to follow the steps described above for the phone.

It is possible to make an association on a computer through a VK profile in a browser. To do this, you need to log in to the system in the usual mode and proceed to editing the profile, to the settings of additional services and import. After that, you only need to log in with your own nickname and password.

How to synchronize Instagram with a Vkontakte group

It is currently impossible to combine the work of the system with a full-fledged group. However, it is possible that such a function will appear later. It is also possible to perform the operation through a third-party resource To do this, you need to follow the link and register, and then install it in the settings of the new VK and Instagram profile.

Registration on the service is free of charge. It is also possible to use its resources in the future without additional fee. A prerequisite in all cases is the availability of uninterrupted access to the Internet.

Automatic repost from Instagram to VK group

Setting up synchronous posting provides the user with the following benefits and additional features:

  • saving time;
  • constant activity of both pages;
  • the ability to use one application instead of two.

How to connect Vkontakte and Instagram via phone is described above. You need to go to the settings and open the "Linked accounts" tab, then log in in the form that opens. It is also possible to do the same procedure on a computer through the Bluestacks program. Attaching an application to a group is allowed through a third-party resource


Connecting and setting up synchronization of two social networks saves time and helps to always keep active on individual pages. You can set up a connection in two main ways, depending on your preferences. Thus, in the search section, possible acquaintances, friends and relatives using the same services will always be displayed. Also duplication of publications will be made without additional user intervention in these processes. The setting is done only once and does not need to be repeated. For uninterrupted joint work resources require a permanent connection to the Internet.
